예제 #1
 def test_processResourceType(self):
     proc = Processor(self.env)
     proc.path = '/xml/processor-test/notvc'
     # test valid GET method
     data = proc.run(GET, '/xml/processor-test/notvc')
     # data must be a dict
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, dict))
     # test valid POST method
     data = proc.run(POST, '/xml/processor-test/notvc', StringIO(XML_DOC))
     # check response; data should be empty; we look into request
     self.assertEqual(proc.code, http.CREATED)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(proc.headers, dict))
     self.assertTrue('Location' in proc.headers)
     location = proc.headers.get('Location')
     self.assertTrue(location.startswith(self.env.getRestUrl() + proc.path))
     # strip REST url from location
     location = location[len(self.env.getRestUrl()):]
     # fetch resource and compare it with original
     data = proc.run(GET, location)
     self.assertTrue(data, XML_DOC)
     # delete uploaded resource
     data = proc.run(DELETE, location)
     # check response; data should be empty; we look into request
     self.assertEqual(proc.code, http.NO_CONTENT)
예제 #2
 def test_processResourceType(self):
     proc = Processor(self.env)
     proc.path = '/xml/processor-test/notvc'
     # test valid GET method
     data = proc.run(GET, '/xml/processor-test/notvc/.meta')
     # data must be a dict
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, dict))
     # test valid POST method
     data = proc.run(POST, '/xml/processor-test/notvc', StringIO(XML_DOC))
     # check response; data should be empty; we look into request
     self.assertEqual(proc.code, http.CREATED)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(proc.headers, dict))
     self.assertTrue('Location' in proc.headers)
     location = proc.headers.get('Location')
     self.assertTrue(location.startswith(self.env.getRestUrl() + proc.path))
     # strip REST url from location
     location = location[len(self.env.getRestUrl()):]
     # fetch resource and compare it with original
     data = proc.run(GET, location)
     self.assertTrue(data, XML_DOC)
     # delete uploaded resource
     data = proc.run(DELETE, location)
     # check response; data should be empty; we look into request
     self.assertEqual(proc.code, http.NO_CONTENT)