def test_all_combinations(features, feature_extractors, predictors):
        features is a list [(X_seizure, y_seizure, X_early, y_early)] where each element 
        in the tuple is itself a list of length = fold containing data in each 
        CV fold

        return an instance of FeaturesPredictsTable
        # these loops can be parallelized.
        # !! Can be improved !!
        L = []
        for i, feature_extractor in enumerate(feature_extractors):
            feature_list = []
            X_seizure, y_seizure, X_early, y_early = features[i]
            for j, predictor in enumerate(predictors):
                print 'Evaluating feat: %s + pred: %s on seizure task'%(str(feature_extractor), str(predictor) )
                result_seizure = XValidation.evaluate(X_seizure, y_seizure, predictor, evaluation=auc)
                print 'Evaluating feat: %s + pred: %s on early seizure task'%(str(feature_extractor), str(predictor) )
                result_early = XValidation.evaluate(X_early, y_early, predictor, evaluation=auc)
                r = {}
                r['predictor'] = predictor
                r['feature_extractor'] = feature_extractor
                # total features extracted. X_i is n x d
                r['total_features'] = X_early[0].shape[1]
                r['cv_fold'] = len(X_early)
                r['seizure_mean_auc'] = np.mean(result_seizure)
                r['seizure_std_auc'] = np.std(result_seizure)
                r['early_mean_auc'] = np.mean(result_early)
                r['early_std_auc'] = np.std(result_early)
        return FeaturesPredictsTable(L)
예제 #2
def test_predictor(predictor_cls):
    predictor = predictor_cls()

    data_path = Global.path_map('clips_folder')
    # arbritary
    band_means = np.linspace(0, 200, 66)
    band_width = 2
    feature_extractor = FFTFeatures(band_means=band_means,

    feature_extractor = ARFeatures()

    loader = DataLoader(data_path, feature_extractor)
    X_list = loader.training_data("Dog_1")
    y_list = loader.labels("Dog_1")

        XValidation.evaluate(X_list, y_list[0], predictor,

    # Set the conditioned results for proper evaluation
    conditioned = [a * b for (a, b) in zip(y_list[0], y_list[1])]
예제 #3
def test_predictor(predictor_cls, patient_name='Dog_1'):
    ''' function that loads data for Dog_1 run crossvalidation with ARFeatures 
        - predictor_cls: a Predictor class (implement)  

    # instanciating a predictor object from Predictor class
    predictor = predictor_cls()

    # path to data (here path from within gatsby network)
    data_path = Global.path_map('clips_folder')

    # creating instance of autoregressive features
    #feature_extractor = ARFeatures()
    band_means = np.linspace(0, 200, 66)
    band_width = 2
    FFTFeatures_args = {'band_means': band_means, 'band_width': band_width}

    #    feature_extractor = MixFeatures([{'name':"ARFeatures",'args':{}},
    #                                     {'name':"FFTFeatures",'args':FFTFeatures_args}])
    feature_extractor = MixFeatures([{'name': "ARFeatures", 'args': {}}])
    #    feature_extractor = MixFeatures([{'name':"FFTFeatures",'args':FFTFeatures_args}])
    #feature_extractor = ARFeatures()

    # loading the data
    loader = DataLoader(data_path, feature_extractor)

    print('\npatient = %s' % patient_name)
    X_list = loader.training_data(patient_name)
    y_list = loader.labels(patient_name)

    # separating the label
    early_vs_not = y_list[1]  #[a * b for (a, b) in zip(y_list[0], y_list[1])]
    seizure_vs_not = y_list[0]

    # running cross validation
    #    conditioned = [a * b for (a, b) in zip(y_list[0], y_list[1])]
    print("\ncross validation: seizures vs not")
    result = XValidation.evaluate(X_list,
    print('cross-validation results: mean = %.3f, sd = %.3f, raw scores = %s' \
           % (np.mean(result), np.std(result), result))

    print("\ncross validation: early_vs_not")
    result = XValidation.evaluate(X_list,
    print('cross-validation results: mean = %.3f, sd = %.3f, raw scores = %s' \
          % (np.mean(result), np.std(result), result))
예제 #4
    def test_combination(self, fold=3, max_segments=-1):
        Test the predictor using features given by feature_extractor 
        on the data specified by the patient argument.
        Based on examples/

        :param max_segments: maximum segments to load. -1 to use the number of 
        total segments available. Otherwise, all segments (ictal and interictal)
        will be randomly subsampled without replacement. 

        return: a dictionary containing error report
        predictor = self._predictor
        loader = DataLoader(self._data_path, self._feature_extractor)

        X_list, y_seizure, y_early = loader.blocks_for_Xvalidation(
            self._patient, fold, max_segments)

        # running cross validation
        #print 'Testing %d-fold CV on data of %s'%(fold, self._patient)
        #print "\ncross validation: seizures vs not"
        result_seizure = XValidation.evaluate(X_list,
        #print 'cross-validation results: mean = %.3f, sd = %.3f, raw scores = %s' \
        #% (np.mean(result_seizure), np.std(result_seizure), result_seizure)

        #print "\ncross validation: early_vs_not"
        result_early = XValidation.evaluate(X_list,
        #print 'cross-validation results: mean = %.3f, sd = %.3f, raw scores = %s' \
        #% (np.mean(result_early), np.std(result_early), result_early)

        # dict containing bunch of reports
        r = {}
        r['predictor'] = predictor
        r['feature_extractor'] = self._feature_extractor
        # total features extracted. X_i is n x d
        r['total_features'] = X_list[0].shape[1]
        r['cv_fold'] = fold
        r['seizure_mean_auc'] = np.mean(result_seizure)
        r['seizure_std_auc'] = np.std(result_seizure)
        r['early_mean_auc'] = np.mean(result_early)
        r['early_std_auc'] = np.std(result_early)
        return r
def test_predictor(predictor_cls, patient_name='Dog_1'):
    ''' function that loads data for Dog_1 run crossvalidation with ARFeatures 
        - predictor_cls: a Predictor class (implement)  

    # instanciating a predictor object from Predictor class
    predictor = predictor_cls()    

    # path to data (here path from within gatsby network)
    data_path = Global.path_map('clips_folder')
    # creating instance of autoregressive features
    #feature_extractor = ARFeatures()
    band_means = np.linspace(0, 200, 66)
    band_width = 2
    FFTFeatures_args = {'band_means':band_means, 'band_width':band_width}

#    feature_extractor = MixFeatures([{'name':"ARFeatures",'args':{}},
#                                     {'name':"FFTFeatures",'args':FFTFeatures_args}])
    feature_extractor = MixFeatures([{'name':"ARFeatures",'args':{}}])
#    feature_extractor = MixFeatures([{'name':"FFTFeatures",'args':FFTFeatures_args}])
    #feature_extractor = ARFeatures()

    # loading the data
    loader = DataLoader(data_path, feature_extractor)
    print loader.base_dir

    print '\npatient = %s' % patient_name
    X_list = loader.training_data(patient_name)
    y_list = loader.labels(patient_name)

    # separating the label
    early_vs_not = y_list[1] #[a * b for (a, b) in zip(y_list[0], y_list[1])]
    seizure_vs_not = y_list[0]
    # running cross validation    
#    conditioned = [a * b for (a, b) in zip(y_list[0], y_list[1])]
    print "\ncross validation: seizures vs not"
    result = XValidation.evaluate(X_list, seizure_vs_not, predictor, evaluation=auc)
    print 'cross-validation results: mean = %.3f, sd = %.3f, raw scores = %s' \
           % (np.mean(result), np.std(result), result)

    print "\ncross validation: early_vs_not"
    result = XValidation.evaluate(X_list, early_vs_not, predictor, evaluation=auc)
    print 'cross-validation results: mean = %.3f, sd = %.3f, raw scores = %s' \
          % (np.mean(result), np.std(result), result)
    def test_combination(self, fold=3, max_segments=-1):
        Test the predictor using features given by feature_extractor 
        on the data specified by the patient argument.
        Based on examples/

        :param max_segments: maximum segments to load. -1 to use the number of 
        total segments available. Otherwise, all segments (ictal and interictal)
        will be randomly subsampled without replacement. 

        return: a dictionary containing error report
        predictor = self._predictor
        loader = DataLoader(self._data_path, self._feature_extractor)

        X_list,y_seizure, y_early = loader.blocks_for_Xvalidation(
                self._patient, fold, max_segments)

        # running cross validation
        #print 'Testing %d-fold CV on data of %s'%(fold, self._patient)
        #print "\ncross validation: seizures vs not"
        result_seizure = XValidation.evaluate(X_list, y_seizure, predictor, evaluation=auc)
        #print 'cross-validation results: mean = %.3f, sd = %.3f, raw scores = %s' \
                #% (np.mean(result_seizure), np.std(result_seizure), result_seizure)

        #print "\ncross validation: early_vs_not"
        result_early = XValidation.evaluate(X_list, y_early, predictor, evaluation=auc)
        #print 'cross-validation results: mean = %.3f, sd = %.3f, raw scores = %s' \
                #% (np.mean(result_early), np.std(result_early), result_early)

        # dict containing bunch of reports
        r = {}
        r['predictor'] = predictor
        r['feature_extractor'] = self._feature_extractor
        # total features extracted. X_i is n x d
        r['total_features'] = X_list[0].shape[1]
        r['cv_fold'] = fold
        r['seizure_mean_auc'] = np.mean(result_seizure)
        r['seizure_std_auc'] = np.std(result_seizure)
        r['early_mean_auc'] = np.mean(result_early)
        r['early_std_auc'] = np.std(result_early)
        return r
예제 #7
def Xval_on_single_patient(predictor_cls,
    Single patient cross validation
    Returns 2 lists of cross validation performances
    :param predictor_cls:
    :param feature_extractor
    :param patient_name:
    # predictor_cls is a handle to an instance of PredictorBase
    # Instantiate the predictor
    predictor = predictor_cls()
    base_dir = Global.path_map('clips_folder')
    base_dir = '/nfs/data3/kaggle_seizure/clips/'
    loader = DataLoader(base_dir, feature_extractor)

    X_list, y_seizure, y_early = loader.blocks_for_Xvalidation(
        patient_name, preprocess=preprocess)
    #X_train,y_seizure, y_early = loader.training_data(patient_name)
    #y_train = [y_seizure,y_early]
    #X_list,y_list = train_test_split(X_train,y_train)

    # running cross validation
    print("\ncross validation: seizures vs not")
    result_seizure = XValidation.evaluate(X_list,
    print('cross-validation results: mean = %.3f, sd = %.3f, raw scores = %s' \
           % (np.mean(result_seizure), np.std(result_seizure), result_seizure))
    print("\ncross validation: early_vs_not")
    result_early = XValidation.evaluate(X_list,
    print('cross-validation results: mean = %.3f, sd = %.3f, raw scores = %s' \
          % (np.mean(result_early), np.std(result_early), result_early))
    return result_seizure, result_early
def test_predictor(predictor_cls):
    predictor = predictor_cls()
    data_path = Global.path_map('clips_folder')
    # arbritary
    band_means = np.linspace(0, 200, 66)
    band_width = 2
    feature_extractor = FFTFeatures(band_means=band_means, band_width=band_width)
    feature_extractor = ARFeatures()
    loader = DataLoader(data_path, feature_extractor)
    X_list = loader.training_data("Dog_1")
    y_list = loader.labels("Dog_1")

    print XValidation.evaluate(X_list, y_list[0], predictor, evaluation=accuracy)

    # Set the conditioned results for proper evaluation
    conditioned = [a * b for (a, b) in zip(y_list[0], y_list[1])]
    print XValidation.evaluate(X_list, conditioned, predictor, evaluation=accuracy)
예제 #9
def test_predictor(predictor_cls):
    predictor = predictor_cls()

    N = 1000
    D = 2
    # simulate a 2-fold cross validation
    Xs = [np.random.randn(N / 2, D), np.random.randn(N / 2, D)]
    ys = [np.random.randint(0, 2, N / 2), np.random.randint(0, 2, N / 2)]

    print(XValidation.evaluate(Xs, ys, predictor))
예제 #10
    def test_all_combinations(features, feature_extractors, predictors):
        features is a list [(X_seizure, y_seizure, X_early, y_early)] where each element 
        in the tuple is itself a list of length = fold containing data in each 
        CV fold

        return an instance of FeaturesPredictsTable
        # these loops can be parallelized.
        # !! Can be improved !!
        L = []
        for i, feature_extractor in enumerate(feature_extractors):
            feature_list = []
            X_seizure, y_seizure, X_early, y_early = features[i]
            for j, predictor in enumerate(predictors):
                print('Evaluating feat: %s + pred: %s on seizure task' %
                      (str(feature_extractor), str(predictor)))
                result_seizure = XValidation.evaluate(X_seizure,
                print('Evaluating feat: %s + pred: %s on early seizure task' %
                      (str(feature_extractor), str(predictor)))
                result_early = XValidation.evaluate(X_early,
                r = {}
                r['predictor'] = predictor
                r['feature_extractor'] = feature_extractor
                # total features extracted. X_i is n x d
                r['total_features'] = X_early[0].shape[1]
                r['cv_fold'] = len(X_early)
                r['seizure_mean_auc'] = np.mean(result_seizure)
                r['seizure_std_auc'] = np.std(result_seizure)
                r['early_mean_auc'] = np.mean(result_early)
                r['early_std_auc'] = np.std(result_early)
        return FeaturesPredictsTable(L)
def test_predictor(predictor_cls):
    predictor = predictor_cls()

    X_list, y_list = RandomXValidationData.get()

    print XValidation.evaluate(X_list, y_list, predictor)
def test_predictor(predictor_cls):
    predictor = predictor_cls()

    X_list, y_list = RandomXValidationData.get()

    print XValidation.evaluate(X_list, y_list, predictor)