def test_fm_pyscal_errors(raises, dframe, runargs, tmpdir): """Test that fm_pyscal or pyscal gives correct errors to common misusages""" tmpdir.chdir() if dframe is not None: if runargs[0].endswith("csv"): dframe.to_csv(runargs[0]) else: dframe.to_excel(runargs[0]) if dframe is not None and "CASE" in dframe: with open("parameters.txt", "w") as p_file: p_file.write("INTERPOLATE_WO 0.1\nINTERPOLATE_GO 0.5") with pytest.raises(raises): run(*runargs)
def test_fm_pyscal_errors(dframe, runargs, err_str, tmpdir, caplog): """Test that fm_pyscal sys.exits and gives a correct error message to common mistakes""" tmpdir.chdir() if dframe is not None: if runargs[0].endswith("csv"): dframe.to_csv(runargs[0]) else: dframe.to_excel(runargs[0]) if dframe is not None and "CASE" in dframe: with open("parameters.txt", "w") as p_file: p_file.write("INTERPOLATE_WO 0.1\nINTERPOLATE_GO 0.5") with pytest.raises(SystemExit): run(*runargs) assert err_str in caplog.text
def test_fm_pyscal(dframe, runargs, tmpdir): """Parametrized test function for fm_pyscal""" tmpdir.chdir() dframe.to_csv("relperm-input.csv", index=False) # Insert a genkw-prefix in some parameters.txt files: if random.randint(0, 1): genkw_prefix = "FOO:" else: genkw_prefix = "" if "CASE" in dframe: with open("parameters.txt", "w") as p_file: p_file.write("INTERPOLATE_WO 0.1\n" + genkw_prefix + "INTERPOLATE_GO 0.5") run(*(["relperm-input.csv", ""] + runargs)) assert os.path.exists("") assert len(open("").readlines()) > 20
def test_fm_pysal_static_xlsx(tmpdir): """Test fm_pyscal on a static xlsx file""" tmpdir.chdir() EXAMPLE_STATIC_DFRAME.to_excel("relperm-input.xlsx") run("relperm-input.xlsx", "", "", "__NONE__", "__NONE__", "slgof", 1) # pylint: disable=abstract-class-instantiated with pd.ExcelWriter("relperm-sheets.xlsx") as writer: EXAMPLE_STATIC_DFRAME.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="static") EXAMPLE_WATEROIL.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="wateroil") run("relperm-sheets.xlsx", "", "static", "__NONE__", "__NONE__", "sgof", 1) assert os.path.exists("") assert "SGOF" in "".join(open("").readlines()) run( "relperm-sheets.xlsx", "", "wateroil", "__NONE__", "__NONE__", "sgof", 1, ) assert os.path.exists("") assert "SGOF" not in "".join(open("").readlines())