def extract_cdp_data(cdp_table):
    Extract only remote host and interface for each local interface in the CDP table

    :param cdp_table: The TextFSM output for CDP neighbor detail
    :type cdp_table: list of list

    :return: A dictionary for each local interface with corresponding remote host and interface.
    :rtype: dict
    cdp_data = {}
    found_intfs = set()

    # Loop through all entry, excluding header row
    for entry in cdp_table[1:]:
        local_intf = utilities.long_int_name(entry[0])
        device_id = entry[1]
        system_name = entry[2]
        remote_intf = utilities.long_int_name(entry[3])
        if system_name == "":
            system_name = utilities.extract_system_name(device_id)

        # 7Ks can give multiple CDP entries when VDCs share the mgmt0 port.  If duplicate name is found, remove it
        if local_intf in found_intfs:
            # Remove from our description list
            cdp_data.pop(system_name, None)
            cdp_data[local_intf] = (system_name, remote_intf)

    return cdp_data
예제 #2
def script_main(session):
    supported_os = ["IOS", "NXOS"]
    if session.os not in supported_os:
        logger.debug("Unsupported OS: {0}.  Exiting program.".format(
            "{0} is not a supported OS for this script.".format(session.os),
            "Unsupported OS",

    send_cmd = "show cdp neighbors detail"

    raw_cdp = session.get_command_output(send_cmd)

    template_file = "textfsm-templates/cisco_os_show_cdp_neigh_det.template"

    cdp_table = utils.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_cdp, template_file)

    # Since "System Name" is a newer NXOS feature -- try to extract it from the device ID when its empty.
    for entry in cdp_table:
        # entry[2] is system name, entry[1] is device ID
        if entry[2] == "":
            entry[2] = utils.extract_system_name(
                entry[1], strip_list=local_settings['strip_domains'])

    num_created, num_skipped = create_sessions_from_cdp(
        session, cdp_table, local_settings)

    setting_msg = "{0} sessions created in the directory '{1}' under Sessions\n\n{2} sessions skipped (no IP or " \
                  "duplicate)".format(num_created, local_settings['session_path'], num_skipped)
    session.message_box(setting_msg, "Sessions Created", sessions.ICON_INFO)

    # Clean up before closing session
def extract_cdp_data(cdp_table):
    Extract only remote host and interface for each local interface in the CDP table

    :param cdp_table: The TextFSM output for CDP neighbor detail
    :type cdp_table: list of list

    :return: A dictionary for each local interface with corresponding remote host and interface.
    :rtype: dict
    cdp_data = {}
    found_intfs = set()

    # Loop through all entry, excluding header row
    for entry in cdp_table[1:]:
        local_intf = utilities.long_int_name(entry[0])
        device_id = entry[1]
        system_name = entry[2]
        remote_intf = utilities.long_int_name(entry[3])
        if system_name == "":
            system_name = utilities.extract_system_name(device_id)

        # 7Ks can give multiple CDP entries when VDCs share the mgmt0 port.  If duplicate name is found, remove it
        if local_intf in found_intfs:
            # Remove from our description list
            cdp_data.pop(system_name, None)
            cdp_data[local_intf] = (system_name, remote_intf)

    return cdp_data
예제 #4
def script_main(session):
    | SINGLE device script
    | Author: Jamie Caesar
    | Email: [email protected]

    This script will grab the detailed CDP information from a Cisco IOS or NX-OS device and export it to a CSV file
    containing the important information, such as Remote Device hostname, model and IP information, in addition to the
    local and remote interfaces that connect the devices.

    **Script Settings** (found in settings/settings.ini):

    * | **strip_domains** -  A list of domain names that will be stripped away if found in the CDP remote device name.

    :param session: A subclass of the sessions.Session object that represents this particular script session (either
                    SecureCRTSession or DirectSession)
    :type session: sessions.Session
    # Get script object that owns this session, so we can check settings, get textfsm templates, etc
    script = session.script

    # Start session with device, i.e. modify term parameters for better interaction (assuming already connected)

    # Validate device is running a supported OS
    session.validate_os(["IOS", "NXOS"])

    # Define the command to send to the remote device
    send_cmd = "show cdp neighbors detail"
    logger.debug("Command set to '{0}'".format(send_cmd))

    # Get domain names to strip from device IDs from settings file
    strip_list = script.settings.getlist("cdp_to_csv", "strip_domains")

    # Get the output from our above command
    raw_cdp = session.get_command_output(send_cmd)

    # Choose the TextFSM template and process the data
    template_file = script.get_template("cisco_os_show_cdp_neigh_det.template")
    fsm_results = utilities.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_cdp,

    # Since "System Name" is a newer NXOS feature -- try to extract it from the device ID when its empty.
    for entry in fsm_results[1:]:
        # entry[2] is system name, entry[1] is device ID
        if entry[2] == "":
            entry[2] = utilities.extract_system_name(entry[1],
        # Convert list of IPs into a comma-separated list of IPs
        entry[4] = ", ".join(entry[4])
        # Convert list of Mgmt IPs into a comma-separated list of IPs
        entry[7] = ", ".join(entry[7])

    output_filename = session.create_output_filename("cdp", ext=".csv")
    utilities.list_of_lists_to_csv(fsm_results, output_filename)

    # Return terminal parameters back to the original state.
예제 #5
def script_main(session):
    | SINGLE device script
    | Author: Jamie Caesar
    | Email: [email protected]

    This script will grab the detailed CDP information from a Cisco IOS or NX-OS device and export it to a CSV file
    containing the important information, such as Remote Device hostname, model and IP information, in addition to the
    local and remote interfaces that connect the devices.

    **Script Settings** (found in settings/settings.ini):

    * | **strip_domains** -  A list of domain names that will be stripped away if found in the CDP remote device name.

    :param session: A subclass of the sessions.Session object that represents this particular script session (either
                    SecureCRTSession or DirectSession)
    :type session: sessions.Session
    # Get script object that owns this session, so we can check settings, get textfsm templates, etc
    script = session.script

    # Start session with device, i.e. modify term parameters for better interaction (assuming already connected)

    # Validate device is running a supported OS
    session.validate_os(["IOS", "NXOS"])

    # Define the command to send to the remote device
    send_cmd = "show cdp neighbors detail"
    logger.debug("Command set to '{0}'".format(send_cmd))

    # Get domain names to strip from device IDs from settings file
    strip_list = script.settings.getlist("cdp_to_csv", "strip_domains")

    # Get the output from our above command
    raw_cdp = session.get_command_output(send_cmd)

    # Choose the TextFSM template and process the data
    template_file = script.get_template("cisco_os_show_cdp_neigh_det.template")
    fsm_results = utilities.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_cdp, template_file, add_header=True)

    # Since "System Name" is a newer NXOS feature -- try to extract it from the device ID when its empty.
    for entry in fsm_results[1:]:
        # entry[2] is system name, entry[1] is device ID
        if entry[2] == "":
            entry[2] = utilities.extract_system_name(entry[1], strip_list=strip_list)
        # Convert list of IPs into a comma-separated list of IPs
        entry[4] = ", ".join(entry[4])
        # Convert list of Mgmt IPs into a comma-separated list of IPs
        entry[7] = ", ".join(entry[7])

    output_filename = session.create_output_filename("cdp", ext=".csv")
    utilities.list_of_lists_to_csv(fsm_results, output_filename)

    # Return terminal parameters back to the original state.
예제 #6
def script_main(session):
    supported_os = ["IOS", "NXOS"]
    if session.os not in supported_os:
        logger.debug("Unsupported OS: {0}.  Exiting program.".format(
            "{0} is not a supported OS for this script.".format(session.os),
            "Unsupported OS",

    send_cmd = "show cdp neighbors detail"

    logger.debug("Command set to '{0}'".format(send_cmd))

    raw_cdp = session.get_command_output(send_cmd)

    template_file = "textfsm-templates/cisco_os_show_cdp_neigh_det.template"
    logger.debug("Using template: '{0}'".format(template_file))

    fsm_results = utils.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_cdp,

    # Since "System Name" is a newer NXOS feature -- try to extract it from the device ID when its empty.
    for entry in fsm_results:
        # entry[2] is system name, entry[1] is device ID
        if entry[2] == "":
            entry[2] = utils.extract_system_name(
                entry[1], strip_list=local_settings['strip_domains'])

    output_filename = session.create_output_filename("cdp", ext=".csv")
    utils.list_of_lists_to_csv(fsm_results, output_filename)

    # Clean up before closing session
def script_main(session):
    | SINGLE device script
    | Author: Jamie Caesar
    | Email: [email protected]

    This script will grab the detailed CDP information from a Cisco IOS or NX-OS device and create SecureCRT sessions
    based on the information.  By default all sessions will be created as SSH2, so you may have
    to manually change some sessions to make them work, depending on the device capabilities/configuration.

    Only devices that contain "Router" or "Switch" in their capabilities field of the CDP information will have sessions
    created for them. This skips phones, hosts like VMware or Server modules, and other devices that we don't usually
    log into directly).

    **NOTE ON DEFAULTS**: This script uses the SecureCRT Default Session settings as a base for any sessions that are
    created.  The folder where the sessions are saved is specified in the 'settings.ini' file, and the hostname and IP
    are extracted from the CDP information.  All other setting defaults are configured within SecureCRT.

    **Script Settings** (found in settings/settings.ini):

    * | **folder** - The path starting from the <SecureCRT Config>/Sessions/ directory where
      | the sessions will be created.
    * | **strip_domains** -  A list of domain names that will be stripped away if found in the CDP remote device name.

    :param session: A subclass of the sessions.Session object that represents this particular script session (either
                    SecureCRTSession or DirectSession)
    :type session: sessions.Session
    # Get script object that owns this session, so we can check settings, get textfsm templates, etc
    script = session.script

    # Start session with device, i.e. modify term parameters for better interaction (assuming already connected)

    # Validate device is running a supported OS
    session.validate_os(["IOS", "NXOS"])

    raw_cdp = session.get_command_output("show cdp neighbors detail")

    template_file = script.get_template("cisco_os_show_cdp_neigh_det.template")

    cdp_table = utilities.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_cdp, template_file)

    # Since "System Name" is a newer NXOS feature -- try to extract it from the device ID when its empty.
    strip_list = script.settings.getlist("create_sessions_from_cdp",
    for entry in cdp_table:
        # entry[2] is system name, entry[1] is device ID
        if entry[2] == "":
            entry[2] = utilities.extract_system_name(entry[1],
        # Convert list of Mgmt IPs into a comma-separated list of IPs
        entry[7] = ", ".join(entry[7])

    session_list = create_session_list(cdp_table)

    # Get the destination directory from settings
    dest_folder = script.settings.get("create_sessions_from_cdp", "folder")

    for device in session_list:
        system_name = device[0]
        mgmt_ip = device[1]
        # Track the names of the hosts we've made already
        logger.debug("Created session for {0}.".format(system_name))

    # Calculate statistics
    num_created = len(session_list)
    num_skipped = len(cdp_table) - len(session_list)

    setting_msg = "{0} sessions created in the Sessions sub-directory '{1}'\n" \
                  "\n" \
                  "{0} sessions skipped (no IP, duplicate, or not Router/Switch)".format(num_created,
                                                                                         dest_folder, num_skipped)
    script.message_box(setting_msg, "Sessions Created", ICON_INFO)

    # Return terminal parameters back to the original state.
def script_main(session,
    | SINGLE device script
    | Author: Jamie Caesar
    | Email: [email protected]

    This script will grab the detailed CDP information from a Cisco IOS or NX-OS device and port-channel information and
    generate the commands to update interface descriptions.  The user will be prompted to run in "Check Mode" which will
    write the configuration changes to a file (for verification or later manual application).  If not, then the script
    will push the configuration commands to the device and save the configuration.

    **Script Settings** (found in settings/settings.ini):

    * | **strip_domains** -  A list of domain names that will be stripped away if found in
      | the CDP remote device name.
    * | **take_backups** - If True, the script will save a copy of the running config before
      | and after making changes.
    * | **rollback_file** - If True, the script will generate a rollback configuration script
      | and save it to a file.

    :param session: A subclass of the sessions.Session object that represents this particular script session (either
        SecureCRTSession or DirectSession)
    :type session: sessions.Session
    :param prompt_check_mode: A boolean that specifies if we should prompt the user to find out if we should run in
        "check mode".  We would make this False if we were using this function in a multi-device script, so that the
        process can run continually without prompting the user at each device.
    :type prompt_check_mode: bool
    :param check_mode: A boolean to specify whether we should run in "check mode" (Generate what the script would do
        only -- does not push config), or not (Pushes the changes to the device).   The default is True for safety
        reasons, and this option will be overwritten unless prompt_checkmode is False.
    :type check_mode: bool
    :param enable_pass: The enable password for the device.  Will be passed to start_cisco_session method if available.
    :type enable_pass: str
    # Get script object that owns this session, so we can check settings, get textfsm templates, etc
    script = session.script

    # Start session with device, i.e. modify term parameters for better interaction (assuming already connected)

    # Validate device is running a supported OS
    session.validate_os(["IOS", "NXOS"])

    if prompt_check_mode:
        # Ask if this should be a test run (generate configs only) or full run (push updates to devices)
        check_mode_message = "Do you want to run this script in check mode? (Only generate configs)\n" \
                             "\n" \
                             "Yes = Connect to device and write change scripts to a file ONLY\n" \
                             "No = Connect to device and PUSH configuration changes"
        message_box_design = ICON_QUESTION | BUTTON_YESNOCANCEL
        logger.debug("Prompting the user to run in check mode.")
        result = script.message_box(check_mode_message, "Run in Check Mode?",
        if result == IDYES:
            check_mode = True
        elif result == IDNO:
            check_mode = False

    # Get setting if we want to save before/after backups
    take_backups = script.settings.getboolean("update_interface_desc",

    if not check_mode and take_backups:
        # Save "show run" to file, plus read it back in for processing.
        before_filename = session.create_output_filename("1-show-run-BEFORE")
        session.write_output_to_file("show run", before_filename)
        # Read in contents of file for processing
        with open(before_filename, 'r') as show_run:
            show_run_before =
        # Just read in "show run" contents for processing
        show_run_before = session.get_command_output("show run")

    # Use TextFSM to extract interface/description pairs from the show run output
    desc_template = session.script.get_template(
    desc_list = utilities.textfsm_parse_to_list(show_run_before, desc_template)

    # Turn the TextFSM list into a dictionary we can use to lookup by interface
    ex_desc_lookup = {}
    # Change interface names to long versions for better matching with other outputs
    for entry in desc_list:
        intf = utilities.long_int_name(entry[0])
        ex_desc_lookup[intf] = entry[1]

    # Get CDP Data
    raw_cdp = session.get_command_output("show cdp neighbors detail")

    # Process CDP Data with TextFSM
    template_file = script.get_template("cisco_os_show_cdp_neigh_det.template")
    fsm_results = utilities.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_cdp,

    # Get domain names to strip from device IDs from settings file
    strip_list = script.settings.getlist("update_interface_desc",

    # Since "System Name" is a newer NXOS feature -- try to extract it from the device ID when its empty.
    for entry in fsm_results:
        # entry[2] is system name, entry[1] is device ID. Localhost is a corner case for ESX hosts, where DNS name is
        # in DeviceID, but localhost is in System Name
        if entry[2] == "" or entry[2] == "localhost":
            entry[2] = utilities.extract_system_name(entry[1],

    # Get Remote name, local and remote interface info to build descriptions.
    description_data = extract_cdp_data(fsm_results)

    # Capture port-channel output and add details to our description information
    if session.os == "NXOS":
        raw_pc_output = session.get_command_output("show port-channel summary")
        pc_template = script.get_template(
        pc_table = utilities.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_pc_output,
        add_port_channels(description_data, pc_table)
        raw_pc_output = session.get_command_output("show etherchannel summary")
        pc_template = script.get_template(
        pc_table = utilities.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_pc_output,
        add_port_channels(description_data, pc_table)

    # Create a list to append configuration commands and rollback commands
    config_commands = []
    rollback = []

    # Get an alphabetically sorted list of interfaces
    intf_list = sorted(description_data.keys(), key=utilities.human_sort_key)

    # Generate a list of configuration commands (and rollback if necessary)
    for interface in intf_list:
        # Get existing description
            existing_desc = ex_desc_lookup[interface]
        except KeyError:
            existing_desc = ""

        # If a port-channel only use hostname in description
        if "port-channel" in interface.lower():
            neigh_list = description_data[interface]
            # If there is only 1 neighbor, use that
            if len(neigh_list) == 1:
                new_desc = neigh_list[0]
            # If there are 2 neighbors, assume a vPC and label appropriately
            if len(neigh_list) == 2:
                neigh_list = sorted(neigh_list, key=utilities.human_sort_key)
                new_desc = "vPC: {0}, {1}".format(neigh_list[0], neigh_list[1])
            # Only update description if we will be making a change
            if new_desc != existing_desc:
                config_commands.append("interface {0}".format(interface))
                config_commands.append(" description {0}".format(new_desc))
                rollback.append("interface {0}".format(interface))
                if not existing_desc:
                    rollback.append(" no description")
                    rollback.append(" description {0}".format(existing_desc))

        # For other interfaces, use remote hostname and interface
            remote_host = description_data[interface][0]
            remote_intf = utilities.short_int_name(
            new_desc = "{0} {1}".format(remote_host, remote_intf)
            # Only update description if we will be making a change
            if new_desc != existing_desc:
                config_commands.append("interface {0}".format(interface))
                config_commands.append(" description {0}".format(new_desc))
                rollback.append("interface {0}".format(interface))
                if not existing_desc:
                    rollback.append(" no description")
                    rollback.append(" description {0}".format(existing_desc))

    # If in check-mode, generate configuration and write it to a file, otherwise push the config to the device.
    if config_commands:
        if check_mode:
            output_filename = session.create_output_filename("intf-desc")
            with open(output_filename, 'wb') as output_file:
                for command in config_commands:
            rollback_filename = session.create_output_filename("intf-rollback")
            # Check settings to see if we prefer to save backups before/after applying changes
            if take_backups:
                # Push configuration, capturing the configure terminal log
                output_filename = session.create_output_filename(
                session.send_config_commands(config_commands, output_filename)
                # Back up configuration after changes are applied
                after_filename = session.create_output_filename(
                session.write_output_to_file("show run", after_filename)
                # Set Rollback filename, in case this option is used
                rollback_filename = session.create_output_filename(
                # Push configuration, capturing the configure terminal log
                output_filename = session.create_output_filename(
                session.send_config_commands(config_commands, output_filename)
                # Set Rollback filename, in case this option is used
                rollback_filename = session.create_output_filename("ROLLBACK")

            # Save configuration

        # Check our settings to see if we should create a rollback.
        create_rollback = script.settings.getboolean("update_interface_desc",
        if create_rollback:
            with open(rollback_filename, 'wb') as output_file:
                for command in rollback:

    # Return terminal parameters back to the original state.
def script_main(session, prompt_check_mode=True, check_mode=True, enable_pass=None):
    | SINGLE device script
    | Author: Jamie Caesar
    | Email: [email protected]

    This script will grab the detailed CDP information from a Cisco IOS or NX-OS device and port-channel information and
    generate the commands to update interface descriptions.  The user will be prompted to run in "Check Mode" which will
    write the configuration changes to a file (for verification or later manual application).  If not, then the script
    will push the configuration commands to the device and save the configuration.

    Local Settings:
    "strip_domains" -  A list of domain names that will be stripped away if found in the CDP remote device name.
    "take_backups" - If set to True, the script will save a copy of the running config before and after making changes.
    "rollback_file" - If set to True, the script will generate a rollback configuration script and save it to a file.

    :param session: A subclass of the sessions.Session object that represents this particular script session (either
        SecureCRTSession or DirectSession)
    :type session: sessions.Session
    :param prompt_check_mode: A boolean that specifies if we should prompt the user to find out if we should run in
        "check mode".  We would make this False if we were using this function in a multi-device script, so that the
        process can run continually without prompting the user at each device.
    :type prompt_check_mode: bool
    :param check_mode: A boolean to specify whether we should run in "check mode" (Generate what the script would do
        only -- does not push config), or not (Pushes the changes to the device).   The default is True for safety
        reasons, and this option will be overwritten unless prompt_checkmode is False.
    :type check_mode: bool
    :param enable_pass: The enable password for the device.  Will be passed to start_cisco_session method if available.
    :type enable_pass: str
    # Get script object that owns this session, so we can check settings, get textfsm templates, etc
    script = session.script

    # Start session with device, i.e. modify term parameters for better interaction (assuming already connected)

    # Validate device is running a supported OS
    session.validate_os(["IOS", "NXOS"])

    if prompt_check_mode:
        # Ask if this should be a test run (generate configs only) or full run (push updates to devices)
        check_mode_message = "Do you want to run this script in check mode? (Only generate configs)\n" \
                             "\n" \
                             "Yes = Connect to device and write change scripts to a file ONLY\n" \
                             "No = Connect to device and PUSH configuration changes"
        message_box_design = ICON_QUESTION | BUTTON_YESNOCANCEL
        logger.debug("Prompting the user to run in check mode.")
        result = script.message_box(check_mode_message, "Run in Check Mode?", message_box_design)
        if result == IDYES:
            check_mode = True
        elif result == IDNO:
            check_mode = False

    # Get setting if we want to save before/after backups
    take_backups = script.settings.getboolean("update_interface_desc", "take_backups")

    if not check_mode and take_backups:
        # Save "show run" to file, plus read it back in for processing.
        before_filename = session.create_output_filename("1-show-run-BEFORE")
        session.write_output_to_file("show run", before_filename)
        # Read in contents of file for processing
        with open(before_filename, 'r') as show_run:
            show_run_before =
        # Just read in "show run" contents for processing
        show_run_before = session.get_command_output("show run")

    # Use TextFSM to extract interface/description pairs from the show run output
    desc_template = session.script.get_template("cisco_os_show_run_desc.template")
    desc_list = utilities.textfsm_parse_to_list(show_run_before, desc_template)

    # Turn the TextFSM list into a dictionary we can use to lookup by interface
    ex_desc_lookup = {}
    # Change interface names to long versions for better matching with other outputs
    for entry in desc_list:
        intf = utilities.long_int_name(entry[0])
        ex_desc_lookup[intf] = entry[1]

    # Get CDP Data
    raw_cdp = session.get_command_output("show cdp neighbors detail")

    # Process CDP Data with TextFSM
    template_file = script.get_template("cisco_os_show_cdp_neigh_det.template")
    fsm_results = utilities.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_cdp, template_file, add_header=True)

    # Get domain names to strip from device IDs from settings file
    strip_list = script.settings.getlist("update_interface_desc", "strip_domains")

    # Since "System Name" is a newer NXOS feature -- try to extract it from the device ID when its empty.
    for entry in fsm_results:
        # entry[2] is system name, entry[1] is device ID. Localhost is a corner case for ESX hosts, where DNS name is
        # in DeviceID, but localhost is in System Name
        if entry[2] == "" or entry[2] == "localhost":
            entry[2] = utilities.extract_system_name(entry[1], strip_list=strip_list)

    # Get Remote name, local and remote interface info to build descriptions.
    description_data = extract_cdp_data(fsm_results)

    # Capture port-channel output and add details to our description information
    if session.os == "NXOS":
        raw_pc_output = session.get_command_output("show port-channel summary")
        pc_template = script.get_template("cisco_nxos_show_portchannel_summary.template")
        pc_table = utilities.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_pc_output, pc_template, add_header=False)
        add_port_channels(description_data, pc_table)
        raw_pc_output = session.get_command_output("show etherchannel summary")
        pc_template = script.get_template("cisco_ios_show_etherchannel_summary.template")
        pc_table = utilities.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_pc_output, pc_template, add_header=False)
        add_port_channels(description_data, pc_table)

    # Create a list to append configuration commands and rollback commands
    config_commands = []
    rollback = []

    # Get an alphabetically sorted list of interfaces
    intf_list = sorted(description_data.keys(), key=utilities.human_sort_key)

    # Generate a list of configuration commands (and rollback if necessary)
    for interface in intf_list:
        # Get existing description
            existing_desc = ex_desc_lookup[interface]
        except KeyError:
            existing_desc = ""

        # If a port-channel only use hostname in description
        if "port-channel" in interface.lower():
            neigh_list = description_data[interface]
            # If there is only 1 neighbor, use that
            if len(neigh_list) == 1:
                new_desc = neigh_list[0]
            # If there are 2 neighbors, assume a vPC and label appropriately
            if len(neigh_list) == 2:
                neigh_list = sorted(neigh_list, key=utilities.human_sort_key)
                new_desc = "vPC: {0}, {1}".format(neigh_list[0], neigh_list[1])
            # Only update description if we will be making a change
            if new_desc != existing_desc:
                config_commands.append("interface {0}".format(interface))
                config_commands.append(" description {0}".format(new_desc))
                rollback.append("interface {0}".format(interface))
                if not existing_desc:
                    rollback.append(" no description")
                    rollback.append(" description {0}".format(existing_desc))

        # For other interfaces, use remote hostname and interface
            remote_host = description_data[interface][0]
            remote_intf = utilities.short_int_name(description_data[interface][1])
            new_desc = "{0} {1}".format(remote_host, remote_intf)
            # Only update description if we will be making a change
            if new_desc != existing_desc:
                config_commands.append("interface {0}".format(interface))
                config_commands.append(" description {0}".format(new_desc))
                rollback.append("interface {0}".format(interface))
                if not existing_desc:
                    rollback.append(" no description")
                    rollback.append(" description {0}".format(existing_desc))

    # If in check-mode, generate configuration and write it to a file, otherwise push the config to the device.
    if config_commands:
        if check_mode:
            output_filename = session.create_output_filename("intf-desc")
            with open(output_filename, 'wb') as output_file:
                for command in config_commands:
            rollback_filename = session.create_output_filename("intf-rollback")
            # Check settings to see if we prefer to save backups before/after applying changes
            if take_backups:
                # Push configuration, capturing the configure terminal log
                output_filename = session.create_output_filename("2-CONFIG-RESULTS")
                session.send_config_commands(config_commands, output_filename)
                # Back up configuration after changes are applied
                after_filename = session.create_output_filename("3-show-run-AFTER")
                session.write_output_to_file("show run", after_filename)
                # Set Rollback filename, in case this option is used
                rollback_filename = session.create_output_filename("4-ROLLBACK")
                # Push configuration, capturing the configure terminal log
                output_filename = session.create_output_filename("CONFIG-RESULTS")
                session.send_config_commands(config_commands, output_filename)
                # Set Rollback filename, in case this option is used
                rollback_filename = session.create_output_filename("ROLLBACK")

            # Save configuration

        # Check our settings to see if we should create a rollback.
        create_rollback = script.settings.getboolean("update_interface_desc", "rollback_file")
        if create_rollback:
            with open(rollback_filename, 'wb') as output_file:
                for command in rollback:

    # Return terminal parameters back to the original state.
def script_main(session):
    | SINGLE device script
    | Author: Jamie Caesar
    | Email: [email protected]

    This script will grab the detailed CDP information from a Cisco IOS or NX-OS device and create SecureCRT sessions
    based on the information.  By default all sessions will be created as SSH2, so you may have
    to manually change some sessions to make them work, depending on the device capabilities/configuration.

    Only devices that contain "Router" or "Switch" in their capabilities field of the CDP information will have sessions
    created for them. This skips phones, hosts like VMware or Server modules, and other devices that we don't usually
    log into directly).

    **NOTE ON DEFAULTS**: This script uses the SecureCRT Default Session settings as a base for any sessions that are
    created.  The folder where the sessions are saved is specified in the 'settings.ini' file, and the hostname and IP
    are extracted from the CDP information.  All other setting defaults are configured within SecureCRT.

    **Script Settings** (found in settings/settings.ini):

    * | **folder** - The path starting from the <SecureCRT Config>/Sessions/ directory where
      | the sessions will be created.
    * | **strip_domains** -  A list of domain names that will be stripped away if found in the CDP remote device name.

    :param session: A subclass of the sessions.Session object that represents this particular script session (either
                    SecureCRTSession or DirectSession)
    :type session: sessions.Session
    # Get script object that owns this session, so we can check settings, get textfsm templates, etc
    script = session.script

    # Start session with device, i.e. modify term parameters for better interaction (assuming already connected)

    # Validate device is running a supported OS
    session.validate_os(["IOS", "NXOS"])

    raw_cdp = session.get_command_output("show cdp neighbors detail")

    template_file = script.get_template("cisco_os_show_cdp_neigh_det.template")

    cdp_table = utilities.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_cdp, template_file)

    # Since "System Name" is a newer NXOS feature -- try to extract it from the device ID when its empty.
    strip_list = script.settings.getlist("create_sessions_from_cdp", "strip_domains")
    for entry in cdp_table:
        # entry[2] is system name, entry[1] is device ID
        if entry[2] == "":
            entry[2] = utilities.extract_system_name(entry[1], strip_list=strip_list)
        # Convert list of Mgmt IPs into a comma-separated list of IPs
        entry[7] = ", ".join(entry[7])

    session_list = create_session_list(cdp_table)

    # Get the destination directory from settings
    dest_folder = script.settings.get("create_sessions_from_cdp", "folder")

    for device in session_list:
        system_name = device[0]
        mgmt_ip = device[1]
        script.create_new_saved_session(system_name, mgmt_ip, folder=dest_folder)
        # Track the names of the hosts we've made already
        logger.debug("Created session for {0}.".format(system_name))

    # Calculate statistics
    num_created = len(session_list)
    num_skipped = len(cdp_table) - len(session_list)

    setting_msg = "{0} sessions created in the Sessions sub-directory '{1}'\n" \
                  "\n" \
                  "{0} sessions skipped (no IP, duplicate, or not Router/Switch)".format(num_created,
                                                                                         dest_folder, num_skipped)
    script.message_box(setting_msg, "Sessions Created", ICON_INFO)

    # Return terminal parameters back to the original state.
예제 #11
def script_main(session):
    send_cmd = "show cdp neighbors detail"
    logger.debug("Command set to '{0}'".format(send_cmd))

    raw_cdp = session.get_command_output(send_cmd)

    template_file = "textfsm-templates/cisco_os_show_cdp_neigh_det.template"
    logger.debug("Using template: '{0}'".format(template_file))

    fsm_results = utils.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_cdp,

    # Since "System Name" is a newer NXOS feature -- try to extract it from the device ID when its empty.
    for entry in fsm_results:
        # entry[2] is system name, entry[1] is device ID
        if entry[2] == "":
            entry[2] = utils.extract_system_name(
                entry[1], strip_list=local_settings['strip_domains'])

    description_data = extract_cdp_data(fsm_results)

    # Capture port-channel output
    if session.os == "NX-OS":
        raw_pc_output = session.get_command_output("show port-channel summary")
        pc_template = "textfsm-templates/cisco_nxos_show_portchannel_summary.template"
        pc_table = utils.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_pc_output,
        add_port_channels(description_data, pc_table)
    elif session.os == "IOS":
        raw_pc_output = session.get_command_output("show etherchannel summary")
        pc_template = "textfsm-templates/cisco_ios_show_etherchannel_summary.template"
        pc_table = utils.textfsm_parse_to_list(raw_pc_output,
        add_port_channels(description_data, pc_table)

    # This will contain our configuration commands as CDP neighbors are found.
    config_script = ""
    # Generate a string of config commands to apply interface descriptions
    intf_list = sorted(description_data.keys(), key=utils.human_sort_key)
    for interface in intf_list:
        config_script += "interface {}\n".format(interface)
        if "Po" in interface:
            neigh_list = description_data[interface]
            if len(neigh_list) == 1:
                config_script += "  description {}\n".format(neigh_list[0])
            if len(neigh_list) == 2:
                neigh_list = sorted(neigh_list, key=utils.human_sort_key)
                config_script += "  description vPC from {}, {}\n".format(
                    neigh_list[0], neigh_list[1])
            config_script += "  description {}, {}\n".format(

    output_filename = session.create_output_filename("intf-desc",
    with open(output_filename, 'wb') as output_file:

    # Clean up before closing session