def from_conf(conf, dpb, apb): opts = conf.options regions = dpb.domain.regions if opts.use_mesh_velocity: import tables as pt fd = pt.open_file(opts.mesh_velocity_filename, mode="r") aux = fd.get_node("/u").read() nu = nm.asarray(aux, dtype=nm.float64) fd.close() else: nu = None sp_boxes = ffd.read_spline_box_hdf5(opts.ffd_spline_data) dsg_vars = ffd.read_dsg_vars_hdf5(opts.ffd_spline_data) dsg_vars.renumber_by_boxes(sp_boxes) dsg_vars.normalize_null_space_base() print dsg_vars.indx.shape print dsg_vars.null_space_b.shape control_region = regions[opts.control_domain] design_region = regions[opts.design_domain] from sfepy.fem.mesh import Mesh cmm = Mesh.from_region(control_region, dpb.domain.mesh) dmm = Mesh.from_region(design_region, dpb.domain.mesh) cmm.write("control.mesh", io="auto") dmm.write("design.mesh", io="auto") SOFC = ShapeOptimFlowCase obj = SOFC( dpb=dpb, apb=apb, sp_boxes=sp_boxes, dsg_vars=dsg_vars, problem_type=opts.problem, objective_function_type=opts.objective_function, var_map=opts.var_map, nu=nu, use_mesh_velocity=opts.use_mesh_velocity, save_dir=opts.save_dir, save_iter_sols=opts.save_iter_sols, save_control_points=opts.save_control_points, save_dsg_vars=opts.save_dsg_vars, test_terms_if_test=opts.test_terms_if_test, ) equations = getattr(conf, "_".join(("equations_sensitivity", opts.problem, opts.objective_function))) obj.obj_fun_term = equations["objective"] obj.sens_terms = equations["sensitivity"] obj.n_var = dsg_vars.val.shape[0] obj.create_evaluables() return obj
def from_conf(conf, dpb, apb): opts = conf.options regions = dpb.domain.regions if opts.use_mesh_velocity: import tables as pt fd = pt.open_file(opts.mesh_velocity_filename, mode='r') aux = fd.get_node('/u').read() nu = nm.asarray(aux, dtype=nm.float64) fd.close() else: nu = None sp_boxes = ffd.read_spline_box_hdf5(opts.ffd_spline_data) dsg_vars = ffd.read_dsg_vars_hdf5(opts.ffd_spline_data) dsg_vars.renumber_by_boxes(sp_boxes) dsg_vars.normalize_null_space_base() print dsg_vars.indx.shape print dsg_vars.null_space_b.shape control_region = regions[opts.control_domain] design_region = regions[opts.design_domain] from sfepy.fem.mesh import Mesh cmm = Mesh.from_region(control_region, dpb.domain.mesh) dmm = Mesh.from_region(design_region, dpb.domain.mesh) cmm.write('control.mesh', io='auto') dmm.write('design.mesh', io='auto') SOFC = ShapeOptimFlowCase obj = SOFC(dpb=dpb, apb=apb, sp_boxes=sp_boxes, dsg_vars=dsg_vars, problem_type=opts.problem, objective_function_type=opts.objective_function, var_map=opts.var_map, nu=nu, use_mesh_velocity=opts.use_mesh_velocity, save_dir=opts.save_dir, save_iter_sols=opts.save_iter_sols, save_control_points=opts.save_control_points, save_dsg_vars=opts.save_dsg_vars, test_terms_if_test=opts.test_terms_if_test) equations = getattr( conf, '_'.join(('equations_sensitivity', opts.problem, opts.objective_function))) obj.obj_fun_term = equations['objective'] obj.sens_terms = equations['sensitivity'] obj.n_var = dsg_vars.val.shape[0] obj.create_evaluables() return obj
def dump_to_vtk(filename, output_filename_trunk=None, step0=0, steps=None, fields=None, linearization=None): """Dump a multi-time-step results file into a sequence of VTK files.""" def _save_step(suffix, out, mesh): if linearization is not None: output('linearizing...') out = _linearize(out, fields, linearization) output('...done') for key, val in out.iteritems(): lmesh = val.get('mesh', mesh) lmesh.write(output_filename_trunk + '_' + key + suffix, io='auto', out={key : val}) if hasattr(val, 'levels'): output('max. refinement per group:', val.levels) else: mesh.write(output_filename_trunk + suffix, io='auto', out=out) output('dumping to VTK...') io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, io=io) if output_filename_trunk is None: output_filename_trunk = get_trunk(filename) try: ts = TimeStepper(*io.read_time_stepper()) times, nts, dts = extract_times(filename) except ValueError: output('no time stepping info found, assuming single step') out = io.read_data(0) if out is not None: _save_step('.vtk', out, mesh) ret = None else: ts.times = times ts.n_step = times.shape[0] if steps is None: iterator = ts.iter_from(step0) else: iterator = [(step, ts.times[step]) for step in steps] for step, time in iterator: output(ts.format % (step, ts.n_step - 1)) out = io.read_data(step) if out is None: break _save_step('.' + ts.suffix % step + '.vtk', out, mesh) ret = ts.suffix output('...done') return ret
def dump_to_vtk( filename, options, steps = None ): output( 'dumping to VTK...' ) mesh = Mesh.from_file( filename ) io = HDF5MeshIO( filename ) ts = TimeStepper( *io.read_time_stepper() ) if options.output_filename_trunk: ofn_trunk = options.output_filename_trunk else: ofn_trunk = get_trunk( filename ) if steps is None: iterator = ts.iter_from( options.step0 ) else: iterator = [(step, ts.times[step]) for step in steps] for step, time in iterator: output( ts.format % (step, ts.n_step - 1) ) out = io.read_data( step ) if out is None: break mesh.write( ofn_trunk + ts.suffix % step + '.vtk', io = 'auto', out = out ) output( '...done' ) return ts.suffix
def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog 42") parser.add_option("-s", "--scale", type=int, metavar='scale', action="store", dest="scale", default=2, help=help['scale']) parser.add_option("-r", "--repeat", type='str', metavar='nx,ny[,nz]', action="callback", dest="repeat", callback=parse_repeat, default=None, help=help['repeat']) parser.add_option("-e", "--eps", type=float, metavar='eps', action="store", dest="eps", default=1e-8, help=help['eps']) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if (len( args ) == 2): filename_in = args[0] filename_out = args[1] else: parser.print_help() return output = Output('genPerMesh:') output('scale:', options.scale) output('repeat:', options.repeat) output('eps:', options.eps) mesh_in = Mesh.from_file(filename_in) mesh_out = gen_tiled_mesh(mesh_in, options.repeat, 1./options.scale, options.eps) mesh_out.write(filename_out, io='auto') output('done.')
def create_mesh(self, extra_nodes=True): """ Create a mesh from the field region, optionally including the field extra nodes. """ mesh = self.domain.mesh if self.approx_order != 0: conns, mat_ids, descs = [], [], [] for ig, ap in self.aps.iteritems(): group = self.domain.groups[ig] if extra_nodes: conn = ap.econn else: offset = group.shape.n_ep conn = ap.econn[:,:offset] conns.append(conn) mat_ids.append(mesh.mat_ids[ig]) descs.append(mesh.descs[ig]) if extra_nodes: coors = self.coors else: coors = self.coors[:self.n_vertex_dof] mesh = Mesh.from_data(, coors, None, conns, mat_ids, descs) return mesh
def gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, centre, mat_id=0, name='block', coors=None, verbose=True): """ Generate a 2D or 3D block mesh. The dimension is determined by the lenght of the shape argument. Parameters ---------- dims : array of 2 or 3 floats Dimensions of the block. shape : array of 2 or 3 ints Shape (counts of nodes in x, y, z) of the block mesh. centre : array of 2 or 3 floats Centre of the block. mat_id : int, optional The material id of all elements. name : string Mesh name. verbose : bool If True, show progress of the mesh generation. Returns ------- mesh : Mesh instance """ dims = nm.asarray(dims, dtype=nm.float64) shape = nm.asarray(shape, dtype=nm.int32) centre = nm.asarray(centre, dtype=nm.float64) dim = shape.shape[0] centre = centre[:dim] dims = dims[:dim] n_nod = output('generating %d vertices...' % n_nod, verbose=verbose) x0 = centre - 0.5 * dims dd = dims / (shape - 1) ngrid = nm.mgrid[[slice(ii) for ii in shape]] ngrid.shape = (dim, n_nod) coors = x0 + ngrid.T * dd output('...done', verbose=verbose) n_el = - 1) output('generating %d cells...' % n_el, verbose=verbose) mat_ids = nm.empty((n_el,), dtype=nm.int32) mat_ids.fill(mat_id) conn, desc = get_tensor_product_conn(shape) output('...done', verbose=verbose) mesh = Mesh.from_data(name, coors, None, [conn], [mat_ids], [desc]) return mesh
def test_mesh_smoothing(self): from sfepy.mesh.mesh_tools import smooth_mesh from sfepy.fem.mesh import Mesh from sfepy import data_dir mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk') vol0 = get_volume(mesh.conns[0], mesh.coors) mesh.coors = smooth_mesh(mesh, n_iter=10) vol1 = get_volume(mesh.conns[0], mesh.coors) filename = op.join(self.options.out_dir, 'smoothed_cylinder.vtk') mesh.write(filename) frac = vol1 / vol0 if (frac < 0.967) and (frac > 0.966):'mesh smoothed') return True else:'mesh smoothed, volume mismatch!') return False
def dump_to_vtk(filename, output_filename_trunk=None, step0=0, steps=None): """Dump a multi-time-step results file into a sequence of VTK files.""" output('dumping to VTK...') io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, io=io) if output_filename_trunk is None: output_filename_trunk = get_trunk(filename) try: ts = TimeStepper(*io.read_time_stepper()) except: output('no time stepping info found, assuming single step') out = io.read_data(0) if out is not None: mesh.write(output_filename_trunk + '.vtk', io='auto', out=out) ret = None else: if steps is None: iterator = ts.iter_from(step0) else: iterator = [(step, ts.times[step]) for step in steps] for step, time in iterator: output(ts.format % (step, ts.n_step - 1)) out = io.read_data(step) if out is None: break mesh.write('.'.join((output_filename_trunk, ts.suffix % step, 'vtk')), io='auto', out=out) ret = ts.suffix output('...done') return ret
def create_mesh_from_control_points( self ): offset = 0 dim = self.spbs[0].cxyz.shape[1] coors = nm.empty((0, dim), dtype=nm.float64) conns = [] mat_ids = [] descs = [] for ib, spb in enumerate( self.spbs ): n_nod = spb.cxyz.shape[0] coors = nm.concatenate( (coors, spb.cxyz), 0 ) descs.append( '3_2' ) conn = [] for ij in xrange( spb.cpi.shape[1] ): for ik in xrange( spb.cpi.shape[2] ): inx = spb.cpi[:,ij,ik] row = [[p1, p2] for p1, p2 in zip( inx[:-1], inx[1:] )] conn.extend( row ) for ij in xrange( spb.cpi.shape[0] ): for ik in xrange( spb.cpi.shape[2] ): inx = spb.cpi[ij,:,ik] row = [[p1, p2] for p1, p2 in zip( inx[:-1], inx[1:] )] conn.extend( row ) for ij in xrange( spb.cpi.shape[0] ): for ik in xrange( spb.cpi.shape[1] ): inx = spb.cpi[ij,ik,:] row = [[p1, p2] for p1, p2 in zip( inx[:-1], inx[1:] )] conn.extend( row ) aux = nm.empty(len(conn), dtype=nm.int32) aux.fill(ib) mat_ids.append(aux) conns.append( offset + nm.array( conn, dtype = nm.int32 ) ) offset += n_nod mesh = Mesh.from_data('control_points', coors, None, conns, mat_ids, descs) return mesh
def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog 42") parser.add_option( "-s", "--scale", type=int, metavar="scale", action="store", dest="scale", default=2, help=help["scale"] ) parser.add_option( "-r", "--repeat", type="str", metavar="nx,ny[,nz]", action="callback", dest="repeat", callback=parse_repeat, default=None, help=help["repeat"], ) parser.add_option( "-e", "--eps", type=float, metavar="eps", action="store", dest="eps", default=1e-8, help=help["eps"] ) parser.add_option("-n", "--no-mvd", action="store_true", dest="nomvd", default=False, help=help["nomvd"]) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 2: filename_in = args[0] filename_out = args[1] else: parser.print_help() return output = Output("genPerMesh:") output("scale:", options.scale) output("repeat:", options.repeat) output("eps:", options.eps) mesh_in = Mesh.from_file(filename_in) mesh_out = compose_periodic_mesh(mesh_in, options.scale, options.repeat, options.eps, check_mvd=not options.nomvd) mesh_out.write(filename_out, io="auto") output("done.")
def gen_mesh_from_poly(filename, verbose=True): """ Import mesh generated by tetgen or triangle. Parameters ---------- filename : string file name Returns ------- mesh : Mesh instance triangular or tetrahedral mesh """ def getnodes(fnods, up): f = file(fnods) l = [int(x) for x in f.readline().split()] npoints, dim, nattrib, nbound = l if verbose: up.init(npoints) nodes = [] for line in f: if line[0] == "#": continue l = [float(x) for x in line.split()] l = l[:(dim + 1)] l[0] = int(l[0]) nodes.append(tuple(l)) assert l[0] == len(nodes) assert npoints == len(nodes) return nodes def getele(fele, up): f = file(fele) l = [int(x) for x in f.readline().split()] nele, nnod, nattrib = l #we have either linear or quadratic tetrahedra: if nnod in [4, 10]: elem = 'tetra' linear = (nnod == 4) if nnod in [3, 7]: elem = 'tri' linear = (nnod == 3) # if nattrib!=1: # raise "tetgen didn't assign an entity number to each element (option -A)" els = [] regions = {} for line in f: if line[0] == "#": continue l = [int(x) for x in line.split()] if elem == 'tri': if linear: assert (len(l) - 1 - nattrib) == 3 els.append((l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3])) regionnum = l[5] else: assert len(l) - 2 == 10 els.append((l[0], 54, l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5], l[6], l[7], l[8], l[9], l[10])) regionnum = l[11] if elem == 'tetra': if linear: assert len(l) - 2 == 4 els.append((l[0], 54, l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4])) regionnum = l[5] else: assert len(l) - 2 == 10 els.append((l[0], 54, l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5], l[6], l[7], l[8], l[9], l[10])) regionnum = l[11] if regionnum == 0: print "see %s, element # %d" % (fele, l[0]) raise "there are elements not belonging to any physical entity" if regions.has_key(regionnum): regions[regionnum].append(l[0]) else: regions[regionnum] = [l[0]] assert l[0] == len(els) if verbose: up.update(l[0]) return els, regions, linear def getBCfaces(ffaces, up): f = file(ffaces) l = [int(x) for x in f.readline().split()] nfaces, nattrib = l if nattrib != 1: raise "tetgen didn't assign an entity number to each face \ (option -A)" if verbose: up.init(nfaces) faces = {} for line in f: if line[0] == "#": continue l = [int(x) for x in line.split()] assert len(l) == 5 regionnum = l[4] if regionnum == 0: continue if faces.has_key(regionnum): faces[regionnum].append((l[1], l[2], l[3])) else: faces[regionnum] = [(l[1], l[2], l[3])] if verbose: up.update(l[0]) return faces def calculatexyz(nodes, els): """Calculate the missing xyz values in place""" def avg(i, j, n4, nodes): a = nodes[n4[i - 1] - 1] b = nodes[n4[j - 1] - 1] return (a[1] + b[1]) / 2, (a[2] + b[2]) / 2, (a[3] + b[3]) / 2 def getxyz(i, n4, nodes): if i + 5 == 5: return avg(1, 2, n4, nodes) if i + 5 == 6: return avg(2, 3, n4, nodes) if i + 5 == 7: return avg(1, 3, n4, nodes) if i + 5 == 8: return avg(1, 4, n4, nodes) if i + 5 == 9: return avg(2, 4, n4, nodes) if i + 5 == 10: return avg(3, 4, n4, nodes) raise "wrong topology" for e in els: n4 = e[2:2 + 4] n6 = e[2 + 4:2 + 4 + 10] for i, n in enumerate(n6): x, y, z = getxyz(i, n4, nodes) nodes[n - 1] = (n, x, y, z) if verbose: print "Reading geometry from poly file..." m = Mesh() m.nodes = getnodes(filename + ".node") m.elements, m.regions, lin = getele(filename + ".ele") if not lin: #tetgen doesn't compute xyz coordinates of the aditional 6 nodes #(only of the 4 corner nodes) in tetrahedra. calculatexyz(m.nodes, m.elements) m.faces = getBCfaces(filename + ".face") return m
def gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, centre, name='block'): """ Generate a 2D or 3D block mesh. The dimension is determined by the lenght of the shape argument. Parameters ---------- dims : array of 2 or 3 floats Dimensions of the block. shape : array of 2 or 3 ints Shape (counts of nodes in x, y, z) of the block mesh. centre : array of 2 or 3 floats Centre of the block. name : string Mesh name. Returns ------- mesh : Mesh instance """ dims = nm.asarray(dims, dtype=nm.float64) shape = nm.asarray(shape, dtype=nm.int32) centre = nm.asarray(centre, dtype=nm.float64) dim = shape.shape[0] centre = centre[:dim] dims = dims[:dim] x0 = centre - 0.5 * dims dd = dims / (shape - 1) grid = nm.zeros(shape, dtype = nm.int32) n_nod = coors = nm.zeros((n_nod, dim), dtype = nm.float64) bar = MyBar(" nodes:") bar.init(n_nod) for ii, ic in enumerate(cycle(shape)): grid[tuple(ic)] = ii coors[ii] = x0 + ic * dd if not (ii % 100): bar.update(ii) bar.update(ii + 1) n_el = - 1) mat_id = nm.zeros((n_el,), dtype = nm.int32) if (dim == 2): conn = nm.zeros((n_el, 4), dtype = nm.int32) bar = MyBar(" elements:") bar.init(n_el) for ii, (ix, iy) in enumerate(cycle(shape - 1)): conn[ii,:] = [grid[ix ,iy], grid[ix+1,iy ], grid[ix+1,iy+1], grid[ix ,iy+1]] if not (ii % 100): bar.update(ii) bar.update(ii + 1) desc = '2_4' else: conn = nm.zeros((n_el, 8), dtype = nm.int32) bar = MyBar(" elements:") bar.init(n_el) for ii, (ix, iy, iz) in enumerate(cycle(shape - 1)): conn[ii,:] = [grid[ix ,iy ,iz ], grid[ix+1,iy ,iz ], grid[ix+1,iy+1,iz ], grid[ix ,iy+1,iz ], grid[ix ,iy ,iz+1], grid[ix+1,iy ,iz+1], grid[ix+1,iy+1,iz+1], grid[ix ,iy+1,iz+1]] if not (ii % 100): bar.update(ii) bar.update(ii + 1) desc = '3_8' mesh = Mesh.from_data(name, coors, None, [conn], [mat_id], [desc]) return mesh
def gen_cylinder_mesh(dims, shape, centre, axis='x', force_hollow=False, is_open=False, open_angle=0.0, non_uniform=False, name='cylinder'): """ Generate a cylindrical mesh along an axis. Its cross-section can be ellipsoidal. Parameters ---------- axis: one of 'x', 'y', 'z' The axis of the cylinder. dims : array of 5 floats Dimensions of the cylinder: inner surface semi-axes a1, b1, outer surface semi-axes a2, b2, length. shape : array of 3 ints Shape (counts of nodes in radial, circumferential and longitudinal directions) of the cylinder mesh. centre : array of 3 floats Centre of the cylinder. force_hollow : boolean Force hollow mesh even if inner radii a1 = b1 = 0. is_open : boolean Generate an open cylinder segment. open_angle : float Opening angle in radians. non_uniform : boolean If True, space the mesh nodes in radial direction so that the element volumes are (approximately) the same, making thus the elements towards the outer surface thinner. name : string Mesh name. Returns ------- mesh : Mesh instance """ dims = nm.asarray(dims, dtype=nm.float64) shape = nm.asarray(shape, dtype=nm.int32) centre = nm.asarray(centre, dtype=nm.float64) a1, b1, a2, b2, length = dims nr, nfi, nl = shape origin = centre - nm.array([0.5 * length, 0.0, 0.0]) dfi = 2.0 * (nm.pi - open_angle) / nfi if is_open: nnfi = nfi + 1 else: nnfi = nfi is_hollow = force_hollow or not (max(abs(a1), abs(b1)) < 1e-15) if is_hollow: mr = 0 else: mr = (nnfi - 1) * nl grid = nm.zeros((nr, nnfi, nl), dtype=nm.int32) n_nod = nr * nnfi * nl - mr coors = nm.zeros((n_nod, 3), dtype=nm.float64) angles = nm.linspace(open_angle, open_angle+(nfi)*dfi, nfi+1) xs = nm.linspace(0.0, length, nl) if non_uniform: ras = nm.zeros((nr,), dtype=nm.float64) rbs = nm.zeros_like(ras) advol = (a2**2 - a1**2) / (nr - 1) bdvol = (b2**2 - b1**2) / (nr - 1) ras[0], rbs[0] = a1, b1 for ii in range(1, nr): ras[ii] = nm.sqrt(advol + ras[ii-1]**2) rbs[ii] = nm.sqrt(bdvol + rbs[ii-1]**2) else: ras = nm.linspace(a1, a2, nr) rbs = nm.linspace(b1, b2, nr) # This is 3D only... bar = MyBar(" nodes:") bar.init(n_nod) ii = 0 for ix in range(nr): a, b = ras[ix], rbs[ix] for iy, fi in enumerate(angles[:nnfi]): for iz, x in enumerate(xs): grid[ix,iy,iz] = ii coors[ii] = origin + [x, a * nm.cos(fi), b * nm.sin(fi)] if not (ii % 100): bar.update(ii) ii += 1 if not is_hollow and (ix == 0): if iy > 0: grid[ix,iy,iz] = grid[ix,0,iz] ii -= 1 print assert_(ii == n_nod) n_el = (nr - 1) * nnfi * (nl - 1) conn = nm.zeros((n_el, 8), dtype=nm.int32) bar = MyBar(" elements:") bar.init(n_el) ii = 0 for (ix, iy, iz) in cycle([nr-1, nnfi, nl-1]): if iy < (nnfi - 1): conn[ii,:] = [grid[ix ,iy ,iz ], grid[ix+1,iy ,iz ], grid[ix+1,iy+1,iz ], grid[ix ,iy+1,iz ], grid[ix ,iy ,iz+1], grid[ix+1,iy ,iz+1], grid[ix+1,iy+1,iz+1], grid[ix ,iy+1,iz+1]] ii += 1 elif not is_open: conn[ii,:] = [grid[ix ,iy ,iz ], grid[ix+1,iy ,iz ], grid[ix+1,0,iz ], grid[ix ,0,iz ], grid[ix ,iy ,iz+1], grid[ix+1,iy ,iz+1], grid[ix+1,0,iz+1], grid[ix ,0,iz+1]] ii += 1 if not (ii % 100): bar.update(ii) print mat_id = nm.zeros((n_el,), dtype = nm.int32) desc = '3_8' assert_(n_nod == (conn.max() + 1)) if axis == 'z': coors = coors[:,[1,2,0]] elif axis == 'y': coors = coors[:,[2,0,1]] mesh = Mesh.from_data(name, coors, None, [conn], [mat_id], [desc]) return mesh
def gen_mesh_from_poly(filename, verbose=True): """ Import mesh generated by tetgen or triangle. Parameters ---------- filename : string file name Returns ------- mesh : Mesh instance triangular or tetrahedral mesh """ def getnodes(fnods,up): f=file(fnods) l=[int(x) for x in f.readline().split()] npoints,dim,nattrib,nbound=l if verbose: up.init(npoints) nodes=[] for line in f: if line[0]=="#": continue l=[float(x) for x in line.split()] l = l[:(dim + 1)] l[0]=int(l[0]) nodes.append(tuple(l)) assert l[0]==len(nodes) assert npoints==len(nodes) return nodes def getele(fele,up): f=file(fele) l=[int(x) for x in f.readline().split()] nele,nnod,nattrib=l #we have either linear or quadratic tetrahedra: if nnod in [4,10]: elem = 'tetra' linear = (nnod == 4) if nnod in [3, 7]: elem = 'tri' linear = (nnod == 3) # if nattrib!=1: # raise "tetgen didn't assign an entity number to each element (option -A)" els=[] regions={} for line in f: if line[0]=="#": continue l=[int(x) for x in line.split()] if elem == 'tri': if linear: assert (len(l) - 1 - nattrib) == 3 els.append((l[0],l[1],l[2],l[3])) regionnum=l[5] else: assert len(l)-2 == 10 els.append((l[0],54,l[1],l[2],l[3],l[4], l[5],l[6],l[7],l[8],l[9],l[10])) regionnum=l[11] if elem == 'tetra': if linear: assert len(l)-2 == 4 els.append((l[0],54,l[1],l[2],l[3],l[4])) regionnum=l[5] else: assert len(l)-2 == 10 els.append((l[0],54,l[1],l[2],l[3],l[4], l[5],l[6],l[7],l[8],l[9],l[10])) regionnum=l[11] if regionnum==0: print "see %s, element # %d"%(fele,l[0]) raise "there are elements not belonging to any physical entity" if regions.has_key(regionnum): regions[regionnum].append(l[0]) else: regions[regionnum]=[l[0]] assert l[0]==len(els) if verbose: up.update(l[0]) return els,regions,linear def getBCfaces(ffaces,up): f=file(ffaces) l=[int(x) for x in f.readline().split()] nfaces,nattrib=l if nattrib!=1: raise "tetgen didn't assign an entity number to each face \ (option -A)" if verbose: up.init(nfaces) faces={} for line in f: if line[0]=="#": continue l=[int(x) for x in line.split()] assert len(l)==5 regionnum=l[4] if regionnum==0: continue if faces.has_key(regionnum): faces[regionnum].append((l[1],l[2],l[3])) else: faces[regionnum]=[(l[1],l[2],l[3])] if verbose: up.update(l[0]) return faces def calculatexyz(nodes, els): """Calculate the missing xyz values in place""" def avg(i,j,n4,nodes): a=nodes[n4[i-1]-1] b=nodes[n4[j-1]-1] return (a[1]+b[1])/2, (a[2]+b[2])/2, (a[3]+b[3])/2 def getxyz(i,n4,nodes): if i+5==5: return avg(1,2,n4,nodes) if i+5==6: return avg(2,3,n4,nodes) if i+5==7: return avg(1,3,n4,nodes) if i+5==8: return avg(1,4,n4,nodes) if i+5==9: return avg(2,4,n4,nodes) if i+5==10: return avg(3,4,n4,nodes) raise "wrong topology" for e in els: n4=e[2:2+4] n6=e[2+4:2+4+10] for i,n in enumerate(n6): x,y,z=getxyz(i,n4,nodes) nodes[n-1]=(n,x,y,z) if verbose: print "Reading geometry from poly file..." m=Mesh() m.nodes=getnodes(filename+".node") m.elements,m.regions, lin=getele(filename+".ele") if not lin: #tetgen doesn't compute xyz coordinates of the aditional 6 nodes #(only of the 4 corner nodes) in tetrahedra. calculatexyz(m.nodes,m.elements) m.faces=getBCfaces(filename+".face") return m
def create_expression_output(expression, name, primary_field_name, fields, materials, variables, functions=None, mode='eval', term_mode=None, extra_args=None, verbose=True, kwargs=None, min_level=0, max_level=1, eps=1e-4): """ Create output mesh and data for the expression using the adaptive linearizer. Parameters ---------- expression : str The expression to evaluate. name : str The name of the data. primary_field_name : str The name of field that defines the element groups and polynomial spaces. fields : dict The dictionary of fields used in `variables`. materials : Materials instance The materials used in the expression. variables : Variables instance The variables used in the expression. functions : Functions instance, optional The user functions for materials etc. mode : one of 'eval', 'el_avg', 'qp' The evaluation mode - 'qp' requests the values in quadrature points, 'el_avg' element averages and 'eval' means integration over each term region. term_mode : str The term call mode - some terms support different call modes and depending on the call mode different values are returned. extra_args : dict, optional Extra arguments to be passed to terms in the expression. verbose : bool If False, reduce verbosity. kwargs : dict, optional The variables (dictionary of (variable name) : (Variable instance)) to be used in the expression. min_level : int The minimum required level of mesh refinement. max_level : int The maximum level of mesh refinement. eps : float The relative tolerance parameter of mesh adaptivity. Returns ------- out : dict The output dictionary. """ field = fields[primary_field_name] vertex_coors = field.coors[:field.n_vertex_dof, :] coors = [] vdofs = [] conns = [] mat_ids = [] levels = [] offset = 0 for ig, ap in field.aps.iteritems(): ps = ap.interp.poly_spaces['v'] gps = ap.interp.gel.interp.poly_spaces['v'] group = field.domain.groups[ig] vertex_conn = ap.econn[:, :group.shape.n_ep] eval_dofs = get_eval_expression(expression, ig, fields, materials, variables, functions=functions, mode=mode, extra_args=extra_args, verbose=verbose, kwargs=kwargs) eval_coors = get_eval_coors(vertex_coors, vertex_conn, gps) (level, _coors, conn, _vdofs, _mat_ids) = create_output(eval_dofs, eval_coors, group.shape.n_el, ps, min_level=min_level, max_level=max_level, eps=eps) _mat_ids[:] = field.domain.mesh.mat_ids[ig][0] coors.append(_coors) vdofs.append(_vdofs) conns.append(conn + offset) mat_ids.append(_mat_ids) levels.append(level) offset += _coors.shape[0] coors = nm.concatenate(coors, axis=0) vdofs = nm.concatenate(vdofs, axis=0) mesh = Mesh.from_data('linearized_mesh', coors, None, conns, mat_ids, field.domain.mesh.descs) out = {} out[name] = Struct(name='output_data', mode='vertex', data=vdofs, var_name=name, dofs=None, mesh=mesh, levels=levels) out = convert_complex_output(out) return out
def gen_mesh_from_goem(geo, a=None, quadratic=False, verbose=True, refine=False, polyfilename='./meshgen.poly', out='mesh', **kwargs): """ Runs mesh generator - tetgen for 3D or triangle for 2D meshes. Parameters ---------- geo : geometry geometry description a : int, optional a maximum area/volume constraint quadratic : bool, optional set True for quadratic elements verbose : bool, optional detailed information refine : bool, optional refines mesh Returns ------- mesh : Mesh instance triangular or tetrahedral mesh """ import os.path as op import pexpect # write geometry to poly file geo.to_poly_file(polyfilename) if not refine: params = "-Apq" else: params = "-Arq" if verbose: params = params + " -Q" if a != None and not refine: params = params + " -a%f" % (a) if refine: params = params + " -a" if quadratic: params = params + " -o2" params = params + " %s" % (polyfilename) meshgen_call = {2: 'triangle', 3: 'tetgen'} cmd = "%s %s" % (meshgen_call[geo.dim], params) if verbose: print "Generating mesh using", cmd if geo.dim == 2: p =, timeout=None) bname, ext = op.splitext(polyfilename) mesh = Mesh.from_file(bname + '.1.node') mesh.write(bname + '.' + out) if geo.dim == 3: p = pexpect.spawn(cmd, timeout=None) if not refine: p.expect("Opening %s." % (polyfilename)) else: p.expect("Opening %s.node.\r\n" % (polyfilename)) p.expect("Opening %s.ele.\r\n" % (polyfilename)) p.expect("Opening %s.face.\r\n" % (polyfilename)) p.expect("Opening %s.vol." % (polyfilename)) assert p.before == "" p.expect(pexpect.EOF) if p.before != "\r\n": print p.before raise "Error when running mesh generator (see above for output): %s" % cmd
def gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, centre, mat_id=0, name='block', verbose=True): """ Generate a 2D or 3D block mesh. The dimension is determined by the lenght of the shape argument. Parameters ---------- dims : array of 2 or 3 floats Dimensions of the block. shape : array of 2 or 3 ints Shape (counts of nodes in x, y, z) of the block mesh. centre : array of 2 or 3 floats Centre of the block. mat_id : int, optional The material id of all elements. name : string Mesh name. verbose : bool If True, show progress of the mesh generation. Returns ------- mesh : Mesh instance """ dims = nm.asarray(dims, dtype=nm.float64) shape = nm.asarray(shape, dtype=nm.int32) centre = nm.asarray(centre, dtype=nm.float64) dim = shape.shape[0] centre = centre[:dim] dims = dims[:dim] x0 = centre - 0.5 * dims dd = dims / (shape - 1) grid = nm.zeros(shape, dtype=nm.int32) n_nod = coors = nm.zeros((n_nod, dim), dtype=nm.float64) bar = MyBar(" nodes:", verbose=verbose) bar.init(n_nod) for ii, ic in enumerate(cycle(shape)): grid[tuple(ic)] = ii coors[ii] = x0 + ic * dd if not (ii % 100): bar.update(ii) bar.update(ii + 1) n_el = - 1) mat_ids = nm.empty((n_el, ), dtype=nm.int32) mat_ids.fill(mat_id) if (dim == 2): conn = nm.zeros((n_el, 4), dtype=nm.int32) bar = MyBar(" elements:", verbose=verbose) bar.init(n_el) for ii, (ix, iy) in enumerate(cycle(shape - 1)): conn[ii, :] = [ grid[ix, iy], grid[ix + 1, iy], grid[ix + 1, iy + 1], grid[ix, iy + 1] ] if not (ii % 100): bar.update(ii) bar.update(ii + 1) desc = '2_4' else: conn = nm.zeros((n_el, 8), dtype=nm.int32) bar = MyBar(" elements:", verbose=verbose) bar.init(n_el) for ii, (ix, iy, iz) in enumerate(cycle(shape - 1)): conn[ii, :] = [ grid[ix, iy, iz], grid[ix + 1, iy, iz], grid[ix + 1, iy + 1, iz], grid[ix, iy + 1, iz], grid[ix, iy, iz + 1], grid[ix + 1, iy, iz + 1], grid[ix + 1, iy + 1, iz + 1], grid[ix, iy + 1, iz + 1] ] if not (ii % 100): bar.update(ii) bar.update(ii + 1) desc = '3_8' mesh = Mesh.from_data(name, coors, None, [conn], [mat_ids], [desc]) return mesh
def extract_time_history( filename, options ): output( 'extracting selected data...' ) el = options.extract_list output( 'extraction list:', el ) ## # Parse extractions. pes = OneTypeList( Struct ) for chunk in el.split( ',' ): aux = chunk.strip().split() pes.append( Struct( var = aux[0], mode = aux[1], indx = map( int, aux[2:] ), igs = None ) ) ## # Verify array limits, set igs for element data, shift indx. mesh = Mesh.from_file( filename ) n_el, n_els, offs = mesh.n_el, mesh.n_els, mesh.el_offsets for pe in pes: if pe.mode == 'n': for ii in pe.indx: if (ii < 0) or (ii >= mesh.n_nod): raise IndexError, 'node index 0 <= %d < %d'\ % (ii, mesh.n_nod) if pe.mode == 'e': pe.igs = [] for ii, ie in enumerate( pe.indx[:] ): if (ie < 0) or (ie >= n_el): raise IndexError, 'element index 0 <= %d < %d'\ % (ie, n_el) ig = (ie < n_els).argmax() pe.igs.append( ig ) pe.indx[ii] = ie - offs[ig] ## print pes ## # Extract data. # Assumes only one element group (ignores igs)! io = HDF5MeshIO( filename ) ths = {} for pe in pes: mode, nname = io.read_data_header( pe.var ) print mode, nname if ((pe.mode == 'n' and mode == 'vertex') or (pe.mode == 'e' and mode == 'cell')): th = io.read_time_history( nname, pe.indx ) elif pe.mode == 'e' and mode == 'vertex': conn = mesh.conns[0] th = {} for iel in pe.indx: ips = conn[iel] th[iel] = io.read_time_history( nname, ips ) else: raise RuntimeError, 'cannot extract cell data %s in nodes' % pe.var ths[pe.var] = th return ths
def main(): parser = OptionParser( usage = usage, version = "%prog 42" ) parser.add_option( "-s", "--scale", type = int, metavar = 'scale', action = "store", dest = "scale", default = 2, help = help['scale'] ) parser.add_option( "-e", "--eps", type = float, metavar = 'eps', action = "store", dest = "eps", default = 1e-8, help = help['eps'] ) parser.add_option( "-t", "--test", action = "store_true", dest = "test", default = False, help = help['test'] ) parser.add_option( "-n", "--no-mvd", action = "store_true", dest = "nomvd", default = False, help = help['nomvd'] ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.test: test() return if (len( args ) == 2): filename_in = args[0] filename_out = args[1] else: parser.print_help() return print 'scale:', options.scale print 'eps:', options.eps mesh_in = Mesh.from_file( filename_in ) bbox = mesh_in.get_bounding_box() print 'bbox:\n', bbox mscale = bbox[1] - bbox[0] centre0 = 0.5 * (bbox[1] + bbox[0]) print 'centre:\n', centre0 scale = nm.array( options.scale, dtype = nm.float64 ) # Normalize original coordinates. coor0 = (mesh_in.nod0[:,:-1] - centre0) / (mscale) dim = mesh_in.dim coor0, mesh_in.conns = fix_double_nodes( coor0, mesh_in.conns, options.eps ) if not options.nomvd: mes0 = get_min_edge_size( coor0, mesh_in.conns ) mvd0 = get_min_vertex_distance( coor0, mes0 ) if mes0 > (mvd0 + options.eps): print ' original min. "edge" length: %.5e' % mes0 print 'original approx. min. vertex distance: %.5e' % mvd0 print '-> still double nodes in input mesh!' print 'try increasing eps...' raise ValueError for indx in cycle( [options.scale] * dim ): aindx = nm.array( indx, dtype = nm.float64 ) centre = 0.5 * (2.0 * aindx - scale + 1.0) print indx, centre if aindx.sum() == 0: coor = coor0 + centre conns = mesh_in.conns else: coor1 = coor0 + centre conns1 = mesh_in.conns cmap = find_map( coor, coor1, eps = options.eps ) if not cmap.size: print 'non-periodic mesh!' # raise ValueError else: print cmap.size / 2 coor, conns = merge_mesh( coor, conns, coor1, conns1, cmap, eps = options.eps ) if not options.nomvd: mes = get_min_edge_size( coor, conns ) mvd = get_min_vertex_distance( coor, mes0 ) print ' original min. "edge" length: %.5e' % mes0 print ' final min. "edge" length: %.5e' % mes print 'original approx. min. vertex distance: %.5e' % mvd0 print ' final approx. min. vertex distance: %.5e' % mvd if mvd < 0.99999 * mvd0: if mvd0 < (mes0 - options.eps): print '-> probably non-periodic input mesh!' print ' ... adjacent sides were not connected!' print ' try increasing eps...' else: print '-> input mesh might be periodic' print ' try increasing eps...' else: print '-> input mesh looks periodic' else: print 'non-periodic input mesh detection skipped!' print 'renormalizing...' coor = (coor * mscale) / scale print 'saving...' mesh_out = make_mesh( coor, conns, mesh_in ) mesh_out.write( filename_out, io = 'auto' ) print 'done.'
def extract_time_history(filename, extract, verbose=True): """Extract time history of a variable from a multi-time-step results file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of file to extract from. extract : str The description of what to extract in a string of comma-separated description items. A description item consists of: name of the variable to extract, mode ('e' for elements, 'n' for nodes), ids of the nodes or elements (given by the mode). Example: 'u n 10 15, p e 0' means variable 'u' in nodes 10, 15 and variable 'p' in element 0. verbose : bool Verbosity control. Returns ------- ths : dict The time histories in a dict with variable names as keys. If a nodal variable is requested in elements, its value is a dict of histories in the element nodes. ts : TimeStepper instance The time stepping information. """ output('extracting selected data...', verbose=verbose) output('selection:', extract, verbose=verbose) ## # Parse extractions. pes = OneTypeList(Struct) for chunk in extract.split(','): aux = chunk.strip().split() pes.append(Struct(var = aux[0], mode = aux[1], indx = map(int, aux[2:]), igs = None)) ## # Verify array limits, set igs for element data, shift indx. mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename) n_el, n_els, offs = mesh.n_el, mesh.n_els, mesh.el_offsets for pe in pes: if pe.mode == 'n': for ii in pe.indx: if (ii < 0) or (ii >= mesh.n_nod): raise ValueError('node index 0 <= %d < %d!' % (ii, mesh.n_nod)) if pe.mode == 'e': pe.igs = [] for ii, ie in enumerate(pe.indx[:]): if (ie < 0) or (ie >= n_el): raise ValueError('element index 0 <= %d < %d!' % (ie, n_el)) ig = (ie < n_els).argmax() pe.igs.append(ig) pe.indx[ii] = ie - offs[ig] ## print pes ## # Extract data. # Assumes only one element group (ignores igs)! io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename) ths = {} for pe in pes: mode, nname = io.read_data_header(pe.var) output(mode, nname, verbose=verbose) if ((pe.mode == 'n' and mode == 'vertex') or (pe.mode == 'e' and mode == 'cell')): th = io.read_time_history(nname, pe.indx) elif pe.mode == 'e' and mode == 'vertex': conn = mesh.conns[0] th = {} for iel in pe.indx: ips = conn[iel] th[iel] = io.read_time_history(nname, ips) else: raise ValueError('cannot extract cell data %s in nodes!' % pe.var) ths[pe.var] = th output('...done', verbose=verbose) ts = TimeStepper(*io.read_time_stepper()) return ths, ts
def linearize(self, dofs, min_level=0, max_level=1, eps=1e-4): """ Linearize the solution for post-processing. Parameters ---------- dofs : array, shape (n_nod, n_component) The array of DOFs reshaped so that each column corresponds to one component. min_level : int The minimum required level of mesh refinement. max_level : int The maximum level of mesh refinement. eps : float The relative tolerance parameter of mesh adaptivity. Returns ------- mesh : Mesh instance The adapted, nonconforming, mesh. vdofs : array The DOFs defined in vertices of `mesh`. levels : array of ints The refinement level used for each element group. """ assert_(dofs.ndim == 2) n_nod, dpn = dofs.shape assert_(n_nod == self.n_nod) assert_(dpn == self.shape[0]) vertex_coors = self.coors[:self.n_vertex_dof, :] coors = [] vdofs = [] conns = [] mat_ids = [] levels = [] offset = 0 for ig, ap in self.aps.iteritems(): ps = ap.interp.poly_spaces['v'] gps = ap.interp.gel.interp.poly_spaces['v'] group = self.domain.groups[ig] vertex_conn = ap.econn[:, :group.shape.n_ep] eval_dofs = get_eval_dofs(dofs, ap.econn, ps, ori=ap.ori) eval_coors = get_eval_coors(vertex_coors, vertex_conn, gps) (level, _coors, conn, _vdofs, _mat_ids) = create_output(eval_dofs, eval_coors, group.shape.n_el, ps, min_level=min_level, max_level=max_level, eps=eps) _mat_ids[:] = self.domain.mesh.mat_ids[ig][0] coors.append(_coors) vdofs.append(_vdofs) conns.append(conn + offset) mat_ids.append(_mat_ids) levels.append(level) offset += _coors.shape[0] coors = nm.concatenate(coors, axis=0) vdofs = nm.concatenate(vdofs, axis=0) mesh = Mesh.from_data('linearized_mesh', coors, None, conns, mat_ids, self.domain.mesh.descs) return mesh, vdofs, levels
def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version='%prog ' + sfepy.__version__) parser.add_option('-c', '--conf', metavar='"key : value, ..."', action='store', dest='conf', type='string', default=None, help=help['conf']) parser.add_option('-O', '--options', metavar='"key : value, ..."', action='store', dest='app_options', type='string', default=None, help=help['options']) parser.add_option('-o', '', metavar='filename', action='store', dest='output_filename_trunk', default=None, help=help['filename']) parser.add_option('--create-mesh', action='store_true', dest='create_mesh', default=False, help=help['create_mesh']) parser.add_option('--2d', action='store_true', dest='dim2', default=False, help=help['dim']) parser.add_option('-m', '--mesh', metavar='filename', action='store', dest='mesh', default=None, help=help['mesh']) parser.add_option('--mesh-dir', metavar='dirname', action='store', dest='mesh_dir', default='tmp', help=help['mesh_dir']) parser.add_option('--oscillator', action='store_true', dest='oscillator', default=False, help=help['oscillator']) parser.add_option('--well', action='store_true', dest='well', default=False, help=help['well']) parser.add_option('--hydrogen', action='store_true', dest='hydrogen', default=False, help=help['hydrogen']) parser.add_option('--boron', action='store_true', dest='boron', default=False, help=help['boron']) options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.create_mesh and options.mesh: output('--create-mesh and --mesh options are mutually exclusive!') return if len(args) == 1: filename_in = args[0] auto_mesh_name = False elif len(args) == 0: auto_mesh_name = True mesh_filename = os.path.join(options.mesh_dir, 'mesh.vtk') ensure_path(mesh_filename) if options.oscillator: filename_in = fix_path("examples/quantum/") elif options.well: filename_in = fix_path("examples/quantum/") elif options.hydrogen: filename_in = fix_path("examples/quantum/") elif options.boron: filename_in = fix_path("examples/quantum/") elif options.create_mesh: output('generating mesh...') try: os.makedirs("tmp") except OSError, e: if e.errno != 17: # [Errno 17] File exists raise if options.dim2: output("dimension: 2") gp = fix_path('meshes/quantum/square.geo') os.system("cp %s tmp/mesh.geo" % gp) os.system("gmsh -2 tmp/mesh.geo -format mesh") mtv = fix_path('script/') os.system("%s tmp/mesh.mesh %s" % (mtv, mesh_filename)) else: output("dimension: 3") import sfepy.mesh as geom from sfepy.fem.mesh import Mesh try: from site_cfg import tetgen_path except ImportError: tetgen_path = '/usr/bin/tetgen' gp = fix_path('meshes/quantum/box.geo') os.system("gmsh -0 %s -o tmp/x.geo" % gp) g = geom.read_gmsh("tmp/x.geo") g.printinfo() geom.write_tetgen(g, "tmp/t.poly") geom.runtetgen("tmp/t.poly", a=0.03, Q=1.0, quadratic=False, tetgenpath=tetgen_path) m = Mesh.from_file("tmp/t.1.node") m.write(mesh_filename, io="auto") output("...mesh written to %s" % mesh_filename) return else: parser.print_help() return
def extract_time_history(filename, extract, verbose=True): """Extract time history of a variable from a multi-time-step results file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of file to extract from. extract : str The description of what to extract in a string of comma-separated description items. A description item consists of: name of the variable to extract, mode ('e' for elements, 'n' for nodes), ids of the nodes or elements (given by the mode). Example: 'u n 10 15, p e 0' means variable 'u' in nodes 10, 15 and variable 'p' in element 0. verbose : bool Verbosity control. Returns ------- ths : dict The time histories in a dict with variable names as keys. If a nodal variable is requested in elements, its value is a dict of histories in the element nodes. ts : TimeStepper instance The time stepping information. """ output('extracting selected data...', verbose=verbose) output('selection:', extract, verbose=verbose) ## # Parse extractions. pes = OneTypeList(Struct) for chunk in extract.split(','): aux = chunk.strip().split() pes.append( Struct(var=aux[0], mode=aux[1], indx=map(int, aux[2:]), igs=None)) ## # Verify array limits, set igs for element data, shift indx. mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename) n_el, n_els, offs = mesh.n_el, mesh.n_els, mesh.el_offsets for pe in pes: if pe.mode == 'n': for ii in pe.indx: if (ii < 0) or (ii >= mesh.n_nod): raise ValueError('node index 0 <= %d < %d!' % (ii, mesh.n_nod)) if pe.mode == 'e': pe.igs = [] for ii, ie in enumerate(pe.indx[:]): if (ie < 0) or (ie >= n_el): raise ValueError('element index 0 <= %d < %d!' % (ie, n_el)) ig = (ie < n_els).argmax() pe.igs.append(ig) pe.indx[ii] = ie - offs[ig] ## print pes ## # Extract data. # Assumes only one element group (ignores igs)! io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename) ths = {} for pe in pes: mode, nname = io.read_data_header(pe.var) output(mode, nname, verbose=verbose) if ((pe.mode == 'n' and mode == 'vertex') or (pe.mode == 'e' and mode == 'cell')): th = io.read_time_history(nname, pe.indx) elif pe.mode == 'e' and mode == 'vertex': conn = mesh.conns[0] th = {} for iel in pe.indx: ips = conn[iel] th[iel] = io.read_time_history(nname, ips) else: raise ValueError('cannot extract cell data %s in nodes!' % pe.var) ths[pe.var] = th output('...done', verbose=verbose) ts = TimeStepper(*io.read_time_stepper()) return ths, ts
def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version='%prog ' + sfepy.__version__) parser.add_option('-c', '--conf', metavar='"key : value, ..."', action='store', dest='conf', type='string', default=None, help= help['conf']) parser.add_option('-O', '--options', metavar='"key : value, ..."', action='store', dest='app_options', type='string', default=None, help=help['options']) parser.add_option('-o', '', metavar='filename', action='store', dest='output_filename_trunk', default=None, help=help['filename']) parser.add_option('--create-mesh', action='store_true', dest='create_mesh', default=False, help=help['create_mesh']) parser.add_option('--2d', action='store_true', dest='dim2', default=False, help=help['dim']) parser.add_option('-m', '--mesh', metavar='filename', action='store', dest='mesh', default=None, help=help['mesh']) parser.add_option('--mesh-dir', metavar='dirname', action='store', dest='mesh_dir', default='tmp', help=help['mesh_dir']) parser.add_option('--oscillator', action='store_true', dest='oscillator', default=False, help=help['oscillator']) parser.add_option('--well', action='store_true', dest='well', default=False, help=help['well']) parser.add_option('--hydrogen', action='store_true', dest='hydrogen', default=False, help=help['hydrogen']) parser.add_option('--boron', action='store_true', dest='boron', default=False, help=help['boron']) options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.create_mesh and options.mesh: output('--create-mesh and --mesh options are mutually exclusive!') return if len(args) == 1: filename_in = args[0]; auto_mesh_name = False elif len(args) == 0: auto_mesh_name = True mesh_filename = os.path.join(options.mesh_dir, 'mesh.vtk') ensure_path(mesh_filename) if options.oscillator: filename_in = fix_path("examples/quantum/") elif options.well: filename_in = fix_path("examples/quantum/") elif options.hydrogen: filename_in = fix_path("examples/quantum/") elif options.boron: filename_in = fix_path("examples/quantum/") elif options.create_mesh: output('generating mesh...') try: os.makedirs("tmp") except OSError, e: if e.errno != 17: # [Errno 17] File exists raise if options.dim2: output("dimension: 2") gp = fix_path('meshes/quantum/square.geo') os.system("cp %s tmp/mesh.geo" % gp) os.system("gmsh -2 tmp/mesh.geo -format mesh") mtv = fix_path('script/') os.system("%s tmp/mesh.mesh %s" % (mtv, mesh_filename)) else: output("dimension: 3") import sfepy.geom as geom from sfepy.fem.mesh import Mesh try: from site_cfg import tetgen_path except ImportError: tetgen_path = '/usr/bin/tetgen' gp = fix_path('meshes/quantum/box.geo') os.system("gmsh -0 %s -o tmp/x.geo" % gp) g = geom.read_gmsh("tmp/x.geo") g.printinfo() geom.write_tetgen(g, "tmp/t.poly") geom.runtetgen("tmp/t.poly", a=0.03, Q=1.0, quadratic=False, tetgenpath=tetgen_path) m = Mesh.from_file("tmp/t.1.node") m.write(mesh_filename, io="auto") output("...mesh written to %s" % mesh_filename) return else: parser.print_help() return
def main(): version = open( op.join( init_sfepy.install_dir, 'VERSION' ) ).readlines()[0][:-1] parser = OptionParser( usage = usage, version = "%prog " + version ) parser.add_option( "--mesh", action = "store_true", dest = "mesh", default = False, help = help['mesh'] ) parser.add_option( "--2d", action = "store_true", dest = "dim2", default = False, help = help['dim'] ) parser.add_option( "-o", "", metavar = 'filename', action = "store", dest = "output_filename_trunk", default = "mesh", help = help['filename'] ) parser.add_option( "--oscillator", action = "store_true", dest = "oscillator", default = False, help = help['oscillator'] ) parser.add_option( "--well", action = "store_true", dest = "well", default = False, help = help['well'] ) parser.add_option( "--hydrogen", action = "store_true", dest = "hydrogen", default = False, help = help['hydrogen'] ) parser.add_option( "--boron", action = "store_true", dest = "boron", default = False, help = help['boron'] ) parser.add_option( "--dft", action = "store_true", dest = "dft", default = False, help = help['dft'] ) parser.add_option( "-p", "--plot", action = "store_true", dest = "plot", default = False, help = help['plot'] ) options, args = parser.parse_args() if len( args ) == 1: filename_in = args[0]; elif len( args ) == 0: if options.oscillator: dim = MeshIO.any_from_filename("tmp/mesh.vtk").read_dimension() if dim == 2: filename_in = "input/quantum/" else: assert_( dim == 3 ) filename_in = "input/quantum/" options.dim = dim print "Dimension:", dim elif options.well: dim = MeshIO.any_from_filename("tmp/mesh.vtk").read_dimension() if dim == 2: filename_in = "input/quantum/" else: assert_( dim == 3 ) filename_in = "input/quantum/" options.dim = dim print "Dimension:", dim elif options.hydrogen: dim = MeshIO.any_from_filename("tmp/mesh.vtk").read_dimension() if dim == 2: filename_in = "input/quantum/" else: assert_( dim == 3 ) filename_in = "input/quantum/" options.dim = dim print "Dimension:", dim elif options.boron: dim = MeshIO.any_from_filename("tmp/mesh.vtk").read_dimension() if dim == 2: filename_in = "input/quantum/" else: assert_( dim == 3 ) filename_in = "input/quantum/" options.dim = dim print "Dimension:", dim elif options.mesh: try: os.makedirs("tmp") except OSError, e: if e.errno != 17: # [Errno 17] File exists raise if options.dim2: print "Dimension: 2" os.system("cp database/quantum/square.geo tmp/mesh.geo") os.system("gmsh -2 tmp/mesh.geo -format mesh") os.system("script/ tmp/mesh.mesh tmp/mesh.vtk") else: print "Dimension: 3" import geom from sfepy.fem.mesh import Mesh try: from site_cfg import tetgen_path except ImportError: tetgen_path = '/usr/bin/tetgen' os.system("gmsh -0 database/box.geo -o tmp/x.geo") g = geom.read_gmsh("tmp/x.geo") g.printinfo() geom.write_tetgen(g, "tmp/t.poly") geom.runtetgen("tmp/t.poly", a=0.03, Q=1.0, quadratic=False, tetgenpath=tetgen_path) m = Mesh.from_file("tmp/t.1.node") m.write("tmp/mesh.vtk", io="auto") print "Mesh written to tmp/mesh.vtk" return elif options.dft: dim = MeshIO.any_from_filename("tmp/mesh.vtk").read_dimension() if dim == 2: filename_in = "input/quantum/" else: assert_( dim == 3 ) filename_in = "input/quantum/" print "Dimension:", dim options.dim = dim else: parser.print_help() return
def gen_tiled_mesh(mesh, grid=None, scale=1.0, eps=1e-6, ret_ndmap=False): """ Generate a new mesh by repeating a given periodic element along each axis. Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh instance The input periodic FE mesh. grid : array Number of repetition along each axis. scale : float, optional Scaling factor. eps : float, optional Tolerance for boundary detection. ret_ndmap : bool, optional If True, return global node map. Returns ------- mesh_out : Mesh instance FE mesh. ndmap : array Maps: actual node id --> node id in the reference cell. """ bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() if grid is None: iscale = max(int(1.0 / scale), 1) grid = [iscale] * mesh.dim conns = mesh.conns[0] for ii in mesh.conns[1:]: conns = nm.vstack((conns, ii)) mat_ids = mesh.mat_ids[0] for ii in mesh.mat_ids[1:]: mat_ids = nm.hstack((mat_ids, ii)) coors = mesh.coors ngrps = mesh.ngroups nrep = ndmap = None bar = MyBar(" repeating:") bar.init(nrep) nblk = 1 for ii, gr in enumerate(grid): if ret_ndmap: (conns, coors, ngrps, ndmap0) = tiled_mesh1d(conns, coors, ngrps, ii, gr, bbox.transpose()[ii], eps=eps, mybar=(bar, nblk), ndmap=ndmap) ndmap = ndmap0 else: conns, coors, ngrps = tiled_mesh1d(conns, coors, ngrps, ii, gr, bbox.transpose()[ii], eps=eps, mybar=(bar, nblk)) nblk *= gr bar.update(nblk) mat_ids = nm.tile(mat_ids, (nrep,)) mesh_out = Mesh.from_data('tiled mesh', coors * scale, ngrps, [conns], [mat_ids], [mesh.descs[0]]) if ret_ndmap: return mesh_out, ndmap else: return mesh_out
def gen_mesh_from_goem(geo, a=None, quadratic=False, verbose=True, refine=False, polyfilename='./meshgen.poly', out='mesh', **kwargs): """ Runs mesh generator - tetgen for 3D or triangle for 2D meshes. Parameters ---------- geo : geometry geometry description a : int, optional a maximum area/volume constraint quadratic : bool, optional set True for quadratic elements verbose : bool, optional detailed information refine : bool, optional refines mesh Returns ------- mesh : Mesh instance triangular or tetrahedral mesh """ import os.path as op import pexpect # write geometry to poly file geo.to_poly_file(polyfilename) if not refine: params = "-Apq" else: params = "-Arq" if verbose: params = params + " -Q" if a != None and not refine: params = params + " -a%f" % (a) if refine: params = params + " -a" if quadratic: params = params + " -o2" params = params + " %s" % (polyfilename) meshgen_call = {2: 'triangle', 3: 'tetgen'} cmd = "%s %s" % (meshgen_call[geo.dim], params) if verbose: print "Generating mesh using", cmd if geo.dim == 2:, timeout=None) bname, ext = op.splitext(polyfilename) mesh = Mesh.from_file(bname + '.1.node') mesh.write(bname + '.' + out) if geo.dim == 3: p=pexpect.spawn(cmd, timeout=None) if not refine: p.expect("Opening %s." % (polyfilename)) else: p.expect("Opening %s.node.\r\n" % (polyfilename)) p.expect("Opening %s.ele.\r\n" % (polyfilename)) p.expect("Opening %s.face.\r\n" % (polyfilename)) p.expect("Opening %s.vol." % (polyfilename)) assert p.before == "" p.expect(pexpect.EOF) if p.before != "\r\n": print p.before raise "Error when running mesh generator (see above for output): %s" % cmd
def gen_tiled_mesh(mesh, grid=None, scale=1.0, eps=1e-6, ret_ndmap=False): """ Generate a new mesh by repeating a given periodic element along each axis. Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh instance The input periodic FE mesh. grid : array Number of repetition along each axis. scale : float, optional Scaling factor. eps : float, optional Tolerance for boundary detection. ret_ndmap : bool, optional If True, return global node map. Returns ------- mesh_out : Mesh instance FE mesh. ndmap : array Maps: actual node id --> node id in the reference cell. """ bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() if grid is None: iscale = max(int(1.0 / scale), 1) grid = [iscale] * mesh.dim conns = mesh.conns[0] for ii in mesh.conns[1:]: conns = nm.vstack((conns, ii)) mat_ids = mesh.mat_ids[0] for ii in mesh.mat_ids[1:]: mat_ids = nm.hstack((mat_ids, ii)) coors = mesh.coors ngrps = mesh.ngroups nrep = ndmap = None bar = MyBar(" repeating:") bar.init(nrep) nblk = 1 for ii, gr in enumerate(grid): if ret_ndmap: (conns, coors, ngrps, ndmap0) = tiled_mesh1d(conns, coors, ngrps, ii, gr, bbox.transpose()[ii], eps=eps, mybar=(bar, nblk), ndmap=ndmap) ndmap = ndmap0 else: conns, coors, ngrps = tiled_mesh1d(conns, coors, ngrps, ii, gr, bbox.transpose()[ii], eps=eps, mybar=(bar, nblk)) nblk *= gr bar.update(nblk) mat_ids = nm.tile(mat_ids, (nrep, )) mesh_out = Mesh.from_data('tiled mesh', coors * scale, ngrps, [conns], [mat_ids], [mesh.descs[0]]) if ret_ndmap: return mesh_out, ndmap else: return mesh_out
def gen_mesh_from_voxels(voxels, dims, etype='q'): """ Generate FE mesh from voxels (volumetric data). Parameters ---------- voxels : array Voxel matrix, 1=material. dims : array Size of one voxel. etype : integer, optional 'q' - quadrilateral or hexahedral elements 't' - triangular or tetrahedral elements Returns ------- mesh : Mesh instance Finite element mesh. """ dims = dims.squeeze() dim = len(dims) nddims = nm.array(voxels.shape) + 1 nodemtx = nm.zeros(nddims, dtype=nm.int32) if dim == 2: #iy, ix = nm.where(voxels.transpose()) iy, ix = nm.where(voxels) nel = ix.shape[0] if etype == 'q': nodemtx[ix,iy] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1,iy] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1,iy + 1] += 1 nodemtx[ix,iy + 1] += 1 elif etype == 't': nodemtx[ix,iy] += 2 nodemtx[ix + 1,iy] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1,iy + 1] += 2 nodemtx[ix,iy + 1] += 1 nel *= 2 elif dim == 3: #iy, ix, iz = nm.where(voxels.transpose(1, 0, 2)) iy, ix, iz = nm.where(voxels) nel = ix.shape[0] if etype == 'q': nodemtx[ix,iy,iz] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1,iy,iz] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1,iy + 1,iz] += 1 nodemtx[ix,iy + 1,iz] += 1 nodemtx[ix,iy,iz + 1] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1,iy,iz + 1] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1,iy + 1,iz + 1] += 1 nodemtx[ix,iy + 1,iz + 1] += 1 elif etype == 't': nodemtx[ix,iy,iz] += 6 nodemtx[ix + 1,iy,iz] += 2 nodemtx[ix + 1,iy + 1,iz] += 2 nodemtx[ix,iy + 1,iz] += 2 nodemtx[ix,iy,iz + 1] += 2 nodemtx[ix + 1,iy,iz + 1] += 2 nodemtx[ix + 1,iy + 1,iz + 1] += 6 nodemtx[ix,iy + 1,iz + 1] += 2 nel *= 6 else: msg = 'incorrect voxel dimension! (%d)' % dim raise ValueError(msg) ndidx = nm.where(nodemtx) coors = nm.array(ndidx).transpose() * dims nnod = coors.shape[0] nodeid = -nm.ones(nddims, dtype=nm.int32) nodeid[ndidx] = nm.arange(nnod) # generate elements if dim == 2: elems = nm.array([nodeid[ix,iy], nodeid[ix + 1,iy], nodeid[ix + 1,iy + 1], nodeid[ix,iy + 1]]).transpose() elif dim == 3: elems = nm.array([nodeid[ix,iy,iz], nodeid[ix + 1,iy,iz], nodeid[ix + 1,iy + 1,iz], nodeid[ix,iy + 1,iz], nodeid[ix,iy,iz + 1], nodeid[ix + 1,iy,iz + 1], nodeid[ix + 1,iy + 1,iz + 1], nodeid[ix,iy + 1,iz + 1]]).transpose() if etype == 't': elems = elems_q2t(elems) eid = etype + str(dim) eltab = {'q2': 4, 'q3': 8, 't2': 3, 't3': 4} mesh = Mesh.from_data('voxel_data', coors, nm.ones((nnod,), dtype=nm.int32), {0: nm.ascontiguousarray(elems)}, {0: nm.ones((nel,), dtype=nm.int32)}, {0: '%d_%d' % (dim, eltab[eid])}) return mesh
def gen_mesh_from_voxels(voxels, dims, etype='q'): """ Generate FE mesh from voxels (volumetric data). Parameters ---------- voxels : array Voxel matrix, 1=material. dims : array Size of one voxel. etype : integer, optional 'q' - quadrilateral or hexahedral elements 't' - triangular or tetrahedral elements Returns ------- mesh : Mesh instance Finite element mesh. """ dims = dims.squeeze() dim = len(dims) nddims = nm.array(voxels.shape) + 2 nodemtx = nm.zeros(nddims, dtype=nm.int32) if dim == 2: #iy, ix = nm.where(voxels.transpose()) iy, ix = nm.where(voxels) nel = ix.shape[0] if etype == 'q': nodemtx[ix, iy] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1, iy] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1, iy + 1] += 1 nodemtx[ix, iy + 1] += 1 elif etype == 't': nodemtx[ix, iy] += 2 nodemtx[ix + 1, iy] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1, iy + 1] += 2 nodemtx[ix, iy + 1] += 1 nel *= 2 elif dim == 3: #iy, ix, iz = nm.where(voxels.transpose(1, 0, 2)) iy, ix, iz = nm.where(voxels) nel = ix.shape[0] if etype == 'q': nodemtx[ix, iy, iz] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1, iy, iz] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1, iy + 1, iz] += 1 nodemtx[ix, iy + 1, iz] += 1 nodemtx[ix, iy, iz + 1] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1, iy, iz + 1] += 1 nodemtx[ix + 1, iy + 1, iz + 1] += 1 nodemtx[ix, iy + 1, iz + 1] += 1 elif etype == 't': nodemtx[ix, iy, iz] += 6 nodemtx[ix + 1, iy, iz] += 2 nodemtx[ix + 1, iy + 1, iz] += 2 nodemtx[ix, iy + 1, iz] += 2 nodemtx[ix, iy, iz + 1] += 2 nodemtx[ix + 1, iy, iz + 1] += 2 nodemtx[ix + 1, iy + 1, iz + 1] += 6 nodemtx[ix, iy + 1, iz + 1] += 2 nel *= 6 else: msg = 'incorrect voxel dimension! (%d)' % dim raise ValueError(msg) ndidx = nm.where(nodemtx) coors = nm.array(ndidx).transpose() * dims nnod = coors.shape[0] nodeid = -nm.ones(nddims, dtype=nm.int32) nodeid[ndidx] = nm.arange(nnod) # generate elements if dim == 2: elems = nm.array([ nodeid[ix, iy], nodeid[ix + 1, iy], nodeid[ix + 1, iy + 1], nodeid[ix, iy + 1] ]).transpose() elif dim == 3: elems = nm.array([ nodeid[ix, iy, iz], nodeid[ix + 1, iy, iz], nodeid[ix + 1, iy + 1, iz], nodeid[ix, iy + 1, iz], nodeid[ix, iy, iz + 1], nodeid[ix + 1, iy, iz + 1], nodeid[ix + 1, iy + 1, iz + 1], nodeid[ix, iy + 1, iz + 1] ]).transpose() if etype == 't': elems = elems_q2t(elems) eid = etype + str(dim) eltab = {'q2': 4, 'q3': 8, 't2': 3, 't3': 4} mesh = Mesh.from_data('voxel_data', coors, nm.ones( (nnod, ), dtype=nm.int32), {0: nm.ascontiguousarray(elems)}, {0: nm.ones((nel, ), dtype=nm.int32)}, {0: '%d_%d' % (dim, eltab[eid])}) return mesh
def dump_to_vtk(filename, output_filename_trunk=None, step0=0, steps=None, fields=None, linearization=None): """Dump a multi-time-step results file into a sequence of VTK files.""" def _save_step(suffix, out, mesh): if linearization is not None: output('linearizing...') out = _linearize(out, fields, linearization) output('...done') for key, val in out.iteritems(): lmesh = val.get('mesh', mesh) lmesh.write(output_filename_trunk + '_' + key + suffix, io='auto', out={key: val}) if hasattr(val, 'levels'): output('max. refinement per group:', val.levels) else: mesh.write(output_filename_trunk + suffix, io='auto', out=out) output('dumping to VTK...') io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, io=io) if output_filename_trunk is None: output_filename_trunk = get_trunk(filename) try: ts = TimeStepper(*io.read_time_stepper()) all_steps, times, nts, dts = extract_times(filename) except ValueError: output('no time stepping info found, assuming single step') out = io.read_data(0) if out is not None: _save_step('.vtk', out, mesh) ret = None else: ts.times = times ts.n_step = times.shape[0] if steps is None: ii0 = nm.searchsorted(all_steps, step0) iterator = ((all_steps[ii], times[ii]) for ii in xrange(ii0, len(times))) else: iterator = [(step, ts.times[step]) for step in steps] max_step = all_steps.max() for step, time in iterator: output(ts.format % (step, max_step)) out = io.read_data(step) if out is None: break _save_step('.' + ts.suffix % step + '.vtk', out, mesh) ret = ts.suffix output('...done') return ret
def gen_cylinder_mesh(dims, shape, centre, axis='x', force_hollow=False, is_open=False, open_angle=0.0, non_uniform=False, name='cylinder', verbose=True): """ Generate a cylindrical mesh along an axis. Its cross-section can be ellipsoidal. Parameters ---------- dims : array of 5 floats Dimensions of the cylinder: inner surface semi-axes a1, b1, outer surface semi-axes a2, b2, length. shape : array of 3 ints Shape (counts of nodes in radial, circumferential and longitudinal directions) of the cylinder mesh. centre : array of 3 floats Centre of the cylinder. axis: one of 'x', 'y', 'z' The axis of the cylinder. force_hollow : boolean Force hollow mesh even if inner radii a1 = b1 = 0. is_open : boolean Generate an open cylinder segment. open_angle : float Opening angle in radians. non_uniform : boolean If True, space the mesh nodes in radial direction so that the element volumes are (approximately) the same, making thus the elements towards the outer surface thinner. name : string Mesh name. verbose : bool If True, show progress of the mesh generation. Returns ------- mesh : Mesh instance """ dims = nm.asarray(dims, dtype=nm.float64) shape = nm.asarray(shape, dtype=nm.int32) centre = nm.asarray(centre, dtype=nm.float64) a1, b1, a2, b2, length = dims nr, nfi, nl = shape origin = centre - nm.array([0.5 * length, 0.0, 0.0]) dfi = 2.0 * (nm.pi - open_angle) / nfi if is_open: nnfi = nfi + 1 else: nnfi = nfi is_hollow = force_hollow or not (max(abs(a1), abs(b1)) < 1e-15) if is_hollow: mr = 0 else: mr = (nnfi - 1) * nl grid = nm.zeros((nr, nnfi, nl), dtype=nm.int32) n_nod = nr * nnfi * nl - mr coors = nm.zeros((n_nod, 3), dtype=nm.float64) angles = nm.linspace(open_angle, open_angle + (nfi) * dfi, nfi + 1) xs = nm.linspace(0.0, length, nl) if non_uniform: ras = nm.zeros((nr, ), dtype=nm.float64) rbs = nm.zeros_like(ras) advol = (a2**2 - a1**2) / (nr - 1) bdvol = (b2**2 - b1**2) / (nr - 1) ras[0], rbs[0] = a1, b1 for ii in range(1, nr): ras[ii] = nm.sqrt(advol + ras[ii - 1]**2) rbs[ii] = nm.sqrt(bdvol + rbs[ii - 1]**2) else: ras = nm.linspace(a1, a2, nr) rbs = nm.linspace(b1, b2, nr) # This is 3D only... bar = MyBar(" nodes:", verbose=verbose) bar.init(n_nod) ii = 0 for ix in range(nr): a, b = ras[ix], rbs[ix] for iy, fi in enumerate(angles[:nnfi]): for iz, x in enumerate(xs): grid[ix, iy, iz] = ii coors[ii] = origin + [x, a * nm.cos(fi), b * nm.sin(fi)] if not (ii % 100): bar.update(ii) ii += 1 if not is_hollow and (ix == 0): if iy > 0: grid[ix, iy, iz] = grid[ix, 0, iz] ii -= 1 assert_(ii == n_nod) n_el = (nr - 1) * nnfi * (nl - 1) conn = nm.zeros((n_el, 8), dtype=nm.int32) bar = MyBar(" elements:", verbose=verbose) bar.init(n_el) ii = 0 for (ix, iy, iz) in cycle([nr - 1, nnfi, nl - 1]): if iy < (nnfi - 1): conn[ii, :] = [ grid[ix, iy, iz], grid[ix + 1, iy, iz], grid[ix + 1, iy + 1, iz], grid[ix, iy + 1, iz], grid[ix, iy, iz + 1], grid[ix + 1, iy, iz + 1], grid[ix + 1, iy + 1, iz + 1], grid[ix, iy + 1, iz + 1] ] ii += 1 elif not is_open: conn[ii, :] = [ grid[ix, iy, iz], grid[ix + 1, iy, iz], grid[ix + 1, 0, iz], grid[ix, 0, iz], grid[ix, iy, iz + 1], grid[ix + 1, iy, iz + 1], grid[ix + 1, 0, iz + 1], grid[ix, 0, iz + 1] ] ii += 1 if not (ii % 100): bar.update(ii) mat_id = nm.zeros((n_el, ), dtype=nm.int32) desc = '3_8' assert_(n_nod == (conn.max() + 1)) if axis == 'z': coors = coors[:, [1, 2, 0]] elif axis == 'y': coors = coors[:, [2, 0, 1]] mesh = Mesh.from_data(name, coors, None, [conn], [mat_id], [desc]) return mesh
def solve_eigen_problem1( conf, options ): pb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf ) dim = pb.domain.mesh.dim pb.time_update() dummy = pb.create_state_vector() output( 'assembling lhs...' ) tt = time.clock() mtx_a = eval_term_op( dummy, conf.equations['lhs'], pb, dw_mode = 'matrix', tangent_matrix = pb.mtx_a ) output( '...done in %.2f s' % (time.clock() - tt) ) output( 'assembling rhs...' ) tt = time.clock() mtx_b = eval_term_op( dummy, conf.equations['rhs'], pb, dw_mode = 'matrix', tangent_matrix = pb.mtx_a.copy() ) output( '...done in %.2f s' % (time.clock() - tt) ) 'tmp/a.txt', format='%d %d %.12f\n' ) 'tmp/b.txt', format='%d %d %.12f\n' ) try: n_eigs = conf.options.n_eigs except AttributeError: n_eigs = mtx_a.shape[0] if n_eigs is None: n_eigs = mtx_a.shape[0] ## 'a.txt', format='%d %d %.12f\n' ) ## 'b.txt', format='%d %d %.12f\n' ) print 'computing resonance frequencies...' eig = Solver.any_from_conf( pb.get_solver_conf( conf.options.eigen_solver ) ) eigs, mtx_s_phi = eig( mtx_a, mtx_b, conf.options.n_eigs ) from sfepy.fem.mesh import Mesh bounding_box = Mesh.from_file("tmp/mesh.vtk").get_bounding_box() # this assumes a box (3D), or a square (2D): a = bounding_box[1][0] - bounding_box[0][0] E_exact = None if options.hydrogen or options.boron: if options.hydrogen: Z = 1 elif options.boron: Z = 5 if options.dim == 2: E_exact = [-float(Z)**2/2/(n-0.5)**2/4 for n in [1]+[2]*3+[3]*5 +\ [4]*8 + [5]*15] elif options.dim == 3: E_exact = [-float(Z)**2/2/n**2 for n in [1]+[2]*2**2+[3]*3**2 ] if options.well: if options.dim == 2: E_exact = [pi**2/(2*a**2)*x for x in [2, 5, 5, 8, 10, 10, 13, 13, 17, 17, 18, 20, 20 ] ] elif options.dim == 3: E_exact = [pi**2/(2*a**2)*x for x in [3, 6, 6, 6, 9, 9, 9, 11, 11, 11, 12, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 17, 17, 17] ] if options.oscillator: if options.dim == 2: E_exact = [1] + [2]*2 + [3]*3 + [4]*4 + [5]*5 + [6]*6 elif options.dim == 3: E_exact = [float(1)/2+x for x in [1]+[2]*3+[3]*6+[4]*10 ] if E_exact is not None: print "a=%f" % a print "Energies:" print "n exact FEM error" for i, e in enumerate(eigs): from numpy import NaN if i < len(E_exact): exact = E_exact[i] err = 100*abs((exact - e)/exact) else: exact = NaN err = NaN print "%d: %.8f %.8f %5.2f%%" % (i, exact, e, err) else: print eigs ## import sfepy.base.plotutils as plu ## plu.spy( mtx_b, eps = 1e-12 ) ## ## pause() n_eigs = eigs.shape[0] mtx_phi = nm.empty( (pb.variables.di.ptr[-1], mtx_s_phi.shape[1]), dtype = nm.float64 ) for ii in xrange( n_eigs ): mtx_phi[:,ii] = pb.variables.make_full_vec( mtx_s_phi[:,ii] ) save = get_default_attr( conf.options, 'save_eig_vectors', None ) out = {} for ii in xrange( n_eigs ): if save is not None: if (ii > save[0]) and (ii < (n_eigs - save[1])): continue aux = pb.state_to_output( mtx_phi[:,ii] ) key = aux.keys()[0] out[key+'%03d' % ii] = aux[key] ofn_trunk = options.output_filename_trunk pb.domain.mesh.write( ofn_trunk + '.vtk', io = 'auto', out = out ) fd = open( ofn_trunk + '_eigs.txt', 'w' ) eigs.tofile( fd, ' ' ) fd.close() return Struct( pb = pb, eigs = eigs, mtx_phi = mtx_phi )