예제 #1
def test_betaARBvx():
    run = s.get_semtree('alphanx0V', 'run', lemma='run')
    dog = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'dog')
    obv = s.get_semtree('betaARBvx', 'obviously')
    run = run.substitute(dog, "NP_0")
    run = run.adjoin(obv, "VP")
    sem = SemanticParser.parse("motion(during(e1),x), Theme(e1,x), ISA(x,DOG), obviously(e1)")
    assert run.full_semantics().equiv(sem)
예제 #2
def test_alphanx0Vnx1():
    chase = s.get_semtree('alphanx0Vnx1', 'chase', lemma='chase')
    cat = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'cat')
    dog = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'dog')
    chase = chase.substitute(cat, 'NP_0')
    chase = chase.substitute(dog, 'NP_1')
    sem = SemanticParser.parse("motion(during(e1),x0), motion(during(e1),x1), Agent(e1,x0), ISA(x0,CAT), Theme(e1,x1), ISA(x1,DOG)")
    assert chase.full_semantics().equiv(sem)
예제 #3
def test_betanxGnx():
    dog = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'dog')
    john = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'John')
    poss = s.get_semtree('betanxGnx', '\'s')
    dog = dog.adjoin(poss, "NP")
    dog = dog.substitute(john, "NP-1")
    sem = SemanticParser.parse("belongs_to(x1,x2), ISA(x2,JOHN), ISA(x1,DOG)")
    assert dog.full_semantics().equiv(sem)
예제 #4
def test_betaVs():
    run = s.get_semtree('alphanx0V', 'run', lemma='run')
    dog = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'dog')
    does = s.get_semtree('betaPUs', 'does')
    run = run.substitute(dog, "NP_0")
    run = run.adjoin(does, "S_r")
    sem = SemanticParser.parse("motion(during(e1),x), Theme(e1,x), ISA(x,DOG)")
    assert run.full_semantics().equiv(sem)
예제 #5
    def get_nonverb_tree_family(self, tree_name, anchor):
        annotations = {
            'Ts0N1': {
                'np_var_order': ['e1'],
                'sem_dict': {'Event': 'ISA(e1, %s)' % anchor.upper()},
                'event': 'e1',
            'Tnx0Pnx1': {
                'np_var_order': ['a1', 'l1'],
                'sem_dict': {'Event': '%s(e1, a1, l1)' % anchor, 'a1': 'Agent(e1,a1)', 'l1': 'Location(e1, l1)'},
                'event': 'e1',
            'Tnx0N1': {
                'np_var_order': ['a1'],
                'sem_dict': {'Event': 'Agent(e1,a1)', 'a1': 'ISA(a1, %s)' % anchor.upper()},
                'event': 'e1',
            'Tnx0BEnx1': {
                'np_var_order': ['a1', 'l1'],
                'sem_dict': {'Event': 'Agent(e1,a1)', 'l1': '', 'a1': ''},
                'event': 'e1',
            'Tnx0Ax1': {
                'np_var_order': ['a1',],
                'sem_dict': {'Event': 'Agent(e1,a1)', 'a1': 'ISA(a1, %s)' % anchor.upper()},
                'event': 'e1',
            'Ts0Ax1': {
                'np_var_order': ['e1',],
                'sem_dict': {'Event': 'ISA(e1, %s)' % anchor.upper()},
                'event': 'e1',
            'Ts0Pnx1': {
                'np_var_order': ['e1', 'l1'],
                'sem_dict': {'Event': '%s(e1, l1)' % anchor, 'l1': 'Theme(e1, l1)'},
                'event': 'e1',  


        tree = self.grammar.get(tree_name, copy=True)

        np_var_order = annotations[tree.tree_family]['np_var_order']
        sem_dict = annotations[tree.tree_family]['sem_dict']

        np_var_order = [VariableParser.parse(v)[0] for v in np_var_order]
        for v in np_var_order:
            if v.name == annotations[tree.tree_family]['event']:
                v.arg_type = 'Event'

        for var_name, sem_str in sem_dict.items():
            sem_dict[var_name] = SemanticParser.parse(sem_str)

        for v in sem_dict['Event'].variables():
            if v.name == annotations[tree.tree_family]['event']:
                v.arg_type = 'Event'

        return [self.add_semantics(tree, anchor, np_var_order, sem_dict)]
예제 #6
def test_betanxPUnx():
    run = s.get_semtree('alphanx0V', 'run', lemma='run')
    dog = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'dog')
    cat = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'cat')
    comma = s.get_semtree('betanxPUnx', ',')
    run = run.substitute(dog, "NP_0")
    run = run.adjoin(comma, "NP_0")
    run = run.substitute(cat, "NP")
    sem = SemanticParser.parse("motion(during(e1),x), equal(x,x1), Theme(e1,x), ISA(x,DOG), ISA(x1,CAT)")
    assert run.full_semantics().equiv(sem)
예제 #7
def test_betavxPnx():
    behind = s.get_semtree('betavxPnx', 'behind')
    run = s.get_semtree('alphanx0V', 'run', lemma='run')
    dog = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'dog')
    cat = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'cat')
    run = run.substitute(dog, 'NP_0')
    run = run.adjoin(behind, 'VP')
    run = run.substitute(cat, 'NP')
    sem = SemanticParser.parse("motion(during(e1),x0), Theme(e1,x0), ISA(x0,DOG), behind(e1,x1), ISA(x1,CAT)")
    assert run.full_semantics().equiv(sem)
예제 #8
def test_betanx1CONJnx2():
    run = s.get_semtree('alphanx0V', 'run', lemma='run')
    dog = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'dog')
    cat = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'cat')
    conj = s.get_semtree('betanx1CONJnx2', 'and')
    run = run.substitute(dog, 'NP_0')
    run = run.adjoin(conj, "NP_0")
    run = run.substitute(cat, "NP_2")
    sem = SemanticParser.parse("motion(e1,AND(x1,x2)), Theme(e1,AND(x1,x2)), ISA(x1,DOG), ISA(x2,CAT)")
    assert run.full_semantics().equiv(sem)
예제 #9
def test_betavxPs():
    because = s.get_semtree('betavxPs', 'because')
    run = s.get_semtree('alphanx0V', 'run', lemma='run')
    dog = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'dog')
    run2 = s.get_semtree('alphanx0V', 'run', lemma='run')
    cat = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'cat')
    run = run.substitute(dog, "NP_0")
    run2 = run2.substitute(cat, "NP_0")
    run = run.adjoin(because, "VP")
    run = run.substitute(run2, "S")
    sem = SemanticParser.parse("motion(e1,x1), Theme(e1,x1), ISA(x1,DOG), because(e1,e2), motion(e2,x2), Theme(e2,x2), ISA(x2,CAT)")
    assert run.full_semantics().equiv(sem)
예제 #10
def test_betasPUs():
    semi = s.get_semtree('betasPUs', ';')
    run = s.get_semtree('alphanx0V', 'run', lemma='run')
    dog = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'dog')
    run2 = s.get_semtree('alphanx0V', 'run', lemma='run')
    cat = s.get_semtree('alphaNXN', 'cat')
    run = run.substitute(dog, "NP_0")
    run2 = run2.substitute(cat, "NP_0")
    run = run.adjoin(semi, 'S_r')
    run = run.substitute(run2, 'S_1')
    assert str(run.sem_var) == "AND(e1,e2)"
    sem = SemanticParser.parse("motion(during(e1),x), Theme(e1,x), ISA(x,DOG), motion(during(e2),x1), Theme(e2,x1), ISA(x1,CAT)")
    assert run.full_semantics().equiv(sem)
예제 #11
    def get_nonverb_semtree(self, tree_name, anchor):
        Returns the semantically annotated tree specified by tree_name anchored
        by anchor. Note: the semantic info should eventually live somewhere
        that is more flexible (json, xml, etc)

        tree = self.grammar.get(tree_name)
        tree = SemTree.convert(tree)

        if tree.initial():
            v = VariableFactory.get_var(pre=anchor[0])
            v = VariableFactory.get_var()

        sem_map = {
            "alphaNXN": {
                "NP": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "N": (lambda a: "ISA(x1, %s)" % a.upper(), "x1"),
            "betaAn": {
                "N_r": (lambda a: "ISA(x1, %s)" % a.upper(), "x1"),
                "N_f": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
            "betaNn": {
                "N_r": (lambda a: "ISA(x1, %s)" % a.upper(), "x1"),
                "N_f": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
            ("betaDnx", "a"): {
                "NP_r": (lambda a: "EXISTS(x1)|", "x1"),
                "NP_f": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
            ("betaDnx", "an"): {
                "NP_r": (lambda a: "EXISTS(x1)|", "x1"),
                "NP_f": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
            ("betaDnx", "the"): {
                "NP_r": (lambda a: "EXISTS(x1)|", "x1"),
                "NP_f": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
            ("betaDnx", "one"): {
                "NP_r": (lambda a: "EXISTS(x1)|", "x1"),
                "NP_f": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
            "betaVvx": {
                "VP_r": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "VP": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
            "betanxPnx": {
                "NP_r": (lambda a: "%s(x1, y1)" % a, "x1"),
                "NP": (lambda a: "", "y1"),
                "NP_f": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
            "betavxPnx": {
                "VP_r": (lambda a: "%s(x1, y1)" % a, "x1"),
                "NP": (lambda a: "", "y1"),
                "VP": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
            "betasPUs": {
                "S_r": (lambda a: "", "AND(x1,y1)"),
                "S_f": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "S_1": (lambda a: "", "y1"),
            "betaARBvx": {
                "VP": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "VP_r": (lambda a: "%s(x1)" % a, "x1"),
            "betanxPUnx": {
                "NP_f": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "NP_r": (lambda a: "equal(x1,y1)", "x1"),
                "NP": (lambda a: "", "y1"),
            "betaPUs": {
                "S_r": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "S": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
            "betaVs": {
                "S_r": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "S": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
            "betanx1CONJnx2": {
                "NP": (lambda a: "", "AND(x1,y1)"),
                "NP_1": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "NP_2": (lambda a: "", "y1"),
            "betanxGnx": {
                "NP_r": (lambda a: "EXISTS(x1)|belongs_to(x1,y1)", "x1"),
                "NP_f": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "NP": (lambda a: "", "y1"),
            "betavxPs": {
                "VP_r": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "VP_f": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "PP": (lambda a: "%s(x1, y1)" % a, "y1"),
                "S": (lambda a: "", "y1"),
            "betas1CONJs2": {
                "S": (lambda a: "", "AND(x1,y1)"),
                "S_1": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "S_2": (lambda a: "", "y1"),
            "betaARBs": {
                "S": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "S_r": (lambda a: "%s(x1)" % a, "x1"),
            "betaCONJs": {
                "S_c": (lambda a: "", "x1"),
                "S_r": (lambda a: "", "x1"),

        if (tree_name, anchor) in sem_map:
            key = (tree_name, anchor)
        elif tree_name in sem_map:
            key = tree_name
            #print(tree_name, anchor)
            raise NotImplementedError

        node_dict = sem_map[key]
        for node_label, (sem_str, var_str) in node_dict.items():
            sem_str = sem_str(anchor)
            node = tree.find(node_label)
            node.semantics = SemanticParser.parse(sem_str)
            var, rest = VariableParser.parse(var_str)
            node.sem_var = var

        return tree