def stopscanmulti(self, ids): global globalScanStatus # running scans dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) error = list() for id in ids.split(","): errState = False scaninfo = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "FINISHED" or scaninfo[5] == "FINISHED": error.append("Scan '" + scaninfo[0] + "' is in a finished state. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \ id + "&confirm=1'>Maybe you want to delete it instead?</a>") errState = True if not errState and (globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "ABORTED" or scaninfo[5] == "ABORTED"): error.append("Scan '" + scaninfo[0] + "' is already aborted.") errState = True if not errState and globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) is None: error.append("Scan '" + scaninfo[0] + "' is not actually running. A data consistency " + \ "error for this scan probably exists. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \ id + "&confirm=1'>Click here to delete it.</a>") errState = True if not errState: globalScanStatus.setStatus(id, "ABORT-REQUESTED") templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST', stoppedscan=True, errors=error, docroot=self.docroot)
def scanopts(self, id): ret = dict() dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) ret['config'] = dbh.scanConfigGet(id) ret['configdesc'] = dict() for key in ret['config'].keys(): if ':' not in key: ret['configdesc'][key] = self.config['__globaloptdescs__'][key] else: [modName, modOpt] = key.split(':') if modName not in self.config['__modules__'].keys(): continue if modOpt not in self.config['__modules__'][modName]['optdescs'].keys(): continue ret['configdesc'][key] = self.config['__modules__'][modName]['optdescs'][modOpt] sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) meta = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if meta[3] != 0: started = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(meta[3])) else: started = "Not yet" if meta[4] != 0: finished = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(meta[4])) else: finished = "Not yet" ret['meta'] = [meta[0], meta[1], meta[2], started, finished, meta[5]] return json.dumps(ret)
def searchBase(self, id=None, eventType=None, value=None): regex = "" if [id, eventType, value].count('') == 2 or \ [id, eventType, value].count(None) == 2: return None if value.startswith("/") and value.endswith("/"): regex = value[1:len(value) - 1] value = "" value = value.replace('*', '%') if value in [None, ""] and regex in [None, ""]: value = "%" regex = "" dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) criteria = { 'scan_id': None if id == '' else id, 'type': None if eventType == '' else eventType, 'value': None if value == '' else value, 'regex': None if regex == '' else regex } data = retdata = [] for row in data: lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0])) escapeddata = cgi.escape(row[1]) escapedsrc = cgi.escape(row[2]) retdata.append([lastseen, escapeddata, escapedsrc, row[3], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[10], row[11], row[4], row[13], row[14]]) return retdata
def savesettingsraw(self, allopts, token): if str(token) != str(self.token): return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Invalid token (" + str(self.token) + ")."]) try: dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) # Reset config to default if allopts == "RESET": dbh.configClear() # Clear it in the DB self.config = deepcopy(self.defaultConfig) # Clear in memory else: useropts = json.loads(allopts) cleanopts = dict() for opt in useropts.keys(): cleanopts[opt] = self.cleanUserInput([useropts[opt]])[0] currentopts = deepcopy(self.config) # Make a new config where the user options override # the current system config. sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) self.config = sf.configUnserialize(cleanopts, currentopts) dbh.configSet(sf.configSerialize(currentopts)) except Exception as e: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Processing one or more of your inputs failed: " + str(e)]) return json.dumps(["SUCCESS", ""])
def newscan(self): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) types = dbh.eventTypes() templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(pageid='NEWSCAN', types=types, docroot=self.docroot, modules=self.config['__modules__'], scanname="", selectedmods="", scantarget="")
def resultsetfp(self, id, resultids, fp): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) if fp not in ["0", "1"]: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "No FP flag set or not set correctly."]) ids = json.loads(resultids) if not ids: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "No IDs supplied."]) # Cannot set FPs if a scan is not completed status = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if status[5] not in [ "ABORTED", "FINISHED", "ERROR-FAILED" ]: return json.dumps(["WARNING", "Scan must be in a finished state when " + \ "setting False Positives."]) # Make sure the user doesn't set something as non-FP when the # parent is set as an FP. if fp == "0": data = dbh.scanElementSourcesDirect(id, ids) for row in data: if str(row[14]) == "1": return json.dumps(["WARNING", "You cannot unset an element as False Positive " + \ "if a parent element is still False Positive."]); # Set all the children as FPs too.. it's only logical afterall, right? childs = dbh.scanElementChildrenAll(id, ids) allIds = ids + childs ret = dbh.scanResultsUpdateFP(id, allIds, fp) if not ret: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Exception encountered."]) else: return json.dumps(["SUCCESS", ""])
def savesettings(self, allopts, token): if str(token) != str(self.token): return self.error("Invalid token (" + str(self.token) + ").") try: dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) # Reset config to default if allopts == "RESET": dbh.configClear() # Clear it in the DB self.config = deepcopy(self.defaultConfig) # Clear in memory else: useropts = json.loads(allopts) cleanopts = dict() for opt in useropts.keys(): cleanopts[opt] = self.cleanUserInput([useropts[opt]])[0] currentopts = deepcopy(self.config) # Make a new config where the user options override # the current system config. sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) self.config = sf.configUnserialize(cleanopts, currentopts) dbh.configSet(sf.configSerialize(currentopts)) except Exception as e: return self.error("Processing one or more of your inputs failed: " + str(e)) templ = Template(filename='dyn/opts.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) self.token = random.randint(0, 99999999) return templ.render(opts=self.config, pageid='SETTINGS', updated=True, docroot=self.docroot, token=self.token)
def clonescan(self, id): sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) types = dbh.eventTypes() info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id) scanname = info[0] scantarget = info[1] targetType = None if scanname == "" or scantarget == "" or len(scanconfig) == 0: return self.error("Something went wrong internally.") targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget) if targetType == None: # It must be a name, so wrap quotes around it scantarget = """ + scantarget + """ modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',') templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(pageid='NEWSCAN', types=types, docroot=self.docroot, modules=self.config['__modules__'], selectedmods=modlist, scanname=unicode(scanname, 'utf-8', errors='replace'), scantarget=unicode(scantarget, 'utf-8', errors='replace'))
def scanexportjsonmulti(self, ids): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) scaninfo = dict() for id in ids.split(','): scan_name = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)[0] if scan_name not in scaninfo: scaninfo[scan_name] = [] for row in dbh.scanResultEvent(id): lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0])) event_data = str(row[1]).replace("<SFURL>", "").replace("</SFURL>", "") source_data = str(row[2]) source_module = str(row[3]) event_type = row[4] false_positive = row[13] if event_type == "ROOT": continue scaninfo[scan_name].append({ "data": event_data, "type": event_type, "source_module": source_module, "source_data": source_data, "false_positive": false_positive, "lastseen": lastseen }) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=SpiderFoot.json" cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json; charset=utf-8" cherrypy.response.headers['Pragma'] = "no-cache" return json.dumps(scaninfo)
def scaninfo(self, id): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) res = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if res == None: return self.error("Scan ID not found.") templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(id=id, name=res[0], status=res[5], pageid='SCANLIST')
def scaneventresultsunique(self, id, eventType, filterfp=False): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) data = dbh.scanResultEventUnique(id, eventType, filterfp) retdata = [] for row in data: escaped = cgi.escape(row[0]) retdata.append([escaped, row[1], row[2]]) return json.dumps(retdata, ensure_ascii=False)
def scanlog(self, id): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) data = dbh.scanLogs(id) retdata = [] for row in data: generated = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0]/1000)) retdata.append([generated, row[1], row[2], cgi.escape(row[3])]) return json.dumps(retdata)
def scansummary(self, id): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) data = dbh.scanResultSummary(id) retdata = [] for row in data: lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[2])) retdata.append([row[0], row[1], lastseen, row[3], row[4]]) return json.dumps(retdata)
def __init__(self, config): self.defaultConfig = deepcopy(config) dbh = SpiderFootDb(config) # 'config' supplied will be the defaults, let's supplement them # now with any configuration which may have previously been # saved. sf = SpiderFoot(config) self.config = sf.configUnserialize(dbh.configGet(), config)
def scanelementtypediscovery(self, id, eventType): keepGoing = True sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) pc = dict() datamap = dict() # Get the events we will be tracing back from leafSet = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, eventType) # Get the first round of source IDs for the leafs nextIds = list() for row in leafSet: # these must be unique values! parentId = row[9] childId = row[8] datamap[childId] = row if pc.has_key(parentId): if childId not in pc[parentId]: pc[parentId].append(childId) else: pc[parentId] = [ childId ] # parents of the leaf set if parentId not in nextIds: nextIds.append(parentId) while keepGoing: parentSet = dbh.scanElementSources(id, nextIds) nextIds = list() keepGoing = False for row in parentSet: parentId = row[9] childId = row[8] datamap[childId] = row #print childId + " = " + str(row) if pc.has_key(parentId): if childId not in pc[parentId]: pc[parentId].append(childId) else: pc[parentId] = [ childId ] if parentId not in nextIds: nextIds.append(parentId) # Prevent us from looping at root if parentId != "ROOT": keepGoing = True datamap[parentId] = row #print pc retdata = dict() retdata['tree'] = sf.dataParentChildToTree(pc) retdata['data'] = datamap return json.dumps(retdata, ensure_ascii=False)
def scanstatus(self, id): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) data = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) created = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(data[2])) started = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(data[3])) ended = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(data[4])) retdata = [data[0], data[1], created, started, ended, data[5]] return json.dumps(retdata)
def scaninfo(self, id): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) res = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if res is None: return self.error("Scan ID not found.") templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup, disable_unicode=True, input_encoding='utf-8') return templ.render(id=id, name=cgi.escape(res[0]), status=res[5], docroot=self.docroot, pageid="SCANLIST")
def scaneventresults(self, id, eventType): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) data = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, eventType) retdata = [] for row in data: lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0])) escaped = cgi.escape(row[1]) retdata.append([lastseen, escaped, row[2], row[3], row[5], row[6], row[7]]) return json.dumps(retdata, ensure_ascii=False)
def scanerrors(self, id, limit=None): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) data = dbh.scanErrors(id, limit) retdata = [] for row in data: generated = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0] / 1000)) retdata.append([generated, row[1], cgi.escape(unicode(row[2], errors='replace'))]) return json.dumps(retdata)
def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist, typelist): modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally modlist = list() sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) types = dbh.eventTypes() [scanname, scantarget] = self.cleanUserInput([scanname, scantarget]) if scanname == "" or scantarget == "": return self.error("Form incomplete.") if typelist == "" and modulelist == "": return self.error("Form incomplete.") if modulelist != "": modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',') else: typesx = typelist.replace('type_', '').split(',') # 1. Find all modules that produce the requested types modlist = sf.modulesProducing(typesx) newmods = deepcopy(modlist) newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods) # 2. For each type those modules consume, get modules producing while len(newmodcpy) > 0: for etype in sf.eventsToModules(newmodcpy): xmods = sf.modulesProducing([etype]) for mod in xmods: if mod not in modlist: modlist.append(mod) newmods.append(mod) newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods) newmods = list() # Add our mandatory storage module.. if "sfp__stor_db" not in modlist: modlist.append("sfp__stor_db") modlist.sort() # For now we don't permit multiple simultaneous scans for thread in threading.enumerate(): if"SF_"): templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(modules=self.config['__modules__'], alreadyRunning=True,[3:], types=types, pageid="NEWSCAN") # Start running a new scan self.scanner = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), modlist, self.config, modopts) t = threading.Thread(name="SF_" + scanname, target=self.scanner.startScan) t.start() templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(id=self.scanner.myId, name=scanname, status=self.scanner.status, pageid="SCANLIST")
def eventtypes(self): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) types = dbh.eventTypes() ret = list() for r in types: ret.append([r[1], r[0]]) ret = sorted(ret, key=itemgetter(0)) return json.dumps(ret)
def scandelete(self, id, confirm=None): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) res = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if res == None: return self.error("Scan ID not found.") if confirm != None: dbh.scanInstanceDelete(id) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/") else: templ = Template(filename='dyn/scandelete.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(id=id, name=res[0])
def scaneventresultexport(self, id, type, dialect="excel"): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) data = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, type) fileobj = StringIO() parser = csv.writer(fileobj, dialect=dialect) parser.writerow(["Updated", "Type", "Module", "Source", "Data"]) for row in data: lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0])) parser.writerow([lastseen, str(row[4]), str(row[3]), str(row[2]), str(row[1])]) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=SpiderFoot.csv" cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/csv" cherrypy.response.headers['Pragma'] = "no-cache" return fileobj.getvalue()
def scandelete(self, id, confirm=None): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) res = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if res is None: return self.error("Scan ID not found.") if confirm is not None: dbh.scanInstanceDelete(id) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/") else: templ = Template(filename='dyn/scandelete.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(id=id, name=res[0], names=list(), ids=list(), pageid="SCANLIST", docroot=self.docroot)
def scaneventresultexport(self, id, type): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) data = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, type) blob = "\"Updated\",\"Type\",\"Module\",\"Source\",\"Data\"\n" for row in data: lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0])) escapedData = cgi.escape(row[1].replace("\n", "#LB#").replace("\r", "#LB#")) escapedSrc = cgi.escape(row[2].replace("\n", "#LB#").replace("\r", "#LB#")) blob = blob + "\"" + lastseen + "\",\"" + row[4] + "\",\"" blob = blob + row[3] + "\",\"" + escapedSrc + "\",\"" + escapedData + "\"\n" cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=SpiderFoot.csv" cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/csv" cherrypy.response.headers['Pragma'] = "no-cache" return blob
def scanviz(self, id, gexf="0"): types = list() dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) data = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, filterFp=True) scan = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) root = scan[1] if gexf != "0": cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=SpiderFoot.gexf" cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/gexf" cherrypy.response.headers['Pragma'] = "no-cache" return sf.buildGraphGexf([root], "SpiderFoot Export", data) else: return sf.buildGraphJson([root], data)
def savesettings(self, allopts, token, configFile=None): if str(token) != str(self.token): return self.error("Invalid token (" + str(self.token) + ").") if configFile: # configFile seems to get set even if a file isn't uploaded if configFile.file: contents = try: tmp = dict() for line in contents.split("\n"): if "=" not in line: continue l = line.strip().split("=") if len(l) == 1: l[1] = "" tmp[l[0]] = l[1] allopts = json.dumps(tmp) except BaseException as e: return self.error("Failed to parse input file. Was it generated from SpiderFoot? (" + str(e) + ")") try: dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) # Reset config to default if allopts == "RESET": dbh.configClear() # Clear it in the DB self.config = deepcopy(self.defaultConfig) # Clear in memory else: useropts = json.loads(allopts) cleanopts = dict() for opt in useropts.keys(): cleanopts[opt] = self.cleanUserInput([useropts[opt]])[0] currentopts = deepcopy(self.config) # Make a new config where the user options override # the current system config. sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) self.config = sf.configUnserialize(cleanopts, currentopts) dbh.configSet(sf.configSerialize(self.config)) except Exception as e: return self.error("Processing one or more of your inputs failed: " + str(e)) templ = Template(filename='dyn/opts.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) self.token = random.randint(0, 99999999) return templ.render(opts=self.config, pageid='SETTINGS', updated=True, docroot=self.docroot, token=self.token)
def scanlist(self): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) data = dbh.scanInstanceList() retdata = [] for row in data: created = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[3])) if row[4] != 0: started = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[4])) else: started = "Not yet" if row[5] != 0: finished = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[5])) else: finished = "Not yet" retdata.append([row[0], row[1], row[2], created, started, finished, row[6], row[7]]) return json.dumps(retdata)
def scanelementtypediscovery(self, id, eventType): sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) pc = dict() datamap = dict() # Get the events we will be tracing back from leafSet = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, eventType) [datamap, pc] = dbh.scanElementSourcesAll(id, leafSet) # Delete the ROOT key as it adds no value from a viz perspective del pc['ROOT'] retdata = dict() retdata['tree'] = sf.dataParentChildToTree(pc) retdata['data'] = datamap return json.dumps(retdata, ensure_ascii=False)
def clonescan(self, id): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) types = dbh.eventTypes() info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id) scanname = info[0] scantarget = info[1] targetType = None if scanname == "" or scantarget == "" or len(scanconfig) == 0: return self.error("Something went wrong internally.") modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',') templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(pageid='NEWSCAN', types=types, docroot=self.docroot, modules=self.config['__modules__'], selectedmods=modlist, scanname=scanname, scantarget=scantarget)
def scaneventresultexportmulti(self, ids, dialect="excel"): """Get scan event result data in CSV format for multiple scans Args: ids (str): comma separated list of scan IDs dialect (str): TBD Returns: string: results in CSV format """ dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) scaninfo = dict() data = list() for id in ids.split(','): scaninfo[id] = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) data = data + dbh.scanResultEvent(id) fileobj = StringIO() parser = csv.writer(fileobj, dialect=dialect) parser.writerow([ "Scan Name", "Updated", "Type", "Module", "Source", "F/P", "Data" ]) for row in data: if row[4] == "ROOT": continue lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0])) datafield = str(row[1]).replace("<SFURL>", "").replace("</SFURL>", "") parser.writerow([ scaninfo[row[12]][0], lastseen, str(row[4]), str(row[3]), str(row[2]), row[13], datafield ]) cherrypy.response.headers[ 'Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=SpiderFoot.csv" cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/csv" cherrypy.response.headers['Pragma'] = "no-cache" return fileobj.getvalue().encode("Utf-8")
def rerunscanmulti(self, ids): # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan cfg = deepcopy(self.config) modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally modlist = list() sf = SpiderFoot(cfg) dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg) for id in ids.split(","): info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id) scanname = info[0] scantarget = info[1] targetType = None if len(scanconfig) == 0: return self.error("Something went wrong internally.") modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',') targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget) if targetType == None: # Should never be triggered for a re-run scan.. return self.error("Invalid target type. Could not recognize it as " + \ "an IP address, IP subnet, domain name or host name.") # Start running a new scan newId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname) t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), targetType, newId, modlist, cfg, modopts) t.start() # Wait until the scan has initialized while globalScanStatus.getStatus(newId) == None: print "[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize..." time.sleep(1) templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(rerunscans=True, docroot=self.docroot, pageid="SCANLIST")
def test_scan_result_summary_invalid_type_should_raise(self): """ Test scanResultSummary(self, instanceId, by="type") """ sfdb = SpiderFootDb(self.default_options, False) invalid_types = [None, list(), dict()] for invalid_type in invalid_types: with self.subTest(invalid_type=invalid_type): with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: scan_results_summary = sfdb.scanResultSummary(invalid_type) instance_id = "example instance id" invalid_types = [None, list(), dict()] for invalid_type in invalid_types: with self.subTest(invalid_type=invalid_type): with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: scan_results_summary = sfdb.scanResultSummary(instance_id, None) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: scan_results_summary = sfdb.scanResultSummary(instance_id, "invalid filter type")
def scaneventresultexport(self, id, type, dialect="excel"): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) data = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, type) fileobj = StringIO() parser = csv.writer(fileobj, dialect=dialect) parser.writerow(["Updated", "Type", "Module", "Source", "Data"]) for row in data: lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0])) datafield = str(row[1]).replace("<SFURL>", "").replace("</SFURL>", "") parser.writerow( [lastseen, str(row[4]), str(row[3]), str(row[2]), datafield]) cherrypy.response.headers[ 'Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=SpiderFoot.csv" cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/csv" cherrypy.response.headers['Pragma'] = "no-cache" return fileobj.getvalue()
def test_scanEventStore_argument_sfEvent_with_empty_module_property_value_should_raise_ValueError(self): """ Test scanEventStore(self, instanceId, sfEvent, truncateSize=0) """ sfdb = SpiderFootDb(self.default_options, False) event_type = 'ROOT' event_data = 'example data' module = '' source_event = '' source_event = SpiderFootEvent(event_type, event_data, module, source_event) event_type = 'example event type' event_data = 'example event data' module = 'example module' event = SpiderFootEvent(event_type, event_data, module, source_event) instance_id = "example instance id" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: event.module = '' sfdb.scanEventStore(instance_id, event)
def scandeletemulti(self, ids, confirm=None): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) names = list() for id in ids.split(','): res = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) names.append(unicode(res[0], 'utf-8', errors='replace')) if res is None: return self.error("Scan ID not found (" + id + ").") if res[5] in [ "RUNNING", "STARTING", "STARTED" ]: return self.error("You cannot delete running scans.") if confirm is not None: for id in ids.split(','): dbh.scanInstanceDelete(id) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(self.docroot) else: templ = Template(filename='dyn/scandelete.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(id=None, name=None, ids=ids.split(','), names=names, pageid="SCANLIST", docroot=self.docroot)
def scaneventresultsunique(self, id, eventType, filterfp=False): """Unique event results for a scan Args: id (str): scan ID eventType (str): filter by event type filterfp: TBD """ dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) retdata = [] try: data = dbh.scanResultEventUnique(id, eventType, filterfp) except Exception: return json.dumps(retdata) for row in data: escaped = html.escape(row[0]) retdata.append([escaped, row[1], row[2]]) return json.dumps(retdata, ensure_ascii=False)
def test_search_invalid_criteria_should_raise(self): """ Test search(self, criteria, filterFp=False) """ sfdb = SpiderFootDb(self.default_options, False) invalid_types = [None, "", list()] for invalid_type in invalid_types: with self.subTest(invalid_type=invalid_type): with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: search_results =, False) criteria = { 'scan_id': None, 'type': None, 'value': None, 'regex': None } with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: search_results =, False)
def scansummary(self, id, by): retdata = [] dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) try: scandata = dbh.scanResultSummary(id, by) except: return json.dumps(retdata) try: statusdata = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) except: return json.dumps(retdata) for row in scandata: if row[0] == "ROOT": continue lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[2])) retdata.append([row[0], row[1], lastseen, row[3], row[4], statusdata[5]]) return json.dumps(retdata)
def savesettings(self, allopts, token): if str(token) != str(self.token): return self.error("Invalid token (" + str(self.token) + ").") try: dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) # Reset config to default if allopts == "RESET": dbh.configClear() # Clear it in the DB self.config = deepcopy(self.defaultConfig) # Clear in memory else: useropts = json.loads(allopts) cleanopts = dict() for opt in useropts.keys(): cleanopts[opt] = self.cleanUserInput([useropts[opt]])[0] currentopts = deepcopy(self.config) # Make a new config where the user options override # the current system config. sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) self.config = sf.configUnserialize(cleanopts, currentopts) dbh.configSet(sf.configSerialize(currentopts)) except Exception as e: return self.error( "Processing one or more of your inputs failed: " + str(e)) templ = Template(filename='dyn/opts.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) self.token = random.randint(0, 99999999) return templ.render(opts=self.config, pageid='SETTINGS', updated=True, docroot=self.docroot, token=self.token)
def stopscan(self, id, cli=None): global globalScanStatus dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) scaninfo = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if scaninfo is None: if not cli: return self.error("Invalid scan ID.") else: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Invalid scan ID."]) if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) is None: if not cli: return self.error("That scan is not actually running. A data consistency " + \ "error for this scan probably exists. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \ id + "&confirm=1'>Click here to delete it.</a>") else: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Scan doesn't appear to be running."]) if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "ABORTED": if not cli: return self.error("The scan is already aborted.") else: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Scan already aborted."]) if not globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "RUNNING": if not cli: return self.error("The running scan is currently in the state '" + \ globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) + "', please try again later or restart " + \ " SpiderFoot.") else: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Scan in an invalid state for stopping."]) globalScanStatus.setStatus(id, "ABORT-REQUESTED") if not cli: templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST', stoppedscan=True, docroot=self.docroot, errors=list()) else: return json.dumps(["SUCCESS", ""])
def scanexportjsonmulti(self, ids): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) scaninfo = dict() for id in ids.split(','): scan = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if scan is None: continue scan_name = scan[0] if scan_name not in scaninfo: scaninfo[scan_name] = [] for row in dbh.scanResultEvent(id): lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0])) event_data = str(row[1]).replace("<SFURL>", "").replace("</SFURL>", "") source_data = str(row[2]) source_module = str(row[3]) event_type = row[4] false_positive = row[13] if event_type == "ROOT": continue scaninfo[scan_name].append({ "data": event_data, "type": event_type, "source_module": source_module, "source_data": source_data, "false_positive": false_positive, "lastseen": lastseen }) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=SpiderFoot.json" cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json; charset=utf-8" cherrypy.response.headers['Pragma'] = "no-cache" return json.dumps(scaninfo)
def resultsetfp(self, id, resultids, fp): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) if fp not in ["0", "1"]: return json.dumps( ["ERROR", "No FP flag set or not set correctly."]) ids = json.loads(resultids) if not ids: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "No IDs supplied."]) # Cannot set FPs if a scan is not completed status = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if status[5] not in ["ABORTED", "FINISHED", "ERROR-FAILED"]: return json.dumps(["WARNING", "Scan must be in a finished state when " + \ "setting False Positives."]) # Make sure the user doesn't set something as non-FP when the # parent is set as an FP. if fp == "0": data = dbh.scanElementSourcesDirect(id, ids) for row in data: if str(row[14]) == "1": return json.dumps(["WARNING", "You cannot unset an element as False Positive " + \ "if a parent element is still False Positive."]) # Set all the children as FPs too.. it's only logical afterall, right? childs = dbh.scanElementChildrenAll(id, ids) allIds = ids + childs ret = dbh.scanResultsUpdateFP(id, allIds, fp) if not ret: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Exception encountered."]) else: return json.dumps(["SUCCESS", ""])
def savesettingsraw(self, allopts, token): if str(token) != str(self.token): return json.dumps( ["ERROR", "Invalid token (" + str(self.token) + ")."]) try: dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) # Reset config to default if allopts == "RESET": dbh.configClear() # Clear it in the DB self.config = deepcopy(self.defaultConfig) # Clear in memory else: useropts = json.loads(allopts) cleanopts = dict() for opt in list(useropts.keys()): cleanopts[opt] = self.cleanUserInput([useropts[opt]])[0] currentopts = deepcopy(self.config) # Make a new config where the user options override # the current system config. sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) self.config = sf.configUnserialize(cleanopts, currentopts) dbh.configSet(sf.configSerialize(self.config)) except Exception as e: return json.dumps([ "ERROR", "Processing one or more of your inputs failed: " + str(e) ]) return json.dumps(["SUCCESS", ""])
def stopscan(self, id, cli=None): """Stop a scan. Args: id (str): scan ID cli: TBD """ dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) scaninfo = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if not scaninfo: if cli: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Invalid scan ID."]) return self.error("Invalid scan ID.") scanstatus = scaninfo[5] if scanstatus == "ABORTED": if cli: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Scan already aborted."]) return self.error("The scan is already aborted.") if not scanstatus == "RUNNING": if cli: return json.dumps( ["ERROR", "Scan in an invalid state for stopping."]) return self.error( "The running scan is currently in the state '%s', please try again later or restart SpiderFoot." % scanstatus) dbh.scanInstanceSet(id, status="ABORT-REQUESTED") if cli: return json.dumps(["SUCCESS", ""]) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/")
def __init__(self, config): self.defaultConfig = deepcopy(config) dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.defaultConfig) # 'config' supplied will be the defaults, let's supplement them # now with any configuration which may have previously been # saved. sf = SpiderFoot(self.defaultConfig) self.config = sf.configUnserialize(dbh.configGet(), self.defaultConfig) if self.config['__webaddr'] == "": addr = "<IP of this host>" else: addr = self.config['__webaddr'] self.docroot = self.config['__docroot'].rstrip('/') cherrypy.config.update({ 'error_page.404': self.error_page_404, 'request.error_response': self.error_page }) secure_headers = SecureHeaders() cherrypy.config.update({ "tools.response_headers.on": True, "tools.response_headers.headers": secure_headers.cherrypy() }) print("") print("") print("*************************************************************") print(" Use SpiderFoot by starting your web browser of choice and ") print(" browse to http://" + addr + ":" + str(self.config['__webport']) + self.docroot) print("*************************************************************") print("") print("")
def scanerrors(self, id, limit=None): """Scan error data Args: id (str): scan ID limit: TBD """ dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) retdata = [] try: data = dbh.scanErrors(id, limit) except Exception: return json.dumps(retdata) for row in data: generated = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0] / 1000)) retdata.append([generated, row[1], html.escape(str(row[2]))]) return json.dumps(retdata)
def stopscanmulti(self, ids): global globalScanStatus # running scans dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) error = list() for id in ids.split(","): errState = False scaninfo = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if scaninfo is None: return self.error("Invalid scan ID specified.") scanname = str(scaninfo[0]) if globalScanStatus.getStatus( id) == "FINISHED" or scaninfo[5] == "FINISHED": error.append("Scan '" + scanname + "' is in a finished state. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \ id + "&confirm=1'>Maybe you want to delete it instead?</a>") errState = True if not errState and (globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "ABORTED" or scaninfo[5] == "ABORTED"): error.append("Scan '" + scanname + "' is already aborted.") errState = True if not errState and globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) is None: error.append("Scan '" + scanname + "' is not actually running. A data consistency " + \ "error for this scan probably exists. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \ id + "&confirm=1'>Click here to delete it.</a>") errState = True if not errState: globalScanStatus.setStatus(id, "ABORT-REQUESTED") templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST', stoppedscan=True, errors=error, docroot=self.docroot)
def clonescan(self, id): """ Clone an existing scan (pre-selected options in the newscan page) Args: id (str): scan ID to clone """ sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) types = dbh.eventTypes() info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if not info: return self.error("Invalid scan ID.") scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id) scanname = info[0] scantarget = info[1] targetType = None if scanname == "" or scantarget == "" or len(scanconfig) == 0: return self.error("Something went wrong internally.") targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget) if targetType is None: # It must be a name, so wrap quotes around it scantarget = """ + scantarget + """ modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',') templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(pageid='NEWSCAN', types=types, docroot=self.docroot, modules=self.config['__modules__'], selectedmods=modlist, scanname=str(scanname), scantarget=str(scantarget))
def __init__(self, config): self.defaultConfig = deepcopy(config) dbh = SpiderFootDb(config) # 'config' supplied will be the defaults, let's supplement them # now with any configuration which may have previously been # saved. sf = SpiderFoot(config) self.config = sf.configUnserialize(dbh.configGet(), config) if self.config['__webaddr'] == "": addr = "<IP of this host>" else: addr = self.config['__webaddr'] print "" print "" print "*************************************************************" print " Use SpiderFoot by starting your web browser of choice and " print " browse to http://" + addr + ":" + str(self.config['__webport']) print "*************************************************************" print "" print ""
def scanopts(self, id): ret = dict() dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) ret['config'] = dbh.scanConfigGet(id) ret['configdesc'] = dict() for key in ret['config'].keys(): if ':' not in key: ret['configdesc'][key] = self.config['__globaloptdescs__'][key] else: [modName, modOpt] = key.split(':') if modName not in self.config['__modules__'].keys(): continue if modOpt not in self.config['__modules__'][modName][ 'optdescs'].keys(): continue ret['configdesc'][key] = self.config['__modules__'][modName][ 'optdescs'][modOpt] sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) meta = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if not meta: return json.dumps([]) if meta[3] != 0: started = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(meta[3])) else: started = "Not yet" if meta[4] != 0: finished = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(meta[4])) else: finished = "Not yet" ret['meta'] = [meta[0], meta[1], meta[2], started, finished, meta[5]] return json.dumps(ret)
def scanlist(self): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) data = dbh.scanInstanceList() retdata = [] for row in data: created = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[3])) if row[4] != 0: started = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[4])) else: started = "Not yet" if row[5] != 0: finished = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[5])) else: finished = "Not yet" retdata.append([ row[0], row[1], row[2], created, started, finished, row[6], row[7] ]) return json.dumps(retdata)
def query(self, query): data = None dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) if not query.lower().startswith("select"): return json.dumps([ "ERROR", "Non-SELECTs are unpredictable and not recommended." ]) try: ret = dbh.dbh.execute(query) data = ret.fetchall() except BaseException as e: return json.dumps(["ERROR", str(e)]) return json.dumps(data)
def searchBase(self, id=None, eventType=None, value=None): regex = "" if [id, eventType, value].count('') == 2 or \ [id, eventType, value].count(None) == 2: return None if value.startswith("/") and value.endswith("/"): regex = value[1:len(value) - 1] value = "" value = value.replace('*', '%') if value in [None, ""] and regex in [None, ""]: value = "%" regex = "" dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) criteria = { 'scan_id': None if id == '' else id, 'type': None if eventType == '' else eventType, 'value': None if value == '' else value, 'regex': None if regex == '' else regex } data = retdata = [] for row in data: lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0])) escapeddata = cgi.escape(row[1]) escapedsrc = cgi.escape(row[2]) retdata.append([ lastseen, escapeddata, escapedsrc, row[3], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[10], row[11], row[4], row[13], row[14] ]) return retdata
def scanelementtypediscovery(self, id, eventType): """scan element type discovery Args: id: TBD eventType (str): filter by event type """ sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) pc = dict() datamap = dict() # Get the events we will be tracing back from leafSet = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, eventType) [datamap, pc] = dbh.scanElementSourcesAll(id, leafSet) # Delete the ROOT key as it adds no value from a viz perspective del pc['ROOT'] retdata = dict() retdata['tree'] = sf.dataParentChildToTree(pc) retdata['data'] = datamap return json.dumps(retdata, ensure_ascii=False)
def scandelete(self, id, confirm=None, raw=False): dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) res = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id) if res is None: if not raw: return self.error("Scan ID not found.") else: return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Scan ID not found."]) if confirm is not None: dbh.scanInstanceDelete(id) if not raw: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/") else: return json.dumps(["SUCCESS", ""]) else: templ = Template(filename='dyn/scandelete.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) return templ.render(id=id, name=str(res[0]), names=list(), ids=list(), pageid="SCANLIST", docroot=self.docroot)
def query(self, query): data = None dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json; charset=utf-8" if not query.lower().startswith("select"): return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Non-SELECTs are unpredictable and not recommended."]) try: ret = dbh.dbh.execute(query) data = ret.fetchall() except BaseException as e: return json.dumps(["ERROR", str(e)]) return json.dumps(data)
def savesettings(self, allopts, token, configFile=None): if str(token) != str(self.token): return self.error("Invalid token (" + str(self.token) + ").") if configFile: # configFile seems to get set even if a file isn't uploaded if configFile.file: contents = if type(contents) == bytes: contents = contents.decode("utf-8") try: tmp = dict() for line in contents.split("\n"): if "=" not in line: continue l = line.strip().split("=") if len(l) == 1: l[1] = "" tmp[l[0]] = l[1] allopts = json.dumps(tmp) except BaseException as e: return self.error( "Failed to parse input file. Was it generated from SpiderFoot? (" + str(e) + ")") try: dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config) # Reset config to default if allopts == "RESET": dbh.configClear() # Clear it in the DB self.config = deepcopy(self.defaultConfig) # Clear in memory else: useropts = json.loads(allopts) cleanopts = dict() for opt in list(useropts.keys()): cleanopts[opt] = self.cleanUserInput([useropts[opt]])[0] currentopts = deepcopy(self.config) # Make a new config where the user options override # the current system config. sf = SpiderFoot(self.config) self.config = sf.configUnserialize(cleanopts, currentopts) dbh.configSet(sf.configSerialize(self.config)) except Exception as e: return self.error( "Processing one or more of your inputs failed: " + str(e)) templ = Template(filename='dyn/opts.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup) self.token = random.SystemRandom().randint(0, 99999999) return templ.render(opts=self.config, pageid='SETTINGS', updated=True, docroot=self.docroot, token=self.token)
def test_config_set_invalid_optmap_should_raise(self): """ Test configSet(self, optMap=dict()) """ sfdb = SpiderFootDb(self.default_options, False) invalid_types = [None, "", list()] for invalid_type in invalid_types: with self.subTest(invalid_type=invalid_type): with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: scan_result_event = sfdb.scanResultEventUnique("", invalid_type, None) sfdb.configSet(invalid_type) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: sfdb.configSet(dict())