def index(): distinct_values = {} for column in ['sploit', 'status', 'team']: rows = database.query( 'SELECT DISTINCT {} FROM flags ORDER BY {}'.format(column, column)) distinct_values[column] = [item[column] for item in rows] statuses = [name for name, _ in FlagStatus.__members__.items()] # Setup counts and it's 'Total' dictionary counts = {'Total': {'TOTAL': 0}} for status in statuses: counts['Total'][status] = {'count': 0, 'percent': 0} # Get the number of statuses for each service and calculate running totals max_sploit_total = 0 for sploit in distinct_values['sploit']: counts[sploit] = {'TOTAL': 0} for status in statuses: count = database.query( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM flags WHERE sploit = '%s' AND status = '%s'" % (sploit, status))[0][0] counts[sploit][status] = {'count': count} counts[sploit]['TOTAL'] += count counts['Total'][status]['count'] += count counts['Total']['TOTAL'] += count max_sploit_total = max(max_sploit_total, counts[sploit]['TOTAL']) # Calculate sploit status percentages based off max_sploit_total for sploit in distinct_values['sploit']: for sploit_status in [counts[sploit][status] for status in statuses]: sploit_status[ 'percent'] = 100 * sploit_status['count'] / max_sploit_total # Calculate overall status percentages based off total flag count for status_total in [counts['Total'][status] for status in statuses]: status_total[ 'percent'] = 100 * status_total['count'] / counts['Total']['TOTAL'] # Sort by sploit flag total counts = { key: value for key, value in sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda item: -item[1]['TOTAL']) } config = reloader.get_config() server_tz_name = time.strftime('%Z') if server_tz_name.startswith('+'): server_tz_name = 'UTC' + server_tz_name return render_template('index.html', flag_format=config['FLAG_FORMAT'], distinct_values=distinct_values, counts=counts, server_tz_name=server_tz_name)
def successful_exploits(): max_val = database.query( "SELECT MAX(sent_cycle) as max FROM flags")[0]["max"] if max_val == None: return Response(status=204) # TODO: Qualcosa di meglio? min_val = max(1, max_val - 4) stats_team = dict() for team, ip in config.CONFIG["TEAMS"].items(): stats_team[team] = dict(ip=ip, round_info=dict()) exploit_set = set() rounds = {} for round in range(min_val, max_val + 1): exp_round_stat = dict() results = database.query( "SELECT team, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT sploit) AS exploits " "FROM flags WHERE sent_cycle= ? AND status='ACCEPTED' " "GROUP BY team ORDER BY team", (round, )) for result in results: team = result["team"] exploits = result["exploits"].split(",") for exploit in exploits: if exploit not in exp_round_stat: exp_round_stat[exploit] = 0 exp_round_stat[exploit] += 1 exploit_set.update(exploits) stats_team[team]["round_info"][round] = exploits rounds[round] = exp_round_stat for team in config.CONFIG["TEAMS"]: if round not in stats_team[team]["round_info"]: stats_team[team]["round_info"][round] = [] return render_template( "sploitTable.html", #return jsonify( rounds=rounds, sploits=list(exploit_set), stats=stats_team)
def show_flags(): conditions = [] for column in ['sploit', 'status', 'team']: value = request.form[column] if value: conditions.append(('{} = ?'.format(column), value)) for column in ['flag', 'checksystem_response']: value = request.form[column] if value: conditions.append( ('INSTR(LOWER({}), ?)'.format(column), value.lower())) for param in ['time-since', 'time-until']: value = request.form[param].strip() if value: timestamp = round( datetime.strptime(value, FORM_DATETIME_FORMAT).timestamp()) sign = '>=' if param == 'time-since' else '<=' conditions.append(('time {} ?'.format(sign), timestamp)) page_number = int(request.form['page-number']) if page_number < 1: raise ValueError('Invalid page-number') if conditions: chunks, values = list(zip(*conditions)) conditions_sql = 'WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(chunks) conditions_args = list(values) else: conditions_sql = '' conditions_args = [] sql = 'SELECT * FROM flags ' + conditions_sql + ' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?' args = conditions_args + [ FLAGS_PER_PAGE, FLAGS_PER_PAGE * (page_number - 1) ] flags = database.query(sql, args) sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM flags ' + conditions_sql args = conditions_args total_count = database.query(sql, args)[0][0] return jsonify({ 'rows': [dict(item) for item in flags], 'rows_per_page': FLAGS_PER_PAGE, 'total_count': total_count, })
def index(): distinct_values = {} for column in ['sploit', 'status', 'team']: rows = database.query( 'SELECT DISTINCT {} FROM flags ORDER BY {}'.format(column, column)) distinct_values[column] = [item[column] for item in rows] config = reloader.get_config() server_tz_name = time.strftime('%Z') if server_tz_name.startswith('+'): server_tz_name = 'UTC' + server_tz_name return render_template('index.html', flag_format=config['FLAG_FORMAT'], distinct_values=distinct_values, server_tz_name=server_tz_name)
def index(): distinct_values = {} for column in ['sploit', 'status', 'team']: rows = database.query( 'SELECT DISTINCT {} FROM flags ORDER BY {}'.format(column, column)) distinct_values[column] = [item[column] for item in rows] config = reloader.get_config() legend = 'Flag delivery statistics' f = open('statistics.json', 'r') json_string = '' for line in f.readlines(): json_string = json_string + line f.close() statistics = json.loads(json_string) flags = [ statistics['one_flags'], statistics['two_flags'], statistics['three_flags'], statistics['four_flags'], statistics['five_flags'], statistics['six_flags'] ] times = [ statistics['one_time'], statistics['two_time'], statistics['three_time'], statistics['four_time'], statistics['five_time'], statistics['six_time'] ] refresh_interval = config['GRAPHICS_REFRESH_INTERVAL'] * 1000 server_tz_name = time.strftime('%Z') if server_tz_name.startswith('+'): server_tz_name = 'UTC' + server_tz_name return render_template('index.html', flag_format=config['FLAG_FORMAT'], distinct_values=distinct_values, server_tz_name=server_tz_name, values=flags, labels=times, legend=legend, refresh_interval=refresh_interval)
def sploit(sploit_name): teams = start_config['TEAMS'].keys() #команды flags_per_time = [ ] #стыренные флаги по 6-ти временным промежуткам и по каждой тиме for i in range(0, len(teams)): flags_per_time.append(['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']) #инициализация стыренных флагов teams_info = [] for i in range(0, len(teams)): teams_info.append([]) for item in teams: rows = database.query('SELECT time FROM flags WHERE sploit=\'' + str(sploit_name) + '\' AND team=\'' + item + '\' ') for row in rows: for r in row: teams_info[list(teams).index(item)].append( timestamp_to_datetime(r)) time_points = [] point = datetime.strptime(start_config['START_TIME'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for loop in range(0, 400): time_points.append(point) point = point + timedelta(seconds=start_config['ROUND_PERIOD']) now_point = for this_point in time_points: if now_point < this_point: next_point = this_point break six_point = next_point time_six = "" for this_point in reversed(time_points): if this_point < next_point: six_point = this_point time_six = str(this_point.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) break five_point = six_point time_five = "" for this_point in reversed(time_points): if this_point < six_point: five_point = this_point time_five = str(this_point.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) break four_point = five_point time_four = "" for this_point in reversed(time_points): if this_point < five_point: four_point = this_point time_four = str(this_point.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) break three_point = four_point time_three = "" for this_point in reversed(time_points): if this_point < four_point: three_point = this_point time_three = str(this_point.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) break two_point = three_point time_two = "" for this_point in reversed(time_points): if this_point < three_point: two_point = this_point time_two = str(this_point.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) break one_point = two_point time_one = "" for this_point in reversed(time_points): if this_point < two_point: one_point = this_point time_one = str(this_point.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) break try: for i in range(0, len(teams)): six_flags = 0 five_flags = 0 four_flags = 0 three_flags = 0 two_flags = 0 one_flags = 0 for flag_time in teams_info[i]: #print(flag_time) if flag_time >= six_point: six_flags += 1 #print('флагов за 6й поинт :' + str(six_flags)) elif flag_time >= five_point and flag_time < six_point: five_flags += 1 #print('флагов за 5й поинт :' + str(five_flags)) elif flag_time >= four_point and flag_time < five_point: four_flags += 1 #print('флагов за 4й поинт :' + str(four_flags)) elif flag_time >= three_point and flag_time < four_point: three_flags += 1 #print('флагов за 3й поинт :' + str(three_flags)) elif flag_time >= two_point and flag_time < three_point: two_flags += 1 #print('флагов за 2й поинт :' + str(two_flags)) elif flag_time >= one_point and flag_time < two_point: one_flags += 1 #print('флагов за 1й поинт :' + str(one_flags)) flags_per_time[i][5] = str(six_flags) flags_per_time[i][4] = str(five_flags) flags_per_time[i][3] = str(four_flags) flags_per_time[i][2] = str(three_flags) flags_per_time[i][1] = str(two_flags) flags_per_time[i][0] = str(one_flags) except: pass for item in flags_per_time: item[0] = "time_1." + item[0] item[1] = "time_2." + item[1] item[2] = "time_3." + item[2] item[3] = "time_4." + item[3] item[4] = "time_5." + item[4] item[5] = "time_6." + item[5] d = dict(zip(teams, flags_per_time)) html = "<html><head><title>" + str( sploit_name ) + "</title><meta charset=\"utf-8\"><script src=\"static/js/jquery.min.js\"></script></head><body><table border=\"1\"> \ <tr><th>" + str( sploit_name) + "</th><th>" + time_one[-9:] + "</th><th>" + time_two[ -9:] + "</th><th>" + time_three[-9:] + "</th> \ <th>" + time_four[-9:] + "</th>,<th>" + time_five[ -9:] + "</th>,<th>" + time_six[-9:] + "</th> </tr> " "" for time in d: html += "<tr><td>{}</td>".format(time) for state in "time_1", "time_2", "time_3", "time_4", "time_5", "time_6": element = '<br>'.join(f for f in d[time] if "{}.".format(state) in f) try: if int(element[7:]) > 0: html += "<td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#37b700\">{}</td>".format( element[7:]) elif int(element[7:]) == 0: html += "<td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#f40000\">{}</td>".format( element[7:]) else: html += "<td align=\"center\" >-</td>" except: html += "<td align=\"center\" >-</td>" html += "</tr>" html += "</table><script> setTimeout(function(){window.location.reload();}, 10000);</script></html>" return html
def show_flags(): conditions = [] for column in ['sploit', 'status']: value = request.args[column] if value: conditions.append((f'{column} = ?', value)) for column in ['flag', 'checksystem_response']: value = request.args[column] if value: conditions.append((f'INSTR(LOWER({column}), ?)', value.lower())) for param in ['time-since', 'time-until']: value = request.args[param].strip() if value: timestamp = round( datetime.strptime(value, FORM_DATETIME_FORMAT).timestamp()) sign = '>=' if param == 'time-since' else '<=' conditions.append((f'time {sign} ?', timestamp)) page_number = int(request.args['page-number']) if page_number < 1: raise ValueError('Invalid page-number') if conditions: chunks, values = list(zip(*conditions)) conditions_sql = 'WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(chunks) conditions_args = list(values) else: conditions_sql = '' conditions_args = [] teams = [ f"'{team}'" for team in request.args.getlist('team') if team != "" ] teams_sql = "" if len(teams) != 0: if conditions_sql != '': teams_sql += "AND " else: teams_sql += "WHERE " teams_sql += f"team IN ({','.join(teams)})" sql = f'SELECT * FROM flags {conditions_sql} {teams_sql} ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?' args = conditions_args + [ FLAGS_PER_PAGE, FLAGS_PER_PAGE * (page_number - 1) ] flags = database.query(sql, args) sql = f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM flags {conditions_sql} {teams_sql}' args = conditions_args total_count = database.query(sql, args)[0][0] return jsonify({ 'rows': [dict(item) for item in flags], 'rows_per_page': FLAGS_PER_PAGE, 'total_count': total_count, })