예제 #1
파일: base.py 프로젝트: bch0w/seisflows
    def check(self, validate=True):
        Checks parameters and paths. Must be implemented by sub-class
        if validate:

        if PAR.CASE.upper() == "SYNTHETIC":
            assert exists(PATH.MODEL_TRUE), \
                "CASE == SYNTHETIC requires PATH.MODEL_TRUE"

        if not exists(PATH.DATA):
            assert "MODEL_TRUE" in PATH, f"DATA or MODEL_TRUE must exist"
예제 #2
def smooth_legacy(input_path='', output_path='', parameters=[], span=0.):

    :param input_path: 
    :param output_path: 
    :param parameters: 
    :param span: 
    solver = sys.modules['seisflows_solver']
    PATH = sys.modules['seisflows_paths']

    if not exists(input_path):
        raise Exception

    if not exists(output_path):

    if solver.mesh_properties.nproc != 1:
        raise NotImplementedError

    # intialize arrays
    kernels = {}
    for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
        kernels[key] = []

    coords = {}
    for key in ['x', 'z']:
        coords[key] = []

    # read kernels
    for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
        kernels[key] += solver.io.read_slice(input_path, key+'_kernel', 0)

    if not span:
        return kernels

    # read coordinates
    for key in ['x', 'z']:
        coords[key] += solver.io.read_slice(PATH.MODEL_INIT, key, 0)

    mesh = array.stack(coords['x'][0], coords['z'][0])

    # apply smoother
    for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
        kernels[key] = [array.meshsmooth(kernels[key][0], mesh, span)]

    # write smooth kernels
    for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
        solver.io.write_slice(kernels[key][0], output_path, key+'_kernel',
예제 #3
    def initialize_adjoint_traces(self):
        Setup utility: Creates the "adjoint traces" expected by SPECFEM

            Adjoint traces are initialized by writing zeros for all channels.
            Channels actually in use during an inversion or migration will be
            overwritten with nonzero values later on.
        # Initialize adjoint traces as zeroes for all data_filenames
        # write to `traces/adj`

        # Rename data to work around Specfem naming convetions

        # Workaround for Specfem3D's requirement that all components exist,
        # even ones not in use as adjoint traces
        if PAR.FORMAT.upper() == "SU":
            unix.cd(os.path.join(self.cwd, "traces", "adj"))

            for iproc in range(PAR.NPROC):
                for channel in ["x", "y", "z"]:
                    dst = f"{iproc:d}_d{channel}_SU.adj"
                    if not exists(dst):
                        src = f"{iproc:d}_d{PAR.COMPONENTS[0]}_SU.adj"
                        unix.cp(src, dst)
예제 #4
    def smooth(self, input_path, **kwargs):
        Specfem2D requires additional model parameters in directory to perform
        the xsmooth_sem task. This function will copy these files into the 
        directory before performing the base smooth operations. 

        Kwargs should match arguments of solver.base.smooth()
        .. note::
            This operation is usually run with run(single=True) so only one
            task will be performing these operations.

        :type input_path: str
        :param input_path: path to data
        # Redundant to 'base' class but necessary
        if not exists(input_path):


        # Copy over only the files that are required. Won't execute if no match
        files = []
        for tag in ["jacobian", "NSPEC_ibool", "x", "y", "z"]:
            files += glob(f"*_{tag}.bin")
        for src in files:
            unix.cp(src=src, dst=input_path)

        super().smooth(input_path=input_path, **kwargs)
예제 #5
    def generate_mesh(self, model_path, model_name, model_type='gll'):
        Performs meshing with internal mesher Meshfem2D and database generation

        :type model_path: str
        :param model_path: path to the model to be used for mesh generation
        :type model_name: str
        :param model_name: name of the model to be used as identification
        :type model_type: str
        :param model_type: available model types to be passed to the Specfem3D
            Par_file. See Specfem3D Par_file for available options.
        assert (exists(model_path)), f"model {model_path} does not exist"

        available_model_types = ["gll"]
        assert(model_type in available_model_types), \
            f"{model_type} not in available types {available_model_types}"


        # Run mesh generation
        if model_type == "gll":

            # Copy the model files (ex: proc000023_vp.bin ...) into DATA
            src = glob(os.path.join(model_path, "*"))
            dst = self.model_databases
            unix.cp(src, dst)

        # Export the model into output folder
        if self.taskid == 0:
            self.export_model(os.path.join(PATH.OUTPUT, model_name))
예제 #6
파일: base.py 프로젝트: bch0w/seisflows
    def _write_residuals(self, path, syn, obs):
        Computes residuals between observed and synthetic seismogram based on
        the misfit function PAR.MISFIT. Saves the residuals for each
        data-synthetic pair into a text file located at:


        The resulting file will be a single-column ASCII file that needs to be
        summed before use by the solver

        :type path: str
        :param path: location "adjoint traces" will be written
        :type syn: obspy.core.stream.Stream
        :param syn: synthetic data
        :type obs: obspy.core.stream.Stream
        :param syn: observed data
        residuals = []
        for obs_, syn_ in zip(obs, syn):
            residuals.append(self.misfit(syn_.data, obs_.data, PAR.NT, PAR.DT))

        filename = os.path.join(path, "residuals")
        if exists(filename):
            residuals = np.append(residuals, np.loadtxt(filename))

        np.savetxt(filename, residuals)
예제 #7
    def check_mesh_properties(self, path=None, parameters=None):
        Determine if Mesh properties are okay for workflow

        :type path: str
        :param path: path to the mesh file
        if not hasattr(self, '_mesh_properties'):
            if path is None:
                path = PATH.MODEL_INIT

            if parameters is None:
                parameters = self.parameters

            nproc = 0
            ngll = []
            while True:
                dummy = loadbin(path, nproc, 'reg1_' + parameters[0])
                ngll += [len(dummy)]
                nproc += 1
                if not exists(

            self._mesh_properties = Struct([['nproc', nproc], ['ngll', ngll]])
예제 #8
    def initialize_adjoint_traces(self):
        Setup utility: Creates the "adjoint traces" expected by SPECFEM.
        This is only done for the 'base' the Preprocess class.

            Adjoint traces are initialized by writing zeros for all channels.
            Channels actually in use during an inversion or migration will be
            overwritten with nonzero values later on.

        unix.cd(os.path.join("traces", "adj"))

        # work around SPECFEM2D's use of different name conventions for
        # regular traces and 'adjoint' traces
        if PAR.FORMAT.upper() == "SU":
            files = glob("*SU")
            unix.rename(old="_SU", new="_SU.adj", names=files)
        elif PAR.FORMAT.upper() == "ASCII":
            files = glob("*sem?")

            # Get the available extensions, which are named based on unit
            extensions = set([os.path.splitext(_)[-1] for _ in files])
            for extension in extensions:
                unix.rename(old=extension, new=".adj", names=files)

        # SPECFEM2D requires that all components exist even if ununsed
        components = ["x", "y", "z", "p"]

        if PAR.FORMAT.upper() == "SU":
            for comp in components:
                src = f"U{PAR.COMPONENTS[0]}_file_single.su.adj"
                dst = f"U{comp.lower()}s_file_single.su.adj"
                if not exists(dst):
                    unix.cp(src, dst)
        elif PAR.FORMAT.upper() == "ASCII":
            for fid in glob("*.adj"):
                net, sta, cha, ext = fid.split(".")
                for comp in components:
                    # Replace the last value in the channel with new component
                    cha_check = cha[:-1] + comp.upper()
                    fid_check = ".".join([net, sta, cha_check, ext])
                    if not exists(fid_check):
                        unix.cp(fid, fid_check)
예제 #9
파일: base.py 프로젝트: bch0w/seisflows
    def smooth(self,
        Postprocessing wrapper: xsmooth_sem
        Smooths kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian.

        .. note::
            paths require a trailing `/` character when calling xsmooth_sem

        .. note::
            It is ASSUMED that this function is being called by
            system.run(single=True) so that we can use the main solver
            directory to perform the kernel smooth task

        :type input_path: str
        :param input_path: path to data
        :type output_path: str
        :param output_path: path to export the outputs of xcombine_sem
        :type parameters: list
        :param parameters: optional list of parameters,
            defaults to `self.parameters`
        :type span_h: float
        :param span_h: horizontal smoothing length in meters
        :type span_v: float
        :param span_v: vertical smoothing length in meters
        :type output: str
        :param output: file to output stdout to
        if parameters is None:
            parameters = self.parameters

        if not exists(output_path):

        # Apply smoothing operator inside scratch/solver/*

        # mpiexec ./bin/xsmooth_sem SMOOTH_H SMOOTH_V name input output use_gpu
        for name in parameters:
                        executable=" ".join([
                            str(span_v), f"{name}_kernel",
                            os.path.join(input_path, ""),
                            os.path.join(output_path, ""), ".false"

        # Rename output files
        files = glob(os.path.join(output_path, "*"))
        unix.rename(old="_smooth", new="", names=files)
예제 #10
파일: base.py 프로젝트: bch0w/seisflows
    def check_mesh_properties(self, path=None):
        Determine if Mesh properties are okay for workflow

        :type path: str
        :param path: path to the mesh file
        # Check the given model path or the initial model
        if path is None:
            path = PATH.MODEL_INIT

        if not exists(path):
                msg.cli(f"The following mesh path does not exist but should",
                        header="solver error",

        # Count slices and grid points
        key = self.parameters[0]
        iproc = 0
        ngll = []
        while True:
            dummy = self.io.read_slice(path=path, parameters=key,
            ngll += [len(dummy)]
            iproc += 1
            if not exists(os.path.join(path,
        nproc = iproc

        # Create coordinate pointers
        # !!! This partial is incorrectly defined and does not execute when
        # !!! called. What is the point of that?
        coords = Struct()
        for key in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
            coords[key] = partial(self.io.read_slice, self, path, key)

        # Define internal mesh properties
        self._mesh_properties = Struct([["nproc", nproc], ["ngll", ngll],
                                        ["path", path], ["coords", coords]])
예제 #11
    def generate_mesh(self, model_path, model_name, model_type='gll'):
        Performs meshing and database generation as a serial task. Differs
        slightly from specfem3d class as it only creates database files for
        the main solver, which are then copied in serial by the function

        :type model_path: str
        :param model_path: path to the model to be used for mesh generation
        :type model_name: str
        :param model_name: name of the model to be used as identification
        :type model_type: str
        :param model_type: available model types to be passed to the Specfem3D
            Par_file. See Specfem3D Par_file for available options.
        available_model_types = ["gll"]

        assert (exists(model_path)), f"model {model_path} does not exist"

        model_type = model_type or getpar(key="MODEL", file="DATA/Par_file")
        assert(model_type in available_model_types), \
            f"{model_type} not in available types {available_model_types}"

        # Ensure that we're running on the main solver only
        assert (self.taskid == 0)


        # Check that the model parameter falls into the acceptable types
        par = getpar("MODEL").strip()
        assert(par in available_model_types), \
            f"Par_file {par} not in available types {available_model_types}"

        if par == "gll":

            # Copy model files and then run xgenerate databases
            src = glob(os.path.join(model_path, "*"))
            dst = self.model_databases
            unix.cp(src, dst)


        self.export_model(os.path.join(PATH.OUTPUT, model_name))
예제 #12
파일: base.py 프로젝트: bch0w/seisflows
    def combine(self, input_path, output_path, parameters=None):
        Postprocessing wrapper: xcombine_sem 
        Sums kernels from individual source contributions to create gradient.

        .. note::
            The binary xcombine_sem simply sums matching databases (.bin) 

        .. note::
            It is ASSUMED that this function is being called by
            system.run(single=True) so that we can use the main solver
            directory to perform the kernel summation task

        :type input_path: str
        :param input_path: path to data
        :type output_path: str
        :param output_path: path to export the outputs of xcombine_sem
        :type parameters: list
        :param parameters: optional list of parameters,
            defaults to `self.parameters`
        if parameters is None:
            parameters = self.parameters

        if not exists(output_path):


        # Write the source names into the kernel paths file for SEM/ directory
        with open("kernel_paths", "w") as f:
                os.path.join(input_path, f"{name}\n")
                for name in self.source_names

        # Call on xcombine_sem to combine kernels into a single file
        for name in self.parameters:
            # e.g.: mpiexec ./bin/xcombine_sem alpha_kernel kernel_paths output
                        executable=" ".join([
                            f"bin/xcombine_sem", f"{name}_kernel",
                            "kernel_paths", output_path
예제 #13
    def generate_mesh(self, model_path, model_name, model_type=None):
        Performs meshing with internal mesher Meshfem3D and database generation

        :type model_path: str
        :param model_path: path to the model to be used for mesh generation
        :type model_name: str
        :param model_name: name of the model to be used as identification
        :type model_type: str
        :param model_type: available model types to be passed to the Specfem3D
            Par_file. See Specfem3D Par_file for available options.
        available_model_types = ["gll"]

        assert (exists(model_path)), f"model {model_path} does not exist"

        model_type = model_type or getpar(key="MODEL", file="DATA/Par_file")
        assert(model_type in available_model_types), \
            f"{model_type} not in available types {available_model_types}"


        # Run mesh generation
        if model_type == "gll":

            src = glob(os.path.join(model_path, "*"))
            dst = self.model_databases
            unix.cp(src, dst)

            call_solver(mpiexec=PAR.MPIEXEC, executable="bin/xmeshfem3D")

        # Export the model for future use in the workflow
        if self.taskid == 0:
            self.export_model(os.path.join(PATH.OUTPUT, model_name))