예제 #1
class FBAModel(StoredObject):
    A class representing an FBA Model in the stored environment

    Parent Classes: StoredObject -> FBAModel
    storedType = service.types()['FBAModel']

    DEFAULT_BIOCHEM = Biochemistry(6, 489)

    def get_reactions(self):
        Returns a list of ModelReaction objects representing this model's reactions
        model_obj = self.get_object()
        return [ModelReaction(r) for r in model_obj['modelreactions']
                ]  # Potentially Wasteful but maintains D.R.Y.

    def get_features(self):
        returns a set<str> of all gene features in the model
        :return: set<str> features
        rxns = self.get_reactions()
        features = set()
        for r in rxns:
            features |= r.gpr.ftrs
        return features
예제 #2
class ReactionProbabilities(StoredObject):
    a class representing a ReactionProbabilities in the stored environment
    storedType = service.types()['ReactionProbabilities']

    def __init__(self, object_id, workspace_id):
        super(ReactionProbabilities, self).__init__(object_id, workspace_id)
        self._prob_hash = None

    def probability_hash(self):

        :return: a dictionary of the reactions in this object to their probabilities
        if self._prob_hash is not None:
            return self._prob_hash
        prob_hash = dict()
        for rxn in self.data['reaction_probabilities']:
            prob_hash[rxn[0]] = rxn[1]
        self._prob_hash = prob_hash
        return prob_hash

    def get_likelihood(self, reaction_id):
        returns the likelihood a reaction is represented in the genome, raises ValueError if not found
        :param reaction_id:
            return self.probability_hash()[reaction_id]
        except KeyError:
            return -1
예제 #3
class Media(StoredObject):
    a class representing a media in the stored environment
    storedType = service.types()['Media']

    def fba_formulation(self, arguments=None):
        Generates an FBA formulation used to create an FBA object.
        :param arguments: (optional) additional arguments to FBA formulation
        :return: dictionary of arguments to FBA (fba_formulation)
        return service.fba_formulation(self)
예제 #4
class ProteomeComparison(StoredObject):
    a class representing a Porteome Comparison in the stored environment
    storedType = service.types()['ProteomeComparison']

    def get_genomes(self):
        returns the genomes of the compared genomes
        :return: tuple (Genome, Genome)
        g1ws, g1obj, _version = self.data['genome1ref'].split('/')
        g12ws, g2obj, _version = self.data['genome2ref'].split('/')
        return Genome(g1obj, g1ws), Genome(g2obj, g12ws)

    def find_matches(self, gene, genome=None):
        Finds the matches for a particular gene in the proteome comparison. The genome can be inferred or set manually
        :param gene: gene to look for matches
        :param genome: (optional) the genome the gene is located in
        :return: list of tuples(string, int) (gene, %hit) that were found as matches, often a singleton list
        # Set genome to index of the genome in the comparison (have to because of ugly KBase ProtComp Data Structure0
        if genome is not None:
            genomes = [g.get_genome_id() for g in self.get_genomes()]
            if genome.get_genome_id() not in genomes:
                raise ValueError('gene: ' + str(gene) + ' not in genomes: ' +
            genome = genomes.index(genome.get_genome_id())
            genomes = [g.get_genome_id() for g in self.get_genomes()]
            for i in range(len(genomes)):
                if gene.startswith(genomes[i]):
                    genome = i
            if genome is None:
                raise ValueError('gene: ' + str(gene) + ' not in genomes: ' +
        # Find map index in proteome comp data structure for gene
        map_key = 'proteome' + str(genome + 1) + 'map'
        match_name_key = 'proteome1names' if map_key == 'proteome2map' else 'proteome2names'
        data_key = 'data' + str(genome + 1)
        names_map = self.data[map_key]
        matches = self.data[data_key][names_map[gene]]
        result = []
        for m in matches:
            result.append((self.data[match_name_key][m[0]], m[2]))
        return result

    def get_genome_names(self):
        return [g.get_genome_name() for g in self.get_genomes()]
예제 #5
class Biochemistry(StoredObject):
    a class representing a Biochemistry Object
    storedType = service.types()['Biochemistry']

    def get_compound(self, compound_id):
        returns dictionary of information on a compound
        :param compound_id: str e.g. 'cpd00011'
        for c in self.data['compounds']:
            if compound_id == c['id']:
                return c
        raise ValueError(str(compound_id) + ' is not in the biochemistry')
예제 #6
class Genome(StoredObject):
    a class representing a genome in the stored environment
    storedType = service.types()['Genome']

    def get_genome_id(self):
        return self.data['id']

    def get_genome_name(self):
        return self.data['scientific_name']

    def get_features(self):
        return self.data['features']

    def alias_map(self, key_str, val_str=None):
        returns a dictionary of aliases id types for this genome (a key and value reference same gene)
        :param key_str: A key indicating what kind of alias to use as keys (the standard prefix ('MMP', 'kb|g.575')
        :param val_str: (optional) str indicating what kind of alias to map to (default is ID (e.g. kb|g.575)
        :return: dictionary of alias mappings
        result = dict()
        for f in self.get_features():
            if 'aliases' in f:
                for alias in f['aliases']:
                    if alias.startswith(key_str):
                        if val_str is not None:
                            values = [
                                a for a in f['aliases']
                                if a.startswith(val_str)
                            assert len(values) <= 1
                            if len(values) > 0:
                                result[alias] = values[0]
                            result[alias] = f['id']
        for key in result:
            val = result[key]
            for f in self.get_features():
                if 'aliases' in f and val in f['aliases']:
                    assert f['id'] == key, 'Not a 1:1 mapping ' + str(
                        key) + ', ' + str(val)
        return result

        return result
예제 #7
class FBA(StoredObject):
    a class representing an FBA result in the stored environment
    storedType = service.types()['FBA']

    def __init__(self, object_id, workspace_id):
        super(FBA, self).__init__(object_id, workspace_id)
        self.objective = self.get_objective()

    def get_objective(self):
        returns the objective value from the FBA Run
        return self.data['objectiveValue']

    def get_model(self):
        returns the FBAModel associated with this FBA
        :return: FBAModel
        info = self.data['fbamodel_ref'].split('/')
        return FBAModel(info[1], info[0])

    def get_media(self):
        returns the Media associated with this FBA
        :return: Media
        info = self.data['media_ref'].split('/')
        return Media(info[1], info[0])

    def blocked_reactions(self):
        returns a list of rxn_ids of reactions that were incapable of carrying flux in FBA
        result = list()
        for r in self.data['FBAReactionVariables']:
            if r['max'] == 0 and r['min'] == 0:
                assert r['class'] == 'Blocked'
        return result

    def primary_exchanges(self):
        Returns the 10
        biochem = FBAModel.DEFAULT_BIOCHEM
        flux = [[f['value'], f['modelcompound_ref'].split('/')[-1]]
                for f in self.data['FBACompoundVariables']]
        for f in flux:
                c = biochem.get_compound(f[1].split('_')[0])
                f[1] = c['name'] + '(' + c['formula'] + ')'
            except ValueError:
        return flux[0:10], flux[-10:]