def wait_for_ioc_start(self, time_between_tries=2):
     Waits for the run-control IOC to start.
     :param time_between_tries: time to wait before checking if run control has started
     print_and_log("Waiting for runcontrol IOC to start ...")
     started = False
     loop_count = 0
     while not started and loop_count < MAX_LOOPS_TO_WAIT_FOR_START:
         loop_count += 1
         # See if the IOC has restarted
             if ioc_restart_pending(self._prefix + RC_IOC_PREFIX, self._channel_access):
                 raise Exception()
             latest_ioc_start = self._channel_access.caget(self._prefix + RC_START_PV)
             if latest_ioc_start is None or (self._rc_ioc_start_time != "" and
                                                     latest_ioc_start <= self._rc_ioc_start_time):
                 raise Exception()
             self._rc_ioc_start_time = latest_ioc_start
             started = True
             print_and_log("... Runcontrol IOC started")
         except Exception as err:
     if not started:
         print_and_log("Runcontrol appears not to have started", "MAJOR")
         # wait for other RC PVs to appear
         sleep(time_between_tries * 3)
    def ioc_restart_pending(self, prefix, ioc):
        """Tests to see if an IOC restart is pending

            prefix (string): The prefix for the instrument
            ioc (string): The name of the IOC

            bool: Whether a restart is pending
        return ioc_restart_pending(self.generate_prefix(prefix, ioc), ChannelAccess)