def get_cluster_host_list_logic(cluster_name, is_host_info=''): """ GET 请求集群节点信息处理逻辑 :return: resp, status resp: json格式的响应数据 status: 响应码 """ data = [] status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "data": data, "message": message} if cluster_name == 'default': sfo_collect_hosts = SfoHostInfoMethod.query_last_host_info_list() used_hosts = db.session.query(SfoClusterNodes).filter( SfoClusterNodes.cluster_name != '').all() if used_hosts: used_hosts = map(lambda x: x.node_host_name.lower(), used_hosts) if sfo_collect_hosts: disused_hosts = filter( lambda x: x.host_name.lower() not in used_hosts, sfo_collect_hosts) else: disused_hosts = [] will_used_hosts = [] if disused_hosts: for host in disused_hosts: sfo_host = SfoClusterNodesMethod.create_or_update( host.host_name, '', '', '', '') if sfo_host: db.session.add(sfo_host) will_used_hosts.append(sfo_host) db.session.commit() last_host_info_set = will_used_hosts if is_host_info: for host in last_host_info_set: sfo_host = SfoHostInfoMethod.query_host_info_by_host_name( host.node_host_name) sfo_host_deepcopy = deepcopy(sfo_host) host.host_info = sfo_host_deepcopy else: last_host_info_set = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) if last_host_info_set: last_host_info_set = filter(lambda x: x.node_stat == '1', last_host_info_set) if is_host_info: for host in last_host_info_set: sfo_host = SfoHostInfoMethod.query_host_info_by_host_name( host.node_host_name) sfo_host_deepcopy = deepcopy(sfo_host) host.host_info = sfo_host_deepcopy if last_host_info_set: status = 200 message = 'OK' data = last_host_info_set else: status = 404 message = 'Not Found Record HostList By %s' % cluster_name resp.update({"status": status, "data": data, "message": message}) return resp, status
def cluster_swift_config_logic(hostname, filename=None): """ :return: """ status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} host = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_by_host_name(hostname) if not host: raise ValueError('not Node hostname is %s' % hostname) if filename: node_man = manager_class.NodeManager(host.node_inet_ip) content = node_man.swift_config.read_config( config_path=os.path.dirname(filename), config_file=os.path.basename(filename)) config = ConfigParser() config.read_string(content) config_dict = OrderedDict() try: if config.defaults(): default_config = config.defaults() config_dict[config.default_section] = default_config for section, option in config.items(): if config.has_section(section): section_copy = config._sections[section].copy() config_dict[section] = section_copy except NoSectionError, error: access_logger.error('get exception %s from swift config' % str(error)) status = 200 message = 'OK' data = {"config": config_dict}
def get_storage_net_used_logic(cluster_name, starttime, endtime): data = {} status = '' message = '' storage = {} resp = {"status": status, "data": data, "message": message} proxy_node_list, storage_node_list = SfoClusterNodesMethod.category_node_list( cluster_name) # 获取proxy、storage节点主机列表 if storage_node_list: try: send_bytes, recv_bytes, add_time = server_net_used( storage_node_list, starttime, endtime) if add_time: status = 200 message = 'OK' storage.update({ 'send_bytes': send_bytes, "recv_bytes": recv_bytes, "add_time": add_time }) else: status = 404 message = 'Storage Node Not Found Record' except Exception, error: status = 501 message = 'get exception %s from storage net used' % str(error)
def cluster_total_proxy_ops(cluster_name): """ 集群的预估iops值 与cpu core num 有关, 集群下Proxy节点的cpu核数* 单个(cpu核数能力)80 * 0.8 单个能力 : 48核的cpu 预估ops是4000 ,单个由此计算 公式 4000/48 * 0.8 * 集群proxy节点的总cpu核数 :param cluster_name: :return: """ sfo_proxy_nodes = [] sfo_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) for node in sfo_nodes: try: node_role_js = json.loads(node.node_role) if isinstance(node_role_js, dict) and node_role_js.get('Proxy-Server') == 'YES': sfo_proxy_nodes.append(node) except ValueError: continue _estimate_proxy_ops_total = 0 for node in sfo_proxy_nodes: sfo_node = SfoHostInfoMethod.query_host_info_by_host_name( node.node_host_name) if sfo_node: _estimate_proxy_ops_total += int(sfo_node.cpu_cores) * 80 estimate_proxy_ops_total = _estimate_proxy_ops_total * 0.8 return estimate_proxy_ops_total
def rebalance(cluster_name, datajson): """ 平衡环 :param datajson: :return: """ status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} policy_num = '' ring_name = datajson.get('ring_name') ring_name = ring_name if ring_name.endswith( '.ring.gz') else ring_name + '.ring.gz' if 'object-' in ring_name: obj_ring, policy_num = ring_name.rstrip('.ring.gz').split('-') sfo_clu_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) if not sfo_clu_nodes: raise ValueError('Not Master Node in %s' % cluster_name) # 建立task 任务 rm = RingManager(cluster_name) try: if not policy_num: ring_name = ring_name.split('.')[0] content = rm.rebalance(ring_name=ring_name) else: content = rm.rebalance(policy_num=policy_num, policy=True) except Exception, error: status = 501 message = str(error)
def change_cluster_nodesrv_logic(host_name, param): status, message = '', '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} sfo_clu_node = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_by_host_name(host_name) if sfo_clu_node: ip = sfo_clu_node.node_inet_ip action = param['action'] service = param['service'] client = ClusterClient( host=ip, port=7201, message="systemctl %s openstack-swift-%s.service" % (action, service.replace('_', '-'))) asyncore.loop() if client.buffer == 'SUCCESS': sfo_server = SfoNodeServiceMethod.query_node_srv_by_host_name( host_name) setattr(sfo_server, 'srv_' + param['service'], action_status_map[action]) db.session.add(sfo_server) db.session.commit() status = 200 message = 'OK' else: status = 400 message = 'Operation Fail' else: status = 404 message = 'Not Found Record' resp.update({"status": status, "message": message}) return resp, status
def standard_system(cluster_name, taskid=None): sfo_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) sfo_nodes = filter( lambda x: not (json.loads(x.node_role)['Proxy-Server'] == 'YES' and json.loads(x.node_role)['Container-Server'] == 'NO' and json.loads(x.node_role)['Account-Server'] == 'NO' and json.loads(x.node_role)['Object-Server'] == 'NO'), sfo_nodes) cm = ClusterManager() if len(sfo_nodes) > 0: try: for sfo_node in sfo_nodes: systemd_zip_path = os.path.join(config.sfo_server_temp_file, 'standard') content = give_away_file_to_host(os.path.join( systemd_zip_path, ''), sfo_node.node_host_name, '/usr/lib/systemd/system', taskid=taskid) content = cm.excute_cmd( message= 'unzip -o -d /usr/lib/systemd/system/ /usr/lib/systemd/system/', host=sfo_node.node_inet_ip) content = cm.excute_cmd( message= 'rm -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/', host=sfo_node.node_inet_ip) content = cm.excute_cmd(message='systemctl daemon-reload', host=sfo_node.node_inet_ip) message = content except Exception, error: message = str(error) assert False finally:
def add_node_2cluster(nodejson): """ 添加节点到数据库 :param nodejson: :return: """ status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} node_role = nodejson.get('node_role') host_ip = nodejson.get('node_inet_ip') cluster_name = nodejson.get('cluster_name', 'default') replication_ip = nodejson.get('node_replicate_ip') host_name = nodejson.get('node_host_name') auto_install_srv = nodejson.get('auto_install_srv') username = '******' services = host_name operation = 'add_node' service_type = 'node_manager' try: if nodejson: sfo_cluster_node = SfoClusterNodesMethod.create_or_update(node_host_name=host_name, node_inet_ip=host_ip, node_role=node_role, node_replicate_ip=replication_ip, cluster_name=cluster_name) if sfo_cluster_node: db.session.add(sfo_cluster_node) sfo_task = SfoTasksListMethod.create_or_update_task(service_type=service_type, operation=operation, hostname=host_name, username=username, service_name=services ) db.session.add(sfo_task) taskid = sfo_task.guid if auto_install_srv: node_role = json.loads(node_role) node_services_set = set( map(lambda x: x.lower().split('-')[0], filter(lambda x: node_role[x] == 'YES', node_role))) for srv in node_services_set: scheduler.add_service(args=(sfo_cluster_node, srv, taskid)) if srv == 'proxy': scheduler.add_service(args=(sfo_cluster_node, 'memcached', taskid)) status = 200 message = 'OK' else: status = 202 message = 'OK' else: status = 501 message = 'NULL VALUE %s'%nodejson except Exception as ex: status = 502 message = str(ex) finally: db.session.commit() resp.update({"status": status, "message": message}) return resp,status
def add_disk_cluster(cluster_name, datajson): """ 向环中添加磁盘 :param ringjson: :return: """ status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} policy_num = '' ip = datajson.get('ip') port = datajson.get('port') zone = datajson.get('zone') device = datajson.get('device') weight = datajson.get('weight') region = datajson.get('region') ring_name = datajson.get('ring_name') ring_name = ring_name if ring_name.endswith( '.ring.gz') else ring_name + '.ring.gz' if 'object-' in ring_name: obj_ring, policy_num = ring_name.rstrip('.ring.gz').split('-') replication_ip = datajson.get('replication_ip') replication_port = datajson.get('replication_port') sfo_clu_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) if not sfo_clu_nodes: raise ValueError('Not Master Node in %s' % cluster_name) # 建立task 任务 rm = RingManager(cluster_name) try: if not policy_num: ring_name = ring_name.split('.')[0] content = rm.add_disk_2_ring(ring_name=ring_name, region=region, zone=zone, ip=ip, port=port, disk_device=device, weight=weight, replication_ip=replication_ip, replication_port=replication_port) else: content = rm.add_disk_2_ring(region=region, zone=zone, ip=ip, port=port, disk_device=device, weight=weight, replication_ip=replication_ip, replication_port=replication_port, policy=True, policy_num=policy_num) except Exception, error: status = 501 message = str(error)
def get_requests_count_logic(cluster_name, start_time, end_time): """ GET 请求集群信息列表处理逻辑 :param start_time: str 字符串日期格式 :param end_time: str 字符串日期格式 :return: resp, status resp: json格式的响应数据 status: 响应码 """ data = {"request_stats": [], "add_times": []} status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "data": data, "message": message} if is_less_than_nhours(start_time, end_time, 1): request_stats = SfoProxyStatsDMethod.query_proxt_stat_st2et( start_time, end_time) elif is_less_than_nhours(start_time, end_time, 8): request_stats = SfoProxyStatsD5MinMethod.query_proxt_stat_st2et( start_time, end_time) elif is_less_than_nhours(start_time, end_time, 24): request_stats = SfoProxyStatsDHourMethod.query_proxt_stat_st2et( start_time, end_time) else: request_stats = SfoProxyStatsDDayMethod.query_proxt_stat_st2et( start_time, end_time) sfo_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name=cluster_name) for stat in request_stats: add_time = stat.add_time hostname_httpmethod_map = proxy_server_stat(stat.req_timing) for host_name in hostname_httpmethod_map.keys(): if host_name.upper() not in [ node.node_host_name.upper() for node in sfo_nodes ]: hostname_httpmethod_map.pop(host_name) if hostname_httpmethod_map.values(): data['request_stats'].append( reduce(lambda x, y: sum_times_group_by_httpmethod(x, y), hostname_httpmethod_map.values())) data['add_times'].append(add_time) if request_stats: status = 200 message = 'OK' if data['request_stats']: data['request_stats'] = dict( zip(data['request_stats'][0].keys(), zip(*map(lambda x: x.values(), data['request_stats'])))) else: status = 404 message = 'Not Found Record By %s' % cluster_name else: status = 404 message = 'Not Found Record By %s' % cluster_name resp.update({"status": status, "data": data, "message": message}) return resp, status
def get_node_list(cluster_name): """ 通过集群名获取当前集群中的节点列表 :param cluster_name: :return: """ data = [] status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "data": data, "message": message} try: if cluster_name: nodes = SfoClusterNodes.query.filter(SfoClusterNodes.cluster_name == cluster_name).all() if nodes: nodes = filter(lambda x: not x.node_stat != '1', nodes) if nodes: data = nodes status = 200 message = 'OK' else: status = 404 message = 'No available node was found by %s cluster' % cluster_name else: status = 404 message = 'No record was found by %s cluster'%cluster_name else: sfo_collect_hosts = SfoHostInfoMethod.query_last_host_info_list() used_hosts = db.session.query(SfoClusterNodes).filter(SfoClusterNodes.cluster_name != '').all() if used_hosts: used_hosts = map(lambda x: x.node_host_name.lower(), used_hosts) if sfo_collect_hosts: disused_hosts = filter(lambda x: x.host_name.lower() not in used_hosts, sfo_collect_hosts) else: disused_hosts = [] will_used_hosts = [] if disused_hosts: for host in disused_hosts: sfo_host = SfoClusterNodesMethod.create_or_update(host.host_name, '', '', '', '') if sfo_host: db.session.add(sfo_host) will_used_hosts.append(sfo_host) db.session.commit() data = will_used_hosts status = 200 message = 'OK' else: status = 404 message = 'There is no enough node' except Exception as ex: status = 502 message = str(ex) finally: resp.update({"status": status, "data": data, "message": message}) return resp,status
def mount_all_node_disks(): sfo_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) if sfo_nodes: sfo_nodes = filter( lambda x: json.loads(x.node_role)['Account-Server'] == 'YES' or json.loads(x.node_role)['Container-Server'] == 'YES' or json. loads(x.node_role)['Object-Server'] == 'YES', sfo_nodes) for node in sfo_nodes: add_disk(node.node_inet_ip, node.node_replicate_ip, node.node_host_name, '', taskid)
def test_file_link(host_name): status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} node = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_by_host_name(host_name) if node: try: fm = FileManager() content = fm.give_away_file_to_host(host_name, '/app/sfo/','/tmp') status = 200 message = content except Exception, error: message = str(error) raise ValueError(message)
def install_relation_service(): sfo_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) if sfo_nodes: for idy, sfo_node in enumerate(sfo_nodes): if sfo_node.cluster_name == cluster_name: node_role = json.loads(sfo_node.node_role) node_services = map( lambda x: x.split('-')[0].lower(), filter(lambda x: node_role[x] == 'YES', node_role)) for idx, srv in enumerate(node_services): add_service(sfo_node, srv, taskid) if srv == 'proxy': add_service(sfo_node, 'memcached', taskid)
def test_cmd_link(host_name): status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} node = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_by_host_name(host_name) if node: try: sop = ServiceOperation(node.node_inet_ip) content = sop.excute_cmd('date') status = 200 message = content except Exception, error: message = str(error) raise ValueError(message)
def get_disk_performance_logic(cluster_name): data = '' status = '' message = '' disk_num_total = 0 resp = { "status": status, "data": data, "message": message, "disk_num_total": disk_num_total } nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name=cluster_name) order_list = [] for node in nodes: sfo_disk_per = [] _sfo_disk_per = SfoDiskPerformMethod.query_last_diskinfo_by_hostname( node.node_host_name) for disk in _sfo_disk_per: if disk.disk_name not in map(lambda x: x.disk_name, sfo_disk_per): mx_disk = max(filter(lambda x: x.disk_name == disk.disk_name, _sfo_disk_per), key=lambda x: x.add_time) sfo_disk_per.append(mx_disk) order_list.append(mx_disk) if not nodes: raise ValueError('Cluster Not Found nodes') order_list = sorted(order_list, key=lambda x: float(x.disk_percent), reverse=True) if order_list: status = 200 message = 'OK' data = order_list disk_num_total = len(order_list) else: status = 404 message = 'Not Found Record Cluster Disk Infomation By %s' % cluster_name resp.update({ "status": status, "data": data, "message": message, 'disk_num_total': disk_num_total }) return resp, status
def get_alarm_historys_logic(starttime, endtime, page, limit): """ GET 请求历史告警记录信息 :return: resp, status resp: json格式的响应数据 status: 响应码 """ data = {'alarm_total': 0, "alarms": []} status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "data": data, "message": message} alarm_set = SfoAlarmLogMethod.group_by_alarm_device(page=int(page), limit=int(limit), starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime) if alarm_set: data['alarm_total'] = for alarm in alarm_set.items: sfo_alarm_logs = SfoAlarmLogMethod.query_by_alarm_device( alarm.alarm_device, starttime, endtime) if len(sfo_alarm_logs) > 0: critical_len = filter(lambda x: x.alarm_level == 'critical', sfo_alarm_logs) warn_len = filter(lambda x: x.alarm_level == 'warning', sfo_alarm_logs) sfo_cluster_node = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_by_host_name( alarm.hostname) alarm_info = { "alarm": sfo_alarm_logs[0], "total": len(sfo_alarm_logs), "warning_total": len(warn_len), "critical_total": len(critical_len) } if sfo_cluster_node and sfo_cluster_node.cluster_name: alarm_info.update( {"cluster_name": sfo_cluster_node.cluster_name}) alarm_info.update({"ip": sfo_cluster_node.node_inet_ip}) data['alarms'].append(alarm_info) status = 200 message = 'OK' else: status = 404 message = 'Not Found Record' resp.update({"status": status, "data": data, "message": message}) return resp, status
def create_cluster_nodesrv_detail_logic(host_name, param): status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} host = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_by_host_name(host_name) if not host: raise ValueError('No Record by %s' % host_name) operation = param.get('operation') services = param.get('service') try: nodeman = NodeManager(host.node_inet_ip) if hasattr(nodeman.swift_service, operation): oper_fun = getattr(nodeman.swift_service, operation) content = oper_fun(services) else: raise AttributeError('%s not found' % operation) except Exception, error: status = 501 message = str(error)
def umount_disk_2node(host_name, disk_name): """ 删除磁盘的操作 :param host_name: 主机名 :param disk_name: 磁盘名 :return: """ status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} sfo_node = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_by_host_name(host_name) if not sfo_node: raise ValueError('Not Found Node Host %s' % host_name) disk_op = DiskOperation(sfo_node.node_inet_ip, sfo_node.node_replicate_ip) try: disk_name = disk_name if disk_name else 'all' content = disk_op.delete_disk(disk_name) except Exception, error: status = 501 message = str(error)
def get_disk_list(cluster_name): """ 获取节点磁盘列表 :param cluster_name: :return: """ sfo_disks = [] apply_result_list = [] status = '' message = {} resp = {"status": status, "data": sfo_disks, "message": message} sfo_node = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name(cluster_name=cluster_name) rm = RingManager(cluster_name) try: ring_host_label_map = rm.used_map(cluster_name) except IOError: ring_host_label_map = {} pool = Pool(25) for node in sfo_node: apply_result = pool.apply_async(func=async_disk_operation, args=(node,)) apply_result_list.append(apply_result) pool.close() pool.join() for apply_result in apply_result_list: apply_result_data = apply_result.get(timeout=1) if apply_result_data: for ring_name, ring_info in ring_host_label_map.items(): for disk_infomation in apply_result_data: for host_labels_dict in ring_info: if (disk_infomation.host_ip == host_labels_dict['host_ip'] or disk_infomation.host_re_ip == host_labels_dict['host_ip']) and disk_infomation.label in host_labels_dict['labels']: disk_infomation.is_used.append(ring_name) sfo_disks.extend(apply_result_data) if sfo_disks: status = 200 message = 'OK' sfo_disks = sorted(sfo_disks, key=lambda x: x.host_name) else: status = 404 message = 'Not Found Record' resp.update({"status": status, "data": sfo_disks, "message": message}) return resp, status
def add_srv_2cluster(cluster_name, srvjson): """ 添加服务到数据库 :param cluster_name: :param srvjson: :return: """ status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} host_name = srvjson.get('host_name') service_name = srvjson.get('service_name') sfo_clu_node = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_by_host_name(host_name) if not sfo_clu_node: raise ValueError('Not Found Node Host %s' % host_name) swift_op = SwiftServiceOperation(sfo_clu_node.node_inet_ip) try: content = swift_op.install_service(service_name) except Exception, error: status = 501 message = str(error)
def add_ring_2cluster(cluster_name, ringjson): """ 添加环数据到数据库 :param ringjson: :return: """ status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} policy_num = '' replicas = ringjson.get('replicas') part_power = ringjson.get('part_power') ring_name = ringjson.get('ring_name') ring_name = ring_name if ring_name.endswith( '.ring.gz') else ring_name + '.ring.gz' if 'object-' in ring_name: obj_ring, policy_num = ring_name.rstrip('.ring.gz').split('-') min_part_hours = ringjson.get('min_part_hours') sfo_clu_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) if not sfo_clu_nodes: raise ValueError('Not Master Node in %s' % cluster_name) rm = RingManager(cluster_name) try: if policy_num: content = rm.create(part_power=part_power, replicas=replicas, min_part_hours=min_part_hours, policy=True, policy_num=policy_num) else: ring_name = ring_name.split('.')[0] content = rm.create(ring_name=ring_name, part_power=part_power, replicas=replicas, min_part_hours=min_part_hours) except Exception, error: status = 501 message = str(error)
def reload_proxy_srv(cluster_name, referer, syscode, taskid=None): nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name(cluster_name) nodes = filter(lambda x: json.loads(x.node_role)['Proxy-Server'] == 'YES', nodes) content_list = [] message_js = { "source": referer, "syscode": syscode, } for proxy in nodes: try: result = requests.get('http://%s:8080/reload/' % proxy.node_inet_ip, timeout=5) message = 'Reload Proxy IP:%s result:%s' % (proxy.node_inet_ip, result.status_code) except IOError, error: message = 'Reload Proxy IP:%s result:%s' % (proxy.node_inet_ip, error) access_logger.error(message) finally:
def update_cluster_config(cluster_name, cluster_json): status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} sfo_clu = SfoClusterMethod.query_cluster_by_cluster_name(cluster_name) if sfo_clu: sfo_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_not_used_hosts() if len(sfo_nodes) > 0: username = '******' operation = 'create' service_type = 'cluster manager' services = 'create %s cluster' % cluster_name aco_ring_json = cluster_json.get('account', {}) ser_ip = cluster_json.get('statsd_host_ip', '') con_ring_json = cluster_json.get('container', {}) obj_ring_json = cluster_json.get('object', {}) proxy_json = cluster_json.get('proxy', {}) sfo_task = SfoTasksListMethod.create_or_update_task( service_type=service_type, operation=operation, username=username, service_name=services) db.session.add(sfo_task) db.session.commit() scheduler.create_cluster(args=(cluster_name, sfo_task.guid, ser_ip, aco_ring_json, con_ring_json, obj_ring_json, proxy_json)) status = 201 message = 'Create OK' data = {'data': sfo_task.guid} resp.update(data) else: status = 200 message = 'There is no enough node' else: status = 404 message = "%s cluster doesn't exists" % cluster_name resp.update({"status": status, "message": message}) return resp, status
def give_away_ring(cluster_name, datajson): """ 平衡环 :param datajson: :return: """ status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} ring_name = datajson.get('ring_name') ring_name = ring_name if ring_name.endswith( '.ring.gz') else ring_name + '.ring.gz' sfo_clu_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) if not sfo_clu_nodes: raise ValueError('Not Master Node in %s' % cluster_name) rm = RingManager(cluster_name) try: content = rm.give_away_ring(cluster_name=cluster_name, ring_file=ring_name) except Exception, error: message = str(error) status = 501
def get_cluster_agent_logic(cluster_name, page, limit): """ GET 请求集群Agent管理 :return: resp, status resp: json格式的响应数据 status: 响应码 """ data = {"agents_total": '', "agents": []} status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "data": data, "message": message} sfo_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name(cluster_name) agents = BeatHeartInfoMethod.lived_agent_filter_cluster2(sfo_nodes, int(page), int(limit)) if agents: status = 200 message = 'OK' data['agents_total'] = data['agents'].extend(agents.items) else: status = 404 message = 'Not Found Record Cluster Agent' resp.update({"status": status, "data": data, "message": message}) return resp, status
def update_swift_config_logic(hostname, filename, **sections): """ 更新配置文件逻辑 :param hostname: :param filename: :param sections: :return: """ status = '' message = '' resp = {"status": status, "message": message} host = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_by_host_name(hostname) if not host: raise ValueError('not Node hostname is %s' % hostname) node_man = manager_class.NodeManager(host.node_inet_ip) content = node_man.swift_config.read_config( config_path=os.path.dirname(filename), config_file=os.path.basename(filename)) config = ConfigParser() config.read_string(content) for section in sections: if section.upper() == 'DEFAULT': for key, value in sections[section].items(): if config.defaults().has_key(key): config.defaults()[key] = value else: config.defaults().setdefault(key, value) else: if config.has_section(section): for key, value in sections[section].items(): config.set(section=section, option=key, value=value) else: config.add_section(section) for key, value in sections[section].items(): config.set(section=section, option=key, value=value) if not os.path.exists( '%s/%s/' % (global_config.sfo_server_temp_file, host.node_inet_ip)): os.makedirs('%s/%s/' % (global_config.sfo_server_temp_file, host.node_inet_ip)) else: if os.path.exists( '%s/%s/%s' % (global_config.sfo_server_temp_file, host.node_inet_ip, filename)): shutil.copy( '%s/%s/%s' % (global_config.sfo_server_temp_file, host.node_inet_ip, filename), '%s/%s/%s.bak' % (global_config.sfo_server_temp_file, host.node_inet_ip, filename)) with open( '%s/%s/%s' % (global_config.sfo_server_temp_file, host.node_inet_ip, filename), mode='w+') as fp: config.write(fp=fp) content = node_man.swift_config.write_config(os.path.basename(filename)) copy_content = node_man.swift_config.copy( old_path='/tmp/sfo', config_path=os.path.dirname(filename), config_file=os.path.basename(filename)) if content == 'Send File Success' and copy_content == 'Excute Cmd Success': status = 200 message = 'OK' else: status = 500 message = 'Update Config Fail %s %s' % (content, copy_content) resp.update({"status": status, "message": message}) return resp, status
def standard_ga_template(): standard_system(cluster_name, taskid) sfo_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) if sfo_nodes: sfo_proxy_nodes = filter( lambda x: json.loads(x.node_role)['Proxy-Server'] == 'YES', sfo_nodes) sfo_storage_nodes = filter( lambda x: json.loads(x.node_role)['Account-Server'] == 'YES' or json.loads(x.node_role)['Container-Server'] == 'YES' or json. loads(x.node_role)['Object-Server'] == 'YES', sfo_nodes) for node in sfo_proxy_nodes: ser_op = ServiceOperation(node.node_inet_ip) ser_op.excute_cmd( "sed -i 's/\"64\"/\"1024\"/g' /etc/sysconfig/memcached") ser_op.excute_cmd( 'sed -i \'$c OPTIONS="-l -U 11211 -t 12 >> /var/log/memcached.log 2>&1"\' /etc/sysconfig/memcached' ) for node in sfo_storage_nodes: systemd_zip_path = os.path.join(config.sfo_server_temp_file, 'standard') give_away_file_to_host(os.path.join(systemd_zip_path, ''), node.node_host_name, '/usr/bin', taskid=taskid) ser_op = ServiceOperation(node.node_inet_ip) ser_op.excute_cmd('chmod +x /usr/bin/') ser_op.excute_cmd( 'systemctl enable openstack-swift-disk-mount.service') sfo_memcached_proxy = map(lambda x: x.node_inet_ip + ':11211', sfo_proxy_nodes) for idy, sfo_node in enumerate(sfo_nodes): base_dir = config.sfo_server_temp_file abs_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, sfo_node.node_inet_ip) if not os.path.exists(abs_dir): os.mkdir(abs_dir) filenames = create_new_config_file( abs_dir, sfo_node, **{ "private_ip": sfo_node.node_replicate_ip, "public_ip": sfo_node.node_inet_ip, "ser_ip": ser_ip, "account_server_+hostname": "account_server_%s" % sfo_node.node_host_name, "object_server_+hostname": "object_server_%s" % sfo_node.node_host_name, "container_server_+hostname": "container_server_%s" % sfo_node.node_host_name, "proxy_server_+hostname": "proxy_server_%s" % sfo_node.node_host_name, "memcachehost1:11211,memcachehost2:11211,memcachehost3:11211": ','.join(sfo_memcached_proxy) }) for idx, filename in enumerate(filenames): target_file = os.path.join(abs_dir, filename) if filename.startswith('account'): cp_file_path = '/etc/swift/account-server' elif filename.startswith('container'): cp_file_path = '/etc/swift/container-server' elif filename.startswith('object'): cp_file_path = '/etc/swift/object-server' elif filename.startswith('rsync'): cp_file_path = '/etc' elif filename == 'openstack-swift.conf': cp_file_path = '/etc/rsyslog.d' else: cp_file_path = '/etc/swift' give_away_file_to_host(target_file, sfo_node.node_host_name, cp_file_path, taskid)
def create_cluster( cluster_name, taskid, ser_ip, account_ring_json, con_ring_json, obj_ring_json, proxy_json, ): from sfo_utils.socket_utils import LocalProcessSocketClient sfo_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_not_used_hosts() auth_switch = SfoCofigureMethod.query_value_from_con_key('AUTH_SWITCH') admin_user = SfoCofigureMethod.query_value_from_con_key( 'KEYSTONE_USERNAME') admin_password = SfoCofigureMethod.query_value_from_con_key( 'KEYSTONE_PASSWORD') for sfo_node in sfo_nodes: enable_cluster = False node_role = { "Proxy-Server": "NO", "Container-Server": "NO", "Account-Server": "NO", "Object-Server": "NO" } for proxy_node in proxy_json['nodes']: if sfo_node.node_host_name == proxy_node['host_name']: node_role.update({"Proxy-Server": "YES"}) sfo_node.node_inet_ip = proxy_node['ip'] enable_cluster = True for account_node in account_ring_json['nodes']: if sfo_node.node_host_name == account_node['host_name']: node_role.update({"Account-Server": "YES"}) sfo_node.node_inet_ip = account_node['ip'] sfo_node.node_replicate_ip = account_node["replication_ip"] enable_cluster = True for con_node in con_ring_json['nodes']: if sfo_node.node_host_name == con_node['host_name']: node_role.update({"Container-Server": "YES"}) sfo_node.node_inet_ip = con_node['ip'] sfo_node.node_replicate_ip = con_node["replication_ip"] enable_cluster = True for obj_node in obj_ring_json['nodes']: if sfo_node.node_host_name == obj_node['host_name']: node_role.update({"Object-Server": "YES"}) sfo_node.node_inet_ip = obj_node['ip'] sfo_node.node_replicate_ip = obj_node["replication_ip"] enable_cluster = True if enable_cluster: sfo_node.node_role = json.dumps(node_role, encoding='utf-8') sfo_node.cluster_name = cluster_name db.session.commit() def install_relation_service(): sfo_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) if sfo_nodes: for idy, sfo_node in enumerate(sfo_nodes): if sfo_node.cluster_name == cluster_name: node_role = json.loads(sfo_node.node_role) node_services = map( lambda x: x.split('-')[0].lower(), filter(lambda x: node_role[x] == 'YES', node_role)) for idx, srv in enumerate(node_services): add_service(sfo_node, srv, taskid) if srv == 'proxy': add_service(sfo_node, 'memcached', taskid) def standard_ga_template(): standard_system(cluster_name, taskid) sfo_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) if sfo_nodes: sfo_proxy_nodes = filter( lambda x: json.loads(x.node_role)['Proxy-Server'] == 'YES', sfo_nodes) sfo_storage_nodes = filter( lambda x: json.loads(x.node_role)['Account-Server'] == 'YES' or json.loads(x.node_role)['Container-Server'] == 'YES' or json. loads(x.node_role)['Object-Server'] == 'YES', sfo_nodes) for node in sfo_proxy_nodes: ser_op = ServiceOperation(node.node_inet_ip) ser_op.excute_cmd( "sed -i 's/\"64\"/\"1024\"/g' /etc/sysconfig/memcached") ser_op.excute_cmd( 'sed -i \'$c OPTIONS="-l -U 11211 -t 12 >> /var/log/memcached.log 2>&1"\' /etc/sysconfig/memcached' ) for node in sfo_storage_nodes: systemd_zip_path = os.path.join(config.sfo_server_temp_file, 'standard') give_away_file_to_host(os.path.join(systemd_zip_path, ''), node.node_host_name, '/usr/bin', taskid=taskid) ser_op = ServiceOperation(node.node_inet_ip) ser_op.excute_cmd('chmod +x /usr/bin/') ser_op.excute_cmd( 'systemctl enable openstack-swift-disk-mount.service') sfo_memcached_proxy = map(lambda x: x.node_inet_ip + ':11211', sfo_proxy_nodes) for idy, sfo_node in enumerate(sfo_nodes): base_dir = config.sfo_server_temp_file abs_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, sfo_node.node_inet_ip) if not os.path.exists(abs_dir): os.mkdir(abs_dir) filenames = create_new_config_file( abs_dir, sfo_node, **{ "private_ip": sfo_node.node_replicate_ip, "public_ip": sfo_node.node_inet_ip, "ser_ip": ser_ip, "account_server_+hostname": "account_server_%s" % sfo_node.node_host_name, "object_server_+hostname": "object_server_%s" % sfo_node.node_host_name, "container_server_+hostname": "container_server_%s" % sfo_node.node_host_name, "proxy_server_+hostname": "proxy_server_%s" % sfo_node.node_host_name, "memcachehost1:11211,memcachehost2:11211,memcachehost3:11211": ','.join(sfo_memcached_proxy) }) for idx, filename in enumerate(filenames): target_file = os.path.join(abs_dir, filename) if filename.startswith('account'): cp_file_path = '/etc/swift/account-server' elif filename.startswith('container'): cp_file_path = '/etc/swift/container-server' elif filename.startswith('object'): cp_file_path = '/etc/swift/object-server' elif filename.startswith('rsync'): cp_file_path = '/etc' elif filename == 'openstack-swift.conf': cp_file_path = '/etc/rsyslog.d' else: cp_file_path = '/etc/swift' give_away_file_to_host(target_file, sfo_node.node_host_name, cp_file_path, taskid) def mount_all_node_disks(): sfo_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) if sfo_nodes: sfo_nodes = filter( lambda x: json.loads(x.node_role)['Account-Server'] == 'YES' or json.loads(x.node_role)['Container-Server'] == 'YES' or json. loads(x.node_role)['Object-Server'] == 'YES', sfo_nodes) for node in sfo_nodes: add_disk(node.node_inet_ip, node.node_replicate_ip, node.node_host_name, '', taskid) def create_rings(): rings = ['account', 'container', 'object'] for idy, i in enumerate(rings): if i == 'account': create_ring(cluster_name, 'account', account_ring_json['part_power'], account_ring_json['replicas'], account_ring_json['min_part_hours'], '', taskid) elif i == 'container': create_ring(cluster_name, 'container', con_ring_json['part_power'], con_ring_json['replicas'], con_ring_json['min_part_hours'], '', taskid) else: create_ring(cluster_name, 'object', obj_ring_json['part_power'], obj_ring_json['replicas'], obj_ring_json['min_part_hours'], '', taskid) def add_all_disk_to_rings(): for host_dict in account_ring_json['nodes']: ip = host_dict['ip'] port = host_dict['port'] zone = host_dict['zone'] region = host_dict['region'] host_name = host_dict['host_name'] replication_ip = host_dict['replication_ip'] replication_port = host_dict['replication_port'] do = DiskOperation(ip, replication_ip) _, mount_disks = do.mounted_disks() for idx, disk in enumerate(mount_disks): _dist_mt_info = disk.strip() disk_mt_info_list = _dist_mt_info.split(' ') if len(disk_mt_info_list) >= 5: disk_name = disk_mt_info_list[0] label = disk_mt_info_list[4].replace('[', '').replace(']', '') sfo_disk_per = SfoHostInfoMethod.query_host_info_by_host_name( host_name) disk_total = json.loads( sfo_disk_per.disk_useful_size)[disk_name] disk_total_bytes = reverse_unit(disk_total) weight = weight_con(disk_total_bytes) add_disk_2_ring(taskid=taskid, ring_name='account', region=region, zone=zone, ip=ip, port=port, disk_device=label, weight=weight, replication_ip=replication_ip, replication_port=replication_port, cluster_name=cluster_name) for host_dict in con_ring_json['nodes']: ip = host_dict['ip'] port = host_dict['port'] zone = host_dict['zone'] region = host_dict['region'] host_name = host_dict['host_name'] replication_ip = host_dict['replication_ip'] replication_port = host_dict['replication_port'] do = DiskOperation(ip, replication_ip) _, mount_disks = do.mounted_disks() for idx, disk in enumerate(mount_disks): _dist_mt_info = disk.strip() disk_mt_info_list = _dist_mt_info.split(' ') if len(disk_mt_info_list) >= 5: disk_name = disk_mt_info_list[0] label = disk_mt_info_list[4].replace('[', '').replace(']', '') sfo_disk_per = SfoHostInfoMethod.query_host_info_by_host_name( host_name) disk_total = json.loads( sfo_disk_per.disk_useful_size)[disk_name] disk_total_bytes = reverse_unit(disk_total) weight = weight_con(disk_total_bytes) add_disk_2_ring(taskid=taskid, ring_name='container', region=region, zone=zone, ip=ip, port=port, disk_device=label, weight=weight, replication_ip=replication_ip, replication_port=replication_port, cluster_name=cluster_name) for host_dict in obj_ring_json['nodes']: ip = host_dict['ip'] port = host_dict['port'] zone = host_dict['zone'] region = host_dict['region'] host_name = host_dict['host_name'] replication_ip = host_dict['replication_ip'] replication_port = host_dict['replication_port'] do = DiskOperation(ip, replication_ip) _, mount_disks = do.mounted_disks() for idx, disk in enumerate(mount_disks): _dist_mt_info = disk.strip() disk_mt_info_list = _dist_mt_info.split(' ') if len(disk_mt_info_list) >= 5: disk_name = disk_mt_info_list[0] label = disk_mt_info_list[4].replace('[', '').replace(']', '') sfo_disk_per = SfoHostInfoMethod.query_host_info_by_host_name( host_name) disk_total = json.loads( sfo_disk_per.disk_useful_size)[disk_name] disk_total_bytes = reverse_unit(disk_total) weight = weight_con(disk_total_bytes) add_disk_2_ring(taskid=taskid, ring_name='object', region=region, zone=zone, ip=ip, port=port, disk_device=label, weight=weight, replication_ip=replication_ip, replication_port=replication_port, cluster_name=cluster_name) def rebalance_ring(): # # 监听创建环后执行添加磁盘 # # # 添加磁盘到环 rebalance('account', '', cluster_name, taskid) rebalance('container', '', cluster_name, taskid) rebalance('object', '', cluster_name, taskid) def ga_ring(): give_away_ring('account.ring.gz', cluster_name, taskid) give_away_ring('container.ring.gz', cluster_name, taskid) give_away_ring('object.ring.gz', cluster_name, taskid) install_function_list = [ install_relation_service, standard_ga_template, mount_all_node_disks, create_rings, add_all_disk_to_rings, rebalance_ring, ga_ring ] local_soc_client = LocalProcessSocketClient(host='', port=54444) for step, func in enumerate(install_function_list): try: step += 1 func() except AssertionError: local_soc_client.send( json.dumps({ "taskid": taskid, "float_percent": round(float(step) / float(len(install_function_list)), 2), "status": 500 })) break else: local_soc_client.send( json.dumps({ "taskid": taskid, "float_percent": round(float(step) / float(len(install_function_list)), 2), "status": 200 }))
def get_cluster_detail_logic(cluster_name, start_time, end_time): """ GET 请求集群信息列表处理逻辑 :param start_time: str 字符串日期格式 :param end_time: str 字符串日期格式 :return: resp, status resp: json格式的响应数据 status: 响应码 """ status = '' message = '' abnormal_dic = {"proxy": [], 'account': [], 'container': [], 'object': []} abnormal_node = { "node_online": 0, "node_outline": 0, "node_total": 0, "outline_nodes": [] } cluster_capacity_info = {"apply_system_total": 0, "apply_systems_info": []} estimate_proxy_ops_total = cluster_total_proxy_ops(cluster_name) data = { "cluster_physical": "", "cluster_virtual": "", "cluster_ops_24h_ago": "", "band_width_24h_ago": "", "abnormal": abnormal_dic, "cluster_capacity_info": cluster_capacity_info, "cluster_proxy_total_ops": estimate_proxy_ops_total, "cluster_node": abnormal_node } resp = {"status": status, "data": data, "message": message} instances = SfoClusterInfoMethod.query_last_cluster_overview(cluster_name) yesterady_cluster_set = SfoClusterInfoMethod.query_start2end_region_list_info( cluster_name, start_time, end_time) cluster_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) sfo_cluster_beatheart = BeatHeartInfoMethod.lived_agent_filter_cluster2( cluster_nodes) sfo_aco_man = SfoAccountManagerMethod.query_systems(cluster_name) if instances: status = 200 message = 'OK' proxy_json = json.loads(instances.proxy_num) storage_json = json.loads(instances.storage_num) current_time = time.time() if len(cluster_nodes) >= len(sfo_cluster_beatheart): for node_beatheart in sfo_cluster_beatheart: if current_time - strft_2_timestamp( node_beatheart.add_time) > 180: abnormal_node['outline_nodes'].append( node_beatheart.hostname) else: abnormal_node['node_total'] = len(cluster_nodes) abnormal_node['node_outline'] = len( abnormal_node['outline_nodes']) + ( len(cluster_nodes) - len(sfo_cluster_beatheart)) abnormal_node['node_online'] = len( sfo_cluster_beatheart) - len( abnormal_node['outline_nodes']) for node in cluster_nodes: try: map(lambda x: x.hostname, sfo_cluster_beatheart).index(node.node_host_name) except (IndexError, ValueError): abnormal_node['outline_nodes'].append(node.node_host_name) if proxy_json and storage_json: if int(proxy_json['proxy_online']) < int(proxy_json['proxy_total']) or \ int(storage_json['account_online']) < int(storage_json['account_num']) or \ int(storage_json['container_online']) < int(storage_json['container_num']) or \ int(storage_json['object_online']) < int(storage_json['object_num']): sfo_cluster_nodes = SfoClusterNodesMethod.query_host_list_by_cluster_name( cluster_name) sfo_node_srv = SfoNodeServiceMethod.query_node_srv_last_info() sfo_cluster_node_srv = filter( lambda x: x.host_name in [node.node_host_name for node in sfo_cluster_nodes], sfo_node_srv) if int(proxy_json['proxy_online']) < int( proxy_json['proxy_total']): sfo_proxy_nodes = [] for node in sfo_cluster_nodes: try: node_role_js = json.loads(node.node_role) if isinstance(node_role_js, dict) and node_role_js.get( 'Proxy-Server') == 'YES': sfo_proxy_nodes.append(node) except ValueError: continue sfo_proxy_node_srv = filter( lambda x: x.host_name in [node.node_host_name for node in sfo_proxy_nodes], sfo_cluster_node_srv) for node_srv in sfo_proxy_node_srv: if current_time - strft_2_timestamp( node_srv.add_time) < 60 and ( node_srv.srv_proxy != 'running' or node_srv.srv_proxy == 'stopped'): abnormal_dic['proxy'].append(node_srv) if int(storage_json['account_online']) < int( storage_json['account_num']): sfo_acc_nodes = [] for node in sfo_cluster_nodes: try: node_role_js = json.loads(node.node_role) if isinstance(node_role_js, dict) and node_role_js.get( 'Account-Server') == 'YES': sfo_acc_nodes.append(node) except ValueError: continue sfo_acc_node_srv = filter( lambda x: x.host_name in [node.node_host_name for node in sfo_acc_nodes], sfo_cluster_node_srv) for node_srv in sfo_acc_node_srv: if current_time - strft_2_timestamp( node_srv.add_time) < 60 and ( node_srv.srv_account != 'running' or node_srv.srv_account == 'stopped'): abnormal_dic['account'].append(node_srv) if int(storage_json['container_online']) < int( storage_json['container_num']): sfo_con_nodes = [] for node in sfo_cluster_nodes: try: node_role_js = json.loads(node.node_role) if isinstance(node_role_js, dict) and node_role_js.get( 'Container-Server') == 'YES': sfo_con_nodes.append(node) except ValueError: continue sfo_con_node_srv = filter( lambda x: x.host_name in [node.node_host_name for node in sfo_con_nodes], sfo_cluster_node_srv) for node_srv in sfo_con_node_srv: if current_time - strft_2_timestamp( node_srv.add_time) < 60 and ( node_srv.srv_container != 'running' or node_srv.srv_container == 'stopped'): abnormal_dic['container'].append(node_srv) if int(storage_json['object_online']) < int( storage_json['object_num']): sfo_obj_nodes = [] for node in sfo_cluster_nodes: try: node_role_js = json.loads(node.node_role) if isinstance(node_role_js, dict) and node_role_js.get( 'Object-Server') == 'YES': sfo_obj_nodes.append(node) except ValueError: continue sfo_obj_node_srv = filter( lambda x: x.host_name in [node.node_host_name for node in sfo_obj_nodes], sfo_cluster_node_srv) for node_srv in sfo_obj_node_srv: if current_time - strft_2_timestamp( node_srv.add_time) < 60 and ( node_srv.srv_object != 'running' or node_srv.srv_object == 'stopped'): abnormal_dic['object'].append(node_srv) if yesterady_cluster_set: instances.list = yesterady_cluster_set if sfo_aco_man: cluster_capacity_info['apply_system_total'] = len(sfo_aco_man) cluster_capacity_info['apply_systems_info'] = sfo_aco_man data.update({ "cluster_physical": instances, "cluster_virtual": instances, "cluster_ops_24h_ago": instances, "band_width_24h_ago": instances }) else: status = 404 message = 'Not Found Record By %s' % cluster_name resp.update({"status": status, "data": data, "message": message}) return resp, status