def multiple_model_corrector(model_bank_in, Yi, ti, sun_gcrf, sensor, EOP_data, XYs_df, method='mmae', alpha=1e-4): # Initialize Output model_bank = copy.deepcopy(model_bank_in) # Compute update components wbar = [] beta_list = [] for model_id in sorted(model_bank_in.keys()): # Retrieve model parameters spacecraftConfig = model_bank_in[model_id]['spacecraftConfig'] surfaces = model_bank_in[model_id]['surfaces'] Xbar = spacecraftConfig['X'] Pbar = spacecraftConfig['covar'] n = len(Xbar) print(model_id) print(Pbar) print(np.linalg.eig(Pbar)) # Corrector if spacecraftConfig['type'] == '3DoF': X, P, beta = ukf_3dof_corrector(Xbar, Pbar, Yi, ti, n, alpha, sun_gcrf, sensor, EOP_data, XYs_df, spacecraftConfig, surfaces) elif spacecraftConfig['type'] == '3att': X, P, beta = ukf_3att_corrector(Xbar, Pbar, Yi, ti, n, alpha, sun_gcrf, sensor, EOP_data, XYs_df, spacecraftConfig, surfaces) elif spacecraftConfig['type'] == '6DoF': X, P, beta = ukf_6dof_corrector(Xbar, Pbar, qmean, Yi, ti, n, alpha, sun_gcrf, sensor, EOP_data, XYs_df, spacecraftConfig, surfaces) else: print('Spacecraft Type Error') print(spacecraftConfig) break print('\n\n Corrector Step') print(ti) print(X) print(P) print(beta) # Compute post-fit residuals Ybar_post = compute_measurement(X, sun_gcrf, sensor, spacecraftConfig, surfaces, ti, EOP_data, sensor['meas_types'], XYs_df) resids = Yi - Ybar_post print('post') print(model_id) print('Ybar_post', Ybar_post) print('resids', resids) # Store weights and likelihoods for weight updates wbar.append(model_bank_in[model_id]['weight']) beta_list.append(beta) # Update outputs for each model model_bank[model_id]['spacecraftConfig']['time'] = ti model_bank[model_id]['spacecraftConfig']['X'] = X model_bank[model_id]['spacecraftConfig']['covar'] = P model_bank[model_id]['resids'] = resids # Update weights per mulitple model method wf_list = multiple_model_weights(wbar, beta_list, method) print('Update Weights') print('wbar', wbar) print('beta_list', beta_list) print('wf_list', wf_list) # Update model bank ii = 0 for model_id in sorted(model_bank_in.keys()): model_bank[model_id]['weight'] = np.array(wf_list[ii]) ii += 1 return model_bank
def ukf_6dof_corrector(Xgrp, Pbar, qmean, Yi, ti, n, alpha, sun_gcrf, sensor, EOP_data, XYs_df, spacecraftConfig, surfaces): #Compute Weights beta = 2. kappa = 3. - 12. lam = alpha**2 * (12. + kappa) - 12. gam = np.sqrt(12. + lam) Wm = 1. / (2. * (12. + lam)) * np.ones((1, 2 * 12)) Wm = list(Wm.flatten()) Wc = copy.copy(Wm) Wm.insert(0, lam / (12. + lam)) Wc.insert(0, lam / (12. + lam) + (1 - alpha**2 + beta)) Wm = np.asarray(Wm) diagWc = np.diag(Wc) # Sensor parameters meas_types = sensor['meas_types'] sigma_dict = sensor['sigma_dict'] p = len(meas_types) # Measurement noise var = [] for mt in meas_types: var.append(sigma_dict[mt]**2.) Rk = np.diag(var) # Recompute sigma points to incorporate process noise sqP = np.linalg.cholesky(Pbar) Xrep = np.tile(Xgrp, (1, 12)) chi_grp = np.concatenate((Xgrp, Xrep + (gam * sqP), Xrep - (gam * sqP)), axis=1) chi_diff = chi_grp -, np.ones((1, 25))) # Compute sigma points with quaternions chi_quat = np.zeros((13, 25)) chi_quat[0:6, :] = chi_grp[0:6, :] chi_quat[10:13, :] = chi_grp[9:12, :] chi_quat[6:10, 0] = qmean.flatten() for jj in range(24): dp = chi_grp[6:9, jj + 1].reshape(3, 1) dq = att.grp2quat(dp, 1) qj = att.quat_composition(dq, qmean) chi_quat[6:10, jj + 1] = qj.flatten() # Computed measurements meas_bar = np.zeros((p, 25)) for jj in range(chi_quat.shape[1]): Xj = chi_quat[:, jj] Yj = compute_measurement(Xj, sun_gcrf, sensor, spacecraftConfig, surfaces, ti, EOP_data, sensor['meas_types'], XYs_df) meas_bar[:, jj] = Yj.flatten() # print(jj) # print(Yj) # print(Wm) Ybar =, Wm.T) Ybar = np.reshape(Ybar, (p, 1)) Y_diff = meas_bar -, np.ones((1, 25))) Pyy =,, Y_diff.T)) Pxy =,, Y_diff.T)) Pyy += Rk # print(meas_bar) # print(Yi) # print(Ybar) # print(Pyy) # Measurement Update K =, np.linalg.inv(Pyy)) Xgrp = Xgrp +, Yi - Ybar) # Compute updated quaternion and full state vector dp = Xgrp[6:9].reshape(3, 1) dq = att.grp2quat(dp, 1) q = att.quat_composition(dq, qmean) X = np.zeros((13, 1)) X[0:6] = Xgrp[0:6] X[6:10] = q X[10:13] = Xgrp[9:12] # # Regular update # P = Pbar -,, K.T)) # # # Re-symmetric pos def # P = 0.5 * (P + P.T) # Joseph Form cholPbar = np.linalg.inv(np.linalg.cholesky(Pbar)) invPbar =, cholPbar) P1 = (np.identity(12) -,, K.T)), invPbar)) P =,, P1.T)) +,, K.T)) # print('posterior') # print(X) # print(P) # print(Ybar) # print(Yi - Ybar) # print(Pyy) # print(Rk) # print(Pxy) # # Gaussian Likelihood beta = compute_gaussian(Yi, Ybar, Pyy) # beta_list.append(beta) return X, P, beta
def ukf_3att_corrector(Xbar, Pbar, Yi, ti, n, alpha, sun_gcrf, sensor, EOP_data, XYs_df, spacecraftConfig, surfaces): #Compute Weights n = 6 beta = 2. kappa = 3. - n lam = alpha**2 * (n + kappa) - n gam = np.sqrt(n + lam) Wm = 1. / (2. * (n + lam)) * np.ones((1, 2 * n)) Wm = list(Wm.flatten()) Wc = copy.copy(Wm) Wm.insert(0, lam / (n + lam)) Wc.insert(0, lam / (n + lam) + (1 - alpha**2 + beta)) Wm = np.asarray(Wm) diagWc = np.diag(Wc) # Sensor parameters meas_types = sensor['meas_types'] sigma_dict = sensor['sigma_dict'] p = len(meas_types) # Measurement noise var = [] for mt in meas_types: var.append(sigma_dict[mt]**2.) Rk = np.diag(var) # Recompute sigma points to incorporate process noise sqP = np.linalg.cholesky(Pbar) Xpv = Xbar[0:6].reshape(6, 1) Xatt = Xbar[6:13].reshape(7, 1) Xrep = np.tile(Xpv, (1, n)) chi_bar = np.concatenate((Xpv, Xrep + (gam * sqP), Xrep - (gam * sqP)), axis=1) chi_diff = chi_bar -, np.ones((1, (2 * n + 1)))) # Computed measurements meas_bar = np.zeros((p, 2 * n + 1)) for jj in range(chi_bar.shape[1]): Xj = chi_bar[:, jj].reshape(6, 1) Xj_full = np.concatenate((Xj, Xatt), axis=0) Yj = compute_measurement(Xj_full, sun_gcrf, sensor, spacecraftConfig, surfaces, ti, EOP_data, sensor['meas_types'], XYs_df) meas_bar[:, jj] = Yj.flatten() Ybar =, Wm.T) Ybar = np.reshape(Ybar, (p, 1)) Y_diff = meas_bar -, np.ones((1, (2 * n + 1)))) Pyy =,, Y_diff.T)) Pxy =,, Y_diff.T)) Pyy += Rk # Measurement Update K =, np.linalg.inv(Pyy)) X = Xpv +, Yi - Ybar) X = np.concatenate((X, Xatt), axis=0) # # Regular update # P = Pbar -,, K.T)) # # # Re-symmetric pos def # P = 0.5 * (P + P.T) # Joseph Form cholPbar = np.linalg.inv(np.linalg.cholesky(Pbar)) invPbar =, cholPbar) P1 = (np.identity(6) -,, K.T)), invPbar)) P =,, P1.T)) +,, K.T)) print('posterior') print(Xbar) print(X) print(P) print(Ybar) print(Yi - Ybar) # print(Pyy) # print(Rk) # print(Pxy) # # Gaussian Likelihood beta = compute_gaussian(Yi, Ybar, Pyy) # beta_list.append(beta) return X, P, beta
def unscented_kalman_filter(model_params_file, sensor_file, meas_file, ephemeris, ts, alpha=1.): ''' ''' # Load model parameters pklFile = open(model_params_file, 'rb') data = pickle.load(pklFile) spacecraftConfig = data[0] forcesCoeff = data[1] surfaces = data[2] eop_alldata = data[3] XYs_df = data[4] pklFile.close() # Load sensor data pklFile = open(sensor_file, 'rb') data = pickle.load(pklFile) sensor_dict = data[0] pklFile.close() # Load measurement data pklFile = open(meas_file, 'rb') data = pickle.load(pklFile) meas_dict = data[0] pklFile.close() meas_times = sorted(list(meas_dict.keys())) # # Force model parameters # dragCoeff = forcesCoeff['dragCoeff'] # order = forcesCoeff['order'] # degree = forcesCoeff['degree'] # emissivity = forcesCoeff['emissivity'] # Sun and earth data earth = ephemeris['earth'] sun = ephemeris['sun'] #Number of states and observations per epoch n = len(spacecraftConfig['X']) # Initial state parameters X = spacecraftConfig['X'].reshape(n, 1) P = spacecraftConfig['covar'] print(spacecraftConfig) print(X) # Loop over times # beta_list = [] filter_output = {} filter_output['time'] = [] filter_output['X'] = [] filter_output['P'] = [] filter_output['resids'] = [] for ii in range(len(meas_times)): # Retrieve current and previous times ti = meas_times[ii] print('Current time: ', ti) ti_prior = spacecraftConfig['time'] print(ti_prior) delta_t = (ti - ti_prior).total_seconds() print('delta_t', delta_t) # Predictor if spacecraftConfig['type'] == '3DoF': Xbar, Pbar = \ ukf_3dof_predictor(X, P, delta_t, n, alpha, spacecraftConfig, forcesCoeff, surfaces) elif spacecraftConfig['type'] == '3att': Xbar, Pbar = \ ukf_3att_predictor(X, P, delta_t, n, alpha, spacecraftConfig, forcesCoeff, surfaces) elif spacecraftConfig['type'] == '6DoF': Xbar, Pbar, qmean = \ ukf_6dof_predictor(X, P, delta_t, n, alpha, spacecraftConfig, forcesCoeff, surfaces) else: print('Spacecraft Type Error') print(spacecraftConfig) break print('\n\n Predictor Step') print(ti) print(Xbar) print(Pbar) # Skyfield time and sun position UTC_skyfield = ts.utc(ti.replace(tzinfo=utc)) sun_gcrf = sun_gcrf = np.reshape(sun_gcrf, (3, 1)) # EOPs at current time EOP_data = get_eop_data(eop_alldata, ti) # Loop over sensors # Yi = meas[ii,:].reshape(len(meas[ii,:]),1) sensor_id_list = list(meas_dict[ti].keys()) for sensor_id in sensor_id_list: sensor = sensor_dict[sensor_id] Yi = meas_dict[ti][sensor_id] print('Yi', Yi) # Corrector if spacecraftConfig['type'] == '3DoF': X, P, beta = ukf_3dof_corrector(Xbar, Pbar, Yi, ti, n, alpha, sun_gcrf, sensor, EOP_data, XYs_df, spacecraftConfig, surfaces) elif spacecraftConfig['type'] == '3att': X, P, beta = ukf_3att_corrector(Xbar, Pbar, Yi, ti, n, alpha, sun_gcrf, sensor, EOP_data, XYs_df, spacecraftConfig, surfaces) elif spacecraftConfig['type'] == '6DoF': X, P, beta = ukf_6dof_corrector(Xbar, Pbar, qmean, Yi, ti, n, alpha, sun_gcrf, sensor, EOP_data, XYs_df, spacecraftConfig, surfaces) else: print('Spacecraft Type Error') print(spacecraftConfig) break print('\n\n Corrector Step') print(ti) print(sensor_id) print(X) print(P) print(beta) # Update with post-fit solution spacecraftConfig['time'] = ti # Compute post-fit residuals Ybar_post = compute_measurement(X, sun_gcrf, sensor, spacecraftConfig, surfaces, ti, EOP_data, sensor['meas_types'], XYs_df) resids = Yi - Ybar_post print('post') print('Ybar_post', Ybar_post) print('resids', resids) # if ii > 3: # mistake # Append data to output filter_output['time'].append(ti) filter_output['X'].append(X) filter_output['P'].append(P) filter_output['resids'].append(resids) return filter_output
def check_visibility(state, UTC_times, sun_gcrf_array, moon_gcrf_array, sensor, spacecraftConfig, surfaces, eop_alldata, XYs_df=[]): # Sensor parameters mapp_lim = sensor['mapp_lim'] az_lim = sensor['az_lim'] el_lim = sensor['el_lim'] rg_lim = sensor['rg_lim'] sun_elmask = sensor['sun_elmask'] moon_angle_lim = sensor['moon_angle_lim'] geodetic_latlonht = sensor['geodetic_latlonht'] meas_types = ['rg', 'az', 'el'] # Sensor coordinates lat = geodetic_latlonht[0] lon = geodetic_latlonht[1] ht = geodetic_latlonht[2] sensor_itrf = latlonht2ecef(lat, lon, ht) start = time.time() # Loop over times and check visiblity conditions vis_inds = [] for ii in range(len(UTC_times)): # Retrieve time and current sun and object locations in ECI UTC = UTC_times[ii] Xi = state[ii,:] sun_gcrf = sun_gcrf_array[:,ii].reshape(3,1) # print(UTC) if ii % 100 == 0: print(ii) print(UTC) print('time elapsed:', time.time() - start) # Compute measurements EOP_data = get_eop_data(eop_alldata, UTC) Yi = compute_measurement(Xi, sun_gcrf, sensor, spacecraftConfig, surfaces, UTC, EOP_data, meas_types, XYs_df) # print(Yi) rg = float(Yi[0]) az = float(Yi[1]) el = float(Yi[2]) # Compute sun elevation angle sun_itrf, dum = gcrf2itrf(sun_gcrf, np.zeros((3,1)), UTC, EOP_data, XYs_df) sun_az, sun_el, sun_rg = ecef2azelrange_rad(sun_itrf, sensor_itrf) # Check against constraints vis_flag = True if el < el_lim[0]: vis_flag = False if el > el_lim[1]: vis_flag = False if az < az_lim[0]: vis_flag = False if az > az_lim[1]: vis_flag = False if rg < rg_lim[0]: vis_flag = False if rg > rg_lim[1]: vis_flag = False if sun_el > sun_elmask: vis_flag = False # If passed constraints, check for eclipse and moon angle if vis_flag: # Compute angles rso_gcrf = Xi[0:3].reshape(3,1) moon_gcrf = moon_gcrf_array[:,ii].reshape(3,1) sensor_gcrf, dum = \ itrf2gcrf(sensor_itrf, np.zeros((3,1)), UTC, EOP_data, XYs_df) phase_angle, sun_angle, moon_angle = \ compute_angles(rso_gcrf, sun_gcrf, moon_gcrf, sensor_gcrf) # Check for eclipse - if sun angle is less than half cone angle # the sun is behind the earth # First check valid orbit - radius greater than Earth radius r = np.linalg.norm(rso_gcrf) if r < Re: vis_flag = False else: half_cone = asin(Re/r) if sun_angle < half_cone: vis_flag = False # Check too close to moon if moon_angle < moon_angle_lim: vis_flag = False #TODO Moon Limits based on phase of moon (Meeus algorithm?) # If still good, compute apparent mag if vis_flag: # print('az', az*180/pi) # print('el', el*180/pi) # print('sun az', sun_az*180/pi) # print('sun el', sun_el*180/pi) meas_types_mapp = ['mapp'] Yi = compute_measurement(Xi, sun_gcrf, sensor, spacecraftConfig, surfaces, UTC, EOP_data, meas_types_mapp, XYs_df) if float(Yi[0]) > mapp_lim: vis_flag = False # If passed all checks, append to list if vis_flag: vis_inds.append(ii) return vis_inds
def twobody_geo_setup(): arcsec2rad = pi / (3600. * 180.) # Retrieve latest EOP data from eop_alldata = get_celestrak_eop_alldata() # Retrieve polar motion data from file XYs_df = get_XYs2006_alldata() # Define state parameters state_params = {} state_params['GM'] = GME state_params['radius_m'] = 1. state_params['albedo'] = 0.1 # Integration function and additional settings int_params = {} int_params['integrator'] = 'ode' int_params['ode_integrator'] = 'dop853' int_params['intfcn'] = ode_twobody int_params['rtol'] = 1e-12 int_params['atol'] = 1e-12 int_params['time_system'] = 'datetime' # Time vector tk_list = [] for hr in range(24): UTC = datetime(2021, 6, 21, hr, 0, 0) tvec = np.arange(0., 601., 60.) tk_list.extend([UTC + timedelta(seconds=ti) for ti in tvec]) # Inital State elem = [42164.1, 0.001, 0., 90., 0., 0.] X_true = np.reshape(kep2cart(elem), (6, 1)) P = np.diag([1., 1., 1., 1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-6]) pert_vect = np.multiply(np.sqrt(np.diag(P)), np.random.randn(6)) X_init = X_true + np.reshape(pert_vect, (6, 1)) state_dict = {} state_dict[tk_list[0]] = {} state_dict[tk_list[0]]['X'] = X_init state_dict[tk_list[0]]['P'] = P # Sensor and measurement parameters sensor_id_list = ['UNSW Falcon'] sensor_params = define_sensors(sensor_id_list) sensor_params['eop_alldata'] = eop_alldata sensor_params['XYs_df'] = XYs_df for sensor_id in sensor_id_list: sensor_params[sensor_id]['meas_types'] = ['ra', 'dec'] sigma_dict = {} sigma_dict['ra'] = 5. * arcsec2rad # rad sigma_dict['dec'] = 5. * arcsec2rad # rad sensor_params[sensor_id]['sigma_dict'] = sigma_dict print(sensor_params) # Generate truth and measurements truth_dict = {} meas_fcn = H_radec meas_dict = {} meas_dict['tk_list'] = [] meas_dict['Yk_list'] = [] meas_dict['sensor_id_list'] = [] X = X_true.copy() for kk in range(len(tk_list)): if kk > 0: tin = [tk_list[kk - 1], tk_list[kk]] tout, Xout = general_dynamics(X, tin, state_params, int_params) X = Xout[-1, :].reshape(6, 1) truth_dict[tk_list[kk]] = X # Check visibility conditions and compute measurements UTC = tk_list[kk] EOP_data = get_eop_data(eop_alldata, UTC) for sensor_id in sensor_id_list: sensor = sensor_params[sensor_id] if check_visibility(X, state_params, sensor, UTC, EOP_data, XYs_df): # Compute measurements Yk = compute_measurement(X, state_params, sensor, UTC, EOP_data, XYs_df, meas_types=sensor['meas_types']) Yk[0] += np.random.randn() * sigma_dict['ra'] Yk[1] += np.random.randn() * sigma_dict['dec'] meas_dict['tk_list'].append(UTC) meas_dict['Yk_list'].append(Yk) meas_dict['sensor_id_list'].append(sensor_id) # Plot data tplot = [(tk - tk_list[0]).total_seconds() / 3600. for tk in tk_list] xplot = [] yplot = [] zplot = [] for tk in tk_list: X = truth_dict[tk] xplot.append(X[0]) yplot.append(X[1]) zplot.append(X[2]) meas_tk = meas_dict['tk_list'] meas_tplot = [(tk - tk_list[0]).total_seconds() / 3600. for tk in meas_tk] meas_sensor_id = meas_dict['sensor_id_list'] meas_sensor_index = [ sensor_id_list.index(sensor_id) for sensor_id in meas_sensor_id ] plt.figure() plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.plot(tplot, xplot, 'k.') plt.ylabel('X [km]') plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.plot(tplot, yplot, 'k.') plt.ylabel('Y [km]') plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.plot(tplot, zplot, 'k.') plt.ylabel('Z [km]') plt.xlabel('Time [hours]') plt.figure() plt.plot(meas_tplot, meas_sensor_index, 'k.') plt.xlabel('Time [hours]') plt.ylabel('Sensor ID') print(meas_dict) pklFile = open('twobody_geo_setup.pkl', 'wb') pickle.dump([ state_dict, state_params, int_params, meas_fcn, meas_dict, sensor_params, truth_dict ], pklFile, -1) pklFile.close() return