예제 #1
 def __init__(self, sparse):
     HAS_SCIPY = checkScipy()
     if sparse is None:
         self.__sparse = HAS_SCIPY
     elif sparse is True and not HAS_SCIPY:
         raise ImportError(
             "scipy not installed and required for sparse support")
         self.__sparse = bool(sparse)
예제 #2
        self.assertTrue(self.msgInLogs(level, msg, partial), msg=failMsg)

    def assertMsgNotInLogs(self, level, msg, partial=False):
        Assert that the message was not stored under a given level

        Combines :meth:`LoggerMixin.msgInLogs` with
        matchType = "a partial" if partial else "an exact"
        failMsg = "Found {} match for {} under {} but should not have"
        self.assertFalse(self.msgInLogs(level, msg, partial),
                         msg=failMsg.format(matchType, msg, level))

HAS_SCIPY = checkScipy('1.0')

class MatlabTesterHelper(TestCase):
    """Helper class for matlab conversion"""
    def setUp(self):
        """Call this from subclasses to skip if scipy is unavailable"""
        # skip tests if scipy not installed
        if not HAS_SCIPY:
            raise SkipTest("scipy needed to test matlab conversion")

def plotTest(f):
    """Decorator that clears up existing plots prior to test."""
    from matplotlib.pyplot import close, figure
예제 #3
 def checkImports(self):
     """Ensure that :term:`scipy` >= 1.0 is installed."""
     if not checkScipy('1.0'):
         raise ImportError("scipy >= 1.0 required")
예제 #4
from numpy import array, inf
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_array_equal

from serpentTools.data import getFile
from serpentTools.parsers.sensitivity import SensitivityReader
from serpentTools.utils import checkScipy
from serpentTools.tests import compareDictOfArrays
from serpentTools.tests.utils import (

TEST_FILE = getFile('bwr_sens0.m')

HAS_SCIPY = checkScipy()

class SensitivityTestHelper(TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.reader = SensitivityReader(TEST_FILE)

class SensitivityTester(SensitivityTestHelper):
    """Class for testing the sensitivity reader."""
    def test_expectedSensitivities(self):
        """Verify the sensitivity arrays are loaded correctly."""
        expected = {