def display_all_spotify_users() -> render_template: """ Display all spotify users :return: A rendered template """ # Get all spotify users spotify_user_list = SpotifyUser.query.all() # Json with all the user data user_json_list = {} for spotify_user in spotify_user_list: # Get a auth token for every spotify user oauth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = SpotifyAuthorisationToken( refresh_token=spotify_user.refresh_token, activation_time=spotify_user.activated_at, authorisation_token=spotify_user.oauth_token) # Check if token is expired if oauth_token.is_expired(): oauth_token = spotify.reauthorize(oauth_token) user_id =["id"] update_spotify_user(user_id, oauth_token) # Get information from the database and spotify and store it in the json user_json_list[spotify_user.spotify_user_id] = user_json_list[spotify_user.spotify_user_id][ "playlist_count"] = Playlist.query.filter( Playlist.spotify_user == # Return the rendered template return render_template("spotify_user/spotify_users.html", spotify_users=user_json_list, title="Spotify Users")
def display_spotify_user_playlists(spotify_user_id: str): """ Display the playlists of one spotify user :param spotify_user_id: The user id of the spotify user :return: A rendered template of the page """ # Get the spotify user from the database spotify_user: SpotifyUser = SpotifyUser.query.filter( SpotifyUser.spotify_user_id == spotify_user_id).first() # Check if spotify user exists if not spotify_user: return render_template("resource_not_found.html", title="404") # Get all playlists that are assigned to the spotify user playlist_list = Playlist.query.filter( Playlist.spotify_user == # Get the token from the user oauth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = SpotifyAuthorisationToken( spotify_user.refresh_token, spotify_user.activated_at, spotify_user.oauth_token) # Check if the token is expired if oauth_token.is_expired(): oauth_token = spotify.reauthorize(oauth_token) user_id =["id"] update_spotify_user(user_id, oauth_token) # Build the playlist json by the requests to spotify playlist_list_json = {} for playlist in playlist_list: playlist_list_json[playlist.spotify_id] = modify_playlist_json( spotify.playlist(playlist.spotify_id, oauth_token)) playlist_list_json[playlist.spotify_id][ "max_song_duration"] = playlist.max_song_length # Get the username of the spotify user user_name =['display_name'] playlist_list = spotify.user_playlists(oauth_token)["items"] autocomplete_playlist_list = {} for playlist in playlist_list: if playlist["owner"]["id"] == spotify_user_id: try: autocomplete_playlist_list[ playlist["name"] + " - " + playlist["id"]] = playlist["images"][2]["url"] except IndexError: autocomplete_playlist_list[playlist["name"] + " - " + playlist[ "id"]] = "/static/icons/default_playlist_cover.png" return render_template( "spotify_user/spotify_user_playlists.html", playlist_list_json=playlist_list_json, user_name=user_name, title=f"{user_name}'s Playlists", autocomplete_playlist_list=autocomplete_playlist_list)
def get_playlist_tracks(): """ Get the tracks of a playlist :return: The tracks of the playlist as json """ playlist_id = request.args.get('playlist-id') if not playlist_id: return abort(400, "You did not give a playlist-id") auth_token = get_token_by_playlist(playlist_id) if not auth_token: return abort(400, "No playlist with this id found") # Check if expired and update the user if auth_token.is_expired(): auth_token = spotify.reauthorize(auth_token) user_id =["id"] update_spotify_user(user_id, auth_token) modified_tracks = collect_tracks(playlist_id, auth_token) return jsonify(modified_tracks)
def callback(): """ Callback that will be called if the user authorizes the first time :return: A redirect to the spotify user home page, 403 """ if not current_user.is_admin: return abort(403, "You are not authorized to visit the page") if request.args.get("error"): return jsonify(dict(error=request.args.get("error_description"))) else: callback_state = request.args.get("state") if callback_state != spotify_info.state: return f"The state was not the same. The returned state was {callback_state}" auth_code: str = request.args.get("code") auth_token: SpotifyAuthorisationToken = SpotifyAuthorisationToken( refresh_token=auth_code, activation_time=int(time.time())) # Check if expired and update the user auth_token = spotify.reauthorize(auth_token, grant_type="authorization_code") auth_token = spotify.reauthorize(auth_token) user_id =["id"] update_spotify_user(user_id, auth_token) # return jsonify(OAuth_Token=auth_token.token, Reauthorization_Token=auth_token.refresh_token) return redirect(url_for("admin.spotify_users"))
def get_playlist(): """ Get a playlist :return: The json of the playlist """ playlist_id = request.args.get('playlist-id') if not playlist_id: return abort(400, "You did not give a playlist-id") auth_token = get_token_by_playlist(playlist_id) if not auth_token: return abort(400, "No playlist with this id found") # Check if expired and update the user if auth_token.is_expired(): auth_token = spotify.reauthorize(auth_token) user_id =["id"] update_spotify_user(user_id, auth_token) playlist = spotify.playlist(playlist_id=playlist_id, auth_token=auth_token) modified_playlist = modify_playlist_json(playlist) return modified_playlist
def search_for_songs(): """ Search for songs and artists :return: The search results as json """ playlist_id = request.args.get('playlist-id') if not playlist_id: return abort(400, "You did not give a playlist-id") auth_token = get_token_by_playlist(playlist_id) if not auth_token: return abort(400, "No playlist with this id found") # Check if expired and update the user if auth_token.is_expired(): auth_token = spotify.reauthorize(auth_token) user_id =["id"] update_spotify_user(user_id, auth_token) search_term = request.args.get('searchterm') if search_term is None or search_term == "": return abort(400) search_results =, "track", auth_token, limit=10) return_search_results = modify_track_json(search_results["tracks"]) return return_search_results
def me(): """ Get information about the auth token for the playlist :return: Information about the playlist spotify user """ playlist_id = request.args.get('playlist-id') if not playlist_id: return abort(400, "You did not give a playlist-id") auth_token = get_token_by_playlist(playlist_id) if not auth_token: return abort(400, "No playlist with this id found") # Check if expired and update the user if auth_token.is_expired(): auth_token = spotify.reauthorize(auth_token) user_id =["id"] update_spotify_user(user_id, auth_token) return
def add_playlist_to_spotify_user(playlist_id: str, spotify_user_id: str, song_length: int): """ Add a new spotify playlist to a user :param song_length: The max song length :param spotify_user_id: The spotify user id of the playlist owner :param playlist_id: The playlist id :return: Status 400 or the playlist json """ # Check if the playlist exists if Playlist.query.filter(Playlist.spotify_id == playlist_id).first(): return abort(400, "The playlist does already exist") # Get a random spotify user for a auth token temp_user: SpotifyUser = SpotifyUser.query.filter(SpotifyUser.spotify_user_id == spotify_user_id).first() auth_token = SpotifyAuthorisationToken(temp_user.refresh_token, temp_user.activated_at, temp_user.oauth_token) if auth_token.is_expired(): auth_token = spotify.reauthorize(auth_token) user_id =["id"] update_spotify_user(user_id, auth_token) # Check if the playlist id is valid playlist_json = {} try: playlist_json = spotify.playlist(playlist_id, auth_token) playlist_json["duration"] = song_length except SpotifyError as e: if "Invalid playlist Id" in str(e): return abort(400, "The Playlist ID you passed is not valid") # Get the owner of the playlist playlist_json_owner = playlist_json["owner"]["id"] # Get the owner of the playlist spotify_user_object: SpotifyUser = SpotifyUser.query.filter( SpotifyUser.spotify_user_id == playlist_json_owner).first() # Check if the owner is in the spotify user database if not spotify_user_object: return abort(400, f"The user ({playlist_json_owner}) the playlist belongs to does not exist in the tool. \n" f"You have to create it manually.") # Create the playlist and add it to the database database_playlist = Playlist(spotify_id=playlist_id,, users=[], max_song_length=song_length) db.session.add(database_playlist) db.session.commit() return playlist_json
def add_track_to_playlist(): """ Add tracks to the playlist :return: status 201, or 400 """ playlist_id: str = request.args.get('playlist-id') if not playlist_id: return abort(400, "You did not give a playlist-id") auth_token = get_token_by_playlist(playlist_id) if not auth_token: return abort(400, "No playlist with this id found") # Check if expired and update the user if auth_token.is_expired(): auth_token = spotify.reauthorize(auth_token) user_id =["id"] update_spotify_user(user_id, auth_token) json = request.get_json() if "track-list" in json: track_list = json["track-list"] else: return abort(400, "Your request body has not track-list") track_list = check_songs(track_list, auth_token, playlist_id) if not track_list: return abort(400, "You passed an empty message") spotify.add_playlist_tracks(playlist_id, track_list, auth_token) return Response(status=201)
def get_token_by_playlist(playlist_id: str) -> SpotifyAuthorisationToken: """ Takes the playlist id and gets the valid token for the playlist :param playlist_id: The id of the playlist :return: A valid and reauthorized token """ playlist: Playlist = Playlist.query.filter(Playlist.spotify_id == playlist_id).first() if not playlist: return None spotify_user = SpotifyUser.query.filter( == playlist.spotify_user).first() if not spotify_user: return None auth_token = SpotifyAuthorisationToken(refresh_token=spotify_user.refresh_token, authorisation_token=spotify_user.oauth_token, activation_time=spotify_user.activated_at) if auth_token.is_expired(): auth_token = spotify.reauthorize(auth_token) user_id =["id"] update_spotify_user(user_id, auth_token) return auth_token