예제 #1
    def get_class(kls):
        """Construct an object from the name of the class in argument.

            kls (str): String with the full name of the class to instanciate (example: beholder.classes.graphRepresentation.strategyNodes.ColorStrategy.ColorNodeStrategy4).

            bool: An object instance from the class name specify in parameter.

        # Example of parameter kls: beholder.classes.graphRepresentation.strategyNodes.ColorStrategy.ColorNodeStrategy4
        # We split kls with the "." separator to obtain parts = [beholder, classes, graphRepresentation, strategyNodes, ColorStrategy, ColorNodeStrategy4]
        parts = kls.split('.')
        # Compute the module. For that, select all elements of parts except the last one. So: module = beholder.classes.graphRepresentation.strategyNodes.ColorStrategy
        module = ".".join(parts[:-1])
            # Import the module previously computed. So import beholder.classes.graphRepresentation.strategyNodes.ColorStrategy module.
            m = __import__(module)
        except Exception:
            CustomPrint.errorPrint("Error in " +
        # For all the elements of parts except the first one (ie for all the following elements: [classes, graphRepresentation, strategyNodes, ColorStrategy, ColorNodeStrategy4])
        for comp in parts[1:]:
            # Construct the module during the loop. Ie, at first loop, construct module classes, then module classes.graphRepresentation, then ..., and finaly <class 'beholder.classes.graphRepresentation.strategyNodes.ColorStrategy.ColorNodeStrategy4'>.
            m = getattr(m, comp)

        # Return object. Example return object of type <class 'beholder.classes.graphRepresentation.strategyNodes.ColorStrategy.ColorNodeStrategy4'>.
        return m()
예제 #2
    def checkIfFileExist(pathOfFile):
        """Check if file exist in the given path. If not, print error and exit.

            pathOfFile (str): The path of the file we want to test the existance.

        # Check if the file exist at the given pathOfFile. If not, print error and exit.
            inputFile = open(str(pathOfFile), 'r')
            return True
        except EnvironmentError as e:  # OSError or IOError...
            # Input file doesn't exist. Print a warning and exit.
            CustomPrint.warningPrint("Warning: the input file " +
                                     str(pathOfFile) + " doesn't exist.")
            return False
예제 #3
    def askConfirmation(question, default="yes"):
        """Ask a yes/no question via raw_input() and return their answer.

            question (str): a string that is the question presented to the user.
            default (str, optional): the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>.
                It must be "yes" (the default), "no" or None (meaning an answer is requiered of the user).

            bool: True if user says "yes" or False for "no".

            ValueError: If default is different from None, yes or no.


        # Valid answer from the user (yes, no , y, and n).
        valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "no": False, "n": False}
        if (default is None):
            prompt = "    [y/n] "
        elif (default == "yes"):
            prompt = "    [Y/n] "
        elif (default == "no"):
            prompt = "    [y/N] "
            raise ValueError("Invalid default answer: '%s'" % default)

        # Ask the answer while a valid answer is not given.
        while True:
            # Print the question in yellow.
            CustomPrint.warningPrint(question + prompt)
            # Ask the question and retrieve the answer of user in choice variable.
            choice = input().lower()
            # If the user don't answer the question by typing Enter, and default is not None, the answer is the default choice.
            if (default is not None and choice == ''):
                return valid[default]
            # Else if the user type his answer, return the valid choice.
            elif (choice in valid):
                return valid[choice]
            # Else, print a warning that ask to enter a valid answer and print the question again.
                    "Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' (or 'y' or 'n') \n")
예제 #4
    def removeFileIfExist(filePath):

        # Python 2.x: define [FileNotFoundError] exception if it doesn't exist
        except NameError:
            FileNotFoundError = IOError

        # Handle errors while calling os.remove()
            # As file at filePath is deleted now, so we should check if file exists or not before deleting them
            if os.path.exists(filePath):
                # Remove a file
                CustomPrint.warningPrint("Can not delete the file " +
                                         str(filePath) +
                                         " as it doesn't exists")
            CustomPrint.errorPrint("Error while deleting file " +
예제 #5
    def __displaysetupiaenvImageLogoFullScreen():
        """(Private static method) Display image of setupiaenv logo in Full screen with tkinter.


        # Try to open the image of setupiaenv logo.
            # Define the local directory where are store images of the project.
            imagesDir = 'images'
            # Tell the name of the image to display.
            imageName = 'setupiaenvLogoFinal.png'
            # Form the pah where is located the image to display.
            pathOfImage = os.path.join(imagesDir, imageName)
            # Use Pillow to open the image with the default image Viewer.
            img = Image.open(pathOfImage)
            # Show the image (open with Pillow) in Full screen with tkinter.
        # If the image cannot been found at the define location, print a warning and exit.
        except IOError as e:
            # Input file doesn't exist. Print a warning and exit.
            CustomPrint.errorPrint("Error: the input file " +
                                   str(pathOfImage) + " doesn't exist.")
예제 #6
    def __meta_data_script(progName):
        """(Private static method) Define meta-data of the script (name, version, description, help, ...).

            progName (str): the name of the script that call gen_cli_args().

            str: progName. Program name of the script that call gen_cli_args().
            str: progNameHard. Program name of the application (setupiaenv).
            str: progVersion. Version number of the script.
            str: versionCodeName. Code name of the current version of the script.
            str: versionText. Well format text that give progVersion, and versionCodeName information.
            str: progDescription. The Description of the program.
            str: progExample_text. The examples given to help the user to run the script.
            str: progMiscExample_text. The example given in the setupiaenv misc menu.


        # Hard code progName.
        progNameHard = 'setupiaenv'

        # The version of the script.
        progVersion = '1.0.0'

        # The version code name.
        versionCodeName = 'First version'

        # Text display when user ask the version of the program.
        versionText = """ 
        {} - {}
        {} - {}
        {} - {}
        """.format(CustomPrint.highlight('Program Name', 'red'),
                   CustomPrint.highlight(progName, 'yellow'),
                   CustomPrint.highlight('Version', 'red'),
                   CustomPrint.highlight(progVersion, 'yellow'),
                   CustomPrint.highlight('Codename', 'red'),
                   CustomPrint.highlight(versionCodeName, 'yellow'))

        # Give the description of the script.
        progDescription = """                                                                        
              _______. _______ .___________. __    __  .______    __       ___       _______ .__   __. ____    ____ 
            /       ||   ____||           ||  |  |  | |   _  \  |  |     /   \     |   ____||  \ |  | \   \  /   / 
           |   (----`|  |__   `---|  |----`|  |  |  | |  |_)  | |  |    /  ^  \    |  |__   |   \|  |  \   \/   /  
            \   \    |   __|      |  |     |  |  |  | |   ___/  |  |   /  /_\  \   |   __|  |  . `  |   \      /   
        .----)   |   |  |____     |  |     |  `--'  | |  |      |  |  /  _____  \  |  |____ |  |\   |    \    /    
        |_______/    |_______|    |__|      \______/  | _|      |__| /__/     \__\ |_______||__| \__|     \__/     

                                      Setup IA and machine-learning environnement

                                                  {} - {}
                                               {} - {}

        """.format(CustomPrint.highlight('Version', 'red'),
                   CustomPrint.highlight(progVersion, 'yellow'),
                   CustomPrint.highlight('Codename', 'red'),
                   CustomPrint.highlight(versionCodeName, 'yellow'))

        # Give examples of how to use the script (general menu).
        progExample_text = """Examples:
        python {} -h
        setupiaenv -h
        python {} -v
        setupiaenv -v
        python {} -h
        setupiaenv -h

        python {} misc -h
        setupiaenv misc -h

        setupiaenv -b -a -envName iaenv -gpu

        setupiaenv -b -a -envName iaenv

        setupiaenv -b -a -envName iaenv -gpu -sys
        (execute: "setupiaenv -h" to see more options)

        setupiaenv misc -l
        (execute: "setupiaenv misc -h" to see more options)

        "python {}" can be replace by: "setupiaenv"
            CustomPrint.highlight('Get help', 'white_underline'), progName,
            CustomPrint.highlight('Get version', 'white_underline'), progName,
            CustomPrint.highlight('Print sub-command graph help',
                                  'white_underline'), progName,
            CustomPrint.highlight('Print sub-command misc help',
                                  'white_underline'), progName,
            CustomPrint.highlight('Typical command', 'white_underline'),
            CustomPrint.highlight('Note', 'white_underline'), progName)

        # Give examples of how to use the script (misc menu).
        progMiscExample_text = """Examples:
        python {} misc -h
        setupiaenv misc -h
        python {} misc -v
        setupiaenv misc -v
        python {} misc -l
        setupiaenv misc -l

        python {} misc -bc
        setupiaenv misc -bc

        python {} misc -sc
        setupiaenv misc -sc

        python {} misc -a
        setupiaenv misc -a

        python {} misc -Il
        setupiaenv misc -Il

        python {} misc -FIl
        setupiaenv misc -FIl

        "python {}" can be replace by: "setupiaenv"
            CustomPrint.highlight('Get help', 'white_underline'), progName,
            CustomPrint.highlight('Get version', 'white_underline'), progName,
            CustomPrint.highlight('Print setupiaenv logo',
                                  'white_underline'), progName,
            CustomPrint.highlight('Make me a big coffee',
                                  'white_underline'), progName,
            CustomPrint.highlight('Make me a small coffee', 'white_underline'),
                'Gives the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything',
                'white_underline'), progName,
                'Display image of setupiaenv logo with the default Image Viewer',
                'white_underline'), progName,
                'Display image of setupiaenv logo in Full Screen',
                'white_underline'), progName,
            CustomPrint.highlight('Note', 'white_underline'), progName)

        # Return all the meta-data of the script.
        return (progName, progNameHard, progVersion, versionCodeName,
                versionText, progDescription, progExample_text,
예제 #7
import ntpath
""" Import packages useful for the ArgumentParser (with password)."""
# argparse is useful to use the argumentParser.
import argparse
""" Import all the custom classes."""
# Custom class to print errors, warnings, ...
from setupiaenv.classes.helpers.CustomPrint import CustomPrint
# Custom class that provide various sys static functions.
from setupiaenv.classes.helpers.SysTools import SysTools

# Import Tkinter.
    # for Python3
    import tkinter  ## notice lowercase 't' in tkinter here
except ImportError:
        "Warning: Fail to import tkinter. Import Tkinter instead.")
    # for Python2
    import Tkinter  ## notice capitalized T in Tkinter
""" Implementation of custom functions."""

class CliManagementSetupIAEnv():
    """Class for the management of cli for SetupIAEnv.

    def __meta_data_script(progName):
        """(Private static method) Define meta-data of the script (name, version, description, help, ...).

            progName (str): the name of the script that call gen_cli_args().
예제 #8
def main():
    """Main entry point of the splunkQuery application.


    # ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    # Meta-data of the script.

    # Get the name of the script.
    progName = os.path.basename(__file__)
    THIS_PATH = os.path.realpath(__file__)
    THIS_DIR = SysTools.getPathLessPath_leaf(THIS_PATH)

    # print(THIS_PATH)
    # print(THIS_DIR)
    # print(progName)

    machine_type = os.uname().machine
    # print(machine_type)

    sysname = os.uname().sysname
    # print(sysname)

    # Constant variables.
    # When start a task, add [*] icon in blue.
    information_icon = CustomPrint.highlight('[*]', 'blue')
    # When finished a task, add [+] icon in green.
    success_icon = CustomPrint.highlight('[+]', 'green')

    # ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    # Management of the parameters to give and given to the script.

    # Parse cli arguments.
    args = CliManagementSetupIAEnv.gen_cli_args(str(progName))

    # Check if misc [option] is used. If it is the case, perform the operation and exit.

    # ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

    # If not force, allows to print warnings.
    if (not args.force):
        # Check if the script is executed on a 64-bits system.
        if (machine_type != "x86_64"):
                "    Your operating system appears not to be 64-bit, but you are trying to\n"
                "    install a 64-bit version of SetupIAEnv.\n")
            answer1 = SysTools.askConfirmation(
                "    Are sure you want to continue the installation? \n",
            if (not answer1):
                CustomPrint.warningPrint("Aborting installation\n")

        # Check if the script is executed on a 64-bits system.
        if (sysname != "Linux"):
                "    Your operating system does not appear to be Linux, \n")
                "    but you are trying to install a Linux version of SetupIAEnv.\n"
            answer2 = SysTools.askConfirmation(
                "    Are sure you want to continue the installation? \n",
            if (not answer2):
                CustomPrint.warningPrint("Aborting installation\n")

        print("Welcome to SetupIAEnv 1.0.0\n")

    # Give execution rights to the installation script.
    (exitcode0, stdout0, stderr0,
     rc0) = SysTools.execute_command("chmod +x data/SetupIAEnv.sh")

    # If in batch mode, pass the batch argument to the script.
    if (args.batch):
        # If we want to install Anaconda, pass the anaconda argument to the script.
        if (args.anaconda):
            # Run with bash -i because of this issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55507519/python-activate-conda-env-through-shell-script
            (exitcode1, stdout1, stderr1, rc1) = SysTools.execute_command(
                "bash -i data/SetupIAEnv.sh batch anaconda " +
                str(args.condaEnvName) + " " + str(args.gpuTensorflow) + " " +
        # If we doesn't want to install Anaconda, pass the noAnaconda argument to the script.
            # Run with bash -i because of this issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55507519/python-activate-conda-env-through-shell-script
            (exitcode1, stdout1, stderr1, rc1) = SysTools.execute_command(
                "bash -i data/SetupIAEnv.sh batch NoAnaconda" +
                str(args.condaEnvName) + " " + str(args.gpuTensorflow) + " " +
    # If not in batch mode, pass the noBatch argument to the script.
        # If we want to install Anaconda, pass the anaconda argument to the script.
        if (args.anaconda):
            # Run with bash -i because of this issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55507519/python-activate-conda-env-through-shell-script
            (exitcode1, stdout1, stderr1, rc1) = SysTools.execute_command(
                "bash -i data/SetupIAEnv.sh noBatch anaconda" +
                str(args.condaEnvName) + " " + str(args.gpuTensorflow) + " " +
        # If we doesn't want to install Anaconda, pass the noAnaconda argument to the script.
            # Run with bash -i because of this issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55507519/python-activate-conda-env-through-shell-script
            (exitcode1, stdout1, stderr1, rc1) = SysTools.execute_command(
                "bash -i data/SetupIAEnv.sh noBatch NoAnaconda" +
                str(args.condaEnvName) + " " + str(args.gpuTensorflow) + " " +
예제 #9
    def dataToDataframe(args,
                        information_icon=CustomPrint.highlight('[*]', 'blue'),
                        success_icon=CustomPrint.highlight('[+]', 'green')):
        """Read a file in universal format and convert it to a pandas dataframe.

            args (argparse object): The argparse object that contains all the arguments given by the user in the Cli.
            DebugLevel (int): The Debug Level.

            Pandas dataframe: The dataframe representation of the data.

        # ******If the input file is a .json file, we convert the data of that json in a dataframe with jsonToDataframe() function.******
        if (hasattr(args, 'input') and hasattr(args, 'debug')):
            # If the input file is a json file...
            if (".json" in str(SysTools.path_leaf(args.input))):
                if (args.debug):
                        "\n***********************JSON TO DATAFRAME***********************"
                if (args.debug):
                    print("\n" + information_icon +
                          " Convert json to dataframe...")
                # Convert json (contained in the input file) to dataframe.
                df = ConvertToDataframe.jsonToDataframe(str(args.input))

                # Check all graph arguments (i.e.: -s, -dest, -ea, -isdir, -w and -l).
                #CliManagementBeholder.checkGraphArguments(args, df)

                if (args.debug):
                    print(success_icon + " Convert json to dataframe: done!\n")
                if (args.debug):
                    print("Print the dataframe (from normalized json):")

                return df

            # ******If the input file is a .csv file, we convert the data of that json in a dataframe with csvToDataframe() function.******
            # If the input file is a csv file...
            elif (".csv" in str(SysTools.path_leaf(args.input))):
                if (args.debug):
                        "\n***********************CSV TO DATAFRAME***********************"
                if (args.debug):
                    print("\n" + information_icon +
                          " Convert csv to dataframe...")
                # Convert csv to dataframe
                df = ConvertToDataframe.csvToDataframe(str(args.input))

                # Check all graph arguments (i.e.: -s, -dest, -ea, -isdir, -w and -l).
                #CliManagementBeholder.checkGraphArguments(args, df)

                if (args.debug):
                    print(success_icon + " Convert csv to dataframe: done!\n")
                if (args.debug):
                    print("Print the dataframe:")
                return df
            # If the input file is none of the previous type, throw an error and exit.
                    "Error: the support format for the input string are: 'atom', 'csv', 'json', 'json_rows', 'raw' and 'xml'. Therefore the file extension of the input file should be one of these."
            CustomPrint.errorPrint("Error: the parameter args in " +
                                   str(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) +
                                   " must have input and debug as attributes.")
예제 #10
    def cleanDataframe(dataframe,
                       information_icon=CustomPrint.highlight('[*]', 'blue'),
                       success_icon=CustomPrint.highlight('[+]', 'green')):
        """Remove rows with null value in the source and destination columns.

            dataframe (Pandas dataframe): the pandas dataframe to clean.
            args (argparse object): argparse object.
            information_icon (str, optional): string to mark the begining of a task.
            success_icon (str, optional): string to mark the success of a task.

            Pandas dataframe: The cleaned dataframe.

        if (hasattr(args, 'source') and hasattr(args, 'debug')
                and hasattr(args, 'arguments')
                and hasattr(args, 'destination')):
            # Check validity of -s argument.
            # If args.source is not a column name, throw an error.
            if (str(args.source) not in dataframe.columns):
                    "Error: source argument must be a column name.\nShould be one of the following: "
                    + str(dataframe.columns))
            # If the debug level is greater or equal to 1 or if -a option is provided, print debug/arguments information.
            if (args.debug or args.arguments):
                print("Value of the destination argument: " +
            # Check validity of -dest argument.
            # If args.destination is not a column name, throw an error.
            if (str(args.destination) not in dataframe.columns):
                    "Error: destination argument must be a column name.\nShould be one of the following: "
                    + str(dataframe.columns))
            # If column source and destination are the same, throw an error.
            if (str(args.source) == str(args.destination)):
                    "Error: source and destination argument must be different."

            # Copy the dataframe because we don't want to modify the original dataframe.
            df = dataframe.copy()

            if (args.debug):
                    "\n" + information_icon +
                    " Cleaning dataframe: Remove rows with null value in the source and destination columns..."

            # Remove rows with null value in the source column.
            df = df[pd.notnull(df[str(args.source)])]
            # Remove rows with null value in the destination column.
            df = df[pd.notnull(df[str(args.destination)])]

            if (args.debug):
                    success_icon +
                    " Cleaning dataframe: Remove rows with null value in the source and destination columns: done!\n"

            # Return the cleaned dataframe.
            return df
                "Error: the parameter args in " +
                str(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) +
                " must have source, debug, arguments and destination as attributes."