예제 #1
def read_binary_values(fh, pos=None, seg_y_type='int32', num_items=1, endian='>'):
    """Read a series of values from a binary file.

        fh: A file-like-object open in binary mode.

        seg_y_type: The SEG Y data type.

        num_items: The number of items to be read.
        A sequence containing count items.
    ctype = SEG_Y_TYPE_TO_CTYPE[seg_y_type]
    item_size = size_in_bytes(ctype)
    block_size = item_size * num_items

    fh.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
    buf = fh.read(block_size)

    if len(buf) < block_size:
        raise EOFError("{} bytes requested but only {} available".format(
            block_size, len(buf)))

    values = (unpack_ibm_floats(buf, num_items)
              if ctype == 'ibm'
              else unpack_values(buf, ctype, endian))
    assert len(values) == num_items
    return values
예제 #2
    def trace_samples(self, trace_index, start=None, stop=None):
        """Read a specific trace_samples.

            trace_index: An integer in the range zero to num_traces() - 1

            start: Optional zero-based start sample index. The default
                is to read from the first (i.e. zeroth) sample.

            stop: Optional zero-based stop sample index. Following Python
                slice convention this is one beyond the end.

            A sequence of numeric trace_samples samples.


            first_trace_samples = segy_reader.trace_samples(0)
            part_of_second_trace_samples = segy_reader.trace_samples(1, 1000, 2000)
        if not (0 <= trace_index < self.num_traces()):
            raise ValueError("Trace index out of range.")

        num_samples_in_trace = self.num_trace_samples(trace_index)

        start_sample = start if start is not None else 0
        stop_sample = stop if stop is not None else num_samples_in_trace

        if not (0 <= stop_sample <= num_samples_in_trace):
            raise ValueError(
                "trace_samples(): stop value {} out of range 0 to {}".format(
                    stop, num_samples_in_trace))

        if not (0 <= start_sample <= stop_sample):
            raise ValueError(
                "trace_samples(): start value {} out of range 0 to {}".format(
                    start, stop_sample))

        dsf = self._binary_reel_header.data_sample_format
        seg_y_type = DATA_SAMPLE_FORMAT_TO_SEG_Y_TYPE[dsf]
        start_pos = (
            self._trace_offset_catalog[trace_index] + TRACE_HEADER_NUM_BYTES +
            start_sample * size_in_bytes(SEG_Y_TYPE_TO_CTYPE[seg_y_type]))
        num_samples_to_read = stop_sample - start_sample

        trace_values = read_binary_values(self._fh, start_pos, seg_y_type,
                                          num_samples_to_read, self._endian)
        return trace_values
예제 #3
파일: reader.py 프로젝트: weiliu620/segpy
    def trace_samples(self, trace_index, start=None, stop=None):
        """Read a specific trace_samples.

            trace_index: An integer in the range zero to num_traces() - 1

            start: Optional zero-based start sample index. The default
                is to read from the first (i.e. zeroth) sample.

            stop: Optional zero-based stop sample index. Following Python
                slice convention this is one beyond the end.

            A sequence of numeric trace_samples samples.


            first_trace_samples = segy_reader.trace_samples(0)
            part_of_second_trace_samples = segy_reader.trace_samples(1, 1000, 2000)
        if not (0 <= trace_index < self.num_traces()):
            raise ValueError("Trace index out of range.")

        num_samples_in_trace = self.num_trace_samples(trace_index)

        start_sample = start if start is not None else 0
        stop_sample = stop if stop is not None else num_samples_in_trace

        if not (0 <= stop_sample <= num_samples_in_trace):
            raise ValueError("trace_samples(): stop value {} out of range 0 to {}"
                             .format(stop, num_samples_in_trace))

        if not (0 <= start_sample <= stop_sample):
            raise ValueError("trace_samples(): start value {} out of range 0 to {}"
                             .format(start, stop_sample))

        dsf = self._binary_reel_header.data_sample_format
        seg_y_type = DATA_SAMPLE_FORMAT_TO_SEG_Y_TYPE[dsf]
        start_pos = (self._trace_offset_catalog[trace_index]
                     + TRACE_HEADER_NUM_BYTES
                     + start_sample * size_in_bytes(SEG_Y_TYPE_TO_CTYPE[seg_y_type]))
        num_samples_to_read = stop_sample - start_sample

        trace_values = read_binary_values(
            self._fh, start_pos, seg_y_type, num_samples_to_read, self._endian)
        return trace_values
예제 #4
파일: toolkit.py 프로젝트: abingham/segpy
def read_binary_values(fh, pos=None, seg_y_type='int32', num_items=1, endian='>'):
    """Read a series of values from a binary file.

        fh: A file-like-object open in binary mode.

        pos: An optional file offset in bytes from the beginning from which
            the data is to be read. If None, the current file position will
            be used.

        seg_y_type: The SEG Y data type.

        num_items: The number of items to be read.

        endian: '>' for big-endian data (the standard and default), '<'
            for little-endian (non-standard)
        A sequence containing count items.
    ctype = SEG_Y_TYPE_TO_CTYPE[seg_y_type]
    item_size = size_in_bytes(ctype)
    block_size = item_size * num_items

    pos = fh.tell() if pos is None else pos
    fh.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
    buf = fh.read(block_size)

    if len(buf) < block_size:
        raise EOFError("{} bytes requested but only {} available when reading "
                       "from position {}".format(block_size, len(buf), pos))

    values = (unpack_ibm_floats(buf, num_items)
              if ctype == 'ibm'
              else unpack_values(buf, ctype, endian))
    assert len(values) == num_items
    return values
예제 #5
def test_illegal_ctypes_raise_value_error(ctype):
    assume(ctype not in LEGAL_CTYPES)
    with raises(ValueError):
예제 #6
def test_floats_are_four_bytes(ctype):
    assert size_in_bytes(ctype) == 4
예제 #7
def test_bytes_are_one_byte(ctype):
    assert size_in_bytes(ctype) == 1
예제 #8
def test_shorts_are_two_bytes(ctype):
    assert size_in_bytes(ctype) == 2
예제 #9
def test_integers_are_four_bytes(ctype):
    assert size_in_bytes(ctype) == 4