예제 #1
파일: getalias.py 프로젝트: bengheng/SEAL
You requested for an alias. You can distribute any of the following SEAL aliases to your contacts.<br><br>

Email sent to these aliases will be relayed to your inbox. Note that the only difference amongst them is the separator used, which could be a period '.', an underscore '_', or a dash '-'.



srvfqdn = socket.getfqdn()

mailfrom = '\"Alias Creation Service\" <getalias@'+srvfqdn+'>'
subject = Template(subjtmpl).safe_substitute({'aliasname':aliasname,
msgtxt = Template(textversion).safe_substitute({'aliasname':aliasname,
msghtml = Template(htmlversion).safe_substitute({'aliasname':aliasname,

sendmail.sendmail_htmlmultipart(mailfrom, [fwdaddx], subject, msgtxt, msghtml)
예제 #2
파일: verimail.py 프로젝트: bengheng/SEAL
vcode = sys.argv[2]

subject = "SEAL Verification"

textversion = """

Please paste the link below into the URL bar of your browser to continue creating your SEAL account.



htmlversion = """

Please follow <a href="$linkola">this link</a> to continue creating your SEAL account.


srvfqdn = socket.getfqdn()
mailfrom = "noreply@" + srvfqdn
rcpttos = ["{name}@umich.edu".format(name=uniqname)]

link = "https://" + srvfqdn + "/adduser.php?mailverify={veri}".format(veri=vcode)
msgtxt = Template(textversion).safe_substitute({"linkola": link})
msghtml = Template(htmlversion).safe_substitute({"linkola": link})
sendmail.sendmail_htmlmultipart(mailfrom, rcpttos, subject, msgtxt, msghtml)