def getAllV2ELBs(roleArn=None):
    This function grabs each v2 elb from each region and returns
    a list of them.

    If a roleArn is provided, that role is assumed before monitoring
    session = getSession(
        roleArn)  # defaults to local session if roleArn is None
    accountId = getAccountId(session)

    # get list of all load balancers in each region
    elbs = []
    regions = session.client('ec2').describe_regions()['Regions']
    for region in regions:
        elbClient = session.client('elbv2', region_name=region['RegionName'])
        for elb in elbClient.describe_load_balancers()['LoadBalancers']:
            # add additional data
            elb["Region"] = region
            elb["AccountId"] = accountId

            # add listeners to see which SSL policies are attached to this elb
            elbArn = elb['LoadBalancerArn']
            listeners = elbClient.describe_listeners(LoadBalancerArn=elbArn)
            elb["Listeners"] = listeners  # add listeners as feild in the ELB


    # return list of load balancers
    return elbs
예제 #2
def getAllInstances(roleArn=None):
    This method returns a list containing each
    ec2 instance from each region in the current AWS account.

    If a roleArn is provided, that role is assumed and instances
    are retreived from that role's AWS account
    session = getSession(roleArn)  # if None, the base boto3 session is used
    regions = session.client('ec2').describe_regions()['Regions']
    accountId = getAccountId(session)

    # get list of all instances in each region
    instances = []
    for region in regions:
        reservations = session.client('ec2', region_name=region['RegionName']
        for reservation in reservations:
            for instance in reservation['Instances']:
                instance["Region"] = region
                instance["InstanceName"] = getInstanceName(instance)
                instance["AccountId"] = accountId

    # return list of instances
    return instances
def getAllV1ELBs(roleArn=None):
    This function grabs each classic elb from each region and returns
    a list of them.

    If a roleArn is provided, that role is assumed before monitoring
    session = getSession(
        roleArn)  # defaults to local session if roleArn is None
    accountId = getAccountId(session)

    # get list of all load balancers in each region
    elbs = []
    regions = session.client('ec2').describe_regions()['Regions']
    for region in regions:
        elbClient = session.client('elb', region_name=region['RegionName'])
        for elb in elbClient.describe_load_balancers(
            # add data before adding elb to list of elbs
            elb["Region"] = region
            elb["AccountId"] = accountId

    # return list of load balancers
    return elbs
def monitor(event, context):
    This method looks for iam data and reports 4 different
    kinds of data into 4 different JSON files stored in s3
    arns = parseArnsString(READER_ROLE_ARNS)

    # gather iamData
    iamData = getAllIAMData()
    for arn in arns:
        additionalIamData = getAllIAMData(arn)
        iamData['users'] += additionalIamData['users']
        iamData['groups'] += additionalIamData['groups']
        iamData['roles'] += additionalIamData['roles']
        iamData['policies'] += additionalIamData['policies']

    # report each type of data
    s3Client = getSession().resource("s3")
    reportName = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(
    ) + '.json'  # same report name for each data type
    for typeOfIamData in iamData:
        # get s3 key and body
        key = S3_MONITORING_PATH + f"/{typeOfIamData}/" + reportName
        body = json.dumps(iamData[typeOfIamData],

        # save to s3
            f"creating new monitoring report at s3://{S3_BUCKET_NAME}/{key}")
        s3Client.Bucket(S3_BUCKET_NAME).put_object(Key=key, Body=body)

    return "finished monitoring."
예제 #5
def monitor(event, context):
    This method looks for security groups and reports
    any found groups to a json file in s3.
    arns = parseArnsString(READER_ROLE_ARNS)

    # get groups
    groups = getAllSecurityGroups()  # defaults to current account
    for arn in arns:
        groups += getAllSecurityGroups(arn)

    if len(groups) is 0:
        logger.warning("no security groups found")

    # get s3 key and body
    key = S3_MONITORING_PATH + '/' + datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(
    ) + '.json'
    body = json.dumps(groups, default=datetimeSerializer).encode("utf-8")

    # save to s3
        f"creating new monitoring report at s3://{S3_BUCKET_NAME}/{key}")
    s3 = getSession().resource("s3")
    s3.Bucket(S3_BUCKET_NAME).put_object(Key=key, Body=body)

    return "finished monitoring."
def monitor(event, context):
    This method looks for elastic load balancers and reports
    any found elbs to a json file in s3.
    arns = parseArnsString(READER_ROLE_ARNS)

    # get elbs
    v1ELBs = getAllV1ELBs()
    v2ELBs = getAllV2ELBs()
    elbs = [] + v1ELBs + v2ELBs
    for arn in arns:
        elbs += getAllV1ELBs(arn) + getAllV2ELBs(arn)

    if len(elbs) is 0:
        logger.warning("no elastic load balancers found")

    # get s3 key and body
    key = S3_MONITORING_PATH + '/' + datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(
    ) + '.json'
    body = json.dumps(elbs, default=datetimeSerializer).encode("utf-8")

    # save to s3
        f"creating new monitoring report at s3://{S3_BUCKET_NAME}/{key}")
    s3 = getSession().resource("s3")
    s3.Bucket(S3_BUCKET_NAME).put_object(Key=key, Body=body)

    return "finished monitoring."
예제 #7
def getAllIAMData(roleArn=None):
    This function gets all user, group, policy, and role data
    from IAM and returns a dict of 4 lists containing this information.

    If a roleArn is provided, that role is assumed before monitoring.
    session = getSession(roleArn)  # if no arn, the base boto3 session is used
    accountId = getAccountId(session)

    # define lists to hold each of the 4 types of iam data
    userDetails, groupDetails, roleDetails, policyDetails = [], [], [], []

    # get paginated iam data
    iamClient = session.client('iam')
    authDetails = iamClient.get_account_authorization_details()
    while True:

        # break the loop if there are no more results
        if not authDetails['IsTruncated']:

        # fetch next results
        authDetails = iamClient.get_account_authorization_details(

    # add MFA data for each user
    for user in userDetails:
        user['MFADevices'] = iamClient.list_mfa_devices(

    # add account id to each detail
    for detail in userDetails:
        detail['AccountId'] = accountId
    for detail in groupDetails:
        detail['AccountId'] = accountId
    for detail in roleDetails:
        detail['AccountId'] = accountId
    for detail in policyDetails:
        detail['AccountId'] = accountId

    # return iam data
    return {
        'users': userDetails,
        'groups': groupDetails,
        'roles': roleDetails,
        'policies': policyDetails
def getAllSecurityGroups(roleArn=None):
    This function grabs each security group from each region and returns
    a list of the security groups. 

    If a roleArn is provided, the role is assumed before monitoring
    session = getSession(roleArn) # defaults to local aws account if arn is None
    accountId = getAccountId(session)

    # get list of all groups in each region
    securityGroups = []
    regions = session.client('ec2').describe_regions()['Regions']
    for region in regions:
        ec2 = session.client('ec2', region_name=region['RegionName'])
        for group in ec2.describe_security_groups()['SecurityGroups']:
            group["Region"] = region
            group["AccountId"] = accountId

    # return list of groups
    return securityGroups
    if received >= total:
        try: in_progress.pop(filename)
        except: pass
    percentage = math.trunc(received / total * 10000) / 100;

    progress_message= "{0} % ({1} / {2})".format(percentage, received, total)
    in_progress[filename] = progress_message

    if (currentTime - lastUpdate) > updateFrequency:
        await log_reply(message, progress_message)

with TelegramClient(getSession(), api_id, api_hash,
                    proxy=proxy).start() as client:


    queue = asyncio.Queue()
    peerChannel = PeerChannel(channel_id)

    async def handler(event):

        if event.to_id != peerChannel:
