예제 #1
def account_update(actor_id, account_dto, _dto=True):
    """Updates account information.

    :param actor_id: (int) ID of the account.
    :param account_dto: (dto.accounts.AccountDto) DTO with updated information.
    :return: (dto.accounts.AccountDto) if _dto is True.
             (kinds.accounts.Account) if _dto is False.
    asserts.type_of(account_dto, AccountDto)

    ac = account_by_id(actor_id, _dto=False)
    acd = account_dto

    def has_changed(pdto, pndb):
        return pdto is not None and pdto != pndb

    if ac.id != acd.id:
        raise exp.PermissionExp()
    if has_changed(acd.first, ac.first):
        ac.first = acd.first
    if has_changed(acd.last, ac.last):
        ac.last = acd.last
    if has_changed(acd.phone_number, ac.phone_number):
        ac.phone_number = acd.phone_number
    if has_changed(acd.account_type, ac.account_type):
        ac.account_type = acd.account_type
        # First-time caregiver.
        if ac.account_type == AccountType.Caregiver and ac.caregiver_id is None:
            caregiver = Caregiver(account_id=ac.id)
            ac.caregiver_id = caregiver.id
    if _dto:
        return AccountDto.from_account_ndb(ac)
    return ac
예제 #2
def query(actor_id, query_dto):
    """Retrieves caregivers with given search critieria.

    :param actor_id: (int) ID of the account.
    :param query_dto: (dto.search.SearchQueryDto) search query.
    :return: (list<dto.search.SearchResultDto>) search results.
    asserts.type_of(query_dto, SearchQueryDto)
    cls, qdto = Caregiver, query_dto

    q = cls.query()
    if qdto.zipcode:
        q = q.filter(cls.zipcode == qdto.zipcode)
    if qdto.live_in:
        q = q.filter(cls.live_in == qdto.live_in)
    if qdto.gender:
        q = q.filter(cls.gender == qdto.gender)
    if qdto.care_services:
        nd = [cls.care_services == c for c in qdto.care_services]
        q = q.filter(ndb.AND(*nd))
    if qdto.licenses:
        nd = [cls.licenses == l for l in qdto.licenses]
        q = q.filter(ndb.AND(*nd))
    if qdto.expertise:
        nd = [cls.expertise == e for e in qdto.expertise]
        q = q.filter(ndb.AND(*nd))
    if qdto.transportation:
        nd = [cls.transportation == t for t in qdto.transportation]
        q = q.filter(ndb.AND(*nd))
    if qdto.languages:
        nd = [cls.languages == l for l in qdto.languages]
        q = q.filter(ndb.AND(*nd))
    cursor = Cursor(urlsafe=qdto.cursor) if qdto.cursor is not None else None
    results, cursor, more = q.fetch_page(15, start_cursor=cursor)
    return _build_results_dto(actor_id, results, cursor, more)
예제 #3
def patient_update(actor_id, patient_dto, _dto=True):
    """Creates or updates a single patient for the given account.

    :param actor_id: (int) ID of the account performing the action.
    :param patient_dto: (dto.accounts.PatientDto) patient DTO from request.
    :return: (dto.accounts.PatientDto) if _dto is True
             (kinds.accounts.Patient) if _dto is False
    asserts.type_of(patient_dto, PatientDto)

    def has_changed(pdto, pndb):
        return pdto is not None and pdto != pndb

    account = account_by_id(actor_id, _dto=False)
    if asserts.is_valid_id_type(patient_dto.id):
        patient = patient_by_id(actor_id, patient_dto.id, _dto=False)
        patient = Patient(account_id=actor_id)

    # Lazily update values.
    # TODO: validate each property individually.
    for p in PatientDto._props:
        pdto = getattr(patient_dto, p, None)
        if has_changed(pdto, getattr(patient, p, None)):
            setattr(patient, p, pdto)

    if patient.id not in account.patient_ids:
    if not _dto:
        return patient
    return PatientDto.from_patient_ndb(patient)
예제 #4
def create_thread_ndb(actor_id, recipients, text, subject=''):
    """Creates a new thread with given recipients, body text, and subject.

    TODO(kanat): check if recipient is a valid account.

    :param actor_id: (int) ID of the account acting.
    :param recipients: (list) list of account IDs in the thread.
    :param text: (str) body text of the initial message.
    :param subject: (str) optional subject line of the thread.
    :return: (kinds.messages.Thread)
    asserts.type_of(text, basestring)
    asserts.type_of(subject, basestring)

    thd = Thread()
    for account_id in set(recipients):
        if account_id != actor_id:
    if not len(thd.members):
        raise exp.BadRequestExp('Recipients not specified.')
    # Populate MessageDto.
    message_dto = MessageDto()
    message_dto.thread_id = thd.id
    message_dto.text = text
    send_ndb(actor_id, message_dto)
    return thd
예제 #5
def caregiver_update(actor_id, caregiver_dto, _dto=True):
    """Updates the caregiver information associated with the given account.

    :param actor_id: (int) ID of the account performing the action.
    :param caregiver_dto: (dto.accounts.CaregiverDto) caregiver DTO from
    :return: (dto.accounts.CaregiverDto) if _dto is True
             (kinds.accounts.Caregiver) if _dto is False
    asserts.type_of(caregiver_dto, CaregiverDto)

    cg = caregiver_by_account(actor_id, _dto=False)
    cgd = caregiver_dto

    def has_changed(pdto, pndb):
        return pdto is not None and pdto != pndb

    if has_changed(cgd.zipcode, cg.zipcode):
        cg.zipcode = cgd.zipcode
    if has_changed(cgd.gender, cg.gender):
        cg.gender = cgd.gender
    if has_changed(cgd.dob, cg.dob):
        cg.dob = cgd.dob
    if has_changed(cgd.headline, cg.headline):
        if len(cgd.headline) > 100:
            cgd.headline = cgd.headline[:100]
        cg.headline = cgd.headline
    if has_changed(cgd.bio, cg.bio):
        if len(cgd.bio) > 5000:
            cgd.bio = cgd.bio[:5000]
        cg.bio = cgd.bio

    if has_changed(cgd.care_services, cg.care_services):
        cg.care_services = cgd.care_services
    if has_changed(cgd.gender_preference, cg.gender_preference):
        cg.gender_preference = cgd.gender_preference
    if has_changed(cgd.expertise, cg.expertise):
        cg.expertise = cgd.expertise
    if has_changed(cgd.licenses, cg.licenses):
        cg.licenses = cgd.licenses
    if has_changed(cgd.certifications, cg.certifications):
        cg.certifications = cgd.certifications
    if has_changed(cgd.transportation, cg.transportation):
        cg.transportation = cgd.transportation
    if has_changed(cgd.languages, cg.languages):
        cg.languages = cgd.languages
    if has_changed(cgd.allergies, cg.allergies):
        cg.allergies = cgd.allergies
    if has_changed(cgd.live_in, cg.live_in):
        cg.live_in = cgd.live_in

    if not _dto:
        return cg
    return CaregiverDto.from_caregiver_ndb(cg)
예제 #6
    def to_account_dto(cls, account_api):
        """Translates the given AccountApiModel to an AccountDto.

        :param account_api: (api.accounts.AccountApiModel)
        :return: (dto.accounts.AccountDto)
        asserts.type_of(account_api, AccountApiModel)

        account_dto = AccountDto()
        map_props(account_dto, account_api, AccountDto._props)
        return account_dto
예제 #7
    def from_job_dto(cls, job_dto):
        """Translates the given JobDto to an JobApiModel.

        :param job_dto: (dto.jobs.JobDto)
        :return: (api.jobs.JobApiModel)
        asserts.type_of(job_dto, JobDto)

        job_api = JobApiModel()
        map_props(job_api, job_dto, JobDto._props)
        return job_api.ToMessage()
예제 #8
    def to_patient_dto(cls, patient_api):
        """Translates the given PatientApiModel to a PatientDto.

        :param patient_api: (api.accounts.PatientApiModel)
        :return: (dto.accounts.PatientDto)
        asserts.type_of(patient_api, PatientApiModel)

        patient_dto = PatientDto()
        map_props(patient_dto, patient_api, PatientDto._props)
        return patient_dto
예제 #9
    def from_caregiver_dto(cls, caregiver_dto):
        """Translates the given CaregiverDto to a CaregiverApiModel.

        :param caregiver_dto: (dto.accounts.CaregiverDto)
        :return: (api.accounts.CaregiverApiModel)
        asserts.type_of(caregiver_dto, CaregiverDto)

        caregiver_api = CaregiverApiModel()
        map_props(caregiver_api, caregiver_dto, CaregiverDto._props)
        return caregiver_api.ToMessage()
예제 #10
    def to_caregiver_dto(cls, caregiver_api):
        """Translates the given CaregiverApiModel to a CaregiverDto.

        :param caregiver_api: (api.accounts.CaregiverApiModel)
        :return: (dto.accounts.CaregiverDto)
        asserts.type_of(caregiver_api, CaregiverApiModel)

        caregiver_dto = CaregiverDto()
        map_props(caregiver_dto, caregiver_api, CaregiverDto._props)
        return caregiver_dto
예제 #11
    def from_message_ndb(cls, message_ndb):
        """Translates the given Message to MessageDto.

        :param message_ndb: (kinds.messages.Message)
        :return: (dto.messages.MessageDto)
        asserts.type_of(message_ndb, Message)

        message_dto = MessageDto()
        map_props(message_dto, message_ndb, MessageDto._props)
        return message_dto
예제 #12
    def from_conn_dto(cls, pending_dto):
        """Translates the given PendingDto to a PendingConnApiModel.

        :param pending_dto: (dto.connections.PendingDto)
        :return: (api.connections.PendingConnApiModel)
        asserts.type_of(pending_dto, PendingDto)

        pendingconn_api = PendingConnApiModel()
        map_props(pendingconn_api, pending_dto, PendingDto._props)
        return pendingconn_api.ToMessage()
예제 #13
    def from_account_dto(cls, account_dto):
        """Translates the given AccountDto to an AccountApiModel.

        :param account_dto: (dto.accounts.AccountDto)
        :return: (api.accounts.AccountApiModel)
        asserts.type_of(account_dto, AccountDto)

        account_api = AccountApiModel()
        map_props(account_api, account_dto, AccountDto._props)
        return account_api.ToMessage()
예제 #14
    def from_account_ndb(cls, account_ndb):
        """Translates the given Account NDB to AccountDto.

        :param account_ndb: (kinds.accounts.Account)
        :return: (dto.accounts.AccountDto)
        asserts.type_of(account_ndb, Account)

        account_dto = AccountDto()
        map_props(account_dto, account_ndb, cls._props)
        return account_dto
예제 #15
    def from_patient_ndb(cls, patient_ndb):
        """Translates the given Patient NDB to PatientDto.

        :param patient_ndb: (kinds.accounts.Patient)
        :return: (dto.accounts.PatientDto)
        asserts.type_of(patient_ndb, Patient)

        patient_dto = PatientDto()
        map_props(patient_dto, patient_ndb, cls._props)
        return patient_dto
예제 #16
    def to_patient_ndb(cls, patient_dto):
        """Translates the given PatientDto to Patient NDB model.

        :param patient_dto: (dto.accounts.PatientDto)
        :return: (kinds.accounts.Patient)
        asserts.type_of(patient_dto, PatientDto)

        patient_ndb = Patient()
        map_props(patient_ndb, patient_dto, cls._props)
        return patient_ndb
예제 #17
    def to_query_dto(cls, search_api):
        """Translates the given SearchApiModel into a SearchQueryDto.

        :param search_api: (api.search.SearchApiModel)
        :return: (dto.search.SearchQueryDto)
        asserts.type_of(search_api, SearchApiModel)

        query_dto = SearchQueryDto()
        map_props(query_dto, search_api, SearchQueryDto._props)
        return query_dto
예제 #18
    def from_user_dto(cls, user_dto):
        """Translates the given UserDto to a UserApiModel.

        :param user_dto: (dto.accounts.UserDto)
        :return: (api.accounts.UserApiModel)
        asserts.type_of(user_dto, UserDto)

        user_api = UserApiModel()
        map_props(user_api, user_dto, UserDto._props)
        return user_api
예제 #19
    def to_caregiver_ndb(cls, caregiver_dto):
        """Translates the given CaregiverDto to Caregiver NDB model.

        :param caregiver_dto: (dto.accounts.CaregiverDto)
        :return: (kinds.accounts.Caregiver)
        asserts.type_of(caregiver_dto, CaregiverDto)

        caregiver_ndb = Caregiver()
        map_props(caregiver_ndb, caregiver_dto, cls._props)
        return caregiver_ndb
예제 #20
    def from_conn_dto(cls, conn_dto):
        """Translates the given ConnDto to a ConnApiModel.

        :param conn_dto: (dto.connections.ConnDto)
        :return: (api.connections.ConnApiModel)
        asserts.type_of(conn_dto, ConnDto)

        conn_api = ConnApiModel()
        map_props(conn_api, conn_dto, ConnDto._props)
        return conn_api.ToMessage()
예제 #21
    def from_caregiver_ndb(cls, caregiver_ndb):
        """Translates the given Caregiver NDB to CaregiverDto.

        :param caregiver_ndb: (kinds.accounts.Caregiver)
        :return: (dto.accounts.CaregiverDto)
        asserts.type_of(caregiver_ndb, Caregiver)

        caregiver_dto = CaregiverDto()
        map_props(caregiver_dto, caregiver_ndb, cls._props)
        return caregiver_dto
예제 #22
    def from_patient_dto(cls, patient_dto):
        """Translates the given PatientDto to a PatientApiModel.

        :param patient_dto: (dto.accounts.PatientDto)
        :return: (api.accounts.PatientApiModel)
        asserts.type_of(patient_dto, PatientDto)

        patient_api = PatientApiModel()
        map_props(patient_api, patient_dto, PatientDto._props)
        return patient_api.ToMessage()
예제 #23
    def to_job_dto(cls, job_api):
        """Translates the given JobApiModel to a JobDto.

        :param job_api: (api.jobs.JobApiModel)
        :return: (dto.jobs.JobDto)
        asserts.type_of(job_api, JobApiModel)

        job_dto = JobDto()
        map_props(job_dto, job_api, JobDto._props)
        return job_dto
예제 #24
파일: jobs.py 프로젝트: CareTiger/HumanLink
    def from_job_ndb(cls, job_ndb):
        """Translates the given Job to JobDto.

        :param job_ndb: (kinds.jobs.Job)
        :return: (dto.jobs.JobDto)
        asserts.type_of(job_ndb, Job)

        job_dto = JobDto()
        map_props(job_dto, job_ndb, JobDto._props)
        return job_dto
예제 #25
    def from_account_ndb(cls, account_ndb):
        """Builds a UserDto from the given Account NDB model.

        :param account_ndb:
        asserts.type_of(account_ndb, Account)

        user_dto = UserDto()
        map_props(user_dto, account_ndb, cls._props)
        user_dto.account_id = account_ndb.id
        return user_dto
예제 #26
파일: jobs.py 프로젝트: CareTiger/HumanLink
    def to_job_ndb(cls, job_dto):
        """Translates the given JobDto to Job.

        :param job_dto: (dto.jobs.JobDto)
        :return: (kinds.jobs.Job)
        asserts.type_of(job_dto, JobDto)

        job_ndb = Job()

        map_props(job_ndb, job_dto, Job._props)
        return job_ndb
예제 #27
    def from_result_dto(cls, result_dto):
        """Translates the given SearchResultDto into a

        :param result_dto: (dto.search.SearchResultDto)
        :return (api.search.SearchResultApiModel)
        asserts.type_of(result_dto, SearchResultDto)

        result_api = SearchResultApiModel(
        map_props(result_api, result_dto, SearchResultDto._props)
        return result_api.ToMessage()
예제 #28
    def to_account_ndb(cls, account_dto):
        """Translates the given AccountDto to Account NDB model.

        :param account_dto: (dto.accounts.AccountDto)
        :return: (kinds.accounts.Account)
        asserts.type_of(account_dto, AccountDto)

        # For now, the attributes map 1:1. It will not always be the case.
        # For example, convert enum values to enum indices.
        account_ndb = Account()
        map_props(account_ndb, account_dto, cls._props)
        return account_ndb
예제 #29
def login(email, password_raw, auth_id_pre='local:'):
    """Checks if given credentials are valid.

    :param email: (str) Email address.
    :param password_raw: (str) Raw password.
    :param auth_id_pre: (str) Auth ID prefix.
    :return: (dto.accounts.AccountDto) or (None)
    asserts.type_of(email, basestring)
    asserts.type_of(password_raw, basestring)

    email = email.lower()
    auth_id = auth_id_pre + email
    account = Account.get_by_auth_password(auth_id, password_raw)
    return AccountDto.from_account_ndb(account)
예제 #30
    def from_message_dto(cls, message_dto):
        """Translates the given MessageDto to a MessageApiModel.

        :param message_dto: (dto.messages.MessageDto)
        :return (api.messages.MessageApiModel)
        asserts.type_of(message_dto, MessageDto)

        message_api = MessageApiModel(
        return message_api.ToMessage()