예제 #1
def plot_baryfrac(pp1=None, pp2=None):
    from seren3.utils import plot_utils

    cmap = plot_utils.load_custom_cmaps("parula")
    path1 = '/lustre/scratch/astro/ds381/simulations/bpass/ramses/'
    path2 = '/research/prace/david/bpass/bc03/'

    sim1 = seren3.init(path1)
    sim2 = seren3.init(path2)

    snap1 = sim1[93]
    snap2 = sim2[106]

    if (pp1 is None):
        pp1 = PhasePlot(snap1, nbins=500)
    if (pp2 is None):
        pp2 = PhasePlot(snap2, nbins=500)

    for pp in [pp1, pp2]:
        pp.cmap = cmap
        # pp.annotate_fit()
        pp.vmin = -10
        pp.vmax = -2

    z = [pp1.snapshot.z, pp1.snapshot.z]

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(15, 6))
    pp1.draw(ax=axs[0], draw_cbar=False)
    pp2.draw(ax=axs[1], draw_cbar=False)
    # plt.tight_layout()

    # cbar1 = fig.colorbar(pp1.im, ax=axs[0])
    # cbar2 = fig.colorbar(pp2.im, ax=axs[1])
    # cbar1.set_label('f(mass)', labelpad=-5)
    # cbar2.set_label('f(mass)', labelpad=-5)


    cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.04, 0.8])
    cbar = fig.colorbar(pp2.im, cax=cbar_ax, cmap=cmap)
    cbar.set_label('f(mass)', labelpad=-5)

    labels = ["HD", "RT2"]

    # for ax, snap, zi, l in zip(axs, [snap1, snap2], z, labels):
    # ax.set_title("%s: z = %1.2f" % (l, zi), fontsize=20)
    # ax.set_title(l, fontsize=18)

    # plt.show()
    plt.savefig("./bc03_phase_diag_parula.pdf", format="pdf")
    return pp1, pp2
예제 #2
def main(path, pickle_path):
    import seren3
    from seren3.analysis.parallel import mpi
    import pickle, os

    mpi.msg("Loading simulation")
    simulation = seren3.init(path)

    if mpi.host:
        mpi.msg("Averaging field: %s" % field)

    iout_start = max(simulation.numbered_outputs[0], 20)
    iouts = range(iout_start, max(simulation.numbered_outputs) + 1)
    dest = {}
    for iout, sto in mpi.piter(iouts, storage=dest):
        mpi.msg("%05i" % iout)
        snapshot = simulation[iout]

        sto.result = {"mw" : mass_weighted_average(snapshot.g), \
                "z" : snapshot.z}

    if mpi.host:
        if pickle_path == None:
            pickle_path = "%s/pickle/" % path
        if os.path.isdir(pickle_path) is False:

            open("%s/%s_mw_time_averaged.p" % (pickle_path, field), "wb"))
def main(path, field, pickle_path):
    import seren3
    from seren3.analysis import mean_field_rho_mean
    from seren3.analysis.parallel import mpi
    import pickle, os

    mpi.msg("Loading simulation")
    simulation = seren3.init(path)

    if mpi.host:
        mpi.msg("Averaging field: %s" % field)

    iout_start = max(simulation.numbered_outputs[0], 1)
    iouts = range(iout_start, max(simulation.numbered_outputs)+1)

    mpi.msg("Starting with snapshot %05i" % iout_start)
    dest = {}
    for iout, sto in mpi.piter(iouts, storage=dest, print_stats=True):
        mpi.msg("%05i" % iout)
        snapshot = simulation.snapshot(iout, verbose=False)

        mw, rho_mean = mean_field_rho_mean(snapshot, field, ret_rho_mean=True)
        sto.idx = iout
        sto.result = {"rho_mean" : rho_mean, "mw" : mw, "z" : snapshot.z, "aexp" : snapshot.cosmo["aexp"]}

    if mpi.host:
        if pickle_path == None:
            pickle_path = "%s/pickle/" % path
        if os.path.isdir(pickle_path) is False:

        pickle.dump( mpi.unpack(dest), open("%s/%s_time_averaged_at_rho_mean.p" % (pickle_path, field), "wb") )
예제 #4
def simulation_example(path, zi=6., name=None):
    Sometimes, it's useful to start with a simulation object, and then load your snapshot
    import seren3

    sim = None  # init
    # Load our simulation
    if (name is not None):  # load by name
        sim = seren3.load(name)
        # Just init from the path
        sim = seren3.init(path)

    print sim

    # Now, lets load the snapshot which is closest to the desired redshift
    ioutput = sim.redshift(zi)  # output number
    snapshot = sim[ioutput]

    # There are also interpolators for age -> redshift and vise versa, for our chosen cosmology
    age_func = sim.age_func(zmax=100., zmin=0.)
    z_func = sim.redshift_func(zmax=100., zmin=0.)

    age_of_universe = age_func(snapshot.z)
    redshift = z_func(age_of_universe)

    print snapshot.z, redshift, age_of_universe
예제 #5
def test(path, istart, iend):
    import seren3
    import numpy as np

    sim = seren3.init(path)
    families = [sim[i].g for i in range(istart, iend + 1)]
    camera_func = lambda family: family.camera(
        region_size=np.array([.05, .05]), distance=.05, far_cut_depth=.05)
    print camera_func(families[0]).__dict__
    return make_movie(families, "output.avi", camera_func=camera_func)
예제 #6
def main(path, pickle_path):
    import random
    import numpy as np
    import seren3
    from seren3.analysis.parallel import mpi
    from seren3.exceptions import NoParticlesException
    from seren3.analysis.escape_fraction import time_integrated_fesc
    from seren3.scripts.mpi import write_fesc_hid_dict

    mpi.msg("Loading simulation...")
    sim = seren3.init(path)

    iout_start = max(sim.numbered_outputs[0], 60)
    back_to_aexp = sim[60].info["aexp"]
    # iouts = range(iout_start, max(sim.numbered_outputs)+1)
    iouts = range(iout_start, 109)
    # iouts = [109]

    for iout in iouts[::-1]:
        snap = sim[iout]
        mpi.msg("Working on snapshot %05i" % snap.ioutput)
        halos = snap.halos(finder="ctrees")

        db = write_fesc_hid_dict.load_db(path, iout)
        halo_ids = None
        if mpi.host:
            halo_ids = db.keys()

        dest = {}
        for i, sto in mpi.piter(halo_ids, storage=dest, print_stats=True):
            h = halos.with_id(i)
            res = time_integrated_fesc(h, back_to_aexp, db=db, return_data=True)
            if (res is not None):
                mpi.msg("%05i \t %i \t %i" % (snap.ioutput, h.hid, i))
                tint_fesc_hist, I1, I2, lbtime, hids, iouts = res

                fesc = I1/I2
                sto.idx = h.hid
                sto.result = {'tint_fesc_hist' : tint_fesc_hist, 'fesc' : fesc, 'I1' : I1, \
                        'I2' : I2, 'lbtime' : lbtime, 'Mvir' : h["Mvir"], 'hids' : hids, 'iouts' : iouts}
        if mpi.host:
            import pickle, os
            # pickle_path = "%s/pickle/%s/" % (snap.path, halos.finder)
            if not os.path.isdir(pickle_path):
            pickle.dump( mpi.unpack(dest), open("%s/time_int_fesc_all_halos_%05i.p" % (pickle_path, snap.ioutput), "wb") )

예제 #7
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: lconaboy/seren3
def test_sfr():
    Test SFR calculation is working correctly
    import seren3
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import integrate

    path = "/research/prace/david/aton/256/"
    sim = seren3.init(path)
    iout = sim.numbered_outputs[-1]  # last snapshot

    snap = sim[iout]
    snap_sfr, lbtime, bsize = sfr(snap)

    dset = snap.s["mass"].flatten()
    mstar_tot = dset["mass"].in_units("Msol").sum()
    integrated_mstar = integrate.trapz(snap_sfr, lbtime)

    assert (np.allclose(
        mstar_tot, integrated_mstar,
        rtol=1e-2)), "Error: Integrated stellar mass not close to actual."
    print "Passed"
예제 #8
def main(path, field, pickle_path):
    import seren3
    from seren3.analysis.parallel import mpi
    import pickle, os

    mpi.msg("Loading simulation")
    simulation = seren3.init(path)

    if mpi.host:
        mpi.msg("Averaging field: %s" % field)

    iout_start = max(simulation.numbered_outputs[0], 1)
    iouts = range(iout_start, max(simulation.numbered_outputs)+1)

    mpi.msg("Starting with snapshot %05i" % iout_start)
    dest = {}
    for iout, sto in mpi.piter(iouts, storage=dest, print_stats=True):
        mpi.msg("%05i" % iout)
        snapshot = simulation.snapshot(iout, verbose=False)

        # vw = snapshot.quantities.volume_weighted_average(field, mem_opt=mem_opt)
        vw, mw = volume_mass_weighted_average(snapshot, field)
        sto.idx = iout
        sto.result = {"vw" : vw, "mw" : mw, "z" : snapshot.z}

        # if do_mass_weighted:
            # mw = snapshot.quantities.mass_weighted_average(field, mem_opt=mem_opt)
            # sto.result["mw"] = mw

    if mpi.host:
        if pickle_path == None:
            pickle_path = "%s/pickle/" % path
        if os.path.isdir(pickle_path) is False:

        pickle.dump( mpi.unpack(dest), open("%s/%s_time_averaged.p" % (pickle_path, field), "wb") )
예제 #9
def plot(path, iout, pickle_path, the_mass_bins=[7., 8., 9., 10,], lab='', ax=None, **kwargs):
    import pickle
    from seren3.analysis.plots import fit_scatter
    from seren3.utils import flatten_nested_array
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt

    sim = seren3.init(path)
    # snap = seren3.load_snapshot(path, iout)
    snap = sim[iout]
    fname = "%s/sfr_halos_%05i.p" % (pickle_path, iout)
    data = pickle.load(open(fname, 'rb'))

    sfr_halos = []; bin_centre_halos = []; Mvir = []

    for i in range(len(data)):
        res = data[i].result
        sfr_halos.append(res["SFR"].in_units("Msol yr**-1"))

    sfr_halos = np.array(sfr_halos); bin_centre_halos = np.array(bin_centre_halos); Mvir = np.array(Mvir)

    idx = np.where(np.log10(Mvir) >= 6.5)
    sfr_halos = sfr_halos[idx]; bin_centre_halos = bin_centre_halos[idx]; Mvir = Mvir[idx]

    # Bin idx
    mass_bins = np.digitize(np.log10(Mvir), the_mass_bins, right=True)
    binned_sfr = {}

    nbins = kwargs.pop("nbins", 100)
    # nbins = kwargs.pop("nbins", 50)
    for i in range(len(the_mass_bins)+1):
        if (i == len(the_mass_bins)):
            x, y = ( flatten_nested_array(bin_centre_halos), flatten_nested_array(sfr_halos) )
            idx = np.where(~np.isnan(y))
            binned_sfr["all"] = fit_scatter(x[idx], y[idx], ret_sterr=True, ret_n=True, nbins=nbins)
            idx = np.where( mass_bins == i )
            x, y = ( flatten_nested_array(bin_centre_halos[idx]), flatten_nested_array(sfr_halos[idx]) )
            idx = np.where(~np.isnan(y))
            binned_sfr[i] = fit_scatter(x[idx], y[idx], ret_sterr=True, ret_n=True, nbins=nbins)

    binned_sfr['the_mass_bins'] = the_mass_bins

    if ax is None:
        # return binned_sfr
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
        # ax = plt.gca()

    cols = None
    if "cols" not in kwargs:
        from seren3.utils import plot_utils
        cols = plot_utils.ncols(len(the_mass_bins), cmap=kwargs.pop("cmap", "Set1"))[::-1]
        # cols = plot_utils.ncols(len(the_mass_bins), cmap=kwargs.pop("cmap", "Set1"))[::-1]
        # cols = ["r", "b", "darkorange", "k"]
        cols = kwargs.pop("cols")
    ls = kwargs.pop("linestyle", "-")
    lw = kwargs.get("lw", 2.5)

    z_fn = sim.redshift_func(zmax=1000., zmin=0.)
    age_fn = sim.age_func()
    sim_age = age_fn(snap.z)

    for i,c in zip(range(len(the_mass_bins)), cols):
    # for i,c in zip([1, len(the_mass_bins)-1], cols):
        x,y,std,stderr,n = binned_sfr[i]

        age = sim_age - x
        age_to_z = z_fn(age)

        if i == len(the_mass_bins) - 1:
            upper = r"$\infty$"
            upper = "%1.1f" % the_mass_bins[i+1]
        lower = "%1.1f" % the_mass_bins[i]

        # label = "BC03 log(M) = [%s, %s)" % (lower, upper)
        label = "%s log(M) = [%s, %s)" % (lab, lower, upper)
        if kwargs.get("legend", False) is False:
            label = None
        # print label, n

        # ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=std, label=label, linewidth=3., \
        #         color=c, linestyle=ls, capsize=5)
        from scipy import integrate
        from seren3.array import SimArray
        integrated_mstar = integrate.trapz(y, SimArray(x, "Gyr").in_units("yr"))
        print integrated_mstar
        # ax.step(x, y, label=label, linewidth=2.5, color=c, linestyle=ls)
        ax.step(age_to_z, y, label=label, linewidth=lw, color=c, linestyle=ls)

    # ax.set_xlabel(r"Lookback-time [Gyr]")
    ax.set_ylabel(r"SFR [M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$]")

    if kwargs.pop("legend", False):
        # Shrink current axis by 20%
        # box = ax.get_position()
        # ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.15,
        #                  box.width, box.height * 0.9])

        # Put a legend to the right of the current axis
        # leg = ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15),
        #   fancybox=True, shadow=False, ncol=6, prop={"size":18})
        leg = ax.legend(loc="upper right", prop={"size":14})
        # leg.set_title(r"log$_{10}$(Mvir) [M$_{\odot}$/h]", prop = {'size':'x-large'})

    # ax.set_ylim(-0.05, 1.05)
    # ax.set_xscale("log")
    ax.set_ylim(1e-6, 5e0)
    ax.set_xlim(6., 20.)
    # ax.set_xlim(0.,)

    return binned_sfr
예제 #10
파일: fbaryon.py 프로젝트: sully90/seren3
def main(path, iout, pickle_path, allow_estimation=False):
    import seren3
    import pickle, os
    from seren3.analysis.parallel import mpi
    import random

    mpi.msg("Loading data")
    sim = seren3.init(path)
    # snap = seren3.load_snapshot(path, iout)
    snap = sim.snapshot(iout)

    # Age function and age now to compute time since last MM
    age_fn = sim.age_func()
    # age_now = snap.age
    age_now = age_fn(snap.z)

    snap.set_nproc(1)  # disbale multiprocessing/threading

    # Use consistent trees halo catalogues to compute time since last major merger
    # finder = "ahf"
    finder = "ctrees"
    # halos = snap.halos(finder="ctrees")
    halos = snap.halos(finder=finder)

    halo_ix = None
    if mpi.host:
        halo_ix = halos.halo_ix(shuffle=True)

    dest = {}
    for i, sto in mpi.piter(halo_ix, storage=dest):
        h = halos[i]

        mpi.msg("Working on halo %i \t %i" % (i, h.hid))

        part_dset = h.p[["id", "mass", "epoch"]].flatten()
        ix_dm = np.where(np.logical_and( part_dset["id"] > 0., part_dset["epoch"] == 0 ))  # index of dm particles
        ix_stars = np.where( np.logical_and( part_dset["id"] > 0., part_dset["epoch"] != 0 ) )  # index of star particles
        np_dm = len(ix_dm[0])

        # if np_dm > 50.:
        gas_dset = h.g["mass"].flatten()
        ncell = len(gas_dset["mass"])
        gas_mass_tot = 0.
        if ncell == 0 and allow_estimation:
            mpi.msg("Estimating gas mass for halo %s" % h["id"])
            gas_mass_tot = estimate_unresolved(snap, h)
            ncell = 1
            gas_mass_tot = gas_dset["mass"].in_units(_MASS_UNIT).sum()

        part_mass_tot = part_dset["mass"].in_units(_MASS_UNIT).sum()
        star_mass_tot = part_dset["mass"].in_units(_MASS_UNIT)[ix_stars].sum()
        # gas_mass_tot = gas_dset["mass"].in_units(_MASS_UNIT).sum()

        tot_mass = part_mass_tot + gas_mass_tot

        fb = (gas_mass_tot + star_mass_tot)/tot_mass
        sto.idx = h["id"]

        if finder == "ctrees":
            # Compute time since last major merger and store
            pid = h["pid"]  # -1 if distinct halo
            scale_of_last_MM = h["scale_of_last_mm"]  # aexp of last major merger
            z_of_last_MM = (1./scale_of_last_MM)-1.
            age_of_last_MM = age_fn(z_of_last_MM)

            time_since_last_MM = age_now - age_of_last_MM
            sto.result = {"fb" : fb, "tot_mass" : tot_mass,\
                     "pid" : pid, "np_dm" : np_dm, "ncell" : ncell,\
                     "time_since_last_MM" : time_since_last_MM, "hprops" : h.properties}
            # else:
            #     mpi.msg("Skipping halo with %i dm particles" % np_dm)
            sto.result = {"fb" : fb, "tot_mass" : tot_mass,\
                     "np_dm" : np_dm, "ncell" : ncell,\
                     "hprops" : h.properties}

    if mpi.host:
        if pickle_path is None:
            pickle_path = "%s/pickle/" % path
        if os.path.isdir(pickle_path) is False:
        fname = "%s/fbaryon_tdyn_%05i.p" % (pickle_path, iout)
        if allow_estimation:
            fname = "%s/fbaryon_tdyn_gdset_est_%05i.p" % (pickle_path, iout)
        pickle.dump( mpi.unpack(dest), open( fname, "wb" ) )
예제 #11
def main(path, iout, pickle_path, allow_estimation=False):
    import seren3
    import pickle, os
    from seren3.analysis.parallel import mpi
    import random

    def _mass_weighted_average(halo, mass_units="Msol h**-1"):
        dset = halo.g[["xHII", "T", "mass"]].flatten()

        cell_mass = dset["mass"].in_units(mass_units)

        return np.sum(dset["xHII"] * cell_mass) / cell_mass.sum(), np.sum(
            dset["T"] * cell_mass) / cell_mass.sum()

    mpi.msg("Loading data")
    sim = seren3.init(path)
    # snap = seren3.load_snapshot(path, iout)
    snap = sim.snapshot(iout)

    # Age function and age now to compute time since last MM
    age_fn = sim.age_func()
    # age_now = age_fn(snap.z)

    snap.set_nproc(1)  # disbale multiprocessing/threading

    # Use consistent trees halo catalogues to compute time since last major merger
    # finder = "ahf"
    finder = "ctrees"
    # halos = snap.halos(finder="ctrees")
    halos = snap.halos(finder=finder)

    halo_ix = None
    if mpi.host:
        halo_ix = halos.halo_ix(shuffle=True)

    dest = {}
    for i, sto in mpi.piter(halo_ix, storage=dest):
        h = halos[i]

        mpi.msg("Working on halo %i \t %i" % (i, h.hid))
        fb, tot_mass, ncell, np_dm = baryon_fraction.compute_fb(
            h, return_stats=True)

        sto.idx = h["id"]

        if finder == "ctrees":
            # Compute time since last major merger and store
            pid = h["pid"]  # -1 if distinct halo

            scale_now = h["aexp"]
            z_now = (1. / scale_now) - 1.
            age_now = age_fn(z_now)

            scale_of_last_MM = h[
                "scale_of_last_mm"]  # aexp of last major merger
            z_of_last_MM = (1. / scale_of_last_MM) - 1.
            age_of_last_MM = age_fn(z_of_last_MM)

            xHII_mw, T_mw = _mass_weighted_average(h)

            time_since_last_MM = age_now - age_of_last_MM
            sto.result = {"fb" : fb, "tot_mass" : tot_mass,\
                     "pid" : pid, "np_dm" : np_dm, "ncell" : ncell,\
                     "time_since_last_MM" : time_since_last_MM, "hprops" : h.properties, \
                     "xHII_mw" : xHII_mw, "T_mw" : T_mw}
            # else:
            #     mpi.msg("Skipping halo with %i dm particles" % np_dm)
            sto.result = {"fb" : fb, "tot_mass" : tot_mass,\
                     "np_dm" : np_dm, "ncell" : ncell,\
                     "hprops" : h.properties}

    if mpi.host:
        if pickle_path is None:
            pickle_path = "%s/pickle/" % path
        if os.path.isdir(pickle_path) is False:

        fname = "%s/fbaryon_tdyn_%05i.p" % (pickle_path, iout)
        pickle.dump(mpi.unpack(dest), open(fname, "wb"))