예제 #1
    def test_09_remove_permanent(self):
        # Separate an incoming Request from its corresponding PublicAPC, leaving no owners, thus deleting the record

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)
        req.owner = "test"

        # create a record with 2 distinct apcs from different owners
        source2 = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        pub = PublicAPC(source2)
        pub.remove_apcs_by_owner("abcdefg")  # clear the existing apc record

        apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record()
        del apc_record["ref"]  # do this so that the ref gets created correctly later
        pub.add_apc_for_owner("test", apc_record)  # add a new, known one


        # now request the removal

        dao = PublicAPC()
        pub2 = dao.pull(pub.id)
        assert pub2 is None
예제 #2
    def test_06_publish_update(self):
        # Publish an update to an existing PublicAPC

        merge_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_source()
        merge_target = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_target()
        apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record()
        result = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_result()

        del merge_source["jm:apc"]
        del merge_target["jm:apc"]
        del result["jm:apc"]

        first = deepcopy(apc_record)
        second = deepcopy(apc_record)
        third = deepcopy(apc_record)

        first["organisation_name"] = "First"
        del first["ref"]
        second["organisation_name"] = "Second"
        del second["ref"]
        third["organisation_name"] = "Third"
        del third["ref"]

        req = Request()
        req.record = merge_source
        req.owner = "11111"

        pub = PublicAPC()
        pub.record = merge_target
        pub.add_apc_for_owner("22222", second)
        pub.add_apc_for_owner("11111", third)


        dao = PublicAPC()
        pub2 = dao.pull(pub.id)

        # first check that the apcs are as we would expect
        one = pub2.get_apcs_by_owner("11111")
        two = pub2.get_apcs_by_owner("22222")

        assert len(one) == 1
        assert len(two) == 1
        assert one[0]["organisation_name"] == "First"
        assert two[0]["organisation_name"] == "Second"

        # now check that the metadata merge proceeded correctly
        record = pub2.record
        del record["jm:apc"]
        assert record == result
예제 #3
    def pull(cls, id, account=None):
        Pull a record with the given id, in the context of the supplied account (response content may vary slightly
        if the user owns the record)

        The id may be one of 2 things, in order of preference:

        1. The DOI
        2. The public id

        :param id:
        :param account:
        # if this is a DOI, do the DOI queries
        if id.startswith("10."):
            pub = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("doi", id)
            if pub is not None:
                return ApiRequest._make_from_public(pub, account)

            dao = PublicAPC()
            pub = dao.pull(id)
            if pub is not None:
                return ApiRequest._make_from_public(pub, account)

        return None
예제 #4
    def test_07_save_delete(self):
        # Work through acycle of saves and deletes to observe the outputs

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)

        dao = Request()
        req2 = dao.pull(req.request.id)
        assert req2 is not None
        assert req2.owner == acc.id
        assert req2.record == source
        assert req2.action == "update"

        # now publish the request

        # now pull the object as identified by its API identifier (which should be the DOI)
        source2 = deepcopy(source)
        source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        next = ApiRequest.pull(req.id, account=acc)

        # now, at this point we should have 2 request objects in the index.  One for the
        # original save, and one for the new save
        req3 = dao.pull(next.request.id)
        assert req3 is not None
        assert req3.owner == acc.id
        assert req3.record == source2
        assert req3.action == "update"

        # now issue a delete on the same record

        # by now we should have 3 request objects in the index, 2 for the above updates
        # and one for the delete request
        req4 = dao.pull(next.request.id)
        assert req4 is not None
        assert req4.owner == acc.id
        assert req4.record == source2
        assert req4.action == "delete"
예제 #5
    def test_07_separate_records(self):
        # Separate an incoming Request from its corresponding PublicAPC

        apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record()

        req = Request()
        req.owner = "test"

        pub = PublicAPC()
        pub.add_apc_for_owner("test", apc_record)
        pub.add_apc_for_owner("test", apc_record)

        assert len(pub.apc_records) == 2

        PublicApi.separate_records(req, pub)

        assert not pub.has_apcs()
예제 #6
    def test_03_publish_new(self):
        # Publish a new request

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)
        pub = PublicApi.publish(req)

        dao = PublicAPC()
        pub2 = dao.pull(pub.id)
        assert pub2 is not None
예제 #7
    def test_05_enhance_metadata(self):
        # Enhance the bibliographic metadata on a PublicAPC record

        merge_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_source()
        merge_target = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_target()
        result = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.record_merge_result()

        source = PublicAPC()
        source.record = merge_source
        source.set_apc_ref("22222", "bbbbb")

        target = PublicAPC()
        target.record = merge_target
        target.set_apc_ref("11111", "aaaaa")

        PublicApi.enhance_metadata(source, target)

        assert target.record == result
        assert target.get_apc_refs("11111") == ["aaaaa"]
        assert target.get_apc_refs("22222") == []
예제 #8
    def test_12_publish_enhancement(self):
        # Publish an Enhancement where no public record exists

        source = EnhancementFixtureFactory.example()
        en = Enhancement(source)
        pub = PublicApi.publish(en)

        # check that no public record was saved
        assert pub.id is None
        dao = PublicAPC()
        pubs = [p for p in dao.iterall()]
        assert len(pubs) == 0
예제 #9
    def test_08_remove_separate(self):
        # Separate an incoming Request from its corresponding PublicAPC, leaving only one owner behind

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)
        req.owner = "test"

        # create a record with 2 distinct apcs from different owners
        source2 = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record()
        del apc_record["ref"]  # do this so that the ref gets created correctly later
        pub = PublicAPC(source2)
        pub.add_apc_for_owner("test", apc_record)

        # now request the removal

        dao = PublicAPC()
        pub2 = dao.pull(pub.id)

        assert len(pub2.get_apcs_by_owner("test")) == 0
        assert len(pub2.get_apcs_by_owner("abcdefg")) == 1
예제 #10
    def test_04_merge_public_apcs(self):
        # Merge two PublicAPC records together

        source_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        target_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()

        # first try a merge with no apc records (this shouldn't ever happen in normal operation)
        ss1 = deepcopy(source_source)
        del ss1["record"]["jm:apc"]
        source1 = PublicAPC(ss1)

        ts1 = deepcopy(target_source)
        del ts1["record"]["jm:apc"]
        target1 = PublicAPC(ts1)

        result = PublicApi.merge_public_apcs(source1, target1)
        assert len(result.apc_records) == 0

        # next try a merge with only apc records in the source (again, shouldn't really happen in real life)
        ss2 = deepcopy(source_source)
        source2 = PublicAPC(ss2)

        ts2 = deepcopy(target_source)
        del ts2["record"]["jm:apc"]
        target2 = PublicAPC(ts2)

        result = PublicApi.merge_public_apcs(source2, target2)
        assert len(result.apc_records) == 1

        # next try a merge with only apc records in the target (also shouldn't happen in real life)
        ss3 = deepcopy(source_source)
        source3 = PublicAPC(ss3)

        ts3 = deepcopy(target_source)
        del ts3["record"]["jm:apc"]
        target3 = PublicAPC(ts3)

        result = PublicApi.merge_public_apcs(source3, target3)
        assert len(result.apc_records) == 1

        # finally try a merge with the following criteria:
        # replacements apcs and new apcs in the source record
        # existing apcs and other apcs in the target record
        apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record()

        first = deepcopy(apc_record)
        first["ref"] = "aaaaa"
        second = deepcopy(apc_record)
        second["ref"] = "bbbbb"
        ss4 = deepcopy(source_source)
        del ss4["record"]["jm:apc"]
        source4 = PublicAPC(ss4)
        source4.add_apc_for_owner("11111", first)
        source4.add_apc_for_owner("11111", second)

        third = deepcopy(apc_record)
        third["ref"] = "ccccc"
        fourth = deepcopy(apc_record)
        fourth["ref"] = "ddddd"
        ts4 = deepcopy(target_source)
        del ts4["record"]["jm:apc"]
        target4 = PublicAPC(ts4)
        target4.add_apc_for_owner("11111", third)
        target4.add_apc_for_owner("22222", fourth)

        result = PublicApi.merge_public_apcs(source4, target4)
        assert len(result.apc_records) == 3

        ones = result.get_apcs_by_owner("11111")
        assert len(ones) == 2
        refs = [o.get("ref") for o in ones]
        assert "aaaaa" in refs
        assert "bbbbb" in refs
        assert "ccccc" not in refs
        assert "ddddd" not in refs

        twos = result.get_apcs_by_owner("22222")
        assert len(twos) == 1
        refs = [o.get("ref") for o in twos]
        assert "aaaaa" not in refs
        assert "bbbbb" not in refs
        assert "ccccc" not in refs
        assert "ddddd" in refs
예제 #11
    def test_02_find_public_record(self):
        # Find a public record with a variety of identifiers

        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        pub = PublicAPC(source)

        # document to form the basis of the queries
        source2 = RequestFixtureFactory.example()

        # create sources with one of each kind of identifier, then look them up using the
        # find_public_record and find_public_record_by_identifier methods
        pid = deepcopy(source2)
        del pid["record"]["dc:identifier"]
        req = Request(pid)
        req.public_id = pub.id
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None

        doi = deepcopy(source2)
        doi["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "doi", "id": "10.1234/me"}]
        req = Request(doi)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/me")
        assert pub11 is not None

        pmid = deepcopy(source2)
        pmid["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "pmid", "id": "87654321"}]
        req = Request(pmid)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("pmid", "87654321")
        assert pub11 is not None

        pmcid = deepcopy(source2)
        pmcid["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "pmcid", "id": "PMC1234"}]
        req = Request(pmcid)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC1234")
        assert pub11 is not None

        url = deepcopy(source2)
        url["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "url", "id": "http://example.com/whatever"}]
        req = Request(url)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/whatever")
        assert pub11 is not None

        # finally, ensure that you don't get a match when you shouldn't
        null = deepcopy(source2)
        null["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "doi", "id": "10.1234/another"}]
        req = Request(null)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/another")
        assert pub11 is None