def notification_text_price_update(self, p: PriceReport, ath=False): title = bold('Price update') if not ath else bold( '🚀 A new all-time high has been achieved!') c_gecko_url = '' c_gecko_link = link(c_gecko_url, 'RUNE') message = f"{title} | {c_gecko_link}\n\n" price = p.fair_price.real_rune_price pr_text = f"${price:.3f}" btc_price = f"₿ {p.btc_real_rune_price:.8f}" message += f"<b>RUNE</b> price is {code(pr_text)} ({btc_price}) now.\n" last_ath = p.last_ath if last_ath is not None and ath: last_ath_pr = f'{last_ath.ath_price:.2f}' message += f"Last ATH was ${pre(last_ath_pr)} ({format_time_ago(last_ath.ath_date)}).\n" time_combos = zip(('1h', '24h', '7d'), (p.price_1h, p.price_24h, p.price_7d)) for title, old_price in time_combos: if old_price: pc = calc_percent_change(old_price, price) message += pre( f"{title.rjust(4)}:{adaptive_round_to_str(pc, True).rjust(8)} % " f"{emoji_for_percent_change(pc).ljust(4).rjust(6)}") + "\n" fp = p.fair_price if fp.rank >= 1: message += f"Coin market cap is {bold(pretty_dollar(fp.market_cap))} (#{bold(fp.rank)})\n" if fp.tlv_usd >= 1: det_link = link(self.DET_PRICE_HELP_PAGE, 'deterministic price') message += ( f"TVL of non-RUNE assets: ${pre(pretty_money(fp.tlv_usd))}\n" f"So {det_link} of RUNE is {code(pretty_money(fp.fair_price, prefix='$'))}\n" f"Speculative multiplier is {pre(x_ses(fp.fair_price, price))}\n" ) return message.rstrip()
def notification_text_price_update(self, p: PriceReport, ath=False): title = bold('Обновление цены') if not ath else bold( '🚀 Достигнуть новый исторический максимум!') c_gecko_url = '' \ '%D0%9A%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BF%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8E%D1%82%D1%8B/thorchain' c_gecko_link = link(c_gecko_url, 'RUNE') message = f"{title} | {c_gecko_link}\n\n" price = p.fair_price.real_rune_price btc_price = f"₿ {p.btc_real_rune_price:.8f}" pr_text = f"${price:.2f}" message += f"Цена <b>RUNE</b> сейчас {code(pr_text)} ({btc_price}).\n" last_ath = p.last_ath if last_ath is not None and ath: message += f"Последний ATH был ${last_ath.ath_price:2.f} ({format_time_ago(last_ath.ath_date)}).\n" time_combos = zip(('1ч.', '24ч.', '7дн.'), (p.price_1h, p.price_24h, p.price_7d)) for title, old_price in time_combos: if old_price: pc = calc_percent_change(old_price, price) message += pre( f"{title.rjust(5)}:{adaptive_round_to_str(pc, True).rjust(8)} % " f"{emoji_for_percent_change(pc).ljust(4).rjust(6)}") + "\n" fp = p.fair_price if fp.rank >= 1: message += f"Капитализация: {bold(pretty_dollar(fp.market_cap))} (#{bold(fp.rank)} место)\n" if fp.tlv_usd >= 1: message += ( f"TLV (кроме RUNE): ${pre(pretty_money(fp.tlv_usd))}\n" f"Детерминистическая цена: {code(pretty_money(fp.fair_price, prefix='$'))}\n" f"Спекулятивый множитель: {pre(x_ses(fp.fair_price, price))}\n" ) return message.rstrip()
def tx_alert_text(self, tx: JobTxInfo): hash_str = bold(f'Hash: {tx.ident}') str_status = { tx.STATUS_ACTIVE: self.STATUS_RECEIVED, tx.STATUS_PENDING: self.STATUS_SENDING, tx.STATUS_COMPLETED: self.STATUS_COMPLETED, }.get(tx.status, self.STATUS_UNKNOWN) return (f"{hash_str}\n" f"\n" f"{bold('Direction:')} {tx.from_chain} ➔ {tx.to_chain}\n" f"{bold('Amount:')} {pretty_money(tx.in_tx.amount)} RUNE\n" f"{bold('From:')} {}\n" f"{bold('To:')} {}\n" f"\n" f"{bold(str_status)}")
def notification_text_pool_churn(self, added_pools, removed_pools, changed_status_pools): message = bold('🏊 Liquidity pool churn!') + '\n\n' def pool_text(pool_name, status, to_status=None): t = link(self.pool_link(pool_name), pool_name) extra = '' if to_status is None else f' → {ital(to_status)}' return f' • {t} ({ital(status)}{extra})' if added_pools: message += '✅ Pools added:\n' + '\n'.join( [pool_text(*a) for a in added_pools]) + '\n\n' if removed_pools: message += '❌ Pools removed:\n' + '\n'.join( [pool_text(*a) for a in removed_pools]) + '\n\n' if changed_status_pools: message += '🔄 Pools changed:\n' + '\n'.join( [pool_text(*a) for a in changed_status_pools]) + '\n\n' return message.rstrip()
def notification_text_pool_churn(self, added_pools, removed_pools, changed_status_pools): message = bold('🏊 Изменения в пулах ликвидности:') + '\n\n' statuses = { 'Enabled': 'включен', 'Bootstrap': 'загружается' } def pool_text(pool_name, status, to_status=None): t = link(self.pool_link(pool_name), pool_name) extra = '' if to_status is None else f' → {ital(statuses[to_status])}' return f'{t} ({ital(statuses[status])}{extra})' if added_pools: message += '✅ Пулы добавлены: ' + ', '.join([pool_text(*a) for a in added_pools]) + '\n' if removed_pools: message += '❌ Пулы удалены: ' + ', '.join([pool_text(*a) for a in removed_pools]) + '\n' if changed_status_pools: message += '🔄 Пулы изменились: ' + ', '.join([pool_text(*a) for a in changed_status_pools]) + '\n' return message.rstrip()
def entry_message(): return (bold("Hello!") + f"\n\n" f"Commands are:\n" f"1. /info - get current status of the ETH bridge\n" f"2. /stop - unsubscribe from all pushes")