def _create_instance_info(task_id, instance_name, app_info, owner, password, flavor_id, group_id, vm_host, flavor_info, image_data, ip_data, vm_disk_gb, mount_point, instance_system, net_area_id, segment_data, vm_env, user_id): uuid = randomUUID() request_id = ins_s.generate_req_id() # 往instance表添加记录 '创建VM 步骤10-1:插入instance表 task %s : insert instance table start when create instance', task_id) instance_data = { 'uuid': uuid, 'name': instance_name, 'displayname': instance_name, 'description': '', 'status': VMStatus.CREATING, 'typestatus': VMTypeStatus.NORMAL, 'create_source': VMCreateSource.CLOUD_SOURCE, 'isdeleted': '0', 'app_info': app_info, 'owner': owner, 'created_at': get_datetime_str(), 'password': encrypt_helper.encrypt(str(password)), # 密码加密 'request_id': request_id, 'task_id': task_id } ret = ins_s.InstanceService().add_instance_info(instance_data) if ret.get('row_num') <= 0: logging.error( 'task %s : add instance info error when create instance, insert_data: %s', task_id, instance_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR) '创建VM 步骤10-1:插入instance表成功 ' 'task %s : insert instance table successful when create instance', task_id) instance_id = ret.get('last_id') # 往instance_flavor表添加记录 '创建VM 步骤10-2:插入instance_flavor表 ' 'task %s : insert instance_flavor table start when create instance', task_id) instance_flavor_data = { 'instance_id': instance_id, 'flavor_id': flavor_id, 'created_at': get_datetime_str() } ret1 = ins_f_s.InstanceFlavorService().add_instance_flavor_info( instance_flavor_data) if ret1.get('row_num') <= 0: logging.error( 'task %s : add instance_flavor info error when create instance, insert_data: %s', task_id, instance_flavor_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR) '创建VM 步骤10-2:插入instance_flavor表成功 ' 'task %s : insert instance_flavor table successful when create instance', task_id) # 往instance_group表添加记录 '创建VM 步骤10-3:插入instance_group表 task %s : insert instance_group table start when create instance', task_id) instance_group_data = { 'instance_id': instance_id, 'group_id': group_id, 'created_at': get_datetime_str() } ret2 = ins_g_s.InstanceGroupService().add_instance_group_info( instance_group_data) if ret2.get('row_num') <= 0: logging.error( 'task %s : add instance_group info error when create instance, insert_data: %s', task_id, instance_group_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR) '创建VM 步骤10-3:插入instance_group表成功 task %s : insert instance_group table successful when create instance', task_id) # 往instance_host表添加记录 '创建VM 步骤10-4:插入instance_host表 task %s : insert instance_host table start when create instance', task_id) instance_host_data = { 'instance_id': instance_id, 'instance_name': instance_name, 'host_id': vm_host['host_id'], 'host_name': vm_host['name'], 'isdeleted': '0', 'created_at': get_datetime_str() } ret3 = ins_h_s.InstanceHostService().add_instance_host_info( instance_host_data) if ret3.get('row_num') <= 0: logging.error( 'task %s : add instance_host info error when create instance, insert_data: %s', task_id, instance_host_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR) '创建VM 步骤10-4:插入instance_host表成功 ' 'task %s : insert instance_host table successful when create instance', task_id) # host预分配资源 '创建VM 步骤10-5:host预分配资源 task %s : pre allocate host resource start when create instance', task_id) ret4 = host_s.pre_allocate_host_resource(vm_host['host_id'], flavor_info['vcpu'], flavor_info['memory_mb'], flavor_info['root_disk_gb']) if ret4 != 1: logging.error( 'task %s : pre allocate host resource to db error when create instance', task_id) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR) '创建VM 步骤10-5:host预分配资源成功 ' 'task %s : pre allocate host resource successful when create instance', task_id) # 往instance_image表添加记录 '创建VM 步骤10-6:插入instance_image表 task %s : insert instance_image table start when create instance', task_id) for _image in image_data: instance_image_data = { 'instance_id': instance_id, 'image_id': _image['id'], 'created_at': get_datetime_str() } ret5 = ins_img_s.InstanceImageService().add_instance_image_info( instance_image_data) if ret5.get('row_num') <= 0: logging.error( 'task %s : add instance_image info error when create instance, insert_data: %s', task_id, instance_image_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR) '创建VM 步骤10-6:插入instance_image表成功 ' 'task %s : insert instance_image table successful when create instance', task_id) # 往instance_ip表添加记录 '创建VM 步骤10-7:插入instance_ip表 ' 'task %s : insert instance_ip table start when create instance', task_id) mac = randomMAC() data_ip_address = ip_data['ip_address'] instance_ip_data = { 'instance_id': instance_id, 'ip_id': ip_data['id'], 'mac': mac, 'type': InstanceNicType.MAIN_NETWORK_NIC, 'isdeleted': '0', 'created_at': get_datetime_str() } ret6 = ins_ip_s.InstanceIPService().add_instance_ip_info(instance_ip_data) if ret6.get('row_num') <= 0: logging.error( 'task %s : add instance_ip info error when create instance, insert_data: %s', task_id, instance_ip_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR) '创建VM 步骤10-7:插入instance_ip表成功 ' 'task %s : insert instance_ip table successful when create instance', task_id) # 标识该IP为已使用 '创建VM 步骤10-8:设置IP为已使用 task %s : set ip used start when create instance', task_id) update_data = {'status': IPStatus.USED} where_data = {'id': ip_data['id']} ret7 = ip_service.IPService().update_ip_info(update_data, where_data) if ret7 <= 0: 'task %s : update ip info error when create instance, update_data: %s, where_data: %s', task_id, update_data, where_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR) '创建VM 步骤10-8:设置IP为已使用成功 task %s : set ip used successful when create instance', task_id) # 拼装消息需要的镜像信息 '创建VM 步骤10-9:拼装所需的镜像信息 ' 'task %s : piece together need image info start when create instance', task_id) image_list = [] # 数据盘数量 data_image_num = 0 for _image in image_data: _image_type = _image['type'] _info = { "disk_format": _image['format'], "url": _image['url'], # "md5sum": _image['md5'], "image_size_gb": _image['size_gb'] # 镜像预分配大小 } # 系统盘 if _image_type == ImageType.SYSTEMDISK: _disk_name = instance_name + '.img' _info['image_dir_path'] = '/app/image/' + uuid + '/' + _disk_name _info['disk_name'] = _disk_name _info['disk_size_gb'] = None _info['dev_name'] = 'vda' # 如果只有一块盘且为系统盘,则预先分配一块数据盘的数据存入instance_disk表 if len(image_data) == 1: 'task %s : pre insert instance_disk table that has only one system disk start when create ' 'instance', task_id) instance_disk_data = { 'instance_id': instance_id, 'size_gb': vm_disk_gb, 'mount_point': mount_point, 'dev_name': 'vdb', 'isdeleted': '0', 'created_at': get_datetime_str() } ret9 = ins_d_s.InstanceDiskService().add_instance_disk_info( instance_disk_data) if ret9.get('row_num') <= 0: 'task %s : pre add instance_disk info that has only one system disk error when create ' 'instance, insert_data: %s', task_id, instance_disk_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR) 'task %s : pre insert instance_disk table that has only one system disk successful when ' 'create instance', task_id) else: # 数据盘 _disk_name = instance_name + '.disk' + str(data_image_num + 1) _disk_dev_name = _get_vd_map(data_image_num) _info['image_dir_path'] = '/app/image/' + uuid + '/' + _disk_name _info['disk_name'] = _disk_name _info['disk_size_gb'] = vm_disk_gb _info['dev_name'] = _disk_dev_name data_image_num += 1 # 往instance_disk表添加记录 'task %s : insert instance_disk table start when create instance', task_id) instance_disk_data = { 'instance_id': instance_id, 'size_gb': vm_disk_gb, 'mount_point': mount_point, 'dev_name': _disk_dev_name, 'isdeleted': '0', 'created_at': get_datetime_str() } ret8 = ins_d_s.InstanceDiskService().add_instance_disk_info( instance_disk_data) if ret8.get('row_num') <= 0: 'task %s : add instance_disk info error when create instance, insert_data: %s', task_id, instance_disk_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR) 'task %s : insert instance_disk table successful when create instance', task_id) image_list.append(_info) '创建VM 步骤10-9:拼装所需的镜像信息成功 ' 'task %s : piece together need image info successful when create instance', task_id) # 发送异步消息到队列 '创建VM 步骤10-10:发送异步消息给队列 ' 'task %s : send kafka message start when create instance', task_id) data = { "routing_key": "INSTANCE.CREATE", "send_time": get_datetime_str(), "data": { "task_id": task_id, "request_id": request_id, "host_ip": vm_host['ipaddress'], "uuid": uuid, "hostname": instance_name, # 实例名 "memory_mb": flavor_info['memory_mb'], "vcpu": flavor_info['vcpu'], "ostype": instance_system, "user_id": user_id, "disks": image_list, "disk_size": vm_disk_gb, "image_name": _image['url'].split('/')[-1], "net_area_id": net_area_id, "networks": [{ "net_card_name": "br_bond0." + segment_data['vlan'], "ip": data_ip_address, "netmask": segment_data['netmask'], "dns1": segment_data['dns1'], "dns2": segment_data['dns2'], "mac": mac, "gateway": segment_data['gateway_ip'], "env": vm_env # SIT STG PRD DR }] } } ret_kafka = send_async_msg(KAFKA_TOPIC_NAME, data)
def _task_esx_intodb(task): # 获取vm入参 vmname = task['vm_name'] vmip = task['vm_ip'] flavor_id = task['flavor_id'] vm_ostype = task['vm_ostype'] vm_app_info = task['vm_app_info'] vm_owner = task['vm_owner'] vm_segment = task['vm_segment'] vm_group_id = task['group_id'] dest_host = task['dest_host'] vmhost = ho_s.HostService().get_host_info_by_hostip(dest_host) ret_4 = ho_s.pre_allocate_host_resource(vmhost['id'], task['vm_cpu'], task['vm_mem_mb'], 50) if ret_4 != 1: logging.error('资源预分配失败') message = '资源预分配失败' return False, message # 获取并录入IP信息 vm_segment = seg_s.SegmentService().get_segment_info_bysegment(vm_segment) if vm_segment is None: message = '网段信息有误,无法进行v2v操作' return False, message else: segment_id = vm_segment['id'] vm_netmask = vm_segment['netmask'] vm_gateway = vm_segment['gateway_ip'] vm_dns1 = vm_segment['dns1'] vm_dns2 = vm_segment['dns2'] vmvlan = vm_segment['vlan'] ip_data = ip_s.IPService().get_ip_info_by_ipaddress(vmip) if ip_data is None: ip_data = { 'ip_address': vmip, 'segment_id': segment_id, 'netmask': vm_netmask, 'vlan': vmvlan, 'gateway_ip': vm_gateway, 'dns1': vm_dns1, 'dns2': vm_dns2, 'created_at': get_datetime_str(), 'status': '1' } ret = ip_s.IPService().add_ip_info(ip_data) if ret.get('row_num') <= 0: 'add ip info error when create v2v task, insert_data: %s', ip_data) message = "录入IP信息失败" return False, message else: ip_id = ret.get('last_id') else: ip_data_status = ip_data['status'] vmvlan = ip_data['vlan'] if ip_data_status != '0': message = "IP与现有环境冲突,无法进行v2v操作" return False, message else: ip_id = ip_data['id'] where_data = {'id': ip_id} updata_data = {'status': '1', 'updated_at': get_datetime_str()} ret1 = ip_s.IPService().update_ip_info(updata_data, where_data) if not ret1: 'update ip info error when create v2v task, update_data: %s', updata_data) message = "更新IP状态失败" return False, message # 生成request_id request_id = v2v_op.generate_req_id() # 生成vm的uuid和mac vmuuid = randomUUID() vmmac = randomMAC() # 信息入instance相关库表 instance_tag, instance_info = _instance_db_info( vmuuid, vmname, vm_app_info, vm_owner, flavor_id, vm_group_id, dest_host, vmmac, task['vm_disk'], ip_id, vm_ostype, request_id, task['vm_os_version']) if not instance_tag: message = instance_info return False, message # 将步骤信息存入instance_action表 v2v_cd_d1 = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.CREATE_DEST_DIR, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'start', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_cd_d1) v2v_cr_pl = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.CREATE_STOR_POOL, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_cr_pl) v2v_cp_fl = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.COPY_FILE_TO_LOCAL, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_cp_fl) v2v_file = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.VIRT_V2V_FILES, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_file) v2v_del_tmp = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.DELETE_TMP_FILE, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_del_tmp) v2v_sysdisk_std = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.VM_SYS_DISK_STD, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_sysdisk_std) v2v_datadisk_std = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.VM_DATA_DISK_STD, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_datadisk_std) v2v_def_1 = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.VM_DEFINE1, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_def_1) v2v_star_1 = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.VM_START1, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_star_1) if vm_ostype == "Windows": v2v_att_disk = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.ATTACH_DISK, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_att_disk) v2v_win_std = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.WINDOWS_STD, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_win_std) v2v_vm_def2 = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.WINDOWS_DISK_CH, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_vm_def2) v2v_vm_star2 = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.VM_START2, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_vm_star2) # 将v2v信息存入v2v_task表 v2v_data = { 'source': VMCreateSource.ESX, 'request_id': request_id, 'destory': '0', 'start_time': get_datetime_str(), 'status': 0, 'vm_ip': vmip, 'vm_name': vmname, 'vmvlan': vmvlan, 'flavor_id': flavor_id, 'cloud_area': task['esx_env'], 'vm_ostype': vm_ostype, 'vm_app_info': vm_app_info, 'vm_owner': vm_owner, 'vm_group_id': vm_group_id, 'user_id': task['user_id'], 'vm_mac': vmmac, 'vm_uuid': vmuuid, 'cancel': '0', 'dest_dir': '/app/image/' + vmuuid, 'on_task': '0', 'dest_host': dest_host, 'esx_ip': task['esx_ip'], 'esx_passwd': task['esx_passwd'], 'vmware_vm': task['vmware_vm'], 'step_done': esx_v2vActions.BEGIN } v2v_insert = v2v_op.v2vTaskService().add_v2v_task_info(v2v_data) if v2v_insert.get('row_num') <= 0:'insert info to v2v_task failed! %s', v2v_data) message = '信息入库失败' return False, message message = '信息已添加至任务队列' return True, message
def _task_into_db(task): # 入参赋值 vmname = task['vm_name'] vmip = task['vm_ip'] flavor_id = task['flavor_id'] cloudarea = task['cloud_area'] vm_ostype = task['vm_ostype'] vm_app_info = task['vm_app_info'] vm_owner = task['vm_owner'] vm_group_id = task['group_id'] user_id = task['user_id'] vm_segment = task['segment'] vm_disk = task['vm_disk'] vm_osver = task['vm_osver'] host = task['dest_host'] # 入参完全性判断 if not vmname or not vmip or not flavor_id or not cloudarea or not vm_ostype \ or not vm_app_info or not vm_owner or not vm_group_id or not user_id or not vm_segment:'params are invalid or missing') message = '入参缺失' return False, message else: # 获取flavor信息 flavor_info = flavor_s.FlavorService().get_flavor_info(flavor_id) if not flavor_info:'id: %s flavor info not in db when create instance', flavor_id) message = '实例规格数据有误,无法进行v2v' return False, message vmcpu = flavor_info['vcpu'] vmmem = flavor_info['memory_mb'] vmhost = ho_s.HostService().get_host_info_by_hostip(host) ret_4 = ho_s.pre_allocate_host_resource(vmhost['id'], vmcpu, vmmem, 50) if ret_4 != 1: logging.error('资源预分配失败') message = '资源预分频失败' return False, message # 获取并录入IP信息 vm_segment = segment_s.SegmentService().get_segment_info_bysegment( vm_segment) if vm_segment is None: message = '网段信息有误,无法进行v2v' return False, message else: segment_id = vm_segment['id'] vm_netmask = vm_segment['netmask'] vm_gateway = vm_segment['gateway_ip'] vm_dns1 = vm_segment['dns1'] vm_dns2 = vm_segment['dns2'] vmvlan = vm_segment['vlan'] ip_data = ip_s.IPService().get_ip_info_by_ipaddress(vmip) if ip_data is None: ip_data = { 'ip_address': vmip, 'segment_id': segment_id, 'netmask': vm_netmask, 'vlan': vmvlan, 'gateway_ip': vm_gateway, 'dns1': vm_dns1, 'dns2': vm_dns2, 'created_at': get_datetime_str(), 'status': '1' } ret = ip_s.IPService().add_ip_info(ip_data) if ret.get('row_num') <= 0: 'add ip info error when create v2v task, insert_data: %s', ip_data) message = "录入IP信息失败" return False, message else: ip_id = ret.get('last_id') else: ip_data_status = ip_data['status'] vmvlan = ip_data['vlan'] if ip_data_status != '0': message = "IP与现有环境冲突,无法进行v2v" return False, message else: ip_id = ip_data['id'] where_data = {'id': ip_id} updata_data = { 'status': '1', 'updated_at': get_datetime_str() } ret1 = ip_s.IPService().update_ip_info( updata_data, where_data) if not ret1: 'update ip info error when create v2v task, update_data: %s', updata_data) message = "更新IP状态失败" return False, message # 生成request_id request_id = v2v_op.generate_req_id() # 生成vm的uuid和mac vmuuid = randomUUID() vmmac = randomMAC() # 信息入instance相关库表 instance_tag, instance_info = _instance_db_info( vmuuid, vmname, vm_app_info, vm_owner, flavor_id, vm_group_id, host, vmmac, vm_disk, ip_id, vm_ostype, request_id, vm_osver) if not instance_tag: message = instance_info return False, message # 将步骤信息存入instance_action表 # 将createdir信息存入instance_action表 v2v_cd_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.CREATE_DEST_DIR, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'start', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_cd_d1) # 将getfile信息存入instance_action表 v2v_gf_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.GET_VM_FILE, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_gf_d1) # 将copy disk信息存入instance_action表 v2v_cpd_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.COPY_VM_DISK, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_cpd_d1) # 将copy xml信息存入instance_action表 v2v_cpx_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.COPY_VM_XML, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_cpx_d1) # 将创建存储池信息存入instance_action表 v2v_csp_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.CREATE_STOR_POOL, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_csp_d1) # 将vm标准化信息存入instance_action表 v2v_vmd_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.VM_STANDARDLIZE, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_vmd_d1) # 将vm注册信息存入instance_action表 v2v_vmdef_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.VM_DEFINE, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_vmdef_d1) # 将IP注入信息存入instance_action表 v2v_vmipj_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.IP_INJECT, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_vmipj_d1) # 将vm开机信息存入instance_action表 v2v_vmstar_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.VM_START, 'request_id': request_id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_vmstar_d1) message = '信息已添加至任务队列,等待执行' # 将v2v信息存入v2v_task表 v2v_data = { 'request_id': request_id, 'destory': '0', 'start_time': get_datetime_str(), 'status': 0, 'vm_ip': vmip, 'vm_name': vmname, 'vmvlan': vmvlan, 'flavor_id': flavor_id, 'cloud_area': cloudarea, 'vm_ostype': vm_ostype, 'vm_app_info': vm_app_info, 'vm_owner': vm_owner, 'vm_group_id': vm_group_id, 'user_id': user_id, 'vm_mac': vmmac, 'vm_uuid': vmuuid, 'cancel': '0', 'dest_dir': '/app/image/' + vmuuid, 'on_task': '0', 'port': '10000', 'source': VMCreateSource.OPENSTACK } v2v_insert = v2v_op.v2vTaskService().add_v2v_task_info(v2v_data) if v2v_insert.get('row_num') <= 0:'insert info to v2v_task failed! %s', v2v_data) message = '信息入库失败' return False, message # 将目标kvmhost存入信息表 v2v_op.update_v2v_desthost(request_id, host) v2v_op.update_v2v_step(request_id, v2vActions.BEGIN) return True, message
def v2v_esx_intodb(hostpool_id): ''' v2v_esx :param hostpool_id: :return: ''' #获取vm入库信息 vmname = request.values.get('vm_name') vmip = request.values.get('vm_ip') flavor_id = request.values.get('flavor_id') vm_ostype = request.values.get('vm_ostype') vm_app_info = request.values.get('vm_app_info') vm_owner = request.values.get('vm_owner') vm_group_id = request.values.get('vm_group_id') user_id = request.values.get('user_id') vm_segment = request.values.get('segment') vm_osver = request.values.get('vm_osver') vm_disk = request.values.get('vm_disk') esx_env = request.values.get('esx_env') esx_ip = request.values.get('esx_ip') esx_passwd1 = request.values.get('esx_passwd') vmware_vm = request.values.get('vmware_vm') # 入参完全性判断 if not vmname or not vmip or not flavor_id or not vm_ostype or not vm_app_info \ or not vm_osver or not vm_disk or not vm_owner or not vm_group_id or not user_id or not vm_segment or not esx_passwd1:'params are invalid or missing') return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.PARAM_ERR, msg='入参缺失') else: esx_passwd = base64.b64decode(esx_passwd1) powertag, msg_power = vm_powerState(esx_ip, esx_passwd, vmware_vm) if not powertag: return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg=msg_power) # 获取flavor信息 flavor_info = flavor_service.FlavorService().get_flavor_info(flavor_id) if not flavor_info:'id: %s flavor info not in db when create instance', flavor_id) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='实例规格数据有误,无法进行v2v') vmcpu = flavor_info['vcpu'] vmmem = flavor_info['memory_mb'] data_disk = int(vm_disk) # 获取可用目标host host_code, host_data, host_msg = cal_host(hostpool_id, vmcpu, vmmem, data_disk, vm_group_id) if host_code < 0: return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=host_code, msg=host_msg) else: host = host_data vmhost = ho_s.HostService().get_host_info_by_hostip(host) ret_4 = ho_s.pre_allocate_host_resource(vmhost['id'], vmcpu, vmmem, 50) if ret_4 != 1: logging.error('资源预分配失败') message = '资源预分频失败' return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg=message) # 获取并录入IP信息 vm_segment = seg_s.SegmentService().get_segment_info_bysegment( vm_segment) if vm_segment == None: return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='网段信息有误,无法进行v2v') else: segment_id = vm_segment['id'] vm_netmask = vm_segment['netmask'] vm_gateway = vm_segment['gateway_ip'] vm_dns1 = vm_segment['dns1'] vm_dns2 = vm_segment['dns2'] vmvlan = vm_segment['vlan'] ip_data = ip_s.IPService().get_ip_info_by_ipaddress(vmip) if ip_data == None: ip_data = { 'ip_address': vmip, 'segment_id': segment_id, 'netmask': vm_netmask, 'vlan': vmvlan, 'gateway_ip': vm_gateway, 'dns1': vm_dns1, 'dns2': vm_dns2, 'created_at': get_datetime_str(), 'status': '1' } ret = ip_s.IPService().add_ip_info(ip_data) if ret.get('row_num') <= 0: 'add ip info error when create v2v task, insert_data: %s', ip_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg="录入IP信息失败") else: ip_id = ret.get('last_id') else: ip_data_status = ip_data['status'] vmvlan = ip_data['vlan'] if ip_data_status != '0': return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg="IP与现有环境冲突,无法进行v2v") else: ip_id = ip_data['id'] where_data = {'id': ip_id} updata_data = { 'status': '1', 'updated_at': get_datetime_str() } ret1 = ip_s.IPService().update_ip_info( updata_data, where_data) if not ret1: 'update ip info error when create v2v task, update_data: %s', updata_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp( code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg="更新IP状态失败") # 生成request_id request_Id = v2v_op.generate_req_id() # 生成vm的uuid和mac vmuuid = randomUUID() vmmac = randomMAC() if not vm_osver: vm_osver = "unknown" # 信息入instance相关库表 instance_info = instance_db_info(vmuuid, vmname, vm_app_info, vm_owner, flavor_id, vm_group_id, host, vmmac, data_disk, ip_id, vm_ostype, request_Id, vm_osver) if instance_info < 0: return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='信息入库失败') # 将步骤信息存入instance_action表 v2v_cd_d1 = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.CREATE_DEST_DIR, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'start', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_cd_d1) v2v_cr_pl = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.CREATE_STOR_POOL, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_cr_pl) v2v_cp_fl = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.COPY_FILE_TO_LOCAL, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_cp_fl) v2v_file = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.VIRT_V2V_FILES, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_file) v2v_del_tmp = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.DELETE_TMP_FILE, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_del_tmp) v2v_sysdisk_std = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.VM_SYS_DISK_STD, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_sysdisk_std) v2v_datadisk_std = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.VM_DATA_DISK_STD, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_datadisk_std) v2v_def_1 = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.VM_DEFINE1, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_def_1) v2v_star_1 = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.VM_START1, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info(v2v_star_1) if vm_ostype == "Windows": v2v_att_disk = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.ATTACH_DISK, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_att_disk) v2v_win_std = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.WINDOWS_STD, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_win_std) v2v_vm_def2 = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.WINDOWS_DISK_CH, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_vm_def2) v2v_vm_star2 = { 'action': esx_v2vActions.VM_START2, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_vm_star2) message = '信息已添加至任务队列,等待执行' # 将v2v信息存入v2v_task表 v2v_data = { 'source': VMCreateSource.ESX, 'request_id': request_Id, 'destory': '0', 'start_time': get_datetime_str(), 'status': 0, 'vm_ip': vmip, 'vm_name': vmname, 'vmvlan': vmvlan, 'flavor_id': flavor_id, 'cloud_area': esx_env, 'vm_ostype': vm_ostype, 'vm_app_info': vm_app_info, 'vm_owner': vm_owner, 'vm_group_id': vm_group_id, 'user_id': user_id, 'vm_mac': vmmac, 'vm_uuid': vmuuid, 'cancel': '0', 'dest_dir': '/app/image/' + vmuuid, 'on_task': '0', 'dest_host': host, 'esx_ip': esx_ip, 'esx_passwd': esx_passwd, 'vmware_vm': vmware_vm, 'step_done': esx_v2vActions.BEGIN } v2v_insert = v2v_op.v2vTaskService().add_v2v_task_info(v2v_data) if v2v_insert.get('row_num') <= 0:'insert info to v2v_task failed! %s', v2v_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='信息入库失败') return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SUCCESS, msg=message)
def v2v_openstack_intodb(hostpool_id): ''' v2v_openstack :param hostpool_id: :return: ''' # 判断是否为重试操作 retry = request.values.get('retry') # 如果非重试进行以下步骤 if retry != '1': # 入参赋值 vmname = request.values.get('vm_name').strip() vmip = request.values.get('vm_ip').strip() flavor_id = request.values.get('flavor_id').strip() cloudarea = request.values.get('cloud_area').strip() vm_ostype = request.values.get('vm_ostype').strip() vm_app_info = request.values.get('vm_app_info').strip() vm_owner = request.values.get('vm_owner').strip() vm_group_id = request.values.get('group_id').strip() user_id = request.values.get('user_id').strip() vm_segment = request.values.get('segment').strip() # 入参完全性判断 if not vmname or not vmip or not flavor_id or not cloudarea or not vm_ostype \ or not vm_app_info or not vm_owner or not vm_group_id or not user_id or not vm_segment:'params are invalid or missing') return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.PARAM_ERR, msg='入参缺失') else: # 获取flavor信息 flavor_info = flavor_service.FlavorService().get_flavor_info( flavor_id) if not flavor_info: 'id: %s flavor info not in db when create instance', flavor_id) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='实例规格数据有误,无法进行v2v') vmcpu = flavor_info['vcpu'] vmmem = flavor_info['memory_mb'] # 获取对应openstack环境的管理节点及ssh账户信息 if cloudarea == "SIT": ctr_host = '' ctr_pass = decrypt(OPENSTACK_SIT_PASS) elif cloudarea == "DEV": ctr_host = "" ctr_pass = decrypt(OPENSTACK_DEV_PASS) else: return json_helper.format_api_resp( code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='openstack环境参数错误,无法进行v2v操作') #判断vm信息是否输入错误 vmexist = vm_exist(vmip, ctr_host, ctr_pass) if vmexist == False: return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='获取vm信息失败') #获取OS版本失败 osstat, verdata = get_vm_version(ctr_host, ctr_pass, vm_ostype, vmip) if osstat == False: return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='获取vmOS版本失败') else: ver_data = verdata # 获取待迁移vm磁盘大小 vdiskdata = vm_disk_size(vmip, cloudarea, ctr_host, ctr_pass) if vdiskdata == False: return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='获取vm磁盘信息失败') vdisk = vdiskdata data_disk = vdisk - 80 # 判断待转化vm是否关机 vmshutdown = vm_stat(vmip, ctr_host, ctr_pass) if vmshutdown == False: return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='待转化vm未关机') # 获取可用目标host host_code, host_data, host_msg = cal_host(hostpool_id, vmcpu, vmmem, data_disk, vm_group_id) if host_code < 0: return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=host_code, msg=host_msg) else: host = host_data vmhost = ho_s.HostService().get_host_info_by_hostip(host) ret_4 = ho_s.pre_allocate_host_resource(vmhost['id'], vmcpu, vmmem, 50) if ret_4 != 1: logging.error('资源预分配失败') message = '资源预分频失败' return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg=message) # 获取并录入IP信息 vm_segment = seg_s.SegmentService().get_segment_info_bysegment( vm_segment) if vm_segment == None: return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='网段信息有误,无法进行v2v') else: segment_id = vm_segment['id'] vm_netmask = vm_segment['netmask'] vm_gateway = vm_segment['gateway_ip'] vm_dns1 = vm_segment['dns1'] vm_dns2 = vm_segment['dns2'] vmvlan = vm_segment['vlan'] ip_data = ip_s.IPService().get_ip_info_by_ipaddress(vmip) if ip_data == None: ip_data = { 'ip_address': vmip, 'segment_id': segment_id, 'netmask': vm_netmask, 'vlan': vmvlan, 'gateway_ip': vm_gateway, 'dns1': vm_dns1, 'dns2': vm_dns2, 'created_at': get_datetime_str(), 'status': '1' } ret = ip_s.IPService().add_ip_info(ip_data) if ret.get('row_num') <= 0: 'add ip info error when create v2v task, insert_data: %s', ip_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp( code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg="录入IP信息失败") else: ip_id = ret.get('last_id') else: ip_data_status = ip_data['status'] vmvlan = ip_data['vlan'] if ip_data_status != '0': return json_helper.format_api_resp( code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg="IP与现有环境冲突,无法进行v2v") else: ip_id = ip_data['id'] where_data = {'id': ip_id} updata_data = { 'status': '1', 'updated_at': get_datetime_str() } ret1 = ip_s.IPService().update_ip_info( updata_data, where_data) if not ret1: 'update ip info error when create v2v task, update_data: %s', updata_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp( code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg="更新IP状态失败") # 生成request_id request_Id = v2v_op.generate_req_id() # 生成vm的uuid和mac vmuuid = randomUUID() vmmac = randomMAC() # 信息入instance相关库表 instance_info = instance_db_info(vmuuid, vmname, vm_app_info, vm_owner, flavor_id, vm_group_id, host, vmmac, data_disk, ip_id, vm_ostype, request_Id, ver_data) if instance_info < 0: return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='信息入库失败') # 将步骤信息存入instance_action表 # 将createdir信息存入instance_action表 v2v_cd_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.CREATE_DEST_DIR, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'start', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_cd_d1) # 将getfile信息存入instance_action表 v2v_gf_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.GET_VM_FILE, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_gf_d1) # 将copy disk信息存入instance_action表 v2v_cpd_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.COPY_VM_DISK, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_cpd_d1) # 将copy xml信息存入instance_action表 v2v_cpx_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.COPY_VM_XML, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_cpx_d1) # 将创建存储池信息存入instance_action表 v2v_csp_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.CREATE_STOR_POOL, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_csp_d1) # 将vm标准化信息存入instance_action表 v2v_vmd_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.VM_STANDARDLIZE, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_vmd_d1) # 将vm注册信息存入instance_action表 v2v_vmdef_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.VM_DEFINE, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_vmdef_d1) # 将IP注入信息存入instance_action表 v2v_vmipj_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.IP_INJECT, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_vmipj_d1) # 将vm开机信息存入instance_action表 v2v_vmstar_d1 = { 'action': v2vActions.VM_START, 'request_id': request_Id, 'message': 'other', 'start_time': get_datetime_str() } in_a_s.InstanceActionsServices().add_instance_action_info( v2v_vmstar_d1) message = '信息已添加至任务队列,等待执行' # 将v2v信息存入v2v_task表 v2v_data = { 'request_id': request_Id, 'destory': '0', 'start_time': get_datetime_str(), 'status': 0, 'vm_ip': vmip, 'vm_name': vmname, 'vmvlan': vmvlan, 'flavor_id': flavor_id, 'cloud_area': cloudarea, 'vm_ostype': vm_ostype, 'vm_app_info': vm_app_info, 'vm_owner': vm_owner, 'vm_group_id': vm_group_id, 'user_id': user_id, 'vm_mac': vmmac, 'vm_uuid': vmuuid, 'cancel': '0', 'dest_dir': '/app/image/' + vmuuid, 'on_task': '0', 'port': '10000', 'source': VMCreateSource.OPENSTACK } v2v_insert = v2v_op.v2vTaskService().add_v2v_task_info(v2v_data) if v2v_insert.get('row_num') <= 0:'insert info to v2v_task failed! %s', v2v_data) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SYS_ERR, msg='信息入库失败') # 将目标kvmhost存入信息表 v2v_op.update_v2v_desthost(request_Id, host) v2v_op.update_v2v_step(request_Id, v2vActions.BEGIN) return json_helper.format_api_resp(code=ErrorCode.SUCCESS, msg=message)