예제 #1
    def evaluate_at(self, coors, source_vals, strategy='kdtree',
                    close_limit=0.1, cache=None, ret_cells=False,
                    ret_status=False, ret_ref_coors=False):
        Evaluate source DOF values corresponding to the field in the given
        coordinates using the field interpolation.

        coors : array
            The coordinates the source values should be interpolated into.
        source_vals : array
            The source DOF values corresponding to the field.
        strategy : str, optional
            The strategy for finding the elements that contain the
            coordinates. Only 'kdtree' is supported for the moment.
        close_limit : float, optional
            The maximum limit distance of a point from the closest
            element allowed for extrapolation.
        cache : Struct, optional
            To speed up a sequence of evaluations, the field mesh, the inverse
            connectivity of the field mesh and the KDTree instance can
            be cached as `cache.mesh`, `cache.offsets`, `cache.iconn` and
            `cache.kdtree`. Optionally, the cache can also contain the
            reference element coordinates as `cache.ref_coors`,
            `cache.cells` and `cache.status`, if the evaluation occurs
            in the same coordinates repeatedly. In that case the KDTree
            related data are ignored.
        ret_cells : bool, optional
            If True, return also the cell indices the coordinates are in.
        ret_status : bool, optional
            If True, return also the status for each point: 0 is
            success, 1 is extrapolation within `close_limit`, 2 is
            extrapolation outside `close_limit`, 3 is failure.
        ret_ref_coors : bool, optional
            If True, return also the found reference element coordinates.

        vals : array
            The interpolated values.
        cells : array
            The cell indices, if `ret_cells` or `ret_status` are True.
        status : array
            The status, if `ret_status` is True.
        output('evaluating in %d points...' % coors.shape[0])

        ref_coors, cells, status = get_ref_coors(self, coors,

        tt = time.clock()
        vertex_coorss, nodess, orders, mtx_is = [], [], [], []
        conns = []
        for ap in self.aps.itervalues():
            ps = ap.interp.poly_spaces['v']



        orders = nm.array(orders, dtype=nm.int32)

        # Interpolate to the reference coordinates.
        vals = nm.empty((coors.shape[0], source_vals.shape[1]),

        evaluate_in_rc(vals, ref_coors, cells, status, source_vals,
                       conns, vertex_coorss, nodess, orders, mtx_is,
        output('interpolation: %f s' % (time.clock()-tt))


        if ret_ref_coors:
            return vals, ref_coors, cells, status

        elif ret_status:
            return vals, cells, status

        elif ret_cells:
            return vals, cells

            return vals
예제 #2
def _gen_common_data(orders, gels, report):
    import sfepy
    from sfepy.base.base import Struct
    from sfepy.linalg import combine
    from sfepy.fem import Mesh, Domain, Field, FieldVariable, Integral
    from sfepy.fem.global_interp import get_ref_coors

    bases = ([ii for ii in combine([['2_4', '3_8'],
                                    ['lagrange', 'lobatto']])]
             + [ii for ii in combine([['2_3', '3_4'],
    for geom, poly_space_base in bases:
        report('geometry: %s, base: %s' % (geom, poly_space_base))

        order = orders[geom]
        integral = Integral('i', order=order)

        aux = '' if geom in ['2_4', '3_8'] else 'z'
        mesh0 = Mesh.from_file('meshes/elements/%s_2%s.mesh' % (geom, aux),
        gel = gels[geom]

        perms = gel.get_conn_permutations()

        qps, qp_weights = integral.get_qp(gel.surface_facet.name)
        zz = nm.zeros_like(qps[:, :1])
        qps = nm.hstack(([qps] + [zz]))

        shift = shifts[geom]
        rcoors = nm.ascontiguousarray(qps
                                      + shift[:1, :] - shift[1:, :])
        ccoors = nm.ascontiguousarray(qps
                                      + shift[:1, :] + shift[1:, :])

        for ir, pr in enumerate(perms):
            for ic, pc in enumerate(perms):
                report('ir: %d, ic: %d' % (ir, ic))
                report('pr: %s, pc: %s' % (pr, pc))

                mesh = mesh0.copy()
                conn = mesh.conns[0]
                conn[0, :] = conn[0, pr]
                conn[1, :] = conn[1, pc]

                cache = Struct(mesh=mesh)

                domain = Domain('domain', mesh)
                omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all')
                region = domain.create_region('Facet', rsels[geom], 'facet')
                field = Field.from_args('f', nm.float64, shape=1,
                                        region=omega, approx_order=order,
                var = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field, 1)
                report('# dofs: %d' % var.n_dof)

                vec = nm.empty(var.n_dof, dtype=var.dtype)

                ap = field.aps[0]
                ps = ap.interp.poly_spaces['v']

                dofs = field.get_dofs_in_region_group(region, 0,
                edofs, fdofs = nm.unique(dofs[1]), nm.unique(dofs[2])

                rrc, rcells, rstatus = get_ref_coors(field, rcoors,
                crc, ccells, cstatus = get_ref_coors(field, ccoors,
                assert_((rstatus == 0).all() and (cstatus == 0).all())

                yield (geom, poly_space_base, qp_weights, mesh, ir, ic,
                       ap, ps, rrc, rcells[0, 1], crc, ccells[0, 1],
                       vec, edofs, fdofs)
예제 #3
def _gen_common_data(order, gels, report):
    import sfepy
    from sfepy.base.base import Struct
    from sfepy.linalg import combine
    from sfepy.fem import Mesh, Domain, Field, FieldVariable, Integral
    from sfepy.fem.global_interp import get_ref_coors

    integral = Integral('i', order=order)

    for geom, poly_space_base in combine([['2_4', '3_8'],
                                          ['lagrange', 'lobatto']]):
        report('geometry: %s, base: %s' % (geom, poly_space_base))

        mesh0 = Mesh.from_file('meshes/elements/%s_2.mesh' % geom,
        gel = gels[geom]

        perms = gel.get_conn_permutations()

        qps, qp_weights = integral.get_qp(gel.surface_facet.name)
        zz = nm.zeros_like(qps[:, :1])
        qps = nm.hstack(([qps] + [zz]))

        rot = rots[geom]
        if rot is not None:

        shift = shifts[geom]
        rcoors = nm.ascontiguousarray(qps
                                      + shift[:1, :] - shift[1:, :])
        ccoors = nm.ascontiguousarray(qps
                                      + shift[:1, :] + shift[1:, :])

        for ir, pr in enumerate(perms):
            for ic, pc in enumerate(perms):
                report('ir: %d, ic: %d' % (ir, ic))

                mesh = mesh0.copy()
                conn = mesh.conns[0]
                conn[0, :] = conn[0, pr]
                conn[1, :] = conn[1, pc]

                cache = Struct(mesh=mesh)

                domain = Domain('domain', mesh)
                omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all')
                region = domain.create_region('Facet', rsels[geom])
                field = Field.from_args('f', nm.float64, shape=1,
                                        region=omega, approx_order=order,
                var = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field, 1)
                report('# dofs: %d' % var.n_dof)

                vec = nm.empty(var.n_dof, dtype=var.dtype)

                ap = field.aps[0]
                ps = ap.interp.poly_spaces['v']

                dofs = field.get_dofs_in_region_group(region, 0,
                edofs, fdofs = nm.unique(dofs[1]), nm.unique(dofs[2])

                rrc, rcells, rstatus = get_ref_coors(field, rcoors,
                crc, ccells, cstatus = get_ref_coors(field, ccoors,

                yield (geom, poly_space_base, qp_weights, mesh, ir, ic,
                       ap, ps, rrc, crc, vec, edofs, fdofs)
예제 #4
    def evaluate_at(self, coors, source_vals, strategy='kdtree',
                    close_limit=0.1, cache=None, ret_cells=False,
                    ret_status=False, ret_ref_coors=False):
        Evaluate source DOF values corresponding to the field in the given
        coordinates using the field interpolation.

        coors : array
            The coordinates the source values should be interpolated into.
        source_vals : array
            The source DOF values corresponding to the field.
        strategy : str, optional
            The strategy for finding the elements that contain the
            coordinates. Only 'kdtree' is supported for the moment.
        close_limit : float, optional
            The maximum limit distance of a point from the closest
            element allowed for extrapolation.
        cache : Struct, optional
            To speed up a sequence of evaluations, the field mesh, the inverse
            connectivity of the field mesh and the KDTree instance can
            be cached as `cache.mesh`, `cache.offsets`, `cache.iconn` and
            `cache.kdtree`. Optionally, the cache can also contain the
            reference element coordinates as `cache.ref_coors`,
            `cache.cells` and `cache.status`, if the evaluation occurs
            in the same coordinates repeatedly. In that case the KDTree
            related data are ignored.
        ret_cells : bool, optional
            If True, return also the cell indices the coordinates are in.
        ret_status : bool, optional
            If True, return also the status for each point: 0 is
            success, 1 is extrapolation within `close_limit`, 2 is
            extrapolation outside `close_limit`, 3 is failure.
        ret_ref_coors : bool, optional
            If True, return also the found reference element coordinates.

        vals : array
            The interpolated values.
        cells : array
            The cell indices, if `ret_cells` or `ret_status` are True.
        status : array
            The status, if `ret_status` is True.
        output('evaluating in %d points...' % coors.shape[0])

        ref_coors, cells, status = get_ref_coors(self, coors,

        tt = time.clock()
        vertex_coorss, nodess, orders, mtx_is = [], [], [], []
        conns = []
        for ap in self.aps.itervalues():
            ps = ap.interp.poly_spaces['v']



        orders = nm.array(orders, dtype=nm.int32)

        # Interpolate to the reference coordinates.
        vals = nm.empty((coors.shape[0], source_vals.shape[1]),

        evaluate_in_rc(vals, ref_coors, cells, status, source_vals,
                       conns, vertex_coorss, nodess, orders, mtx_is,
        output('interpolation: %f s' % (time.clock()-tt))


        if ret_ref_coors:
            return vals, ref_coors, cells, status

        elif ret_status:
            return vals, cells, status

        elif ret_cells:
            return vals, cells

            return vals