예제 #1
    def task_boundary_reached(self, method: Method, task_id: int,
                              training: bool):
        known_task_boundaries = (self.known_task_boundaries_at_train_time
                                 if training else
        task_labels_available = (self.task_labels_at_train_time if training
                                 else self.task_labels_at_test_time)

        if known_task_boundaries:
            # Inform the model of a task boundary. If the task labels are
            # available, then also give the id of the new task to the
            # method.
            # TODO: Should we also inform the method of wether or not the
            # task switch is occuring during training or testing?
            if not hasattr(method, "on_task_switch"):
                        f"On a task boundary, but since your method doesn't "
                        f"have an `on_task_switch` method, it won't know about "
                        f"it! "))
            elif not task_labels_available:
            elif self.phases == 1:
                # NOTE: on_task_switch won't be called if there is only one task.
예제 #2
    def apply(self,
              method: Method,
              config: Config = None) -> ClassIncrementalResults:
        """Apply the given method on this setting to producing some results."""
        # TODO: It still isn't super clear what should be in charge of creating
        # the config, and how to create it, when it isn't passed explicitly.
        self.config: Config
        if config is not None:
            self.config = config
            logger.debug(f"Using Config {self.config}")
        elif isinstance(getattr(method, "config", None), Config):
            # If the Method has a `config` attribute that is a Config, use that.
            self.config = method.config
            logger.debug(f"Using Config from the Method: {self.config}")
            logger.debug("Parsing the Config from the command-line.")
            self.config = Config.from_args(self._argv, strict=False)
            logger.debug(f"Resulting Config: {self.config}")


        # Run the main loop (which is defined in IncrementalSetting).
        results: ClassIncrementalResults = super().main_loop(method)
        method.receive_results(self, results=results)
        return results
예제 #3
    def apply(
        self, method: Method, config: Config = None
    ) -> "ContinualRLSetting.Results":
        """Apply the given method on this setting to producing some results. """
        # Use the supplied config, or parse one from the arguments that were
        # used to create `self`.
        self.config: Config
        if config is not None:
            self.config = config
            logger.debug(f"Using Config {self.config}")
        elif isinstance(getattr(method, "config", None), Config):
            self.config = method.config
            logger.debug(f"Using Config from the Method: {self.config}")
            logger.debug(f"Parsing the Config from the command-line.")
            self.config = Config.from_args(self._argv, strict=False)
            logger.debug(f"Resulting Config: {self.config}")

        # TODO: Test to make sure that this doesn't cause any other bugs with respect to
        # the display of stuff:
        # Call this method, which creates a virtual display if necessary.

        # TODO: Should we really overwrite the method's 'config' attribute here?
        if not getattr(method, "config", None):
            method.config = self.config

        # TODO: Remove `Setting.configure(method)` entirely, from everywhere,
        # and use the `prepare_data` or `setup` methods instead (since these
        # `configure` methods aren't using the `method` anyway.)

        # BUG This won't work if the task schedule uses callables as the values (as
        # they aren't json-serializable.)
        if self._new_random_task_on_reset:
                f"Train tasks: "
                + json.dumps(list(self.train_task_schedule.values()), indent="\t")
                f"Train task schedule:"
                + json.dumps(self.train_task_schedule, indent="\t")
        if self.config.debug:
                f"Test task schedule:"
                + json.dumps(self.test_task_schedule, indent="\t")

        # Run the Training loop (which is defined in IncrementalSetting).
        results = self.main_loop(method)

        logger.info("Results summary:")
        method.receive_results(self, results=results)
        return results
예제 #4
    def test_loop(self, method: Method) -> "IncrementalSetting.Results":
        """ Runs a multi-task test loop and returns the Results.
        test_env = self.test_dataloader()
            # If the Method has `test` defined, use it.
            # Get the metrics from the test environment
            test_results: Results = test_env.get_results()
            print(f"Test results: {test_results}")
            return test_results

        except NotImplementedError:
            logger.info(f"Will query the method for actions at each step, "
                        f"since it doesn't implement a `test` method.")

        obs = test_env.reset()

        # TODO: Do we always have a maximum number of steps? or of episodes?
        # Will it work the same for Supervised and Reinforcement learning?
        max_steps: int = getattr(test_env, "step_limit", None)

        # Reset on the last step is causing trouble, since the env is closed.
        pbar = tqdm.tqdm(itertools.count(), total=max_steps, desc="Test")
        episode = 0
        for step in pbar:
            if test_env.is_closed():
                logger.debug(f"Env is closed")
            # logger.debug(f"At step {step}")
            action = method.get_actions(obs, test_env.action_space)

            # logger.debug(f"action: {action}")
            # TODO: Remove this:
            if isinstance(action, Actions):
                action = action.y_pred
            if isinstance(action, Tensor):
                action = action.cpu().numpy()

            obs, reward, done, info = test_env.step(action)

            if done and not test_env.is_closed():
                # logger.debug(f"end of test episode {episode}")
                obs = test_env.reset()
                episode += 1

        test_results = test_env.get_results()

        return test_results
예제 #5
    def apply(self, method: Method, config: Config = None) -> IncrementalSLResults:
        """Apply the given method on this setting to producing some results."""
        # TODO: It still isn't super clear what should be in charge of creating
        # the config, and how to create it, when it isn't passed explicitly.
        self.config = config or self._setup_config(method) 
        assert self.config


        # Run the main loop (which is defined in IncrementalAssumption).
        results: IncrementalSLResults = super().main_loop(method)

        method.receive_results(self, results=results)
        return results
예제 #6
    def log_results(self, method: Method, results: IncrementalResults) -> None:
        TODO: Create the tabs we need to show up in wandb:
        1. Final
            - Average "Current/Online" performance (scalar)
            - Average "Final" performance (scalar)
            - Runtime
        2. Test
            - Task i (evolution over time (x axis is the task id, if possible))

        if wandb.run:
            wandb.summary["method"] = method.get_name()
            wandb.summary["setting"] = self.get_name()
            dataset = getattr(self, "dataset", "")
            if dataset and isinstance(dataset, str):
                wandb.summary["dataset"] = dataset


            # BUG: Sometimes logging a matplotlib figure causes a crash:
            # File "/home/fabrice/miniconda3/envs/sequoia/lib/python3.8/site-packages/plotly/matplotlylib/mplexporter/utils.py", line 246, in get_grid_style
            # if axis._gridOnMajor and len(gridlines) > 0:
            # AttributeError: 'XAxis' object has no attribute '_gridOnMajor'

예제 #7
    def setup_wandb(self, method: Method) -> Run:
        """Call wandb.init, log the experiment configuration to the config dict.

        This assumes that `self.wandb` is not None. This happens when one of the wandb
        arguments is passed.

        method : Method
            Method to be applied.
        assert isinstance(self.wandb, WandbConfig)
        method_name: str = method.get_name()
        setting_name: str = self.get_name()

        if not self.wandb.run_name:
            # Set the default name for this run.
            run_name = f"{method_name}-{setting_name}"
            dataset = getattr(self, "dataset", None)
            if isinstance(dataset, str):
                run_name += f"-{dataset}"
            if getattr(self, "nb_tasks", 0) > 1:
                run_name += f"_{self.nb_tasks}t"
            self.wandb.run_name = run_name

        run: Run = self.wandb.wandb_init()
        run.config["setting"] = setting_name
        run.config["method"] = method_name
        if hasattr(self, "to_dict"):
            for k, value in self.to_dict().items():
                if not k.startswith("_"):
                    run.config[f"setting/{k}"] = value

        run.summary["setting"] = self.get_name()
        run.summary["method"] = method.get_name()
        assert wandb.run is run
        return run
예제 #8
    def main_loop(self, method: Method) -> ContinualResults:
        """ Runs a continual learning training loop, wether in RL or CL. """
        # TODO: Add ways of restoring state to continue a given run.
        if self.wandb and self.wandb.project:
            # Init wandb, and then log the setting's options.
            self.wandb_run = self.setup_wandb(method)

        train_env = self.train_dataloader()
        valid_env = self.val_dataloader()

        logger.info(f"Starting training")
        self._start_time = time.process_time()


        logger.info(f"Finished Training.")
        results: ContinualResults = self.test_loop(method)

        if self.monitor_training_performance:
            results._online_training_performance = train_env.get_online_performance(

        logger.info(f"Resulting objective of Test Loop: {results.objective}")

        self._end_time = time.process_time()
        runtime = self._end_time - self._start_time
        results._runtime = runtime
        logger.info(f"Finished main loop in {runtime} seconds.")
        self.log_results(method, results)
        return results
예제 #9
    def test_loop(self, method: Method) -> "IncrementalSetting.Results":
        """ (WIP): Runs an incremental test loop and returns the Results.

        The idea is that this loop should be exactly the same, regardless of if
        you're on the RL or the CL side of the tree.

        NOTE: If `self.known_task_boundaries_at_test_time` is `True` and the
        method has the `on_task_switch` callback defined, then a callback
        wrapper is added that will invoke the method's `on_task_switch` and pass
        it the task id (or `None` if `not self.task_labels_available_at_test_time`)
        when a task boundary is encountered.

        This `on_task_switch` 'callback' wrapper gets added the same way for
        Supervised or Reinforcement learning settings.
        test_env = self.test_dataloader()

        test_env: TestEnvironment

        was_training = method.training

        if self.known_task_boundaries_at_test_time and self.nb_tasks > 1:

            def _on_task_switch(step: int, *arg) -> None:
                # TODO: This attribute isn't on IncrementalSetting itself, it's defined
                # on ContinualRLSetting.
                if step not in test_env.boundary_steps:
                if not hasattr(method, "on_task_switch"):
                            f"On a task boundary, but since your method doesn't "
                            f"have an `on_task_switch` method, it won't know about "
                            f"it! "))

                if self.task_labels_at_test_time:
                    # TODO: Should this 'test boundary' step depend on the batch size?
                    task_steps = sorted(test_env.boundary_steps)
                    # TODO: If the ordering of tasks were different (shuffled
                    # tasks for example), then this wouldn't work, we'd need a
                    # list of the task ids or something like that.
                    task_id = task_steps.index(step)
                        f"Calling `method.on_task_switch({task_id})` "
                        f"since task labels are available at test-time.")
                    logger.debug(f"Calling `method.on_task_switch(None)` "
                                 f"since task labels aren't available at "
                                 f"test-time, but task boundaries are known.")

            test_env = StepCallbackWrapper(test_env,

            # If the Method has `test` defined, use it.
            test_env: TestEnvironment
            # Get the metrics from the test environment
            test_results: Results = test_env.get_results()

        except NotImplementedError:
            logger.debug(f"Will query the method for actions at each step, "
                         f"since it doesn't implement a `test` method.")
            obs = test_env.reset()

            # TODO: Do we always have a maximum number of steps? or of episodes?
            # Will it work the same for Supervised and Reinforcement learning?
            max_steps: int = getattr(test_env, "step_limit", None)

            # Reset on the last step is causing trouble, since the env is closed.
            pbar = tqdm.tqdm(itertools.count(), total=max_steps, desc="Test")
            episode = 0

            for step in pbar:
                if obs is None:
                # NOTE: The env might not be closed, while `obs` is actually still there.
                # if test_env.is_closed():
                #     logger.debug(f"Env is closed")
                #     break
                # logger.debug(f"At step {step}")

                # BUG: Need to pass an action space that actually reflects the batch
                # size, even for the last batch!

                # BUG: This doesn't work if the env isn't batched.
                action_space = test_env.action_space
                batch_size = getattr(test_env, "num_envs",
                                     getattr(test_env, "batch_size", 0))
                env_is_batched = batch_size is not None and batch_size >= 1
                if env_is_batched:
                    # NOTE: Need to pass an action space that actually reflects the batch
                    # size, even for the last batch!
                    obs_batch_size = obs.x.shape[0] if obs.x.shape else None
                    action_space_batch_size = (test_env.action_space.shape[0]
                                               if test_env.action_space.shape
                                               else None)
                    if (obs_batch_size is not None
                            and obs_batch_size != action_space_batch_size):
                        action_space = batch_space(
                            test_env.single_action_space, obs_batch_size)

                action = method.get_actions(obs, action_space)

                # logger.debug(f"action: {action}")
                # TODO: Remove this:
                if isinstance(action, Actions):
                    action = action.y_pred
                if isinstance(action, Tensor):
                    action = action.cpu().numpy()

                if test_env.is_closed():

                obs, reward, done, info = test_env.step(action)

                if done and not test_env.is_closed():
                    # logger.debug(f"end of test episode {episode}")
                    obs = test_env.reset()
                    episode += 1

            test_results: TaskSequenceResults = test_env.get_results()

        # Restore 'training' mode, if it was set at the start.
        if was_training:

        return test_results
예제 #10
    def main_loop(self, method: Method) -> IncrementalResults:
        """ Runs an incremental training loop, wether in RL or CL. """
        # TODO: Add ways of restoring state to continue a given run?
        # For each training task, for each test task, a list of the Metrics obtained
        # during testing on that task.
        # NOTE: We could also just store a single metric for each test task, but then
        # we'd lose the ability to create a plots to show the performance within a test
        # task.
        # IDEA: We could use a list of IIDResults! (but that might cause some circular
        # import issues)
        results = self.Results()
        if self.monitor_training_performance:
            results._online_training_performance = []

        # TODO: Fix this up, need to set the '_objective_scaling_factor' to a different
        # value depending on the 'dataset' / environment.
        results._objective_scaling_factor = self._get_objective_scaling_factor(

        if self.wandb:
            # Init wandb, and then log the setting's options.
            self.wandb_run = self.setup_wandb(method)


        self._start_time = time.process_time()

        for task_id in range(self.phases):
            logger.info(f"Starting training" +
                        (f" on task {task_id}." if self.nb_tasks > 1 else "."))
            self.current_task_id = task_id
            self.task_boundary_reached(method, task_id=task_id, training=True)

            # Creating the dataloaders ourselves (rather than passing 'self' as
            # the datamodule):
            task_train_env = self.train_dataloader()
            task_valid_env = self.val_dataloader()


            if self.monitor_training_performance:

            logger.info(f"Finished Training on task {task_id}.")
            test_metrics: TaskSequenceResults = self.test_loop(method)

            # Add a row to the transfer matrix.
                f"Resulting objective of Test Loop: {test_metrics.objective}")

            if wandb.run:
                d = add_prefix(test_metrics.to_log_dict(),
                # d = add_prefix(test_metrics.to_log_dict(), prefix="Test", sep="/")
                d["current_task"] = task_id

        self._end_time = time.process_time()
        runtime = self._end_time - self._start_time
        results._runtime = runtime
        logger.info(f"Finished main loop in {runtime} seconds.")
        self.log_results(method, results)
        return results
예제 #11
    def test_loop(self, method: Method) -> "IncrementalAssumption.Results":
        """ WIP: Continual test loop.
        test_env = self.test_dataloader()

        test_env: TestEnvironment

        was_training = method.training

            # If the Method has `test` defined, use it.
            test_env: TestEnvironment
            # Get the metrics from the test environment
            test_results: Results = test_env.get_results()

        except NotImplementedError:
            logger.debug(f"Will query the method for actions at each step, "
                         f"since it doesn't implement a `test` method.")
            obs = test_env.reset()

            # TODO: Do we always have a maximum number of steps? or of episodes?
            # Will it work the same for Supervised and Reinforcement learning?
            max_steps: int = getattr(test_env, "step_limit", None)

            # Reset on the last step is causing trouble, since the env is closed.
            pbar = tqdm.tqdm(itertools.count(), total=max_steps, desc="Test")
            episode = 0

            for step in pbar:
                if obs is None:
                # NOTE: The env might not be closed, while `obs` is actually still there.
                # if test_env.is_closed():
                #     logger.debug(f"Env is closed")
                #     break
                # logger.debug(f"At step {step}")

                # BUG: Need to pass an action space that actually reflects the batch
                # size, even for the last batch!

                # BUG: This doesn't work if the env isn't batched.
                action_space = test_env.action_space
                batch_size = getattr(test_env, "num_envs",
                                     getattr(test_env, "batch_size", 0))
                env_is_batched = batch_size is not None and batch_size >= 1
                if env_is_batched:
                    # NOTE: Need to pass an action space that actually reflects the batch
                    # size, even for the last batch!
                    obs_batch_size = obs.x.shape[0] if obs.x.shape else None
                    action_space_batch_size = (test_env.action_space.shape[0]
                                               if test_env.action_space.shape
                                               else None)
                    if (obs_batch_size is not None
                            and obs_batch_size != action_space_batch_size):
                        action_space = batch_space(
                            test_env.single_action_space, obs_batch_size)

                action = method.get_actions(obs, action_space)

                # logger.debug(f"action: {action}")
                # TODO: Remove this:
                if isinstance(action, Actions):
                    action = action.y_pred
                if isinstance(action, Tensor):
                    action = action.detach().cpu().numpy()

                if test_env.is_closed():

                obs, reward, done, info = test_env.step(action)

                if done and not test_env.is_closed():
                    # logger.debug(f"end of test episode {episode}")
                    obs = test_env.reset()
                    episode += 1

            test_results: Results = test_env.get_results()

        if wandb.run:
            d = add_prefix(test_results.to_log_dict(), prefix="Test", sep="/")
            # d = add_prefix(test_metrics.to_log_dict(), prefix="Test", sep="/")
            # d["current_task"] = task_id

        # Restore 'training' mode, if it was set at the start.
        if was_training:

        return test_results