def __init__(self): print("Initalized") self.Yl = 21 self.Cbl = 77 self.Crl = 83 self.Yh = 88 self.Cbh = 150 self.Crh = 146 self.clr = None self.depth = None self.cnt = 0 self.bridge = CvBridge() self.h = std_msgs.msg.Header() self.h.stamp = self.h.frame_id = "map" = rospy.Publisher('pcl', PointCloud2, queue_size=10) self.ptcld = None self.fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1) ]
def xyz_array_to_pointcloud2(self, points, limit): ''' Create a sensor_msgs.PointCloud2 from an array of points. ''' if limit > 0: points = points[-limit:] msg = PointCloud2() msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "base_link" if len(points.shape) == 3: msg.height = points.shape[1] msg.width = points.shape[0] else: msg.height = 1 msg.width = len(points) msg.fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1) ] msg.is_bigendian = False msg.point_step = 12 msg.row_step = 12 * points.shape[0] msg.is_dense = int(np.isfinite(points).all()) = np.asarray(points, np.float32).tostring() return msg
def xyz_array_to_pointcloud2(points, stamp=None, frame_id=None): ''' Create a sensor_msgs.PointCloud2 from an array of points. ''' msg = PointCloud2() if stamp: msg.header.stamp = stamp if frame_id: msg.header.frame_id = frame_id if len(points.shape) == 3: msg.height = points.shape[1] msg.width = points.shape[0] else: msg.height = 1 msg.width = len(points) msg.fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1) ] msg.is_bigendian = False msg.point_step = 12 msg.row_step = 12 * points.shape[0] msg.is_dense = int(np.isfinite(points).all()) = np.asarray(points, np.float32).tostring() return msg
def pub_cube(self, lim=8): points = [] for i in range(lim): for j in range(lim): for k in range(lim): x = float(i) / lim y = float(j) / lim z = float(k) / lim pt = [x, y, z, 0] r = int(x * 255.0) g = int(y * 255.0) b = int(z * 255.0) a = 255 # print r, g, b, a rgb = struct.unpack('I', struct.pack('BBBB', b, g, r, a))[0] # print hex(rgb) pt[3] = rgb points.append(pt) fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('rgb', 12, PointField.UINT32, 1), # PointField('rgba', 12, PointField.UINT32, 1), ] header = Header() header.stamp = header.frame_id = "map" pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(header, fields, points) pc2.header.stamp =
def default(self, ci='unused'): if not self.component_instance.capturing: return # press [Space] key to enable capturing # This message holds a collection of N-dimensional points, which may # contain additional information such as normals, intensity, etc. The # point data is stored as a binary blob, its layout described by the # contents of the "fields" array. # The point cloud data may be organized 2d (image-like) or 1d # (unordered). Point clouds organized as 2d images may be produced by # camera depth sensors such as stereo or time-of-flight. pc2 = PointCloud2() # Time of sensor data acquisition, and the coordinate frame ID (for 3d # points). pc2.header = self.get_ros_header() # 2D structure of the point cloud. If the cloud is unordered, height is # 1 and width is the length of the point cloud. pc2.height = 1 pc2.width =['nb_points'] # Describes the channels and their layout in the binary data blob. pc2.fields = [PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1)] pc2.is_dense = True # True if there are no invalid points pc2.is_bigendian = False # Is this data bigendian? pc2.point_step = 12 # Length of a point in bytes pc2.row_step = len(['points']) # Length of a row in bytes # Actual point data, size is (row_step*height) # memoryview from PyMemoryView_FromMemory() implements the buffer interface = bytes(['points']) self.publish_with_robot_transform(pc2)
def sensor_data_updated(self, carla_lidar_measurement): """ Function to transform the a received lidar measurement into a ROS point cloud message :param carla_lidar_measurement: carla lidar measurement object :type carla_lidar_measurement: carla.LidarMeasurement """ header = self.get_msg_header() fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('intensity', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), ] lidar_data = numpy.fromstring(carla_lidar_measurement.raw_data, dtype=numpy.float32) lidar_data = numpy.reshape(lidar_data, (int(lidar_data.shape[0] / 4), 4)) # we take the oposite of y axis # (as lidar point are express in left handed coordinate system, and ros need right handed) lidar_data[:, 1] *= -1 point_cloud_msg = create_cloud(header, fields, lidar_data) self.publish_message(self.get_topic_prefix() + "/point_cloud", point_cloud_msg)
def default(self, ci='unused'): if not self.component_instance.capturing: return # press [Space] key to enable capturing points =['points'] size = len(points) pc2 = PointCloud2() pc2.header = self.get_ros_header() pc2.height = 1 pc2.width = int(size / 12) pc2.is_dense = False pc2.is_bigendian = False pc2.fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1) ] pc2.point_step = 12 pc2.row_step = size # memoryview from PyMemoryView_FromMemory() implements the buffer interface = bytes(points) self.publish(pc2) self.send_transform_robot()
def _publish_pointcloud(self, carla_lidar_measurement): """ Function to transform the a received lidar measurement into a ROS point cloud message :param carla_lidar_measurement: carla lidar measurement object :type carla_lidar_measurement: carla.LidarMeasurement """ header = Header() set_timestamp(header, carla_lidar_measurement.timestamp) header.frame_id = self._lidar_frame fields = [ PointField("x", 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField("y", 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField("z", 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField("intensity", 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), ] lidar_data = ( np.frombuffer(carla_lidar_measurement.raw_data, dtype=np.float32) .reshape([-1, 4]) .copy() ) # we take the oposite of y axis # (as lidar point are express in left handed coordinate system, and ros need right handed) lidar_data[:, 1] *= -1 point_cloud_msg = create_cloud(header, fields, lidar_data) self.publish("lidar", point_cloud_msg)
def points_to_pointcloud2(points, frame_id="base_radar_link"): ''' Create a sensor_msgs.PointCloud2 from an array of points. ''' msg = PointCloud2() msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = frame_id if len(points.shape) == 3: msg.height = points.shape[1] msg.width = points.shape[0] else: msg.height = 1 msg.width = points.shape[0] msg.fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('intensity', 16, PointField.FLOAT32, 1)] msg.is_bigendian = False msg.point_step = 32 msg.row_step = 32*points.shape[0] msg.is_dense = int(np.isfinite(points).all()) = points.astype(np.float32).tobytes() return msg
def __init__(self): # Save the point cloud in the listener callback self.received_ros_cloud = None self.open3d_pointcloud = None self.time_stamps = list() # save all the time stamp self.position = list() rospy.init_node('liver_pose', anonymous=True) = rospy.Publisher('pose', Pose, queue_size=1) #for publishing static point cloud self.pub_point = rospy.Publisher('static_pointcloud', PointCloud2, queue_size=1) self.FIELDS_XYZ = [ PointField(name='x', offset=0, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1), PointField(name='y', offset=4, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1), PointField(name='z', offset=8, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1), ] self.header = Header() self.header.frame_id = "camera_link" self.pos = np.zeros((3, 1))
def xyz_array_to_point_cloud_msg(points, timestamp=None): """ Please refer to this ros answer about the usage of point cloud message: :param points: :param header: :return: """ header = Header() header.frame_id = 'map' if timestamp is None: timestamp = rospy.Time().now() header.stamp = timestamp msg = PointCloud2() msg.header = header msg.width = points.shape[0] msg.height = points.shape[1] msg.fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), ] msg.is_bigendian = False msg.point_step = 12 msg.row_step = msg.point_step * msg.width # organized clouds are non-dense, since we have to use std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN() # to fill all x/y/z value; un-organized clouds are dense, since we can filter out unfavored ones msg.is_dense = False xyz = points.astype(np.float32) = xyz.tostring() return msg
def xyz_point_cloud(): msg = PointCloud2() msg.is_dense = True msg.is_bigendian = True # Unordered point cloud msg.height = 1 msg.point_step = 12 # 32bit float x, y, and z x_field = PointField() = 'x' x_field.offset = 0 x_field.datatype = PointField.FLOAT32 x_field.count = 1 y_field = PointField() = 'y' y_field.offset = 4 y_field.datatype = PointField.FLOAT32 y_field.count = 1 z_field = PointField() = 'z' z_field.offset = 8 z_field.datatype = PointField.FLOAT32 z_field.count = 1 msg.fields.extend((x_field, y_field, z_field)) return msg
def save_velo_data(bag, kitti, velo_frame_id, topic): print("Exporting velodyne data") velo_path = os.path.join(kitti.data_path, 'velodyne_points') velo_data_dir = os.path.join(velo_path, 'data') velo_filenames = sorted(os.listdir(velo_data_dir)) with open(os.path.join(velo_path, 'timestamps.txt')) as f: lines = f.readlines() velo_datetimes = [] for line in lines: if len(line) == 1: continue dt = datetime.strptime(line[:-4], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') velo_datetimes.append(dt) iterable = zip(velo_datetimes, velo_filenames) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar() count = 0 for dt, filename in bar(iterable): if dt is None: continue velo_filename = os.path.join(velo_data_dir, filename) # read binary data scan = (np.fromfile(velo_filename, dtype=np.float32)).reshape(-1, 4) # get ring channel depth = np.linalg.norm(scan, 2, axis=1) pitch = np.arcsin(scan[:, 2] / depth) # arcsin(z, depth) fov_down = -24.8 / 180.0 * np.pi fov = (abs(-24.8) + abs(2.0)) / 180.0 * np.pi proj_y = (pitch + abs(fov_down)) / fov # in [0.0, 1.0] proj_y *= 64 # in [0.0, H] proj_y = np.floor(proj_y) proj_y = np.minimum(64 - 1, proj_y) proj_y = np.maximum(0, proj_y).astype(np.int32) # in [0,H-1] proj_y = proj_y.reshape(-1, 1) scan = np.concatenate((scan, proj_y), axis=1) # create header header = Header() header.frame_id = velo_frame_id header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec( float(datetime.strftime(dt, "%s.%f"))) # fill pcl msg fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('intensity', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('ring', 16, PointField.UINT16, 1) ] pcl_msg = pcl2.create_cloud(header, fields, scan) pcl_msg.is_dense = True # print(pcl_msg) bag.write(topic, pcl_msg, t=pcl_msg.header.stamp)
def generate_pointcloud2_data(self, x, y, z): points = [] lim = 8 pointN = len(x) for i in range(pointN): px = x[i] py = y[i] pz = z[i] r = 255 g = 165 b = 0 a = 255 rgb = struct.unpack('I', struct.pack('BBBB', b, g, r, a))[0] pt = [px, py, pz, rgb] points.append(pt) fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), # PointField('rgb', 12, PointField.UINT32, 1), PointField('rgba', 12, PointField.UINT32, 1), ] header = Header() header.frame_id = "world" pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(header, fields, points) return pc2
def callback(message): nmeasures = len(message.ranges) rospy.loginfo('I received "' + Fore.RED + str(nmeasures) + Fore.RESET + ' measurements') # Create point list points = [] i = 0 for range in message.ranges: theta = message.angle_min + i * message.angle_increment x = range * cos(theta) y = range * sin(theta) z = 0 pt = [x, y, z] points.append(pt) i = +1 # Message config fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1) ] header = Header() header.frame_id = message.header.frame_id pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(header, fields, points) pub.publish(pc2)
def _callback(self, data): """The _callback method parses images, projects it into pseudo-LiDAR point clouds and publishes it. Args: data (ros imgmsg message): contains input image Returns: None """ depth_img = cloud = self.PL.project_PL(depth_img) # convert cloud to PCL2 msg dt = # create header header = Header() header.frame_id = 'velodyne' header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec( float(datetime.strftime(dt, "%s.%f"))) # fill pcl msg fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('i', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1) ] # create pcl2 cloud pcl_msg = _pcl2.create_cloud(header, fields, cloud) self._publish(pcl_msg)
def gen_pcl(num_points, scale, spin): points = [] for i in range(num_points): #progress = i / num_points #val = progress * scale #sv = math.sin(val + spin) #cv = math.cos(val + spin) x = (random.random() - 0.5) y = (random.random() - 0.5) z = random.random() points.append([x, y, z, 8.0, 1.0]) return point_cloud2.create_cloud( header=Header(, frame_id="map", ), fields=[ PointField("x", 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField("y", 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField("z", 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField("intensity", 16, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField("ring", 20, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), ], points=points, ) """
def img_cb(self, rgb_data, depth_data): cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(rgb_data, "bgr8") print cv_image.shape cv_depthimage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth_data, "32FC1") cv_depthimage2 = np.array(cv_depthimage, dtype=np.float32) print cv_depthimage2.shape for x in range(cv_depthimage2.shape[0]): for y in range(cv_depthimage2.shape[1]): zc = cv_depthimage2[x][y] #print zc position = self.getXYZ(y, x, zc*0.001000) #print position b = cv_image[x][y][0] g = cv_image[x][y][1] r = cv_image[x][y][2] a = 255 rgb = struct.unpack('I', struct.pack('BBBB', b, g, r, a))[0] pt = [position[0],position[1],position[2],rgb] self.points.append(pt) header = Header() header.stamp = header.frame_id ="camera_color_optical_frame" #header.frame_id = "X1/rgbd_camera_frame_optical" fields = [PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('rgb', 12, PointField.UINT32, 1)] pointcloud = point_cloud2.create_cloud(header, fields, self.points) self.pc_pub.publish(pointcloud) self.points = []
def pointcloud2withrgb(self, points, colors, stamp, frame_id, seq): points_array = [] for i in range(points.shape[0]): x, y, z = points[i] color = colors[i] * 255 color = color.astype(int) hex_r = (0xff & color[0]) << 16 hex_g = (0xff & color[1]) << 8 hex_b = (0xff & color[2]) hex_rgb = hex_r | hex_g | hex_b float_rgb = struct.unpack('f', struct.pack('i', hex_rgb))[0] # r, g, b = color.astype(int) # a = 0 # rgb = struct.unpack('I', struct.pack('BBBB', b, g, r, a))[0] pt = [x, y, z, float_rgb] points_array.append(pt) fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('rgb', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), ] header = Header() header.frame_id = frame_id msg = pc2.create_cloud(header, fields, points_array) msg.header.stamp = stamp return msg
def create_cloud_xyzil32(self, header, points): fields = [PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('intensity', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('label', 16, PointField.FLOAT32, 1)] return pc2.create_cloud(header, fields, points)
def pcl_to_ros(pcl_array): ros_msg = PointCloud2() ros_msg.header.stamp = ros_msg.header.frame_id = "pandar" ros_msg.height = 1 ros_msg.width = pcl_array.size ros_msg.fields.append( PointField(name="x", offset=0, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1)) ros_msg.fields.append( PointField(name="y", offset=4, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1)) ros_msg.fields.append( PointField(name="z", offset=8, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1)) ros_msg.fields.append( PointField(name="i", offset=12, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1)) ros_msg.is_bigendian = False ros_msg.point_step = 12 ros_msg.row_step = ros_msg.point_step * ros_msg.width * ros_msg.height ros_msg.is_dense = False buffer = [] for data in pcl_array: float_rgb = struct.unpack('f', struct.pack('i', 0xff0000))[0] #print(data[3]) try: buffer.append(struct.pack('fff', data[0], data[1], data[2])) except Exception as e: print(e) else: pass = "".join(buffer) return ros_msg
def setUp(self): self.point_cloud_in = point_cloud2.PointCloud2() self.point_cloud_in.fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1) ] self.point_cloud_in.point_step = 4 * 3 self.point_cloud_in.height = 1 # we add two points (with x, y, z to the cloud) self.point_cloud_in.width = 2 self.point_cloud_in.row_step = self.point_cloud_in.point_step * self.point_cloud_in.width points = [1, 2, 0, 10, 20, 30] = struct.pack('%sf' % len(points), *points) self.transform_translate_xyz_300 = TransformStamped() self.transform_translate_xyz_300.transform.translation.x = 300 self.transform_translate_xyz_300.transform.translation.y = 300 self.transform_translate_xyz_300.transform.translation.z = 300 self.transform_translate_xyz_300.transform.rotation.w = 1 # no rotation so we only set w assert (list(point_cloud2.read_points(self.point_cloud_in)) == [ (1.0, 2.0, 0.0), (10.0, 20.0, 30.0) ])
def sensor_data_updated(self, carla_dvs_event_array): """ Function to transform the received DVS event array into a ROS message :param carla_dvs_event_array: dvs event array object :type carla_image: carla.DVSEventArray """ super(DVSCamera, self).sensor_data_updated(carla_dvs_event_array) header = self.get_msg_header(timestamp=carla_dvs_event_array.timestamp) fields = [ PointField(name='x', offset=0, datatype=PointField.UINT16, count=1), PointField(name='y', offset=2, datatype=PointField.UINT16, count=1), PointField(name='t', offset=4, datatype=PointField.FLOAT64, count=1), PointField(name='pol', offset=12, datatype=PointField.INT8, count=1) ] dvs_events_msg = create_cloud(header, fields, self._dvs_events.tolist()) self.dvs_camera_publisher.publish(dvs_events_msg)
def setUp(self): self.point_cloud_in = point_cloud2.PointCloud2() self.point_cloud_in.fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('index', 12, PointField.INT32, 1) ] self.point_cloud_in.point_step = 4 * 4 self.point_cloud_in.height = 1 # we add two points (with x, y, z to the cloud) self.point_cloud_in.width = 2 self.point_cloud_in.row_step = self.point_cloud_in.point_step * self.point_cloud_in.width self.points = [(1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 123), (10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 456)] for point in self.points: += struct.pack('3fi', *point) self.transform_translate_xyz_300 = TransformStamped() self.transform_translate_xyz_300.transform.translation.x = self.TRANSFORM_OFFSET_DISTANCE self.transform_translate_xyz_300.transform.translation.y = self.TRANSFORM_OFFSET_DISTANCE self.transform_translate_xyz_300.transform.translation.z = self.TRANSFORM_OFFSET_DISTANCE self.transform_translate_xyz_300.transform.rotation.w = 1 # no rotation so we only set w assert (list(point_cloud2.read_points( self.point_cloud_in)) == self.points)
def pub_data(self, points, intensity, data_type='map'): #msg = self.surface_to_pcl(data,.1) msg = PointCloud2() buf = [] msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = 'map' msg.height = points.shape[0] msg.width = 1 msg.fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('intensity', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1) ] msg.is_bigendian = False msg.point_step = 16 msg.row_step = 16 * msg.height msg.is_dense = True if (intensity is None): points = np.hstack([points, np.zeros([points.shape[0], 1])]) else: points = np.hstack([points, intensity.reshape([-1, 1])]) = np.asarray(points, np.float32).tostring() if (data_type == 'map'): self.map_pub.publish(msg) else: self.raw_pub.publish(msg)
def talker(pc_path): pub = rospy.Publisher('/point_cloud', PointCloud2, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('pc_publisher', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pc = np.load(pc_path)+0.1 points = pc.reshape(-1,3) points[:,1] = points[:,1]+0.1 msg = PointCloud2() msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "base" msg.height = 1 msg.width = points.shape[0] msg.fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1) ] msg.is_bigendian = False msg.point_step = 12 msg.row_step = msg.point_step * points.shape[0] msg.is_dense = False = points.astype(np.float32).tobytes() pub.publish(msg) print('send') rate.sleep()
def create_cloud_xyz32(header, points): fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1) ] return create_cloud(header, fields, points)
def __publish_point_cloud_data(self, stamp): data = self._wb_device.getPointCloud(data_type='buffer') if data: msg = PointCloud2() msg.header.stamp = stamp msg.header.frame_id = self._frame_id msg.height = 1 msg.width = self._wb_device.getNumberOfPoints() msg.point_step = 20 msg.row_step = 20 * self._wb_device.getNumberOfPoints() msg.is_dense = False msg.fields = [ PointField(name='x', offset=0, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1), PointField(name='y', offset=4, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1), PointField(name='z', offset=8, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1) ] msg.is_bigendian = False # We pass `data` directly to we avoid using `data` setter. # Otherwise ROS2 converts data to `array.array` which slows down the simulation as it copies memory internally. # Both, `bytearray` and `array.array`, implement Python buffer protocol, so we should not see unpredictable # behavior. # deepcode ignore W0212: Avoid conversion from `bytearray` to `array.array`. msg._data = data self.__publisher.publish(msg)
def publish_point_cloud(particle_publisher, cloud_points, frame_id, stamp): header = Header() header.stamp = stamp header.frame_id = frame_id fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1) ] if cloud_points.shape[1] == 4: fields.append(PointField('intensity', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1)) buff = np.ascontiguousarray(cloud_points, dtype=np.float32).ravel().tobytes() cloud = PointCloud2(header=header, height=1, width=cloud_points.shape[0], is_dense=False, is_bigendian=False, fields=fields, point_step=len(fields) * 4, row_step=len(fields) * 4 * cloud_points.shape[1], data=buff) particle_publisher.publish(cloud)
def get_pointcloud(self): point_data = [] for i, point3d in enumerate(self.est_points3d): # Create the point cloud data a = 255 rgb = struct.unpack( 'I', struct.pack('BBBB', self.color3d[i][2], self.color3d[i][1], self.color3d[i][0], a))[0] pt = [point3d[0], point3d[1], point3d[2], rgb] point_data.append(pt) # Define the point cloud metadata fields = [ PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('rgba', 12, PointField.UINT32, 1), ] # Create the message and return header = Header() header.frame_id = "map" pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(header, fields, point_data) self.est_points3d = np.array(self.est_points3d) return pc2