예제 #1
def test_optional():
    '''Test that optional values are validated if present, but no error is raised if not.'''
    d1 = {'age': 28, 'city': 'utrecht'}
    d2 = {'city': 'utrecht'}
    dval = DictValue({'age': Value(int, kind=Value.optional), 'city': str})
    assert dval.validate(d1) == d1
    assert dval.validate(d2) == d2
def test_NamedValue(value):
    '''Test the parsing of dictionary elements with NamedValue'''
    d = {value: 5}
    assert NamedValue(value, int).validate(d) == d  # simple constructor
    assert NamedValue(value, Value(int, val_max=6)).validate(d) == d  # constructor from Value
    d_dval = {value: {value: 5}}
    # constructor from DictValue
    assert NamedValue(value, DictValue({value: int})).validate(d_dval) == d_dval
    d2 = {value: value}
    assert NamedValue(value, type(value)).validate(d2) == d2
    assert NamedValue(value, Value(type(value))).validate(d2) == d2

    # the key must match exactly
    with pytest.raises(SettingsValueError) as excinfo:
        NamedValue(value, int).validate({'wrong_key': 5})
    assert excinfo.match(r"Setting ")
    assert excinfo.match(r" not in dictionary")
    assert excinfo.type == SettingsValueError

    # the value must have the right type
    with pytest.raises(SettingsValueError) as excinfo:
        NamedValue(value, int).validate({value: 'wrong_value'})
    assert excinfo.match('does not have the right type')
    assert excinfo.type == SettingsValueError

    # the value to validate must be a dictionary
    with pytest.raises(SettingsValueError) as excinfo:
        NamedValue(value, int).validate(value)
    assert excinfo.match('is not a dictionary')
    assert excinfo.type == SettingsValueError
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, values_dict: Dict) -> None:  # pylint: disable=W0231
        super(Settings, self).__init__({})

        val_copy = copy.deepcopy(values_dict)
        self._dict_value = DictValue(val_copy)

        namedvalue_list = self._dict_value.values_list
        self._needed_values = set(namedvalue.key
                                  for namedvalue in namedvalue_list
                                  if namedvalue.kind is Value.mandatory)
        self._optional_values = set(namedvalue.key
                                    for namedvalue in namedvalue_list
                                    if namedvalue.kind is Value.optional)
        self._exclusive_values = set(namedvalue.key
                                     for namedvalue in namedvalue_list
                                     if namedvalue.kind is Value.exclusive)
        self._optional_values = self._optional_values | self._exclusive_values

        self._config_file = None  # type: str
예제 #4
def test_DictValue_in_Dict():
    '''Test the combination of DictValue and Dict.'''
    d = {
        'key1': {
            'age': 28,
            'city': 'utrecht'
        'key2': {
            'age': 52,
            'city': 'london'
        'key3': {
            'age': 24,
            'city': 'rome'
    assert Value(Dict[str, DictValue({
        'age': int,
        'city': str
    })]).validate(d) == d

    # wrong key type
    with pytest.raises(SettingsValueError) as excinfo:
        assert Value(Dict[int, DictValue({
            'age': int,
            'city': str
        })]).validate(d) == d
    assert excinfo.match("Setting")
    assert excinfo.match("does not have the right type")
    assert excinfo.type == SettingsValueError

    # wrong key type
    with pytest.raises(SettingsValueError) as excinfo:
        assert Value(Dict[int, DictValue({
            'age': int,
            'city': str
        })]).validate(45) == d
    assert excinfo.match("Setting")
    assert excinfo.match("does not have the right type")
    assert excinfo.match("This type can only validate dictionaries")
    assert excinfo.type == SettingsValueError
예제 #5
def test_nested_DictValue():
    '''Test DictValues with other DictValues as types.'''
    d = {
        'subsection1': {
            'subsubsection1': 'asd',
            'subsubsection2': 5
        'subsection2': [1, 2, 3]
    assert DictValue({
            'subsubsection1': str,
            'subsubsection2': int
    }).validate(d) == d
    # avoid repetition of DictValue in nested types
    assert DictValue({
        'subsection1': {
            'subsubsection1': str,
            'subsubsection2': int
        'subsection2': Value(List[int])
    }).validate(d) == d

    d2 = {
        'subsection1': {
            'subsubsection1': 'asd',
            'subsubsection2': 5
        'subsection2': 1
    with pytest.raises(SettingsValueError) as excinfo:
            'subsection1': {
                'subsubsection1': str,
                'subsubsection2': int
            'subsection2': Value(List[int])
    assert excinfo.match('Setting "subsection2"')
    assert excinfo.match("does not have the right type")
    assert excinfo.type == SettingsValueError

    # with optional sub-DictValues
    d3 = {'subsection2': [1, 2, 3]}
    assert DictValue({
            'subsubsection1': str,
            'subsubsection2': int
    }).validate(d3) == d3
예제 #6
def test_exclusive():
    '''Test exclusive values.'''
    d1 = {'age': 28}
    dval = DictValue({'age': Value(int, kind=Value.exclusive)})
    assert dval.validate(d1) == d1
    dval2 = DictValue({
        'age': Value(int, kind=Value.exclusive),
        'city': Value(str, kind=Value.exclusive)
    # only one of them is present, ok
    assert dval2.validate(d1) == d1

    d2 = {'age': 28, 'city': 'utrecht'}
    with pytest.raises(SettingsValueError) as excinfo:
    assert excinfo.match("Only one of the values")
    assert excinfo.match("can be present at the same time")
    assert excinfo.type == SettingsValueError
예제 #7
class Settings(dict):
    '''Contains the user settings and a method to validate settings files.'''
    def __init__(self, values_dict: Dict) -> None:  # pylint: disable=W0231
        super(Settings, self).__init__({})

        val_copy = copy.deepcopy(values_dict)
        self._dict_value = DictValue(val_copy)

        namedvalue_list = self._dict_value.values_list
        self._needed_values = set(namedvalue.key
                                  for namedvalue in namedvalue_list
                                  if namedvalue.kind is Value.mandatory)
        self._optional_values = set(namedvalue.key
                                    for namedvalue in namedvalue_list
                                    if namedvalue.kind is Value.optional)
        self._exclusive_values = set(namedvalue.key
                                     for namedvalue in namedvalue_list
                                     if namedvalue.kind is Value.exclusive)
        self._optional_values = self._optional_values | self._exclusive_values

        self._config_file = None  # type: str

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        '''Representation of a settings instance.'''
        if self._config_file is None:  # not validated
            _dict_value = repr(self._dict_value).replace('DictValue(', '', 1)
            _dict_value = _dict_value[:-1]
            return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, _dict_value)
            return pprint.pformat(self.settings)

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, Dict):
            return NotImplemented
        for key in self:
            if not key in other or self[key] != other[key]:
                return False
        return True

    def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, Dict):
            return NotImplemented
        return not self.__eq__(other)

#    def __getstate__(self):
#        '''For pickle'''
#        d = self.__dict__.copy()
#        d['val_type'] = repr(d['val_type'])
#        return d
#    def __setstate__(self, d):
#        '''For pickle'''
#        print(d)
#        d['val_type'] = eval(d['val_type'])
#        self.__dict__ = d

    def _get_property(key: str) -> Callable:
        '''Returns functions to get dictionary items. Used to create properties.'''
        def _get_prop(self: 'Settings') -> Any:
            '''Property to get values'''
            return self[key]

        return _get_prop

    def _set_property(key: str) -> Callable:
        '''Returns functions to set dictionary items. Used to create properties.'''
        def _set_prop(self: 'Settings', value: Any) -> None:
            '''Property to set values'''
            self[key] = value

        return _set_prop

    def _del_property(key: str) -> Callable:
        '''Returns functions to delete dictionary items. Used to create properties.'''
        def _del_prop(self: 'Settings') -> None:
            '''Property to delete values: delete from dictionary and the property.'''
            del self[key]
            delattr(self.__class__, key)

        return _del_prop

    def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
        '''All items added to the dictionary are accesible via dot notation'''
        dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
            self.__class__, str(key),

    def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
        '''Set attributes as items in the dictionary, accesible with dot notation'''
        # this test allows attributes to be set in the __init__ method
        if not '_config_file' in self.__dict__:
            return dict.__setattr__(self, key, value)
        # known attributes set at __init__ are handled normally
        elif key in self.__dict__:
            dict.__setattr__(self, key, value)
        # own dictionary key (it's a property already)
        elif key in self:
            getattr(self.__class__, key).fset(self, value)
        # add unkown attributes to the dictionary
            self.__setitem__(key, value)

    def load_from_dict(d: Dict) -> 'Settings':
        '''Load the dictionary d as settings.'''
        settings = Settings({})
        for key, value in d.items():
            settings[key] = value
        settings._config_file = ''
        return settings

    def settings(self) -> Dict:
        '''Returns a dictionary with the settings'''
        return {key: value for key, value in self.items()}

    def _validate_all_values(self, file_dict: Dict) -> Dict:
        '''Validates the settings in the config_dict
            using the settings list.'''
        #        pprint.pprint(file_cte)
        present_values = set(file_dict.keys())

        # if present values don't include all needed values
        if not present_values.issuperset(self._needed_values):
            raise SettingsFileError(
                'Sections that are needed but not present in the file: ' +
                str(self._needed_values - present_values) +
                '. Those sections must be present!')

        set_extra = present_values - self._needed_values
        # if there are extra values and they aren't optional
        if set_extra and not set_extra.issubset(self._optional_values):
                'WARNING! The following values are not recognized:: ' +
                str(set_extra - self._optional_values) +
                '. Those values or sections should not be present',

        parsed_dict = dict(self._dict_value.validate(file_dict))

        #        pprint.pprint(parsed_dict)
        return parsed_dict

    def validate(self, filename: str) -> None:
        ''' Load filename and extract the settings for the simulations
            If mandatory values are missing, errors are logged
            and exceptions are raised
            Warnings are logged if extra settings are found
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.info('Reading settings file (%s)...', filename)

        # load file into config_cte dictionary.
        # the function checks that the file exists and that there are no errors
        file_cte = Loader().load_settings_file(filename)

        # store original configuration file
        with open(filename, 'rt') as file:
            self._config_file = file.read()

        # validate all values in the configuration file
        settings_dict = self._validate_all_values(file_cte)

        # access settings directly as Setting.setting
        for key, value in settings_dict.items():
            self[key] = value

        # log read and validated settings
        # use pretty print
        logger.debug('Settings dump:')
        logger.debug('File dict (config_cte):')
        logger.debug('Validated dict (cte):')
        logger.info('Settings loaded!')
예제 #8
f_float.__name__ = 'float(Fraction())'

# smallest float number
min_float = sys.float_info.min

Vector = Tuple[f_float]
settings = [DictValue('lattice', [Value('name', str),
                                  Value('spacegroup', Union[int, str]),
                                  Value('S_conc', float, val_min=0, val_max=100),
                                  Value('A_conc', float, val_min=0, val_max=100),
                                  Value('a', float, val_min=0),
                                  Value('b', float, val_min=0),
                                  Value('c', float, val_min=0),
                                  Value('alpha', float, val_min=0, val_max=360),
                                  Value('beta', float, val_min=0, val_max=360),
                                  Value('gamma', float, val_min=0, val_max=360),
                                  Value('sites_pos', Union[Vector, List[Vector]],
                                        val_min=0, val_max=1,
                                        len_min=[1, 3], len_max=[None, 3]),
                                  Value('sites_occ', Union[f_float, List[f_float]],
                                        val_min=0, val_max=1, len_min=1),
                                  Value('d_max', float, val_min=0, kind=Value.optional),
                                  Value('d_max_coop', float, val_min=0, kind=Value.optional),
                                  Value('N_uc', int, val_min=1, kind=Value.exclusive),
                                  Value('radius', float, val_min=min_float, kind=Value.exclusive)]),

            DictValue('states', [Value('sensitizer_ion_label', str),
                                 Value('activator_ion_label', str),
                                 Value('sensitizer_states_labels', List[str], len_min=1),
                                 Value('activator_states_labels', List[str], len_min=1)]),
예제 #9
def test_DictValue():
    '''Test DictValues'''
    d = {'age': 28, 'city': 'utrecht'}
    # simple type list
    dval1 = DictValue({'age': int, 'city': str})
    assert dval1.validate(d) == d
    # Value list
    dval2 = DictValue({'age': Value(int, val_min=0), 'city': Value(str)})
    assert dval2.validate(d) == d
    # mixed
    dval3 = DictValue({'age': Value(int, val_min=0), 'city': str})
    assert dval3.validate(d) == d
    # both methods create the same DictValues, their reprs are equal
    assert repr(dval1) == repr(dval2)
    assert repr(dval1) == repr(dval3)

    d = {'age': 28}
    # list of names and types is not a valid constructor
    with pytest.raises(SettingsValueError) as excinfo:
        DictValue(['age', str]).validate(d)
    assert excinfo.match("The first argument must be a dictionary")
    assert excinfo.type == SettingsValueError

    d = 'not a dictionary'
    # DictValues only validate dictionaries
    with pytest.raises(SettingsValueError) as excinfo:
        DictValue({'age': int}).validate(d)
    assert excinfo.match("does not have the right type")
    assert excinfo.type == SettingsValueError

    # extra key:value pairs are ok, but they give off a warning and are ignored
    d = {'age': 28, 'city': 'utrecht'}
    d2 = {'age': 28, 'city': 'utrecht', 'extra': True}
    with pytest.warns(SettingsExtraValueWarning) as warnings:
        assert DictValue({'age': int, 'city': str}).validate(d2) == d
    assert len(warnings) == 1  # one warning
    warning = warnings.pop(SettingsExtraValueWarning)
    assert warning.category == SettingsExtraValueWarning
    assert 'Some values or sections should not be present in the file' in str(

    d = {'age': 28}
    # the dict doesn't contain all keys
    with pytest.raises(SettingsValueError) as excinfo:
        DictValue({'age': int, 'city': str}).validate(d)
    assert excinfo.match("Setting ")
    assert excinfo.match("not in dictionary")
    assert excinfo.type == SettingsValueError

    d = {'ag': 28, 'city': 'utrecht'}
    # wrong key name
    with pytest.raises(SettingsValueError) as excinfo:
        DictValue({'age': int, 'city': str}).validate(d)
    assert excinfo.match("Setting ")
    assert excinfo.match("not in dictionary")
    assert excinfo.type == SettingsValueError

    d = {'age': 'asd', 'city': 'utrecht'}
    # wrong value type
    with pytest.raises(SettingsValueError) as excinfo:
        DictValue({'age': int, 'city': str}).validate(d)
    assert excinfo.match("Setting ")
    assert excinfo.match("does not have the right type")
    assert excinfo.type == SettingsValueError

    # DictValue in Value
    d = {'age': 28, 'city': 'utrecht'}
    assert Value(DictValue({'age': int, 'city': str})).validate(d) == d