def test_addOwner_succ():
    token = A['token']
    u_id = B['u_id']
    Pub_channel = CF.channels_create(A['token'], 'Test1', 'True')
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']
    CF.channel_addowner(token, channelID, u_id)
def test_user_NOTLOGIN():
    token = A['token']
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']
    u_id = B['u_id']
    with pytest.raises(CF.AccessError):
        CF.channel_addowner(token, channelID, u_id)
def test_invlaid_UID_ADOWNER():
    token = A['token']
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']
    u_id = None
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        CF.channel_addowner(token, channelID, u_id)
def test_addOwner_invalid_token():
    token = A['token'] + '100010'
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']
    u_id = B['u_id']
    with pytest.raises(TF.AccessError):
        CF.channel_addowner(token, channelID, u_id)
예제 #5
def test_channel_addowner():
    Function tests for channel_addowner


    owner = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name", \
    token_owner = owner["token"]

    user1 = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name",\
    token1 = user1["token"]
    userid1 = user1["u_id"]

    user2 = auth_register("*****@*****.**",\
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name", \
    userid2 = user2["u_id"]
    token2 = user2["token"]

    #owner creates a channel and is automatically the owner
    channel = func.channels_create(token_owner, "TestChannel", True)
    channel_id = channel["channel_id"]
    # Initialisation finished

    #if given an invalid channel_id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Channel does not exist"):
        func.channel_addowner(token_owner, 100, userid1)

    #token 1&2 joins channel that owner created
    func.channel_join(token1, channel_id)
    func.channel_join(token2, channel_id)

    #token1 is not an owner of the channel
    with pytest.raises(AccessError,
                       match="User is not an owner of the channel"):
        func.channel_addowner(token1, channel_id, userid2)

    # owner successfully promotes user to owner
    assert func.channel_addowner(token_owner, channel_id, userid1) == {}

    # user 1 can now promote other to owner
    assert func.channel_addowner(token1, channel_id, userid2) == {}

    #token1/userid1 is already an owner of the channel
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="User is already an owner of the channel"):
        func.channel_addowner(token_owner, channel_id, userid1)

    # The function is called using a invalid token
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        func.channel_addowner("12345", channel_id, userid1)
def test_cant_promote():
    A = auth_register("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019', "Hoya", "Lee")
    Pub_channel = CF.channels_create(A['token'], 'Test1', 'True')
    token = A['token']
    u_id = 1234567
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id'] 
    CF.channel_addowner(token, channelID, u_id)
def test_canNot_addOwner():
    auth_login("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019')
    token = A['token']
    u_id = A['u_id']
    Pub_channel = CF.channels_create(A['token'], 'Test1', 'True')
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']
    with pytest.raises(CHF.ValueError):
        CF.channel_addowner(token, channelID, u_id)
def test_invlaid_channelID_ADOWNER():
    A = auth_register("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019', "Hoya", "Lee")
    token = A['token']
    channelID = None
    u_id = B['u_id']
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        CF.channel_addowner(token, channelID, u_id)
def test_memeber_addOwner():
    A = auth_register("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019', "Hoya", "Lee")
    B = auth_register("*****@*****.**", "wsad1990", "Good", "Morning")
    Pub_channel = CF.channels_create(A['token'], 'Test1', 'True')
    CF.channel_join(B['token'], Pub_channel['channel_id'])
    token = A['token']
    u_id = B['u_id']
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']  
    CF.channel_addowner(token, channelID, u_id)
예제 #10
def test_user_REMOVE_SUCC():
    B = auth_register("*****@*****.**", "wsad1990", "Tony", "Hex")
    A = auth_register("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019', 'Hoya', 'Lee')
    Pub_channel = CF.channels_create(A['token'], 'channelFirst', 'True')
    CF.channel_addowner(A['token'], Pub_channel['channel_id'], B['u_id'])

    token = A['token']
    u_id = B['u_id']
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']
    CF.channel_addowner(token, channelID, u_id)

    CF.channel_removeowner(token, channelID, u_id)
예제 #11
def test_channel_removeowner():
    Function tests for channel_removeowner


    user1 = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name", \
    token1 = user1["token"]
    userid1 = user1["u_id"]

    user2 = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name", \
    token2 = user2["token"]
    userid2 = user2["u_id"]

    #token1 create a channel
    channel = func.channels_create(token1, "TestChannel", True)
    channel_id = channel["channel_id"]

    #token2 joins the channel token1 made
    func.channel_join(token2, channel_id)
    # Initialisation finished

    #user2 is not the owner, thus trying to removeowner raises an error
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=\
    "User id is not an owner of the channel"):
        func.channel_removeowner(token1, channel_id, userid2)

    # user2 is not the owner and tries to remove owner of channel
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match=\
    "User is not an owner of the channel or slackrowner"):
        func.channel_removeowner(token2, channel_id, userid1)

    #token1 makes token2 a owner
    func.channel_addowner(token1, channel_id, userid2)

    assert func.channel_removeowner(token1, channel_id, userid2) == {}

    #if given an invalid channel_id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Channel does not exist"):
        func.channel_removeowner(token1, 100, userid2)

    # The function is called using a invalid token
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        func.channel_removeowner("12345", channel_id, userid2)
예제 #12
def channel_addowner():
    """ Make a user an owner of the channel """

    token = request.form.get("token")
    channel_id = to_int(request.form.get("channel_id"))
    u_id = to_int(request.form.get("u_id"))

    return dumps(channel.channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id))