def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('munkiversion/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('munkiversion/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('munkiversion/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: munki_info = machines.values('munki_version').annotate(count=Count('munki_version')).order_by() else: munki_info = [] c = Context({ 'title': 'Munki Version', 'data': munki_info, 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 4
def bu_inventory(request, bu_id): user = request.user user_level = user.userprofile.level business_unit = get_object_or_404(BusinessUnit, pk=bu_id) if business_unit not in user.businessunit_set.all() and user_level != 'GA': print 'not letting you in ' + user_level return redirect(index) # Get the groups within the Business Unit machines = utils.getBUmachines(bu_id) inventory = [] for machine in machines: for item in machine.inventoryitem_set.all(): inventory.append(item) found = unique_apps(inventory) c = { 'user': request.user, 'inventory': found, 'page': 'business_unit', 'business_unit': business_unit, 'request': request } return render_to_response('inventory/index.html', c, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or$ if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('erikng/munkimanifest/templates/munkimanifest_front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('erikng/munkimanifest/templates/munkimanifest_id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('erikng/munkimanifest/templates/munkimanifest_id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: mmanifest = machines.values('manifest').annotate(count=Count('manifest')).order_by() else: mmanifest = [] c = Context({ 'title': 'Munki Manifest', 'data': mmanifest, 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('topprocesses/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('topprocesses/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('topprocesses/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: try: info = OSQueryColumn.objects.filter(osquery_result__name='pack_sal_top_processes').filter(osquery_result__machine=machines).filter(column_name='name').values('column_data').annotate(data_count=Count('column_data')).order_by('-data_count')[:100:1] except: info = [] else: info = [] c = Context({ 'title': 'Top Processes', 'data': info, 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): try: show_desktops = settings.ENCRYPTION_SHOW_DESKTOPS except: show_desktops = True # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': if show_desktops: t = loader.get_template('grahamgilbert/encryption/templates/front_desktops.html') else: t = loader.get_template('grahamgilbert/encryption/templates/front_laptops.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': if show_desktops: t = loader.get_template('grahamgilbert/encryption/templates/id_desktops.html') else: t = loader.get_template('grahamgilbert/encryption/templates/id_laptops.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': if show_desktops: t = loader.get_template('grahamgilbert/encryption/templates/id_desktops.html') else: t = loader.get_template('grahamgilbert/encryption/templates/id_laptops.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: laptop_ok = machines.filter(facts__fact_name='mac_encryption_enabled', facts__fact_data='true').filter(facts__fact_name='mac_laptop', facts__fact_data='mac_laptop').count() desktop_ok = machines.filter(facts__fact_name='mac_encryption_enabled', facts__fact_data__exact='true').filter(facts__fact_name='mac_laptop', facts__fact_data__exact='mac_desktop').count() laptop_alert = machines.filter(facts__fact_name='mac_encryption_enabled', facts__fact_data__exact='false').filter(facts__fact_name='mac_laptop', facts__fact_data__exact='mac_laptop').count() desktop_alert = machines.filter(facts__fact_name='mac_encryption_enabled', facts__fact_data__exact='false').filter(facts__fact_name='mac_laptop', facts__fact_data__exact='mac_desktop').count() else: laptop_ok = 0 desktop_ok = 0 laptop_alert = 0 desktop_alert = 0 c = Context({ 'title': 'Encryption', 'laptop_label': 'Laptops', 'laptop_ok_count': laptop_ok, 'laptop_alert_count': laptop_alert, 'desktop_ok_count': desktop_ok, 'desktop_alert_count': desktop_alert, 'desktop_label': 'Desktops', 'plugin': 'Encryption', 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 4
def inventory_list(request, page='front', theID=None): user = request.user title=None inventory_name = request.GET.get('name') inventory_version = request.GET.get('version', '0') inventory_bundleid = request.GET.get('bundleid', '') inventory_path = request.GET.get('path') inventory_bundlename = request.GET.get('bundlename','') # get a list of machines (either from the BU or the group) if page == 'front': # get all machines if user.userprofile.level == 'GA': machines = Machine.objects.all() else: machines = Machine.objects.none() for business_unit in user.businessunit_set.all(): for group in business_unit.machinegroup_set.all(): machines = machines | group.machine_set.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': # only get machines for that BU # Need to make sure the user is allowed to see this machines = utils.getBUmachines(theID) if page == 'group_dashboard' or page == 'machine_group': # only get machines from that group machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theID) # check that the user has access to this machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if page == 'machine_id': machines = Machine.objects.filter(id=theID) try: page = int(request.GET.get('page')) except: page = 1 previous_id = page - 1 next_id = page + 1 start = (page - 1) * 25 end = page * 25 # get the InventoryItems limited to the machines we're allowed to look at inventory = InventoryItem.objects.filter(name=inventory_name, version=inventory_version, bundleid=inventory_bundleid, bundlename=inventory_bundlename).filter(machine=machines)[start:end] if len(inventory) != 25: # we've not got 25 results, probably the last page next_id = 0 c = {'user':user, 'machines': machines, 'req_type': page, 'title': title, 'bu_id': theID, 'request':request, 'inventory_name':inventory_name, 'inventory_version':inventory_version, 'inventory_bundleid':inventory_bundleid, 'inventory_bundlename':inventory_bundlename, 'previous_id': previous_id, 'next_id':next_id, 'inventory':inventory } return render_to_response('inventory/overview_list_all.html', c, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). # You will be sent a machines object - if you are only operating on a collection of machines, you should use this object for performance reasons if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('activity/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('activity/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('activity/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: checked_in_this_hour = machines.filter( last_checkin__gte=hour_ago).count() checked_in_today = machines.filter(last_checkin__gte=today).count() checked_in_this_week = machines.filter( last_checkin__gte=week_ago).count() inactive_for_a_month = machines.filter( last_checkin__range=(three_months_ago, month_ago)).count() inactive_for_three_months = machines.exclude( last_checkin__gte=three_months_ago).count() else: checked_in_this_hour = None checked_in_today = None checked_in_this_week = None inactive_for_a_month = None inactive_for_three_months = None c = Context({ 'title': 'Activity', 'checked_in_this_hour': checked_in_this_hour, 'checked_in_today': checked_in_today, 'checked_in_this_week': checked_in_this_week, 'inactive_for_a_month': inactive_for_a_month, 'inactive_for_three_months': inactive_for_three_months, 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 12
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('timemachine/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('timemachine/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('timemachine/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: time_week = int(time.time() - (86400 * 7)) time_month = int(time.time() - (86400 * 28)) tm_configured = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='timemachine_configured', fact__fact_data=1).count() tm_notconfigured = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='timemachine_configured', fact__fact_data=0).count() tm_recent_ok = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='timemachine_lastsnapshot', fact__fact_data__gte=time_week).count() tm_recent_warning = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='timemachine_lastsnapshot', fact__fact_data__lt=time_week, fact__fact_data__gte=time_month).count() tm_recent_error = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='timemachine_lastsnapshot', fact__fact_data__lt=time_month).count() tm_recent_error += machines.filter(fact__fact_name='timemachine_configured', fact__fact_data=1).exclude(fact__fact_name='timemachine_lastsnapshot').count() else: tm_configured = None tm_notconfigured = None tm_recent_ok = None tm_recent_warning = None tm_recent_error = None c = Context({ 'title': 'Time Machine', 'tm_configured': tm_configured, 'tm_notconfigured': tm_notconfigured, 'tm_recent_ok': tm_recent_ok, 'tm_recent_warning': tm_recent_warning, 'tm_recent_error': tm_recent_error, 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('puppetstatus/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('puppetstatus/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('puppetstatus/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: puppet_error = machines.filter(puppet_errors__gt=0).count() # if there aren't any records with last checkin dates, assume puppet isn't being used last_checkin = machines.filter(last_puppet_run__isnull=False).count() checked_in_this_month = machines.filter(last_puppet_run__lte=month_ago).count() else: puppet_error = 0 last_checkin = 0 checked_in_this_month = 0 if last_checkin > 0: size = 4 else: size = 0 c = Context({ 'title': 'Puppet Status', 'error_label': 'Errors', 'error_count': puppet_error, 'month_label': '+ 1 Month', 'month_count': checked_in_this_month, 'plugin': 'PuppetStatus', 'last_checkin_count': last_checkin, 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), size
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('grahamgilbert/munkisyncstatus/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('grahamgilbert/munkisyncstatus/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('grahamgilbert/munkisyncstatus/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: local = machines.filter(condition__condition_name='location', condition__condition_data='Local').count() cloud = machines.filter(condition__condition_name='location', condition__condition_data='Cloud').count() out_of_sync = machines.filter(condition__condition_name='location', condition__condition_data='Out-of-sync').count() else: local = 0 cloud = 0 out_of_sync = 0 size = 3 if out_of_sync == 0: colour = 'info' else: colour = 'danger' c = Context({ 'title': 'MSU Repository', 'local_count': local, 'local_label': 'Local', 'cloud_count': cloud, 'cloud_label': 'Cloud', 'oos_count': out_of_sync, 'oos_label': 'Out of sync', 'plugin': 'MunkiSyncStatus', 'theid': theid, 'colour': colour, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), size
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # we're not linking anywhere, so the template will be the same for all t = loader.get_template('hardwaretypes/templates/front.html') if page == 'front': if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: machines = machines.values('machine_model').annotate(count=Count('machine_model')) else: machines = None out = [] if machines: for machine in machines: if machine['machine_model']: found = False nodigits=''.join(i for i in machine['machine_model'] if i.isalpha()) machine['machine_model']=nodigits for item in out: if item['machine_model'] == machine['machine_model']: item['count'] = item['count']+machine['count'] found = True break #if we get this far, it's not been seen before if found == False: out.append(machine) c = Context({ 'title': 'Hardware Types', 'machines': out, 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). # You will be sent a machines object - if you are only operating on a collection of machines, you should use this object for performance reasons if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('activity/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('activity/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('activity/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: checked_in_this_hour = machines.filter(last_checkin__gte=hour_ago).count() checked_in_today = machines.filter(last_checkin__gte=today).count() checked_in_this_week = machines.filter(last_checkin__gte=week_ago).count() inactive_for_a_month = machines.filter(last_checkin__range=(three_months_ago, month_ago)).count() inactive_for_three_months = machines.exclude(last_checkin__gte=three_months_ago).count() else: checked_in_this_hour = None checked_in_today = None checked_in_this_week = None inactive_for_a_month = None inactive_for_three_months = None c = Context({ 'title': 'Activity', 'checked_in_this_hour': checked_in_this_hour, 'checked_in_today': checked_in_today, 'checked_in_this_week': checked_in_this_week, 'inactive_for_a_month': inactive_for_a_month, 'inactive_for_three_months': inactive_for_three_months, 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('plugins/traffic_lights_front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('plugins/traffic_lights_id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('plugins/traffic_lights_id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: ok = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='uptime_days', fact__fact_data__lte=1).count() warning = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='uptime_days', fact__fact_data__range=[1, 7]).count() alert = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='uptime_days', fact__fact_data__gt=7).count() else: ok = 0 warning = 0 alert = 0 c = Context({ 'title': 'Uptime', 'ok_label': '< 1 Day', 'ok_count': ok, 'warning_label': '< 7 Days', 'warning_count': warning, 'alert_label': '7 Days +', 'alert_count': alert, 'plugin': 'Uptime', 'page': page, 'theid': theid }) return t.render(c), 4
def bu_inventory(request, bu_id): user = request.user user_level = user.userprofile.level business_unit = get_object_or_404(BusinessUnit, pk=bu_id) if business_unit not in user.businessunit_set.all() and user_level != 'GA': print 'not letting you in ' + user_level return redirect(index) # Get the groups within the Business Unit machines = utils.getBUmachines(bu_id) inventory = [] for machine in machines: for item in machine.inventoryitem_set.all(): inventory.append(item) found = unique_apps(inventory) c = {'user': request.user, 'inventory': found, 'page':'business_unit', 'business_unit':business_unit, 'request': request} return render_to_response('inventory/index.html', c, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('plugins/traffic_lights_front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('plugins/traffic_lights_id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('plugins/traffic_lights_id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: disk_ok = machines.filter(hd_percent__lt=80).count() disk_warning = machines.filter( hd_percent__range=["80", "89"]).count() disk_alert = machines.filter(hd_percent__gte=90).count() else: disk_ok = 0 disk_warning = 0 disk_alert = 0 c = Context({ 'title': 'Disk Space', 'ok_label': '< 80%', 'ok_count': disk_ok, 'warning_label': '80% +', 'warning_count': disk_warning, 'alert_label': '90% +', 'alert_count': disk_alert, 'plugin': 'DiskSpace', 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('smart_status/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('smart_status/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('smart_status/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: ok = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='smart_status', fact__fact_data='Verified').count() warnings = machines.filter( fact__fact_name='smart_status', fact__fact_data='Not Supported').count() errors = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='smart_status', fact__fact_data='Failing').count() else: ok = None warnings = None errors = None c = Context({ 'title': 'SMART Status', 'ok': ok, 'warnings': warnings, 'errors': errors, 'page': page, 'theid': theid }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('thomasbergmann/hddsize/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('thomasbergmann/hddsize/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('thomasbergmann/hddsize/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: hddsize_128 = machines.filter(hd_total__lte=117649480).count() hddsize_256 = machines.filter(hd_total__range=["117649481", "244277768"]).count() hddsize_512 = machines.filter(hd_total__range=["244277769", "975922975"]).count() hddsize_1024 = machines.filter(hd_total__gte=975922976).count() else: hddsize_128 = 0 hddsize_256 = 0 hddsize_512 = 0 hddsize_1024 = 0 c = Context({ 'title': 'Disk Size', '128_label': '128GB', '128_count': hddsize_128, '256_label': '256GB', '256_count': hddsize_256, '512_label': '512GB', '512_count': hddsize_512, '1024_label': '1024GB +', '1024_count': hddsize_1024, 'plugin': 'HDDSize', 'page': page, 'theid': theid }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('plugins/traffic_lights_front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('plugins/traffic_lights_id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('plugins/traffic_lights_id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: ok = machines.filter(facts__fact_name='uptime_days', facts__fact_data__lte=1).count() warning = machines.filter(facts__fact_name='uptime_days', facts__fact_data__range=[1,7]).count() alert = machines.filter(facts__fact_name='uptime_days', facts__fact_data__gt=7).count() else: ok = 0 warning = 0 alert = 0 c = Context({ 'title': 'Uptime', 'ok_label': '< 1 Day', 'ok_count': ok, 'warning_label': '< 7 Days', 'warning_count': warning, 'alert_label': '7 Days +', 'alert_count': alert, 'plugin': 'Uptime', 'page': page, 'theid': theid }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('plugins/traffic_lights_front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('plugins/traffic_lights_id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('plugins/traffic_lights_id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: disk_ok = machines.filter(hd_percent__lt=80).count() disk_warning = machines.filter(hd_percent__range=["80", "89"]).count() disk_alert = machines.filter(hd_percent__gte=90).count() else: disk_ok = 0 disk_warning = 0 disk_alert = 0 c = Context({ 'title': 'Disk Space', 'ok_label': '< 80%', 'ok_count': disk_ok, 'warning_label': '80% +', 'warning_count': disk_warning, 'alert_label': '90% +', 'alert_count': disk_alert, 'plugin': 'DiskSpace', 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('status/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('status/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('status/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: errors = machines.filter(errors__gt=0).count() warnings = machines.filter(warnings__gt=0).count() activity = machines.filter(activity__isnull=False).count() all_machines = machines.count() else: errors = None warnings = None activity = None all_machines = None c = Context({ 'title': 'Status', 'errors': errors, 'warnings': warnings, 'activity': activity, 'all_machines': all_machines, 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('smart_status/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('smart_status/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('smart_status/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: ok = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='smart_status', fact__fact_data='Verified').count() warnings = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='smart_status', fact__fact_data='Not Supported').count() errors = machines.filter(fact__fact_name='smart_status', fact__fact_data='Failing').count() else: ok = None warnings = None errors = None c = Context({ 'title': 'SMART Status', 'ok': ok, 'warnings': warnings, 'errors': errors, 'page': page, 'theid': theid }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('diskerror/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('diskerror/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('diskerror/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: time_28days = - timedelta(days=28) time_7days = - timedelta(days=7) warnings = machines.filter(historicalfact__fact_name='diskerror', historicalfact__fact_data__gte=1, historicalfact__fact_recorded__gte=time_28days).distinct().count() errors = machines.filter(historicalfact__fact_name='diskerror', historicalfact__fact_data__gte=1, historicalfact__fact_recorded__gte=time_7days).distinct().count() else: warnings = None errors = None c = Context({ 'title': 'Disk Errors', 'warnings': warnings, 'errors': errors, 'page': page, 'theid': theid }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('thomasbergmann/cpui5/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('thomasbergmann/cpui5/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('thomasbergmann/cpui5/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: cpu_info = machines.filter(cpu_type__contains='i5').values('cpu_speed').annotate(count=Count('cpu_speed')).order_by() else: cpu_info = [] if machines: count_all = machines.filter(cpu_type__contains='i5').count() else: count_all = 0 c = Context({ 'title': 'Intel Core i5', 'data': cpu_info, 'count_all': count_all, 'page': page, 'theid': theid }) return t.render(c), 4
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('topprocesses/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('topprocesses/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('topprocesses/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: info = OSQueryColumn.objects.filter( osquery_result__name='pack_sal_top_processes').filter( osquery_result__machine=machines).filter( column_name='name').values('column_data').annotate( data_count=Count('column_data')).order_by( '-data_count')[:100:1] else: info = [] c = Context({ 'title': 'Top Processes', 'data': info, 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 4
def widget_content(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): try: authorised_admins = settings.AUTHORISED_ADMINS except: authorised_admins = [] # root will always be an admin (or it should!) if 'root' not in authorised_admins: authorised_admins.extend(['root']) if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('grahamgilbert/unauthorisedadmins/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('grahamgilbert/unauthorisedadmins/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('grahamgilbert/unauthorisedadmins/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: unwanted = [] facts = Fact.objects.filter(fact_name='mac_admin_users').prefetch_related('machine') for fact in facts: if fact.fact_data == "": fact_list.remove(item) break # split the fact data into a list fact_list = fact.fact_data.split(', ') # for each item that's not root in fact data, see if it's in the list for allowed_admin in authorised_admins: for item in fact_list: if str(item) == str(allowed_admin): fact_list.remove(item) break if len(fact_list) == 0: unwanted.append(fact.machine) #machines = machines.exclude( # if the list has a lenght of 0, remove the machine from the machines result # remove machines that don't have any fact data machines = machines.exclude(id__in=[ for o in unwanted]) machines = machines.filter(facts__fact_name='mac_admin_users') count = machines.count() else: count = 0 if count == 0: size = 0 else: size = 3 if count == 1: label = "Admin" else: label = "Admins" c = Context({ 'title': 'Admin Users', 'count': count, 'plugin': 'UnauthorisedAdmins', 'theid': theid, 'page': page, 'label': label }) return t.render(c)
def show_widget(self, page, machines=None, theid=None): # The data is data is pulled from the database and passed to a template. # There are three possible views we're going to be rendering to - front, bu_dashbaord and group_dashboard. If page is set to bu_dashboard, or group_dashboard, you will be passed a business_unit or machine_group id to use (mainly for linking to the right search). if page == 'front': t = loader.get_template('timemachine/templates/front.html') if not machines: machines = Machine.objects.all() if page == 'bu_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('timemachine/templates/id.html') if not machines: machines = utils.getBUmachines(theid) if page == 'group_dashboard': t = loader.get_template('timemachine/templates/id.html') if not machines: machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, pk=theid) machines = Machine.objects.filter(machine_group=machine_group) if machines: time_week = int(time.time() - (86400 * 7)) time_month = int(time.time() - (86400 * 28)) tm_configured = machines.filter( fact__fact_name='timemachine_configured', fact__fact_data=1).count() tm_notconfigured = machines.filter( fact__fact_name='timemachine_configured', fact__fact_data=0).count() tm_recent_ok = machines.filter( fact__fact_name='timemachine_lastsnapshot', fact__fact_data__gte=time_week).count() tm_recent_warning = machines.filter( fact__fact_name='timemachine_lastsnapshot', fact__fact_data__lt=time_week, fact__fact_data__gte=time_month).count() tm_recent_error = machines.filter( fact__fact_name='timemachine_lastsnapshot', fact__fact_data__lt=time_month).count() tm_recent_error += machines.filter( fact__fact_name='timemachine_configured', fact__fact_data=1).exclude( fact__fact_name='timemachine_lastsnapshot').count() else: tm_configured = None tm_notconfigured = None tm_recent_ok = None tm_recent_warning = None tm_recent_error = None c = Context({ 'title': 'Time Machine', 'tm_configured': tm_configured, 'tm_notconfigured': tm_notconfigured, 'tm_recent_ok': tm_recent_ok, 'tm_recent_warning': tm_recent_warning, 'tm_recent_error': tm_recent_error, 'theid': theid, 'page': page }) return t.render(c), 4