def clickElem(elem:WebElement, timeOut:float=29, pollFreq:float=0.7): timeElapsed=0.0 while timeElapsed < timeOut: beginTime=time.time() try: return except StaleElementReferenceException: pass time.sleep(pollFreq) timeElapsed+=(time.time()- beginTime) raise TimeoutException('[getElemText] Time out elem='+str(elem))
def enterElem(e:WebElement, func): prev_url = driver.current_url uprint('prev_url='+prev_url) next_url = e.get_attribute('href') uprint('next_url='+next_url) driver.get(next_url) func(prev_url)
def getElemAttrib(e:WebElement,attName:str, trialCount=20,pollInterval=3,default=None) -> str: for trial in range(trialCount): try: return e.get_attribute(attName) except (StaleElementReferenceException, NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException): sleep(pollInterval) return default
def get_el(self, locator: tuple, base: WebElement=None) -> WebElement: """ Shortcut to get an element. """ if base is None: base = self.browser return base.find_element(*locator)
def get_elements_static(target_element: WebElement, verifier: SelecElement) ->[]: try: elements = None if verifier.element_type == NavEleType.IsId: elements = target_element.find_elements_by_id( elif verifier.element_type == NavEleType.IsClass: elements = target_element.find_elements_by_class_name( elif verifier.element_type == NavEleType.IsCssSelector: elements = target_element.find_elements_by_css_selector( elif verifier.element_type == NavEleType.IsName: elements = target_element.find_elements_by_name( else: raise ValueError("Selector not Supported") return elements except Exception as inst: print(type(inst)) print(inst.args) return None
def get_menu_item(ele: WebElement) -> MenuItem: """ :param ele: :return: """ url = ele.find_element_by_tag_name('a') menu_title = url.text menu_url = url.get_attribute('href') menu_item = MenuItem(menu_title, menu_url) nodes = ele.find_elements_by_css_selector("ul > li") for node in nodes: sub_menu = get_menu_item(node) menu_item.nodes.append(sub_menu) return menu_item
def _more_text_condition(self, post: WebElement): try: big_post = post.find_element_by_class_name("pi_text_more") big_post_mark = "pi_text_more" in big_post.get_attribute("class") if big_post_mark: sleep(random.uniform(3.2, 6.6)) except NoSuchElementException: pass
def find_nested_element_by_locator_and_value(self, parent: WebElement, locator: str, value: str) -> WebElement: try: element = parent.find_element(locator, value) self.driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", element) return element except TimeoutException: raise Exception("Element not found") except NoSuchElementException: raise Exception("Element not found")
def findVidSrc(vidEl: WebElement): postersrc = vidEl.get_attribute('data-postersrc') if not postersrc: return ['', ''] vid_ids = re.findall(r'^.*\/(.*?)\..*?$', postersrc) return [ f'{vid_ids[0]}.mp4', f'{vid_ids[0]}.mp4' ]
def clear_nested_element(self, parent: WebElement, locator: Tuple[str, str]): try: element = parent.find_element(*locator) self.driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", element) element.clear() except TimeoutException: raise Exception("Element not found") except NoSuchElementException: raise Exception("Element not found")
def find_element(self, by: By, element: WebElement, value: str): _element: WebElement = None try: _element = element.find_element(by, value) except Exception as e: _element = None return _element return _element
def waitForDissappear( webelmnt: WebElement, counter:int=10 ): timer=0 while webelmnt.is_displayed()>-1: if timer>=counter: Log.write('Ошибка Ожидания исчезновения элемента '+webelmnt) return False time.sleep(1) timer+=1 return True
def dismiss_overlay_click(driver, locator: Tuple[By, str] = None, elem: WebElement = None, retries: int = 5): """If element is blocked by a modal, attempt to close it.""" if elem: pass elif locator: elem = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located(locator)) else: raise ValueError("either element, or locator must be provided") for i in range(retries): try: break except ElementClickInterceptedException as exc: "blocked by overlay, attempting to close before clicking again (%s/%s): %s", i, retries, exc, ) if len(glob(f"{config.WORKING_DIRECTORY}/*overlay.png") ) >= retries * 2: log.exception("giving up on closing overlay") driver.screenshot( BaseWebScraper.screenshot_path("max_close_overlay")) raise exc if detect_and_send_escape_to_close_survey(driver): pass elif detect_and_close_survey(driver): pass elif detect_and_close_modal(driver): pass else: log.exception("unable to close overlay, raising") raise exc driver.sleep(2) except StaleElementReferenceException: return driver.screenshot(BaseWebScraper.screenshot_path("close_overlay"))
def __extract(self, service: WebElement) -> dict: '''Extracts the services from each section element. Contains URI, title and description for each service. Parameters ---------- service : WebElement a services WebElement to scrape information Returns ------- dict information on dict-like basis ''' return { "URI" : service.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "a").get_attribute("href"), "Title" : service.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "a").text, "Description" : service.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "p").text, }
def analyze_element(self, el: WebElement): data_product_promo = el.get_attribute("data-product-promo") if data_product_promo not in self.plans_promo_blacklist: term_element = el.find_element_by_css_selector( "div.card-body div ul") term = term_element.text match ="(\d+)\s+Months", term) if match: term = match.groups()[0] else: raise Exception("Term could not match. (%s)" % term) else: term = "1" price_element = el.find_element_by_css_selector( "div.card-body div.modal-body h1" + ",div.card-body div.product2.cards_div2 h2") price ="(\d+(\.\d+)?)", price_element.text.split("¢")[0]).groups()[0] product_name = el.find_element_by_css_selector( "div.card-body div.modal-body h2" + ",div.card-body div.product2.cards_div2 h4").text efl_download_link_element = el.find_element_by_css_selector( "div.modal-footer a") self.client.switch_to_window(self.client.window_handles[1]) pdf_url = self.client.find_element_by_tag_name("iframe").get_attribute( "src") self.client.get(pdf_url) self.client.close() self.client.switch_to_window(self.client.window_handles[0]) self.wait_for() return { "term": term, "price": price, "product_name": product_name, }
def _find_by_css_selector(root, css_selector, raise_exception): element = None try: # Chrome 96+ returns the element as a dict that includes the id if isinstance(root, dict): key = list(root.keys())[0] shadow_root_el = WebElement(_get_driver(), root[key]) element = shadow_root_el.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector) else: element = root.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector) except NoSuchElementException as nse: if raise_exception: if root.tag_name == "slot": raise TaurusException( "Shadow DOM Slots are currently not supported in Taurus execution." ) raise nse pass return element
def _table_rows(table_element: WebElement, header=True) -> List[WebElement]: """ Return table rows :param table_element: table element :param header: skips the header when true if table has a header :return: table rows elements """ first_row = 1 if header else 0 return table_element.find_elements_by_css_selector('tr')[first_row:]
def get_emoji(element: WebElement) -> Optional[str]: """ get emoji from emoji span """ try: return element.find_element_by_tag_name( 'span').find_element_by_tag_name('span').get_attribute( 'innerHTML') except NoSuchElementException: return None
def GetETimeFrameFromBlock(expBlock: WebElement) -> ETimeFrame or None: """Returns an [ETimeFrame] from an experience block Args: expBlock (WebElement): The experience block Returns: ETimeFrame or None: The timeframe """ try: dateRange: list = expBlock.find_element( By.CSS_SELECTOR, selectors.DATE_RANGE).text.split('–') start: str = dateRange[0] end: str = dateRange[1] length: str = expBlock.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, selectors.EXP_LENGTH).text return ETimeFrame(start, end, length) except: return None
def _handle_main_category(self, main_cat_id: int, main_cat_elem: WebElement): text_elem = main_cat_elem.find_element_by_class_name("MainTag_Name") main_cat = MainCategory(text_elem.text, main_cat_id) self.categories[main_cat_id] = main_cat # Open sub categories inner_tags_elem = self.driver.find_element_by_id("InnerTags") inner_main_elem = inner_tags_elem.find_element_by_id( "innerMainTag_{}".format(main_cat_id)) a_elems = inner_main_elem.find_elements_by_tag_name("a") for a_elem in a_elems: sub_cat_id = int(a_elem.get_attribute("data-option-value")) text_elem = a_elem.find_element_by_class_name("MainTag_Name") sub_cat = SubCategory(text_elem.text, sub_cat_id) main_cat.sub_categories[sub_cat_id] = sub_cat img_elem = a_elem.find_element_by_tag_name("img") self._handle_sub_category(sub_cat)
def select_option_value_on_nested_element(self, parent: WebElement, locator: Tuple[str, str], value: str): try: element = parent.find_element(*locator) self.driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", element) select = Select(element) select.select_by_value(value) except TimeoutException: raise Exception("Element not found") except NoSuchElementException: raise Exception("Element not found")
def find_visible_element(self, selector: str, within: WebElement = None) -> WebElement: """Given a selector that could match multiple different elements, return the one that is currently visible, not the first one that matches.""" within = within or self.driver return self.blip_element([ x for x in within.find_elements_by_css_selector(selector) if x.is_displayed() ][0])
def check_visible_quick(self, selector: str, within: WebElement = None) -> bool: """Check for an element without potentially spending a lot of time polling the DOM. Ususally used when asserting an element's absence, saves waiting the full timeout.""" within = within or self.driver self.driver.implicitly_wait(SHORT_WAIT) elements = within.find_elements_by_css_selector(selector) self.driver.implicitly_wait(LONG_WAIT) return len(elements) != 0 and elements[0].is_displayed()
def flashy_find_elements(self, selector: str, within: WebElement = None) -> ELEMENT_LIST: """Finds multiple elements that match a CSS selector, highlights them as well. The browser-provided webdriver self.driver implementations seem to not return a list when only one element matches, so fixing that here.""" within = within or self.driver return self.blip_element( to_list(within.find_elements_by_css_selector(selector)))
def _process_contact(self, conversation: WebElement): # Fetch contact name/number element - if contact saved, would appear as name contact_name_number = self.wait.until(lambda _: conversation.find_element_by_xpath( ".//span[@class='_1wjpf']")).get_attribute('title') if contact_name_number not in self.processed_contacts: cleaned = selenium_methods.clean_contact_number(contact_name_number) if cleaned: self.processed_contacts.append(cleaned) return contact_name_number
def parse_location(experience_row: WebElement) -> str: try: return experience_row.find_element_by_xpath( selectors['profile_position_location']).text except NoSuchElementException as e: logging.debug(f"Can't find profile_position_location {e}") return '' except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"Unknown Exception {e}") return ''
def send_keys_delay_random(self, element: WebElement, keys: Union[str, int, float, List[str], List[int], List[float]], min_delay: float = 0.025, max_delay: float = 0.25) -> bool: _keys = copy.deepcopy(keys) if type(_keys) in [int, float]: _keys = str(_keys) for key in _keys: if type(key) in [int, float]: key = str(key) element.send_keys(key) time.sleep(random.uniform(min_delay, max_delay)) return True
def bulk_individual_option_toggles(self, row: WebElement, i: int = 0) -> List[WebElement]: """ Return list of toggles in bulk edit individual Visibility :param row: bulk row :param i: property index: 0 - first property, 1 - second property :return: list of toggle elements on the left or right pane """ selector = self.BULK_EDIT_OPTION_TOGGLES_LEFT if i == 0 else self.BULK_EDIT_OPTION_TOGGLES_RIGHT return row.find_elements(*selector)
def get_value_of_elem(elem: WebElement): class_name = elem.get_attribute('class') if 'blank' in class_name: return 'o' elif 'bombflagged' in class_name: return 'x' elif 'bombdeath' in class_name: raise Exception('It\'s a boy!') else: return int(class_name[-1])
def parse_datetime(story_element: WebElement) -> Optional[datetime]: try: story_datetime = story_element.find_element_by_class_name("story__datetime") str_datetime = story_datetime.get_attribute('datetime') story_timestampz = datetime.fromisoformat(str_datetime) story_timestamp = story_timestampz.replace(tzinfo=None) return story_timestamp except NoSuchElementException: return None
def global_sku_input(self, row: WebElement = None) -> WebElement: """ Finds and returns input element for global sku :param row: listing row element - if None, bulk edit used instead :return: sku input element """ if row: return row.find_element(*self.GLOBAL_SKU_INPUT) else: return self.driver.find_element(*self.BULK_EDIT_GLOBAL_SKU_INPUT)
def _get_feed_post_media(post: WebElement): """ Get link to post from post web-element from feed :param post: WebElement :return: str """ try: image = post.find_element_by_css_selector('div:nth-child(2) img') return image.get_attribute('src') except excp.NoSuchElementException: pass try: video = post.find_element_by_tag_name('video') return video.get_attribute('src') except excp.NoSuchElementException: pass return False
def bulk_individual_option_inputs(self, row: WebElement, i: int = 0) -> List[WebElement]: """ Return list of input boxes in bulk edit individual Price/Q/SKU :param row: bulk row :param i: property index: 0 - first property, 1 - second property :return: list of input elements on the left or right pane """ selector = self.BULK_EDIT_OPTION_INPUTS_LEFT if i == 0 else self.BULK_EDIT_OPTION_INPUTS_RIGHT return row.find_elements(*selector)
def commenter_action_element(trigger_type: TRIGGER, commenter: WebElement): trigger_link = None try: if trigger_type == TRIGGER.LIKE: trigger_link = commenter.find_element_by_xpath( '//div[text()="Like"]') except NoSuchElementException as e: print("Like button not found by the FebuBot") return trigger_link
def get_card_text_img_audio_data(card: WebElement, card_side: str) -> str: """ Get the card text """ card_img_tag = get_images_from_cards(card, card_side) card_audio_tag = get_audio_from_cards(card, card_side) card_info = card.find_element_by_class_name(card_side) card_text = card_audio_tag + "\n" + card_info.text.replace( "Play", "") + "\n" + card_img_tag return card_text
def is_trash_story(cls, story_container: WebElement) -> bool: """False for adv and other not normal containers""" try: if story_container.find_elements_by_class_name( "story__placeholder"): return True except StaleElementReferenceException: return True return False
def getElemAttr(elem:WebElement, attr:str, timeOut:float=30, pollFreq:float=1) -> str: timeElapsed=0.0 while timeElapsed < timeOut: beginTime=time.time() try: return elem.get_attribute(attr) except StaleElementReferenceException: pass time.sleep(pollFreq) timeElapsed+=(time.time()- beginTime) raise TimeoutException('[getElemAttr] Time out elem='+str(elem))
def parse_results_for_bulk_expired_domains_search(self, element: WebElement) ->[]: #return a list of DomainType if element is not None: products = element.find_elements_by_class_name(BulkCheckElements.get_element_by_class(BulkCheckElements.class_product).target) filtered = [] for product in products: domain = product.find_element_by_class_name(BulkCheckElements.get_element_by_class(BulkCheckElements.class_domain_name).target).text available = GoDaddy.checkAvailability(product.find_element_by_class_name( BulkCheckElements.get_element_by_class(BulkCheckElements.class_msg).target).text) filtered.append(DomainType(domain, available)) return filtered else: return None
def clickDownloadableElem(elem:WebElement)->str: pollFreq=1 filesOld=os.listdir(dlDir) fileName=getElemText(elem) href = elem.get_attribute('href') assert href is not None uprint('fileName="%s" href="%s"'%(fileName,href)) sql("UPDATE dlink SET href=:href WHERE" " file_name=:fileName",locals()) uprint("UPDATE dlink SET href=%(href)s WHERE" " file_name=%(fileName)s"%locals()) return
def versionWalker(tr:WebElement): global driver, prevTrail try: btn=tr.find_element_by_css_selector('button') time.sleep(0.1) waitUnti(lambda:all(_.is_displayed() for _ in tr/csss/'ul li a')) versions = tr/csss/'ul li a' numVersion = len(versions) startIdx = getStartIdx() for idx in range(startIdx, numVersions): ulog('version idx=%s'%idx) fwVer = versions[idx].text.strip() versions[idx].click() upsert(tr, fwVer) if idx < numVersions-1: time.sleep(0.1) except Exception as ex: ipdb.set_trace() traceback.print_exc()
def elem_has_class(elem: WebElement, className: str): classes = elem.get_attribute('class') classes = classes.split() return className in classes
def __is_valid_element(element: WebElement): assert (element is not None) assert element.is_displayed() is True, "element is not displayed on the page" assert element.is_enabled() is True, "element is not enabled"
def get_value(element: WebElement) -> str: return element.get_attribute('value')
def getTextA(elm:WebElement)->str: waitUntil(lambda: elm.is_displayed() and elm.text,30,1) return elm.text
def is_expanded(self, node: WebElement): return 'dynatree-expanded' in node.get_attribute('class')