def __init__(self, sensorNode): """\brief Initializes the class \param sensorNode (\c SensorNode) A SensorNode object containing information to instantiate the class with """ Sensor.__init__(self, sensorNode) self.__ipAddress = sensorNode.getInterfaces("infrastructure")[0].getIP()
def pystream_single(args, unk): iparser = instalparser.makeInstalParser() iparser.instal_input = open(args.input_files[0], "r") if args.output_file: iparser.instal_output = open(args.output_file, "w") iparser.mode = "default" idocument = "" idocument = idocument + iparser.instal_parse(idocument) if args.domain_file: iparser.print_domain(args.domain_file) iparser.instal_print_all() iparser.instal_input.close() if args.output_file: iparser.instal_output.close() ##### start of multi-shot solving cycle if args.output_file and args.fact_file: institution = ["externals.lp", "time.lp", args.output_file] initial_state = open(args.fact_file, "r").readlines() print(initial_state) sensor = Sensor(iparser, dummy, initial_state, institution, args) # print("initially:") # for i in initial_state: # print(,i.args()) # print("events from:",args.event_file) # with open(args.event_file,'r') as events: # for e in events: for event in fileinput.input(unk): sensor.solve(event)
def __init__( self ): self.streamID = "Environment" # Specify the STREAM-ID as it's specified in your stream definition on the SeaaS platform Sensor.__init__(self, self.streamID) # Copy/Paste from web portal # Call API to get LATEST stream information ..... self.sensorValue[self.streamID] = {} #Override if it exists self.hasCCINdefinition = True self.stream_def["title"] = self.streamID self.stream_def["properties"] = { self.streamID: { "type": "object", "properties": { "temperature": { "type": "integer" }, "humidity": { "type": "integer" }, "airpressure": { "type": "integer" } }, "additionalProperties": False } }
def main(argv): config_file = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hc:",["cfgfile="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print ' -c <cfgfile>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' -c <cfgfile>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-c", "--cfgfile"): config_file = arg if config_file is None: print ' -c <cfgfile>' sys.exit(2) repository = Repository(config_file) sensor = Sensor('ground', config_file) readings = sensor.get_readings() if readings is not None: s=json.dumps(readings, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) print s repository.save_readings(readings)
def main(): global sensor sensor = Sensor() try: sensor.connect() except: print("Error connecting to sensor") raise return #cv.namedWindow("Threshold", cv.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cv.namedWindow("Contours", cv.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); nfunc = np.vectorize(normalize) images = get_next_image() baseline_frame = images[-1] baseline = baseline_frame['image'] width = baseline_frame['cols'] height = baseline_frame['rows'] while 1: images = get_next_image(); frame = images[-1] pixels = np.array(frame['image']) pixels_zeroed = np.subtract(baseline, pixels); min = np.amin(pixels_zeroed) max = np.amax(pixels_zeroed) pixels_normalized = nfunc(pixels_zeroed, min, max) large = sp.ndimage.zoom(pixels_normalized, 10, order=1) large = large.astype(np.uint8); large = cv.medianBlur(large,7) #large = cv.GaussianBlur(large,(7,7),0) #stuff, blobs = cv.threshold(large,150,255,cv.THRESH_BINARY) stuff, blobs = cv.threshold(large,160,255,cv.THRESH_BINARY+cv.THRESH_OTSU) contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(blobs, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) out = np.zeros((height*10,width*10,3), np.uint8) cv.drawContours(out,contours,-1,(255,255,0),3) regions_found = len(contours) contours = np.vstack(contours).squeeze() rect = cv.minAreaRect(contours) box = box = np.int0(box) cv.drawContours(out,[box],0,(0,255,255),2) #cv.imshow("Threshold", blobs); cv.imshow("Contours", out) cv.waitKey(1) x = rect[0][0] y = rect[0][1] angle = rect[2]; if(regions_found < 10): send(x, y, angle) time.sleep(0.4) sensor.close() print "Done. Everything cleaned up."
def __init__(self): Sensor.__init__(self) self.have_serial = False try: self.ser = serial.Serial(port=self.PORT, baudrate=115200, timeout=1) self.have_serial = True except: pass
def __init__(self, dataset, datadir='.'): """ Initialization. :param dataset: Filename. :param datadir: Directory of the file default '.' """ self.scans, width = self.load_data(datadir, dataset) Sensor.__init__(self, width, self.scan_rate_hz, self.viewangle, self.distance_no_detection_mm, self.detectionMargin, self.offsetMillimeters)
def __init__(self): """@todo: to be defined1. """ Sensor.__init__(self) self.have_sensor = False try: self.i2c = Adafruit_I2C(self.I2C_ADDRESS) self.have_sensor = True except: pass
def __init__(self, log=True): self.log = log if (log): self.out = open('log', 'w') self.reader = Reader() self.width = self.reader.getWidth() self.height = self.reader.getHeight() self.row = self.height / 2 # row to read Sensor.__init__(self, self.width, self.scan_rate_hz, self.viewangle, self.distance_no_detection_mm, self.detectionMargin, self.offsetMillimeters)
def __init__(self, name, sensor_id, port, baud, time_source, data_handlers): '''Save properties for opening serial port later.''' Sensor.__init__(self, 'green_seeker', name, sensor_id, time_source, data_handlers) self.port = port self.baud = baud self.read_timeout = 2 self.stop_reading = False # If true then sensor will stop reading data. self.connection = None self.max_closing_time = self.read_timeout + 1
def __init__(self, name, sensor_id, time_source, position_source, data_handlers): '''Constructor.''' Sensor.__init__(self, 'position', name, sensor_id, time_source, data_handlers) self.position_source = position_source self.stop_passing = False # If true then sensor will passing data to handlers. self.is_open = False # internally flag to keep track of whether or not sensor is open. self.last_utc_time = 0 # last position timestamp that was passed onto data handlers. self.max_closing_time = 3 # seconds
def __init__(self): self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.connection = socket.socket() self.width = 0 self.scan_rate_hz = 0 self.viewangle = 0 self.distance_no_detection_mm = 0 self.detection_margin = 0 self.offset_millimeters = 0 self.initialize() Sensor.__init__(self, self.width, self.scan_rate_hz, self.viewangle, self.distance_no_detection_mm, self.detection_margin, self.offset_millimeters)
def delete_station2(inData): ''' :param inData: :return:{ 2:'there is no id in inData', 3:'there is no such id' } ''' ret=0 if(not inData.has_key('id')): ret=2 return ret query=session.query(Station) tmpStation=query.filter(['id']).first() if(tmpStation==None): ret=3 return ret else: from sensor import Sensor{'stationId':}) for tmpSensor in tmpAllSensor['pureData']: tmpSensor.stationId=0 session.delete(tmpStation) session.commit() ret=1 return ret
def info(inData): from user import User from sensor import Sensor from station import Station userInfo={} sensorInfo={} stationInfo={} #print(pureData) for tmp in pureData['data']: t=tmp['sensorId'] if(not(t in sensorInfo)):{'id': t}) sensorInfo[t]=curSensor tmp['sensorName']=sensorInfo[t]['data'][0]['name'] t=sensorInfo[t]['data'][0]['stationId'] if(not(t in stationInfo)):{id: t}) stationInfo[t]=curStation tmp['stationName']=stationInfo[t]['data'][0]['name'] t=tmp['userId'] if(not(t in userInfo)):{'id':t}) userInfo[t]=curUser tmp['userName']=userInfo[t]['data'][0]['username'] return pureData
def load_sensors(self): if "sensors" not in config: print("can not find the sensors segment in setting.cfg") return all_sensors = config["sensors"] for sensor_id in all_sensors: if sensor_id not in self.__sensors__: sensor_object = all_sensors[sensor_id] if "kind" in sensor_object: sensor_object_kind = sensor_object["kind"] if sensor_object_kind in self.__models__: new_sensor = SensorLogic.copy_with_info(self.__models__[sensor_object_kind], sensor_id, sensor_object["name"]) self.__sensors__[sensor_id] = new_sensor else: new_sensor = Sensor(sensor_object_kind, sensor_id, sensor_object["name"]) if sensor_object["type"] is "action": on_action = SAction("on") off_action = SAction("off") new_sensor.add_action(on_action) new_sensor.add_action(off_action) else: value_property = SProperty("value", 0, None, 0) new_sensor.add_property(value_property) self.__sensors__[sensor_id] = new_sensor else: print("{0:s} sensor in setting.cfg lost kind property".format(sensor_id))
def sample(self): s = Sensor.sample(self) # Exceeded the max value...probably out of range. if s > self.maxVal: ret = Sensor.UNKNOWN else: ret = s * self.rangeInMeters / self.maxVal return ret
def run_sensor(player): sensor = Sensor() last_reading = sensor.get_light_sensor_reading() current_reading = sensor.get_light_sensor_reading() start_time = while True: reading = sensor.get_light_sensor_reading() print reading, last_reading, current_reading last_reading = current_reading current_reading = reading if current_reading - last_reading > 100: start_time = if ( - start_time).seconds > 30 and player.is_playing(): player.stop() yield From(asyncio.sleep(0.1))
def delStation(inData): ''' :param: inData :return: {1:'success', 2:'failed', 3:'permission denied', 4:'param wrong'} ''' from user import User from sensor import Sensor if(('UserId' in inData) and ('StationId' in inData)): updateUserLevel = session.query(User.level).filter( == inData['UserId'], User.valid == 1).first() if(updateUserLevel == None or int(updateUserLevel[0] != 0)): return 3 else: session.query(Station).filter( == inData['StationId'], Station.valid == 1).update({'valid':0, 'time'}) delSensorId = session.query( == inData['StationId'], Sensor.valid == 1).all() for sensorId in delSensorId: Sensor.delSensor({'UserId':inData['UserId'], 'SensorId':int(sensorId[0])}) session.commit() return 1 else: return 4
def algoritmoReducao(self, colunas, numTotEpocas, numAmostrasCiclo): sensor = Sensor(self.ARQUIVO) for var in colunas: saida = [] erroAc = [] medidas = [] variavel = sensor.obterLeitura(var, 0, numTotEpocas-1) if(self.remOutlier): variavel = Estatistica.removeOutliers(variavel) numIter = int(ceil(float(numTotEpocas)/numAmostrasCiclo)) erro = 0 limSup = limInf = 0 i = 1 while(i <= numIter): limInf = (i-1)*numAmostrasCiclo limSup = i*numAmostrasCiclo-1 if(limSup >= numTotEpocas): limSup = (numTotEpocas%numAmostrasCiclo)+limInf-1 medidas = variavel[limInf:limSup+1] informacoes = Estatistica.regSimples(range(limInf+1, limSup+2), medidas, True) saida = saida.__add__(informacoes[2]) erro = informacoes[4] erroAc.append(erro) i += 1 residuo = Estatistica.erroResidual(variavel, saida); DIC = {'variavel': VARIAVEL[var%len(VARIAVEL)], 'media':, 'minimo': Estatistica.minimo(erroAc), 'maximo': Estatistica.maximo(erroAc), 'eqm': sum(erroAc), 'pkt-gerados': numIter, 'mecanismo': 'Regressao'} Log.registraLog(ARQUIVO_SAIDA, FORMAT, DIC) if(self.plot): Estatistica.plotar((range(1, numTotEpocas+1), range(1, numTotEpocas+1)), (variavel, saida), "Filtro Medio", "Epoca", VARIAVEL[var%len(VARIAVEL)], ["Valores Reais", "Valores Preditos"]) return [numIter, saida, variavel, residuo]
class Slice(Thread): def __init__(self, local=False, interval=INTERVAL): Thread.__init__(self) self.done = None self.interval = interval self.local = local self.sensor = Sensor() def run(self): self.done = Event() while not self.done.wait(self.interval): info = if info: if self.local: print info else: self.send(info) else: print('The sensor could not be read') def send(self, info): # search for the server service service_matches = bt.find_service(uuid=UUID) if not service_matches: print('The server could not be found') first_match = service_matches[0] port = first_match['port'] name = first_match['name'] host = first_match['host'] print('Attempting to connect to \'%s\' on %s' % (name, host)) # Create the client socket sock = bt.BluetoothSocket(bt.RFCOMM) sock.connect((host, port)) print('The connection has been accepted by the server') sock.send(str(info)) print('The information has been sent') sock.close() print('The client socket has been closed') def stop(self): try: self.done.set() except AttributeError: print('The client cannot be stopped. It is not running') else: print('The client has been stopped')
def algoritmoReducao(self, colunas, numTotEpocas, numAmostrasCiclo): sensor = Sensor(self.ARQUIVO) for var in colunas: saida = [] erroAc = 0 medidas = [] variavel = sensor.obterLeitura(var, 0, numTotEpocas-1) numIter = int(ceil(float(numTotEpocas)/numAmostrasCiclo)) erro = 0 coefGerados = 1 limSup = limInf = 0 i = 1 while(i <= numIter): limSup = i*numAmostrasCiclo-1 if(limSup >= numTotEpocas): limSup = (numTotEpocas%numAmostrasCiclo)+limInf-1 medidas = variavel[limInf:limSup+1] informacoes = Estatistica.regSimples(range(limInf+1, limSup+2), medidas, (True)) erro = informacoes[3] if(erro <= self.limiar or (limInf == limSup-numAmostrasCiclo+1)): saida[limInf:limSup+1] = informacoes[limInf:limSup+1] print len(saida) erroAc.append(sum(erro)) if(erro > self.limiar): limInf = i*numAmostrasCiclo coefGerados += 1 i += 1 else: limInf = (i-1)*numAmostrasCiclo coefGerados += 1 DIC = {'variavel': VARIAVEL[var%len(VARIAVEL)], 'media':, 'minimo': Estatistica.minimo(erroAc), 'maximo': Estatistica.maximo(erroAc), 'Erro-Acumulativo': sum(erroAc), 'pkt-gerados': coefGerados} Log.registraLog('cumulativo', FORMAT, DIC)
class Alarm(object): def __init__(self): self._low_pressure_threshold = 17 self._high_pressure_threshold = 21 self._sensor = Sensor() self._is_alarm_on = False def check(self): psi_pressure_value = self._sensor.sample_pressure() if psi_pressure_value < self._low_pressure_threshold or self._high_pressure_threshold < psi_pressure_value: self._is_alarm_on = True @property def is_alarm_on(self): return self._is_alarm_on
def info(inData): from user import User from sensor import Sensor from station import Station from auth import Auth userInfo={} sensorInfo={} stationInfo={} authInfo={} #print(allEqpData) for tmp in allEqpData['data']: t=tmp['number']{'number': t}) if(len(tmpAllSensor['data'])==0): tmp['sensorName']='not find' tmp['stationName']='not find' tmp['username']='******' else: curSensor=tmpAllSensor['pureData'][0] tmp['sensorName']{'id': curSensor.stationId}) if(len(tmpAllStation['data'])==0): tmp['stationName']='not find' else: curStation=tmpAllStation['pureData'][0] tmp['stationName'] tmp['userName']=curStation.supervisor{'sensorId':}) # if(len(tmpAllAuth['data'])==0): # tmp['username']='******' # else: #{'id': tmpAllAuth['pureData'][0].userId}) # if(len(tmpAllUser['data'])==0): # tmp['username']='******' # else: # tmp['username']=tmpAllUser['data'][0]['username'] return allEqpData
class Alarm(object): def __init__(self): self._low_pressure_threshold = 17 self._high_pressure_threshold = 21 self._sensor = Sensor() self._is_alarm_on = False self._alarm_count = 0 def check(self): psi_pressure_value = self._sensor.pop_next_pressure_psi_value() if psi_pressure_value < self._low_pressure_threshold or self._high_pressure_threshold < psi_pressure_value: self._is_alarm_on = True self._alarm_count += 1 @property def is_alarm_on(self): return self._is_alarm_on
def __init__(self,instal_texts,domain_texts,fact_text,options=""): #instal_texts is a list of strings ipath = [] for i in instal_texts: ipath.append(self.temporary_text_file(i)) dpath = [] for d in domain_texts: dpath.append(self.temporary_text_file(d)) fpath = self.temporary_text_file(fact_text) opath = mkdtemp() #-o needs to be a directory if >1 input file and a .lp file otherwise. This is a hack but it crashes otherwise. if len(instal_texts) > 1: opath_end = "/" else: opath_end = "/tmp.lp" #Construct argument list using temp files argparser = instalargparse.buildargparser() topass = ['-o',opath+opath_end,'-f',fpath,options] topass += ['-i'] + ipath topass += ['-d'] + dpath (args,unk) = argparser.parse_known_args(topass) # assumes input files are .ial not .lp args.ial_files = args.input_files args.lp_files = [] model_files = instal_compile(args) initial_state = instal_state_facts(args) domain_facts = instal_domain_facts(args) self.sensor = Sensor(dummy,initial_state,model_files,domain_facts,args) # Clean up files. for i in ipath: os.remove(i) for d in dpath: os.remove(d) os.remove(fpath) shutil.rmtree(opath)
def __init__(self, sensor_server="", sensor_port=5555, sensor_sample_rate=100000, sensor_tx_freq=1000, gantry_server="", gantry_port=5007, store_filename="data.log"): self.robot = Gantry(host=gantry_server,port=gantry_port) self.sensor = Sensor(server=sensor_server, port=sensor_port, sample_rate=sensor_sample_rate, tx_freq=sensor_tx_freq) self.transmitter = siggen self.transmitter.setFrequency(sensor_tx_freq) self.transmitter.setVoltage(-2,2) self.transmitter.turnOn() self._tx_freq = sensor_tx_freq = DataStorage(store_filename) self.pos = Pos(0,0)
def __init__(self, sensor=None): self._low_pressure_threshold = 17 self._high_pressure_threshold = 21 self._sensor = sensor or Sensor() self._is_alarm_on = False
# 가상의 센서 4개 운영 # 값은 센서마다 범위를 주고, 랜덤하게 # # 온도 센서 5초 간격으로 측정값 발행(iot/user1/temp) # 습도 센서 7초 간격으로 측정값 발행(iot/user1/humi) # 조도 센서 10초 간격으로 측정값 발행(iot/user1/illu) # 미세먼지 센서 12초 간격으로 측정값 발행(iot/user1/dust) from sensor import Sensor sensors = [ Sensor(5, (3, 10), 'iot/user1/temp'), Sensor(7, (20, 60), 'iot/user1/humi'), Sensor(10, (20, 80), 'iot/user1/illu'), Sensor(12, (0, 1), 'iot/user1/dust'), ] for sensor in sensors: sensor.start()
user = "******" password = "******" # auth = {'username': user, 'password': password} host = "" port = 1883 payload_available = "Online" payload_not_available = "Offline" device_topics = ['mqtt/test_client/room1/device1/bin_sensor1/command', 'mqtt/test_client/room1/device1/bin_sensor1/state', 'mqtt/test_client/room1/device1/LWT'] hass_topics = [] # client, device name, sensor name, sensor type sensors = [Sensor('test_client', 'device1', 'bin_sensor1', 'switch')] def calc_topic(topic: str): if topic[:17].__eq__('mqtt/ytd61h9zk4jb'): return 'homeassistant' + topic[17:] elif topic[:13].__eq__('homeassistant'): return 'mqtt/ytd61h9zk4jb' + topic[13:] else: print('invalid topic??') return "error/" # subscriber ----------------------------------------- def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
from sensor_utils import TimeBuffer from config import Config from sensor import Sensor t = TimeBuffer() t.load('../data/2019-11-22_readings.csv') c = Config('sensor_config.json') s = Sensor(c)
# --- PID FILE EXISTS --- if os.path.isfile('smart4l.lock'): # TODO check if python process run with this pid Message.wrn("PID file already exists") os.remove("smart4l.lock") open("smart4l.lock", "w+").write(str(os.getpid())) # --- === --- app = Smart4l() app.persistent = Persistent(app) app.httpApi = FlaskAPI(app.persistent) app.socket = Smart4lServeur(app.update_measure) app.add_service( Service(Sensor(DHT11(), "DHT11", app.update_measure), 1, "Temperature")) app.add_service(Service(app.persistent, 20, "DB")) app.add_service(Service(app.httpApi, "API Http")) app.reload() try: # Infinite loop for keyboard interuption while True: continue except KeyboardInterrupt: app.stop() os.remove("smart4l.lock") else: Message.err(f"{__name__} : must be run as a script\n")
class ControllerTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for the Controller class, declaring pump, address, etc. outside an __init__ method because I had some difficulty implementing __init__ while inhereting from unittest.Testcase """ address = '' port = '8000' my_pump = Pump(address, port) my_sensor = Sensor(address, port) my_decider = Decider(10, 1) my_controller = Controller(my_sensor, my_pump, my_decider) def test_first_controller(self): '''Testing ability to correctly query sensor for height of tank'''"Starting first controller test") try:"Done with first controller test") assert (isinstance(self.my_sensor.measure(), float)) except Exception as exception: logger.critical(exception) def test_second_controller(self): '''Tests the ability to query the pump for its current state'''"Starting second controller test") try:"Done with second controller test") assert (self.my_pump.get_state() in [1, -1, 0]) except Exception as exception: logger.critical(exception) def test_third_controller(selft): '''Tests the ability to query the decider for the next appropriate state given a set of starting conditions. Note, this will only test one set of starting conditions. Exhaustive testing of the deciders logic is performed in DeciderTests''' try:"Done with third controller test") self.my_decider.decide(500, self.my_decider.target_height, self.my_controller.actions) except Exception as exception: logger.critical(exception) def test_fourth_controller(self): '''Tests the ability to set the pump to a new state''' try:"Starting fourth controller test") self.my_pump.set_state(0) assert (self.my_pump.get_state() == 0) except Exception as exception: logger.critical(exception) pass
""" Control the mouse with foot. This is a simple controller that uses the sensor data to move the cursor. It does not have anything to do with the machine learning system. Since we already had the hardware, we took the extra time to implement this as well. The values are adjusted to provide a more natural feel. """ from sensor import Sensor from pymouse import PyMouse from os.path import isfile s = Sensor() m = PyMouse() # init sensor while not s.get_single_sample(): pass m.move(10000, 10000) x, y = m.position() m.move(x / 2, y / 2) X_THRESHOLD = 2. Y_THRESHOLD = 3. def convert(raw_value, threshold): PARAM = 1.5
def select_image(): path = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename() if len(path) > 0: image = ImageTk.PhotoImage( # process_image(path) obj = Intencive(path) ob2 = Sensor(obj) mat = Matrix(ob2) a, b, c, w, h, log1, lat1 = ob2.overall(path) m = mat.intensive_matrix(a, w, h) dist_mat = mat.distance_mat(b) pos_m = mat.pos_mat() neg_m = mat.neg_mat(c) mat.set_mat_maul(dist_mat, pos_m) mat.set_mat_maul2(neg_m) mat.set_mat_mul3(m) # mat.calculate_inverse_matrix() # print('inverse matreix======',mat.ainv) cord = Newcoordinate(mat) m1 = cord.pixel_to_world(0, 0, mat.mat_mul3) m2 = cord.pixel_to_world(w, 0, mat.mat_mul3) m3 = cord.pixel_to_world(w, h, mat.mat_mul3) m4 = cord.pixel_to_world(0, h, mat.mat_mul3) m5 = cord.pixel_to_world(w / 2, h / 2, mat.mat_mul3) print('m1==', m1) print('m2==', m2) print('m3==', m3) print('m4==', m4) print('m5==', m5) d1 = cord.eq_distance(m1, m2) print(d1) d2 = cord.eq_distance(m2, m3) print(d2) d3 = cord.eq_distance(m3, m4) print(d3) d4 = cord.eq_distance(m4, m1) print(d4) d5 = cord.eq_distance(m1, m3) print(d5) d6 = cord.eq_distance(m2, m4) print(d6) d7 = cord.eq_distance(m2, m5) print(d7) d8 = cord.eq_distance(m1, m5) print(d8) d9 = cord.eq_distance(m3, m5) print(d9) d10 = cord.eq_distance(m4, m5) print(d10) # km = cord.div() dis_km_25 = cord.div(d7) print('distance of m2,m5 in km', dis_km_25) dis_km_15 = cord.div(d8) print('distance of m1,m5 in km', dis_km_15) dis_km_35 = cord.div(d9) print('distance of m3,m5 in km', dis_km_35) dis_km_45 = cord.div(d10) print('distance of m4,m5 in km', dis_km_45) # ang = cord.angle_calculation() value_of_angle1 = cord.angle_calculation(m5, m1) print('angle value for m5,m1 ===>', value_of_angle1) value_of_angle2 = cord.angle_calculation(m5, m2) print('angle value for m5,m2 ===>', value_of_angle2) value_of_angle3 = cord.angle_calculation(m5, m3) print('angle value for m5,m3 ===>', value_of_angle3) value_of_angle4 = cord.angle_calculation(m5, m4) print('angle value for m5,m4 ===>', value_of_angle4) new_cod_val = cord.coordinate_angle(value_of_angle1, dis_km_15, lat1, log1, Radius) print(new_cod_val) new_cod_val = cord.coordinate_angle(value_of_angle2, dis_km_25, lat1, log1, Radius) print(new_cod_val) # new_cod_val = cord.coordinate_angle(value_of_angle3, dis_km_35, lat1, log1, Radius) print(new_cod_val) new_cod_val = cord.coordinate_angle(value_of_angle4, dis_km_45, lat1, log1, Radius) print(new_cod_val) def every_pixel_cord(x, y): world_cord = cord.pixel_to_world(x, y, mat.mat_mul3) print('x value=-==', x) print('y value is ===', y) # print('world coordinate', wc) dist_to_center = cord.eq_distance(m5, world_cord) # print(di) dist_km = cord.div(dist_to_center) # print('division', dv) angle = cord.angle_calculation(m5, world_cord) # print('angle',angle) latitude, longitude = cord.coordinate_angle( angle, dist_km, lat1, log1, Radius) print('latitude,longitude', latitude, longitude) return (latitude, longitude) frame = Frame(root, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN) frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) xscrollbar = Scrollbar(frame, orient=HORIZONTAL) xscrollbar.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E + W) yscrollbar = Scrollbar(frame) yscrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N + S) canvas = Canvas(frame, bd=0, xscrollcommand=xscrollbar.set, yscrollcommand=yscrollbar.set, width=800, height=500) canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N + S + E + W) canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=image, anchor="nw") canvas.config(scrollregion=canvas.bbox(ALL)) xscrollbar.config(command=canvas.xview) yscrollbar.config(command=canvas.yview) def printcoords(event): x = event.x y = event.y latitude, longitude = every_pixel_cord(x, y) fields = ('X', 'Y', 'latitude', 'longitude') root1 = Tk() input_val = [("X", x), ("Y", y), ("latitude", latitude), ("longitude", longitude)] ents = makeform(root1, input_val) b3 = Button(root1, text='Quit', command=(lambda e=root1: destroy_root(e))) b3.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) root1.mainloop() canvas.bind("<Button 1>", printcoords) frame.pack() root.mainloop()
import wave import os import sys import time #from light import Light from sensor import Sensor CHUNK = 1024 FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 CHANNELS = 1 RATE = 44100 RECORD_SECONDS = 10 # 最多60秒 WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "./assets/usersay.wav" # 文件名 #led = Light(18) mysensor = Sensor(17) def wait_sound(): no_sound_time_begin = time.time() sound_time_begin = 0 while True: # 等待有效声音 if mysensor.hear_sound(): # 听到声音 if sound_time_begin == 0: # 第一次听到声音 sound_time_begin = time.time() else:
from service import Service from smart4l_socket import Smart4lClient # execute only if run as a script if __name__ == "__main__": app = Smart4l() socket = Smart4lClient() app.add_service( Service( Sensor( DHT11(), "DHT11 RPI2", socket.send_message ) , timeout=1, name="Temperature RPI2") ) app.reload() try: # Infinite loop for keyboard interuption while True: continue except KeyboardInterrupt: app.stop() else: Message.err(f"{__name__} : must be run as a script\n")
class DeciderTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for the Decider class """ # DONE: write a test or tests for each of the behaviors defined for # Decider.decide def setUp(self): self.decider = Decider(100, .05) self.sensor = Sensor('', 8001) self.pump = Pump('', 8000) self.controller = Controller(self.sensor, self.pump, self.decider) self.actions = { 'PUMP_IN': Pump.PUMP_IN, 'PUMP_OFF': Pump.PUMP_OFF, 'PUMP_OUT': Pump.PUMP_OUT } def test_decider(self): """ Test Decider module logic """ # Pump OFF, level low self.assertEqual( self.decider.decide(50, self.actions['PUMP_OFF'], self.actions), self.actions['PUMP_IN']) # Pump OFF, level high self.assertEqual( self.decider.decide(150, self.actions['PUMP_OFF'], self.actions), self.actions['PUMP_OUT']) # Pump OFF, level within margin self.assertEqual( self.decider.decide(100, self.actions['PUMP_OFF'], self.actions), self.actions['PUMP_OFF']) self.assertEqual( self.decider.decide(102, self.actions['PUMP_OFF'], self.actions), self.actions['PUMP_OFF']) self.assertEqual( self.decider.decide(98, self.actions['PUMP_OFF'], self.actions), self.actions['PUMP_OFF']) # Pump IN, level above target self.assertEqual( self.decider.decide(150, self.actions['PUMP_IN'], self.actions), self.actions['PUMP_OFF']) # Pump IN, level below target self.assertEqual( self.decider.decide(50, self.actions['PUMP_IN'], self.actions), self.actions['PUMP_IN']) # Pump OUT, level below target self.assertEqual( self.decider.decide(50, self.actions['PUMP_OUT'], self.actions), self.actions['PUMP_OFF']) # Pump OUT, level above target self.assertEqual( self.decider.decide(150, self.actions['PUMP_OUT'], self.actions), self.actions['PUMP_OUT']) # Test bad input to decider actions self.assertIsNone(self.decider.decide(100, 100, self.actions)) # MOCKs for pump, sensor and decider modules self.pump.get_state = MagicMock(return_value=Pump.PUMP_OFF) self.sensor.measure = MagicMock(return_value=50) self.decider.decide = MagicMock(return_value=1) self.decider.decide(self.sensor.measure(), self.pump.get_state(), self.actions) # Confirm that decide was called with 50, PUMP_OFF, and actions dict self.decider.decide.assert_called_with( 50, Pump.PUMP_OFF, { 'PUMP_IN': Pump.PUMP_IN, 'PUMP_OUT': Pump.PUMP_OUT, 'PUMP_OFF': Pump.PUMP_OFF })
def __init__( self, m2mContainerId, streamName ): Sensor.__init__(self, streamName) = {} self.m2mContainerId = m2mContainerId self.stream_def["title"] = streamName self.stream_def["properties"]={"value":{"type":"boolean"}}
import controller_design from sensor import Sensor from filterpy import common import bike_parameters # Set debuggin print options to fit entire matrices np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, linewidth=200) # Parameters for the simulation dt = 1 / 10 # sampling time for the sensor velocity = 10 # velocity of the bike r_var = 1e-3 q_var = 1 # Create the sensors roll_gyro_sensor = Sensor(r_var) steer_gyro_sensor = Sensor(r_var) sensors = [roll_gyro_sensor, steer_gyro_sensor] # Create the bike model # C = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], # [0, 1, 0, 0]]) C = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) D = np.zeros(2) bike = BikeModel(params.M, params.C_1, params.K_0, params.K_2) bike.set_velocity(velocity) # bike.update_C(C) # Create controller Q_c = np.eye(4) R_c = np.eye(1) * 0.001
def setUp(self): self.pump = Pump('', 8010) self.decider = Decider(100, 0.05) self.sensor = Sensor('', '8011') self.controller = Controller(self.sensor, self.pump, self.decider) self.actions = self.controller.actions
y_target = 0 z_target = 10 roll_target = 0 pitch_target = 30 yaw_target = 0 # yaw_target = np.arctan(y_target / x_target) * 180 / np.pi print(f"yaw_target: {yaw_target}") rot_outputs = np.array([[roll_target, pitch_target, yaw_target]]).T * np.pi / 180 lin_outputs = np.array([[x_target, y_target, z_target]]).T lin_targets = np.array([[x_target, y_target, z_target]]).T rot_targets = np.array([[roll_target, pitch_target, yaw_target]]).T * np.pi / 180 # Initialize Drone Hardware dh = DataHandler( parentfolder="results", visualize=visualize, n_servers=n_servers, port=port ) sensors = [Sensor(delta_t, initial_pos[i, 0], initial_vel[i, 0]) for i in range(3)] sensors.extend( [ Sensor(delta_t, initial_angle[i, 0], initial_angle_vel[i, 0]) for i in range(3) ] ) rot_pids = [ PID( kp=0.7, ki=0.1, kd=0.1, timeStep=delta_t, setValue=roll_target * np.pi / 180, integralRange=2,
def __init__(self, source, metric_prefix, output): Sensor.__init__(self, source, metric_prefix, output)
class DeciderTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for the Decider class, declaring pre-requisite test objects outside __init__ class because I ahd difficulting using __init__ with unittest.Testcase """ # TODO: write a test or tests for each of the behaviors defined for # Decider.decide my_pump = Pump(address, port) my_sensor = Sensor(address, port) my_decider = Decider(10, 1) my_controller = Controller(my_sensor, my_pump, my_decider) address = '' port = '8000' def test_first_decider(self): '''Behavior Test: If the pump is off and the height is below the margin region, then the pump should be turned to PUMP_IN.'''"running first decider test") try: assert (self.my_decider.decide(5, 0, self.my_controller.actions) == 1) except Exception as exception: logger.critical(exception) def test_second_decider(self): '''Behavior Test: If the pump is off and the height is above the margin region, then the pump should be turned to PUMP_OUT.'''"running second decider test") try: assert (self.my_decider.decide(12, 0, self.my_controller.actions) == -1) except Exception as exception: logger.critical(exception) def test_third_decider(self): '''Behavior Test: If the pump is off and the height is within the margin region or on the exact boundary of the margin region, then the pump shall remain at PUMP_OFF.'''"running third decider test") try: assert ((self.my_decider.decide( self.my_decider.target_height + self.my_decider.margin, 0, self.my_controller.actions)) == 0) assert ((self.my_decider.decide( self.my_decider.target_height - self.my_decider.margin, 0, self.my_controller.actions)) == 0) except Exception as exception: logger.critical(exception) def test_fourth_decider(self): '''Behavior Test: If the pump is performing PUMP_IN and the height is above the target height, then the pump shall be turned to PUMP_OFF, otherwise the pump shall remain at PUMP_IN.'''"running fourth decider test") try: assert ((self.my_decider.decide(self.my_decider.target_height + 1, 1, self.my_controller.actions)) == 0) except Exception as exception: logger.critical(exception) def test_fifth_decider(self): '''Behavior Test: If the pump is performing PUMP_OUT and the height is below the target height, then the pump shall be turned to PUMP_OFF, otherwise, the pump shall remain at PUMP_OUT.'''"running fifth decider test") try: assert (self.my_decider.decide(self.my_decider.target_height - 1, -1, self.my_controller.actions) == 0) except Exception as exception: logger.critical(exception)
class Controller: '''Driver class for controlling tour guide's hybrid paradigm''' def __init__(self): # Initialize ROS node rospy.init_node("Controller") = "Controller object" self.rate = rospy.Rate(10) # allow node to 'spin' at 10hz rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) # calls this function when Ctrl+C self.motion = Motion() self.sensor = Sensor() self.localizer = Localizer() self.visited_highlights = [] # Boolean for reached goal self.goalReached = False def start(self): rospy.loginfo("Starting Tour Guide..") begin = 'q' # Note: the Motion, Sensor, and Localizer classes # seem to take a second to fully initialize so we give # this Controller a second to fully initialize as well rospy.sleep(1) # TODO: here, could we determine if the guide will be # 1) casually walking around, # 2) begin P2P mode, or # 3) begin tour mode? # TODO: for now, it will be 'casually walking around' # TODO: Chris - I was thinking we should just take out 'idle_mode' # for demo purposes. As soon as the program starts, we can ask the user # if they would like a P2P or a regular tour # then go from there # self.idle_mode() # TODO: Chris - I think it will also be easier if we just have the robot # start the tour at its initial position which is at the West Entrance rospy.loginfo("Would you like a P2P tour or a regular tour?") rospy.loginfo("Press a key:") rospy.loginfo("'1': Point To Point") rospy.loginfo("'2': Regular Tour") begin = input() if (begin == 1): self.point_to_point_mode() elif (begin == 2): self.tour_guide_mode() def idle_mode(self): '''Make Turtlebot move around aimlessly and avoid nearby obstacles ''' rospy.loginfo("Initalizing Idle mode.") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.sensor.is_obstacle_detected(): # Rotate Turtlebot accordingly to avoid obstacles self.sensor.avoid_obstacle() else: # If no obstacles detected, no need to rotate self.motion.halt_rotation() self.motion.move_forward() def tour_guide_mode(self): ''' Robot will decide its path/highlights depending on its location''' rospy.loginfo("Initializing Tour Guide mode.") print(self.localizer.position) west_entrance = Locations.WestEntrance east_entrance = Locations.EastEntrance # TODO: just start at nearest entrance and go down the list if self.get_nearest_entrance(west_entrance, east_entrance) == west_entrance: self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.WestEntrance) self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.Atrium) self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.CSOffice) self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.ElectronicsLab) self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.ComputerLab) self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.EastEntrance) else: self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.EastEntrance) self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.ComputerLab) self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.ElectronicsLab) self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.Atrium) self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.CSOffice) self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.WestEntrance) ''' # Go to that highlight self.moveToGoal(nearest_highlight) # Add to "highlights visited" visited_highlights.append(nearest_highlight) # Keep going until all highlights are visited while len(visited_highlights) <= 6: # Calculate next highlight nearest_highlight = self.get_nearest_highlight() # Go to that highlight self.moveToGoal(nearest_highlight) # Add to "highlights visited" visited_highlights.append(nearest_highlight) ''' print( "...And that's all! Thank you for participating in the Devon Tour!" ) def get_nearest_entrance(self, west_entrance, east_entrance): west_entrance_distance = self.distance(west_entrance) east_entrance_distance = self.distance(east_entrance) print("distance to west entrance = " + str(west_entrance_distance)) print("distance to east entrance = " + str(east_entrance_distance)) if west_entrance_distance < east_entrance_distance: return west_entrance else: return east_entrance def distance(self, coordinates): distance = math.sqrt((self.localizer.position.x - coordinates.x)**2 + (self.localizer.position.y - coordinates.y)**2) return distance def point_to_point_mode(self): ''' User chooses which highlights to go to''' choice = self.choose() # Depending on which highlight the user chooses, the robot will # move to the goal if (choice == 1): self.goalReached = self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.CSOffice) print( "We've reached the CS Office, where the CS department mainly" + " resides") elif (choice == 2): self.goalReached = self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.Atrium) print( "Welcome to the Atrium! This area is used for get-togethers," + "studying, welcome parties, and more!") elif (choice == 3): self.goalReached = self.localizer.moveToGoal( Locations.EastEntrance) print("This is the east entrance") elif (choice == 4): self.goalReached = self.localizer.moveToGoal( Locations.WestEntrance) print("This is the west entrance") elif (choice == 5): self.goalReached = self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.ComputerLab) print( "Inside this room here is the CS Computer Lab, where any CS" + " student can come in and use the machines or for TA's office" + " hours") elif (choice == 6): self.goalReached = self.moveToGoal(Locations.ElectronicsLab) print("In this room is the Electronics Lab.") # if choice isn't q and the robot reached its goal if (choice != 'q'): if (self.goalReached): rospy.loginfo("Reached highlight!") # If it fails to reach the goal else: rospy.loginfo("Couldn't reach the highlight, try again") # Loop to keep going until user quits the tour while choice != 'q': choice = self.choose() if (choice == 1): self.goalReached = self.localizer.moveToGoal( Locations.CSOffice) print( "We've reached the CS Office, where the CS department mainly" + " resides") elif (choice == 2): self.goalReached = self.localizer.moveToGoal(Locations.Atrium) print( "Welcome to the Atrium! This area is used for get-togethers," + "studying, welcome parties, and more!") elif (choice == 3): self.goalReached = self.localizer.moveToGoal( Locations.EastEntrance) print("This is the east entrance") elif (choice == 4): self.goalReached = self.localizer.moveToGoal( Locations.WestEntrance) print("This is the west entrance") elif (choice == 5): self.goalReached = self.localizer.moveToGoal( Locations.ComputerLab) print( "Inside this room here is the CS Computer Lab, where any CS" + " student can come in and use the machines or for TA's office" + " hours") elif (choice == 6): self.goalReached = self.localizer.moveToGoal( Locations.ElectronicsLab) print("In this room is the Electronics Lab.") def choose(self): ''' User chooses where they would like to start the tour''' tour = 'q' rospy.loginfo("Initializing P2P Guide mode.") rospy.loginfo("Press a key to go to the highlights:") rospy.loginfo("'1': CS/ECE Office") rospy.loginfo("'2': Atrium") rospy.loginfo("'3': East Entrance") rospy.loginfo("'4': West Entrance") rospy.loginfo("'5': Computer Lab") rospy.loginfo("'6': Electronics Lab") rospy.loginfo("'q': Quit") tour = input() return tour def shutdown(self): '''Shutdown function that's called when user inputs Ctrl + C ''' rospy.loginfo("Stopping Turtlebot") self.motion.halt() rospy.sleep(1) # ensures Turtlebot received the command before def avoid_obstacle(self): '''Checks where a nearby obstacle is and rotates accordingly ''' left_laser = self.sensor.get_left_laser_value() mid_laser = self.sensor.get_mid_laser_value() right_laser = self.sensor.get_right_laser_value() # Check if obstacle in front is 1 ft away if mid_laser <= Distance.FOOT: self.motion.rotate_180() # Check if obstacle is 2 ft to the left elif left_laser < 2 * Distance.FOOT: self.motion.rotate_right() # Check if obstacle is 2 ft to the right elif right_laser < 2 * Distance.FOOT: self.motion.rotate_left()
def setUp(self): sensor = Sensor(address="", port=514) pump = Pump(address="", port=514) decider = Decider(target_height=100, margin=.10) self.controller = Controller(sensor=sensor, pump=pump, decider=decider)
def setUp(self): self.decider = Decider(200, .06) self.sensor = Sensor('', 8011) self.pump = Pump('', 8010) self.controller = Controller(self.sensor, self.pump, self.decider)
r22 = p2.line(x2, y22, color="navy", line_width=2) ds12 = r12.data_source ds22 = r22.data_source channel = 0 speed = 500000 dt = 0.001 w.wiringPiSPISetup(channel, speed) # only the first 5 bits are relevant the rest we don't care about # Channel 0 01101XXX XXXXXXXX # Channel 1 01111XXX XXXXXXXX channel0_select = 'hE' channel1_select = 'xE' sensor1 = Sensor(channel0_select, 'Sensor 1') sensor2 = Sensor(channel1_select, 'Sensor 2') t0 = time.time() @linear() def update(step): global x1, x2, y1, y2 global t0 s1 = s2 = x1.append(step) x2.append(step)
def __init__(self): self._low_pressure_threshold = 17 self._high_pressure_threshold = 21 self._sensor = Sensor() self._is_alarm_on = False
def __init__(self, name): Sensor.__init__(self, name) self.update()
def __init__(self, serialPath, serialBaud, logger=None): Sensor.__init__(self,, logger) self.serialPath = serialPath self.serialBaud = serialBaud self.connect()
) parser.add_argument( '--cycle', type=str, action="store", default="", help= "Specifiy a humidity cycle: minutes,min_humidity,max_humidity,[minutes,min,max]..." ) args = parser.parse_args() # Output output = Output(args.output_pin) # Sensor - and link it to the output sensor = Sensor(args.sensor_pin, output) # Graphs graph = Graph(args.graphdir, sensor) last_drawn = # Build our simple humidity cycle if we don't have one cycleposition = 0 if args.cycle: cycle = args.cycle.split(',') else: cycle = [60, args.humiditymin, args.humiditymax] cycle = [int(x) for x in cycle] # Sanity if len(cycle) % 3 != 0:
from sensor_utils import list_to_string # loads settings from sensor.json or argv[1] CONFIG_FILENAME = "sensor_config.json" # Use default filename OR one given as argument filename = CONFIG_FILENAME print(" started with {} arguments: [{}]".format( len(sys.argv), list_to_string(sys.argv))) if len(sys.argv) > 1: filename = sys.argv[1] #config = Config(filename) s = Sensor() # for playback we can specify # sleep=0.1 for a fixed period between samples # or # realtime=True which will pause the time between recorded sample timestamps. # otherwise the playback will be as fast as possible. t = TimeBuffer() t.load('sensor_play.csv'), realtime=True)
class Echidna(object): def __init__(self, sensor_server="", sensor_port=5555, sensor_sample_rate=100000, sensor_tx_freq=1000, gantry_server="", gantry_port=5007, store_filename="data.log"): self.robot = Gantry(host=gantry_server,port=gantry_port) self.sensor = Sensor(server=sensor_server, port=sensor_port, sample_rate=sensor_sample_rate, tx_freq=sensor_tx_freq) self.transmitter = siggen self.transmitter.setFrequency(sensor_tx_freq) self.transmitter.setVoltage(-2,2) self.transmitter.turnOn() self._tx_freq = sensor_tx_freq = DataStorage(store_filename) self.pos = Pos(0,0) def setStore(self,fname): if = DataStorage(fname) def setTxFreq(self,freq): self._tx_freq = freq self.transmitter.setFrequency(freq) self.sensor.tx_freq = freq def stepOverTank(self,fname="tank"): self.pos = self.discretizeTank() x_size = self.pos.shape[0] y_size = self.pos.shape[1] for x in range(x_size): for y in range(y_size): p = self.pos[x,y]"Moving to (%f, %f)" % (p[0],p[1])) self.robot.moveAndWait(p[0],p[1], 60) d = self.sensor.getSample(100) fig, samp = self.plotRadar(5) fig.savefig(fname + "-x%3.2f-y%3.2f(x%d,y%d).tiff" % (p[0],p[1],x,y)) plt.close(fig) d.setPos(p, (x,y)) def stepOverPos(self,pos,fname="target"): self.count = 0 self.pos = pos x_size = self.pos.shape[0] y_size = self.pos.shape[1] for x in range(x_size): for y in range(y_size): p = self.pos[x,y]"Moving to (%f, %f)" % (p[0],p[1])) self.robot.move(p[0],p[1], 70) #d = self.sensor.getSample(25) fig, d = self.plotRadar() d.setPos(p) fig.savefig("%d-" % self.count + fname + "-x%3.2f-y%3.2f.tiff" % (p[0],p[1])) plt.close(fig) while(self.robot.busy()): time.sleep(0.5) self.count = self.count + 1 def freqSweep(self,start,stop,step=1, nsamps=100): self.count = 0 range = np.arange(start,stop,step) samples = [] for freq in range:"%d | Sampling frequency: %f" % (self.count,freq)) self.setTxFreq(freq) d = self.sensor.getSample(nsamps) d.setPos(self.pos.astuple()) self.count = self.count + 1 samples.append(d) return samples def discretizeTank(self, width=23.5, length=23.5, steps=50.0): x_steps = np.round(np.arange(0,width,width/steps),2) y_steps = np.round(np.arange(0,length,length/steps),2) pos = np.zeros((x_steps.size,y_steps.size, 2)) for i in range(x_steps.size): for j in range(y_steps.size): pos[i][j][0] = x_steps[i] pos[i][j][1] = y_steps[j] return pos def learn_baseline(self, samples=250): self.sample_baseline = self.sensor.getSample(samples) def getDiffSignal(self, samples=10, baseline_samples=250): if not hasattr(self,"sample_baseline"): self.learn_baseline(baseline_samples) sample = self.sensor.getSample(samples) data = sample.getMeanPower() return (data - self.sample_baseline.getMeanPower()), sample def plotRadar(self, samples=15, baseline_samples=250): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8], polar=True) lines = ax.get_lines() ax.set_rmax(0.1) y, samp = self.getDiffSignal(samples, baseline_samples) for val in y: sys.stdout.write("%3.6f,"% val) sys.stdout.write("\n") x = np.arange(y.size)/np.float(y.size)*np.pi*2.0 data = zip(x,y) lines = ax.get_lines() for vec in data: ax.set_rmax(0.15) ax.plot([vec[0],vec[0]],[0,vec[1]],linewidth=3.0) ax.set_rmax(0.1) return fig, samp def __del__(self):
from sensor import Sensor mySensor = Sensor("COM3", 115200)
from event import Event from bottle import route, run, template, static_file, request, response, redirect, abort, error, get, post import bottle from faker import Faker from faker.providers import date_time faker = Faker() faker.add_provider(date_time) user = User(1, 'admin', 'admin') room1 = Room(1, 'Living Room') room2 = Room(2, 'Dining Room') room3 = Room(3, 'Bedroom') sensor1 = Sensor(2, 'infrared', 'b') camera1 = Camera(1) = True = True room1.sensors.append(sensor1) room1.cameras.append(camera1) user.rooms = [room1, room2, room3] # setup an in-memory database db = sqlite3.connect(':memory:') with open('static/logs.txt') as f: logs = f.readlines()
from sensor import Sensor import hashlib s = Sensor('test_client', 'device1', 'bin_sensor1', 'switch') s1 = s.get_hass_sensor() s2 = s.get_dev_sensor() print() print(s1) print("\n") print(s2)
parser.add_argument("-q", "--qos", help="MQTT QoS", type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument("-o", "--topic2", help="Additional MQTT topic") parser.add_argument("-t", "--topic", help="MQTT topic", required=True) # specific parser.add_argument("-s", "--topic_key", help="MQTT topic key", required=True) parser.add_argument("-w", "--wait", help="time between readings", type=float, default=0.5) parser.add_argument("-i", "--pin", help="gpio pin (BCM)", type=int, required=True) parser.add_argument("-y", "--high_value", help="high value", default=Sensor.HIGH) parser.add_argument("-z", "--low_value", help="low value", default=Sensor.LOW) parser.add_argument("-g", "--log_level", help="logging level", type=int, default=logging.INFO) args = parser.parse_args() # logging setup logger = set_logger(level=args.log_level) sensor = Sensor( sensor.start() last_state = None status = None while True: current_state = sensor.reading() if current_state != last_state: last_state = current_state # reset state value if current_state == Sensor.LOW: status = args.low_value else: status = args.high_value logger.debug("sensor-monitor: changed %s %s" % (args.topic_key, str(status))) # publish MqttClient.publish(args, args.topic, {'state': {'reported': {args.topic_key: status}}})
def __init__(self, config_file="config.ini"): self._read_config_file(config_file) self._sensors = [Sensor(d) for d in self._sensors_details]
from options import RecorderOptions from visualizer import SensorVisualizer from sensor import Sensor from filter import Filter from recorder import Recorder from classifier import ClassifierBinary parser = RecorderOptions() opt = parser.parse() raw_input("Enter to start") sensor = Sensor(opt.n, opt.port, opt.freq) filter = Filter(opt.n, opt.n) visualizer = SensorVisualizer(repr=opt.repr) recorder = Recorder(opt) classifier = ClassifierBinary(opt.threshold, opt.index, opt.nStep) print("action: {}".format(opt.action)) def main(): lastSignal = False moveCount = 0 stopCount = 0 while True: data = data = filter.update(data) signal = classifier(data) if signal: moveCount += 1 print('move', moveCount)
class ControllerTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for the Controller class """ def setUp(self): """ Sets up controller. """ self.sensor = Sensor("", "8000") self.pump = Pump("", "8000") self.decider = Decider(100, .05) self.controller = Controller(self.sensor, self.pump, self.decider) def test_tick(self): """ Test if decider.decide and pump.set_state are called with the correct parameters after controller.tick() """ self.sensor.measure = MagicMock(return_value=100) self.pump.get_state = MagicMock(return_value=self.pump.PUMP_OFF) self.decider.decide = MagicMock(return_value=self.pump.PUMP_IN) self.pump.set_state = MagicMock(return_value=True) self.controller.tick() self.sensor.measure.assert_called_with() self.pump.get_state.assert_called_with() self.decider.decide.assert_called_with(100, self.pump.PUMP_OFF, self.controller.actions) self.pump.set_state.assert_called_with(self.pump.PUMP_IN) def test_raise_url_controller(self): """ Test controller.tick raises the sensor.measure URLError """ with self.assertRaises(URLError): self.controller.tick() def test_raise_url_sensor(self): """ Test sensor.measure raises URLError """ with self.assertRaises(URLError): self.sensor.measure() def test_raise_url_pump_get(self): """ Test pump.get_state raises URLError """ self.sensor.measure = MagicMock(return_value=100) with self.assertRaises(URLError): self.pump.get_state() def test_raise_url_pump_set(self): """ Test pump.set_state raises URLError """ self.sensor.measure = MagicMock(return_value=100) self.pump.get_state = MagicMock(return_value=self.pump.PUMP_OFF) with self.assertRaises(URLError): self.pump.set_state(self.pump.PUMP_OFF)