예제 #1
    def test_unignoring_group(self, send_robust):
        group = self.create_group(status=GroupStatus.IGNORED)

        request = self.make_request(user=self.user, method="GET")
        request.user = self.user
        request.data = {"status": "unresolved"}
        request.GET = QueryDict(query_string="id={}".format(group.id))

        search_fn = Mock()
        update_groups(request, [self.project], self.organization.id, search_fn)


        assert group.status == GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED
        assert send_robust.called
예제 #2
    def put(self, request, project):
        Bulk Mutate a List of Issues

        Bulk mutate various attributes on issues.  The list of issues
        to modify is given through the `id` query parameter.  It is repeated
        for each issue that should be modified.

        - For non-status updates, the `id` query parameter is required.
        - For status updates, the `id` query parameter may be omitted
          for a batch "update all" query.
        - An optional `status` query parameter may be used to restrict
          mutations to only events with the given status.

        The following attributes can be modified and are supplied as
        JSON object in the body:

        If any ids are out of scope this operation will succeed without
        any data mutation.

        :qparam int id: a list of IDs of the issues to be mutated.  This
                        parameter shall be repeated for each issue.  It
                        is optional only if a status is mutated in which
                        case an implicit `update all` is assumed.
        :qparam string status: optionally limits the query to issues of the
                               specified status.  Valid values are
                               ``"resolved"``, ``"unresolved"`` and
        :pparam string organization_slug: the slug of the organization the
                                          issues belong to.
        :pparam string project_slug: the slug of the project the issues
                                     belong to.
        :param string status: the new status for the issues.  Valid values
                              are ``"resolved"``, ``"resolvedInNextRelease"``,
                              ``"unresolved"``, and ``"ignored"``.
        :param map statusDetails: additional details about the resolution.
                                  Valid values are ``"inRelease"``, ``"inNextRelease"``,
                                  ``"inCommit"``,  ``"ignoreDuration"``, ``"ignoreCount"``,
                                  ``"ignoreWindow"``, ``"ignoreUserCount"``, and
        :param int ignoreDuration: the number of minutes to ignore this issue.
        :param boolean isPublic: sets the issue to public or private.
        :param boolean merge: allows to merge or unmerge different issues.
        :param string assignedTo: the actor id (or username) of the user or team that should be
                                  assigned to this issue.
        :param boolean hasSeen: in case this API call is invoked with a user
                                context this allows changing of the flag
                                that indicates if the user has seen the
        :param boolean isBookmarked: in case this API call is invoked with a
                                     user context this allows changing of
                                     the bookmark flag.
        :auth: required

        search_fn = functools.partial(self._search, request, project)
        return update_groups(request, [project], project.organization_id,
예제 #3
    def test_ignoring_group(self, send_robust):
        group = self.create_group()
        add_group_to_inbox(group, GroupInboxReason.NEW)

        request = self.make_request(user=self.user, method="GET")
        request.user = self.user
        request.data = {"status": "ignored"}
        request.GET = QueryDict(query_string="id={}".format(group.id))

        search_fn = Mock()
        update_groups(request, [self.project], self.organization.id, search_fn)


        assert group.status == GroupStatus.IGNORED
        assert send_robust.called
        assert not GroupInbox.objects.filter(group=group).exists()
예제 #4
    def test_unresolving_resolved_group(self, send_robust, send_unresolved):
        resolved_group = self.create_group(status=GroupStatus.RESOLVED)
        assert resolved_group.status == GroupStatus.RESOLVED

        request = self.make_request(user=self.user, method="GET")
        request.user = self.user
        request.data = {"status": "unresolved"}
        request.GET = QueryDict(query_string=f"id={resolved_group.id}")

        search_fn = Mock()
        update_groups(request, [self.project], self.organization.id, search_fn)


        assert resolved_group.status == GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED
        assert not send_robust.called
        assert send_unresolved.called
예제 #5
    def test_mark_reviewed_group(self, send_robust):
        group = self.create_group()
        add_group_to_inbox(group, GroupInboxReason.NEW)

        request = self.make_request(user=self.user, method="GET")
        request.user = self.user
        request.data = {"inbox": False}
        request.GET = QueryDict(query_string=f"id={group.id}")

        search_fn = Mock()
        update_groups(request, request.GET.getlist("id"), [self.project],
                      self.organization.id, search_fn)


        assert not GroupInbox.objects.filter(group=group).exists()
        assert send_robust.called
예제 #6
    def test_resolving_unresolved_group(self, send_robust):
        unresolved_group = self.create_group(status=GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED)
        add_group_to_inbox(unresolved_group, GroupInboxReason.NEW)
        assert unresolved_group.status == GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED

        request = self.make_request(user=self.user, method="GET")
        request.user = self.user
        request.data = {"status": "resolved"}
        request.GET = QueryDict(query_string=f"id={unresolved_group.id}")

        search_fn = Mock()
        update_groups(request, [self.project], self.organization.id, search_fn)


        assert unresolved_group.status == GroupStatus.RESOLVED
        assert not GroupInbox.objects.filter(group=unresolved_group).exists()
        assert send_robust.called
예제 #7
    def test_resolving_unresolved_group(self, send_robust):
        unresolved_group = self.create_group(status=GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED)
        add_group_to_inbox(unresolved_group, GroupInboxReason.NEW)
        assert unresolved_group.status == GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED

        request = self.make_request(user=self.user, method="GET")
        request.user = self.user
        request.data = {"status": "resolved"}
        request.GET = QueryDict(query_string="id={}".format(unresolved_group.id))

        search_fn = Mock()
        update_groups(request, [self.project], self.organization.id, search_fn)


        assert unresolved_group.status == GroupStatus.RESOLVED
        # TODO: Chris F.: This is temporarily removed while we perform some migrations.
        # assert not GroupInbox.objects.filter(group=unresolved_group).exists()
        assert send_robust.called
예제 #8
def update_group(
    group: Group,
    identity: Identity,
    data: Mapping[str, str],
    request: Request,
) -> Response:
    if not group.organization.has_access(identity.user):
        raise ApiClient.ApiError(
            body="The user does not have access to the organization.")

    return update_groups(
예제 #9
    def put(self, request, organization):
        Bulk Mutate a List of Issues

        Bulk mutate various attributes on issues.  The list of issues
        to modify is given through the `id` query parameter.  It is repeated
        for each issue that should be modified.

        - For non-status updates, the `id` query parameter is required.
        - For status updates, the `id` query parameter may be omitted
          for a batch "update all" query.
        - An optional `status` query parameter may be used to restrict
          mutations to only events with the given status.

        The following attributes can be modified and are supplied as
        JSON object in the body:

        If any ids are out of scope this operation will succeed without
        any data mutation.

        :qparam int id: a list of IDs of the issues to be mutated.  This
                        parameter shall be repeated for each issue.  It
                        is optional only if a status is mutated in which
                        case an implicit `update all` is assumed.
        :qparam string status: optionally limits the query to issues of the
                               specified status.  Valid values are
                               ``"resolved"``, ``"unresolved"`` and
        :pparam string organization_slug: the slug of the organization the
                                          issues belong to.
        :param string status: the new status for the issues.  Valid values
                              are ``"resolved"``, ``"resolvedInNextRelease"``,
                              ``"unresolved"``, and ``"ignored"``. Status
                              updates that include release data are only allowed
                              for groups within a single project.
        :param map statusDetails: additional details about the resolution.
                                  Valid values are ``"inRelease"``, ``"inNextRelease"``,
                                  ``"inCommit"``,  ``"ignoreDuration"``, ``"ignoreCount"``,
                                  ``"ignoreWindow"``, ``"ignoreUserCount"``, and
                                  ``"ignoreUserWindow"``. Status detail
                                  updates that include release data are only allowed
                                  for groups within a single project.
        :param int ignoreDuration: the number of minutes to ignore this issue.
        :param boolean isPublic: sets the issue to public or private.
        :param boolean merge: allows to merge or unmerge different issues.
        :param string assignedTo: the user or team that should be assigned to
                                  these issues. Can be of the form ``"<user_id>"``,
                                  ``"user:<user_id>"``, ``"<username>"``,
                                  ``"<user_primary_email>"``, or ``"team:<team_id>"``.
                                  Bulk assigning issues is limited to groups
                                  within a single project.
        :param boolean hasSeen: in case this API call is invoked with a user
                                context this allows changing of the flag
                                that indicates if the user has seen the
        :param boolean isBookmarked: in case this API call is invoked with a
                                     user context this allows changing of
                                     the bookmark flag.
        :auth: required
        projects = self.get_projects(request, organization)
        if len(projects) > 1 and not features.has(
            "organizations:global-views", organization, actor=request.user
            return Response(
                {"detail": "You do not have the multi project stream feature enabled"}, status=400

        search_fn = functools.partial(
            self.get_environments(request, organization),
        return update_groups(request, projects, organization.id, search_fn)
예제 #10
    def put(self, request: Request, group) -> Response:
        Update an Issue

        Updates an individual issue's attributes. Only the attributes submitted
        are modified.

        :pparam string issue_id: the ID of the group to retrieve.
        :param string status: the new status for the issue.  Valid values
                              are ``"resolved"``, ``resolvedInNextRelease``,
                              ``"unresolved"``, and ``"ignored"``.
        :param string assignedTo: the user or team that should be assigned to
                                  this issue. Can be of the form ``"<user_id>"``,
                                  ``"user:<user_id>"``, ``"<username>"``,
                                  ``"<user_primary_email>"``, or ``"team:<team_id>"``.
        :param string assignedBy: ``"suggested_assignee"`` | ``"assignee_selector"``
        :param boolean hasSeen: in case this API call is invoked with a user
                                context this allows changing of the flag
                                that indicates if the user has seen the
        :param boolean isBookmarked: in case this API call is invoked with a
                                     user context this allows changing of
                                     the bookmark flag.
        :param boolean isSubscribed:
        :param boolean isPublic: sets the issue to public or private.
        :auth: required
            discard = request.data.get("discard")
            project = group.project
            search_fn = functools.partial(prep_search, self, request, project)
            response = update_groups(request, [group.id], [project],
                                     project.organization_id, search_fn)
            # if action was discard, there isn't a group to serialize anymore
            # if response isn't 200, return the response update_groups gave us (i.e. helpful error)
            # instead of serializing the updated group
            if discard or response.status_code != 200:
                return response

            # we need to fetch the object against as the bulk mutation endpoint
            # only returns a delta, and object mutation returns a complete updated
            # entity.
            # TODO(dcramer): we should update the API and have this be an explicit
            # flag (or remove it entirely) so that delta's are the primary response
            # for mutation.
            group = Group.objects.get(id=group.id)

            serialized = serialize(
                    request, group.project.organization_id)),
            return Response(serialized, status=response.status_code)
        except client.ApiError as e:
                "group_details:put client.ApiError",
            return Response(e.body, status=e.status_code)
        except Exception:
예제 #11
    def put(self, request, organization):
        Bulk Mutate a List of Issues

        Bulk mutate various attributes on issues.  The list of issues
        to modify is given through the `id` query parameter.  It is repeated
        for each issue that should be modified.

        - For non-status updates, the `id` query parameter is required.
        - For status updates, the `id` query parameter may be omitted
          for a batch "update all" query.
        - An optional `status` query parameter may be used to restrict
          mutations to only events with the given status.

        The following attributes can be modified and are supplied as
        JSON object in the body:

        If any ids are out of scope this operation will succeed without
        any data mutation.

        :qparam int id: a list of IDs of the issues to be mutated.  This
                        parameter shall be repeated for each issue.  It
                        is optional only if a status is mutated in which
                        case an implicit `update all` is assumed.
        :qparam string status: optionally limits the query to issues of the
                               specified status.  Valid values are
                               ``"resolved"``, ``"unresolved"`` and
        :pparam string organization_slug: the slug of the organization the
                                          issues belong to.
        :param string status: the new status for the issues.  Valid values
                              are ``"resolved"``, ``"resolvedInNextRelease"``,
                              ``"unresolved"``, and ``"ignored"``. Status
                              updates that include release data are only allowed
                              for groups within a single project.
        :param map statusDetails: additional details about the resolution.
                                  Valid values are ``"inRelease"``, ``"inNextRelease"``,
                                  ``"inCommit"``,  ``"ignoreDuration"``, ``"ignoreCount"``,
                                  ``"ignoreWindow"``, ``"ignoreUserCount"``, and
                                  ``"ignoreUserWindow"``. Status detail
                                  updates that include release data are only allowed
                                  for groups within a single project.
        :param int ignoreDuration: the number of minutes to ignore this issue.
        :param boolean isPublic: sets the issue to public or private.
        :param boolean merge: allows to merge or unmerge different issues.
        :param string assignedTo: the actor id (or username) of the user or team that should be
                                  assigned to this issue. Bulk assigning issues
                                  is limited to groups within a single project.
        :param boolean hasSeen: in case this API call is invoked with a user
                                context this allows changing of the flag
                                that indicates if the user has seen the
        :param boolean isBookmarked: in case this API call is invoked with a
                                     user context this allows changing of
                                     the bookmark flag.
        :auth: required

        projects = self.get_projects(request, organization)
        if len(projects) > 1 and not features.has(
                'organizations:global-views', organization, actor=request.user):
            return Response({
                'detail': 'You do not have the multi project stream feature enabled'
            }, status=400)

        search_fn = functools.partial(
            self._search, request, organization, projects,
            self.get_environments(request, organization),
        return update_groups(