def _system_table(group_id): sid = c.session['store'] if c.is_json(): if c.is_GET(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session l = c.for_json_l(table_query(ss, sid, group_id).all()) return c.jsonify(l) elif c.is_PUT(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session for k, v in c.data_POST().items(): ol = json.loads(k) for o in ol: r = c.newitem_web(orm.설정_테이블, c.session) c.merge_(o, r) r.group_id = group_id r.issync = None ss.merge(r) return 'modified' else: with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session if c.is_GET(): gl = c.for_json_l(tablegroup_query(ss, sid).all()) return c.display(item=c.newitem_web(orm.설정_테이블그룹, c.session), form_types=form_types, gl=gl, selected=group_id, TABLEBORDER_WIDTH=c.TABLEBORDER_WIDTH, TABLEBORDER_HEIGHT=c.TABLEBORDER_HEIGHT, ) c.abort(404)
def _system_menu2(): store_id = c.session['store'] only = c.get_settings(orm, store_id) id = c.dict_item(orm, store_id) il = list(id.values()) # print(id, il) form_types[0]['l'] = il if c.is_GET(): if c.is_json(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session menu2 = ss.query(orm.상품_품목) \ .filter_by(s=store_id) \ .filter_by(isdel=c.X) \ .all() menu2 = c.for_json_l(menu2) menu2 = {i['i']: i for i in menu2} menu2[0] = {'품목명': '미지정', '단가': 0} return c.jsonify(d=only.j['메뉴'], l=menu2) else: return c.render_template('system/menu2.html', item=None, form_types=form_types, MENUBORDER_WIDTH=c.MENUBORDER_WIDTH, MENUBORDER_HEIGHT=c.MENUBORDER_HEIGHT, ) elif c.is_POST(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session next_one = c.newitem_web(orm.setting, c.session) next_one.j = only.j.copy() for each in c.data_POST(): next_one.j['메뉴'] = c.json.loads(each) ss.add(next_one) return 'modified'
def _board_board_(_id): store_id = c.session['store'] if c.is_GET(): if True: # c.is_json() l = [] with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session q1 = ss.query(orm.상품_품목) \ .filter_by(s=store_id) \ .filter_by(isdel='X') \ .all() for x in q1: dummy = x.__dict__.copy() del dummy['_sa_instance_state'] for k, v in dummy.items(): if v is None: dummy[k] = '' elif isinstance(v, date): dummy[k] = v.isoformat() elif isinstance(v, datetime): dummy[k] = v.isoformat(' ') l.append(dummy) return c.jsonify(l) elif c.is_POST(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session if c.data_POST()['i'] == '신규': only = c.newitem_web(orm.상품_품목, c.session) for k, v in c.data_POST().items(): if hasattr(only, k) and k != 'i': if getattr(only, k) != v: setattr(only, k, v) ss.add(only) return 'modified' elif c.data_POST()['i'] != '신규': only = c.simple_query(ss, orm.상품_품목, s=c.session['store']) for x in only: if int(x.i) == int(c.data_POST()['i']): for k, v in c.data_POST().items(): if hasattr(x, k) and k != 'i': if getattr(x, k) != v: print(k, 'is changed') setattr(x, k, v) x.issync = None return 'modified' return 'modified'
def _system_menu(group_id): sid = c.session['store'] id = c.dict_item(orm, sid) il = list(id.values()) # print(id, il) form_types[0]['l'] = il if c.is_json(): if c.is_GET(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session l = c.for_json_l(menu_query(ss, sid, group_id).all()) for i in l: try: i['메뉴명'] = id[i['품목코드']] except: i['메뉴명'] = '미지정' return c.jsonify(l) elif c.is_PUT(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session for k, v in c.data_POST().items(): ol = json.loads(k) for o in ol: r = c.newitem_web(orm.설정_메뉴, c.session) c.merge_(o, r) r.group_id = group_id try: r.품목코드 = c.fs2i(o['메뉴명'].split('|', 1)[0].strip()) except: r.품목코드 = 0 r.issync = None ss.merge(r) return 'modified' else: with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session if c.is_GET(): gl = c.for_json_l(menugroup_query(ss, sid).all()) _g = [i for i in gl if i['id'] == group_id][0] return c.display( item=c.newitem_web(orm.설정_메뉴그룹, c.session), form_types=form_types, gl=gl, selected=group_id, 상하칸=_g['상하칸'], 좌우칸=_g['좌우칸'], MENUBORDER_WIDTH=c.MENUBORDER_WIDTH, MENUBORDER_HEIGHT=c.MENUBORDER_HEIGHT, ) c.abort(404)
def _system_menu_(): sid = c.session['store'] with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session if c.is_GET(): gl = menugroup_query(ss, sid).first() return c.redirect(c.url_for('_system_menu',
def _get_store(store_id): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = ss.query(orm.정보_가게) \ .filter_by(no=store_id) \ .one() return c.OBJ_cp(only)
def _get_account(store_id): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = ss.query(orm.account) \ .filter_by(s=store_id) \ .one() return c.OBJ_cp(only)
def get_config(orm, store_id): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = ss.query(orm.setting_기능설정) \ .filter_by(s=store_id) \ .order_by(ss.desc(orm.setting_기능설정.i)) \ .first() return c.OBJ_cp(only)
def _earnings_week_(_id): store_id = c.session['store'] cnt_weeks = {} cnt = 0 if c.is_GET(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session lst = ss.query(orm.판매_품목) \ .filter_by(isdel='X') \ .filter(orm.판매_품목.d >= "2018-01-01") \ .filter(orm.판매_품목.d <= "2018-12-31") \ .all() for each in lst: d = each.d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if d not in cnt_weeks: cnt_weeks[d] = {'영업일자': d, '총거래액': 0, '총할인액': 0, '실거래액': 0, '세금': 0, '판매이익': 0, '영수건수' : 0 } cnt_weeks[d]['총거래액'] += each.단가 cnt_weeks[d]['총할인액'] += each.할인 cnt_weeks[d]['실거래액'] += each.합계 cnt_weeks[d]['세금'] += each.세 cnt_weeks[d]['판매이익'] += (each.공급가 + each.면세) cnt_weeks[d]['영수건수'] += 1 return c.jsonify(cnt_weeks) c.abort(404)
def _system_printer(): store_id = c.session['store'] only = c.get_settings(orm, store_id) available_networks = [] networks = only.j['네트워크'] adjusted = only.j['프린터'] for each in networks: if each['enabled']: available_networks.append(each['기기명']) for each in adjusted: each['연결기기명'] = networks[each['network_id']]['기기명'] for each in form_types: if each['name'] == '연결기기명': each['l'] = available_networks if c.is_GET(): if c.is_json(): return c.jsonify(adjusted) else: return c.display(thead=thead, form_types=form_types, defnet=available_networks[0] if len(available_networks) > 0 else '') elif c.is_POST(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session next_one = c.newitem_web(orm.settings, c.session) next_one.j = only.j.copy() for each in c.data_POST(): next_one.j['프린터'] = c.json.loads(each) for each in next_one.j['프린터']: for i in range(len(networks)): if each['연결기기명'] == networks[i]['기기명']: each['network_id'] = i ss.add(next_one) return 'modified'
def _system_receiptform_(store_id): only = c.get_setting_영수증서식(orm, store_id) if c.is_GET(): if c.is_json(): response = Response(response=json.dumps(only.j), status=200, mimetype='text/plain') return response else: return c.display() elif c.is_POST(): if c.is_json(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session next_one = c.newitem_web(orm.setting_영수증서식, c.session) _j = c.data_json() for k in _j: _j[k] = [ x for x in _j[k].split(c.EOL) if len(x.strip()) > 0 ] # pp.pprint(_j) next_one.j = only.j.copy() k = 0 for i in next_one.j: for j in _j.keys(): if i == j: next_one.j[j] = _j[j] k = k + 1 ss.add(next_one) return 'modified'
def _login(): error = '' if c.is_GET(): pass elif c.is_POST(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session id = c.data_POST('user') pw = c.data_POST('password') account = ss.query(orm.account) \ .filter_by(아이디=id) \ .first() if account is None: error = '아이디 또는 패스워드를 잘못 입력하셨습니다.' elif c.pw_hash(pw) != account.패스워드: error = '아이디 / 패스워드를 잘못 입력하셨습니다.' else: c.account_session(orm, account, c.session) if account.s == 0: return c.redirect('') return c.redirect(c.url_for('hello_world')) return c.display(error=error)
def _goods_itemgroup_(_id): store_id = c.session['store'] if c.is_GET(): if True: # c.is_json() l = [] with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session q1 = ss.query(orm.상품_분류) \ .filter_by(s=c.session['store']) \ .filter_by(isdel='X') \ .all() for x in q1: dummy = x.__dict__.copy() del dummy['_sa_instance_state'] for k, v in dummy.items(): if v is None: dummy[k] = '' elif isinstance(v, date): dummy[k] = v.isoformat() elif isinstance(v, datetime): dummy[k] = v.isoformat(' ') l.append(dummy) return c.jsonify(l) elif c.is_PUT(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session temp = [] for i in c.data_POST(): for j in c.json.loads(i): temp.append(j) only = c.simple_query(ss, orm.상품_분류, s=c.session['store']) for i in temp: if '코드' not in i: only1 = c.newitem_web(orm.상품_분류, c.session) only1.분류명 = i['대분류'] ss.add(only1) elif i['코드'] != None: for x in only: if x.i == i['코드']: x.분류명 = i['대분류'] x.isdel = i['isdel'] return 'modified'
def _system_menugroup_(_id): sid = c.session['store'] if c.is_json(): if c.is_GET(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session r = c.simple_query(ss, orm.설정_메뉴그룹, id=_id) return c.jsonify(c.for_json(r)) elif c.is_POST(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session r = c.newitem_web(orm.설정_메뉴그룹, c.session) cnt = menugroup_query(ss, sid).count() r.번호 = cnt + 1 for k, v in c.data_POST().items(): if hasattr(r, k) and k != 'id': if getattr(r, k) != v: setattr(r, k, v) ss.add(r) return 'added' elif c.is_PUT(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session r = c.simple_query(ss, orm.설정_메뉴그룹, id=_id) if r.sid == c.session['store']: for k, v in c.data_POST().items(): if hasattr(r, k) and k != 'id': if getattr(r, k) != v: print(k, 'is changed') setattr(r, k, v) r.issync = None return 'modified' else: c.abort(403) elif c.is_DELETE(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session r = c.simple_query(ss, orm.설정_메뉴그룹, id=_id) if r.sid == c.session['store']: r.isdel = c.O l = menugroup_query(ss, sid).all() for i in range(len(l)): l[i].번호 = i + 1 r.issync = None return 'deleted' else: c.abort(403) c.abort(404)
def _goods_itemgroup_(_id): store_id = c.session['store'] if c.is_json(): if c.is_GET(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = c.simple_query(ss, orm.상품_분류, no=_id) return c.jsonify(c.for_json(only)) elif c.is_POST(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = c.newitem_web(orm.상품_분류, c.session) cnt = itemgroup_query(ss, store_id).count() only.번호 = cnt + 1 for k, v in c.data_POST().items(): if hasattr(only, k) and k != 'no': if getattr(only, k) != v: setattr(only, k, v) ss.add(only) return 'added' elif c.is_PUT(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = c.simple_query(ss, orm.상품_분류, no=_id) if only.s == c.session['store']: for k, v in c.data_POST().items(): if hasattr(only, k) and k != 'no': if getattr(only, k) != v: print(k, 'is changed') setattr(only, k, v) only.issync = None return 'modified' else: c.abort(403) elif c.is_DELETE(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = c.simple_query(ss, orm.상품_분류, no=_id) if only.s == c.session['store']: only.isdel = c.O l = itemgroup_query(ss, store_id).all() for i in range(len(l)): l[i].번호 = i + 1 only.issync = None return 'deleted' else: c.abort(403) c.abort(404)
def _goods_item_upload_(_id): store_id = c.session['store'] gd = c.dict_itemgroup(orm, store_id) if c.is_json(): if c.is_GET(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = c.simple_query(ss, orm.상품_품목, no=_id) only.분류 = gd[only.분류no] return c.jsonify(c.for_json(only)) elif c.is_POST(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = c.newitem_web(orm.상품_품목, c.session) for k, v in c.data_POST().items(): if hasattr(only, k) and k != 'no': if getattr(only, k) != v: setattr(only, k, v) only.분류no = c.fs2i(c.data_POST()['분류'].split('|', 1)[0].strip()) ss.add(only) return 'added' elif c.is_PUT(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = c.simple_query(ss, orm.상품_품목, no=_id) if only.s == c.session['store']: for k, v in c.data_POST().items(): if hasattr(only, k) and k != 'no': if getattr(only, k) != v: print(k, 'is changed') setattr(only, k, v) only.분류no = c.fs2i(c.data_POST()['분류'].split('|', 1)[0].strip()) only.issync = None return 'modified' else: c.abort(403) elif c.is_DELETE(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = c.simple_query(ss, orm.상품_품목, no=_id) if only.s == c.session['store']: only.isdel = c.O only.issync = None return 'deleted' else: c.abort(403) c.abort(404)
def _system_menugroup(): sid = c.session['store'] if c.is_GET(): if c.is_json(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session l = c.for_json_l(menugroup_query(ss, sid).all()) return c.jsonify(l) return c.display(item=c.newitem_web(orm.설정_메뉴그룹, c.session), thead=thead, form_types=form_types, id=sid)
def _goods_itemgroup(): store_id = c.session['store'] if c.is_GET(): if c.is_json(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session lst = c.for_json_l(itemgroup_query(ss, store_id).all()) return c.jsonify(lst) return c.display(item=c.newitem_web(orm.상품_분류, c.session), thead=thead, form_types=form_types, no=store_id)
def _info_store1_list(): if c.is_GET(): if True: # c.is_json() l = [] with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session q1 = ss.query(orm.공통_출력물관리) \ .filter_by(s=c.session['store']) \ .all() for x in q1: dummy = x.__dict__.copy() del dummy['_sa_instance_state'] for k, v in dummy.items(): if v is None: dummy[k] = '' l.append(dummy) return c.jsonify(l)
def _system_network(): store_id = c.session['store'] only = c.get_settings(orm, store_id) if c.is_GET(): if c.is_json(): return c.jsonify(only.j['네트워크']) else: return c.display(thead=thead, form_types=form_types) elif c.is_POST(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session next_one = c.newitem_web(orm.settings, c.session) next_one.j = only.j.copy() for each in c.data_POST(): next_one.j['네트워크'] = c.json.loads(each) ss.add(next_one) return 'modified'
def _info_account_(store_id): if c.is_GET(): if c.is_json(): return c.jsonify(_get_account(store_id).for_json()) else: return c.display() elif c.is_POST() or c.is_PUT(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = ss.query(orm.account) \ .filter_by(s=store_id) \ .one() if only.패스워드 == c.pw_hash(c.data_POST('구패스워드')): only.패스워드 = c.pw_hash(c.data_POST('패스워드')) else: return 'diffrent' return 'modified'
def _system_table2(): shop_id = c.session['store'] only = c.get_settings(orm, shop_id) if c.is_GET(): if c.is_json(): return c.jsonify(only.j['테이블']) else: return c.render_template('system/table2.html', item=None, form_types=form_types, TABLEBORDER_WIDTH=c.TABLEBORDER_WIDTH, TABLEBORDER_HEIGHT=c.TABLEBORDER_HEIGHT, ) elif c.is_POST(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session next_one = c.newitem_web(orm.setting, c.session) next_one.j = only.j.copy() for each in c.data_POST(): next_one.j['테이블'] = c.json.loads(each) ss.add(next_one) return 'modified'
def _info_staff_list(): if c.is_GET(): if True: # c.is_json() l = [] with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session q1 = ss.query(orm.정보_직원) \ .filter_by(s=c.session['store']) \ .all() for x in q1: dummy = x.__dict__.copy() del dummy['_sa_instance_state'] for k, v in dummy.items(): if v is None: dummy[k] = '' elif isinstance(v, date): dummy[k] = v.isoformat() elif isinstance(v, datetime): dummy[k] = v.isoformat(' ') l.append(dummy) return c.jsonify(l)
def _goods_item_modify(): store_id = c.session['store'] with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session gd = c.dict_itemgroup(orm, store_id) gl = list(gd.values()) form_types[0]['l'] = gl # print(gd, gl) if c.is_GET(): if c.is_json(): l = c.for_json_l( c.simple_query(ss, orm.상품_품목, s=store_id, order_by_asc='no')) for i in l: i['분류'] = gd[i['분류no']] i['idx'] = i['no'] i['enabled'] = True return c.jsonify(l) return c.display(item=c.newitem_web(orm.상품_품목, c.session), thead=thead, form_types=form_types, no=store_id, gl=gl)
def _system_menugroup_movedown(_id): sid = c.session['store'] if c.is_json(): if c.is_PUT(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session r = c.simple_query(ss, orm.설정_메뉴그룹, id=_id).번호 l = menugroup_query(ss, sid).all() if sid == c.session['store']: if r >= len(l): return 'modified' else: for i in l: if i.번호 == r: i.번호 += 1 elif i.번호 == r + 1: i.번호 -= 1 return 'modified' else: c.abort(403) c.abort(404)
def _system_config_(store_id): only1 = get_config(orm, store_id) if c.is_GET(): if c.is_json(): response = Response(response=json.dumps(only1.j), status=200, mimetype='text/plain') return response else: return c.display() elif c.is_POST(): if c.is_json(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session next_one = c.newitem_web1(orm.setting_기능설정, c.session) next_one.j = only1.j.copy() for each in c.data_POST(): next_one.j = c.json.loads(each) ss.add(next_one) return 'modified'
def _system_tablegroup_moveup(_id): sid = c.session['store'] if c.is_json(): if c.is_PUT(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session r = c.simple_query(ss, orm.설정_테이블그룹, id=_id).번호 l = tablegroup_query(ss, sid).all() if sid == c.session['store']: if r <= 1: return 'modified' else: for i in l: if i.번호 == r - 1: i.번호 += 1 elif i.번호 == r: i.번호 -= 1 return 'modified' else: c.abort(403) c.abort(404)
def _info_storepwd(store_id): if c.is_GET(): if c.is_json(): return c.jsonify(_get_store(store_id).for_json()) else: return c.display() elif c.is_POST() or c.is_PUT(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = ss.query(orm.정보_가게) \ .filter_by(no=store_id) \ .one() for k, v in c.data_POST().items(): if getattr(only, k) != v: print(k, 'is changed') if k in ['개점일', '폐점일']: try: setattr(only, k, parser.parse(v)) except: setattr(only, k, None) else: setattr(only, k, v) only.issync = None return c.display()
def _system_config1_(store_id): if c.is_json(): if c.is_GET(): d = { k + c.SEP + v['k']: v['v'] for k, v in get_config1(store_id).items() } return c.jsonify(d) elif c.is_PUT(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session only = c.get_settings(orm, store_id) next_one = c.newitem_web(orm.settings, c.session) next_one.j = only.j.copy() for k, v in c.data_POST().items(): if c.SEP in k and 'checkbox' not in k: _n = k.split(c.SEP, 1)[0] _k = k.split(c.SEP, 1)[1] _v = v next_one.j['설정'][_n] = {'k': _k, 'v': _v} ss.add(next_one) return 'modified' c.abort(404)
def _system_menugroup_(_id): store_id = c.session['store'] if c.is_json(): if c.is_GET(): with orm.session_scope() as ss: # type:c.typeof_Session q1 = ss.query(orm.상품_분류) \ .filter_by(s=store_id) \ .filter_by(isdel='X') \ .all() for x in q1: dummy = x.__dict__.copy() del dummy['_sa_instance_state'] for k, v in dummy.items(): if v is None: dummy[k] = '' elif isinstance(v, date): dummy[k] = v.isoformat() elif isinstance(v, datetime): dummy[k] = v.isoformat(' ') l.append(dummy) return c.jsonify(l) c.abort(404)