예제 #1
파일: boot.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
def ldr_autodetect(rootdir):
    '''Tries to guess the installed bootloader'''
    if which('grub', rootdir=rootdir):
        return 'grub'
    elif which('grub-mkrescue', rootdir=rootdir):
        return 'grub2'
    elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/lilo.conf')):
        return lilo
예제 #2
파일: diskutils.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
def call_umount(umountdir, lazy=False):
    umnt = which('umount')
    if lazy:
        cmd = [umnt, '-l']
        cmd = [umnt]
    return popen2log(cmd, LOG)
예제 #3
파일: diskutils.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
def mount(block, target):
    '''Mounts a partition to the given directory

    :param str block: block device
    :param str target: target directory

    :raises DiskError:'''
    mnt = which('mount')
    exitc = popen2log([mnt, block, target], LOG)
    if not exitc == 0:
        raise DiskError('Mount to "%s" failed for "%s"' % (target, block))
예제 #4
파일: diskutils.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
 def umount(self, mountpoint, lazy=False):
     '''Unmounts a previously mounted partition'''
     targd = self._mounts[mountpoint]
     umnt = which('umount')
     cmd = [umnt]
     if lazy:
         cmd += ['-l']
     cmd += [targd]
     exitc = popen2log(cmd, LOG)
     if not exitc == 0:
         raise DiskError('Unmounting of %s failed. See the logs for '\
             'details' % (targd,))
예제 #5
파일: blktools.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
def blkid(device):
    '''Returns the UUID of a partition.

    :param str device: device path
    :returns str: uuid if successful, `None` otherwise
    # blkid -s UUID -o value -c /dev/null
    _blkid = tools.which('blkid')
    proc = subprocess.Popen([_blkid, device, '-s', 'UUID', '-o', 'value',
        '-c', '/dev/null'],
    stdout, _ = proc.communicate()
    if proc.returncode == 0:
        # pylint: disable=E1103
        return stdout.splitlines()[0]
예제 #6
def test_parted():
    parted = which('parted')
    if not parted:
        raise Exception('parted not found. Partitioning is not available')
    pout = subprocess.check_output([parted, '-v'])
    print 'Found parted: ' + pout.splitlines()[0]
예제 #7
def check_installed(execlist):
    for prog in execlist:
        if which(prog) is None:
            raise Exception('Can\'t find %s executable. Please install it' % prog)
예제 #8
def test_qemu():
    qemu_img = which('qemu-img')
    assert qemu_img is not None
예제 #9
def test_mkfs():
    mkfs = which('mkfs')
    if not mkfs:
        raise Exception('mkfs not found')
예제 #10
파일: blktools.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
'''Functions for raw block device handling'''

import os
import stat
import subprocess
import time

#from servus.tools import which, popen2log
from servus import tools
import servus.exceptions as exc
from servus.log import get_logger

LOG = get_logger()

MOUNT = tools.which('mount')
UMOUNT = tools.which('umount')

def detect_parts_devnames(partitions, devpath):
    major, minor = get_majorminor(devpath)
    for part in partitions:
        if part.sysnum is None:
        devname = get_devicepath((major, minor + part.sysnum))
        # wait for partitions (5 seconds timeout)
        for i in xrange(50):
            except OSError:
예제 #11
파일: main.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
def do_install(manifest):
    """Installs a system from the given manifest object

    :param servus.DiskConfig manifest: manifest object
    :raises ValueError: if manifest is not an instance of\
    if not isinstance(manifest, Manifest):
        raise ValueError("manifest is not an instance of servus.Manifest class")
    name = manifest.name if manifest.name else "Unknown"
    LOG.info('Starting installation of "%s"' % name)
    # TODO: Support more than one disk
    disk_c = manifest.disks[0]
    disk = do_disk_setup(disk_c)
    for image in manifest.images:
        # TODO: Check if path is outside chroot
        if image.chdir:
            mntd = os.path.join(disk.mountdir, image.chdir)
            mntd = disk.mountdir
        ftch = fetch.Fetcher(image.url, mntd)
    hookf = os.path.join(disk.mountdir, HOOK_SCRIPT_AFT.lstrip("/"))
    # mount /sys /dev /proc
    CHROOT = tools.which("chroot")
    env = {
        "SERVUS_DISK": disk.blockdevice,
        #        'SERVUS_ROOTPART': rootdev,
        #        'SERVUS_BOOTDISK':
    for part in disk.partitions:
        if part.mountpoint == "/":
            env["SERVUS_ROOT_PART"] = part.devpath
            env["SERVUS_ROOT_UUID"] = part.uuid
        elif part.mountpoint == "/boot":
            env["SERVUS_BOOT_PART"] = part.devpath
            env["SERVUS_BOOT_UUID"] = part.uuid
    if not "SERVUS_BOOT_PART" in env and "SERVUS_ROOT_PART" in env:
        env["SERVUS_BOOT_PART"] = env["SERVUS_ROOT_PART"]
        env["SERVUS_BOOT_UUID"] = env["SERVUS_ROOT_UUID"]

    # fstab stuff
        fst = Fstab(os.path.join(disk.mountdir, "etc/fstab"))
    except IOError:
        LOG.error("Can't find existing fstab. Creating a new one.")
        fst = Fstab()
    for part in disk.partitions:
        if part.mountpoint:
            pass_ = "1" if part.mountpoint == "/" else "2"
            fst.add_line(("UUID=%s" % part.uuid.lower(), part.mountpoint, part.filesystem, "defaults", "0", pass_))
        elif part.filesystem == "swap":
            for swap in fst.get_fstype("swap"):
                indx = fst.lines.index(swap)
                del fst.lines[indx]
            fst.add_line(("UUID=%s" % part.uuid.lower(), "none", "swap", "defaults", "0", "0"))

    cfg = manifest.config
    if cfg is not None:
    # write fstab
    open(os.path.join(disk.mountdir, "etc/fstab"), "w").write(fst.dumps())

    # run after install hook (if file is executable)
    if os.path.isfile(hookf) and stat.S_IXUSR & os.stat(hookf)[stat.ST_MODE]:
        pop = subprocess.Popen([CHROOT, disk.mountdir, HOOK_SCRIPT_AFT], env=env)
        # delete hook dir
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(disk.mountdir, HOOK_DIR.lstrip("/")))
예제 #12
파일: diskutils.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
def call_mount(params):
    mnt = which('mount')
    return popen2log([mnt] + params, LOG)
예제 #13
파일: filesystem.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from uuid import uuid4

from servus.tools import which, popen2log
import servus.exceptions as exc
from servus.log import get_logger

LOG = get_logger()

MKSWAP = which('mkswap')
MKFS = which('mkfs')

def make_filesystems(partitions):
    '''Takes a list of partitions and runs mkfs on them.
    The function requires the the ``devname`` from the 
    :py:class:`servus.block.Partition` set correctly or the function will
    ignore the partition.

    :param list partitions: a list of :py:class:`servus.block.Partition`\
    for part in partitions:
        if not part.mkfs:

def mkfs(part):
    '''Runs mkfs on a partition.
    Currently supported file systems are ext2, ext3, ext4 and swap
예제 #14
파일: qemu.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

'''QEMU block device handling'''

import subprocess
import re
import os

from servus.log import get_logger
from servus.tools import which, popen2log
from servus.exceptions import DiskError
from servus.block.blktools import get_majorminor, get_disksize

LOG = get_logger()

QEMU_IMG = which('qemu-img')

def needs_qemu_img(func):
    '''Function decorator which raises DiskError if qemu-img executable is not
    def chkfunc(*args, **kwargs):
        # pylint: disable=C0111
        if QEMU_IMG is None:
            raise DiskError(
                'qemu-img executable could not be found. Please install it'
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return chkfunc

def qemu_img_call(params):
예제 #15
파일: fetch.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
 def __init__(self, stdin, fetcher, tparams, *args, **kwargs):
     self.tparams = tparams
     self.tar = which('tar')
     self._process = None
     Unpacker.__init__(self, stdin, fetcher, *args, **kwargs)
예제 #16
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
import subprocess
import tempfile

from servus import validators as valid
from servus import tools
#from servus.block.blktools import blockround, is_blockdevice, get_majorminor, \
#                               get_disksize
# from servus.exceptions import DiskError
import servus.exceptions as exc
from servus.block import qemu, blktools, parted
from servus import log
from servus import PartitionConfig

LOG = log.get_logger()

QEMU_NBD = tools.which('qemu-nbd')

# start block for all partitions
#PART_STARTPOS = 2048 * 512

def part_config2part(part, def_filesystem=None):
    if not isinstance(part, PartitionConfig):
        raise TypeError('part argument has to be an instance of '\
    if part.filesystem is None:
        fsys = def_filesystem
        fsys = part.filesystem
    pobj = Partition(size=part.size, filesystem=fsys, mkfs=part.mkfs,
        mountpoint=part.mountpoint, boot=part.boot)
    return pobj
예제 #17
파일: parted.py 프로젝트: Sedl/servus
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import subprocess

from servus.tools import which
from servus.exceptions import DiskError

PARTED = which('parted')

def parts2partedcmd(parts, table='msdos'):
    '''Converts a list of Partitions to the corresponding parted commands
    to partition the disk'''
    cmds = []
    cmds.append('unit b')
    cmds.append('mklabel %s' % table)
    for part in parts:
        pfs = part.filesystem
        if pfs in ('ext3','ext4'):
            pfs = 'ext2'
        elif pfs == 'swap':
            pfs = 'linux-swap'
        endpos = part.startpos + part.size - 1
        cmds.append('mkpart primary %s %i %i' % (pfs, part.startpos, endpos))
        if part.boot:
            cmds.append('toggle %i boot' % (part.sysnum))
    return ' '.join(cmds)

def call_parted(path, arguments):
    '''Wrapper around GNU parted'''
    if not PARTED:
        raise DiskError('Error while calling parted. Parted was not found, '\