예제 #1
 def draw_beacons(self):
     if not self.beacons:
     bs = BeaconSensor()
     delta = (self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0])/100.0
     xs = np.arange(self.bounds[0], self.bounds[1], delta)
     ys = np.arange(self.bounds[2], self.bounds[3], delta)
     Z = np.zeros((len(ys), len(xs)))
     #links = Links(np.array([0, 0]), state_rep='angles')
     for j in xrange(len(xs)):
         for k in xrange(len(ys)):
             x = xs[j]; y = ys[k];
             #xyef = links.forward_kinematics(np.array([0,0]), np.array([x, y]))
             Z[len(ys)-1-k,j] = np.linalg.norm(bs.observe(self, np.array([x,y])),2)
             #Z[len(ys)-1-k,j] = np.linalg.norm(bs.observe(self, xyef),2)
     ax = plt.gca()
     plt.imshow(Z, cmap=cm.gray, extent=self.bounds)
예제 #2
 def draw_beacons(self):
     if not self.beacons:
     bs = BeaconSensor()
     delta = (self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0]) / 100.0
     xs = np.arange(self.bounds[0], self.bounds[1], delta)
     ys = np.arange(self.bounds[2], self.bounds[3], delta)
     Z = np.zeros((len(ys), len(xs)))
     #links = Links(np.array([0, 0]), state_rep='angles')
     for j in xrange(len(xs)):
         for k in xrange(len(ys)):
             x = xs[j]
             y = ys[k]
             #xyef = links.forward_kinematics(np.array([0,0]), np.array([x, y]))
             Z[len(ys) - 1 - k,
               j] = np.linalg.norm(bs.observe(self, np.array([x, y])), 2)
             #Z[len(ys)-1-k,j] = np.linalg.norm(bs.observe(self, xyef),2)
     ax = plt.gca()
     plt.imshow(Z, cmap=cm.gray, extent=self.bounds)
예제 #3
from sensors import BeaconSensor
from utils import mat2tuple
import random
from math import log
from numpy.random import multivariate_normal as mvn
from kalman_filter import ekf_update

# Set up environment #args

beacons = [Beacon(np.array([-1, -1])), Beacon(np.array([1, 1]))]
beacons = beacons[1:2]
s = SimEnv2D(bounds=[-2, 2, -2, 2], beacons=beacons)

x0 = np.array([-1, 1, -np.pi / 4, 0])
car = SimpleCar(x0)
car.attach_sensor(BeaconSensor(), lambda x: x[0:2])


# Number of timesteps
T = 20  #arg

# Dynamics and measurement noise
num_states = car.NX
num_ctrls = car.NU
num_measure = len(beacons)  #arg/make part of robot observe
Q = np.mat(np.diag([0.0005] * num_states))  #arg
Q[2, 2] = 0  # Gets out of hand if noise in theta or phi
Q[3, 3] = 0
R = np.mat(np.diag([0.00005] * num_measure)) * 0.001  #arg
# Sample noise
예제 #4
# Set up environment #args

beacons = [
    Beacon(np.array([0.2, 0.2])),
    Beacon(np.array([1.2, 0.5])),
    Beacon(np.array([0.2, 0.8]))
#obstacles = [RectangularObstacle(np.array([[0.75, 0.2], [0.75, 0.4], [0.85, 0.4], [0.85,0.2]], float).T),\
#             RectangularObstacle(np.array([[0.5,0.85], [1.15,0.85], [1.15,0.6], [0.5,0.6]], float).T)]
obstacles = []

s = SimEnv2D(bounds=[-0.1, 1.5, -0.1, 1], beacons=beacons, obstacles=obstacles)

x0 = np.array([0, 0.5, 0, 0])
car = SimpleCar(x0)
car.attach_sensor(BeaconSensor(decay_coeff=25), lambda x: x[0:2])


# Number of timesteps
T = 30  #arg

# Dynamics and measurement noise
num_states = car.NX
num_ctrls = car.NU
num_measure = len(beacons) + 1  #arg/make part of robot observe
Q = np.mat(np.diag([1e-5] * num_states))  #arg
Q[2, 2] = 1e-8  # Gets out of hand if noise in theta or phi
Q[3, 3] = 1e-8  # Can also add theta/phi to measurement like Sameep #TODO?
R = np.mat(np.diag([0.005] * num_measure))  #arg
R[3, 3] = 1e-9
x0 = np.mat(theta0).T
print links.forward_kinematics(origin, theta0)
#x0 = links.forward_kinematics(origin, theta0)
#x0 = np.mat(x0).T
# hack xN
#thetaN = np.array([-3.8, -1.9]) # can be looked up using IK
thetaN = links.inverse_kinematics(origin, ball)
#xN = np.vstack((thetaN.T, ball.T))
#xN = np.reshape(xN, (4,1))
xN = np.mat(thetaN).T
print xN

#xN = links.forward_kinematics(origin, thetaN)
#xN = np.mat(xN).T

                    lambda x: links.forward_kinematics(origin, x))
#links.attach_sensor(BeaconSensor(decay_coeff=25), lambda x: x[0:2])

localizer = links  # HAAAAAACK!!!!!!
#localizer = LocalizerBot(links, ball)
#x0 = np.mat(localizer.x).T;
#localizer.attach_sensor(FOVSensor(localizer.x, fov_angle=2*pi, decay_coeff=25), lambda x: localizer.fov_state(x))

T = 20
num_states = localizer.NX
num_ctrls = localizer.NU
num_measure = len(beacons)  #+1 #arg/make part of robot observe

Q = np.mat(np.diag([1e-5] * num_states))  #arg
예제 #6
links = Links(theta0, origin=origin, state_rep='angles')
x0 = np.mat(theta0).T
print links.forward_kinematics(origin, theta0)
#x0 = links.forward_kinematics(origin, theta0)
#x0 = np.mat(x0).T
# hack xN
#thetaN = np.array([-3.8, -1.9]) # can be looked up using IK
thetaN = links.inverse_kinematics(origin, ball)
xN = np.vstack((thetaN.T, ball.T))
xN = np.reshape(xN, (4,1))
print xN

#xN = links.forward_kinematics(origin, thetaN)
#xN = np.mat(xN).T

links.attach_sensor(BeaconSensor(decay_coeff=15), lambda x: links.forward_kinematics(origin, x))
#links.attach_sensor(BeaconSensor(decay_coeff=25), lambda x: x[0:2])

localizer = LocalizerBot(links, ball)
x0 = np.mat(localizer.x).T;
localizer.attach_sensor(FOVSensor(localizer.x, fov_angle=2*pi, decay_coeff=25), lambda x: localizer.fov_state(x))

T = 20
num_states = localizer.NX
num_ctrls = localizer.NU
num_measure = len(beacons)+1#+1 #arg/make part of robot observe

Q = np.mat(np.diag([1e-5]*num_states)) #arg
Q[2,2] = 1e-10