def remove(self, obj): """ Remove an object from the room. Arguments: - ``obj`` -- The :class:`sge.Object` object to remove. .. warning:: This method modifies the contents of :attr:`objects`. Do not call this method during a loop through :attr:`objects`; doing so may cause problems with the loop. To get around this, you can create a shallow copy of :attr:`objects` to iterate through instead, e.g.:: for obj in self.objects[:]: self.remove(obj) """ while obj in self.objects: self.objects.remove(obj) while obj in self.rd["new_objects"]: self.rd["new_objects"].remove(obj) if self is o_update_object_areas(obj) o_update_collision_lists(obj) r._active_objects.discard(obj) obj.event_destroy()
def add(self, obj): """ Add an object to the room. Arguments: - ``obj`` -- The :class:`sge.Object` object to add. .. warning:: This method modifies the contents of :attr:`objects`. Do not call this method during a loop through :attr:`objects`; doing so may cause problems with the loop. To get around this, you can create a shallow copy of :attr:`objects` to iterate through instead, e.g.:: for obj in self.objects[:]: self.add(obj.friend) """ obj.alive = True if obj not in self.objects: self.objects.append(obj) if self is and self.rd["started"]: obj.event_create() obj.rd["object_areas"] = set() o_update_object_areas(obj) o_update_collision_lists(obj) if r._active_objects.add(obj) else: self.rd["new_objects"].append(obj)
def bbox_height(self, value): if self.__bbox_height != value: if value is not None: self.__bbox_height = value else: if self.sprite is not None: self.__bbox_height = self.sprite.bbox_height else: self.__bbox_height = 1 o_update_object_areas(self)
def bbox_y(self, value): if self.__bbox_y != value: if value is not None: self.__bbox_y = value else: if self.sprite is not None: self.__bbox_y = self.sprite.bbox_y else: self.__bbox_y = 0 o_update_object_areas(self)
def bbox_width(self, value): if self.__bbox_width != value: if value is not None: self.__bbox_width = value else: if self.sprite is not None: self.__bbox_width = self.sprite.bbox_width else: self.__bbox_width = 1 o_update_object_areas(self)
def bbox_x(self, value): if self.__bbox_x != value: if value is not None: self.__bbox_x = value else: if self.sprite is not None: self.__bbox_x = self.sprite.bbox_x else: self.__bbox_x = 0 o_update_object_areas(self)
def sprite(self, value): if self.rd["sprite"] != value: self.rd["sprite"] = value if value is not None: self.image_index = self.image_index % value.frames o_update_object_areas(self)
def y(self, value): if self.__y != value: self.__y = value o_update_object_areas(self)
def x(self, value): if self.__x != value: self.__x = value o_update_object_areas(self)
def event_step(self, time_passed, delta_mult): o_update_object_areas(self) o_update_collision_lists(self)