예제 #1
    def talker(self):

        # Class Instances
        pressure = FluidPressure()
        pressure.variance = 0
        temp = Temperature()
        temp.variance = 0
        depth = Float64()

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            if self.sensor.read():
                # Pressure reading (Pascal)
                pressure.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
                pressure.fluid_pressure = self.sensor.pressure(ms5837.UNITS_Pa)

                # Temperature reading (Celsius)
                temp.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
                temp.temperature = self.sensor.temperature(

                # Depth reading (Meters)
                depth.data = self.sensor.depth(ATM_PRESSURE_PA, LOCAL_GRAVITY)

                # Publishing
                rospy.roswarn('Failed to read.')

            rospy.Rate(10).sleep()  # 10 hz
예제 #2
    def cmd_sync_callback(self, msg_pres_int, msg_imu_int):
        msg_pres = FluidPressure();
        msg_pres.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        msg_pres.header.frame_id = msg_pres_int.header.frame_id
        msg_pres.fluid_pressure = (msg_pres_int.fluid_pressure * 1000) - self.atm_press

        msg_imu = Imu();
        msg_imu.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        msg_imu.header.frame_id = "/mur/imu_link"
        qx = msg_imu_int.orientation.x
        qy = msg_imu_int.orientation.y
        qz = msg_imu_int.orientation.z
        qw = msg_imu_int.orientation.w
        euler_angles = euler_from_quaternion(np.array([qx,qy,qz,qw]))
        r = euler_angles[1]
        p = -euler_angles[0]
        y = euler_angles[2]
        q = quaternion_from_euler(r,p,y)
        msg_imu.orientation.x = q[0]
        msg_imu.orientation.y = q[1]
        msg_imu.orientation.z = q[2]
        msg_imu.orientation.w = q[3]
        msg_imu.orientation_covariance = np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
        msg_imu.angular_velocity.x = -msg_imu_int.angular_velocity.x
        msg_imu.angular_velocity.y = msg_imu_int.angular_velocity.y
        msg_imu.angular_velocity.z = msg_imu_int.angular_velocity.z
        msg_imu.angular_velocity_covariance = np.array([1.2184E-7,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.2184E-7,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.2184E-7])
        msg_imu.linear_acceleration.x = msg_imu_int.linear_acceleration.x # The same configuration in the PIXHAWK
        msg_imu.linear_acceleration.y = msg_imu_int.linear_acceleration.y
        msg_imu.linear_acceleration.z = msg_imu_int.linear_acceleration.z
        msg_imu.linear_acceleration_covariance = np.array([9.0E-8,0.0,0.0,0.0,9.0E-8,0.0,0.0,0.0,9.0E-8])
예제 #3
    def timerCallback(self, event):
        if self.sensor.read():
            pressure = self.sensor.pressure()
            temp = self.sensor.temperature()
            self.depth_raw = self.sensor.depth()
            depth = self.depth_raw - self.depth_offset
            self.depth = depth

            pressure_msg = FluidPressure()
            pressure_msg.header.frame_id = 'pressure_sensor'
            pressure_msg.header.seq = self.count
            pressure_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            pressure_msg.fluid_pressure = pressure

            depth_stamped_msg = Vector3Stamped()
            depth_stamped_msg.header.frame_id = 'pressure_sensor'
            depth_stamped_msg.header.seq = self.count
            depth_stamped_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()  #TODO fix this
            depth_stamped_msg.vector.z = depth  # TODO this

            depth_msg = Float64()
            depth_msg.data = depth

            temp_msg = Temperature()
            temp_msg.header.frame_id = 'pressure_sensor'
            temp_msg.header.seq = self.count
            temp_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            temp_msg.temperature = temp

            self.count += 1
예제 #4
    def deserialize(self, p_content):
        """ see Serializer."""
        if len(p_content) < 12:
            return None

        msg1 = Temperature()
        msg2 = RelativeHumidity()
        msg3 = FluidPressure()

        org = struct.unpack('fff', p_content)

        msg1.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        # round float value to double.
        msg1.temperature = Math.roundFloatToDouble(org[0])
        msg1.variance = 0

        msg2.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        msg2.relative_humidity = Math.roundFloatToDouble(org[1])
        msg2.variance = 0

        msg3.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        msg3.fluid_pressure = Math.roundFloatToDouble(org[2])
        msg3.variance = 0

        msgs = [msg1, msg2, msg3]

        if CommonConfig.DEBUG_FLAG is True:
            rospy.logdebug('temperature=' + str(msg1.temperature))
            rospy.logdebug('humidity=' + str(msg2.relative_humidity))
            rospy.logdebug('pressure=' + str(msg3.fluid_pressure))

        return msgs
예제 #5
 def pubPressure(self):
     msg = FluidPressure()
     msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
     msg.fluid_pressure = altimeterObj.get_pressure()
     msg.variance = SENSOR_STDEV**2
     # rospy.loginfo(msg)
예제 #6
    def start(self):
        self.enable = True
        self.fluidPressurePub = rospy.Publisher(self.robot_host +
        self.relativeHumidityPub = rospy.Publisher(self.robot_host +
        self.temperaturePub = rospy.Publisher(self.robot_host +

        sense = SenseHat()

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            pressure = sense.get_pressure()
            humidity = sense.get_humidity()
            temp = sense.get_temperature()

            message_str = "Pressure: %s Millibars which are %s Pascal; Humidity: %s %%rH; Temperature: %s °C " % (
                pressure, (pressure * 100), humidity, temp)

            f = FluidPressure()

            f.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            f.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
            f.fluid_pressure = pressure * 100  # Millibar to Pascal conversion
            f.variance = 0

            h = RelativeHumidity()

            h.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            h.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
            h.relative_humidity = humidity
            h.variance = 0

            t = Temperature()

            t.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            t.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
            t.temperature = temp
            t.variance = 0

예제 #7
    def __init__(self, i2c=None):

        if i2c is None:
            self.i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
            self.i2c = i2c

        self.lps = adafruit_lps2x.LPS22(self.i2c)

        self.timer_temp = self.create_timer(1.0, self.callback)

        self.pub_temp = self.create_publisher(Temperature, 'temp', 10)
        self.pub_pressure = self.create_publisher(FluidPressure, 'pressure',

        frame_id = self.declare_parameter('frame_id', "base_imu_link").value

        self.temp_msg = Temperature()
        self.temp_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id
        self.temp_msg.variance = 0.01

        self.pressure_msg = FluidPressure()
        self.pressure_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id
        self.pressure_msg.variance = 0.01
예제 #8
 def reset_vars(self):
     self.imu_msg = Imu()
     self.imu_msg.orientation_covariance = (-1., ) * 9
     self.imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance = (-1., ) * 9
     self.imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance = (-1., ) * 9
     self.pub_imu = False
     self.pub_syncout_timeref = False
     self.raw_gps_msg = NavSatFix()
     self.pub_raw_gps = False
     self.pos_gps_msg = NavSatFix()
     self.pub_pos_gps = False
     self.vel_msg = TwistStamped()
     self.pub_vel = False
     self.mag_msg = MagneticField()
     self.mag_msg.magnetic_field_covariance = (0, ) * 9
     self.pub_mag = False
     self.temp_msg = Temperature()
     self.temp_msg.variance = 0.
     self.pub_temp = False
     self.press_msg = FluidPressure()
     self.press_msg.variance = 0.
     self.pub_press = False
     self.anin1_msg = UInt16()
     self.pub_anin1 = False
     self.anin2_msg = UInt16()
     self.pub_anin2 = False
     self.ecef_msg = PointStamped()
     self.pub_ecef = False
     self.pub_diag = False
예제 #9
def read_pressure(mav_obj):
    Read accelerometer readings until taxis is exhausted.
    There will only be output once the total time has elapsed.
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/depth', FluidPressure, queue_size=10)
    rate = rospy.Rate(10)
    msg_type = 'SCALED_PRESSURE2'

    msg = mav_obj.recv_match(blocking=True)
    # flush out old data
    if msg.get_type() == "BAD_DATA":
        if mavutil.all_printable(msg.data):

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        msg = mav_obj.recv_match(type=msg_type, blocking=True)
        h = Header()
        h.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        depth_m = (msg.press_abs - 1014.25) / 100
        fp = FluidPressure(header=h, fluid_pressure=depth_m, variance=0)
예제 #10
def main():
    sensor = TempHumPress()

    pub_temperature = rospy.Publisher("~temperature",
    pub_humidity = rospy.Publisher("~humidity",
    pub_pressure = rospy.Publisher("~pressure", FluidPressure, queue_size=10)

    rate = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param('~hz', 2))
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        hdr = Header(frame_id="temperature", stamp=rospy.Time.now())

        msg_temp = Temperature(header=hdr,

        msg_hum = RelativeHumidity(header=hdr,
                                   relative_humidity=sensor.get_humidity() /

        msg_press = FluidPressure(header=hdr,

예제 #11
def talker():
    humidity_pub = rospy.Publisher('cassiopeia/environmental/humidity',
    temperature_pub = rospy.Publisher('cassiopeia/environmental/temperature',
    pressure_pub = rospy.Publisher('cassiopeia/environmental/pressure',
    altitude_pub = rospy.Publisher('cassiopeia/altitude/',
    rospy.init_node('environmental_sensor', anonymous=False)
    rate = rospy.Rate(
        1)  # Max rate of BME280 sensor in normal mode in theory is 13.51 Hz
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        h = Header()
        h.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            Altitude(altitude=environmental_sensor.get_altitude(), header=h))
예제 #12
    def __init__(self):
        self.node_name = 'thruster_manager'
        self.tranform_matrix = np.array([
            # x  y   z roll pitch yaw
            [0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0],  # left front motor
            [0, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0],  # right front motor
            [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],  # left rear motor
            [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],  # right rear motor
            [0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0]  # rear motor
        self.output = np.array([1488.0] * len(self.tranform_matrix))

        rospy.Subscriber(self.node_name + '/input', Twist, self.input_callback)
        pressure_pub = rospy.Publisher('pressure',

        serial_port = rospy.get_param('~port')

        while True:
                ser = serial.Serial(serial_port, 19200, timeout=1)
                rate = rospy.Rate(100)
                while not rospy.is_shutdown():
                        (','.join(str(int(n)) for n in self.output.ravel()) +
                    message = ser.readline().decode('utf-8').strip()
                    if message.startswith('message'):
                    elif message.startswith('pressure'):
                            data = float(message.split(':')[1])  # in mBar
                            message = FluidPressure()
                            message.fluid_pressure = data / 10  # in kPa
                        except Exception as e:
            except serial.serialutil.SerialException as e:
                except Exception:
예제 #13
    def bar30callback(self, data):
        # Check if message id is valid (I'm using SCALED_PRESSURE
        # and not SCALED_PRESSURE2)
        if data.msgid == 137:
            # Transform the payload in a python string
            p = pack("QQ", *data.payload64)
            # Transform the string in valid values
            # https://docs.python.org/2/library/struct.html
            time_boot_ms, press_abs, press_diff, temperature = unpack(
                "Iffhxx", p)

            fp = FluidPressure()
            fp.header = data.header
            fp.fluid_pressure = press_abs
            fp.variance = 2.794

            self.abs_pressure = press_abs * 100  # convert hPa to Pa
예제 #14
def publishBarometerData():
    airPressurePub = rospy.Publisher('air_pressure',
    temperaturePub = rospy.Publisher('barometer_temperature',
    rospy.init_node('barometer_publisher', anonymous=True)

    # Set update rate, in Hz
    rate = rospy.Rate(10)

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        # Pressure

        # Temperature

        # Process the data

        # Generate Header
        header = Header()
        header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        # Generate Message (Temperature)
        temperatureMsg = Temperature()
        temperatureMsg.header = header
        temperatureMsg.temperature = baro.TEMP

        # Generate message and publish (Pressure)
        airPressureMsg = FluidPressure()
        airPressureMsg.header = header
        airPressureMsg.fluid_pressure = baro.PRES * 100

        # Sleep
예제 #15
    def talker(self):
        pressure_msg = FluidPressure()
        pressure_msg.variance = 0
        temp_msg = Temperature()
        temp_msg.variance = 0

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            if self.ms5837.read():
                pressure_msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
                pressure_msg.fluid_pressure = self.ms5837.pressure(

                temp_msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
                temp_msg.temperature = self.ms5837.temperature()

                rospy.roswarn('Failed to read pressure sensor!')

예제 #16
    def _create_depth_msg(self):
        """ Create depth message from ROV information

            Exception: No data to create the message

        # Check if data is available
        if 'SCALED_PRESSURE' not in self.get_data():
            raise Exception('no SCALED_PRESSURE data')

        msg = FluidPressure()


        pressure_data = self.get_data()['SCALED_PRESSURE']
        abs_pressure = pressure_data['press_abs'] * 1.0
        msg.fluid_pressure = abs_pressure
        diff_pressure = pressure_data['press_diff'] * 1.0
        msg.variance = diff_pressure

        self.pub.set_data('/depth', msg)
예제 #17
def sub_imuCB(msg_in):
    global pub_imu
    global pub_mag
    global pub_temp
    global pub_baro

    global msg_imu
    msg_imu.header.stamp = msg_in.header.stamp
    msg_imu.header.frame_id = msg_in.header.frame_id
    msg_imu.angular_velocity.x = msg_in.Accel.x
    msg_imu.angular_velocity.y = msg_in.Accel.y
    msg_imu.angular_velocity.z = msg_in.Accel.z
    msg_imu.linear_acceleration.x = msg_in.Gyro.x
    msg_imu.linear_acceleration.y = msg_in.Gyro.y
    msg_imu.linear_acceleration.z = msg_in.Gyro.z

    msg_mag = MagneticField()
    msg_mag.header.stamp = msg_in.header.stamp
    msg_mag.header.frame_id = msg_in.header.frame_id
    msg_mag.magnetic_field.x = msg_in.Mag.x
    msg_mag.magnetic_field.y = msg_in.Mag.y
    msg_mag.magnetic_field.z = msg_in.Mag.z

    msg_temp = Temperature()
    msg_temp.header.stamp = msg_in.header.stamp
    msg_temp.header.frame_id = msg_in.header.frame_id
    msg_temp.temperature = msg_in.Temp

    msg_baro = FluidPressure()
    msg_baro.header.stamp = msg_in.header.stamp
    msg_baro.header.frame_id = msg_in.header.frame_id
    msg_baro.fluid_pressure = msg_in.Pressure / 1000.0
예제 #18
def sub_imuCB(msg_in): 
  global pub_imu
  global pub_mag
  global pub_temp
  global pub_baro
  global msg_imu
  msg_imu.header.stamp          = msg_in.header.stamp
  msg_imu.header.frame_id       = msg_in.header.frame_id
  msg_imu.angular_velocity.x    = msg_in.Accel.x
  msg_imu.angular_velocity.y    = msg_in.Accel.y
  msg_imu.angular_velocity.z    = msg_in.Accel.z
  msg_imu.linear_acceleration.x = msg_in.Gyro.x
  msg_imu.linear_acceleration.y = msg_in.Gyro.y
  msg_imu.linear_acceleration.z = msg_in.Gyro.z
  msg_mag = MagneticField()
  msg_mag.header.stamp     = msg_in.header.stamp
  msg_mag.header.frame_id  = msg_in.header.frame_id
  msg_mag.magnetic_field.x = msg_in.Mag.x
  msg_mag.magnetic_field.y = msg_in.Mag.y
  msg_mag.magnetic_field.z = msg_in.Mag.z
  msg_temp = Temperature()
  msg_temp.header.stamp     = msg_in.header.stamp
  msg_temp.header.frame_id  = msg_in.header.frame_id
  msg_temp.temperature      = msg_in.Temp
  msg_baro = FluidPressure()
  msg_baro.header.stamp     = msg_in.header.stamp
  msg_baro.header.frame_id  = msg_in.header.frame_id
  msg_baro.fluid_pressure   = msg_in.Pressure / 1000.0
예제 #19
    def __init__(self):

        rate = 1.0

        self.timer = self.create_timer(1.0 / rate, self.callback)

        self.pub_temp = self.create_publisher(Temperature, 'temperature', 10)
        self.pub_pressure = self.create_publisher(FluidPressure, 'pressure',

        frame_id = self.declare_parameter('frame_id', "base_imu_link").value

        self.temp_msg = Temperature()
        self.temp_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id
        self.temp_msg.variance = 0.01

        self.pressure_msg = FluidPressure()
        self.pressure_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id
        self.pressure_msg.variance = 0.01
예제 #20
    def __init__(self):

        # TODO: attributes can jump to values not related to the past one,
        #   make it in increments
        self._to_publish = [
            (self.create_publisher(Pose2D, '/coordinates', 10),
             lambda: Pose2D(x=float(randint(-100, 100)),
                            y=float(randint(-100, 100)),
                            theta=random() * 2 * pi)),
            (self.create_publisher(FluidPressure, '/environment/pressure', 10),
             lambda: FluidPressure(fluid_pressure=float(randint(30000, 70000)))
            (self.create_publisher(Temperature, '/environment/temperature',
             lambda: Temperature(temperature=float(randint(0, 60)))),
            (self.create_publisher(Float32, '/leds',
                                   10), lambda: Float32(data=random())),

        timer_period = 2
        self.timer = self.create_timer(timer_period, self.timer_callback)
예제 #21
파일: barometer.py 프로젝트: RobinsonZ/moby
def baro():
    rate = rospy.Rate(10)

    baro = navio.ms5611.MS5611()

    pressure_pub = rospy.Publisher("baro/pressure", FluidPressure)
    temp_pub = rospy.Publisher("baro/temp", Temperature)
    ringbuf_size = rospy.get_param("~moving_avg_size", 50)
    presbuffer = RingBuffer(ringbuf_size)

    rospy.loginfo("Starting barometer")
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        rospy.sleep(0.01)  # wait 10ms per Navio docs

        rospy.sleep(0.01)  # wait 10ms per Navio docs


        temp = baro.TEMP
        pressure = baro.PRES * 100  # convert millibars to Pascals


        pressurelist = presbuffer.get()
        # average it out
        avg_pressure = sum(pressurelist) / len(pressurelist)

        header = Header()
        header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        header.frame_id = "map"
        pressure_pub.publish(FluidPressure(header, avg_pressure, 0))
        temp_pub.publish(Temperature(header, temp, 0))

예제 #22
    def spin_once(self):
        def baroPressureToHeight(value):
            c1 = 44330.0
            c2 = 9.869232667160128300024673081668e-6
            c3 = 0.1901975534856
            intermediate = 1 - math.pow(c2 * value, c3)
            height = c1 * intermediate
            return height

        # get data
        data = self.mt.read_measurement()
        # common header
        h = Header()
        h.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        h.frame_id = self.frame_id

        # get data (None if not present)
        temp_data = data.get('Temperature')  # float
        orient_data = data.get('Orientation Data')
        velocity_data = data.get('Velocity')
        position_data = data.get('Latlon')
        altitude_data = data.get('Altitude')
        acc_data = data.get('Acceleration')
        gyr_data = data.get('Angular Velocity')
        mag_data = data.get('Magnetic')
        pressure_data = data.get('Pressure')
        time_data = data.get('Timestamp')
        gnss_data = data.get('GNSS')

        # debug the data from the sensor
        # print(data)
        # print("\n")

        # create messages and default values
        "Temp message"
        temp_msg = Temperature()
        pub_temp = False
        "Imu message supported with Modes 1 & 2"
        imuraw_msg = Imu()
        pub_imuraw = False
        imuins_msg = Imu()
        pub_imuins = False
        "SensorSample message supported with Mode 2"
        ss_msg = sensorSample()
        pub_ss = False
        "Mag message supported with Modes 1 & 2"
        mag_msg = Vector3Stamped()
        pub_mag = False
        "Baro in meters"
        baro_msg = FluidPressure()
        height_msg = baroSample()
        pub_baro = False
        "GNSS message supported only with MTi-G-7xx devices"
        "Valid only for modes 1 and 2"
        gnssPvt_msg = gnssSample()
        gps1_msg = NavSatFix()
        gps2_msg = GPSFix()
        pub_gnssPvt = False
        gnssSatinfo_msg = GPSStatus()
        pub_gnssSatinfo = False
        # All filter related outputs
        "Supported in mode 3"
        ori_msg = orientationEstimate()
        pub_ori = False
        "Supported in mode 3 for MTi-G-7xx devices"
        vel_msg = velocityEstimate()
        pub_vel = False
        "Supported in mode 3 for MTi-G-7xx devices"
        pos_msg = positionEstimate()
        pub_pos = False

        # first getting the sampleTimeFine
        # note if we are not using ros time, the we should replace the header
        # with the time supplied by the GNSS unit
        if time_data and not self.use_rostime:
            time = time_data['SampleTimeFine']
            h.stamp.secs = 100e-6 * time
            h.stamp.nsecs = 1e5 * time - 1e9 * math.floor(h.stamp.secs)

        # temp data
        if temp_data:
            temp_msg.temperature = temp_data['Temp']
            pub_temp = True

        # acceleration data
        if acc_data:
            if 'accX' in acc_data:  # found acceleration
                pub_imuraw = True
                imuraw_msg.linear_acceleration.x = acc_data['accX']
                imuraw_msg.linear_acceleration.y = acc_data['accY']
                imuraw_msg.linear_acceleration.z = acc_data['accZ']
            if 'freeAccX' in acc_data:  # found free acceleration
                pub_imuins = True
                imuins_msg.linear_acceleration.x = acc_data['freeAccX']
                imuins_msg.linear_acceleration.y = acc_data['freeAccY']
                imuins_msg.linear_acceleration.z = acc_data['freeAccZ']
            if 'Delta v.x' in acc_data:  # found delta-v's
                pub_ss = True
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dv.x = acc_data['Delta v.x']
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dv.y = acc_data['Delta v.y']
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dv.z = acc_data['Delta v.z']
            #	raise MTException("Unsupported message in XDI_AccelerationGroup.")

        # gyro data
        if gyr_data:
            if 'gyrX' in gyr_data:  # found rate of turn
                pub_imuraw = True
                imuraw_msg.angular_velocity.x = gyr_data['gyrX']
                imuraw_msg.angular_velocity.y = gyr_data['gyrY']
                imuraw_msg.angular_velocity.z = gyr_data['gyrZ']
                # note we do not force publishing the INS if we do not use the free acceleration
                imuins_msg.angular_velocity.x = gyr_data['gyrX']
                imuins_msg.angular_velocity.y = gyr_data['gyrY']
                imuins_msg.angular_velocity.z = gyr_data['gyrZ']
            if 'Delta q0' in gyr_data:  # found delta-q's
                pub_ss = True
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.w = gyr_data['Delta q0']
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.x = gyr_data['Delta q1']
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.y = gyr_data['Delta q2']
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.z = gyr_data['Delta q3']
            #	raise MTException("Unsupported message in XDI_AngularVelocityGroup.")

        # magfield
        if mag_data:
            ss_msg.internal.mag.x = mag_msg.vector.x = mag_data['magX']
            ss_msg.internal.mag.y = mag_msg.vector.y = mag_data['magY']
            ss_msg.internal.mag.z = mag_msg.vector.z = mag_data['magZ']
            pub_mag = True

        if pressure_data:
            pub_baro = True
            baro_msg.fluid_pressure = pressure_data['Pressure']
            height = baroPressureToHeight(pressure_data['Pressure'])
            height_msg.height = ss_msg.internal.baro.height = height

        # gps fix message
        if gnss_data and 'lat' in gnss_data:
            pub_gnssPvt = True
            # A "3" means that the MTi-G is using the GPS data.
            # A "1" means that the MTi-G was using GPS data and is now coasting/dead-reckoning the
            # 	position based on the inertial sensors (the MTi-G is not using GPS data in this mode).
            # 	This is done for 45 seconds, before the MTi-G Mode drops to "0".
            # A "0" means that the MTi-G doesn't use GPS data and also that it
            # 	doesn't output position based on the inertial sensors.
            if gnss_data['fix'] < 2:
                gnssSatinfo_msg.status = NavSatStatus.STATUS_NO_FIX  # no fix
                gps1_msg.status.status = NavSatStatus.STATUS_NO_FIX  # no fix
                gps1_msg.status.service = 0
                gnssSatinfo_msg.status = NavSatStatus.STATUS_FIX  # unaugmented
                gps1_msg.status.status = NavSatStatus.STATUS_FIX  # unaugmented
                gps1_msg.status.service = NavSatStatus.SERVICE_GPS
            # lat lon alt
            gps1_msg.latitude = gnss_data['lat']
            gps1_msg.longitude = gnss_data['lon']
            gps1_msg.altitude = gnss_data['hEll']
            # covariances
            gps1_msg.position_covariance[0] = math.pow(gnss_data['horzAcc'], 2)
            gps1_msg.position_covariance[4] = math.pow(gnss_data['horzAcc'], 2)
            gps1_msg.position_covariance[8] = math.pow(gnss_data['vertAcc'], 2)
            gps1_msg.position_covariance_type = NavSatFix.COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN
            # custom message
            gnssPvt_msg.itow = gnss_data['iTOW']
            gnssPvt_msg.fix = gnss_data['fix']
            gnssPvt_msg.latitude = gnss_data['lat']
            gnssPvt_msg.longitude = gnss_data['lon']
            gnssPvt_msg.hEll = gnss_data['hEll']
            gnssPvt_msg.hMsl = gnss_data['hMsl']
            gnssPvt_msg.vel.x = gnss_data['velE']
            gnssPvt_msg.vel.y = gnss_data['velN']
            gnssPvt_msg.vel.z = gnss_data['velD']
            gnssPvt_msg.hAcc = gnss_data['horzAcc']
            gnssPvt_msg.vAcc = gnss_data['vertAcc']
            gnssPvt_msg.sAcc = gnss_data['speedAcc']
            gnssPvt_msg.pDop = gnss_data['PDOP']
            gnssPvt_msg.hDop = gnss_data['HDOP']
            gnssPvt_msg.vDop = gnss_data['VDOP']
            gnssPvt_msg.numSat = gnss_data['nSat']
            gnssPvt_msg.heading = gnss_data['heading']
            gnssPvt_msg.headingAcc = gnss_data['headingAcc']

        if orient_data:
            if 'Q0' in orient_data:
                pub_imuraw = True
                imuraw_msg.orientation.w = orient_data['Q0']
                imuraw_msg.orientation.x = orient_data['Q1']
                imuraw_msg.orientation.y = orient_data['Q2']
                imuraw_msg.orientation.z = orient_data['Q3']
                pub_imuins = True
                imuins_msg.orientation.w = orient_data['Q0']
                imuins_msg.orientation.x = orient_data['Q1']
                imuins_msg.orientation.y = orient_data['Q2']
                imuins_msg.orientation.z = orient_data['Q3']
            elif 'Roll' in orient_data:
                pub_ori = True
                ori_msg.roll = orient_data['Roll']
                ori_msg.pitch = orient_data['Pitch']
                ori_msg.yaw = orient_data['Yaw']
                raise MTException(
                    'Unsupported message in XDI_OrientationGroup')

        if velocity_data:
            pub_vel = True
            vel_msg.velE = velocity_data['velX']
            vel_msg.velN = velocity_data['velY']
            vel_msg.velU = velocity_data['velZ']

        if position_data:
            pub_pos = True
            pos_msg.latitude = position_data['lat']
            pos_msg.longitude = position_data['lon']

        if altitude_data:
            pub_pos = True
            tempData = altitude_data['ellipsoid']
            pos_msg.hEll = tempData[0]

        # publish available information
        if pub_imuraw:
            imuraw_msg.header = h
        if pub_imuins:
            imuins_msg.header = h
        if pub_mag:
            mag_msg.header = h
        if pub_temp:
            temp_msg.header = h
        if pub_ss:
            ss_msg.header = h
        if pub_baro:
            baro_msg.header = h
            height_msg.header = h
        if pub_gnssPvt:
            gnssPvt_msg.header = h
            gps1_msg.header = h
        #if pub_gnssSatinfo:
        #	gnssSatinfo_msg.header = h
        #	self.gnssSatinfo_pub.publish(gnssSatinfo_msg)
        if pub_ori:
            ori_msg.header = h
        if pub_vel:
            vel_msg.header = h
        if pub_pos:
            pos_msg.header = h
예제 #23
        #Add noise if the thruster value is not zero
        if not thrusterVals[i] == 0:
            #thrusterVals[i] += 2*random.random()-1 #random float between -1 to 1 exclusive
            msg.data = thrusterVals[i]
            msg.data = thrusterVals[i]

    rospy.logdebug("Thrusters values published: " + str(thrusterVals))

    #publish sensor hat data
    tempMsg = Temperature()
    #functions to give realistic sensor data curves over time
    timeNowMin = rospy.get_time() / 60  ##Current ROS time in minutes
    tempMsg.temperature = (
        (60 * timeNowMin + 30) /
        (timeNowMin + 1) - 2) + (0.5 * random.random() - 0.25)
    humidMsg = RelativeHumidity()
    humidMsg.relative_humidity = (
        (60 * timeNowMin + 90) /
        (timeNowMin + 1) - 25) + (0.5 * random.random() - 0.25)
    presMsg = FluidPressure()
    presMsg.fluid_pressure = (3000 * timeNowMin / (timeNowMin + 1) +
                              101325) + (6 * random.random() - 3)


예제 #24
    def loop(self):

        #Topic 1: PoseWitchCovariance
        pwc = PoseWithCovarianceStamped()
        pwc.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
        pwc.header.frame_id = self.world_frame_id
        pwc.pose.pose.position = Coordinates()
        pwc.pose.pose.orientation = pypozyx.Quaternion()
        cov = pypozyx.PositionError()

        status = self.pozyx.doPositioning(pwc.pose.pose.position,
                                          self.dimension, self.height,
                                          self.algorithm, self.tag_device_id)
        pozyx.getQuaternion(pwc.pose.pose.orientation, self.tag_device_id)
        pozyx.getPositionError(cov, self.tag_device_id)

        cov_row1 = [cov.x, cov.xy, cov.xz, 0, 0, 0]
        cov_row2 = [cov.xy, cov.y, cov.yz, 0, 0, 0]
        cov_row3 = [cov.xz, cov.yz, cov.z, 0, 0, 0]
        cov_row4 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        cov_row5 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        cov_row6 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

        pwc.pose.covariance = cov_row1 + cov_row2 + cov_row3 + cov_row4 + cov_row5 + cov_row6

        #Convert from mm to m
        pwc.pose.pose.position.x = pwc.pose.pose.position.x * 0.001
        pwc.pose.pose.position.y = pwc.pose.pose.position.y * 0.001
        pwc.pose.pose.position.z = pwc.pose.pose.position.z * 0.001

        if status == POZYX_SUCCESS:

        #Topic 2: IMU
        imu = Imu()
        imu.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
        imu.header.frame_id = self.tag_frame_id
        imu.orientation = pypozyx.Quaternion()
        imu.orientation_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        imu.angular_velocity = pypozyx.AngularVelocity()
        imu.angular_velocity_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        imu.linear_acceleration = pypozyx.LinearAcceleration()
        imu.linear_acceleration_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

        pozyx.getQuaternion(imu.orientation, self.tag_device_id)
        pozyx.getAngularVelocity_dps(imu.angular_velocity, self.tag_device_id)

        #Convert from mg to m/s2
        imu.linear_acceleration.x = imu.linear_acceleration.x * 0.0098
        imu.linear_acceleration.y = imu.linear_acceleration.y * 0.0098
        imu.linear_acceleration.z = imu.linear_acceleration.z * 0.0098

        #Convert from Degree/second to rad/s
        imu.angular_velocity.x = imu.angular_velocity.x * 0.01745
        imu.angular_velocity.y = imu.angular_velocity.y * 0.01745
        imu.angular_velocity.z = imu.angular_velocity.z * 0.01745


        #Topic 3: Anchors Info
        for i in range(len(anchors)):
            dr = AnchorInfo()
            dr.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
            dr.header.frame_id = self.world_frame_id
            dr.id = hex(anchors[i].network_id)
            dr.position.x = (float)(anchors[i].pos.x) * 0.001
            dr.position.y = (float)(anchors[i].pos.y) * 0.001
            dr.position.z = (float)(anchors[i].pos.z) * 0.001

            iter_ranging = 0
            while iter_ranging < self.do_ranging_attempts:

                device_range = DeviceRange()
                status = self.pozyx.doRanging(self.anchors[i].network_id,
                                              device_range, self.tag_device_id)
                dr.distance = (float)(device_range.distance) * 0.001
                dr.RSS = device_range.RSS

                if status == POZYX_SUCCESS:
                    dr.status = True
                    self.range_error_counts[i] = 0
                    iter_ranging = self.do_ranging_attempts
                    dr.status = False
                    self.range_error_counts[i] += 1
                    if self.range_error_counts[i] > 9:
                        self.range_error_counts[i] = 0
                        rospy.logerr("Anchor %d (%s) lost", i, dr.id)
                iter_ranging += 1

            # device_range = DeviceRange()
            # status = self.pozyx.doRanging(self.anchors[i].network_id, device_range)
            # dr.distance = (float)(device_range.distance) * 0.001
            # dr.RSS = device_range.RSS

            # if status == POZYX_SUCCESS:
            #     dr.status = True
            #     self.range_error_counts[i] = 0
            # else:
            #     status = self.pozyx.doRanging(self.anchors[i].network_id, device_range)
            #     dr.distance = (float)(device_range.distance) * 0.001
            #     dr.RSS = device_range.RSS
            #     if status == POZYX_SUCCESS:
            #         dr.status = True
            #         self.range_error_counts[i] = 0
            #     else:
            #         dr.status = False
            #         self.range_error_counts[i] += 1
            #         if self.range_error_counts[i] > 9:
            #             self.range_error_counts[i] = 0
            #             rospy.logerr("Anchor %d (%s) lost", i, dr.id)

            dr.child_frame_id = "anchor_" + str(i)

        #Topic 4: PoseStamped
        ps = PoseStamped()
        ps.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
        ps.header.frame_id = self.world_frame_id
        ps.pose.position = pwc.pose.pose.position
        ps.pose.orientation = pwc.pose.pose.orientation


        #Topic 5: Pressure
        pr = FluidPressure()
        pr.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
        pr.header.frame_id = self.tag_frame_id
        pressure = pypozyx.Pressure()

        pozyx.getPressure_Pa(pressure, self.tag_device_id)
        pr.fluid_pressure = pressure.value
        pr.variance = 0

    def __init__(self):

        device = get_param('~device', 'auto')
        baudrate = get_param('~baudrate', 0)
        timeout = get_param('~timeout', 0.02)
        if device == 'auto':
            devs = mtdevice.find_devices()
            if devs:
                device, baudrate = devs[0]
                rospy.loginfo("Detected MT device on port %s @ %d bps"
                              % (device, baudrate))
                rospy.logerr("Fatal: could not find proper MT device.")
                rospy.signal_shutdown("Could not find proper MT device.")
        if not baudrate:
            baudrate = mtdevice.find_baudrate(device)
        if not baudrate:
            rospy.logerr("Fatal: could not find proper baudrate.")
            rospy.signal_shutdown("Could not find proper baudrate.")

        rospy.loginfo("MT node interface: %s at %d bd." % (device, baudrate))
        self.mt = mtdevice.MTDevice(device, baudrate, timeout)

        # optional no rotation procedure for internal calibration of biases
        # (only mark iv devices)
        no_rotation_duration = get_param('~no_rotation_duration', 0)
        if no_rotation_duration:
            rospy.loginfo("Starting the no-rotation procedure to estimate the "
                          "gyroscope biases for %d s. Please don't move the IMU"
                          " during this time." % no_rotation_duration)

        self.frame_id = get_param('~frame_id', '/base_imu')

        self.frame_local = get_param('~frame_local', 'ENU')

        self.diag_msg = DiagnosticArray()
        self.stest_stat = DiagnosticStatus(name='mtnode: Self Test', level=1,
                                           message='No status information')
        self.xkf_stat = DiagnosticStatus(name='mtnode: XKF Valid', level=1,
                                         message='No status information')
        self.gps_stat = DiagnosticStatus(name='mtnode: GPS Fix', level=1,
                                         message='No status information')
        self.diag_msg.status = [self.stest_stat, self.xkf_stat, self.gps_stat]

        # publishers created at first use to reduce topic clutter
        self.diag_pub = None
        self.imu_pub = None
        self.pos_pub = None
        self.gps_pub = None
        self.vel_pub = None
        self.mag_pub = None
        self.temp_pub = None
        self.press_pub = None
        self.analog_in1_pub = None  # decide type+header
        self.analog_in2_pub = None  # decide type+header
        self.ecef_pub = None
        self.time_ref_pub = None
        # TODO pressure, ITOW from raw GPS?
        self.old_bGPS = 256  # publish GPS only if new

        # publish a string version of all data; to be parsed by clients
        self.str_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu/imu_data_str', String, queue_size=10)

        # predefinition of used variables
        self.imu_msg = Imu()
        self.imu_msg_old = Imu()
        self.pos_msg = NavSatFix()
        self.pos_msg_old = NavSatFix()
        self.gps_msg = NavSatFix()
        self.gps_msg_old = NavSatFix()
        self.vel_msg = TwistStamped()
        self.vel_msg_old = TwistStamped()
        self.mag_msg = MagneticField()
        self.mag_msg_old = MagneticField()
        self.temp_msg = Temperature()
        self.temp_msg_old = Temperature()
        self.press_msg = FluidPressure()
        self.press_msg_old = FluidPressure()
        self.anin1_msg = UInt16()
        self.anin1_msg_old = UInt16()
        self.anin2_msg = UInt16()
        self.anin2_msg_old = UInt16()
        self.ecef_msg = PointStamped()
        self.ecef_msg_old = PointStamped()

        # triggers for new msg to publish
        self.pub_imu = False
        self.pub_pos = False
        self.pub_gps = False
        self.pub_vel = False
        self.pub_mag = False
        self.pub_temp = False
        self.pub_press = False
        self.pub_anin1 = False
        self.pub_anin2 = False
        self.pub_ecef = False
        self.pub_diag = False
예제 #26
    th = 0
    status = 0

    current_odometry = Odometry()
    current_key = None

    print msg
    while True:

        bottom_tracking = BottomTracking()
        bottom_tracking.velocity[0] = x
        bottom_tracking.velocity[1] = y
        bottom_tracking.velocity[2] = 0

        pressure = FluidPressure()
        # Saunder-Fofonoff equation
        surface_pressure = 101325
        ge = 9.80
        rho_water = 1000
        pressure.fluid_pressure = z * (rho_water * ge) + surface_pressure

        imu = Imu()
        quaternion = euler_to_quat(0, 0, th)
        imu.orientation.x = quaternion[0]
        imu.orientation.y = quaternion[1]
        imu.orientation.z = quaternion[2]
        imu.orientation.w = quaternion[3]

예제 #27
            0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0.02

        # publish message

    if em7180.gotBarometer():

        pressure, temperature = em7180.readBarometer()

        altitude = (1.0 - math.pow(pressure / 1013.25, 0.190295)) * 44330
        #print('  Altitude = %2.2f m\n' % altitude)

        # Set Pressure variables
        pressMsg = FluidPressure()
        pressMsg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        pressMsg.header.frame_id = "imu_link"
        pressMsg.fluid_pressure = pressure
        pressMsg.variance = 0

        # Set Temperature variables
        tempMsg = Temperature()
        tempMsg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        tempMsg.header.frame_id = "imu_link"
        tempMsg.temperature = temperature
        tempMsg.variance = 0

        # Set Altitude variables
        altMsg = altitude
class Ulink:
    msg = dict()
    CONT = dict()
    imuMsg = Imu()
    poseMsg = PoseWithCovarianceStamped()
    pose_navMsg = PoseWithCovarianceStamped()
    compassMsg = MagneticField()
    remoteMsg = Joy()
    baroMsg = FluidPressure()
    tempMsg = Temperature()
    #rospy.init_node('imu_node2', anonymous=True)
    time_start = rospy.Time.now()
    imuMsg.orientation_covariance = [0.005, 0, 0, 0, 0.005, 0, 0, 0, 0.005]
    imuMsg.angular_velocity_covariance = [
        1.2184696791468346e-7, 0, 0, 0, 1.2184696791468346e-7, 0, 0, 0,
    imuMsg.linear_acceleration_covariance = [
        8.99999999999e-8, 0, 0, 0, 8.99999999999e-8, 0, 0, 0, 8.99999999999e-8

    #u = serial.Serial()
    def __init__(self, ser):
            self.s = ser
            print "Conecting.."
        except ValueError:
            print "Cannot connect the Port"
        if self.s.isOpen():
            print "Conected"
            ##            self.u.write('X')
            ##            print 'wait start..'
            ##            while (ord(self.u.read(1)) != 0xa1) :
            ##                time.sleep(0.1)
            ##                'wait start cmd'
            ##            time.sleep(0.2)
            print "sending data request"
            self.send_data_request(self.s, DATA_ATT)
            self.send_data_request(self.s, DATA_GPS)
            print "Starting message handler thread"
            self.msg['STATUS'] = 'alive'
            thread.start_new_thread(self.MsgHandler, (self.s, ))
##            for i in range (0,10) :
##                print self.u.write(chr(0xaa))

    def MsgHandler(self, s):
        while s.isOpen():
            if s.inWaiting() > 0:
                ch = s.read(1)
                if ord(ch) == 0xb5:
                    hdr = ord(ch)
                    lenp = ord(s.read(1))
                    idp = ord(s.read(1))
                    pay = s.read(lenp)
                    chk = struct.unpack('h', s.read(2))[0]
                    summ = 0

                    for c in pay:
                        summ = summ + ord(c)

                    if chk == hdr + lenp + idp + summ:
                        #print 'chk ok'
                        #print idp,lenp
                        self.packet_decode(idp, pay, lenp)

    def wait_alive(self, s):

    def send_data_request(self, s, d):
        #hdr =0xb5 len =1 id = 6
        chk = 181 + 1 + DATA_REQUEST + d
        data = struct.pack('cccch', chr(181), chr(1), chr(DATA_REQUEST),
                           chr(d), chk)

    def send_cmd_takeoff(self, h):
        chk = 181 + 1 + CMD_TAKEOFF + h
        return self.s.write(
            struct.pack('cccch', chr(181), chr(1), chr(CMD_TAKEOFF), chr(h),

    def send_position_desire(self, px, py, pz, yaw):
        dlen = 16
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(DATA_MOTOR))
        data = struct.pack('ffff', px, py, pz, yaw)
        summ = 181 + dlen + DATA_MOTOR
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        return tatal

    def packet_decode(self, msgid, payload, lenp):
        #print 'get ',msgid
        if msgid == ATTITUDE:
            #print 'id : ' ,idp
            d = struct.unpack('fff', payload)
            self.msg.update({'ATTITUDE': d})
            q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
                d[0], d[1], d[2] + 1.57079632679
            )  #roll pitch yaw   (addition for use in rviz +p/2)
            self.imuMsg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() - self.time_start
            self.imuMsg.orientation.x = q[0]
            self.imuMsg.orientation.y = q[1]
            self.imuMsg.orientation.z = q[2]
            self.imuMsg.orientation.w = q[3]
            self.poseMsg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() - self.time_start
            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.orientation.x = self.imuMsg.orientation.x
            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.orientation.y = self.imuMsg.orientation.y
            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.orientation.z = self.imuMsg.orientation.z
            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.orientation.w = self.imuMsg.orientation.w
            #self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.x = d[0]
            #self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.y = d[1]
            #self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.z = d[2]
            #print 'ATT ',d[0],d[1],d[2]
# print 'ATTITUDE roll', str(d[0]*180/3.14)[:5] ,' pitch :' , str(d[1]*180/3.14)[:5] ,' yaw:' , str(d[2]*180/3.14)[:6]

        elif msgid == RAW_IMU:
            d = struct.unpack('fffffffff', payload)
            self.msg.update({'RAW_IMU': d})
            self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.x = d[0] * 9.80655
            self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.y = d[1] * 9.80655
            self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.z = d[2] * 9.80655
            self.imuMsg.angular_velocity.x = d[3]
            self.imuMsg.angular_velocity.y = d[4]
            self.imuMsg.angular_velocity.z = d[5]
            self.compassMsg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() - self.time_start
            self.compassMsg.magnetic_field.x = d[6]
            self.compassMsg.magnetic_field.y = d[7]
            self.compassMsg.magnetic_field.z = d[8]

        elif msgid == ALTITUDE:
            d = struct.unpack('ff', payload)
            self.msg.update({'ALTITUDE': d})
            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.position.z = d[0]
            self.pose_navMsg.pose.pose.position.z = d[0]
            # print 'ALT  rel_ALT : ', str(d[0]*100)[:4] ,' vel_z :' , str(d[1]*10)[:4]

        elif msgid == RAW_BARO:
            d = struct.unpack('ff', payload)  #pressure , temperature
            self.msg.update({'RAW_BARO': d})
            self.baroMsg.fluid_pressure = d[0]
            self.tempMsg.temperature = d[1]

        elif msgid == RAW_RADIO:
            d = struct.unpack('HHHHHH', payload)
            self.msg.update({'RAW_RADIO': d})
            self.remoteMsg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() - self.time_start
            # self.remoteMsg.pose.position.x = d[0]
            # self.remoteMsg.pose.position.y = d[1]
            # self.remoteMsg.pose.position.z = d[2]
            # self.remoteMsg.pose.orientation.x = d[3]
            # self.remoteMsg.pose.orientation.y = d[4]
            # self.remoteMsg.pose.orientation.z = d[5]
            self.remoteMsg.axes = d[0:5]
            self.send_position_desire(d[2] / 8, d[2] / 8, d[2] / 8, d[2] / 8)
            #print 'r1:', str(d[0])[:4] ,'r2:' , str(d[1])[:4] ,'r3:' , str(d[2])[:4] ,'r4:' , str(d[3])[:4] ,'r5:' , str(d[4])[:4] ,'r6:' , str(d[5])[:4]

        elif msgid == MOTOR_OUT:
            d = struct.unpack('hhhh', payload)
            self.msg.update({'MOTOR_OUT': d})

        elif msgid == CNT_VAL:
            d = struct.unpack('fff', payload)
            self.msg.update({'CNT_VAL': d})
            # print 'CONTROL  ROLL : ', str(d[0])[:4] ,' PITCH :' , str(d[1])[:4] ,' YAW :' , str(d[2])[:4]

        elif msgid == STATUS_CHK:
            d = struct.unpack('h', payload)
            self.msg.update({'STATUS_CHK': d})
            print 'NUM SEN : ', str(d[0])

        elif msgid == UNKNOWN_TYPE:
            print struct.unpack('%ds' % lenp, payload)
            #self.msg.update({'UNKOWN_TYPE': s})

        elif msgid == UNKNOWN_FLOAT:
            d = struct.unpack('%df' % (lenp / 4), payload)
##                a=(d)
##                for i in range((lenp/4)) :
##                    a[i] = (round(a[i],5))
##                print a
##                #self.msg.update({'UNKOWN_TYPE': s})
#print round(d[0]*100,5),'\t',round(d[1]*100,5),'\t',round(d[2]*100,5),'\t',round(d[3]*100,5),'\t',round(d[4]*100,5),'\t',round(d[5]*100,5),'\t',round(d[6]*100,5),'\t',round(d[7]*100,5),'\t',round(d[8],5)

        elif msgid == GPS:
            #print 'get gps'
            gps = struct.unpack('hh', payload)
            #self.msg.update({'GPS': (gps[0]/(1e7),gps[1]/(1e7))})
            self.msg.update({'GPS': (gps[0], gps[1])})
            #print 'GPS lat', gps[0] ,' lon :' , gps[1]

            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.position.x = gps[1]  #CM
            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.position.y = gps[0]
        elif msgid == NAV_DATA:
            d = struct.unpack('hh', payload)
            self.msg.update({'NAV_DATA': d})
            self.pose_navMsg.pose.pose.position.x = d[0]  #CM
            self.pose_navMsg.pose.pose.position.y = d[1]
            #print 'nav x:', d[0] ,'nav y:' , d[1]

        elif msgid == CONT_COMPASS:
            compass = struct.unpack('hhhhhh', payload)
            self.CONT.update({'COMPASS': compass})
            print 'Update Compass constance..'

        elif msgid == CONT_PID:
            pid = struct.unpack('HHHHHHHHHHHH', payload)
            self.CONT.update({'PID': pid})
            print 'Update PID constance..'

    def takeoff(self, h):
        return self.send_cmd_takeoff(h)

    def msg_print(self):
        print '---------------------------------------------'
        print self.msg
        print '---------------------------------------------'

    def get_msg(self):
        return self.msg

    def get_cont(self):
        return self.CONT

    def getATT(self):
        if 'ATTITUDE' in self.msg:
            return self.msg['ATTITUDE']  #roll,pitch,yaw
            return None

    def getALT(self):
        if 'ALTITUDE' in self.msg:
            return self.msg['ALTITUDE']  #rel_alt,vel_z
            return None

    def getCNT_VAL(self):
        if 'CNT_VAL' in self.msg:
            return self.msg['CNT_VAL']  #control roll pitch yaw
            return None

    def getRAW_RADIO(self):
        if 'RAW_RADIO' in self.msg:
            return self.msg['RAW_RADIO']  #control roll pitch yaw
            return None

    def getGPS(self):
        if 'GPS' in self.msg:
            return self.msg['GPS']
            return None
예제 #29
def publishDVLdata():
	global unknown
	global backupjson
	#Get JSON Data
	getJson = cycleDVL()
		theData = json.loads(getJson)
		theData = json.loads(backupjson)

	#Alternating data each time data is recieved. Each with unique ID(4123 and 8219) and dataset. Using IF to sort this out
	#8219 seem to have additional information like Status, Speed of Sound, Temperature
	#More data if more modes of tracking is turned on. IDs 4125 and 8221 belongs to Water Tracking mode.
	#IDs 4123 and 8219 belongs to Bottom Track mode.

	pubBottom = rospy.Publisher('manta/dvl', DVL, queue_size=10)
	pubOdo = rospy.Publisher('nav_msgs/Odometry', Odometry, queue_size=10)
	pubPressure = rospy.Publisher('manta/Pressure', FluidPressure, queue_size=10)
	#pubWater = rospy.Publisher('sensors/dvl/water', DVL, queue_size=10)
	rospy.init_node('DVL1000', anonymous=False)
	rate = rospy.Rate(8) # 8hz

	theDVL = DVL()
	theDVLBeam = DVLBeam()
	theOdo = Odometry()
	thePressure = FluidPressure()

	#Bottom-Trackingnumpy square
	if theData["id"] == 8219:
		#Parsing Variables
		BottomID = theData["id"]
		BottomMode = theData["name"]
		BottomTime = theData["timeStampStr"]
		BottomStatus = theData["frames"][1]["inputs"][0]["lines"][0]["data"][0]
		#Speed of Sound variables
		BottomSpeedOfSoundMin = theData["frames"][2]["inputs"][0]["min"]
		BottomSpeedOfSoundMax = theData["frames"][2]["inputs"][0]["max"]
		BottomSpeedOfSoundUnit = theData["frames"][2]["inputs"][0]["units"]
		BottomSpeedOfSoundData = theData["frames"][2]["inputs"][0]["lines"][0]["data"][0]
		#Temperature varliables
		BottomTempMin = theData["frames"][3]["inputs"][0]["min"]
		BottomTempMax = theData["frames"][3]["inputs"][0]["max"]
		BottomTempUnit = theData["frames"][3]["inputs"][0]["units"]
		BottomTempData = theData["frames"][3]["inputs"][0]["lines"][0]["data"][0]
		#Pressure variables
		BottomPressureName = theData["frames"][4]["inputs"][0]["name"]
		BottomPressureMin = theData["frames"][4]["inputs"][0]["min"]
		BottomPressureMax = theData["frames"][4]["inputs"][0]["max"]
		BottomPressureData = theData["frames"][4]["inputs"][0]["lines"][0]["data"][0]
		BottomPressureUnit = theData["frames"][4]["inputs"][0]["units"]
		#Beam Velocity Variables
		BottomBeamVelMin = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][0]["min"]
		BottomBeamVelMax = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][0]["max"]
		BottomBeamVelUnit = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][0]["units"]
		BottomBeamVel1Data = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][0]["lines"][0]["data"][0]
		BottomBeamVel2Data = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][0]["lines"][1]["data"][0]
		BottomBeamVel3Data = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][0]["lines"][2]["data"][0]
		BottomBeamVel4Data = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][0]["lines"][3]["data"][0]
		BottomBeamVel1Valid = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][0]["lines"][0]["valid"]
		BottomBeamVel2Valid = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][0]["lines"][1]["valid"]
		BottomBeamVel3Valid = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][0]["lines"][2]["valid"]
		BottomBeamVel4Valid = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][0]["lines"][3]["valid"]
		#Beam FOM Variables
		BottomBeamFomMin = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][1]["min"]
		BottomBeamFomMax = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][1]["max"]
		BottomBeamFomUnit = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][1]["units"]
		BottomBeamFom1Data = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][1]["lines"][0]["data"][0]
		BottomBeamFom2Data = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][1]["lines"][1]["data"][0]
		BottomBeamFom3Data = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][1]["lines"][2]["data"][0]
		BottomBeamFom4Data = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][1]["lines"][3]["data"][0]
		BottomBeamFom1Valid = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][1]["lines"][0]["valid"]
		BottomBeamFom2Valid = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][1]["lines"][1]["valid"]
		BottomBeamFom3Valid = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][1]["lines"][2]["valid"]
		BottomBeamFom4Valid = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][1]["lines"][3]["valid"]
		#Beam Dist Variables
		BottomBeamDistMin = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][2]["min"]
		BottomBeamDistMax = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][2]["max"]
		BottomBeamDistUnit = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][2]["units"]
		BottomBeamDist1Data = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][2]["lines"][0]["data"][0]
		BottomBeamDist2Data = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][2]["lines"][1]["data"][0]
		BottomBeamDist3Data = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][2]["lines"][2]["data"][0]
		BottomBeamDist4Data = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][2]["lines"][3]["data"][0]
		BottomBeamDist1Valid = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][2]["lines"][0]["valid"]
		BottomBeamDist2Valid = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][2]["lines"][1]["valid"]
		BottomBeamDist3Valid = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][2]["lines"][2]["valid"]
		BottomBeamDist4Valid = theData["frames"][5]["inputs"][2]["lines"][3]["valid"]
		#XYZ Velocity Variables
		BottomXyzVelMin = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][0]["min"]
		BottomXyzVelMax = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][0]["max"]
		BottomXyzVelUnit = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][0]["units"]
		BottomXyzVel1Data = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][0]["lines"][0]["data"][0]
		BottomXyzVel2Data = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][0]["lines"][1]["data"][0]
		BottomXyzVel3Data = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][0]["lines"][2]["data"][0]
		BottomXyzVel4Data = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][0]["lines"][3]["data"][0]
		BottomXyzVel1Valid = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][0]["lines"][0]["valid"]
		BottomXyzVel2Valid = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][0]["lines"][1]["valid"]
		BottomXyzVel3Valid = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][0]["lines"][2]["valid"]
		BottomXyzVel4Valid = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][0]["lines"][3]["valid"]
		#XYZ FOM Variables
		BottomXyzFomMin = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][1]["min"]
		BottomXyzFomMax = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][1]["max"]
		BottomXyzFomUnit = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][1]["units"]
		BottomXyzFom1Data = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][1]["lines"][0]["data"][0]
		BottomXyzFom2Data = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][1]["lines"][1]["data"][0]
		BottomXyzFom3Data = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][1]["lines"][2]["data"][0]
		BottomXyzFom4Data = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][1]["lines"][3]["data"][0]
		BottomXyzFom1Valid = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][1]["lines"][0]["valid"]
		BottomXyzFom2Valid = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][1]["lines"][1]["valid"]
		BottomXyzFom3Valid = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][1]["lines"][2]["valid"]
		BottomXyzFom4Valid = theData["frames"][6]["inputs"][1]["lines"][3]["valid"]
		theDVL.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
		theDVL.header.frame_id = "dvl_link"
		theDVL.velocity.x = BottomXyzVel1Data
		theDVL.velocity.y = BottomXyzVel2Data
		if BottomXyzFom3Data > BottomXyzFom4Data:
			theDVL.velocity.z = BottomXyzVel4Data
			BottomXyzFomZbest = BottomXyzFom4Data
			theDVL.velocity.z = BottomXyzVel3Data
			BottomXyzFomZbest = BottomXyzFom3Data
		#Doing covariances
		velocity_covariance = [BottomXyzFom1Data * BottomXyzFom1Data, unknown, unknown, unknown, BottomXyzFom2Data * BottomXyzFom2Data, unknown, unknown, unknown, BottomXyzFomZbest * BottomXyzFomZbest]
		#Feeding message
		theDVL.velocity_covariance = velocity_covariance
		theDVL.altitude = ((BottomBeamDist1Data + BottomBeamDist2Data + BottomBeamDist3Data + BottomBeamDist4Data) / 4)
		#Individual beam data
		beam1 = theDVLBeam
		beam1.range = BottomBeamDist1Data
		beam1.range_covariance = 0.0001 #TODO: find accurate value
		beam1.velocity = BottomBeamVel1Data
		beam1.velocity_covariance = BottomBeamFom1Data * BottomBeamFom1Data
		beam1.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
		beam1.pose.pose.position.x = 0.283
		beam1.pose.pose.position.y = 0.283
		beam1.pose.pose.position.z = 0
		beam1.pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.211 #Estimating values here. 25 degree tilt and 4 cm from origo
		beam1.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.211
		beam1.pose.pose.orientation.z = -0.047
		beam1.pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.953
		beam2 = theDVLBeam
		beam2.range = BottomBeamDist2Data
		beam2.range_covariance = 0.0001 #TODO: find accurate value
		beam2.velocity = BottomBeamVel2Data
		beam2.velocity_covariance = BottomBeamFom2Data * BottomBeamFom2Data
		beam2.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
		beam2.pose.pose.position.x = 0.283
		beam2.pose.pose.position.y = -0.283
		beam2.pose.pose.position.z = 0
		beam2.pose.pose.orientation.x = -0.211 #Estimating values here. 25 degree tilt and 4 cm from origo
		beam2.pose.pose.orientation.y = -0.211
		beam2.pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.047
		beam2.pose.pose.orientation.w = -0.953
		beam3 = theDVLBeam
		beam3.range = BottomBeamDist3Data
		beam3.range_covariance = 0.0001 #TODO: find accurate value
		beam3.velocity = BottomBeamVel3Data
		beam3.velocity_covariance = BottomBeamFom3Data * BottomBeamFom3Data
		beam3.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
		beam3.pose.pose.position.x = -0.283
		beam3.pose.pose.position.y = -0.283
		beam3.pose.pose.position.z = 0
		beam3.pose.pose.orientation.x = -0.299 #Estimating values here. 25 degree tilt and 4 cm from origo
		beam3.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0
		beam3.pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.707
		beam3.pose.pose.orientation.w = -0.641
		beam4 = theDVLBeam
		beam4.range = BottomBeamDist4Data
		beam4.range_covariance = 0.0001 #TODO: find accurate value
		beam4.velocity = BottomBeamVel4Data
		beam4.velocity_covariance = BottomBeamFom4Data * BottomBeamFom4Data
		beam4.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
		beam4.pose.pose.position.x = -0.283
		beam4.pose.pose.position.y = 0.283
		beam4.pose.pose.position.z = 0
		beam4.pose.pose.orientation.x = 0 #Estimating values here. 25 degree tilt and 4 cm from origo
		beam4.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.299
		beam4.pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.641
		beam4.pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.707
		theDVL.beams = [beam1, beam2, beam3, beam4]
		#Check page 49 for Z1 and Z2 and use FOM to evaluate each, 
		#Covariance is a matrix with variance in the diagonal fields
		#[var(x), cov(x,y) cov(x,z)|cov(x,y), var(y), cov(y,z)|cov(x,z), cov(y,z), var(z)]
		#Concluded with using FOB*FOB as an estimate for variance
		#Try to get Variance out of FOM
		#pub = rospy.Publisher('sensors/dvl/bottom', NORTEK, queue_size=10)
		rospy.loginfo("Publishing sensor data from DVL Bottom-Track %s" % rospy.get_time())
        backupjson = getJson
        #Odometry topic
        theOdo.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        theOdo.header.frame_id = "dvl_link"
        theOdo.child_frame_id = "dvl_link"
        theOdo.twist.twist.linear.x = theDVL.velocity.x
        theOdo.twist.twist.linear.y = theDVL.velocity.y
        theOdo.twist.twist.linear.z = theDVL.velocity.z
        theOdo.twist.twist.angular.x = unknown
        theOdo.twist.twist.angular.y = unknown
        theOdo.twist.twist.angular.z = unknown
        theOdo.twist.covariance = [BottomXyzFom1Data * BottomXyzFom1Data, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, BottomXyzFom2Data * BottomXyzFom2Data, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, BottomXyzFomZbest * BottomXyzFomZbest, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown]
        #Pressure topic
        thePressure.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        thePressure.header.frame_id = "dvl_link"
        thePressure.fluid_pressure = BottomPressureData * 10000 #Convert dbar to Pascal
        thePressure.variance = 30*30 #Should do a more accurate meassurement of the variance
	#while not rospy.is_shutdown():
		#rospy.loginfo("Publishing sensor data from DVL %s" % rospy.get_time())
예제 #30
    def publish_data(self):
        rate = rospy.Rate(self.FREQUENCY)

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            effort = []
            thrust = []


            for index in range(len(effort)):

            yaw_thrust = (thrust[3] + thrust[1] - thrust[0] - thrust[2])

            self.current_yaw += yaw_thrust * (1.0 / self.FREQUENCY) * 0.1
            self.current_yaw %= 360.0
            pitch_thrust = sub_thruster_distance*thrust[4] - sub_thruster_distance*thrust[5] - \
                           sub_thruster_distance*thrust[6] + sub_thruster_distance*thrust[7]

            pitch_acceleration = self.thrust_to_acceleration_yaw(pitch_thrust)
            self.pitch_velocity = self.acceleration_to_velocity(
                pitch_acceleration, 1.0 / self.FREQUENCY, self.pitch_velocity)
            self.pitch_angle = self.velocity_to_angle(self.pitch_velocity,
                                                      1.0 / self.FREQUENCY,

            qx = quaternion_about_axis(self.current_yaw, self.zaxis)

            x_thrust = (thrust[0] - thrust[1] - thrust[2] + thrust[3]) * 0.7
            self.x_velocity = x_thrust * (1.0 / self.FREQUENCY) * 1.3

            y_thrust = (thrust[2] + thrust[3] - thrust[0] - thrust[1]) * 0.7
            self.y_velocity = y_thrust * (1.0 / self.FREQUENCY) * 1.3

            #front_vector_rot = numpy.nan_to_num(qv_mult(q, self.front_vector))
            #heading_vector_rot = numpy.nan_to_num(qv_mult(q, self.heading_vector))

            #x_vel = self.x_velocity * (front_vector_rot[0] + heading_vector_rot[0])
            #y_vel = self.y_velocity * (front_vector_rot[1] + heading_vector_rot[1])

            z_thrust = thrust[4] + thrust[5] + thrust[6] + thrust[7]
            self.bar += z_thrust * -0.000055
            #self.z_velocity = self.acceleration_to_velocity(z_acceleration, 1.0/self.FREQUENCY, self.z_velocity)

            #self.depth = self.velocity_to_depth(self.z_velocity, 1.0/self.FREQUENCY, self.depth)
            #self.bar = self.depth_to_bar(self.depth, self.bar)

            dvl_pressure = FluidPressure()
            dvl_pressure.fluid_pressure = self.bar

            imu = Imu()
            imu.orientation.x = qx[0]
            imu.orientation.y = qx[1]
            imu.orientation.z = qx[2]
            imu.orientation.w = qx[3]
            imu.angular_velocity.y = self.pitch_velocity
            imu.angular_velocity.z = self.yaw_velocity
            imu.header.frame_id = "NED"

            dvl_twist = TwistStamped()
            dvl_twist.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
            dvl_twist.header.frame_id = "BODY"
            dvl_twist.twist.linear.x = self.x_velocity
            dvl_twist.twist.linear.y = self.y_velocity
            dvl_twist.twist.linear.z = self.z_velocity


    th = 0
    status = 0

    current_odometry = Odometry()
    current_key = None

    print msg
    while True:

        bottom_tracking = BottomTracking()
        bottom_tracking.velocity[0] = x
        bottom_tracking.velocity[1] = y
        bottom_tracking.velocity[2] = 0

        pressure = FluidPressure()
        # Saunder-Fofonoff equation
        surface_pressure = 101325
        ge = 9.80
        rho_water = 1000
        pressure.fluid_pressure = z * (rho_water * ge) + surface_pressure

        imu = Imu()
        quaternion = euler_to_quat(0, 0, th)
        imu.orientation.x = quaternion[0]
        imu.orientation.y = quaternion[1]
        imu.orientation.z = quaternion[2]
        imu.orientation.w = quaternion[3]

예제 #32
class Ulink:
    msg = dict()
    CONT = dict()
    imuMsg = Imu()
    poseMsg = PoseWithCovarianceStamped()
    navvelMsg = TwistWithCovarianceStamped()

    pose_navMsg = Odometry()
    altMsg = Odometry()
    compassMsg = MagneticField()
    remoteMsg = Joy()
    baroMsg = FluidPressure()
    tempMsg = Temperature()
    gpsrawMsg = NavSatFix()
    desire_navMSG = Odometry()

    ackMsg = Ack()
    sonarMsg = Range()
    NavMsg = Navdata()
    #rospy.init_node('imu_node2', anonymous=True)
    time_start = rospy.Time.now()
    imuMsg.orientation_covariance = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
    imuMsg.angular_velocity_covariance = [
        1.2184696791468346e-7, 0, 0, 0, 1.2184696791468346e-7, 0, 0, 0,
    imuMsg.linear_acceleration_covariance = [
        8.99999999999e-8, 0, 0, 0, 8.99999999999e-8, 0, 0, 0, 8.99999999999e-8

    #u = serial.Serial()
    def __init__(self, ser):
            self.s = ser
            print "Conecting.."
        except ValueError:
            print "Cannot connect the Port"
        if self.s.isOpen():
            print "Conected"
            ##            self.u.write('X')
            ##            print 'wait start..'
            ##            while (ord(self.u.read(1)) != 0xa1) :
            ##                time.sleep(0.1)
            ##                'wait start cmd'
            ##            time.sleep(0.2)
            #print "sending data request"
            print "Starting message handler thread"
            self.msg['STATUS'] = 'alive'
            thread.start_new_thread(self.MsgHandler, (self.s, ))
##            for i in range (0,10) :
##                print self.u.write(chr(0xaa))

    def MsgHandler(self, s):
        while s.isOpen():
            if s.inWaiting() > 0:
                ch = s.read(1)
                #print ord(ch)
                if ord(ch) == 0xb5:
                    hdr = ord(ch)
                    lenp = ord(s.read(1))
                    idp = ord(s.read(1))
                    pay = s.read(lenp)
                    chk = struct.unpack('h', s.read(2))[0]
                    summ = 0

                    for c in pay:
                        summ = summ + ord(c)

                    if chk == hdr + lenp + idp + summ:
                        #print 'chk ok'
                        #print idp,lenp
                        self.packet_decode(idp, pay, lenp)

    def wait_alive(self, s):

    def send_data_request(self, s, d):
        #hdr =0xb5 len =1 id = 6
        chk = 181 + 1 + DATA_REQUEST + d
        data = struct.pack('cccch', chr(181), chr(1), chr(DATA_REQUEST),
                           chr(d), chk)

    def send_cmd_takeoff(self, h):
        chk = 181 + 1 + CMD_TAKEOFF + h
        return self.s.write(
            struct.pack('cccch', chr(181), chr(1), chr(CMD_TAKEOFF), chr(h),

    def send_position_desire(self, px, py, pz, yaw):
        dlen = 16
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(POSE_DEMAND))
        data = struct.pack('ffff', px, py, pz, yaw)
        summ = 181 + dlen + POSE_DEMAND
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        return tatal

    def send_flow(self, fx, fy, track):
        dlen = 10
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(FLOW_DATA))
        data = struct.pack('ffH', fx, fy, track)
        summ = 181 + dlen + FLOW_DATA
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        return tatal

    def send_motor_desire(self, M1, M2, M3, M4):
        dlen = 16
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(MOTOR_OUT))
        data = struct.pack('ffff', M1, M2, M3, M4)
        summ = 181 + dlen + MOTOR_OUT
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        return tatal

    def packet_decode(self, msgid, payload, lenp):
        #print 'get ',msgid
        t_now = rospy.Time.now()
        if msgid == ATTITUDE:
            #print 'id : ' ,idp
            d = struct.unpack('hhh', payload)
            self.msg.update({'ATTITUDE': d})

            self.NavMsg.tm = 1000000 * (t_now.secs - self.time_start.secs) + (
                t_now.nsecs - self.time_start.nsecs) / 1000
            self.NavMsg.rotX = d[0] * 0.0572957
            self.NavMsg.rotY = d[1] * 0.0572957
            self.NavMsg.rotZ = d[2] * 0.0572957

            q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
                d[0] * 0.001, d[1] * 0.001, d[2] *
                0.001)  #roll pitch yaw   (addition for use in rviz +p/2)
            self.imuMsg.header.stamp = t_now  #-self.time_start
            self.imuMsg.orientation.x = q[0]
            self.imuMsg.orientation.y = q[1]
            self.imuMsg.orientation.z = q[2]
            self.imuMsg.orientation.w = q[3]

            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.orientation.x = self.imuMsg.orientation.x
            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.orientation.y = self.imuMsg.orientation.y
            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.orientation.z = self.imuMsg.orientation.z
            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.orientation.w = self.imuMsg.orientation.w
            #self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.x = d[0]
            #self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.y = d[1]
            #self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.z = d[2]
            #print 'ATT ',d[0],d[1],d[2]
        # print 'ATTITUDE roll', str(d[0]*180/3.14)[:5] ,' pitch :' , str(d[1]*180/3.14)[:5] ,' yaw:' , str(d[2]*180/3.14)[:6]

        elif msgid == RAW_IMU:
            d = struct.unpack('hhhhhh', payload)
            self.msg.update({'RAW_IMU': d})
            self.imuMsg.header.stamp = t_now
            self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.x = d[0] * 9.80655 / 1000.0
            self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.y = d[1] * 9.80655 / 1000.0
            self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.z = d[2] * 9.80655 / 1000.0
            self.imuMsg.angular_velocity.x = d[3] / 1000.0
            self.imuMsg.angular_velocity.y = d[4] / 1000.0
            self.imuMsg.angular_velocity.z = d[5] / 1000.0
            self.compassMsg.header.stamp = t_now  #-self.time_start
            # self.compassMsg.magnetic_field.x = d[6]
            # self.compassMsg.magnetic_field.y = d[7]
            # self.compassMsg.magnetic_field.z = d[8]

            self.NavMsg.ax = d[0] / 1000.00
            self.NavMsg.ay = d[1] / 1000.00
            self.NavMsg.az = d[2] / 1000.00

        elif msgid == V_VAL:
            d = struct.unpack('hh', payload)  #v_est_x v_est_y
            self.msg.update({'V_VAL': d})
            self.pose_navMsg.twist.twist.linear.x = d[0] * 0.01
            self.pose_navMsg.twist.twist.linear.y = d[1] * 0.01
            #print 'r1:', str(d[0])[:4] ,'r2:' , str(d[1])[:4]

        elif msgid == RAW_BARO:
            d = struct.unpack('fff',
                              payload)  #alt_bybaro , pressure , temperature
            global baro_old
            global temp_old
            self.msg.update({'RAW_BARO': d})
            # if baro_old == 0 or temp_old ==0:
            #     baro_old = d[1]
            #     temp_old = d[2]
            # else :
            #     if abs(d[1]-baro_old)>2 or abs(d[2]-temp_old)>1:
            #         self.poseMsg.pose.pose.position.x=1+self.poseMsg.pose.pose.position.x

            #     else :
            #         self.baroMsg.fluid_pressure = d[1]
            #         self.tempMsg.temperature = d[2]
            #         baro_old = d[1]
            #         temp_old = d[2]

            #print 'BARODATA : ', str(d[1])[:7] ,' temp :' , str(d[2])[:7] ,' alt :' , str(d[0])[:7]

        elif msgid == RAW_RADIO:
            d = struct.unpack('HHHHHH', payload)
            self.msg.update({'RAW_RADIO': d})
            self.remoteMsg.header.stamp = t_now  #-self.time_start
            # self.remoteMsg.pose.position.x = d[0]
            # self.remoteMsg.pose.position.y = d[1]
            # self.remoteMsg.pose.position.z = d[2]
            # self.remoteMsg.pose.orientation.x = d[3]
            # self.remoteMsg.pose.orientation.y = d[4]
            # self.remoteMsg.pose.orientation.z = d[5]
            self.remoteMsg.axes = d[0:5]
            #print 'r1:', str(d[0])[:4] ,'r2:' , str(d[1])[:4] ,'r3:' , str(d[2])[:4] ,'r4:' , str(d[3])[:4] ,'r5:' , str(d[4])[:4] ,'r6:' , str(d[5])[:4]

        elif msgid == MOTOR_OUT:
            d = struct.unpack('hhhh', payload)
            self.msg.update({'MOTOR_OUT': d})
            #print str(d[0]), '\t', str(d[1]) ,'\t', str(d[2]),'\t', str(d[3])

        elif msgid == CNT_VAL:
            d = struct.unpack('ffff', payload)
            self.msg.update({'CNT_VAL': d})
            #print 'CT: ', str(d[0])[:4] ,'CR : ', str(d[1])[:4] ,' CP :' , str(d[2])[:4] ,' CY :' , str(d[3])[:4]
        # elif msgid == SONAR_DATA2_O :
        #         d=struct.unpack('f',payload)
        #         self.msg.update({'SONAR_DATA2_O': d})
        #         self.sonarMsg.header.stamp = t_now
        #         self.sonarMsg.range = d[0]
        #        print 'SONAR : ', str(d[0])[:4]
        elif msgid == STATUS_CHK:
            d = struct.unpack('hhhh', payload)
            self.msg.update({'STATUS_CHK': d})
            print 'NUM SEN : ', str(d[0]), '--ARM : ', bool(
                d[1]), '--MODE : ', modes[d[2]](), '--RC : ', d[3]

        elif msgid == UNKNOWN_TYPE:
            print struct.unpack('%ds' % lenp, payload)
            #self.msg.update({'UNKOWN_TYPE': s})

        elif msgid == UNKNOWN_FLOAT:
            d = struct.unpack('%df' % (lenp / 4), payload)
##                a=(d)
##                for i in range((lenp/4)) :
##                    a[i] = (round(a[i],5))
##                print a
##                #self.msg.update({'UNKOWN_TYPE': s})
#print round(d[0]*100,5),'\t',round(d[1]*100,5),'\t',round(d[2]*100,5),'\t',round(d[3]*100,5)
        elif msgid == GPS:  #  north(cm) , east (cm) , v_est(cm) , v_north(cm)
            #print 'get gps'
            gps = struct.unpack('ffhh', payload)
            #self.msg.update({'GPS': (gps[0]/(1e7),gps[1]/(1e7))})
            self.msg.update({'GPS': (gps[0], gps[1])})
            #print 'GPS lat', gps[0] ,' lon :' , gps[1]
            self.poseMsg.header.stamp = t_now  #-self.time_start
            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.position.x = gps[1] / 100.00  #to m
            self.poseMsg.pose.pose.position.y = gps[0] / 100.00
            #ros UTM  y is northing , x is easting
            self.navvelMsg.header.stamp = t_now  #-self.time_start
            self.navvelMsg.twist.twist.linear.x = gps[2] / 100.00
            self.navvelMsg.twist.twist.linear.y = gps[3] / 100.00
        elif msgid == GPS_RAW_FIX:  #lat,lng , numsat, hacc ,alt,fix_type,vacc
            #print 'get gps'
            gps_raw = struct.unpack('iiHHiHHH', payload)
            #self.msg.update({'GPS': (gps[0]/(1e7),gps[1]/(1e7))})
                'GPS_RAW_FIX': (gps_raw[0], gps_raw[1], gps_raw[2], gps_raw[3],
                                gps_raw[4], gps_raw[5], gps_raw[6], gps_raw[7])
            })  #lat lon numsat hacc alt fix vacc
            #print 'GPS lat', gps[0] ,' lon :' , gps[1]
            self.gpsrawMsg.header.stamp = t_now  #-self.time_start
            self.gpsrawMsg.latitude = gps_raw[0] / 10000000.00000000  #deg
            self.gpsrawMsg.longitude = gps_raw[1] / 10000000.00000000
            self.gpsrawMsg.status.status = -1 if gps_raw[5] == 0 else 1
            self.gpsrawMsg.position_covariance = [
                gps_raw[3] * 0.01, 0, 0, 0, gps_raw[3] * 0.01, 0, 0, 0,
                gps_raw[6] * 0.01
            self.poseMsg.pose.covariance = [
                gps_raw[3] * 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gps_raw[3] * 0.01, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 1

            #chamge covariance term z position and z_vel to covariance of baro
            # [gps_raw[3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            # 0, gps_raw[3],0, 0, 0, 0,
            # 0, 0, gps_raw[6],0, 0, 0,
            # 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0,
            # 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0,
            # 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1]
            self.navvelMsg.twist.covariance = [
                gps_raw[7] * 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gps_raw[7] * 0.01, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            self.gpsrawMsg.status.service = gps_raw[2]
            self.gpsrawMsg.altitude = gps_raw[4] / 1000.00000000
            self.gpsrawMsg.position_covariance_type = 2

        elif msgid == NAV_DATA:
            d = struct.unpack('ff', payload)
            self.msg.update({'NAV_DATA': d})
            self.pose_navMsg.header.stamp = t_now
            self.pose_navMsg.pose.pose.position.x = d[0]  #to m
            self.pose_navMsg.pose.pose.position.y = d[1]
            #print 'nav x:', d[0] ,'nav y:' , d[1]
        elif msgid == ALTITUDE:
            d = struct.unpack('fh', payload)
            self.msg.update({'ALTITUDE': d})
            # self.poseMsg.pose.pose.position.z = d[0]
            self.pose_navMsg.pose.pose.position.z = d[0]

            # self.poseMsg.header.stamp = t_now#-self.time_start
            # self.poseMsg.pose.pose.position.z = d[0]
            self.altMsg.header.stamp = t_now  #-self.time_start
            self.altMsg.pose.pose.position.z = d[0]
            self.altMsg.twist.twist.linear.z = d[1] / 100.000  #to m/s
            self.altMsg.pose.covariance = [
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            self.altMsg.twist.covariance = [
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            self.navvelMsg.twist.twist.linear.z = d[1] / 100.000  #to m/s
            # print d[0]*1000
            self.NavMsg.altd = int(d[0] * 1000)
            #report in mm
            # print 'ALT  rel_ALT : ', str(d[0]*100)[:4] ,' vel_z :' , str(d[1]*10)[:4]
        elif msgid == CONT_COMPASS:
            compass = struct.unpack('hhhhhh', payload)
            self.CONT.update({'COMPASS': compass})
            print 'Update Compass constance..'

        elif msgid == CONT_PID:
            pid = struct.unpack('HHHHHHHHHHHH', payload)
            self.CONT.update({'PID': pid})
            print 'Update PID constance..'

        elif msgid == ACK:
            d = struct.unpack('H', payload)[0]
            ack = []
            for i in range(16):
                ack.append(bool(d & (0x0001 << i)))
            print ack
            self.ackMsg.ACK_PENDING = ack[0]
            self.ackMsg.ACK_GCONFIG = ack[1]
            self.ackMsg.ACK_PID_RPY1 = ack[2]
            self.ackMsg.ACK_PID_RPY2 = ack[3]
            self.ackMsg.ACK_PID_ALT = ack[4]
            self.ackMsg.ACK_PID_NAV = ack[5]
            self.ackMsg.ACK_SPD = ack[6]
            self.ackMsg.ACK_NAV_INER = ack[7]
            self.ackMsg.ACK_MODE = ack[8]
            #del self.ack[:]
            print "....."
        elif msgid == DESIRE_NAV:
            d = struct.unpack('hhhhhhh', payload)
            self.msg.update({'DESIRE_NAV': d})
            self.desire_navMSG.header.stamp = t_now  #-self.time_start
            self.desire_navMSG.pose.pose.position.x = d[0] * 0.01
            self.desire_navMSG.pose.pose.position.y = d[2] * 0.01
            self.desire_navMSG.pose.pose.position.z = d[4] * 0.01
            self.desire_navMSG.twist.twist.linear.x = d[1] * 0.01
            self.desire_navMSG.twist.twist.linear.y = d[3] * 0.01
            self.desire_navMSG.twist.twist.linear.z = d[5] * 0.01

            q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, d[6] * 0.01)
            self.desire_navMSG.pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0]
            self.desire_navMSG.pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1]
            self.desire_navMSG.pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2]
            self.desire_navMSG.pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3]

    def takeoff(self, h):
        return self.send_cmd_takeoff(h)

    def msg_print(self):
        print '---------------------------------------------'
        print self.msg
        print '---------------------------------------------'

    def send_pid1_param(self, data):  #(6 float)
        dlen = 24
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(PID_RPY1))
        data = struct.pack('ffffff', data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3],
                           data[4], data[5])
        summ = 181 + dlen + PID_RPY1
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        return tatal

    def send_pid2_param(self, data):  #(6 float)
        dlen = 24
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(PID_RPY2))
        data = struct.pack('ffffff', data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3],
                           data[4], data[5])
        summ = 181 + dlen + PID_RPY2
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        return tatal

    def send_pid_alt_param(self, data):  #(5 float)
        dlen = 20
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(PID_ALT))
        data = struct.pack('fffff', data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3],
        summ = 181 + dlen + PID_ALT
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        return tatal

    def send_pid_nav_param(self, data):  #(5 float)
        dlen = 20
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(PID_NAV))
        data = struct.pack('fffff', data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3],
        summ = 181 + dlen + PID_NAV
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        return tatal

    def send_spd_param(self, data):  #(2 float)
        dlen = 8
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(PID_SPD))
        data = struct.pack('ff', data[0], data[1])
        summ = 181 + dlen + PID_SPD
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        return tatal

    def send_nav_iner_param(self, data):  #(5 float)
        dlen = 20
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(NAV_INER))
        data = struct.pack('fffff', data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3],
        summ = 181 + dlen + NAV_INER
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        return tatal

    def send_mode_param(self, data):  #(6 float)
        dlen = 24
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(MODE_CFG))
        data = struct.pack('ffffff', data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3],
                           data[4], data[5])
        summ = 181 + dlen + MODE_CFG
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        return tatal

    def send_vision_data(self, datav):  #(3 float 1 uint)
        dlen = 14
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(VISION_DATA))
        data = struct.pack('fffH', datav[0], datav[1], datav[2], datav[3])
        summ = 181 + dlen + VISION_DATA
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        print 'p x:', datav[0], 'p y:', datav[1]
        return tatal

    def send_msf_data(self, datam):  #(3 float 1 uint)
        dlen = 24
        head = struct.pack('ccc', chr(181), chr(dlen), chr(MSF_DATA))
        data = struct.pack('ffffff', datam[0], datam[1], datam[2], datam[3],
                           datam[4], datam[5])
        summ = 181 + dlen + MSF_DATA
        for d in str(data):
            summ += ord(d)
        chk = struct.pack('h', summ)
        tatal = len(head) + len(data) + len(chk)
        # print 'p x:', datam[0] ,'p y:' , datam[1]
        return tatal