예제 #1
def steer_thread():
    context = zmq.Context()
    sendcan = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['sendcan'].port)
    logcan = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['can'].port)

    carstate = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['carState'].port)
    carcontrol = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['carControl'].port)

    CI, CP = get_car(logcan, sendcan, None)

    print("got car", CP.carName)
    CC = car.CarControl.new_message()

    i = 0
    rate = 0.001
    direction = 1

    while True:

        # send

        CS = CI.update(CC)

        actuators = car.CarControl.Actuators.new_message()

        if i > 0.9 and direction == 1:
            direction = -1
        if i < -0.9 and direction == -1:
            direction = 1

        i += rate * direction

        axis_3 = clip(i * 1.05, -1., 1.)  # -1 to 1
        actuators.steer = axis_3
        actuators.steerAngle = axis_3 * 43.  # deg

        print("steer", actuators.steer)

        CC.actuators.steer = actuators.steer
        CC.actuators.steerAngle = actuators.steerAngle
        CC.enabled = True

        # broadcast carState
        cs_send = messaging.new_message()
        cs_send.carState = copy(CS)

        # broadcast carControl
        cc_send = messaging.new_message()
        cc_send.carControl = copy(CC)

        # Limit to 100 frames per second
예제 #2
def fingerprint(msgs, pub_socks, sub_socks):
    print "start fingerprinting"

    can = pub_socks["can"]
    logMessage = messaging.sub_sock(service_list["logMessage"].port)


    # controlsd waits for a health packet before fingerprinting
    msg = messaging.new_message()

    canmsgs = filter(lambda msg: msg.which() == "can", msgs)
    for msg in canmsgs[:200]:

        log = messaging.recv_one_or_none(logMessage)
        if log is not None and "fingerprinted" in log.logMessage:
    print "finished fingerprinting"
예제 #3
def main(gctx=None):
    # setup logentries. we forward log messages to it
    le_token = "e8549616-0798-4d7e-a2ca-2513ae81fa17"
    le_handler = LogentriesHandler(le_token, use_tls=False, verbose=False)

    le_level = 20  #logging.INFO

    ctx = zmq.Context().instance()
    sock = ctx.socket(zmq.PULL)

    # and we publish them
    pub_sock = messaging.pub_sock(service_list['logMessage'].port)

    while True:
        dat = b''.join(sock.recv_multipart())
        dat = dat.decode('utf8')

        # print "RECV", repr(dat)

        levelnum = ord(dat[0])
        dat = dat[1:]

        if levelnum >= le_level:
            # push to logentries
            # TODO: push to athena instead

        # then we publish them
        msg = messaging.new_message()
        msg.logMessage = dat
예제 #4
def radard_thread(sm=None, pm=None, can_sock=None):

    # wait for stats about the car to come in from controls
    cloudlog.info("radard is waiting for CarParams")
    CP = car.CarParams.from_bytes(Params().get("CarParams", block=True))
    mocked = CP.carName == "mock"
    cloudlog.info("radard got CarParams")

    # import the radar from the fingerprint
    cloudlog.info("radard is importing %s", CP.carName)
    RadarInterface = importlib.import_module(
        'selfdrive.car.%s.radar_interface' % CP.carName).RadarInterface

    if can_sock is None:
        can_sock = messaging.sub_sock(service_list['can'].port)

    if sm is None:
        sm = messaging.SubMaster(['model', 'controlsState', 'liveParameters'])

    # *** publish radarState and liveTracks
    if pm is None:
        pm = messaging.PubMaster(['radarState', 'liveTracks'])

    RI = RadarInterface(CP)

    rk = Ratekeeper(rate, print_delay_threshold=None)
    RD = RadarD(mocked)

    has_radar = not CP.radarOffCan

    while 1:
        can_strings = messaging.drain_sock_raw(can_sock, wait_for_one=True)
        rr = RI.update(can_strings)

        if rr is None:


        dat = RD.update(rk.frame, RI.delay, sm, rr, has_radar)
        dat.radarState.cumLagMs = -rk.remaining * 1000.

        pm.send('radarState', dat)

        # *** publish tracks for UI debugging (keep last) ***
        tracks = RD.tracks
        dat = messaging.new_message()
        dat.init('liveTracks', len(tracks))

        for cnt, ids in enumerate(tracks.keys()):
            dat.liveTracks[cnt] = {
                "trackId": ids,
                "dRel": float(tracks[ids].dRel),
                "yRel": float(tracks[ids].yRel),
                "vRel": float(tracks[ids].vRel),
        pm.send('liveTracks', dat)

예제 #5
    def update(self, cs, sm, can_index, can_count):
        self.frame_count += 1

        cs_send = messaging.new_message()
        cs_send.valid = cs.canValid

        if cs.camLeft.frame != self.stock_cam_frame_prev and cs.camLeft.frame == cs.camFarRight.frame:
            self.stock_cam_frame_prev = cs.camLeft.frame
            gps = sm['gpsLocationExternal']
            cs.gpsLocation.longitude = gps.longitude
            cs.gpsLocation.latitude = gps.latitude
            cs.gpsLocation.altitude = gps.altitude
            cs.gpsLocation.flags = gps.flags
            vNED = [float(x) for x in gps.vNED]
            if len(vNED) == 0:
                vNED = [0, 0, 0]
            cs.gpsLocation.vNED = vNED
            cs.gpsLocation.bearing = gps.bearing
            cs.gpsLocation.speed = gps.speed
            cs.gpsLocation.accuracy = gps.accuracy
            cs.gpsLocation.verticalAccuracy = gps.verticalAccuracy
            cs.gpsLocation.bearingAccuracy = gps.bearingAccuracy
            cs.gpsLocation.speedAccuracy = gps.speedAccuracy
            cs.gpsLocation.timestamp = gps.timestamp

            cs_send.carState = cs

            cs_send.carState = cs
예제 #6
def main(gctx):
    # setup logentries. we forward log messages to it
    le_token = "bc65354a-b887-4ef4-8525-15dd51230e8c"
    le_handler = LogentriesHandler(le_token, use_tls=False)

    le_level = 20  #logging.INFO

    ctx = zmq.Context()
    sock = ctx.socket(zmq.PULL)

    # and we publish them
    pub_sock = messaging.pub_sock(ctx, service_list['logMessage'].port)

    while True:
        dat = ''.join(sock.recv_multipart())

        # print "RECV", repr(dat)

        levelnum = ord(dat[0])
        dat = dat[1:]

        if levelnum >= le_level:
            # push to logentries

        # then we publish them
        msg = messaging.new_message()
        msg.logMessage = dat
예제 #7
def run_following_distance_simulation(v_lead, t_end=200.0):
    dt = 0.2
    t = 0.

    x_lead = 200.0

    x_ego = 0.0
    v_ego = v_lead
    a_ego = 0.0

    v_cruise_setpoint = v_lead + 10.

    pm = FakePubMaster()
    mpc = LongitudinalMpc(1)

    first = True
    while t < t_end:
        # Run cruise control
        accel_limits = [
            float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, False)
        jerk_limits = [min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]), max(0.1, accel_limits[1])]
        v_cruise, a_cruise = speed_smoother(v_ego, a_ego, v_cruise_setpoint,
                                            accel_limits[1], accel_limits[0],
                                            jerk_limits[1], jerk_limits[0], dt)

        # Setup CarState
        CS = messaging.new_message()
        CS.carState.vEgo = v_ego
        CS.carState.aEgo = a_ego

        # Setup lead packet
        lead = log.RadarState.LeadData.new_message()
        lead.status = True
        lead.dRel = x_lead - x_ego
        lead.vLead = v_lead
        lead.aLeadK = 0.0

        # Run MPC
        mpc.set_cur_state(v_ego, a_ego)
        if first:  # Make sure MPC is converged on first timestep
            for _ in range(20):
                mpc.update(pm, CS.carState, lead, v_cruise_setpoint)
        mpc.update(pm, CS.carState, lead, v_cruise_setpoint)

        # Choose slowest of two solutions
        if v_cruise < mpc.v_mpc:
            v_ego, a_ego = v_cruise, a_cruise
            v_ego, a_ego = mpc.v_mpc, mpc.a_mpc

        # Update state
        x_lead += v_lead * dt
        x_ego += v_ego * dt
        t += dt
        first = False

    return x_lead - x_ego
예제 #8
def plannerd_thread(gctx):
  context = zmq.Context()
  poller = zmq.Poller()

  carstate = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['carState'].port, poller)
  live20 = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['live20'].port)
  model = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['model'].port)

  plan = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['plan'].port)

  # wait for stats about the car to come in from controls
  cloudlog.info("plannerd is waiting for CarParams")
  CP = car.CarParams.from_bytes(Params().get("CarParams", block=True))
  cloudlog.info("plannerd got CarParams")

  CS = None
  PP = PathPlanner(model)
  AC = AdaptiveCruise(live20)

  # start the loop

  # this runs whenever we get a packet that can change the plan
  while True:
    polld = poller.poll(timeout=1000)
    for sock, mode in polld:
      if mode != zmq.POLLIN or sock != carstate:

      cur_time = sec_since_boot()
      CS = messaging.recv_sock(carstate).carState

      PP.update(cur_time, CS.vEgo)

      # LoC.v_pid -> CS.vEgo
      # TODO: is this change okay?
      AC.update(cur_time, CS.vEgo, CS.steeringAngle, CS.vEgo, CP)

      # **** send the plan ****
      plan_send = messaging.new_message()

      # lateral plan
      plan_send.plan.lateralValid = not PP.dead
      if plan_send.plan.lateralValid:
        plan_send.plan.dPoly = map(float, PP.d_poly)

      # longitudal plan
      plan_send.plan.longitudinalValid = not AC.dead
      if plan_send.plan.longitudinalValid:
        plan_send.plan.vTarget = float(AC.v_target_lead)
        plan_send.plan.aTargetMin = float(AC.a_target[0])
        plan_send.plan.aTargetMax = float(AC.a_target[1])
        plan_send.plan.jerkFactor = float(AC.jerk_factor)
        plan_send.plan.hasLead = AC.has_lead

예제 #9
 def broadcast_data(self, status, speed, angle, time):
   status = True if status == "true" or status is True else False
   data = messaging.new_message()
   data.phantomData.status = status
   data.phantomData.speed = speed
   data.phantomData.angle = angle
   data.phantomData.time = time
예제 #10
def can_list_to_can_capnp(can_msgs):
    dat = messaging.new_message()
    dat.init('can', len(can_msgs))
    for i, can_msg in enumerate(can_msgs):
        dat.can[i].address = can_msg[0]
        dat.can[i].busTime = can_msg[1]
        dat.can[i].dat = can_msg[2]
        dat.can[i].src = can_msg[3]
    return dat
예제 #11
    def update(self, CS, LoC):
        #print "===>>> File: controls/lib/planner.py; FUnction: update"
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()

        md = messaging.recv_sock(self.model)
        #print "============ Planner"
        #print md
        if md is not None:
            self.last_md_ts = md.logMonoTime

#      print "========= frameId"
#      print md.model.frameId
#    else:
#      print "======== None"
        l20 = messaging.recv_sock(self.live20)
        if l20 is not None:
            self.last_l20_ts = l20.logMonoTime

        self.PP.update(cur_time, CS.vEgo, md)

        # LoC.v_pid -> CS.vEgo
        # TODO: is this change okay?
        self.AC.update(cur_time, CS.vEgo, CS.steeringAngle, LoC.v_pid, self.CP,

        # **** send the plan ****
        plan_send = messaging.new_message()

        plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = self.last_md_ts
        plan_send.plan.l20MonoTime = self.last_l20_ts

        # lateral plan
        plan_send.plan.lateralValid = not self.PP.dead
        if plan_send.plan.lateralValid:
            plan_send.plan.dPoly = map(float, self.PP.d_poly)
        #print "====================No Vision Data========"

        # longitudal plan
        plan_send.plan.longitudinalValid = not self.AC.dead
        if plan_send.plan.longitudinalValid:
            plan_send.plan.vTarget = float(self.AC.v_target_lead)
            plan_send.plan.aTargetMin = float(self.AC.a_target[0])
            plan_send.plan.aTargetMax = float(self.AC.a_target[1])
            plan_send.plan.jerkFactor = float(self.AC.jerk_factor)
            plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.AC.has_lead

        # compute risk of collision events: fcw
        self.FCW.process(CS, self.AC)
        plan_send.plan.fcw = bool(self.FCW.active)

        return plan_send
예제 #12
def joystick_thread():
    context = zmq.Context()
    joystick_sock = messaging.pub_sock(context,


    # Used to manage how fast the screen updates
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    # Initialize the joysticks

    # Get count of joysticks
    joystick_count = pygame.joystick.get_count()
    if joystick_count > 1:
        raise ValueError("More than one joystick attached")
    elif joystick_count < 1:
        raise ValueError("No joystick found")

    # -------- Main Program Loop -----------
    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():  # User did something
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:  # If user clicked close
            if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
                print("Joystick button pressed.")
            if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
                print("Joystick button released.")

        joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)

        # Usually axis run in pairs, up/down for one, and left/right for
        # the other.
        axes = []
        buttons = []

        for a in range(joystick.get_numaxes()):

        for b in range(joystick.get_numbuttons()):

        dat = messaging.new_message()
        dat.testJoystick.axes = axes
        dat.testJoystick.buttons = map(bool, buttons)

        # Limit to 100 frames per second
예제 #13
def calibrationd_thread(gctx):
    context = zmq.Context()

    features = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['features'].port)
    live100 = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['live100'].port)

    livecalibration = messaging.pub_sock(context,

    # subscribe to stats about the car
    VP = VehicleParams(False)

    v_ego = None

    calib = load_calibration(gctx)
    last_cal_cycle = calib.cal_cycle

    while 1:
        # calibration at the end so it does not delay radar processing above
        ft = messaging.recv_sock(features, wait=True)

        # get latest here
        l100 = messaging.recv_sock(live100)
        if l100 is not None:
            v_ego = l100.live100.vEgo
            steer_angle = l100.live100.angleSteers

        if v_ego is None:

        p0 = ft.features.p0
        p1 = ft.features.p1
        st = ft.features.status

        calib.calibration(p0, p1, st, v_ego, steer_angle, VP)

        # write a new calibration every 100 cal cycle
        if calib.cal_cycle - last_cal_cycle >= 100:
            print "writing cal", calib.cal_cycle
            with open(CALIBRATION_FILE, "w") as cal_file:
                cal_file.write(str(calib.cal_cycle) + '\n')
                cal_file.write(str(calib.cal_status) + '\n')
                cal_file.write(str(calib.vp_f[0]) + '\n')
                cal_file.write(str(calib.vp_f[1]) + '\n')
            last_cal_cycle = calib.cal_cycle

        warp_matrix = map(float, calib.warp_matrix.reshape(9).tolist())
        dat = messaging.new_message()
        dat.liveCalibration.warpMatrix = warp_matrix
        dat.liveCalibration.calStatus = calib.cal_status
        dat.liveCalibration.calCycle = calib.cal_cycle
        dat.liveCalibration.calPerc = calib.cal_perc
예제 #14
def gen_init_data(gctx):
    msg = messaging.new_message()

    kernel_args = open("/proc/cmdline", "r").read().strip().split(" ")
    msg.initData.kernelArgs = kernel_args

    msg.initData.gctx = json.dumps(gctx)
    if os.getenv('DONGLE_ID'):
        msg.initData.dongleId = os.getenv('DONGLE_ID')

    return msg.to_bytes()
예제 #15
파일: thermald.py 프로젝트: ccnomis/opatch
def read_thermal():
    dat = messaging.new_message()
    dat.thermal.cpu0 = read_tz(5)
    dat.thermal.cpu1 = read_tz(7)
    dat.thermal.cpu2 = read_tz(10)
    dat.thermal.cpu3 = read_tz(12)
    dat.thermal.mem = read_tz(2)
    dat.thermal.gpu = read_tz(16)
    dat.thermal.bat = read_tz(29)
    return dat
예제 #16
  def send_data(self, pm):
    calib = get_calib_from_vp(self.vp)
    extrinsic_matrix = get_view_frame_from_road_frame(0, calib[1], calib[2], model_height)

    cal_send = messaging.new_message()
    cal_send.liveCalibration.calStatus = self.cal_status
    cal_send.liveCalibration.calPerc = min(len(self.vps) * 100 // INPUTS_NEEDED, 100)
    cal_send.liveCalibration.extrinsicMatrix = [float(x) for x in extrinsic_matrix.flatten()]
    cal_send.liveCalibration.rpyCalib = [float(x) for x in calib]

    pm.send('liveCalibration', cal_send)
def can_list_to_can_capnp(can_msgs, msgtype='can'):
    dat = messaging.new_message()
    dat.init(msgtype, len(can_msgs))
    for i, can_msg in enumerate(can_msgs):
        if msgtype == 'sendcan':
            cc = dat.sendcan[i]
            cc = dat.can[i]
        cc.address = can_msg[0]
        cc.busTime = can_msg[1]
        cc.dat = str(can_msg[2])
        cc.src = can_msg[3]
    return dat
예제 #18
 def __init__(self, services):
   self.data = {}
   self.sock = {}
   self.last_updated = None
   for s in services:
     data = messaging.new_message()
       data.init(s, 0)
     self.data[s] = data.as_reader()
     self.sock[s] = DumbSocket()
   self.send_called = threading.Event()
   self.get_called = threading.Event()
예제 #19
  def send_data(self, livecalibration):
    calib = get_calib_from_vp(self.vp)
    extrinsic_matrix = get_view_frame_from_road_frame(0, calib[1], calib[2], model_height)
    ke = eon_intrinsics.dot(extrinsic_matrix)
    warp_matrix = get_camera_frame_from_model_frame(ke, model_height)

    cal_send = messaging.new_message()
    cal_send.liveCalibration.calStatus = self.cal_status
    cal_send.liveCalibration.calPerc = min(self.frame_counter * 100 / CALIBRATION_CYCLES_NEEDED, 100)
    cal_send.liveCalibration.warpMatrix2 = map(float, warp_matrix.flatten())
    cal_send.liveCalibration.extrinsicMatrix = map(float, extrinsic_matrix.flatten())

예제 #20
def plannerd_thread():
  context = zmq.Context()
  params = Params()

  # Get FCW toggle from settings
  fcw_enabled = params.get("IsFcwEnabled") == "1"

  cloudlog.info("plannerd is waiting for CarParams")
  CP = car.CarParams.from_bytes(Params().get("CarParams", block=True))
  cloudlog.info("plannerd got CarParams: %s", CP.carName)

  PL = Planner(CP, fcw_enabled)
  PP = PathPlanner(CP)

  VM = VehicleModel(CP)

  poller = zmq.Poller()
  car_state_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['carState'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  live100_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['live100'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  live20_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['live20'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  model_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['model'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  live_map_data_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['liveMapData'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  live_parameters_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['liveParameters'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)

  car_state = messaging.new_message()
  live100 = messaging.new_message()
  model = messaging.new_message()
  live20 = messaging.new_message()
  live_map_data = messaging.new_message()

  live_parameters = messaging.new_message()
  live_parameters.liveParameters.valid = True
  live_parameters.liveParameters.steerRatio = CP.steerRatio
  live_parameters.liveParameters.stiffnessFactor = 1.0

  while True:
    for socket, event in poller.poll():
      if socket is live100_sock:
        live100 = messaging.recv_one(socket)
      elif socket is car_state_sock:
        car_state = messaging.recv_one(socket)
      elif socket is live_parameters_sock:
        live_parameters = messaging.recv_one(socket)
      elif socket is model_sock:
        model = messaging.recv_one(socket)
        PP.update(CP, VM, car_state, model, live100, live_parameters)
      elif socket is live_map_data_sock:
        live_map_data = messaging.recv_one(socket)
      elif socket is live20_sock:
        live20 = messaging.recv_one(socket)
        PL.update(car_state, CP, VM, PP, live20, live100, model, live_map_data)
예제 #21
 def send_mpc_solution(self, pm, qp_iterations, calculation_time):
     qp_iterations = max(0, qp_iterations)
     dat = messaging.new_message()
     dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.xEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x_ego)
     dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.vEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego)
     dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.aEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].a_ego)
     dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.xLead = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x_l)
     dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.vLead = list(self.mpc_solution[0].v_l)
     dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution[0].cost
     dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.aLeadTau = self.a_lead_tau
     dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.qpIterations = qp_iterations
     dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.mpcId = self.mpc_id
     dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.calculationTime = calculation_time
     pm.send('liveLongitudinalMpc', dat)
예제 #22
 def send_mpc_solution(self, qp_iterations, calculation_time):
   qp_iterations = max(0, qp_iterations)
   dat = messaging.new_message()
   dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.xEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x_ego)
   dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.vEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego)
   dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.aEgo = list(self.mpc_solution[0].a_ego)
   dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.xLead = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x_l)
   dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.vLead = list(self.mpc_solution[0].v_l)
   dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.aLead = list(self.mpc_solution[0].a_l)
   dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.aLeadTau = self.l
   dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.qpIterations = qp_iterations
   dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.mpcId = self.mpc_id
   dat.liveLongitudinalMpc.calculationTime = calculation_time
def boardd_loop(rate=200):
    rk = Ratekeeper(rate)
    context = zmq.Context()


    # *** publishes can and health
    logcan = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['can'].port)
    health_sock = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['health'].port)

    # *** subscribes to can send
    sendcan = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['sendcan'].port)

    # drain sendcan to delete any stale messages from previous runs

    while 1:
        # health packet @ 1hz
        if (rk.frame % rate) == 0:
            health = can_health()
            msg = messaging.new_message()

            # store the health to be logged
            msg.health.voltage = health['voltage']
            msg.health.current = health['current']
            msg.health.started = health['started']
            msg.health.controlsAllowed = True


        # recv @ 100hz
        can_msgs = can_recv()

        # publish to logger
        # TODO: refactor for speed
        if len(can_msgs) > 0:
            dat = can_list_to_can_capnp(can_msgs).to_bytes()

        # send can if we have a packet
        tsc = messaging.recv_sock(sendcan)
        if tsc is not None:

예제 #24
    def send_data(self, livecalibration):
        calib = get_calib_from_vp(self.vp)
        extrinsic_matrix = get_view_frame_from_road_frame(
            0, calib[1], calib[2], model_height)
        ke = eon_intrinsics.dot(extrinsic_matrix)
        warp_matrix = get_camera_frame_from_model_frame(ke)
        warp_matrix_big = get_camera_frame_from_bigmodel_frame(ke)

        cal_send = messaging.new_message()
        cal_send.liveCalibration.calStatus = self.cal_status
        cal_send.liveCalibration.calPerc = min(
            len(self.vps) * 100 // INPUTS_NEEDED, 100)
        cal_send.liveCalibration.warpMatrix2 = [
            float(x) for x in warp_matrix.flatten()
        cal_send.liveCalibration.warpMatrixBig = [
            float(x) for x in warp_matrix_big.flatten()
        cal_send.liveCalibration.extrinsicMatrix = [
            float(x) for x in extrinsic_matrix.flatten()

예제 #25
파일: planner.py 프로젝트: shola/openpilot
  def update(self, sm, CP, VM, PP):
    """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
    cur_time = sec_since_boot()
    v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo

    long_control_state = sm['controlsState'].longControlState
    v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
    force_slow_decel = sm['controlsState'].forceDecel
    v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

    lead_1 = sm['radarState'].leadOne
    lead_2 = sm['radarState'].leadTwo

    enabled = (long_control_state == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state == LongCtrlState.stopping)
    following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

    if not self.model_v_kf_ready:
      self.model_v_kf.x = [[v_ego],[0.0]]
      self.model_v_kf_ready = True

    if len(sm['model'].speed):

    if self.params.get("LimitSetSpeedNeural") == "1":
      model_speed = self.model_v_kf.x[0][0]
      model_speed = MAX_SPEED

    # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
    if enabled:
      accel_limits = [float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, following)]
      jerk_limits = [min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]), max(0.1, accel_limits[1])]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
      accel_limits_turns = limit_accel_in_turns(v_ego, sm['carState'].steeringAngle, accel_limits, self.CP)

      if force_slow_decel:
        # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
        accel_limits_turns[1] = min(accel_limits_turns[1], AWARENESS_DECEL)
        accel_limits_turns[0] = min(accel_limits_turns[0], accel_limits_turns[1])

      self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start,
                                                    accel_limits_turns[1], accel_limits_turns[0],
                                                    jerk_limits[1], jerk_limits[0],

      # accel and jerk up limits are higher here to make model not limiting accel
      # mainly done to prevent flickering of slowdown icon
      self.v_model, self.a_model = speed_smoother(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start,
                                                    2*accel_limits[1], 3*accel_limits[0],
                                                    2*jerk_limits[1], jerk_limits[0],

      # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
      self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
      starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
      a_ego = min(sm['carState'].aEgo, 0.0)
      reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else v_ego
      reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
      self.v_acc = reset_speed
      self.a_acc = reset_accel
      self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
      self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
      self.v_cruise = reset_speed
      self.a_cruise = reset_accel

    self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
    self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

    self.mpc1.update(sm['carState'], lead_1, v_cruise_setpoint)
    self.mpc2.update(sm['carState'], lead_2, v_cruise_setpoint)

    self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

    # determine fcw
    if self.mpc1.new_lead:

    blinkers = sm['carState'].leftBlinker or sm['carState'].rightBlinker
    fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time,
                                  v_ego, sm['carState'].aEgo,
                                  lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead, lead_1.aLeadK,
                                  lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat,
                                  lead_1.fcw, blinkers) and not sm['carState'].brakePressed
    if fcw:
      cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

    radar_dead = not sm.alive['radarState']

    radar_errors = list(sm['radarState'].radarErrors)
    radar_fault = car.RadarData.Error.fault in radar_errors
    radar_can_error = car.RadarData.Error.canError in radar_errors

    # **** send the plan ****
    plan_send = messaging.new_message()

    plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'radarState'])

    plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['model']
    plan_send.plan.radarStateMonoTime = sm.logMonoTime['radarState']

    # longitudal plan
    plan_send.plan.vCruise = self.v_cruise
    plan_send.plan.aCruise = self.a_cruise
    plan_send.plan.vStart = self.v_acc_start
    plan_send.plan.aStart = self.a_acc_start
    plan_send.plan.vTarget = self.v_acc
    plan_send.plan.aTarget = self.a_acc
    plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = self.v_acc_future
    plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
    plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

    radar_valid = not (radar_dead or radar_fault)
    plan_send.plan.radarValid = bool(radar_valid)
    plan_send.plan.radarCanError = bool(radar_can_error)

    plan_send.plan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime / 1e9) - sm.rcv_time['radarState']

    # Send out fcw
    fcw = fcw and (self.fcw_enabled or long_control_state != LongCtrlState.off)
    plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw


    # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
    a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (DT_PLAN / LON_MPC_STEP) * (self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
    v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + DT_PLAN * (a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
    self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
    self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol
예제 #26
    def update(self, CS, CP, VM, PP, live20, live100, md, live_map_data):
        """Gets called when new live20 is available"""
        cur_time = live20.logMonoTime / 1e9
        v_ego = CS.carState.vEgo
        gasbuttonstatus = CS.carState.gasbuttonstatus

        long_control_state = live100.live100.longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = live100.live100.vCruise
        force_slow_decel = live100.live100.forceDecel
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        for socket, event in self.poller.poll(0):
            if socket is self.lat_Control:
                self.lastlat_Control = messaging.recv_one(socket).latControl

        self.lead_1 = live20.live20.leadOne
        self.lead_2 = live20.live20.leadTwo

        lead_1 = live20.live20.leadOne
        lead_2 = live20.live20.leadTwo

        enabled = (long_control_state
                   == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state
                                             == LongCtrlState.stopping)
        following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

        v_speedlimit = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        v_curvature = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        map_valid = live_map_data.liveMapData.mapValid

        # Speed limit and curvature
        set_speed_limit_active = self.params.get(
            "LimitSetSpeed") == "1" and self.params.get(
                "SpeedLimitOffset") is not None
        if set_speed_limit_active:
            if live_map_data.liveMapData.speedLimitValid:
                speed_limit = live_map_data.liveMapData.speedLimit
                offset = float(self.params.get("SpeedLimitOffset"))
                v_speedlimit = speed_limit + offset

            if live_map_data.liveMapData.curvatureValid:
                curvature = abs(live_map_data.liveMapData.curvature)
                a_y_max = 2.975 - v_ego * 0.0375  # ~1.85 @ 75mph, ~2.6 @ 25mph
                v_curvature = math.sqrt(
                    a_y_max / max(1e-4, curvature)) / 1.3 * _brake_factor
                v_curvature = min(NO_CURVATURE_SPEED, v_curvature)

        decel_for_turn = bool(
            v_curvature < min([v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit, v_ego + 1.]))
        v_cruise_setpoint = min([v_cruise_setpoint, v_curvature, v_speedlimit])

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled:
            accel_limits = map(
                calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, following, gasbuttonstatus))
            if gasbuttonstatus == 0:
                accellimitmaxdynamic = -0.0018 * v_ego + 0.2
                jerk_limits = [
                    min(-0.1, accel_limits[0] * 0.5),
                    max(accellimitmaxdynamic, accel_limits[1])
                ]  # dynamic
            elif gasbuttonstatus == 1:
                accellimitmaxsport = -0.002 * v_ego + 0.4
                jerk_limits = [
                    min(-0.25, accel_limits[0]),
                    max(accellimitmaxsport, accel_limits[1])
                ]  # sport
            elif gasbuttonstatus == 2:
                accellimitmaxeco = -0.0015 * v_ego + 0.1
                jerk_limits = [
                    min(-0.1, accel_limits[0] * 0.5),
                    max(accellimitmaxeco, accel_limits[1])
                ]  # eco

            if not CS.carState.leftBlinker and not CS.carState.rightBlinker:
                steering_angle = CS.carState.steeringAngle
                if self.lastlat_Control and v_ego > 11:
                    angle_later = self.lastlat_Control.anglelater
                    angle_later = 0
                angle_later = 0
                steering_angle = 0
            accel_limits = limit_accel_in_turns(
                v_ego, steering_angle, accel_limits, self.CP,
                angle_later * self.CP.steerRatio)

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits[1] = min(accel_limits[1], AWARENESS_DECEL)
                accel_limits[0] = min(accel_limits[0], accel_limits[1])

            # Change accel limits based on time remaining to turn
            if decel_for_turn:
                time_to_turn = max(
                    1.0, live_map_data.liveMapData.distToTurn /
                    max(self.v_cruise, 1.))
                required_decel = min(0, (v_curvature - self.v_cruise) /
                accel_limits[0] = max(accel_limits[0], required_decel)

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, v_cruise_setpoint,
                accel_limits[1], accel_limits[0], jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], _DT_MPC)
            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(CS.carState.aEgo, 0.0)
            reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(CS, lead_1, v_cruise_setpoint)
        self.mpc2.update(CS, lead_2, v_cruise_setpoint)

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        blinkers = CS.carState.leftBlinker or CS.carState.rightBlinker
        fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, v_ego, CS.carState.aEgo,
            lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead, lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat,
            lead_1.fcw, blinkers) and not CS.carState.brakePressed
        if fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        model_dead = cur_time - (md.logMonoTime / 1e9) > 0.5

        # **** send the plan ****
        plan_send = messaging.new_message()

        # TODO: Move all these events to controlsd. This has nothing to do with planning
        events = []
        if model_dead:
                create_event('modelCommIssue', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))

        radar_errors = list(live20.live20.radarErrors)
        if 'commIssue' in radar_errors:
                create_event('radarCommIssue', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
        if 'fault' in radar_errors:
                create_event('radarFault', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))

        plan_send.plan.events = events
        plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = md.logMonoTime
        plan_send.plan.l20MonoTime = live20.logMonoTime

        # longitudal plan
        plan_send.plan.vCruise = self.v_cruise
        plan_send.plan.aCruise = self.a_cruise
        plan_send.plan.vStart = self.v_acc_start
        plan_send.plan.aStart = self.a_acc_start
        plan_send.plan.vTarget = self.v_acc
        plan_send.plan.aTarget = self.a_acc
        plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = self.v_acc_future
        plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        plan_send.plan.hasrightLaneDepart = bool(
            PP.r_poly[3] > -1.1 and not CS.carState.rightBlinker)
        plan_send.plan.hasleftLaneDepart = bool(
            PP.l_poly[3] < 1.05 and not CS.carState.leftBlinker)
        plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

        plan_send.plan.vCurvature = v_curvature
        plan_send.plan.decelForTurn = decel_for_turn
        plan_send.plan.mapValid = map_valid

        # Send out fcw
        fcw = fcw and (self.fcw_enabled
                       or long_control_state != LongCtrlState.off)
        plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw


        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        dt = 0.05  # s
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (dt / _DT_MPC) * (self.a_acc -
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + dt * (a_acc_sol +
                                             self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol
예제 #27
파일: radard.py 프로젝트: wlrnet/chffrplus
def radard_thread(gctx=None):

  # wait for stats about the car to come in from controls
  cloudlog.info("radard is waiting for CarParams")
  CP = car.CarParams.from_bytes(Params().get("CarParams", block=True))
  mocked= CP.radarName == "mock"
  VM = VehicleModel(CP)
  cloudlog.info("radard got CarParams")

  # import the radar from the fingerprint
  cloudlog.info("radard is importing %s", CP.radarName)
  exec('from selfdrive.radar.'+CP.radarName+'.interface import RadarInterface')

  context = zmq.Context()

  # *** subscribe to features and model from visiond
  poller = zmq.Poller()
  model = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['model'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  live100 = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['live100'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)

  PP = PathPlanner()
  RI = RadarInterface()

  last_md_ts = 0
  last_l100_ts = 0

  # *** publish live20 and liveTracks
  live20 = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['live20'].port)
  liveTracks = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['liveTracks'].port)

  path_x = np.arange(0.0, 140.0, 0.1)    # 140 meters is max

  # Time-alignment
  rate = 20.   # model and radar are both at 20Hz
  tsv = 1./rate
  v_len = 20         # how many speed data points to remember for t alignment with rdr data

  active = 0
  steer_angle = 0.
  steer_override = False

  tracks = defaultdict(dict)

  # Kalman filter stuff:
  ekfv = EKFV1D()
  speedSensorV = SimpleSensor(XV, 1, 2)

  # v_ego
  v_ego = None
  v_ego_array = np.zeros([2, v_len])
  v_ego_t_aligned = 0.

  rk = Ratekeeper(rate, print_delay_threshold=np.inf)
  while 1:
    rr = RI.update()

    ar_pts = {}
    for pt in rr.points:
      ar_pts[pt.trackId] = [pt.dRel + RDR_TO_LDR, pt.yRel, pt.vRel, pt.measured]

    # receive the live100s
    l100 = None
    md = None

    for socket, event in poller.poll(0):
      if socket is live100:
        l100 = messaging.recv_one(socket)
      elif socket is model:
        md = messaging.recv_one(socket)

    if l100 is not None:
      active = l100.live100.active
      v_ego = l100.live100.vEgo
      steer_angle = l100.live100.angleSteers
      steer_override = l100.live100.steerOverride

      v_ego_array = np.append(v_ego_array, [[v_ego], [float(rk.frame)/rate]], 1)
      v_ego_array = v_ego_array[:, 1:]

      last_l100_ts = l100.logMonoTime

    if v_ego is None:

    if md is not None:
      last_md_ts = md.logMonoTime

    # *** get path prediction from the model ***
    PP.update(v_ego, md)

    # run kalman filter only if prob is high enough
    if PP.lead_prob > 0.7:
      ekfv.update(speedSensorV.read(PP.lead_dist, covar=PP.lead_var))
      ar_pts[VISION_POINT] = (float(ekfv.state[XV]), np.polyval(PP.d_poly, float(ekfv.state[XV])),
                              float(ekfv.state[SPEEDV]), False)
      ekfv.state[XV] = PP.lead_dist
      ekfv.covar = (np.diag([PP.lead_var, ekfv.var_init]))
      ekfv.state[SPEEDV] = 0.
      if VISION_POINT in ar_pts:
        del ar_pts[VISION_POINT]

    # *** compute the likely path_y ***
    if (active and not steer_override) or mocked:
      # use path from model (always when mocking as steering is too noisy)
      path_y = np.polyval(PP.d_poly, path_x)
      # use path from steer, set angle_offset to 0 it does not only report the physical offset
      path_y = calc_lookahead_offset(v_ego, steer_angle, path_x, VM, angle_offset=0)[0]

    # *** remove missing points from meta data ***
    for ids in tracks.keys():
      if ids not in ar_pts:
        tracks.pop(ids, None)

    # *** compute the tracks ***
    for ids in ar_pts:
      # ignore standalone vision point, unless we are mocking the radar
      if ids == VISION_POINT and not mocked:
      rpt = ar_pts[ids]

      # align v_ego by a fixed time to align it with the radar measurement
      cur_time = float(rk.frame)/rate
      v_ego_t_aligned = np.interp(cur_time - RI.delay, v_ego_array[1], v_ego_array[0])
      d_path = np.sqrt(np.amin((path_x - rpt[0]) ** 2 + (path_y - rpt[1]) ** 2))
      # add sign
      d_path *= np.sign(rpt[1] - np.interp(rpt[0], path_x, path_y))

      # create the track if it doesn't exist or it's a new track
      if ids not in tracks:
        tracks[ids] = Track()
      tracks[ids].update(rpt[0], rpt[1], rpt[2], d_path, v_ego_t_aligned, rpt[3], steer_override)

    # allow the vision model to remove the stationary flag if distance and rel speed roughly match
    if VISION_POINT in ar_pts:
      fused_id = None
      best_score = NO_FUSION_SCORE
      for ids in tracks:
        dist_to_vision = np.sqrt((0.5*(ar_pts[VISION_POINT][0] - tracks[ids].dRel)) ** 2 + (2*(ar_pts[VISION_POINT][1] - tracks[ids].yRel)) ** 2)
        rel_speed_diff = abs(ar_pts[VISION_POINT][2] - tracks[ids].vRel)
        tracks[ids].update_vision_score(dist_to_vision, rel_speed_diff)
        if best_score > tracks[ids].vision_score:
          fused_id = ids
          best_score = tracks[ids].vision_score

      if fused_id is not None:
        tracks[fused_id].vision_cnt += 1

    if DEBUG:
      print "NEW CYCLE"
      if VISION_POINT in ar_pts:
        print "vision", ar_pts[VISION_POINT]

    idens = tracks.keys()
    track_pts = np.array([tracks[iden].get_key_for_cluster() for iden in idens])

    # If we have multiple points, cluster them
    if len(track_pts) > 1:
      link = linkage_vector(track_pts, method='centroid')
      cluster_idxs = fcluster(link, 2.5, criterion='distance')
      clusters = [None]*max(cluster_idxs)

      for idx in xrange(len(track_pts)):
        cluster_i = cluster_idxs[idx]-1

        if clusters[cluster_i] == None:
          clusters[cluster_i] = Cluster()
    elif len(track_pts) == 1:
      # TODO: why do we need this?
      clusters = [Cluster()]
      clusters = []

    if DEBUG:
      for i in clusters:
        print i
    # *** extract the lead car ***
    lead_clusters = [c for c in clusters
                     if c.is_potential_lead(v_ego)]
    lead_clusters.sort(key=lambda x: x.dRel)
    lead_len = len(lead_clusters)

    # *** extract the second lead from the whole set of leads ***
    lead2_clusters = [c for c in lead_clusters
                      if c.is_potential_lead2(lead_clusters)]
    lead2_clusters.sort(key=lambda x: x.dRel)
    lead2_len = len(lead2_clusters)

    # *** publish live20 ***
    dat = messaging.new_message()
    dat.live20.mdMonoTime = last_md_ts
    dat.live20.canMonoTimes = list(rr.canMonoTimes)
    dat.live20.radarErrors = list(rr.errors)
    dat.live20.l100MonoTime = last_l100_ts
    if lead_len > 0:
      if lead2_len > 0:
        dat.live20.leadTwo.status = False
      dat.live20.leadOne.status = False

    dat.live20.cumLagMs = -rk.remaining*1000.

    # *** publish tracks for UI debugging (keep last) ***
    dat = messaging.new_message()
    dat.init('liveTracks', len(tracks))

    for cnt, ids in enumerate(tracks.keys()):
      if DEBUG:
        print "id: %4.0f x:  %4.1f  y: %4.1f  vr: %4.1f d: %4.1f  va: %4.1f  vl: %4.1f  vlk: %4.1f alk: %4.1f  s: %1.0f" % \
          (ids, tracks[ids].dRel, tracks[ids].yRel, tracks[ids].vRel,
           tracks[ids].dPath, tracks[ids].vLat,
           tracks[ids].vLead, tracks[ids].vLeadK,
      dat.liveTracks[cnt].trackId = ids
      dat.liveTracks[cnt].dRel = float(tracks[ids].dRel)
      dat.liveTracks[cnt].yRel = float(tracks[ids].yRel)
      dat.liveTracks[cnt].vRel = float(tracks[ids].vRel)
      dat.liveTracks[cnt].aRel = float(tracks[ids].aRel)
      dat.liveTracks[cnt].stationary = tracks[ids].stationary
      dat.liveTracks[cnt].oncoming = tracks[ids].oncoming

예제 #28
def data_send(plan, plan_ts, CS, CI, CP, state, events, actuators, v_cruise_kph, rk, carstate,
              carcontrol, live100, livempc, AM, rear_view_allowed, rear_view_toggle, awareness_status,
              LaC, LoC, angle_offset, passive):

  # ***** control the car *****

  CC = car.CarControl.new_message()

  if not passive:

    CC.enabled = isEnabled(state)

    CC.actuators = actuators

    CC.cruiseControl.override = True
    # always cancel if we have an interceptor
    CC.cruiseControl.cancel = not CP.enableCruise or (not isEnabled(state) and CS.cruiseState.enabled)

    # brake discount removes a sharp nonlinearity
    brake_discount = (1.0 - clip(actuators.brake*3., 0.0, 1.0))
    CC.cruiseControl.speedOverride = float(max(0.0, (LoC.v_pid + CS.cruiseState.speedOffset) * brake_discount) if CP.enableCruise else 0.0)
    CC.cruiseControl.accelOverride = CI.calc_accel_override(CS.aEgo, plan.aTarget, CS.vEgo, plan.vTarget)

    CC.hudControl.setSpeed = float(v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS)
    CC.hudControl.speedVisible = isEnabled(state)
    CC.hudControl.lanesVisible = isEnabled(state)
    CC.hudControl.leadVisible = plan.hasLead
    CC.hudControl.visualAlert = AM.visual_alert
    CC.hudControl.audibleAlert = AM.audible_alert

    # send car controls over can

  # ***** publish state to logger *****
  # publish controls state at 100Hz
  dat = messaging.new_message()

  # show rear view camera on phone if in reverse gear or when button is pressed
  dat.live100.rearViewCam = ('reverseGear' in [e.name for e in events] and rear_view_allowed) or rear_view_toggle
  dat.live100.alertText1 = AM.alert_text_1
  dat.live100.alertText2 = AM.alert_text_2
  dat.live100.awarenessStatus = max(awareness_status, 0.0) if isEnabled(state) else 0.0

  # what packets were used to process
  dat.live100.canMonoTimes = list(CS.canMonoTimes)
  dat.live100.planMonoTime = plan_ts

  # if controls is enabled
  dat.live100.enabled = isEnabled(state)
  dat.live100.active = isActive(state)

  # car state
  dat.live100.vEgo = CS.vEgo
  dat.live100.vEgoRaw = CS.vEgoRaw
  dat.live100.angleSteers = CS.steeringAngle
  dat.live100.steerOverride = CS.steeringPressed

  # high level control state
  dat.live100.state = state

  # longitudinal control state
  dat.live100.longControlState = LoC.long_control_state
  dat.live100.vPid = float(LoC.v_pid)
  dat.live100.vCruise = float(v_cruise_kph)
  dat.live100.upAccelCmd = float(LoC.pid.p)
  dat.live100.uiAccelCmd = float(LoC.pid.i)
  dat.live100.ufAccelCmd = float(LoC.pid.f)

  # lateral control state
  dat.live100.angleSteersDes = float(LaC.angle_steers_des)
  dat.live100.upSteer = float(LaC.pid.p)
  dat.live100.uiSteer = float(LaC.pid.i)
  dat.live100.ufSteer = float(LaC.pid.f)

  # processed radar state, should add a_pcm?
  dat.live100.vTargetLead = float(plan.vTarget)
  dat.live100.aTarget = float(plan.aTarget)
  dat.live100.jerkFactor = float(plan.jerkFactor)

  # log learned angle offset
  dat.live100.angleOffset = float(angle_offset)

  # lag
  dat.live100.cumLagMs = -rk.remaining*1000.


  # broadcast carState
  cs_send = messaging.new_message()
  # TODO: override CS.events with all the cumulated events
  cs_send.carState = copy(CS)

  # broadcast carControl
  cc_send = messaging.new_message()
  cc_send.carControl = copy(CC)
  #print [i.name for i in events]

  # publish mpc state at 20Hz
  if hasattr(LaC, 'mpc_updated') and LaC.mpc_updated:
    dat = messaging.new_message()
    dat.liveMpc.x = list(LaC.mpc_solution[0].x)
    dat.liveMpc.y = list(LaC.mpc_solution[0].y)
    dat.liveMpc.psi = list(LaC.mpc_solution[0].psi)
    dat.liveMpc.delta = list(LaC.mpc_solution[0].delta)

  return CC
예제 #29
  def update(self, CS, LoC, v_cruise_kph, user_distracted):
    cur_time = sec_since_boot()
    v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

    md = None
    l20 = None

    for socket, event in self.poller.poll(0):
      if socket is self.model:
        md = messaging.recv_one(socket)
      elif socket is self.live20:
        l20 = messaging.recv_one(socket)

    if md is not None:
      self.last_md_ts = md.logMonoTime
      self.last_model = cur_time
      self.model_dead = False

      self.PP.update(CS.vEgo, md)

    if l20 is not None:
      self.last_l20_ts = l20.logMonoTime
      self.last_l20 = cur_time
      self.radar_dead = False
      self.radar_errors = list(l20.live20.radarErrors)

      self.v_acc_start = self.v_acc_sol
      self.a_acc_start = self.a_acc_sol
      self.acc_start_time = cur_time

      self.lead_1 = l20.live20.leadOne
      self.lead_2 = l20.live20.leadTwo

      enabled = (LoC.long_control_state == LongCtrlState.pid) or (LoC.long_control_state == LongCtrlState.stopping)
      following = self.lead_1.status and self.lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and self.lead_1.vLeadK > CS.vEgo and self.lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

      # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
      if enabled:

        accel_limits = map(float, calc_cruise_accel_limits(CS.vEgo, following))
        # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
        jerk_limits = [min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]), max(0.1, accel_limits[1])]
        accel_limits = limit_accel_in_turns(CS.vEgo, CS.steeringAngle, accel_limits, self.CP)
        if user_distracted:
          # if user is not responsive to awareness alerts, then start a smooth deceleration
          accel_limits[1] = min(accel_limits[1], AWARENESS_DECEL)
          accel_limits[0] = min(accel_limits[0], accel_limits[1])

        self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start,
                                                      accel_limits[1], accel_limits[0],
                                                      jerk_limits[1], jerk_limits[0],
        # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
        self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
        starting = LoC.long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
        a_ego = min(CS.aEgo, 0.0)
        reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else CS.vEgo
        reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
        self.v_acc = reset_speed
        self.a_acc = reset_accel
        self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
        self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
        self.v_cruise = reset_speed
        self.a_cruise = reset_accel
        self.v_acc_sol = reset_speed
        self.a_acc_sol = reset_accel

      self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
      self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

      self.mpc1.update(CS, self.lead_1, v_cruise_setpoint)
      self.mpc2.update(CS, self.lead_2, v_cruise_setpoint)

      self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

      # determine fcw
      if self.mpc1.new_lead:

      blinkers = CS.leftBlinker or CS.rightBlinker
      self.fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, CS.vEgo, CS.aEgo,
                                         self.lead_1.dRel, self.lead_1.vLead, self.lead_1.aLeadK,
                                         self.lead_1.yRel, self.lead_1.vLat,
                                         self.lead_1.fcw, blinkers) \
                 and not CS.brakePressed
      if self.fcw:
        cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

    if cur_time - self.last_model > 0.5:
      self.model_dead = True

    if cur_time - self.last_l20 > 0.5:
      self.radar_dead = True
    # **** send the plan ****
    plan_send = messaging.new_message()

    events = []
    if self.model_dead:
      events.append(create_event('modelCommIssue', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
    if self.radar_dead or 'commIssue' in self.radar_errors:
      events.append(create_event('radarCommIssue', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
    if 'fault' in self.radar_errors:
      events.append(create_event('radarFault', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))

    # Interpolation of trajectory
    dt = min(cur_time - self.acc_start_time, _DT_MPC + _DT) + _DT  # no greater than dt mpc + dt, to prevent too high extraps
    self.a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (dt / _DT_MPC) * (self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
    self.v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + dt * (self.a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0

    plan_send.plan.events = events
    plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = self.last_md_ts
    plan_send.plan.l20MonoTime = self.last_l20_ts

    # lateral plan
    plan_send.plan.lateralValid = not self.model_dead
    plan_send.plan.dPoly = map(float, self.PP.d_poly)
    plan_send.plan.laneWidth = float(self.PP.lane_width)

    # longitudal plan
    plan_send.plan.longitudinalValid = not self.radar_dead
    plan_send.plan.vCruise = self.v_cruise
    plan_send.plan.aCruise = self.a_cruise
    plan_send.plan.vTarget = self.v_acc_sol
    plan_send.plan.aTarget = self.a_acc_sol
    plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = self.v_acc_future
    plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
    plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

    # Send out fcw
    fcw = self.fcw and (self.fcw_enabled or LoC.long_control_state != LongCtrlState.off)
    plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw

    return plan_send
예제 #30
  def pt_from_car(pt):
    x,y = pt
    rx = x * math.cos(heading) + y * -math.sin(heading)
    ry = x * math.sin(heading) + y * math.cos(heading)
    rx += carx
    ry += cary
    return rx, ry

  while 1:
    if plant.rk.frame%100 >= 20 and plant.rk.frame%100 <= 25:
      cruise_buttons = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL
      cruise_buttons = 0

    md = messaging.new_message()
    md.model.frameId = 0
    for x in [md.model.path, md.model.leftLane, md.model.rightLane]:
      x.points = [0.0]*50
      x.prob = 0.0
      x.std = 1.0

    car_pts = map(pt_to_car, control_pts)


    car_poly = np.polyfit([x[0] for x in car_pts], [x[1] for x in car_pts], 3)
    md.model.path.points = np.polyval(car_poly, np.arange(0, 50)).tolist()
    md.model.path.prob = 1.0