def getVectorWriter(self, fields, geomType, crs, options=None): '''Returns a suitable writer to which features can be added as a result of the algorithm. Use this to transparently handle output values instead of creating your own method. Executing this method might modify the object, adding additional information to it, so the writer can be later accessed and processed within QGIS. It should be called just once, since a new call might result in previous data being replaced, thus rendering a previously obtained writer useless @param fields a dict of int-QgsField @param geomType a suitable geometry type, as it would be passed to a QgsVectorFileWriter constructor @param crs the crs of the layer to create @return writer instance of the vectoe writer class ''' if self.encoding is None: settings = QSettings() self.encoding = settings.value("/SextanteQGIS/encoding", "System").toString() w = SextanteVectorWriter(self.value, self.encoding, fields, geomType, crs, options) self.memoryLayer = w.memLayer return w
def checkSagaIsInstalled(cls): if SextanteUtils.isWindows(): path = SagaUtils.sagaPath() if path == "": return "SAGA folder is not configured.\nPlease configure it before running SAGA algorithms." cmdpath = os.path.join(path, "saga_cmd.exe") if not os.path.exists(cmdpath): return ("The specified SAGA folder does not contain a valid SAGA executable.\n" + "Please, go to the SEXTANTE settings dialog, and check that the SAGA\n" + "folder is correctly configured") SAGA_INSTALLED = "/SextanteQGIS/SagaInstalled" settings = QSettings() if settings.contains(SAGA_INSTALLED): return try: qgis = QGisLayers.iface crs = qgis.mapCanvas().mapRenderer().destinationCrs() fields = [] fields.append(QgsField("NUM_FIELD", QVariant.Int)) filename = SextanteUtils.getTempFilename("shp") writer = SextanteVectorWriter(filename, None, fields, QGis.WKBPoint, crs) for x in range(5): for y in range(5): attrs = [] attrs.append(QVariant(x)) outFeat = QgsFeature() pt = QgsPoint(x, y) outFeat.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPoint(pt)) outFeat.setAttributes(attrs) writer.addFeature(outFeat) del writer.writer del writer from sextante.core.Sextante import runalg result = runalg("saga:thiessenpolygons", filename, None) if not os.path.exists(result['POLYGONS']): return "It seems that SAGA is not correctly installed in your system.\nPlease install it before running SAGA algorithms." except: s = traceback.format_exc() return "Error while checking SAGA installation. SAGA might not be correctly configured.\n" + s; settings.setValue("/SextanteQGIS/SagaInstalled", True)
#Here we define the input and outputs #==================================== ##[Example scripts]=group ##input=vector ##output=output vector #And here is the body of the algorithm #======================================= #input layers values are always a string with its location. #That string can be converted into a QGIS object (a QgsVectorLayer in this case)) #using the Sextante.getObjectFromUri() method vectorLayer = QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri(input) #And now we can process #First we create the output layer. #To do so, we create a SextanteVectorWriter, that we can later use to add features. provider = vectorLayer.dataProvider() writer = SextanteVectorWriter(output, None, provider.fields(), provider.geometryType(), #Now we take the selected features and add them to the output layer selection = vectorLayer.selectedFeatures() for feat in selection: writer.addFeature(feat) del writer #There is nothing more to do here. We do not have to open the layer that we have created. #SEXTANTE will take care of that, or will handle it if this algorithm is executed within #a complex model
# This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' ##[Example scripts]=group ##input=vector ##output=output vector from PyQt4.QtCore import * from qgis.core import * from sextante.core.SextanteVectorWriter import SextanteVectorWriter inputLayer = sextante.getobject(input) features = sextante.getfeatures(inputLayer) fields = inputLayer.pendingFields().toList() outputLayer = SextanteVectorWriter(output, None, fields, QGis.WKBPoint, count = 0 mean = [0 for field in fields] x = 0 y = 0 for ft in features: c = ft.geometry().centroid().asPoint() x += c.x() y += c.y() attrs = ft.attributes() for f in range(len(fields)): try: mean[f] += float(attrs[f].toDouble()[0]) except: pass count += 1
##value_field=field input ##output=output vector # Algorithm body # ================================== from qgis.core import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from sextante.core.SextanteVectorWriter import SextanteVectorWriter # "input" contains the location of the selected layer. # We get the actual object, so we can get its bounds layer = getobject(input) provider = layer.dataProvider() fields = provider.fields() fields.append(QgsField("UNIQ_COUNT", QVariant.Int)) writer = SextanteVectorWriter(output, None, fields, provider.geometryType(), # Fields are defined by their names, but QGIS needs the index for the attributes map class_field_index = layer.fieldNameIndex(class_field) value_field_index = layer.fieldNameIndex(value_field) inFeat = QgsFeature() outFeat = QgsFeature() inGeom = QgsGeometry() nElement = 0 classes = {} # Iterate over input layer to count unique values in each class feats = getfeatures(layer) nFeat = len(feates)
#Here we define the input and outputs #==================================== ##[Example scripts]=group ##input=vector ##output=output vector #And here is the body of the algorithm #======================================= #input layers values are always a string with its location. #That string can be converted into a QGIS object (a QgsVectorLayer in this case)) #using the Sextante.getObjectFromUri() method vectorLayer = QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri(input) #And now we can process #First we create the output layer. #To do so, we create a SextanteVectorWriter, that we can later use to add features. provider = vectorLayer.dataProvider() writer = SextanteVectorWriter(output, None, provider.fields(), provider.geometryType(), ) #Now we take the selected features and add them to the output layer selection = vectorLayer.selectedFeatures() for feat in selection: writer.addFeature(feat) del writer #There is nothing more to do here. We do not have to open the layer that we have created. #SEXTANTE will take care of that, or will handle it if this algorithm is executed within #a complex model
##input=vector ##output=output vector from sextante.core.SextanteVectorWriter import SextanteVectorWriter from qgis.core import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * inputLayer = sextante.getobject(input) features = sextante.getfeatures(inputLayer) fields = inputLayer.pendingFields().toList() outputLayer = SextanteVectorWriter(output, None, fields, QGis.WKBPoint, count = 0 mean = [0 for field in fields] x = 0 y = 0 for ft in features: c = ft.geometry().centroid().asPoint() x += c.x() y += c.y() attrs = ft.attributes() for f in range(len(fields)): try: mean[f] += float(attrs[f].toDouble()[0]) except: pass count += 1 if count != 0: mean = [value / count for value in mean] x /= count y /= count outFeat = QgsFeature()
fields = provider.fields() writers = {} # Fields are defined by their names, but QGIS needs the index for the attributes map class_field_index = layer.fieldNameIndex(class_field) inFeat = QgsFeature() outFeat = QgsFeature() inGeom = QgsGeometry() nElement = 0 writers = {} feats = sextante.getfeatures(layer) nFeat = len(feats) for inFeat in feats: progress.setPercentage(int((100 * nElement) / nFeat)) nElement += 1 atMap = inFeat.attributes() clazz = atMap[class_field_index].toString() if clazz not in writers: outputFile = output + "_" + str(len(writers)) + ".shp" writers[clazz] = SextanteVectorWriter(outputFile, None, fields, provider.geometryType(), inGeom = inFeat.geometry() outFeat.setGeometry(inGeom) outFeat.setAttributes(atMap) writers[clazz].addFeature(outFeat) for writer in writers.values(): del writer