def ssh_push_file(src_file, dst_dir, username, address, silent=False): if not os.path.isfile(src_file): print("Not file, skip pushing " + src_file) return src_checksum = bench_utils.file_checksum(src_file) dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, os.path.basename(src_file)) stdout_buff = [] try: sh.ssh('%s@%s' % (username, address), "md5sum", dst_file, _out=lambda line: stdout_buff.append(line)) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: print("Scp %s to %s" % (src_file, dst_dir)) sh.ssh('%s@%s' % (username, address), "mkdir -p %s" % dst_dir) sh.scp(src_file, '%s@%s:%s' % (username, address, dst_dir)) else: dst_checksum = stdout_buff[0].split()[0] if src_checksum == dst_checksum: if not silent: print("Equal checksum with %s and %s" % (src_file, dst_file)) else: if not silent: print("Scp %s to %s" % (src_file, dst_dir)) sh.scp(src_file, '%s@%s:%s' % (username, address, dst_dir))
def logging_icer(): """ start jupyter notebook. (tasks to do after logging on the icer) """ global global_status, parsed_args ssh_develop_node = f"ssh {parsed_args.develop_login}\n" salloc_job = f"salloc --time={parsed_args.time} -c {parsed_args.cores} --mem-per-cpu={parsed_args.memory}\n" handle_permission = f"export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=''\n" cd_directory = f"cd {}\n" start_jupyter_notebook = f"jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.token='' --port={parsed_args.port}\n" load_gpu_module = f"module purge;module load CUDA/9.0.176 cuDNN/7.0.2-CUDA-9.0.176;module load GCC/5.4.0-2.26 OpenMPI/1.10.3;" to_sleep = f"sleep 1\n""start to execute command on icer") if(parsed_args.gpu): if(not parsed_args.node): stdin_list = [to_sleep, ssh_develop_node, to_sleep, salloc_job, handle_permission, load_gpu_module, cd_directory, start_jupyter_notebook] else: stdin_list = [to_sleep, ssh_develop_node, to_sleep, handle_permission, load_gpu_module, cd_directory, start_jupyter_notebook] else: if(not parsed_args.node): stdin_list = [to_sleep, ssh_develop_node, to_sleep, salloc_job, handle_permission, cd_directory, start_jupyter_notebook] else: stdin_list = [to_sleep, ssh_develop_node, to_sleep, handle_permission, cd_directory, start_jupyter_notebook] sh.ssh(f"{parsed_args.user}", _out=ssh_interact_jupyter, _tty_in=True, _in=stdin_list)
def clean_up_tars(config: dict, destination: str, tar_filename: str): click.echo('{} Deleting local and remote tar files'.format(log_prefix())) # ssh -i ~/keys/hello.key [email protected] rm local_scripts.tar.gz ssh('-i', config['private_key_path'], destination, 'rm', tar_filename) os.remove(tar_filename)
def __init__(self, device_dict): """ init device with device dict info :type device_dict: Device :param device_dict: a key-value dict that holds the device information, which attribute has: device_name, target_abis, target_socs, system, address, username """ diff = set(device_dict.keys()) - set(YAMLKeyword.__dict__.keys()) if len(diff) > 0: six.print_('Wrong key detected: ') six.print_(diff) raise KeyError(str(diff)) self.__dict__.update(device_dict) if self.system == self.data_dir = PHONE_DATA_DIR self.interior_dir = self.data_dir + '/interior' elif self.system == SystemType.arm_linux: try: sh.ssh('-q', '{}@{}'.format(self.username, self.address), 'exit') except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: six.print_('device connect failed, ' 'please check your authentication') raise e self.data_dir = DEVICE_DATA_DIR self.interior_dir = self.data_dir + '/interior'
def strobe_kill(self): try: ssh("-i", self.node_config["ssh_key"], self.node_config["ssh_user"] + "@" + self.node_config["host"], self.node_config["strobe_kill_api_script"]) except sh.ErrorReturnCode: pass
def handle_ssh_tunnel(): """ set ssh tunnel when having started the jupyter notebook. """ global global_status, parsed_args sh.ssh("-4", "-t", "-Y", f"{parsed_args.user}", "-L", f"{parsed_args.port}:localhost:{parsed_args.port}", "ssh", "-t", "-Y", global_status["hostname"], "-L", f"{parsed_args.port}:localhost:{parsed_args.port}", _out=ssh_interact_tunnel, _tty_in=True)
def stop(self): print('Stopping service: ', if settings.TEST_SERVER == 'localhost': pids = sh.pgrep('-f', ' runserver', _ok_code=[0, 1]) for pid in pids: sh.kill(pid.rstrip()) else: sh.ssh(settings.TEST_SERVER, 'sudo supervisorctl stop all')
def go(ec2_id): """ Go on an ec2 """ ip = resource('ec2').Instance(ec2_id).public_ip_address config = Parser.parse('instances.ini') key_path = Security.get_default_key_path() sh.ssh("-i", key_path, config["INSTANCES"]["ami_user"]+"@"+ip)
def ssh_interact(char, aggregated): """automate connecting to an ssh server""" stdout.write(char.encode()) aggregated += char if aggregated.endswith("password: "******"correcthorsebatterystaple\n") _out = os.fdopen(sys.stderr, "wb", 0) ssh("", _out=ssh_interact, _out_bufsize=0, _tty_in=True) return _out
def ssh_push(src_path, dst_dir, username, address, silent=False): if os.path.isdir(src_path): print("Start scp dir %s=>%s, basename=%s" % (src_path, dst_dir, os.path.basename(src_path))) sh.scp("-r", src_path, '%s@%s:%s' % (username, address, dst_dir)) tmp_dst_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir, os.path.basename(src_path)) sh.ssh('%s@%s' % (username, address), "mv %s/* %s" % (tmp_dst_dir, dst_dir)) else: ssh_push_file(src_path, dst_dir, username, address, silent)
def scan_dcms(hosts_list, topo=None, dst_network='', ignore_ip=None, dump_file=None): """Returns a dictionary of all Dcms in the topology. SSH is used to get a list of TCP connections on every end-node in the topology. This list is filtered Dcm by Dcm to get all incoming TCP flows. Args: hosts_list: A list of dictonaries containing 'hostname' with host to be scanned, and 'node' containing the name of the Bridge running on that host (or the last hop). topo: A Topology object. dst_network: A string with the network carrying the Dcm flows. ignore_ip: Ignores TCP flows from this IP. dump_file: For dumping a dict with Dcms. Returns: A dict with Dcm objects. """ dcms = {} i = 0 for h in hosts_list: host = h['hostname'] node = h['node'] tcp_flows = ssh(host, "/usr/sbin/ss -p dst " + dst_network).stdout.strip() try: # Get all distinct Dcm processes dcm_pids = ssh(host, "ps -C dcm_main -o pid --sort -pcpu --no-headers").stdout.split() except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: continue ndcm = 0 for p in dcm_pids: ndcm += 1 i += 1 inflows = [] ippat = '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+' # regex pattern to get the TCP flows (4-tuple) of a particular Dcm process pattern = '\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+('+ippat+'):(\d*)\s*('+ippat+'):(\d*).*\"dcm_main\",' + str(p) + '.*' r = re.compile(pattern) for m in re.finditer(r, tcp_flows): if ignore_ip == continue # incoming Dcm flows: (dport, sip, sport) inflows.append( (int(,, int( ) # dip is the same for all flows dip = dcms[host + '-' + str(ndcm)] = Dcm(i, topo, node, dip, inflows, int(p)) if dump_file: with open(dump_file, 'wb') as output: pickler = pickle.Pickler(output, -1) pickler.dump(dcms) return dcms
def remove_qcow(image, pool='', cephhost='', cephuser='', cephcluster='', snap_naming_date_format='', snap_date='', snap='', noop=None): """ ssh to ceph node and remove a qcow from path qcow_temp_path/pool/imagename.qcow2 """ logger = logs.get_logger() if not snap_naming_date_format: snap_naming_date_format = settings.SNAP_NAMING_DATE_FORMAT if not snap_date: snap_date = settings.SNAP_DATE if not snap: snap = get_snapdate(snap_naming_date_format=snap_naming_date_format, snap_date=snap_date) if not pool: pool = settings.POOL if not cephhost: cephhost = settings.CEPH_HOST if not cephuser: cephuser = settings.CEPH_USER # TODO use ceph cluster in path naming if not cephcluster: cephcluster = settings.CEPH_CLUSTER if not noop: noop = settings.NOOP temp_qcow_file = ("%s/%s/%s@%s.qcow2" % (settings.QCOW_TEMP_PATH, settings.POOL, image, snap))"deleting temp qcow from path %s on ceph host %s" % (temp_qcow_file, cephhost)) SSH_RM_QCOW_COMMAND = 'rm %s' % temp_qcow_file try: if settings.NOOP:'NOOP: would have removed temp qcow for image %s from' ' ceph host %s with command %s' % (image, cephhost, SSH_RM_QCOW_COMMAND)) else: sh.ssh(cephhost, SSH_RM_QCOW_COMMAND) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: logger.error('error removing temp qcow %s with error from ssh:' % temp_qcow_file) logger.exception(e.stderr) raise except Exception as e: logger.error('error removing temp qcow %s' % temp_qcow_file) logger.exception(e) raise"successfully removed qcow for %s" % image) return True
def _thread_function(unit: str) -> bool: click.echo(f"Executing `{core_command}` on {unit}.") try: ssh(unit, command) return True except Exception as e: logger = create_logger("CLI", unit=get_unit_name(), experiment=get_latest_experiment_name()) logger.debug(e, exc_info=True) logger.error(f"Unable to connect to unit {unit}.") return False
def execute_on_opsman(self, opts, cmd): host = urlparse.urlparse(self.url).netloc from sh import ssh try: ssh("-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i {} ".format(opts['ssh_private_key_path']), "ubuntu@" + host, cmd) except Exception as ex: print "Error running", cmd print ex.stdout print ex.stderr raise
def start(self): print('Starting service: ', if settings.TEST_SERVER == 'localhost': self._run_manage_py('runserver', bg=True) else: sh.ssh(settings.TEST_SERVER, 'sudo supervisorctl start all') for i in range(5): time.sleep(1) if self.is_running(): return raise Exception("Service not running after 5 seconds")
def _remote_host_command(self, host, command=None): if not host: print('\033[31mhost invalid!\033[0m host: {}'.format(host)) return user = cmd_args['--user'] or self.config[ 'username'] or self._default_user host = '{}@{}'.format(user, self._match_short_host(host)) jump = None if cmd_args['--jump'] and self.config.get('jump_host'): jump = self.config['jump_host'] elif cmd_args['--jump-host']: jump = cmd_args['--jump-host'] print('\033[1;32m=======> host: {} jump: {} command: {}\033[0m'.format( host, jump, command)) try: if jump and command: sh.ssh('-At', host, '-J', jump, command, _fg=True) elif jump: sh.ssh('-At', host, '-J', jump, _fg=True) elif command: sh.ssh('-At', host, command, _fg=True) else: sh.ssh('-At', host, _fg=True) except sh.ErrorReturnCode: print('{}ERROR{}'.format(COLOR_RED, COLOR_DEFAULT))
def deploy(host, command): def line(response, stdin): print("> ", response.rstrip()) def error(response, stdin): print("! ", response.rstrip()) def done(cmd, success, exit_code): print("Done: {!r}, {!r}".format(success, exit_code)) try: sh.ssh(host, command, _out=line, _err=error, _done=done) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: print("Error during ssh:", e.exit_code)
def write_kafka_config(self): f = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) f.write( jinja2.Template(KAFKA_CONFIG).render( self.node_config["kafka_config"]).encode("utf-8")) f.close() scp( "-i", self.node_config["ssh_key"],, self.node_config["ssh_user"] + "@" + self.node_config["host"] + ":kafka.cfg") os.unlink( path = self.node_config["kafka_config"]["path"] ssh("-i", self.node_config["ssh_key"], self.node_config["ssh_user"] + "@" + self.node_config["host"], f"sudo mv kafka.cfg {path}")
def __init__(self, device_dict): Device.__init__(self, device_dict) self.username = device_dict[YAMLKeyword.username] if YAMLKeyword.device_types in device_dict.keys(): self.device_types = device_dict[YAMLKeyword.device_types] else: self.device_types = ["cpu"] try: sh.ssh('-q', '%s@%s' % (self.username, self.address), 'exit') except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: six.print_('device connect failed, ' 'please check your authentication', file=sys.stderr) raise e
def send_scripts_to_server(config: dict, destination: str, tar_filename: str, scripts_dir: str): click.echo('{} Creating tar of local scripts'.format(log_prefix())) with, "w:gz") as tar: for script_path in config['scripts']: tar.add(script_path) tar.list(verbose=True) click.echo('{} Sending scripts to instance'.format(log_prefix())) destination_with_location = destination + ':.' # scp -i ~/keys/hello.key local_scripts.tar.gz [email protected]:. scp('-i', config['private_key_path'], tar_filename, destination_with_location) click.echo('{} Extracting tar on instance'.format(log_prefix())) # ssh -i ~/keys/hello.key [email protected] tar xzf local_scripts.tar.gz ssh('-i', config['private_key_path'], destination, 'tar', 'xzf', tar_filename)
def _thread_function(unit: str): logger.debug(f"Executing `{command}` on {unit}.") try: ssh(unit, command) if all_jobs: # tech debt ssh( unit, "pio run led_intensity --intensity 0 --channel A --channel B --channel C --channel D --no-log", ) return True except Exception as e: logger.debug(e, exc_info=True) logger.error(f"Unable to connect to unit {unit}.") return False
def _get_running_instances(self): process = ssh("root@%s" % self.__proxmox_host, "qm", "list", _out=self._process_list, _bg=True) process.wait()
def execute(self, name, command): """executes the command on the named host""" if name in ["localhost"]: r = '\n'.join("-c", command).split()[-1:]) else: r = '\n'.join(sh.ssh(name, command).split()[-1:]) return r
def exec_command(self, command, *args, **kwargs): if self.system == return sh.adb('-s', self.address, 'shell', command, *args, **kwargs) elif self.system == SystemType.arm_linux: return sh.ssh('%s@%s' % (self.username, self.address), command, *args, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.process = ssh('{}@{}'.format(self.user,, '-p', self.port, *args, _out=self.out_iteract, _out_bufsize=0, _tty_in=True, _err=self.err_iteract, **kwargs) super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
def start(self, wait=True, timeout=30): self.stop() log.debug(f'Opening SSH connection to {}') self._ssh_stdout = '' self._password_entered = False = ssh(, _out=self._enter_password, _out_bufsize=0, _tty_in=True, _unify_ttys=True, _long_sep=' ', _bg=True, **self.ssh_args ) self.command = b' '.join( log.debug(self.command) left = int(timeout) if wait: while not self.is_connected(): left -= 1 if left <= 0 or not raise SSHProxy(f'Failed to start SSHProxy {self}') else: sleep(1)
def _qmgr(self, command): result = None try: result = ssh("{0}@{1}".format(self.user,, command) except: raise RuntimeError("can not execute qmgr via ssh {0}".format(command)) return result
def qstat(self, refresh=True): if self.pbs_qstat_data is None or refresh: try: xmldata = str(ssh("{0}@{1}".format(self.user,, "qstat", "-x")) except: raise RuntimeError("can not execute pbs qstat via ssh") info = {} try: xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xmldata) itemlist = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Job') for item in itemlist: job = {} for attribute in item.childNodes: if len(attribute.childNodes) == 1: job[attribute.nodeName] = attribute.firstChild.nodeValue else: job[attribute.nodeName] = {} for subchild in attribute.childNodes: job[attribute.nodeName][subchild.nodeName] = subchild.firstChild.nodeValue info[job['Job_Id']] = job except: pass self.pbs_qstat_data = info #return self.pbs_qstat_data #pprint (self.pbs_qstat_data) if self.cluster_queues is None: return { self.pbs_qstat_data} else: return self.qstat_extract(self.cluster_queues, self.pbs_qstat_data)
def ssh_command(key, dns, command): try: res = ssh("-oConnectTimeout=15", "-i", key, cluster_config.USER + "@" + dns, command) return res except Exception as e: print "Command failed", e return
def qinfo(self, refresh=True): ''' returns qstat -Q -f in dict format :param refresh: refreshes the qinfo :type refresh: Boolean ''' if self.pbs_qinfo_data is None or refresh: try: result = ssh("{0}@{1}".format(self.user,, "qstat -Q -f") except: raise RuntimeError("can not execute pbs qstat via ssh") d = {} # sanitize block result = result.replace("\n\t", "") result = result.replace('resources_assigned.', 'resources_assigned_') result = result.replace('resources_default.', 'resources_default_') result = result.replace('resources_max.', 'resources_max_') for block in result.split("\n\n")[:-1]: block = [x.replace(" =", ":", 1) for x in block.split("\n")] block[0] = block[0].replace("Queue: ", "") + ":" queue = block[0][:-1] block = '\n'.join(block) block_yaml = yaml.safe_load(block) d[queue] = block_yaml[queue] d[queue]['queue'] = queue # end sanitize if 'state_count' in d[queue]: values = [ x.split(":") for x in d[queue]['state_count'].split(" ") ] d[queue]['state_count'] = {} for value in values: d[queue]['state_count'][value[0]] = value[1] if 'acl_hosts' in d[queue]: # print d[queue]['acl_hosts'] d[queue]['acl_hosts'] = d[queue]['acl_hosts'].split("+") self.pbs_qinfo_data = d #pprint(self.qinfo_extract(self.cluster_queues, self.pbs_qinfo_data)) if self.cluster_queues is None: return { self.pbs_qinfo_data} else: return self.qinfo_extract(self.cluster_queues, self.pbs_qinfo_data)
def ssh(command, yagi): """Runs an ssh command on a yagi server Arugments: command: string, command to execute yagi: string, yagi to run the command on""" return sh.ssh('-i', '/home/blume/.ssh/id_ed25519', command, yagi)
def remove_snap_status_file(snap_date, cephhost='', snap_status_file_path='', noop=''): logger = logs.get_logger() if not cephhost: cephhost = settings.CEPH_HOST if not snap_status_file_path: snap_status_file_path = settings.SNAP_STATUS_FILE_PATH if not noop: noop = settings.NOOP REMOVE_SNAP_STATUS_FILE_COMMAND = ('rm -fv %s/%s' % (snap_status_file_path, snap_date))'removing snap status file on ceph host with command %s' % REMOVE_SNAP_STATUS_FILE_COMMAND) if noop:'would have run %s' % REMOVE_SNAP_STATUS_FILE_COMMAND) remove_snap_status_file_result = 'noop' else: remove_snap_status_file_result = sh.ssh( cephhost, REMOVE_SNAP_STATUS_FILE_COMMAND).strip('\n') # TODO handle some errors gracefully here"done removing snap status file: %s" % remove_snap_status_file_result) return True
def task_sensors(dict_idip): dict_data = {} for cluster in dict_idip.keys(): dict_data[cluster] = {} for uid in dict_idip[cluster].keys(): ip = cluster[uid] dict_data[cluster][uid]["ip"] = ip # fetch uid-ip server's temperature report = ssh("-o ConnectTimeout=1", "-o ConnectionAttempts=1", "user", ip, "sensors") temp = parseCpuTemperature(report) dict_data[cluster][uid]["temp"] = temp[0] # write current temperature data to mongo db # get the highest cpu temperature throught parseing the output of 'sensors' # return is a list including 2 elems, [36.0, C] or [36.0, F] # C or F is the unit name of temperature def parseCpuTemperature(self, values): lines = values.split("\n") cpu_lines = [x for x in lines if x.find("(high") > -1] tunit = "C" tmax = -1 for line in cpu_lines: # position of degree sign pos_degree = line.find(u"\xb0") # position of + pos_plus = line.find(u"+") tnum = float(line[pos_plus + 1 : pos_degree]) tunit = line[pos_degree + 1 : pos_degree + 2] if tnum > tmax: tmax = tnum return [tmax, tunit]
def delete_user_repo(self): """delete user's remote repository""" conf = self.configuration dst_repo_name = conf.get('buildbot-configs', 'dst_repo_name') if not dst_repo_name.endswith(self.bug): msg = "cowardly refusing to delete {0}".format(dst_repo_name) msg = "{0}, its name does not end with {1}".format(msg, self.bug) log.error(msg) raise BuildbotConfigsError(msg) cmd = ("", "edit", dst_repo_name, "delete", "YES")'deleting {0}'.format(dst_repo_name)) log.debug('running ssh {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd))) output = [] try: for line in sh.ssh(cmd, _iter=True): out = line.strip() log.debug(out) output.append(out) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: log.debug('trying to delete a non existing repo... pass') pass except sh.ErrorReturnCode: msg = 'bad exit code executing {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd)) log.error(msg) raise BuildbotConfigsError(msg)
def task_sensors(dict_idip): dict_data = {} for cluster in dict_idip.keys(): dict_data[cluster] = {} for uid in dict_idip[cluster].keys(): ip = cluster[uid] dict_data[cluster][uid]["ip"] = ip # fetch uid-ip server's temperature report = ssh("-o ConnectTimeout=1", "-o ConnectionAttempts=1", "user", ip, "sensors") temp = parseCpuTemperature(report) dict_data[cluster][uid]["temp"] = temp[0] # write current temperature data to mongo db # get the highest cpu temperature throught parseing the output of 'sensors' # return is a list including 2 elems, [36.0, C] or [36.0, F] # C or F is the unit name of temperature def parseCpuTemperature(self, values): lines = values.split("\n") cpu_lines = [x for x in lines if x.find("(high") > -1] tunit = "C" tmax = -1 for line in cpu_lines: # position of degree sign pos_degree = line.find(u"\xb0") # position of + pos_plus = line.find(u"+") tnum = float(line[pos_plus + 1:pos_degree]) tunit = line[pos_degree + 1:pos_degree + 2] if tnum > tmax: tmax = tnum return [tmax, tunit]
def delete_node(self, node):"Deleting node for: " + str( = False node.date_rm ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") db.session.add(node) ssh( "root@" + self.hypervisorIP, "qm stop " + str(node.vid) + " && qm destroy " + str(node.vid) + " --skiplock") ssh("root@" + self.hypervisorIP, "rm -rf /mnt/pve/virt/images/" + str(node.vid)) db.session.commit()"Deleted node: " + str( + " " + node.type) return True
def _synchronize_mappings(sync_mappings): for from_path, to_path in sync_mappings: if ssh_connection_uri: ssh(ssh_connection_uri, 'mkdir', '-p', to_path.as_posix()) to_uri = ssh_connection_uri + ':' + to_path.as_posix() else: to_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) to_uri = to_path.as_posix() exclude_params = zip(len(excludes) * ['--exclude'], excludes) rsync('-rltv', from_path.as_posix() + '/', to_uri + '/', delete=True, *exclude_params)
def _qmgr(self, command): result = None try: result = ssh("{0}@{1}".format(self.user,, command) except: raise RuntimeError( "can not execute qmgr via ssh {0}".format(command)) return result
def _run_manage_py(self, command, *args, **kwargs): python = '{}/bin/python'.format(self.settings['PYTHON_ENV']) manage = '{}/'.format(self.settings['ENVIRONMENT_ROOT']) try: if settings.TEST_SERVER == 'localhost': with cd(self.settings['ENVIRONMENT_ROOT']): sh.Command(python)(manage, command, _bg=kwargs.get('bg', False), *args) else: sh.ssh(settings.TEST_SERVER, '{ssh_command} {manage} {manage_command} {args}'.format( ssh_command='cd {} && {}'.format(self.settings['ENVIRONMENT_ROOT'], python), manage=manage, manage_command=command, args=' '.join(args)), _iter=True) except Exception as e: if hasattr(e, 'stderr'): print(e.stderr) raise
def _cmd(self, *args): cmd = [] cmd.extend(['-p', self.gerrit_port, "{0}@{1}".format(self.gerrit_user, self.gerrit_host), 'gerrit']) cmd.extend(args) log.debug(cmd) return ssh(*cmd)
def get_status(self, jobid): """.. function:: get_status(jobid) Return the current status of the job referenced by the given jobid :param jobid: id of job to check on host""" result = ssh(, "checkjob", jobid) return result
def qinfo(self, refresh=True): ''' returns qstat -Q -f in dict format :param refresh: refreshes the qinfo :type refresh: Boolean ''' if self.pbs_qinfo_data is None or refresh: try: result = ssh("{0}@{1}".format(self.user,, "qstat -Q -f") except: raise RuntimeError("can not execute pbs qstat via ssh") d = {} # sanitize block result = result.replace("\n\t", "") result = result.replace('resources_assigned.', 'resources_assigned_') result = result.replace('resources_default.', 'resources_default_') result = result.replace('resources_max.', 'resources_max_') for block in result.split("\n\n")[:-1]: block = [x.replace(" =", ":", 1) for x in block.split("\n")] block[0] = block[0].replace("Queue: ", "") + ":" queue = block[0][:-1] block = '\n'.join(block) block_yaml = yaml.safe_load(block) d[queue] = block_yaml[queue] d[queue]['queue'] = queue # end sanitize if 'state_count' in d[queue]: values = [x.split(":") for x in d[queue]['state_count'].split(" ")] d[queue]['state_count'] = {} for value in values: d[queue]['state_count'][value[0]] = value[1] if 'acl_hosts' in d[queue]: # print d[queue]['acl_hosts'] d[queue]['acl_hosts'] = d[queue]['acl_hosts'].split("+") self.pbs_qinfo_data = d #pprint(self.qinfo_extract(self.cluster_queues, self.pbs_qinfo_data)) if self.cluster_queues is None: return { self.pbs_qinfo_data} else: return self.qinfo_extract(self.cluster_queues, self.pbs_qinfo_data)
def open_port_forwarding(self): """ Opens correct ports in remote for forwarding. :return: """ base_command = "ssh %(user)s@%(server)s -f -N -L %(port)s:%(ip)s:%(port)s" # open stdin_port sh.ssh(base_command % {"user": self.user, "server": self.server, "port": self.kernel_data.get("stdin_port"), "ip": self.kernel_data.get("ip")}) # open control_port sh.ssh(base_command % {"user": self.user, "server": self.server, "port": self.kernel_data.get("control_port"), "ip": self.kernel_data.get("ip")}) # open hb_port sh.ssh(base_command % {"user": self.user, "server": self.server, "port": self.kernel_data.get("hb_port"), "ip": self.kernel_data.get("ip")}) # open shell_port sh.ssh(base_command % {"user": self.user, "server": self.server, "port": self.kernel_data.get("shell_port"), "ip": self.kernel_data.get("ip")}) # open iopub_port sh.ssh(base_command % {"user": self.user, "server": self.server, "port": self.kernel_data.get("iopub_port"), "ip": self.kernel_data.get("ip")})
def ssh_tunnel(nodes, passwd=None): """ Sets up an SSH tunnel to a given set of nodes Args: nodes (list): List of node IDs on which the image should be installed Note: It will prompt for ssh password. DO NOT EXPECT THIS FUNCTION TO EXIT. """ if passwd is not None: global __ssh_pass__ __ssh_pass__ = passwd args = ["-nNxT4"] for node in nodes: args.append("-L") args.append("9{id:03d}:localhost:9{id:03d}".format(id=node)) args.append("*****@*****.**") ssh(args, _out=__ssh_interact__, _out_bufsize=0, _tty_in=True) ssh.wait()
def create_repo(self): """creates a buildbot-configs repo as a copy of It creates hg.m.o/users/<ldap><bug> appending -<bug> because this script creates and destroys that repo without asking for user permission. """ conf = self.configuration src_repo_name = conf.get('buildbot-configs', 'src_repo_name') dst_repo_name = conf.get('buildbot-configs', 'dst_repo_name') if not dst_repo_name.endswith(self.bug): msg = "cowardly refusing to clone {0}".format(dst_repo_name) msg = "{0}, its name does not end with {1}".format(msg, self.bug) log.error(msg) raise BuildbotConfigsError(msg) cmd = ("", "clone", dst_repo_name, src_repo_name)'cloning {0} to {1}'.format(src_repo_name, dst_repo_name)) log.debug('running ssh {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd))) sh.ssh(cmd)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.process = ssh( '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o LogLevel=quiet', '{0}@{1}'.format(self.user,, '-p', self.port, 'LANG=C', *args, _out=self.out_iteract, _out_bufsize=0, _tty_in=True, **kwargs) super(SSHController, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_ipmi_temperature(self, hostname): (hostaddr, data) = self.inventory.ipadr_cluster(hostname, "bmc") clustername = data["cm_cluster"] config = self.config_server[clustername]['bmc'] # username and password to access ipmitool password = config['password'] username = config['user'] command = "ipmitool -I lanplus -H {0} -U {1} -P {2} sdr type temperature".format( hostaddr, username, password) # access ipmitool need a proxy server proxyaddr = config['proxy']['ip'] proxyusername = config['proxy']['user'] log.debug("Get temperature for host '{2}' via proxy server '{0}@{1}'".format( proxyusername, proxyaddr, hostname)) try: result = ssh("{0}@{1}".format(proxyusername, proxyaddr), command) except: result = "" dict_result = None if result == "": log.warning( "Cannot access to host '{0}' OR ipmitool failed on host '{0}'".format(hostname)) else: log.debug( "Temperature data retrieved from host '{0}' successfully.".format(hostname)) dict_result = {} lines = result.split("\n") for line in lines: fields = map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split("|")) name = fields[0] # test and ignore the blank line in the last output if name == "": continue value = "-1" unit = "C" m = self.patt.match(fields[4]) if m: value = unit = dict_result[name] = {"name": fields[0], "address": fields[1], "status": fields[2], "entity": fields[3], "value": value, "unit": unit } return dict_result
def create_repo(self): """creates a reposiory as a copy of It creates hg.m.o/users/<ldap><bug> appending -<bug> because this script creates and destroys that repo without asking for user permission. """ conf = self.configuration src_repo_name = conf.get(, 'src_repo_name') dst_repo_name = conf.get(, 'dst_repo_name') # if not dst_repo_name.endswith(self.bug): # msg = "cowardly refusing to clone {0}".format(dst_repo_name) # msg = "{0}, its name does not end with {1}".format(msg, self.bug) # log.error(msg) # raise RepositoryError(msg) # added more robust check on pushing rather than cloning... cmd = ('', 'clone', dst_repo_name, src_repo_name)'cloning {0} to {1}'.format(src_repo_name, dst_repo_name)) log.debug('running ssh {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd))) ssh(cmd)
def _exec_ssh_cmd(self, cmd, ignore_exit_code_1=False): try: for line in ssh(cmd, _iter=True): log.debug(line.strip()) except ErrorReturnCode_1: if ignore_exit_code_1: log.debug('ignoring exit code = 1') else: msg = 'error executing {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd)) log.debug(msg) raise RepositoryError(msg) except ErrorReturnCode: log.debug(msg) raise RepositoryError(msg)
def submit(self, scriptPath): """.. function:: submit(scriptPath): Submits and runs a given local script with given parameters on cluster :param scriptPath: path of script on local machine""" #transfer script file to remote host scpHost = + ":~" scp(scriptPath, scpHost) result = ssh(, "qsub", script) #Return an id... return result
def start(args=None, opt=None): # start Consul key/value store for service discovery # on(MASTER).sudo(fmt("sh -c 'rm -rf /scratch/consul; nohup /homes/sys/bholt/bin/consul agent -server -bootstrap -data-dir /scratch/consul -node=master -bind=#{CONSUL} -client #{CONSUL} >#{CONSUL_LOG} 2>&1 &'")) cmd = fmt("--name=consul -d --net=host -p 8400:8400 -p 8500:8500 -p 8600:53/udp progrium/consul -server -bootstrap -node=master -bind=#{CONSUL} -client #{CONSUL}") on(MASTER) time.sleep(4) for ssh in machines: # create new bridge network so our docker can run alongside the normal one if, _ok_code=[0,1]).exit_code == 1: ssh.sudo.brctl.addbr(BRIDGE) ssh.sudo.ip.addr.add('', 'dev', BRIDGE)'dev', 'swarm', 'up') # start docker daemon on remote host, headless via 'nohup', output to logfile ssh("sudo sh -c 'nohup docker daemon -H tcp://{dp} --exec-root=/var/run/docker.swarm --graph=/var/lib/docker.swarm --pidfile=/var/run/ --bridge={b} --cluster-advertise=ens1:{dp} --cluster-store=consul://{c}:{cp} >{log} 2>&1 &'".format(dp=DOCKER_PORT, c=CONSUL, cp=CONSUL_PORT, log="/var/log/docker.swarm", b=BRIDGE)) time.sleep(1) # start Swarm manager nodelist = ','.join(["{}:{}".format(h, DOCKER_PORT) for h in hosts]) docker(MASTER).run("--name=swarm", "-d", "--publish={}:2375".format(SWARM_PORT), "swarm:1.1.0", "--debug", "manage", "nodes://{}".format(nodelist))
def _qmgr(self, command): ''' simple executes the command on a remote host. The host is globally set TODO: there is a bug here as qmgr is not properly called :param command: the command to be executed :type command: String ''' result = None try: result = ssh("{0}@{1}".format(self.user,, command) except: raise RuntimeError("can not execute qmgr via ssh {0}".format(command)) return result
def get_default_modules(user,host): list = {} print host result = sort(ssh("{0}@{1}".format(user,host), "module", "-l", "avail", "2>&1")) print "ok" for line in result: if "default" in line: content = line.split() print content try: (module_package, module_version) = content[0].split("/") list[module_package] = module_version except: pass return list
def ssh_handshake(target): """ Make sure we get a remote host added in ~/.ssh/known_hosts in sane manner. Make sure we are not asked for a password when doing SSH connection to :param target: SSH spec. May include diretory. """ from sh import ssh # def callback(char, stdin): """ Handle SSH input """ _unbuffered_stdout.write(char.encode()) # Ugh callback.aggregated += char if "(yes/no)? " in callback.aggregated: stdin.put("yes\n") return True # Clear line if char == "\n": callback.aggregated = "" callback.aggregated = "" parts = target.split(":") host = parts[0] print "Doing SSH handshake and no password login verification to %s. If the process hangs here check you have working SSH_AGENT connection (e. g. not stale one from screen)." % host # Run a dummy ssh command, so we see we get public key auth working # If the server prompts for known_hosts update auto-yes it p = ssh("-o", "PreferredAuthentications=publickey", host, "touch ~/plonetool.handshake", _out=callback, _err=callback, _out_bufsize=0, _tty_in=True) p.wait()
def get_status(self, jobid): """.. function:: get_status(jobid) Return the current status of the job referenced by the given jobid :param jobid: id of job to check on host or job name within MongoDB""" if Job.objects.with_id(jobid): job = Job.objects.with_id(jobid) result = "\nJob: " + + "\nAuthor: " + + "\n\nNodes: " + job.nodes + "\nPPN: " + job.ppn + "\nWalltime: " + job.walltime + "\nQueue name: " + job.queuename else: result = ssh(, "checkjob", jobid) return result
def pbsnodes(self, refresh=True): ''' returns the pbs node infor from an pbs_nodes_raw_data is a string :param refresh: refresheds the data if set to True :type refresh: Boolean ''' """""" if self.pbs_nodes_data is None or refresh: try: result = ssh("{0}@{1}".format(self.user,, "pbsnodes", "-a") except: raise RuntimeError("can not execute pbs nodes via ssh") pbsinfo = {} nodes = result.split("\n\n") for node in nodes: pbs_data = node.split("\n") pbs_data = [e.strip() for e in pbs_data] name = pbs_data[0] if name != "": pbsinfo[name] = {u'name': name} for element in pbs_data[1:]: try: (attribute, value) = element.split (" = ") if attribute == 'status': status_elements = value.split(",") pbsinfo[name][attribute] = {} for e in status_elements: (a, v) = e.split("=") pbsinfo[name][attribute][a] = v elif attribute == 'jobs': pbsinfo[name][attribute] = value.split(',') elif attribute == 'note' and (value.strip().startswith("{") or value.strip().startswith("[")): pbsinfo[name][attribute] = literal_eval(value) else: pbsinfo[name][attribute] = value except: pass self.pbs_nodes_data = pbsinfo return self.pbs_nodes_data
def qinfo_user(self, refresh=True): """Return the number of user from qstat example line is: 873664.i136 xcguser 0 Q long $3 indicates an user id """ if self.pbs_qinfo_default_data is None or refresh: try: result = ssh("{0}@{1}".format(self.user,, "qstat") except: raise RuntimeError("can not execute pbs qstat via ssh") # sanitize block data = self.convert_into_json(result) merged_data = self.merge_queues(self.cluster_queues, data) self.pbs_qinfo_default_data = merged_data else: merged_data = self.pbs_qinfo_default_data return merged_data
def extract(self, conf): merge = conf.get("should_line_merge", False) before = conf.get("break_only_before", None) if merge: before = re.compile(before) value = HashBuilder({ "type": conf.get("type", "log"), "source_path": conf["path"], "tags": conf.get("tags", []) }) if conf.get("host"): host = "%s@%s" % (conf["user"], conf["host"]) if conf.get("user") else conf["host"] remote_server = ssh.bake(host) mac = str(ssh(host, "ifconfig | grep 'eth0'")) value.shared["source_host"] = host value.shared["source_mac"] = re.findall("..:..:..:..:..:..", mac)[0] log = remote_server.tail("-f", conf["path"], _iter=True) else: touch(conf["path"]) if conf.get("from", None) == "now": filesize = "-c0" else: filesize = "-c%s" % (int(stat("-nf" ,'%z', conf["path"])) * 2 + 10) log = tail("-F", filesize, conf["path"], _iter=True) for n, line in enumerate(log): if merge: if before.match(line): if value.has_data(): yield value.dict() # time.sleep(0.1) value.log(line) else: yield value.dict()