예제 #1
파일: loops.py 프로젝트: lewismazzei/Fusion
def gameLoop(gameboard):
	if len(gameboard.tiles) == 0: # if the board is empty, i.e. it's a new game...
		gameboard.spawn() #...start the game with one spawn
	running = True #by default the game is 'running' (i.e. has not been quit out of or has crashed)
	while running: #will not stop looping unless broken out of by force using a 'break'/'return' statement or a 'quit' type event has been triggered
		features = drawGameScreen(gameboard) #draw the elements of the game screen and store the properties of them inside an array called 'features'
		for event in pygame.event.get(): #for each event in the current event queue
			if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #if the type of event is a 'quit' (i.e. the red x has been clicked or an alternative quit command is entered)...
				running = False #...then flag this fact so that the loop is broken out of
			elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: #if the event type is a 'key press'...
				if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: #...and it is the left key that has been pressed...
					if gameboard.tilesLeft(): #...then move the tiles to the left...
						initSpawn(gameboard) #...and decide whether to spawn new tile(s) or to end the game
				elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: #...and it is the right key that has been pressed...
					if gameboard.tilesRight(): #...then move the tiles to the right...
						initSpawn(gameboard) #...and decide whether to spawn new tile(s) or to end the game
				elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: #...and it is the up key that has been pressed...
					if gameboard.tilesUp(): #...then move the tiles up...
						initSpawn(gameboard) #...and decide whether to spawn new tile(s) or to end the game
				elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: #...and it is the down that has been pressed...
					if gameboard.tilesDown(): #...then move the tiles dwon...
						initSpawn(gameboard) #...and decide whether to spawn new tile(s) or to end the game
			mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #get the position of the mouse
			if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: #if the user clicks...
				if features[4].collidepoint(mouse): #...and the position of the mouse is within the bounds of the the 'options' button...
					optionsLoop() #...then switch to the 'options' screen

			drawGameScreen(gameboard) #draw the screen with the updated block positions and score
			pygame.display.update() #and update the screen

			for tile in gameboard.tiles: #for each tile...
				if tile.element % 11 == 0: #...if the tile is the eleventh element (works for every level using moduulus)...
					pygame.time.wait(1000) #...wait 1000ms...
					display.fill(WHITE) #...wipe the screen...
					drawLabel('Level Complete', font(50), BLACK, ((DISPLAY_WIDTH / 2), (DISPLAY_HEIGHT / 2))) #...draw 'level complete' onto the screen...
					pygame.display.update() #...update the screen with this message...
					pygame.time.wait(1000) #...wait another 1000ms...
					if gameboard.level < 11: #...if the level being completed is not the 11th...
						gameboard.level += 1 #...then increment the level...
						gameboard.state = [['Empty' for col in range(5)] for row in range(5)] #...reset the game state to an empty grid...
						gameboard.tiles = [] #...empty the arroy of tiles...
						gameboard.spawn() #...and spawn the first block for that new level
						break #break out of this 'for' loop
					else: #if the player has completed all 11 levels...
						pygame.time.wait(1000) #...wait 1000ms...
						display.fill(WHITE) #...wipe the screen...
						drawLabel('Level Complete', font(50), BLACK, ((DISPLAY_WIDTH / 2), (DISPLAY_HEIGHT / 2))) #...draw 'game complete' onto the screen...
						pygame.display.update() #...update the screen with this message...
						pygame.time.wait(1000) #...wait another 1000ms...
						leaderboardLoop() #...then go to leaderboard screen
		saveGameState(gameboard) #save the game state after every iteration of this 'event' loop ('autosave' feature)
		pygame.display.update() #update the screen with any new drawings
		clock.tick(120) #the game should run at a frame rate of 120 frames per second

	pygame.quit() #if the game is not 'running' anymore then quit out of pygame
예제 #2
파일: loops.py 프로젝트: lewismazzei/Fusion
def instructionsLoop():
	print('end: ', getTime())
	running = True #by default the game is 'running' (i.e. has not been quit out of or has crashed)
	while running: #will not stop looping unless broken out of by force using a 'break'/'return' statement or a 'quit' type event has been triggered
		features = drawInstructionsScreen() #draw the elements of the 'instructions' screen and store the properties of them inside an array called 'features'
		for event in pygame.event.get(): #for each event in the current event queue
			if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #if the type of event is a 'quit' (i.e. the red x has been clicked or an alternative quit command is entered)...
				running = False #...then flag this fact so that the loop is broken out of
			mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #get the position of the mouse
			if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: #if the user clicks...
				if features[0].collidepoint(mouse): #...and the position of the mouse is within the bounds of the the 'back' button...
					return #...then switch back to the 'main menu' screen by returning nothing and breaking out of the instructions 'loop', back into the 'main menu' loop
		pygame.display.update() #update the screen
		clock.tick(120) #the game should run at a frame rate of 120 frames per second
	pygame.quit() #if the game is not 'running' anymore then quit out of pygame
예제 #3
파일: loops.py 프로젝트: lewismazzei/Fusion
def leaderboardLoop(gameOver = False):
	running = True #by default the game is 'running' (i.e. has not been quit out of or has crashed)
	while running: #will not stop looping unless broken out of by force using a 'break'/'return' statement or a 'quit' type event has been triggered
		features = drawLeaderboardScreen() #draw the elements of the 'leaderboard' screen and store the properties of them inside an array called 'features'
		for event in pygame.event.get(): #for each event in the current event queue
			if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #if the type of event is a 'quit' (i.e. the red x has been clicked or an alternative quit command is entered)...
				running = False #...then flag this fact so that the loop is broken out of
			mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #get the position of the mouse
			if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: #if the type of event is a 'mouse button up' (i.e. the mouse button has been lifted after being pressed down)...
				if features[1].collidepoint(mouse) and gameOver: #if this screen is up just after the game is over then back button...
					mainMenuLoop() #...returns user to the main menu 
				elif features[1].collidepoint(mouse): #if the screen accessed from anywhere else...
					return #...this button returns user to the previous screen

		pygame.display.update() #update the screen
		clock.tick(120) #the game should run at a frame rate of 120 frames per second
	pygame.quit() #if the game is not 'running' anymore then quit out of pygame
예제 #4
파일: loops.py 프로젝트: lewismazzei/Fusion
def mainMenuLoop():
	running = True #by default the game is 'running' (i.e. has not been quit out of or has crashed)
	while running: #will not stop looping unless broken out of by force using a 'break'/'return' statement or a 'quit' type event has been triggered
		features = drawMainMenuScreen() #draw the elements of the 'game' screen and store the properties of them inside an array called 'features'
		for event in pygame.event.get(): #for each event in the current event queue
			if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #if the type of event is a 'quit' (i.e. the red x has been clicked or an alternative quit command is entered)...
				running = False #...then flag this fact so that the loop is broken out of
			mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #get the position of the mouse
			if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: #if the user clicks...
				if features[0].collidepoint(mouse): #...and the position of the mouse is within the bounds of the the 'new game' button...
					nameInputLoop(newGame = True) #...then switch to the 'name input' screen with the 'newGame' flag set to true 
				elif features[1].collidepoint(mouse): #...and the position of the mouse is within the bounds of the the 'load game' button...
					nameInputLoop(newGame = False)  #...then switch to the 'name input' screen with the 'newGame' flag set to false
				elif features[2].collidepoint(mouse): #...and the position of the mouse is within the bounds of the the 'new game' button...
					leaderboardLoop() #...then switch to the 'leaderboard' screen
				elif features[3].collidepoint(mouse): #...and the position of the mouse is within the bounds of the the 'new game' button...
					print('start: ', getTime())
					instructionsLoop() #...then switch to the 'instructions' screen

		pygame.display.update() #update the screen 
		clock.tick(120) #the game should run at a frame rate of 120 frames per second
	pygame.quit() #if the game is not 'running' anymore then quit out of pygame
예제 #5
파일: loops.py 프로젝트: lewismazzei/Fusion
def nameInputLoop(newGame):
	running = True #by default the game is 'running' (i.e. has not been quit out of or has crashed)
	username = [] #initialise the username to an empty list of characters
	while running: #will not stop looping unless broken out of by force using a 'break'/'return' statement or a 'quit' type event has been triggered
		features = drawNameInputScreen(newGame, username) #draw the elements of the 'game' screen and store the properties of them inside an array called 'features'
		for event in pygame.event.get(): #for each event in the current event queue
			if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #if the type of event is a 'quit' (i.e. the red x has been clicked or an alternative quit command is entered)...
				running = False #...then flag this fact so that the loop is broken out of
			mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #get the position of the mouse
			if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: #if the user clicks...
				if features[2].collidepoint(mouse): #...and the position of the mouse is within the bounds of the the input box...
					clickedInBox = True #...then flag this fact...
					while clickedInBox and running: #...and loop whilst they haven't clicked outside the box and haven't quit
						pygame.draw.rect(display, (255, 0, 0), [150, 310, 200, 30], 2) #change the border of the input box to red to indicate that the box has been clicked on
						for event in pygame.event.get(): #for each event in the event queue (an internal event queue loop is needed as we have now entered a secondary while loop)
							mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #variable that holds the current coordinate of the mouse
							if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #if the type of event is a 'quit' (i.e. the red x has been clicked or an alternative quit command is entered)...
								running = False #...then flag this fact so that the loop is broken out of
							elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: #if the user clicks...
								if not features[2].collidepoint(mouse): #...outwith the input box...
									if features[3].collidepoint(mouse): #...and within the 'enter' button (or enter key is pressed)...
										if len(list(username)) >= 3: #...and username has the minimum number of characters...
											usernameSubmitted(newGame, username) #...then submit that username
										else: #if the username is not long enough...
											drawLabel('Username needs to be at least 3 characters!', font(25), BLACK, (250, 450)) #...draw a message saying so...
											pygame.display.update() #...display it...
											pygame.time.wait(500) #...for a brief moment...
											drawNameInputScreen(newGame, username) #...and then draw the screen again, covering/hiding the message 
									if features[4].collidepoint(mouse): #if the user clicks outwith the input box and within the 'Back' button then...
										return #...return to main menu
									else: #a click anywhere else and we will...
										clickedInBox = False #...flag this fact...
										break #...and break out of this loop, returning to the 'not clicked in box' loop
							elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: #if the user presses the...
								if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: #...return key...
									if len(list(username)) >= 3: #...then check username has the minimum number of characters...
										usernameSubmitted(newGame, username) #...then either load a game using that username or start a new one
										drawLabel('Username needs to be at least 3 characters!', font(25), BLACK, (250, 450)) #...draw a message saying so...
										pygame.display.update() #...display it...
										pygame.time.wait(500) #...for a brief moment...
										drawNameInputScreen(newGame, username) #...and then draw the screen again, covering/hiding the message 
								elif event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE: #...backspace...
									if len(username) > 0: #...check that the current username has characters to prevent an 'out of bounds' exception being raised on the username array
										username = list(username) #convert the username into a list...
										del username[-1] #...remove the last char from the list...
										username = ''.join(username) #...join that list back into a string...
										drawNameInputScreen(newGame, username) #...and draw the updated username inside the input box
								elif len(username) < 8: #if the press another key then first check we don't end up putting more than 8 chars into the string
									if re.match('[a-z0-9]', chr(event.key)): #if they press a key between a-z or 0-9 (regex)...
										username = list(username) #...convert the username into a list
										username.append(chr(event.key)) #...add that character to the list...
										username = ''.join(username) #...join that list back into a string
										drawNameInputScreen(newGame, username) #...and draw the updated username inside the input box
									else: #if they press any other key...
										drawLabel('Invalid character!', font(25), BLACK, (250, 450)) #...draw a message saying so...
										pygame.display.update() #...display it...
										pygame.time.wait(500) #...for a brief moment...
										username = ''.join(username) #...join the username list into a string...
										drawNameInputScreen(newGame, username) #...and then draw the screen again, covering/hiding the message
								else: #if they press another key but the string already has 8 chars then...
									drawLabel('Only allowed up to 8 characters!', font(25), BLACK, (250, 450)) #...draw a message saying so...
									pygame.display.update() #...display it...
									pygame.time.wait(500) #...for a brief moment...
									drawNameInputScreen(newGame, username) #...and then draw the screen again, covering/hiding the message 
						pygame.display.update() #update the display with anything that has been drawn (new chars inside the input box)
						clock.tick(120)  #the game should run at a frame rate of 120 frames per second
				elif features[3].collidepoint(mouse) and len(list(username)) >= 3 and len(list(username)) <= 8: #if the start/continue button is clicked and username is valid...
					usernameSubmitted(newGame, username) #...submit it
				elif features[3].collidepoint(mouse) and len(list(username)) < 3: #if the start/continue button is clicked and the username is too short...
					drawLabel('Username needs to be at least 3 characters!', font(25), BLACK, (250, 450)) #...draw a message saying so...
					pygame.display.update() #...display it...
					pygame.time.wait(500) #...for a brief moment...
					drawNameInputScreen(newGame, username) #...and then draw the screen again, covering/hiding the message 
				elif features[3].collidepoint(mouse) and len(list(username)) > 8: #if the start/continue button is clicked and the username is too long...
					drawLabel('Only allowed up to 8 characters!', font(25), BLACK, (250, 450)) #...draw a message saying so...
					pygame.display.update() #...display it...
					pygame.time.wait(500) #...for a brief moment...
					drawNameInputScreen(newGame, username) #...and then draw the screen again, covering/hiding the message 
				elif features[4].collidepoint(mouse): #if the 'back' button is clicked...
					return #...then switch back to the 'main menu' screen by returning nothing and breaking out of the 'name input' loop, back into the 'main menu' loop
		pygame.display.update() #update the screen
		clock.tick(120) #the game should run at a frame rate of 120 frames per second
	pygame.quit() #if the game is not 'running' anymore then quit out of pygame