예제 #1
def isolate_native_function_v1(function):
    original_function = function
    function = function.strip()

    # Ensure we don't operated on objc functions
    if function.startswith(('[', '+[', '-[')):
        return function

    # Chop off C++ trailers
    while 1:
        match = _cpp_trailer_re.search(function)
        if match is None:
        function = function[:match.start()].rstrip()

    # Because operator<< really screws with our balancing, so let's work
    # around that by replacing it with a character we do not observe in
    # `split_func_tokens` or `replace_enclosed_string`.
    function = function \
        .replace('operator<<', u'operator⟨⟨') \
        .replace('operator<', u'operator⟨') \
        .replace('operator()', u'operator◯')

    # Remove the arguments if there is one.
    def process_args(value, start):
        value = value.strip()
        if value in ('anonymous namespace', 'operator'):
            return '(%s)' % value
        return ''

    function = replace_enclosed_string(function, '(', ')', process_args)

    # Resolve generic types, but special case rust which uses things like
    # <Foo as Bar>::baz to denote traits.
    def process_generics(value, start):
        # Rust special case
        if start == 0:
            return '<%s>' % replace_enclosed_string(value, '<', '>',
        return '<T>'

    function = replace_enclosed_string(function, '<', '>', process_generics)

    # The last token is the function name.
    tokens = split_func_tokens(function)
    if tokens:
        function = tokens[-1].replace(u'⟨', '<').replace(u'◯', '()')

    # This really should never happen
        function = original_function

    # trim off rust markers
    function = _rust_hash.sub('', function)

    # trim off windows decl markers
    return _windecl_hash.sub('\\1', function)
예제 #2
def test_split_func_tokens(input, output):
    assert split_func_tokens(input) == output