def SearchIssueFullText(project_ids, query_ast_conj, shard_id): """Do full-text search in GAE FTS. Args: project_ids: list of project ID numbers to consider. query_ast_conj: One conjuctive clause from the AST parsed from the user's query. shard_id: int shard ID for the shard to consider. Returns: (issue_ids, capped) where issue_ids is a list of issue issue_ids that match the full-text query. And, capped is True if the results were capped due to an implementation limitation. Or, return (None, False) if the given AST conjunction contains no full-text conditions. """ fulltext_query = fulltext_helpers.BuildFTSQuery(query_ast_conj, ISSUE_FULLTEXT_FIELDS) if fulltext_query is None: return None, False if project_ids: project_clause = ' OR '.join('project_id:%d' % pid for pid in project_ids) fulltext_query = '(%s) %s' % (project_clause, fulltext_query) # TODO(jrobbins): it would be good to also include some other # structured search terms to narrow down the set of index # documents considered. E.g., most queries are only over the # open issues.'FTS query is %r', fulltext_query) issue_ids = fulltext_helpers.ComprehensiveSearch( fulltext_query, settings.search_index_name_format % shard_id) capped = len(issue_ids) >= settings.fulltext_limit_per_shard return issue_ids, capped
def testComprehensiveSearch(self): self.SetUpComprehensiveSearch() self.mox.ReplayAll() project_ids = fulltext_helpers.ComprehensiveSearch( 'browser', 'search index name') self.mox.VerifyAll() self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234, 345], project_ids)
def testSearchIssueFullText_CrossProject(self): self.mox.StubOutWithMock(fulltext_helpers, 'ComprehensiveSearch') fulltext_helpers.ComprehensiveSearch( '(project_id:789 OR project_id:678) (summary:"test")', settings.search_index_name_format % 1).AndReturn([123, 234]) self.mox.ReplayAll() summary_fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef( field_name='summary', field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE) query_ast_conj = ast_pb2.Conjunction(conds=[ ast_pb2.Condition(op=ast_pb2.QueryOp.TEXT_HAS, field_defs=[summary_fd], str_values=['test']) ]) issue_ids, capped = tracker_fulltext.SearchIssueFullText( [789, 678], query_ast_conj, 1) self.mox.VerifyAll() self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234], issue_ids) self.assertFalse(capped)
def SetUpSearchIssueFullText(self): self.mox.StubOutWithMock(fulltext_helpers, 'ComprehensiveSearch') fulltext_helpers.ComprehensiveSearch( '(project_id:789) (summary:"test")', settings.search_index_name_format % 1).AndReturn([123, 234])