예제 #1
def main():
    import os
    from sfepy.base.base import spause, output
    from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
    from sfepy.discrete import Problem
    import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb

    parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s')
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-pauses',
                        action="store_true", dest='no_pauses',
                        default=False, help=helps['no_pauses'])
    options = parser.parse_args()

    if options.no_pauses:
        def spause(*args):


First, this file will be read in place of an input
(problem description) file.
Press 'q' to quit the example, press any other key to continue...""")
    required, other = get_standard_keywords()
    # Use this file as the input file.
    conf = ProblemConf.from_file(__file__, required, other)
...the read input as a dict (keys only for brevity).
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")

Now the input will be used to create a Problem instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")
    problem = Problem.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False)
    # The homogenization mini-apps need the output_dir.
    output_dir = ''
    problem.output_dir = output_dir
...the Problem instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")

The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$ is expressed
using $\Pi$ operators, computed now. In fact, those operators are permuted
coordinates of the mesh nodes.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")
    req = conf.requirements['pis']
    mini_app = cb.ShapeDimDim('pis', problem, req)
    pis = mini_app()
...the $\Pi$ operators.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")

Next, $E_{ijkl}$ needs so called steady state correctors $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$,
computed now.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")
    req = conf.requirements['corrs_rs']

    save_name = req.get('save_name', '')
    name = os.path.join(output_dir, save_name)

    mini_app = cb.CorrDimDim('steady rs correctors', problem, req)
    corrs_rs = mini_app(data={'pis': pis})
...the $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$ correctors.
The results are saved in: %s.%s

Try to display them with:

   python postproc.py %s.%s

['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" % (2 * (name, problem.output_format)))

Then the volume of the domain is needed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")
    volume = problem.evaluate('d_volume.i3.Y(uc)')

...the volume.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")

Finally, $E_{ijkl}$ can be computed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""")
    mini_app = cb.CoefSymSym('homogenized elastic tensor',
                             problem, conf.coefs['E'])
    c_e = mini_app(volume, data={'pis': pis, 'corrs_rs' : corrs_rs})
The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$, symmetric storage
with rows, columns in 11, 22, 12 ordering:""")
예제 #2
def main():
    import os
    from sfepy.base.base import spause, output
    from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
    from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition
    import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb

    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version='%prog')
    parser.add_option('-n', '--no-pauses',
                      action="store_true", dest='no_pauses',
                      default=False, help=help['no_pauses'])
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    if options.no_pauses:
        def spause(*args):

    nm.set_printoptions( precision = 3 )

    spause( r""">>>
First, this file will be read in place of an input
(problem description) file.
Press 'q' to quit the example, press any other key to continue...""" )
    required, other = get_standard_keywords()
    required.remove( 'equations' )
    # Use this file as the input file.
    conf = ProblemConf.from_file( __file__, required, other )
    print conf.to_dict().keys()
    spause( r""">>>
...the read input as a dict (keys only for brevity).
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Now the input will be used to create a ProblemDefinition instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False)
    # The homogenization mini-apps need the output_dir.
    output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'output')
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
    problem.output_dir = output_dir
    print problem
    spause( r""">>>
...the ProblemDefinition instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$ is expressed
using $\Pi$ operators, computed now. In fact, those operators are permuted
coordinates of the mesh nodes.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    req = conf.requirements['pis']
    mini_app = cb.ShapeDimDim( 'pis', problem, req )
    pis = mini_app()
    print pis
    spause( r""">>>
...the $\Pi$ operators.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Next, $E_{ijkl}$ needs so called steady state correctors $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$,
computed now.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    req = conf.requirements['corrs_rs']

    save_name = req.get( 'save_name', '' )
    name = os.path.join( output_dir, save_name )

    mini_app = cb.CorrDimDim('steady rs correctors', problem, req)
    corrs_rs = mini_app( data = {'pis': pis} )
    print corrs_rs
    spause( r""">>>
...the $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$ correctors.
The results are saved in: %s.%s

Try to display them with:

   python postproc.py %s.%s

['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" % (2 * (name, problem.output_format)) )

    spause( r""">>>
Then the volume of the domain is needed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    volume = problem.evaluate('d_volume.i3.Y( uc )')
    print volume

    spause( r""">>>
...the volume.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Finally, $E_{ijkl}$ can be computed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    mini_app = cb.CoefSymSym('homogenized elastic tensor',
                             problem, conf.coefs['E'])
    c_e = mini_app(volume, data={'pis': pis, 'corrs_rs' : corrs_rs})
    print r""">>>
The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$, symmetric storage
with rows, columns in 11, 22, 12 ordering:"""
    print c_e
예제 #3
def main():
    from sfepy.base.base import spause
    from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
    from sfepy.fem import eval_term_op, ProblemDefinition
    from sfepy.homogenization.utils import create_pis
    from sfepy.homogenization.coefs import CorrectorsRS, ElasticCoef

    nm.set_printoptions( precision = 3 )

    spause( r""">>>
First, this file will be read in place of an input
(problem description) file.
Press 'q' to quit the example, press any other key to continue...""" )
    required, other = get_standard_keywords()
    required.remove( 'equations' )
    # Use this file as the input file.
    conf = ProblemConf.from_file( __file__, required, other )
    print conf.to_dict().keys()
    spause( r""">>>
...the read input as a dict (keys only for brevity).
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Now the input will be used to create a ProblemDefinition instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf,
                                          init_variables = False,
                                          init_equations = False )
    print problem
    spause( r""">>>
...the ProblemDefinition instance.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$ is expressed
using $\Pi$ operators, computed now. In fact, those operators are permuted
coordinates of the mesh nodes.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    req = conf.requirements['pis']
    pis = create_pis( problem, req['variables'][0] )
    print pis
    spause( r""">>>
...the $\Pi$ operators.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Next, $E_{ijkl}$ needs so called steady state correctors $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$,
computed now. The results will be saved in: %s_*.vtk
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" %  problem.ofn_trunk )

    save_hook = make_save_hook( problem.ofn_trunk + '_rs_%d%d' )

    req = conf.requirements['corrs_rs']
    solve_corrs = CorrectorsRS( 'steady rs correctors', problem, req )
    corrs_rs = solve_corrs( data = pis, save_hook = save_hook )
    print corrs_rs
    spause( r""">>>
...the $\bar{\omega}^{rs}$ correctors.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Then the volume of the domain is needed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    volume = eval_term_op( None, 'd_volume.i3.Y( uc )', problem )
    print volume

    spause( r""">>>
...the volume.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )

    spause( r""">>>
Finally, $E_{ijkl}$ can be computed.
['q'/other key to quit/continue...]""" )
    get_coef = ElasticCoef( 'homogenized elastic tensor',
                            problem, conf.coefs['E'] )
    c_e = get_coef( volume, data = {'pis': pis, 'corrs' : corrs_rs} )
    print r""">>>
The homogenized elastic coefficient $E_{ijkl}$, symmetric storage
with rows, columns in 11, 22, 12 ordering:"""
    print c_e