def writePredictedRepReadsToFile(p1, rep_reads, fout): counts = getProfileCounts(p1) idx = 0 for cnt, indel, _, _ in counts: if cnt < 0.5: break fout.write(u'%d\t%s\t%s\n' % (idx, rep_reads[indel], indel)) idx += 1
def writeMCISummary(fout, id, p1, stats1, oligo_det, more_indels=False): if not more_indels: mcis = [getHighestIndel(p1)] else: mcis = [x[1] for x in getProfileCounts(p1) if x[1] != '-'] for mci in mcis: mci_reads = p1[mci] total_reads = stats1[0] - stats1[2] itype, isize, details, muts = tokFullIndel(mci) pam_loc, pam_dir, seq = oligo_det mh_seq, altered_seq = '', '' if itype == 'D' and ('I' not in details or details['I'] == 0): if details['C'] > 0: left_c_seq = getSequence(oligo_det, details['L'] + 1, details['L'] + details['C']) right_c_seq = getSequence(oligo_det, details['R'] - details['C'], details['R'] - 1) if left_c_seq == right_c_seq: mh_seq = left_c_seq altered_seq = getSequence(oligo_det, details['L'] + 1, details['R'] - 1) #Note includes MH seq at both ends str_args = (id, mci, details['L'], details['R'], details['C'], itype, isize, mci_reads, total_reads, mh_seq, altered_seq) fout.write(u'%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\n' % str_args)
def computePredictedProfile(data, theta, feature_columns): data['expThetaX'] = np.exp( data.apply(calcThetaX, axis=1, args=(theta, feature_columns))) sum_exp = data['expThetaX'].sum() profile = { x: expthetax * 100 / sum_exp for (x, expthetax) in zip(data['Indel'], data['expThetaX']) } counts = getProfileCounts(profile) return profile, counts
def writePredictedProfileToSummary(p1, fout): counts = getProfileCounts(p1) for cnt, indel, _, _ in counts: if cnt < 0.5: break fout.write(u'%s\t-\t%d\n' % (indel, np.round(cnt)))
def plotProfiles(profiles, rep_reads, pam_idxs, reverses, labels, title='', max_lines=10): if len(profiles) == 0: raise Exception('Empty list of profiles') colors = [ FORECAST_GREEN, 'C0', 'C2', 'C2', 'C1', 'C1', 'C3', 'C3', 'C4', 'C4', 'C5', 'C5', 'C6' ] PL.rcParams['svg.fonttype'] = 'none' ocounts = [getProfileCounts(p1) for p1 in profiles] counts = [{ indel: (cnt, indel, perc1a, perc1b) for (cnt, indel, perc1a, perc1b) in x } for x in ocounts] #Count total non-null reads for each sample (to report in labels) nonnull_reads = [ sum([x[indel][0] for indel in x if indel != '-']) for x in counts ] labels = [ '%s(%d Reads)' % (tit, nn) for (tit, nn) in zip(labels, nonnull_reads) ] #Fetch the indels to display as union of top N indels across profiles num_top = 20 top_indels = [[y[1] for y in x[:num_top]] for x in ocounts] union_top_indels = set() for x in top_indels: union_top_indels = union_top_indels.union(set(x)) for indel in union_top_indels: for count in counts: if indel not in count: count[indel] = (0, indel, 0.0, 0.0) union_top_indels = [x for x in union_top_indels] indel_toks = [tokFullIndel(indel) for indel in union_top_indels] max_insert = max([0] + [toks[1] for toks in indel_toks if toks[0] == 'I']) #Order indels by decreasing average percentage across profiles top_av_percs = [(np.mean([x[indel][-1] for x in counts]), indel) for indel in union_top_indels] top_av_percs.sort(reverse=True) max_indels = max_lines / len(profiles) #Figure out Trims null_reads = [ x['-'] if '-' in x else [x[y[1]] for y in ocnt if y[1] in x][0] for x, ocnt in zip(rep_reads, ocounts) ] null_reads = [ Bio.Seq.reverse_complement(x) if rev else x for x, rev in zip(null_reads, reverses) ] pam_idxs = [ len(x) - pam if rev else pam for x, pam, rev in zip(null_reads, pam_idxs, reverses) ] min_null, pam_idx = min([(len(null), pidx) for (null, pidx) in zip(null_reads, pam_idxs)]) Ls = [x - pam_idx for x in pam_idxs] Rs = [L + min_null - len(null) for (L, null) in zip(Ls, null_reads)] #Plot scale_factor = 10.0 / max([x[1][3] for x in ocounts]) fig = PL.figure(figsize=(9, 5 * len(labels))) fig.patch.set_visible(False) ax = PL.gca() ax.axis('off') N = min(len(union_top_indels), max_indels) line_height = 0.8 min_xloc, max_xloc = MIN_X, MAX_X PL.ylim((0, (N + 1.0) * line_height)) bar_ypos, bar_len = [[] for x in profiles], [[] for x in profiles] for i, (av_perc, indel) in enumerate(top_av_percs): if i > max_indels: break for repr, cnts, rev, L1, R1, j in zip(rep_reads, counts, reverses, Ls, Rs, range(len(Rs))): (cnt1, indel1, perc1a, perc1b) = cnts[indel] if indel in repr: if R1 == 0: R1 = len(repr[indel]) seq = Bio.Seq.reverse_complement( repr[indel])[L1:R1] if rev else repr[indel][L1:R1] padded_seq, red_idxs, green_idxs = padReadForIndel( seq, indel, pam_idx) min_xloc, max_xloc = plotSeqLetterwise( padded_seq, (N - i + (j + 0.3) * 1.0 / len(profiles)) * line_height, pam_idx, red_idxs=red_idxs, green_idxs=green_idxs) if indel != '-': bar_ypos[j].append( (N - i + (j + 0.4) * 1.0 / len(profiles)) * line_height) bar_len[j].append(perc1b * scale_factor) hist_loc = max_xloc + 10 for bar1_ypos, bar1_len, label1, clr in zip(bar_ypos, bar_len, labels, colors): PL.barh(bar1_ypos, bar1_len, height=0.8 * line_height / len(profiles), left=hist_loc, label=label1, color=clr) for (ypos, blen) in zip(bar1_ypos, bar1_len): PL.text(hist_loc + blen + 1, ypos - 0.5 / len(profiles) * line_height, '%.1f%%' % (blen / scale_factor)) xlims = (min_xloc - 10, MAX_X + 20 + (min_xloc - MIN_X)) PL.xlim(xlims) for i, (av_perc, indel) in enumerate(top_av_percs): if i > max_indels: break if indel == '-': PL.text(xlims[0], (N - i + 0.4) * line_height, 'Target:', fontweight='bold') else: PL.text(xlims[0], (N - i + 0.4) * line_height, indel.split('_')[0], fontweight='bold') PL.plot([min_xloc - 10, max_xloc + 10], [(N - i) * line_height, (N - i) * line_height], 'lightgrey') PL.plot([0, 0], [0, (N + 1) * line_height], 'k--') PL.plot([min_xloc - 10, hist_loc], [N * line_height, N * line_height], 'k') PL.plot([hist_loc, hist_loc], [0, N * line_height], 'k') PL.xticks([]) PL.yticks([]) if len(labels) > 1: PL.legend(loc='upper right') PL.text(hist_loc, (N + 0.5) * line_height, title, fontweight='bold') PL.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0.05) PL.axis('off') saveFig('%s_%d' % (title.replace(' ', '_'), len(labels)), bbox=False) return fig