def run_main_loop(self) -> None: if self._main_loop_task: self._main_loop_task.cancel() if self._diagnostics_loop_task: self._diagnostics_loop_task.cancel() def _reraise_if_necessary(task: asyncio.Task) -> None: try: if not task.cancelled(): task.result() except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.logger.error( f"Exiting from servo main loop do to error: {error} (task={task})" ) self.logger.opt(exception=error).trace( f"Exception raised by task {task}" ) raise error # Ensure that we surface the error for handling self._main_loop_task = asyncio.create_task( self.main_loop(), name=f"main loop for servo {}" ) self._main_loop_task.add_done_callback(_reraise_if_necessary) if not servo.current_servo().config.no_diagnostics: diagnostics_handler = servo.telemetry.DiagnosticsHandler(self.servo) self._diagnostics_loop_task = asyncio.create_task( diagnostics_handler.diagnostics_check(), name=f"diagnostics for servo {}", ) else: f"Servo runner initialized with diagnostics polling disabled" )
async def handle_progress_exception( progress: dict[str, Any], error: Exception ) -> None: # FIXME: This needs to be made multi-servo aware # Restart the main event loop if we get out of sync with the server if isinstance( error, (servo.errors.UnexpectedEventError, servo.errors.EventCancelledError), ): if isinstance(error, servo.errors.UnexpectedEventError): self.logger.error( "servo has lost synchronization with the optimizer: restarting" ) elif isinstance(error, servo.errors.EventCancelledError): self.logger.error( "optimizer has cancelled operation in progress: cancelling and restarting loop" ) # Post a status to resolve the operation operation = progress["operation"] status = servo.api.Status.from_error(error) self.logger.error(f"Responding with {status.dict()}") runner = self._runner_for_servo(servo.current_servo()) await runner._post_event(operation, status.dict()) tasks = [ t for t in asyncio.all_tasks() if t is not asyncio.current_task() ]"Cancelling {len(tasks)} outstanding tasks") [task.cancel() for task in tasks] await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True) # Restart a fresh main loop if poll: runner = self._runner_for_servo(servo.current_servo()) runner.run_main_loop() else: self.logger.error( f"unrecognized exception passed to progress exception handler: {error}" )
def __init__( self, message: str = "", reason: Optional[str] = None, *args, assembly: Optional[servo.Assembly] = None, servo_: Optional[servo.Servo] = None, connector: Optional[servo.Connector] = None, event: Optional[servo.Event] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(message, *args) # Use the context vars to infer the assembly, servo, connector, and event import servo self._reason = reason self._assembly = assembly or servo.current_assembly() self._servo = servo_ or servo.current_servo() self._connector = connector or getattr(self._servo, "connector", None) self._event = event or getattr(self._servo, "event", None) self._created_at =
async def _report_progress(**kwargs) -> None: # Forward to the active servo... if servo_ := servo.current_servo(): await servo_.report_progress(**kwargs)
class Mixin(abc.ABC): """Provides functionality for interacting with the Opsani API via httpx. The mixin requires the implementation of the `api_client_options` method which is responsible for providing details around base URL, HTTP headers, timeouts, proxies, SSL configuration, etc. for initializing `httpx.AsyncClient` and `httpx.Client` instances. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def api_client_options(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a dict of options for initializing httpx API client objects. An implementation must be provided in subclasses derived from the mixin and is responsible for appropriately configuring the base URL, HTTP headers, timeouts, proxies, SSL configuration, transport flags, etc. The dict returned is passed directly to the initializer of `httpx.AsyncClient` and `httpx.Client` objects constructed by the `api_client` and `api_client_sync` methods. """ ... def api_client(self, **kwargs) -> httpx.AsyncClient: """Return an asynchronous client for interacting with the Opsani API.""" return httpx.AsyncClient(**{**self.api_client_options, **kwargs}) def api_client_sync(self, **kwargs) -> httpx.Client: """Return a synchronous client for interacting with the Opsani API.""" return httpx.Client(**{**self.api_client_options, **kwargs}) async def report_progress(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Post a progress report to the Opsani API.""" request = self.progress_request(**kwargs) status = await self._post_event(*request) if status.status == OptimizerStatuses.ok: pass elif status.status == OptimizerStatuses.unexpected_event: # We have lost sync with the backend, raise an exception to halt broken execution raise servo.errors.UnexpectedEventError(status.reason) elif status.status == OptimizerStatuses.cancelled: # Optimizer wants to cancel the operation raise servo.errors.EventCancelledError(status.reason or "Command cancelled") elif status.status == OptimizerStatuses.invalid: servo.logger.warning(f"progress report was rejected as invalid") else: raise ValueError(f'unknown error status: "{status.status}"') def progress_request( self, operation: str, progress: servo.types.Numeric, started_at: datetime, message: Optional[str], *, connector: Optional[str] = None, event_context: Optional[""] = None, time_remaining: Optional[Union[servo.types.Numeric, servo.types.Duration]] = None, logs: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]: def set_if(d: Dict, k: str, v: Any): if v is not None: d[k] = v # Normalize progress to positive percentage if progress < 1.0: progress = progress * 100 # Calculate runtime runtime = servo.types.Duration( - started_at) # Produce human readable and remaining time in seconds values (if given) if time_remaining: if isinstance(time_remaining, (int, float)): time_remaining_in_seconds = time_remaining time_remaining = servo.types.Duration( time_remaining_in_seconds) elif isinstance(time_remaining, timedelta): time_remaining_in_seconds = time_remaining.total_seconds() else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown value of type '{time_remaining.__class__.__name__}' for parameter 'time_remaining'" ) else: time_remaining_in_seconds = None params = dict( progress=float(progress), runtime=float(runtime.total_seconds()), ) set_if(params, "message", message) return (operation, params) def _is_fatal_status_code(error: Exception) -> bool: if isinstance(error, httpx.HTTPStatusError): if error.response.status_code < 500: servo.logger.error( f"Giving up on non-retryable HTTP status code {error.response.status_code} ({error.response.reason_phrase}) " ) return True return False @backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, httpx.HTTPError, max_time=lambda: servo.current_servo() and servo.current_servo( ).config.settings.backoff.max_time(), max_tries=lambda: servo.current_servo() and servo.current_servo(). config.settings.backoff.max_tries(), giveup=_is_fatal_status_code, ) async def _post_event(self, event: Events, param) -> Union[CommandResponse, Status]: async with self.api_client() as client: event_request = Request(event=event, param=param) self.logger.trace( f"POST event request: {devtools.pformat(event_request.json())}" ) try: response = await"servo", data=event_request.json()) response.raise_for_status() response_json = response.json() self.logger.trace( f"POST event response ({response.status_code} {response.reason_phrase}): {devtools.pformat(response_json)}" ) self.logger.trace(_redacted_to_curl(response.request)) return pydantic.parse_obj_as(Union[CommandResponse, Status], response_json) except httpx.HTTPError as error: self.logger.error( f'HTTP error "{error.__class__.__name__}" encountered while posting "{event}" event: {error}, for ' f"url {error.request.url} \n\n Response: {devtools.pformat(error.response.text)}" ) self.logger.trace(_redacted_to_curl(error.request)) raise
class DiagnosticsHandler(servo.logging.Mixin, servo.api.Mixin): servo: servo.Servo = None _running: bool = False def __init__(self, servo: servo.Servo) -> None: # noqa: D10 self.servo = servo @property def api_client_options(self) -> dict[str, Any]: # Adopt the servo config for driving the API mixin return self.servo.api_client_options async def diagnostics_check(self) -> None: self._running = True while self._running: try: self.logger.trace("Polling for diagnostics request") request = await self._diagnostics_api( method="GET", endpoint=DIAGNOSTICS_CHECK_ENDPOINT, output_model=DiagnosticStates, ) if request == DiagnosticStates.withhold: self.logger.trace("Withholding diagnostics") elif request == DiagnosticStates.send:"Diagnostics requested, gathering and sending") diagnostic_data = await self._get_diagnostics() await self._diagnostics_api( method="PUT", endpoint=DIAGNOSTICS_OUTPUT_ENDPOINT, output_model=servo.api.Status, json=diagnostic_data.dict(), ) # Reset diagnostics check state to withhold reset_state = DiagnosticStates.withhold await self._diagnostics_api( method="PUT", endpoint=DIAGNOSTICS_CHECK_ENDPOINT, output_model=servo.api.Status, json=reset_state, ) elif request == DiagnosticStates.stop: f"Received request to disable polling for diagnostics" ) self.servo.config.no_diagnostics = True self._running = False else: raise await asyncio.sleep(60) except Exception: self.logger.exception( f"Diagnostics check failed with unrecoverable error" ) # exception logger logs the exception object self._running = False async def _get_diagnostics(self) -> Diagnostics: async with, "r") as log_file: logs = await # Strip emoji from logs :( raw_logs = logs.encode("ascii", "ignore").decode() # Limit + truncate per 1MiB /assets limit, allowing ample room for configmap log_data_lines = filter(None, raw_logs[-ONE_MiB - 10000 :].split("\n")[1:]) log_dict = {} for line in log_data_lines: # Handle rare multi-line logs e.g. from self.tuning_container.resources try: time, msg = line.split("|", 1) log_dict[time.strip()] = msg.strip() except: log_dict[list(log_dict.keys())[-1]] += line # TODO: Re-evaluate roundtripping through JSON required to produce primitives config_dict = self.servo.config.json(exclude_unset=True, exclude_none=True) config_data = json.loads(config_dict) return Diagnostics(configmap=config_data, logs=log_dict) @backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, httpx.HTTPError, max_time=lambda: servo.current_servo() and servo.current_servo().config.settings.backoff.max_time(), max_tries=lambda: DIAGNOSTICS_MAX_RETRIES, logger="diagnostics-backoff", on_giveup=lambda x: asyncio.current_task().cancel(), ) async def _diagnostics_api( self, method: str, endpoint: str, output_model: pydantic.BaseModel, json: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> Union[DiagnosticStates, servo.api.Status]: async with self.api_client() as client: self.logger.trace(f"{method} diagnostic request") try: response = await client.request( method=method, url=endpoint, json=dict(data=json) ) response.raise_for_status() response_json = response.json() # Handle /diagnostics-check retrieval if "data" in response_json: response_json = response_json["data"] self.logger.trace( f"{method} diagnostic request response ({response.status_code} {response.reason_phrase}): {devtools.pformat(response_json)}" ) self.logger.trace(servo.api._redacted_to_curl(response.request)) try: return pydantic.parse_obj_as(output_model, response_json) except pydantic.ValidationError as error: # Should not raise due to improperly set diagnostic states self.logger.exception( f"Malformed diagnostic {method} response", level_id="DEBUG" ) return DiagnosticStates.withhold except httpx.HTTPError as error: if error.response.status_code < 500: self.logger.debug( f"Giving up on non-retryable HTTP status code {error.response.status_code} ({error.response.reason_phrase}) for url: {error.request.url}" ) return DiagnosticStates.withhold else: self.logger.trace(servo.api._redacted_to_curl(error.request)) raise