def test_transform_data(self): import numpy as nm from sfepy.mechanics.tensors import transform_data ok = True coors = nm.eye(3) data = nm.eye(3) expected = nm.zeros((3, 3)) expected[[0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 2]] = 1.0 out = transform_data(data, coors) _ok = nm.allclose(out, expected, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'vectors in cylindrical coordinates: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok data = nm.zeros((3, 6)) data[:, :3] = [[1, 2, 3]] expected = data.copy() expected[1, [0, 1]] = expected[1, [1, 0]] out = transform_data(data, coors) _ok = nm.allclose(out, expected, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'sym. tensors in cylindrical coordinates: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok return ok
def test_transform_data4(self): import numpy as nm import sfepy.mechanics.tensors as tn ok = True if not hasattr(nm, 'einsum'):'no numpy.einsum(), skipping!') return ok expected = nm.zeros((6, 6), dtype=nm.float64) expected[0, 0] = expected[1, 1] = 1.0 phi = nm.deg2rad(30.) dr, v1, v2, om1, om2 = get_ortho_d(phi, phi + nm.deg2rad(90.)) # Rotate coordinate system by phi. mtx = tn.make_axis_rotation_matrix([0., 0., 1.], phi) do = tn.transform_data(dr[None, ...], mtx=mtx[None, ...]) _ok = nm.allclose(do, expected, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'sym. 4th-th order tensor rotation: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok dt, vt1, vt2, omt1, omt2 = get_ortho_d(0, nm.deg2rad(90.)) expected1 = nm.zeros((3, 3), dtype=nm.float64) expected1[0, 0] = 1.0 expected2 = nm.zeros((3, 3), dtype=nm.float64) expected2[1, 1] = 1.0 omr1 = nm.einsum('pq,ip,jq->ij', om1, mtx, mtx) omr2 = nm.einsum('pq,ip,jq->ij', om2, mtx, mtx) ii = tn.get_sym_indices(3) jj = tn.get_full_indices(3) o1 = om1.flat[ii] o2 = om2.flat[ii] omr12 = tn.transform_data(o1[None,...], mtx=mtx[None, ...])[0, jj] omr22 = tn.transform_data(o2[None,...], mtx=mtx[None, ...])[0, jj] _ok1 = nm.allclose(omr1, expected1, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14) _ok2 = nm.allclose(omr12, expected1, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'einsum-transform_data compatibility 1: %s %s' % (_ok1, _ok2)) ok = ok and _ok1 and _ok2 _ok1 = nm.allclose(omr2, expected2, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14) _ok2 = nm.allclose(omr22, expected2, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'einsum-transform_data compatibility 2: %s %s' % (_ok1, _ok2)) ok = ok and _ok1 and _ok2 return ok
def make_mesh(dims, shape, transform=None): """ Generate a 2D rectangle mesh in 3D space, and optionally apply a coordinate transform. """ _mesh = gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, [0, 0], name='shell10x', verbose=False) coors = nm.c_[_mesh.coors, nm.zeros(_mesh.n_nod, dtype=nm.float64)] coors = nm.ascontiguousarray(coors) conns = [_mesh.get_conn(_mesh.descs[0])] mesh = Mesh.from_data(, coors, _mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups, conns, [_mesh.cmesh.cell_groups], _mesh.descs) if transform == 'bend': bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() x0, x1 = bbox[:, 0] angles = 0.5 * nm.pi * (coors[:, 0] - x0) / (x1 - x0) mtx = make_axis_rotation_matrix([0, -1, 0], angles[:, None, None]) coors = mesh.coors.copy() coors[:, 0] = 0 coors[:, 2] = (x1 - x0) mesh.coors[:] = transform_data(coors, mtx=mtx) mesh.coors[:, 0] -= 0.5 * (x1 - x0) elif transform == 'twist': bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() x0, x1 = bbox[:, 0] angles = 0.5 * nm.pi * (coors[:, 0] - x0) / (x1 - x0) mtx = make_axis_rotation_matrix([-1, 0, 0], angles[:, None, None]) mesh.coors[:] = transform_data(mesh.coors, mtx=mtx) return mesh
def eval_function(out, a1, a2, h0, mtx_c, c33, mtx_b, mtx_t, geo, term_mode, fmode): if term_mode == 'strain': out_qp = membranes.get_green_strain_sym3d(mtx_c, c33) elif term_mode == 'stress': n_el, n_qp, dm, _ = mtx_c.shape dim = dm + 1 sym = dim2sym(dim) out_qp = nm.zeros((n_el, n_qp, sym, 1), dtype=mtx_c.dtype) stress = eval_membrane_mooney_rivlin(a1, a2, mtx_c, c33, 0) out_qp[..., 0:2, 0] = stress[..., 0:2, 0] out_qp[..., 3, 0] = stress[..., 2, 0] status = geo.integrate(out, out_qp, fmode) out[:, 0, :, 0] = transform_data(out.squeeze(), mtx=mtx_t) return status