#!/usr/bin/env python from sense_hat import AstroPi import time import datetime import pygame from pygame.locals import * ap = AstroPi() ap.clear() pygame.init() pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) pressure = 'P: ' + str(int(ap.get_pressure())) temp = 'T: ' + str(int(ap.get_temperature_from_pressure())) humidity = 'H: ' + str(int(ap.get_humidity())) blah = 'blah!' def handle_event(event): if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: ap.show_message(pressure) elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: ap.show_message(temp) elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: ap.show_message(humidity) elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: ap.show_message(blah) running = True
ap.set_pixel(3, 3, 255, 0, 0) ap.set_pixel(4, 3, 255, 0, 0) ap.set_pixel(4, 4, 255, 0, 0) x += 1 secondsPassed += sleepSecs print(time.time() - currentTime) # Displays completion message astroPi.show_message('Completed!') time.sleep(10) blue = (0, 0, 255) ap.clear(blue) # Waits for user input (middle button on joystick) before starting and makes LED green green = (0, 255, 0) ap.clear(green) # Prevens EOF error try: input() except EOFError: print('eof error') ap.clear() # 5 second countdown ap.show_message('5') time.sleep(1) ap.show_message('4') time.sleep(1) ap.show_message('3') time.sleep(1) ap.show_message('2')
if chosen == thisday: #if the date in the row matches the current month and day avTemp = round(float(avTempArr[find_match]),1) avRain = round(float(avRainArr[find_match]),1) avCloud = round(float(avCloudArr[find_match]), 1) break find_match = find_match + 1 #add one so it checks the next row #print temp data tempDiff = round(StationTemp - avTemp,1) ap.show_message("The likely UK temp is %sC" % avTemp) if tempDiff < 0: ap.show_message("ISS is %sC colder" % tempDiff,text_colour=[0, 0, 255]) #display the difference in blue if ISS is colder else: ap.show_message("ISS is %sC warmer" % tempDiff,text_colour=[255, 0, 0]) #display the difference in red if ISS is warmer ap.clear() #compare the values and set the icon if avRain < NoRain: #if there is no rain if avCloud < valueSun: #if it is sunny iconFileName = sunPng elif valueSun >= avCloudArr < valueCloudSun: #if it is cloudy iconFileName = cloudPng else: #otherwise it is sunny/cloudy iconFileName = suncloudPng elif avRain <= LightRain: #if there is light rain iconFileName = lightRainPng else: #otherwise it is heavy rain iconFileName = heavyRainPng
ap.set_pixel(4, 3, 255, 0, 0) ap.set_pixel(4, 4, 255, 0, 0) x += 1 secondsPassed += sleepSecs print(time.time() - currentTime) # Displays completion message astroPi.show_message('Completed!') time.sleep(10) blue = (0,0,255) ap.clear(blue) # Waits for user input (middle button on joystick) before starting and makes LED green green = (0,255,0) ap.clear(green) # Prevens EOF error try: input() except EOFError: print('eof error') ap.clear() # 5 second countdown ap.show_message('5') time.sleep(1) ap.show_message('4') time.sleep(1) ap.show_message('3') time.sleep(1) ap.show_message('2')