예제 #1
def monitor_batch_job(job_id: str,
                      num_tasks: int,
                      model_version: str,
                      job_name: str,
                      job_submission_timestamp: str):

    job_status_table = JobStatusTable()
    batch_job_manager = BatchJobManager()

        num_checks = 0

        while True:
            time.sleep(api_config.MONITOR_PERIOD_MINUTES * 60)
            num_checks += 1

            # both succeeded and failed tasks are marked "completed" on Batch
            num_tasks_succeeded, num_tasks_failed = batch_job_manager.get_num_completed_tasks(job_id)
            job_status = get_job_status('running',
                                        (f'Check number {num_checks}, '
                                         f'{num_tasks_succeeded} out of {num_tasks} shards have completed '
                                         f'successfully, {num_tasks_failed} shards have failed.'))
            job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)
            log.info(f'job_id {job_id}. '
                f'Check number {num_checks}, {num_tasks_succeeded} out of {num_tasks} shards completed, '
                f'{num_tasks_failed} shards failed.')

            if (num_tasks_succeeded + num_tasks_failed) >= num_tasks:

            if num_checks > api_config.MAX_MONITOR_CYCLES:
                job_status = get_job_status('problem',
                        f'Job unfinished after {num_checks} x {api_config.MONITOR_PERIOD_MINUTES} minutes, '
                        f'please contact us to retrieve the results. Number of succeeded shards: {num_tasks_succeeded}')
                job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)
                log.warning(f'server_job, create_batch_job, MAX_MONITOR_CYCLES reached, ending thread')
                break  # still aggregate the Tasks' outputs

    except Exception as e:
        job_status = get_job_status('problem', f'Error occurred while monitoring the Batch job: {e}')
        job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)
        log.error(f'server_job, create_batch_job, Error occurred while monitoring the Batch job: {e}')

        output_sas_url = aggregate_results(job_id, model_version, job_name, job_submission_timestamp)
        # preserving format from before, but SAS URL to 'failed_images' and 'images' are no longer provided
        # failures should be contained in the output entries, indicated by an 'error' field
        msg = {
            'num_failed_shards': num_tasks_failed,
            'output_file_urls': {
                'detections': output_sas_url
        job_status = get_job_status('completed', msg)
        job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)

    except Exception as e:
        job_status = get_job_status('problem',
                        f'Please contact us to retrieve the results. Error occurred while aggregating results: {e}')
        job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)
        log.error(f'server_job, create_batch_job, Error occurred while aggregating results: {e}')
예제 #2
def create_batch_job(job_id: str, body: dict):
    This is the target to be run in a thread to submit a batch processing job and monitor progress
    job_status_table = JobStatusTable()
        log.info(f'server_job, create_batch_job, job_id {job_id}, {body}')

        input_container_sas = body.get('input_container_sas', None)

        use_url = body.get('use_url', False)

        images_requested_json_sas = body.get('images_requested_json_sas', None)

        image_path_prefix = body.get('image_path_prefix', None)

        first_n = body.get('first_n', None)
        first_n = int(first_n) if first_n else None

        sample_n = body.get('sample_n', None)
        sample_n = int(sample_n) if sample_n else None

        model_version = body.get('model_version', '')
        if model_version == '':
            model_version = api_config.DEFAULT_MD_VERSION

        # request_name and request_submission_timestamp are for appending to
        # output file names
        job_name = body.get('request_name', '')  # in earlier versions we used "request" to mean a "job"
        job_submission_timestamp = get_utc_time()

        # image_paths can be a list of strings (Azure blob names or public URLs)
        # or a list of length-2 lists where each is a [image_id, metadata] pair

        # Case 1: listing all images in the container
        # - not possible to have attached metadata if listing images in a blob
        if images_requested_json_sas is None:
            log.info('server_job, create_batch_job, listing all images to process.')

            # list all images to process
            image_paths = sas_blob_utils.list_blobs_in_container(
                blob_prefix=image_path_prefix,  # check will be case-sensitive
                blob_suffix=api_config.IMAGE_SUFFIXES_ACCEPTED,  # check will be case-insensitive
                limit=api_config.MAX_NUMBER_IMAGES_ACCEPTED_PER_JOB + 1
                # + 1 so if the number of images listed > MAX_NUMBER_IMAGES_ACCEPTED_PER_JOB
                # we will know and not proceed

        # Case 2: user supplied a list of images to process; can include metadata
            log.info('server_job, create_batch_job, using provided list of images.')
            output_stream, blob_properties = sas_blob_utils.download_blob_to_stream(images_requested_json_sas)
            image_paths = json.load(output_stream)
            log.info('server_job, create_batch_job, length of image_paths provided by the user: {}'.format(
            if len(image_paths) == 0:
                job_status = get_job_status(
                    'completed', '0 images found in provided list of images.')
                job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)

            error, metadata_available = validate_provided_image_paths(image_paths)
            if error is not None:
                msg = 'image paths provided in the json are not valid: {}'.format(error)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            # filter down to those conforming to the provided prefix and accepted suffixes (image file types)
            valid_image_paths = []
            for p in image_paths:
                locator = p[0] if metadata_available else p

                # prefix is case-sensitive; suffix is not
                if image_path_prefix is not None and not locator.startswith(image_path_prefix):

                # Although urlparse(p).path preserves the extension on local paths, it will not work for
                # blob file names that contains "#", which will be treated as indication of a query.
                # If the URL is generated via Azure Blob Storage, the "#" char will be properly encoded
                path = urllib.parse.urlparse(locator).path if use_url else locator

                if path.lower().endswith(api_config.IMAGE_SUFFIXES_ACCEPTED):
            image_paths = valid_image_paths
            log.info(('server_job, create_batch_job, length of image_paths provided by user, '
                      f'after filtering to jpg: {len(image_paths)}'))

        # apply the first_n and sample_n filters
        if first_n:
            assert first_n > 0, 'parameter first_n is 0.'
            # OK if first_n > total number of images
            image_paths = image_paths[:first_n]

        if sample_n:
            assert sample_n > 0, 'parameter sample_n is 0.'
            if sample_n > len(image_paths):
                msg = ('parameter sample_n specifies more images than '
                       'available (after filtering by other provided params).')
                raise ValueError(msg)

            # sample by shuffling image paths and take the first sample_n images
            log.info('First path before shuffling:', image_paths[0])
            log.info('First path after shuffling:', image_paths[0])
            image_paths = image_paths[:sample_n]

        num_images = len(image_paths)
        log.info(f'server_job, create_batch_job, num_images after applying all filters: {num_images}')

        if num_images < 1:
            job_status = get_job_status('completed', (
                'Zero images found in container or in provided list of images '
                'after filtering with the provided parameters.'))
            job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)
        if num_images > api_config.MAX_NUMBER_IMAGES_ACCEPTED_PER_JOB:
            job_status = get_job_status(
                (f'The number of images ({num_images}) requested for processing exceeds the maximum '
                 f'accepted {api_config.MAX_NUMBER_IMAGES_ACCEPTED_PER_JOB} in one call'))
            job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)

        # upload the image list to the container, which is also mounted on all nodes
        # all sharding and scoring use the uploaded list
        images_list_str_as_bytes = bytes(json.dumps(image_paths, ensure_ascii=False), encoding='utf-8')

        container_url = sas_blob_utils.build_azure_storage_uri(account=api_config.STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME,
        with ContainerClient.from_container_url(container_url,
                                                credential=api_config.STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY) as api_container_client:
            _ = api_container_client.upload_blob(

        job_status = get_job_status('created', f'{num_images} images listed; submitting the job...')
        job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)

    except Exception as e:
        job_status = get_job_status('failed', f'Error occurred while preparing the Batch job: {e}')
        job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)
        log.error(f'server_job, create_batch_job, Error occurred while preparing the Batch job: {e}')
        return  # do not start monitoring

        batch_job_manager = BatchJobManager()

        model_rel_path = api_config.MD_VERSIONS_TO_REL_PATH[model_version]

        num_tasks, task_ids_failed_to_submit = batch_job_manager.submit_tasks(job_id, num_images)

        # now request_status moves from created to running
        job_status = get_job_status('running',
                                    (f'Submitted {num_images} images to cluster in {num_tasks} shards. '
                                     f'Number of shards failed to be submitted: {len(task_ids_failed_to_submit)}'))

        # an extra field to allow the monitoring thread to restart after an API restart: total number of tasks
        job_status['num_tasks'] = num_tasks
        # also record the number of images to process for reporting
        job_status['num_images'] = num_images

        job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)
    except Exception as e:
        job_status = get_job_status('problem', f'Please contact us. Error occurred while submitting the Batch job: {e}')
        job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)
        log.error(f'server_job, create_batch_job, Error occurred while submitting the Batch job: {e}')

    # start the monitor thread with the same name
        thread = threading.Thread(
                'job_id': job_id,
                'num_tasks': num_tasks,
                'model_version': model_version,
                'job_name': job_name,
                'job_submission_timestamp': job_submission_timestamp
    except Exception as e:
        job_status = get_job_status('problem', f'Error occurred while starting the monitoring thread: {e}')
        job_status_table.update_job_status(job_id, job_status)
        log.error(f'server_job, create_batch_job, Error occurred while starting the monitoring thread: {e}')
예제 #3
from server_app_config import AppConfig
from server_batch_job_manager import BatchJobManager
from server_orchestration import create_batch_job, monitor_batch_job
from server_job_status_table import JobStatusTable
from server_utils import *

# %% Flask app

app = Flask(__name__)
app.logger.info('server, created Flask application...')

# %% Helper classes

app_config = AppConfig()
job_status_table = JobStatusTable()
batch_job_manager = BatchJobManager()
app.logger.info('server, finished instantiating helper classes')

# %% Flask endpoints

def hello():
    return 'Camera traps batch processing API'

@app.route(f'{API_PREFIX}/request_detections', methods=['POST'])
def request_detections():
    Checks that the input parameters to this endpoint are valid, starts a thread